taylor swift

Post on 12-Feb-2017






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Taylor Swift is seen on the front and back cover, giving direct address towards the camera on the back cover. Her blonde hair signifies the stereotypical view that a person of someone of the female gender with blonde hair are seen to be stupid and ‘girly’. Her physicality of her stood straight gives the impression that she is the centre attention and therefore superior. This challenges the stereotypical view that women are seen to be inferior as opposed to men. The fact there is only one character on the CD Digi pack suggests that this is her album and is about her.


Swift is wearing a purple jumper with birds on the front. This coincides with the image on the actual CD, making a clear link. The colours within the jumper is harmonious to the colour in the CD and the back cover. The purple on her jumper and red of her lipstick help her to stand out on the front. These colours are also associated with the female gender, due to them being bright. This style of sweat top is vintage and reflects the theme of the CD digi pack and also the name of the album- 1989. Taylor Swifts vintage style air also emphasise this fact.

Technical audio codes:

The front cover of the CD cover has intertextuality with the shape of a Polaroid picture, this is postmodern in the sense that it pays homage to Polaroid. The text on the CD Digipack is handwriting in pen by, who we assume, Taylor Swift. This is postmodern, due to the fact that it is using the old way of writing CD’s when technology wasn’t as advanced as today. The masthead ‘1989’ is written across the front cover, emphasising to the reader that this is the albums name, and the artist name at the bottom underneath. The white space at the bottom allows space for text and the white space around the image acts as a frame. This also creates layers on the cover. The masthead ‘1989’ adheres to the style on the front cover- across the middle and the artists name underneath. The use of her initials instead of her full name on the actual CD is acceptable due to the fact that the audience will already know her actual name from the front cover. On the back cover the use of rule of thirds and cropping is simple but helps express who the artist is, due to the picture being cropped on the front cover.


The mise en scene on the front cover is most probably from a studio, and the effect of the camera has given it the warm brown effect over the top of the image. The effect used on the CD cover is postmodern, due to this was seen used in old Polaroid pictures, and therefore pays homage to the vintage Polaroid picture. This adheres to the background on the back ground so that it all connects. The image on Swift’s jumper is the background of the CD, this also helps link the CD to the cover.


Swift’s CD Digi pack looks as though it has intertextuality with the old style Digi packs, paying homage to when an artist used to write and create their own demo disk. The disk is laid out with Taylor Swift on the front cover with her face on the back which shows a constant narrative throughout the product. It also seems as though swift has based the product at a beach ue to the seagulls on her jumper and CD which creates synergy within the product itself.

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