tau beta pi 2011 - 2012 annual report wyoming alpha at the ... a.pdftau beta pi 2011 - 2012 annual...

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Tau Beta Pi 2011 - 2012 Annual Report

Wyoming Alpha at the

University of Wyoming in Laramie, Wyoming

Tau Beta Pi 2011 - 2012 Annual Report

Wyoming Alpha at the

University of Wyoming in Laramie, Wyoming

Assembled by 2011 - 2012 WY A President Mallory Wilde, Vice-president of Projects Eric Jensen, and JEC Representative Rob Streeter

with photos provided by WY A Historian Cameron Mock

Table of Contents

Engineering Honors Banquet .............................................................. 1

Banquet Project Report ................................................................... 2

Chapter Development / Social Activities ............................................. 5

National Convention ....................................................................... 6

District 12 Conference ..................................................................... 8

Local Chapter Potluck ...................................................................... 9

Community/College Outreach .......................................................... 11

College Society Day ....................................................................... 12

Grad School and Career Presentation ........................................... 14

Border War Blood Drive ................................................................ 16

Science Fair Judging ...................................................................... 19

Science Fair Tours .......................................................................... 20

H.T. Person Design Challenge ........................................................ 21

College Blood Drive ....................................................................... 23

Engineering Futures Session ......................................................... 25

Assisting the College and University ................................................. 26

Tutoring ......................................................................................... 27

Campus Clean Up .......................................................................... 29

Engineering Honors Banquet

Every year, the Wyoming Alpha Chapter of Tau Beta Pi hosts a

banquet to honor recipients of awards, scholarships, and other

special recognitions. Donors as well as recipients are invited to


This year's banquet, held on April 20, 2012, brought about 300

people to Laramie. Live piano music was provided for the event

this year as well as a silent auction.

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: __WY-A______ Chapter Project Report Project number: ____ __

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous material that would not be useful to other chapters. Project name: __Engineering Honors Banquet____ Date(s) of Project: _April 20, 2012 Project area: __ Community/ _X_ University/ __ Profession/ _X_ Chapter/ __Education/ Liberal Culture College Engineering Social Prof. Dev. Number of persons who participated in this project Members: _*_ Electees: _0_ (Please attach a list of names.) Hours spent on this project. Organizing: _50__ Participating: _4.5__ DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: The Annual Engineering Honors Banquet is organized and hosted by Tau Beta Pi. This year we had 300 attendees. This number includes students, faculty members, their families, and donors to the college. The main purpose of the banquet is to recognize those who donate to the college, students who received scholarships through the college, and outstanding student and faculty members. Awards are given to the outstanding Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Tau Beta Pi member as selected by Tau Beta Pi, outstanding Senior as selected by JEC, and outstanding faculty member as selected by Tau Beta Pi. This year’s theme was a “red carpet event” which included a silent auction and poster presentation to benefit all of the College’s professional societies.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The Engineering Honors Banquet is an effective way for our chapter to get the word out about Tau Beta Pi to all of the donors, faculty, and students who attend. The banquet is the largest event that our college puts on during the year and is a great opportunity for publicity of Tau Beta Pi. Many of the students that receive the awards and scholarships at this banquet are also members of Tau Beta Pi.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? _ __ Yes _X_ No) Melinda Kolm was in charge of the banquet as Vice President for Banquet. Bradley Lee was in charge of the site committee, which decided center pieces, music, and various other details that helped the banquet run smoothly. Gretchen Heberling was in charge of the Awards Committee, which selected the recipients of a number of awards. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Mallory Hunt and Melinda Kolm emceed the event. V. Special Problems:

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VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The banquet was a great success. Everybody enjoyed food, entertainment, and overall atmosphere of the event. The attendees were excited to return to next year's banquet. VII. Index of Exhibits: Figure 1 – Guests enjoying the presentation Figure 2 - Melinda Kolm, emcee Figure 3- Silent Auction table

Guests listening to the presentation on the stage.

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Melinda Kolm, one of the emcees for the event.

Silent Auction items benefitting all College student societies.

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Chapter Development / Social Activities

Wyoming Alpha does many things to build the chapter and

encourage active participation from its members. We do two

annual initiations, one in the fall and one in the spring.

Generally, new initiates will polish the large Bent in front of the

college after their commitment to Tau Beta Pi.

In addition to initiating new members, and hosting major events,

the Wyoming Alpha Chapter also does many activities with its

current members. Some of these include bringing in speakers.

We had two presentations this last year, one on graduate school,

and one on the newly redesigned MBA program at the

University of Wyoming. This year, Tau Beta Pi appeared at the

college's Freshman Ice Cream Social as well.

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: __WY-A______ Chapter Project Report Project number: ____ __

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous material that would not be useful to other chapters. Project name: __National Convention- Indianapolis, IN Date(s) of Project: _Oct. 27-29, 2011 Project area: __ Community/ ___ University/ _X_ Profession/ _X_ Chapter/ _X Education/ Liberal Culture College Engineering Social Prof. Dev. Number of persons who participated in this project Members: _2_ Electees: _0_ (Please attach a list of names.) Hours spent on this project. Organizing: _6__ Participating: _48__ DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: Like every other chapter, the Wyoming Alpha chapter was able to attend the National Convention this year in Indianapolis, IN. Two members, Mallory Hunt, voting delegate, and Melinda Kolm, Vice-President, were in attendance. Our Chief Advisor, Dr. Steve Barrett, was also in attendance this year. Delegates were able to participate in conference committees, business meetings, and breakout sessions. This year, the Wyoming Alpha Chapter received both the Chapter Project Award and the Secretary’s Commendation Award.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Most importantly, this conference taught members the purpose and organization of the national administration. It provided networking opportunities, professional development, and social activities as well.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? _ __ Yes _X_ No) Each member in attendance booked their own flight and coordinated with Headquarters for hotel reservations and conference registration. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: There was no cost for the voting delegate to attend, thanks to Tau Beta Pi. However, the non-voting delegate was funded by several outside sources. V. Special Problems: VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This convention was a great success for both student members in attendance. Each person was able to learn a little bit more about the National TBP organization as well as cultivate relationships with other members and gain passion for the organization. VII. Index of Exhibits: Figure 1- District 12 Convention Attendees

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District 12 Members in attendance at National Convention

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: __WY-A______ Chapter Project Report Project number: ____ __

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous material that would not be useful to other chapters. Project name: __District 12 Conference, Fort Collins, CO Date(s) of Project: _2/26/2012 Project area: __ Community/ ___ University/ _X_ Profession/ _X_ Chapter/ _X Education/ Liberal Culture College Engineering Social Prof. Dev. Number of persons who participated in this project Members: _6_ Electees: _0_ (Please attach a list of names.) Hours spent on this project. Organizing: _2__ Participating: _12__ DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: Because of weather issues last year, District 12 participated in two separate District Conferences this year. The second conference, held at the regular time in the spring was hosted by CO-D, Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO. The Wyoming Alpha chapter was able to send six members to the conference due to its close proximity. Here members were able to learn how to fill out chapter reports, host an Engineering Futures session, and meet other TBP members outside of their chapter.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Most importantly, this conference taught members about the TBP organization and the things that go on behind the scenes. It also gave members a chance to network and socialize with other chapters.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? ___ Yes _X_ No President Mallory Hunt corresponded with District Directors and members of her chapter to get everyone organized and to reserve hotel rooms for the night. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: There was no cost to attend. V. Special Problems: VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This conference was very well organized and conducted. It was hosted by a great group of students who put much thought into the activities. It would have been nice to have had more social interactions throughout the day with a little more time spent on how to fill out reports and deadlines. VII. Index of Exhibits:

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: _____WY A____ Chapter Project Report Project number: _______

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous material that would not be useful to other chapters. Project name: ____Potluck__________ Date(s) of Project: _3/19/2012__________ Project area: __ Community/ __ University/ __ Profession/ _X Chapter/ __Education/ Liberal Culture College Engineering Social Prof. Dev. Number of persons who participated in this project Members: _19 Electees: _0_ (Please attach a list of names.) Hours spent on this project. Organizing: _1__ Participating: _1__ DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: The chapter was able to save money on food for the meetings, but create a great social event by having a Potluck at one meeting per semester. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Having a potluck at meetings encourages chapter participation as well as fellowship between members as a social event. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) ___ Yes _X_ No The potluck was organized by Treasurer, Darby Hacker who was in charge of the food for every meeting, as well as President Mallory Hunt. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: No cost required, each member signed up for a food item to bring to the event. V. Special Problems: No special problems were present VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This is a great activity as it provided members with a different type of food experience (better than the average pizza night). Hopefully it will become a tradition an continue into the future. VII. Index of Exhibits: Figure1 - Members enjoying dinner

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Members enjoying a little food during the potluck dinner.

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Community/College Outreach

The Wyoming Alpha Chapter strives to get involved in the

community in Laramie. We host two annual blood drives, open

to the public. Tau Beta Pi provides proctors and graders for the

state-level competition of MathCounts (more information is

available from the National MathCounts website

http://mathcounts.org/). Also, this year WY A worked with

Upward Bound and provided an afternoon of engineering for

high school students.

For several years now, WY A has provided a number of judges

for the Engineering and Inventions categories for the Wyoming

State Science Fair. This past year, we also organized and

executed multiple tours of the facilities available in the College

to the participants at the Science Fair.

To offer a service directly to the College of Engineering and

Applied Science, WY A hosted an Engineering Futures Session

and opened it to the entire College.

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: WY A_ Chapter Project Report Project number: __ INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous material that would not be useful to other chapters. Project name: College Society Day Date(s) of Project: 9/16/2011 Project area: __ Community/ X University/ __ Profession/ _X Chapter/ _Education/ Liberal Culture College Engineering Social Prof. Dev. Number of persons who participated in this project Members: _6 Electees: _0_ (Please attach a list of names.) Hours spent on this project. Organizing: _1__ Participating: _2__ DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: Sponsored by the Joint Engineering Council, the CEAS Society Day exposes freshman and incoming transfer students to the professional societies available in the College. Tau Beta Pi runs a table and offers information about our projects (such as tutoring and blood drives) and encourages younger students to succeed in college. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This is a way for Tau Beta Pi to become a known and respected entity on the UW campus. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) _X_ Yes ___ No IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: No cost required, just attendance. V. Special Problems: No special problems were present VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): Students were glad to hear about TBP and the opportunities it offers achieving upperclassmen. interest in tutoring was, as always, very high. VII. Index of Exhibits: Figure 1 - TBP students at the table.

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TBP members running the table for Society Day

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: WY A_ Chapter Project Report Project number: __ INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous material that would not be useful to other chapters. Project name: CACS Grad School & Career Presentation Date(s) of Project: 10/24/2011, 4/2/2012 Project area: __ Community/ __ University/ __ Profession/ _X Chapter/ X Education/ Liberal Culture College Engineering Social Prof. Dev. Number of persons who participated in this project Members: _19 Electees: _0_ (Please attach a list of names.) Hours spent on this project. Organizing: _1__ Participating: _1__ DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: During one of our regular business meetings each semester, the advisors from the University and College career advising services, as well as a few representatives from the College’s graduate programs give a presentation to Tau Beta Pi members. This presentation gives a description of the general career services that are available at our University as well as the graduate programs that are available to students in the College of Engineering and Applied Science at UW. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This presentation provided students with career advice and networking, which is central to the objectives of TBP. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) ___ Yes _X_ No The presentation was organized by the President, Mallory Hunt. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: No cost required, just attend the meeting. V. Special Problems: No special problems were present VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This activity is a great way for students to learn about their options after graduation. The TBP group is a great target audience for this presentation because they are all upperclassmen and they are all of high academic success levels. VII. Index of Exhibits: Figure 1- CACS Presentation

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Joe Chytka of CACS presenting to students about career services provided by the University.

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: WY-A______ Chapter Project Report Project number: ___#2 __

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous material that would not be useful to other chapters. Project name: __Border War Blood Drive____ Date(s) of Project: _November 29-30, 2011__ Project area: __ Community/ _X_ University/ __ Profession/ __ Chapter/ __Education/ Liberal Culture College Engineering Social Prof. Dev. Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 10 Electees: _0_ (Please attach a list of names.) Hours spent on this project. Organizing: 15 Participating: _18_ DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: A campus wide blood drive to collect whole blood donations to help save lives. It was hosted in conjunction with the University of Wyoming vs Colorado State University (CSU) “Border War” football game. CSU also hosts a blood drive and it becomes a friendly competition to see who can collect the most blood.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of the blood drive is to collect lifesaving blood for the United Blood Services. Since it is a university wide event it also publicizes Tau Beta Pi’s efforts and events.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? _X__ Yes ___ No) This event was co-hosted with Alpha Epsilon Delta a premedical honor society. Both groups worked closely with United Blood Services to coordinate and run the blood drive. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: No costs came from the TBP budget. However, it was attempted to raise money for T-shirts. TBP members also had to donate time to set up and man tables in the Union to get sign ups and check people into the blood drive. One to two people per hour were required for a total of four days. United Blood Services provided personnel to draw the blood. V. Special Problems: In order to become approved by the activities council a copy of the United Blood Services’ insurance information was required. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The event was a huge success collecting 114 units of blood. Unfortunately, the event became almost overbooked requiring some people to wait up to an hour before being able to donate. Next time perhaps scheduling in a couple of 15 minute breaks to catch up if this occurs would be beneficial.

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VII. Index of Exhibits: Figure 1 - T-shirt design Photo of TBP members running the check-in table at the blood drive Names of Project Participants: Members: Eric Jensen Mallory Hunt Melinda Kolm Rob Streeter Jim Follum Coutney Ewell Scott Rigg Adam Marsh Hannah Olsen Rochelle Rice

T-shirt Design

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Blood drive table

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: ___WY-A_____ Chapter Project Report Project number: __#3____

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous material that would not be useful to other chapters. Project name: _State Science Fair Judging_______ Date(s) of Project: _March 5, 2012___ Project area: _X_ Community/ _ X_ University/ __ Profession/ __ Chapter/ __Education/ Liberal Culture College Engineering Social Prof. Dev. Number of persons who participated in this project Members: _?_ Electees: _0_ (Please attach a list of names.) Hours spent on this project. Organizing: _1_ Participating: _2 per volunteer_ DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: The University of Wyoming hosts the state science fair. Student from across the state in various grades bring their science fair projects to compete in the science fair. Professors and students volunteer to judge the science fair projects. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: TBP is able to supply volunteers and to encourage young students to become engineers. It is a great way to recruit new students and represent the college of engineering and applied sciences. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? _ X Yes __ No) Beth Cable is the science fair coordinator. TBP worked with her to provide judges for the science fair. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: There were no costs required just a couple of hours per volunteer to judge the projects. V. Special Problems: None. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The event was a great success. TBP students helped to judge a variety of projects from multiple disciplines and the young students had a great time. VII. Index of Exhibits: Names of Project Participants: Members:


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: ___WY-A_____ Chapter Project Report Project number: __#4____

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous material that would not be useful to other chapters. Project name: _State Science Fair Tours______ Date(s) of Project: _March 5, 2012___ Project area: _X_ Community/ _ X_ University/ __ Profession/ __ Chapter/ __Education/ Liberal Culture College Engineering Social Prof. Dev. Number of persons who participated in this project Members: _4_ Electees: _0_ (Please attach a list of names.) Hours spent on this project. Organizing: _3_ Participating: _1 per volunteer_ DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: The University of Wyoming hosts the state science fair. Student from across the state in various grades bring their science fair projects to compete in the science fair. TBP members work with professors in the college of engineering and applied sciences to give science fair students tours of interesting labs and providing them with a glimpse at some of the research done at the University of Wyoming. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: It is a great way to recruit new students and represent the college of engineering and applied sciences. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? _ X Yes __ No) TBP worked with Jan Truchot, the program coordinator for the University of Wyoming Science Posse, to select the labs to be toured and to provide tour guides for these labs. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: There were no costs required just an hour per volunteer to give the tour of the labs and return the students to the union. V. Special Problems: None. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The event was a great success. TBP students were able to interact with interested students and show them something of interest that is going on in the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences. VII. Index of Exhibits: Names of Project Participants: Members:

Eric Jensen Wade Burkett Rob Streeter Tyler Ward

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: ___WY-A_____ Chapter Project Report Project number: __#4____

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous material that would not be useful to other chapters. Project name: _H.T. Person Design Challenge____ Date(s) of Project: _March 4-5, 2012___ Project area: _X_ Community/ _ X_ University/ __ Profession/ __ Chapter/ __Education/ Liberal Culture College Engineering Social Prof. Dev. Number of persons who participated in this project Members: _4_ Electees: _0_ (Please attach a list of names.) Hours spent on this project. Organizing: _1_ Participating: _5_ DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: The University of Wyoming College of Engineering and Applied Sciences coordinated a design challenge for students attending the state science fair. Students had to design and construct a column using a single sheet of copier paper and up to 4 oz. of white glue or scotch tape. The columns were then tested and awards given to the students with the top loads carried. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: TBP was able to represent the TBP and work with young students encouraging their interest in science, math, and engineering. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? _ X Yes __ No) This even was co-coordinated with Dr. Dolan the H.T. Person Chair and professor of engineering. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: There were no costs to TBP. Dr. Dolan provided the testing machine and the students provided the paper columns. V. Special Problems: One of the possible testing times was scheduled at the same time that the students had a seminar they were required to attend by the state science fair. Additional testing times were available so the students were still able to test their columns but close coordination with the science fair coordinators is required. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The event was a great success. The science fair students were excited to test their columns and learned something in the process. It was also a great exposure to the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences. VII. Index of Exhibits: Figure-Design Requirements and Call for Applicants Names of Project Participants: Members:

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Eric Jensen Dana Schultz Loren Ruttinger Sharlee Mahoney

design Requirements and Call for Applicants

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: ___WY-A_____ Chapter Project Report Project number: __#5____

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous material that would not be useful to other chapters. Project name: _College of Engineering Blood Drive__ Date(s) of Project: _March 6, 2012___ Project area: __ Community/ _X_ University/ __ Profession/ __ Chapter/ __Education/ Liberal Culture College Engineering Social Prof. Dev. Number of persons who participated in this project Members: _7_ Electees: _0_ (Please attach a list of names.) Hours spent on this project. Organizing: _4_ Participating: _8_ DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: The University of Wyoming College of Engineering and Applied Sciences hosted a blood drive in the spring of 2012. All students in the college of engineering were encourage to donate some of their time and a unit of blood. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: TBP gets to work directly with engineering students to coordinate a blood drive to collect lifesaving blood. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? _ X Yes __ No) This even was coordinated with United Blood Services. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: There were no costs to TBP. TBP students donated time to check people into the blood drive while the United Blood Services provided trained personnel to draw the blood. V. Special Problems: None. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The event was a great success. United Blood Services did a great job of collecting the blood and the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences and TBP was represented well by those who helped as well as those who donated. VII. Index of Exhibits: Figure-Poster for Event Names of Project Participants: Members:

Eric Jensen Dana Schultz Loren Ruttinger Sharlee Mahoney

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Engineering Blood Drive Poster

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: __WY-A______ Chapter Project Report Project number: ____ __

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous material that would not be useful to other chapters. Project name: __Engineering Futures- Group Process Date(s) of Project: _April 10, 2012 Project area: __ Community/ ___ University/ _X_ Profession/ _X_ Chapter/ _XEducation/ Liberal Culture College Engineering Social Prof. Dev. Number of persons who participated in this project Members: _4_ Electees: _0_ (Please attach a list of names.) Hours spent on this project. Organizing: _3__ Participating: _4__ DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: This year, the Wyoming Alpha Chapter was able to participate in an Engineering Future session for the first time in a few semesters. The chapter chose to participate in the Group Process session provided by Cheryl Cheng.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Engineering Futures provides members with career development opportunites that are sometimes not provided by their regular college experience. The group process module teaches members how to conduct better and more efficient meetings.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? _ __ Yes _X_ No) President Mallory Hunt organized and set up the session along with Cheryl Cheng, the EF facilitator. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: No cost, thanks to TBP. Cheryl Cheng flew from Michigan to facilitate the session. V. Special Problems: There were problems in getting members to attend the event. It was hard to get students to commit to a four hour session. There were also problems getting an available facilitator to come to Wyoming on a weekend, so we ended up having the event during the week. More facilitators in the area would be great for chapters in Colorado/Montana/Wyoming. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The EF Session was a success, however it would have been great to get better group participation. Hopefully EF Sessions are scheduled regularly with the chapter so that their benefits are more well-known locally. VII. Index of Exhibits:

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Assisting the College of Engineering and Applied Science

and the University of Wyoming

Wyoming Alpha works very closely with the College of

Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS). The WY A Chapter

provides college-wide, free tutoring for freshman and

sophomore level classes. We also help maintain the building by

cleaning up trash and ensuring that all society posters and event

notifications are up-to-date.

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: WY-A______ Chapter Project Report Project number: ___#1 __

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous material that would not be useful to other chapters. Project name: __Tutoring____ Date(s) of Project: September 2011-April 2012 Project area: __ Community/ _X_ University/ __ Profession/ __ Chapter/ __Education/ Liberal Culture College Engineering Social Prof. Dev. Number of persons who participated in this project Members: NA Electees: _0_ (Please attach a list of names.) Hours spent on this project. Organizing: NA Participating: _NA_ DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: Each member of TBP is required to host at least one evening tutoring session during each semester.

II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose is to provide students with help from the peers. It also represents TBP well because the members are the top of their class so they should be qualified to tutor other students.

III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group? __ Yes _X__ No) TBP coordinates and runs the tutoring although it may be publically announced and scheduled with the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences. IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: No costs came from the TBP budget. Each member must volunteer at least two hours of tutoring. V. Special Problems: None. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): Overall this is a great event. TBP represents itself well and the tutors get a great sense of accomplishment if they are able to really help someone with a subject. VII. Index of Exhibits: Figure 1 – TBP Member Brennan Bahnson tutors another engineering student.

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TBP member tutoring another student.

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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: _WY A_ Chapter Project Report Project number: __ INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous material that would not be useful to other chapters. Project name: ____Campus Clean Up__ Date(s) of Project: 11/3, 2/7, 3/6, 4/3 Project area: __ Community/ _X University/ __ Profession/ __ Chapter/ __Education/ Liberal Culture College Engineering Social Prof. Dev. Number of persons who participated in this project Members: _13 Electees: _0_ (Please attach a list of names.) Hours spent on this project. Organizing: _2__ Participating: _4__ DESCRIPTION: I. General Description: Members spent an hour cleaning up trash around several buildings on campus as part of a campus-wide initiative to “Go green”. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The Campus Clean-up displays the exemplary character of the members of Tau Beta Pi and their desire to help the community. It also is great for TBP publicity as it shows our members participating in University wide activities. III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) _X_ Yes ___ No Organized in conjunction with the Associated Students of the University of Wyoming Student Government). IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: No cost required, ASUW provided all supplies. Only needed students to help clean up trash. V. Special Problems: No special problems were present, with the exception of some bad weather a few days. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This activity provided members with a great service activity to help out the community as well as themselves. VII. Index of Exhibits: Figures 1 and 2 – TBP Members help clean up campus

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Members help out the community by cleaning up trash around campus.

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top related