
Post on 22-May-2018






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¡Tu* »vBWMwm ... rw

«MAWUTWir, irOMMW. MB »»«WA-

Vor m Ada« Ita*. v'i' ':"' V,"M ST,. \ .....

."- ':i

,ru,.,n ... r p«. ft* »*» '"" "« "

lalior.,'i""",! ,,f '¦,""°'">' :'"'..-.<¦ ti,, ral«. o4 It

um . ". ....¦i'-, i" ¦-.¦' Um

toivn to BOkUM 1"'" ''

«area, tttj kara»li. I.t I Iii V. ..v .

v '.' ¦ ¦ '"''»¦",I... IilHklllp of Milli!.

m jj, ],,,,; ,.; , ffWlW ii WM IW"y .,.,i pj ,i. h n at .mt <¦( Hm «

Ihi n.-plip- »I IndlTtdaalB, h l'i' tnin.i! w11-itum n;i-

, .'. t!n ' .i«.| i> M I.' I | 1 .:!< '!. YH lln >¦.. \. tl.i.i

. ent peopV of i. M ta Hkutaaei m the Bändig Behool, when, Um ooBttibatlun

nuil foi IK lum I til KtlIM ' .l'I.i II.

au of tta i In a do!tar, oiUiu iplnnp kj fell Uagk gtfl UM I:

.f tiic vftala m lum. A at rj <¦: traveling i«p-¦BI*j ¡i :n tight ¡i Nil li ¦'.

aaaaaal boantj of the alaroad-oyad ahoa-«tiik. i. m iii». Ma<T\. Bal » alai al i

tli ii t ',' hal tin

that aAli H ng. " »i« i.;- 'i.¦ ¦. xv >" toaa fcjtint" Alni in ¡n'.iil- :« i.t t a-< ¦-¦ .m'.u - I"..¿.m* i x

i.ut a. li.tli ».f . .i charitj aol q .¦ malvartalI umbi i aron ii h.-

« ui.i! \j ii: ¡lim ii ai h «arknaaa.¡ .. i. c1 !.¦ ' alifarala, on bia

Bal tin l'i'i.i ft Hot viw laI"'..' witt I ¦', Mill f.i i.i t 11. 'I .'t tilt'l'ilin.Il .. nu w3 to ti 11 tin mi

i I,. -¡.Ita' la Un il iniitiH 1-, BB]porting tiiin it f th. i awa '¦¦<¦¦ na»1mt i -, u ttl k bora. > ii. m avua

.ifottahat"k. t a fi m î.-lii t'.t . Lu.« -i ah) i.

... toa i'i.'i "f tln-lr J....1ton of M. Mi all an ).'

' '. ". ra

'forma mid China «nil link, millfoi ii ;ii limp i»' 1.11 iii gi ii booking lioiiM lu

flan F. . M m hi. li liiiiyat, it tin li. In. i. for their pMHNtKe

_.. Tin yha.t ii Irtiiih M M "Il <¡'..'** ti tin» v ti -no mu.ill niuoiuit

i..ii.!oi:i Um anana aftej tarn, considering theis tin y im. .ti in

Um pint ii... ,... aiiti to forth. Xftej ia not

Kinm [i thaaaaaliai la tatt rotpaet, lu.mur. bal bejHy of no..ii i,h ., d f... lae aua&lfeat

for tat., 1.1.1 ti.11 ii« ii .ii.m......t.-


I ula.II; oi not.o:ii) a (. a i...

.¦tyla a Im u 1¡ ratall .. huit t aataai j elmen me u> lu* tin at ad aaflpttaUoa, toaitonaacauiiin in!. dtecontanted balarter* Muí wa tnbaUtati tai bapclaai attacha aaoa

.! by in um. al uti Iktt }¦ -.ii. .«1 e¡ji. i.Hit'. M . Ion. Tin ir thi't l..n Inoarip aa ftar aa Mr. Samp i( ob, and'li-.I '¡nui in- Bl 'I itiatV '1 iw.ti tin .r mu o. ii- In

Etea v itii i.ih, t!..n(.-!i perhapt it la aal yetUsM to foraiajaiaaaaal <m tin Baaax lal aaaai t of Um ir . aw rai -.-.

Tin liU-lin I-- i ,iltl t f till . o!.i t Mi Kilt h itt- fiilln"North Ail.u.iH OofiperatiT« Miik fnaafairji Manufm-fui', al \\>. iMtoata aa4 Calklraa'a «ko.aaaan I Praaldaati 0.1» Wood: lYaaimu H Hat. mu .'.'¦<¦

.ii F.La<TO| 0 L- Woiii.' It ina corporationwttftaaaoetaleaartci fonaad aaoortai lawaol .Mmn-11. ,-. f-, i Mai « taaatal «ikK of t< jatti ka aftan oi teaeh. TlU*C fk' -I.nut- 1.1. bbM iBoldora, alltvorking abat t ona akara,holding two Ml tbroti iii'l

oui;, kavaafaaaatay aafoat akanaol itoatvoaMMteaipM}] adiBtkaakop,bat*BowomaBlin tin ir mi |down to IiuhIi.uiiIh tad fata* Te an Badi i -lood to I" longIt tm f ataa (aa I ¦¦¦ -. Ifti nIi hloiieii in tin omi «ni the taat of the aaaabtt ItabaaftaaaaJI] ditMad batwaga nraaekaaea and aatiriAm. m aiih. Ikara la ai baaak taaaalt about eoedng oj

tin-men tío w itn \ liki Hiiti enjo.i tin ii iiIimIik'.Their iiittrr huye then toatkor aad talki tin .i akoMbavlagkdaaraaaoagl ti" laterraitof kit atfthaaiealaaaktoaaak) U Baaaaa fat tat aanraoaaj aadthel baVI fo nu I 'it rOOBM vko, in ..toll

.-! '¡nu owa^aUoad ti dtotribalwild; bat thara i. nakaadotaei laaatai I.rd al ofii

*«« nit n i io: n t* in Um tii'. aaaadj b to«OMad.¡none to o'

Tiin^ h .m,ii toa* 11. i;.-

own way, khMuk in faiorn of uri oin mn. eoi titi nt ofmt imp no ni-tin It-|i."t to lx> n..ily tien oi

the Hli ; .ti liiit- i.< ' '. i ti flolll II! M lo

.i-i ¡lot-.s.r it( tin i.ii.i;. . ei.hi I

ilalng mmm it frnii. 'i dealer* or In i

ntiiK* tu the johl .np lion-i -. 'll,i woik is iloiic bj tttotkarakopa, aad tai warktag ikart-

paid '.'i " i.! u. .n al nu ian ii In. h tratniiiMi-HiiiatNi'ith Adaaaabedoti Um Muk. ti laatJaat,«Muí arkiak wnow aald m aa hLoji b towi asaaat Uud of

.Jw i im.|i' ¡..tin < oinjirtiiy Ah the ilifferene« nierelj rt-

lln 'li nil tin ot the ni i, «In gnu hi tin

ra'<. tin le m. i.-i. ka mi «ii m.o inn han tai rjgfelu.Km,!¦,«in lai i .on-um w»rk bj in aaj an paM.4 the Milln thel iImMM ..:...!. ¦.

»ii it b n ho'ir- ban ..¦...¦ ¦ i"

it v ih bj -ii n aatkt ; t ,t ..-t fu h Um i bm i I argard¦atan baitai aai |dlrtdWMl todaelarad oa tk< *u4i, >¦>¦.

uti han t»ei - io.- i iii li ti -¡'i üI,i!'

mm in nini' rtaktng But ti

mo ranlent i.- 'in f' i .i tarta i. tai.ntke<m n,i ¦ im- \- | u foi Um m -< i i an

mt I'.nini ¡uni i', lin. Bgbattari im mim',HI Hlllt Of I "lllllii Ililli p ti.« pin -I |'l thi

tab) Ubm) t i.t i..: .i » to ti.i

n nu li ii. tin u iiui lett in iii- di't

ip hui h |. at art

ravi .;;.,. «i ai i" i hahlu of. o! Hu BM Of

.!.' ! li,oin J w -Tlii'iit ii'U

|. y >!.i t of tilii! tin pn*M -t i-toi

Unji Um i

» i v tm adn./ iM.¡.< i. -m NoInm rt winhe* Ii»«.<i n I !.¦ .. loi Bba ra kal '¦. ¡>

lim- .i ... i.,-,,<¦., ¡ii

foi Lim t.¦ . .. I, -

*». i. i art n .. h 1 . -i i .i .¦ i -

»' '". i. . u .j ,, ,, | , ... klag two?»' ':"" .... ia Um ar and aad to«aant*i» I. UM »Ii.m II .mi HI,.|.,l,l: ' I t til» (li |:|| »i bm o*n o. gotauaji atoanBtcucktor '< n,:ii». m, v laa oki taat oat oiWi. »i. da i \.,,i.. ,, ,,, Al-. lliV W|, ,,,.f atblaaaaal akai Ikon va»work 1.1 kia. ¡<> do,aajMNiataa atoa i raac ataaauloyiui i.t for a nein h at>e*.t»lii.H l.,,|, m.i\ inn« un.lln ,i 1, ,

«*i'lM .''"'- . u.... I!., j, ¡, i,,, m.i^iH foiaaajtatta) aawa ol baaiaaai aad taat * t ti< tiaaaaaaaaMMttaad aV aaaaari .' rona ...¦.¦*di .u't.,,,,,1 WM ,, ,,, . ( r| m d , .,

aaaorUM«f»r«mm wa««! .,... >. w y. . i |n«i-i1 ma, i,. Bdaad ., .,: | .... ..», ,,. ^, ^

pet '. ti.-.,, .I tn, tAMtptTttUhll . 0mm****** Min,..,,-inhoUliAtia,,., «1. .

toa. »i.h tu. m «,,i .,... ,.,. t .

¦JP. ..... ».Muí.,..,,,,,.,,,,,,.»«tatra*** taaai frou »,.,.a... iB^aaaaallal .£j*"um-i ni. u« of (km «auI - .ot. u, à.,r, ,.. i;im>a» tn. tatofaAart ,,.. ....*,,!,',o*i BBMaaaa ktoitaaajion,., .,. dtaprm »he«, ti,, .,,

.act I "t. that apt . ,.

HMiMiiwi.ii tue aaaataJkd aad n »artuar ahmgeontatt«My in »hen own Wat » u ...... . ,,I1|luJ1J<fany wniuiH hr tv work oi luiei.. . ii ,. h, ,,,J(M«| .Jtay tiiliiHtoii nun the I'nnpiii kmlp« » I i, M,u lUHIhtoaat MX vrjpuwiaUOL u> Um. viUagi, hut u. »lu.a, u** do-

operator- Mil! l>( lone. hihI with entire pood humor on all:i|i . ulul Gentilli III Iii.)*-* nf JM riiianrlit hill CCkm.

CHÍBESE AT BBLLEVILLR.COMMON lUiiiKHcvor ~KliT.ii) Aiirinvs op-

i i'M\<. I IIM H IHTB0D1 ( 1lo\ l UM « us i 01lill I Xl'MIIMI NT. INDI -TKV, I ( "M'MY, AM»iii \ ni im m di num w ii.wiiv-Tin nasaWdM! \ W11 I\i. lu TI. \('1I TOI (""III 1

[mau m ¦ si'K. i\i, i oButroroar iI'-iiiivjiii, N. ,)., BepC ?(!..You liavp no

.«ha how Ihr old military tim«- MM taktt Ml uie as IeroOBBdttM l'it-Kiiir tin» inorunie, »nil cliinlio 1 th« lillion «Mci sits-, not unlHie h Ihiro fort, tho extensiteIn-.iiid rj f ('apt. Jiuiii .'Iii r\e.\, to lind UM W» >rk» ifum iii dm sont nu 1« who brought me to» Budden halt with anauiii. uit ltira dim uni to know my baatMM tiu-r«-. ti(TM not ililli ult to uiidi-i't.tinl Hie situation. I found(lint n jiroloi-tinif Wlill. In tlie form of a Ml midMrong lim', li,i I linn thrown up on the »IdoOf the fin ion failli« Um village of Bett I ill«-,« .i m e, s li, mt li ii kui late of ¦ fieri .unit r> lil;« -iniro, had((.me certain Indications of ( 'liri-! ian writti ngainft thelu al li« ii invaders of pn-ilmt« and tra led heretoforeH li ii t«i ¡li« lass of Mai eirlt « ho h id monopolized It.

All til«' m vi nucí leading n]i from the viHaire WOW ttril tl.vguarded I am i«ori\ to say I found aft« ward with poodrt-aann and eotnmenüahle caution. TtMMWMM MOD li

lag tlio it,nil 1 and Ita) com-uin 1. r, (apt. Hervey, wil'i-

out ghrlng a proper nunton uni. Xm: mim n paawad ¦

road) paaapett, ead on peonara nu: poa* awndid not in tin alight -I di greg .iff.', t the Matta««*. I was

enan d that Tmi Hum ri waa an right aaal umt i aUghtpaaav 'ftio «nitor porteaJhM wai lawend -to I«- ptati and

«hop tlio niilitiiy ni'-t iphnr, a grout n.ik.-n g iii swum:

opea and X paeeed la tnoehnrca and lean taraapaellti» raaalt of the aeewd attempt to nt n »i ii re ia Um Baottir« btneee cheap lallat win. h la to rum this cannerynun li altor Hie fiishioii| tin lioaii I ri -li nu! (.« mian

laborara hare aaippiad tt,paatall aurgetyof thefaacb«. eaomlat*, la >« ni" goM by,'in mu :« -ult «o' Iho « iji« rluiont l-i not yet attained;

Inn one im t of tlo pri'l.Liu I» natlsfiictorilv mi!m-(I, an 1

«iii. 11'i ;¦( v«-, 11« \« bara to bo reaewad la tkia part ofUm «oiu.iin .ii 1« ,i-i iot lu Um i m ii 1 dii-iiii i.-. (/apt.ii« iv« yat BeltorJ io. Uko Mi laaapoM at North àdaaae,hat. i!« moi;-tiat<d tiuit tkCOC laboren can tM ¡ntimlii. .1

la tin wacol rural iii-tiat- with tatet),.thal aatklagnu o«- aortoM win ha atfaaaptod agatael theaa bp UM dom¡mint ataaaaa of laborera Umbi threat*. IteChlaaaean

aafi in IbJa baaattfalValleyof Um Paoaateaa la the'o,it North Adaaai at tin- adateaj ragtoM <>f the

Pariffc tonst, i do not n i im thal mu the'threata ofi.i i.:, a uti. -..i égalant Mi. jior \oy would bara

ipohM (or rather wrtttaa) after Umvile manner and in the aafjaatoaa orthograpfajof the K11 Kiu\ KI,in), bal for tin i n enee ii tin s k Inltjof a I np- iiuiulii r of onminon tabOtOll at work on tinMuiii'i- \ it Uway, wir., h la to croeathi Paaoali annieor two Mnitii of Mr. ii. im > v i-i.iii'iciiuuiit«luio. tiebr-Uer/tai ali i had heard of theaa threat* ih.avo found, boan m i, iimt tin.> wara (reel) uttered, aadu at < apt, iii i m y waa fall) laattfled ia ata appi*ahaa>aVaMof (-«nous tronido. Tiuro bl bardiy a daahl thaltin «ii'nanuii waald hare ban attaahad if ti., in .1 through H. 11 uiii dorina; bad theirapproach al Bight beaa known a law hourn befan

iir:\..i. i hare Ml Um Ulihoal taaht afIii-lu w, not monly inin what I Kaw of ]m parution»

ulm at Hu- laundry, >.ut fioin what I heard luBellerine befara |*iag Umt*. Hut om other aad aMraiiiii"»limit fin t m tin- oin « lion Id ni -n uMiirt-d. These,t l.i. . l luiti i ii, i¡ i ni n«l> fiom tin- < on ii in on st 1 M of

laben i a- nu to raUway nunU$t a rlaaa oi nan la mn i,m "iji i mi io tin < inn. .-i-, Hi lair, like iii- m, in gaafinn i .i ni.« ihe'u in the atttcteat etaaaUhaai aad thefalleel im i nu h \. No thraatawere attarod bj MM raia*tiree of thaéOor to Irlali woaaea abo im\< bereteiarehad tin aaoaopolyof tin- lahar. on tin euatraiy,taxMi.iiii.iiiiin lana anihiMlo n mala.fe«r4lftha of the in

de H main, in apiti of tin- threat! Which hive Leen

atterad of attacking aad bwratnaj the bvaadrp. Um¦Ulled labaia lathewire and thread arai balatharttialtjri

I af threataolaj Mr. Berrap, bare oUered t'i aidlinn, if inc-fiiri, lu jiroiK tinif inn pla a, Pea»paay iiof the id cfew-Jeraej Oawrdr-a aaUltary ooaipaaj al

,. -. l.l-l\< If of i-kl'ii «1 H It

»aio in the w ra und other ia« i«n leool the \ k miiy. aaaapof :i,l'm oiii -i ai ¦, baa oil b to rd the Laaadrp atali ht. Tin -«. nu n athel a 11 ithaaaaeli

- .' i a io »1.¦¦ w< ont t.. Ita n itui ii on Uaatnn.'.! Mr. 11

i>> ;;- t v. > liy that of Mi. : Ml OB,iii t the \ oh ni opponitioa t-> the enplopaaenl oftin- ( lum-o from i al laboran aaable

leheiui the princlpleoorpoltrp laTolredlat:.p. i .aa ni. m the f tin h t.< i a in. ii l' d to it. ami fr. in

nu-u m ¡in1 akiOed in trade* timt tbej ara fbraed to de¬pend im a Urollhoad lea* M Um aataal rahm af theirlebet niau the ludaatrlal aud aaelal oonhla it.mis whtt ii

s« » k tn keep arapea *t advanced ratai Ina »killedI, win. know lint tia if |u,n'lii al kilo. leiKe of

thi n ti ide w ill BlWB) " --1 m«' 'I" m !'in'iiifi.iti\e work,an not m till- sii^iit« -t ii« (.-i»-«' iiistie -ed bp theaa expér¬imenta. And thoa* paper* aad o*3eew af trafMMHU*t*Biwin-, v r ii dim. uaoajbMd rrp.appeae tfa * reaait af tiitei mi-it in-. m tu. i.;.-,o praratnagaaaaiuj« «im atad m i.-an- .i tia -o u.i».

v hat the i« Milt would be ni the tatradaettea 11of Chu . i.n of a burge rttj like Weremain» to lu letted. I have hcretofon belierad thal it

»might be dom with ?.u.ty, hot, leanhig aha partlcalani.t tal ipi i :.¦ 11 .md thal al (forth Adama, l am al ti ¦

ii « i ms laaaea "f Hi w«YarbalK« Iii lillllll.. Is. Be l'l iifolllldl) ililli! lill, lilli

quently a* aggrtealn In charaeter, that the ezpeiiiitiit, if ini.i'e (andlaao told of tarerai niaaafaciturfiriwho ".nu ij'iati- ni. win iii'vo te ha aaaholalMM with

-iiiii¡on, aad bjr bm o ttroag la lai lax ti capital adportana] Inflaence. ü ia fertaMta ttavl aaeaof «ioukaerre aaal gaaal A ibiIimMIimi af nharaatu1 i-ou-

diieiid ti« experimenta at aTorth Adam- and alDa, «-!.-. l u. iii M- they would har* fblhii Oapi

i!«Me\ enl<i.\ s great poarar aad lalaeace m thJaeeaa*BinBlty,m a aataral eoaaeejaence parti) of bl* wealth,mon of ins «'¡,u ¡¡iii.n, and atlU aaai of hat wall kaaarapaaltlTcaaaaof oharaator, la ear)j Uft be wa* a tea iptun., m d m tia ditdpUm of bia cal I half

¦' .u thal bia boo* i.oi.i i aadd leda) Ij tiniii: ol thal sii.» t bal Bul < ppreaalre dk« Iplrae I

ight hefora the maai Thi trait of al* cbt.ns won Lilli Um reepeet and fear af the radai eli- -ti aaajt that, rattan d from aachaaactrrelift aathatafa.¦.: lu.m,willa lit loatagtMl Im' i*of ( MMlt ,o

Being In an] iii/.-"' lae paaitlraaaaa ofcharaeter. Captalim" thaaldhace derelopedIntaa Binttopblb.aotatuen- Btbttoinauiai, for ii no1 tali Ip te Um alhM ii"" of

'ki-, h li lo their s inly that he ba* d«m led many

jrearaal ins uti. n..i has lu- dreaded, »¦* few* hookm woald, to pari wtth porttoai of bli eoUectloa al

ti.« on -i. ¡..u, who ii« Hen Um paaetoa mmi iMlaiiajMlaghli Ufa. Mr, aVrrcp, I bmbj i areli nunti. in here, hw aold two cal Jogaet froai ins llhrarj oa< a

Including ai»"i« tjMI rahuaaab .'" ' Bettlan him aboalBavaaa. And a* Illaatratlagala daviM kattahlabootolwinfurther ada! falthoagh I hare aadaami ed boi i" taradiii ii,..,- 'iHi..- i did h la ¡ninu. ii.o «j >¦ ha haaa**PPOf

-haki ein ara araaeb ha bM ban aa«ratalwhim maaliattag at a caat thun .'¡ir at "\>r

.j.otK', ..mi Hu- rirlnain vi lajaaali MhatnafitatHH faraaokshaaw n Caaaa Barra) Um groatand .lum.ian « af Um i" ttt r ead aattaorad i laaaaa

uf Belleville, aTniidalrtf. Newark, aad the »arroaadlagiiii.iiy. Add d to iiii-Bf etarewaaatawaaa, whuii bara

.will.»-- ii« i.l Iii« ¡ntl i« n i-, Mr. linn)'ttderaiile iraalth, aad tin«, ton, ha«

< ii. til im.kni|i Iniu in i-wfj imv flltvl to tarry1. an . apt non nt.

. di Till. I \l I KIMI M.

Ana aaleaa wealth af pa m ,.i"i atataMjIhafeaMraatat,, ij]|«ti to «nid "i-l Muli M ulti mpt In the populous di*

Of I ,-, , let it lu t 1"- umI. I Uki li. Mr II' i

,. tapa BJ ha- I" «li a|'| lOHll.« 'I BJ lill).',- Illlllllx T» of

nuiii if.ietiii« ri to know how ho ha« a« oom

Illa work. ""d ne hut noticid that

ar. aaatai Um itMaaaJaai taapaaaalaaBi ihnt tin-

11,,,,,., gea mi '" ,|"1 ¦ H;i" ffcMcIa.!,,- ,,. neu . itiufc-, that it isMnipl) li« cK~a. \ tiwiil«-

tt und they will come al the lii'lilrii«.' in cou 1.11»--i

WithiMTl ''»t lo the maniifai tunr. Oulla ton

i., ..., i., ba had »iii' '¡¡iii' iiiu. Xhaj an- ut

agi lo oin« and liiiud unoiil making u l>ar»rrtiii.

i. ti* te and toi.du., m thaii entra« t«, uni di iit>

,. , tw. Ita ti lins with Iii« tai.-ful oii^i... rat'oii

worth] m iinpi'itaiit a Btt-p a.- the Mttlag of iin n bvbatloracveral/aan» Mew «Im hi aol aatalaitb a ipottaaa

I bwataeaa ntmutim idhi aawjaf bBbi »n.j.e af-

.,,. .f Hail HhlllfJ to ¦«!!> out tu« lr

, ,,,; i. ni'd ^ot aonpat. lo iaal ana

raaefiillj with the« people, who ure aarhn-wd uta l»ar-

Kain UK UM Btar wiest Yank« i. B <»>t Mr. Huni au

<'r)^ aal «Hill»» of INI U> bri"»? caeh of Ml ¦ latlidi from

.»*«. *ranci«.o tv b«il«>UM). #'urU*ar ttuin m... a«¡ Um

heeri at prent cxpcnae In flttlnp up narrarka, Ac for

them. Every manufat turor contemplating; the lu trodin-Mon of Chínete lahor In hi* work* mint maka up lila

mimi, find of all, to risk at leant flM per man to w mr

tin font lu furr rnti linp mi the toluUon of the prohlemMin tin r tin- men tim- ». ured can lie taught the tradeand worked with profit.Another tlilnp munt nut bj fnrpt tt< n. Canna« laW i*

aad ii.i.]wr thiiii «raaaaa laftari it h much cheaper than

that of min. a- Me already know. Mr. Hervey pay» hi«

< 'lituanien about the Hame wapra that he paya h!« Irian

women, ula only hope of pTcat. r profit in their emploim. tit bal in Ina lull, f that tiny are more truttwoithy,t onstaiit, and eeonoml. al than the women.

"I *h:ill 1k> ni.le." he miIiI, unndiup, to th. ¦anduMlBBJof the Iii-h winn, n anti the .tommy of the Chínete," bj fntteii my i» k ; miiipli to hi,|.ply my hand*, on tho

bBIbbi iihii h Ifta pill- watti anal the Chinamen mu-.""I tauplit oin of tur y tump, at of the. Chili. -He," BjAJ

Mr. Hcrvcy'a BBa, "to imi«li the food for the hop.. I wa*)

much twnriaad. When we had flnlaheil the urnt lemon, to

eft* ric him, without hint at inntrui tion, can -fully BBtfcf r

tin-j'i or io kenn U of rorn which had wanted t" tho

proiind duriiiK the pmceaa of fteilinp, and add tin in

to Iht mash. I hIiouNI hav. ttioiiphtli-HHly ti ampi, d them

lu the pT.uilul It H.-110.I till ni, Jil-1 an thouphtU-dy imt-

1i:i[,m, from old habits of economy.""Tiny not only Mante imtliuip," n anani i the father,

"Initit in a ji.irln ulai featun of their economy that Hu BB lui f, no butter, no aupar, um) no Hour.""The very íoim! which Bl Hunt «ontly anti 1« ft-t nutrl-

tloiiK," I added in my awi Banal III« I and tea nr< th. ir

»t tait f.'i.ii, bad Hu-, pai uni bant] af ali uki* of ti m fe

ul.len. Tin \ uhc water only for the piirpoae* of tin bath,neu r iltnihinp It, hut BjJBtJbJ lti»t.Mad warm t< ft, H pot of«im h in ahrajraal hand, la Han al Iftt tun Kit of laaltratat eaaoaoa in Aaaatiaaa workshop«. Tiny kunaHi r pi t tili.-u lll.i ,,f ,lii t f imlliar to mo-t n ail.IB, ülul

« li I m .1 not mi -lit ion. I'ork it the incut met n-< I

bra thom. Tin ir raie in ]il lin, ami they aro PJaUaakaftBlmili ii 'th tin-i In Banar artiiliH of food. Bat economy of

tin tab!, \l. ada to tin- pre*, ia. linn, und BBJ of fiery

tataa; Ukt Im I Ihantt aad kit nUa, tiny manage t<> Mattin i>l.,tli r . toaa Tm-y ¡in in t by any in.-ai.* uiraeio.i«. .it. r-, and, ronaidcring tho qinintitU-a conaumed and«a-icii, the thara,at* aad i aal « f tin u taaaftk -. aft Baiii y pirti i- to band tin m than an . ¡.lal nuiub. r of

lllr-ll NS nilli li,Vi II lilli INi..

TI e ost of buibliiip ami liiab.l.iliiiiip th'ir binni. 1<< Blnot preat. Mr. Il'iu-y leTOtOd to ti til it-. old Ma*rooms of kia laundry, and pai. to the «omen «lion milln Hu-cm Iiihiic une of a l.irpe ami really handtoincAwi llinp in am tin r part of the iiu'o-urc. The Mt. li n

waa Htipplnd bj Mr. II. m j artttakvaj a*BB| all ti.nit ae. in-tu bu i- Bata lilted up with the mont H.-rupu-toaa aaataaat bj ti..- Cktnaai Uanaaatrat al tnanaatati-.ii> Hu, iii axpaaaa, Xht dbttag-faaai la platal] f"1

Vttk pine t .ii- it -, .uni lu in lu fl for tenta. Tie

lloeplag rooniH ure Ita or ti'clio in iuim»>er, nixor m ion BBTBOat BMWplBg tB Batlft mai Mr. II'n. i,

before the urrlial of th. Chin, »o, p'a< ed iron tied

¦kuatawttk awtrntaat in thaat anana. After tiie flrpt

night't mat cm. on, Um Cktaaaa battgaaaUyftandladUatat Into the hall and built IicIh for them-hiIm-. Tkaj anaDaifin, und eoaakri af peala baardtral. d aboat two foot troai ika floor, t ki ad andanaMil. |inr. OB Ibe-c !'!. m!» i l' iiiiittlnp in lau! to

Berra m a atattraaa, ami a Uagbj Nnftftirl Mrraa ;i» a

.oicriup. «Then 1 rlattad Um aaartttt aaaft blanketvii« .iirefiilly rolled up mid lump acroaa a lineto air lind jin ino from v. rmln. I nm toldthat tin y ii.,¡¡> baal tin ir Maakati a- pt baataarpattoin I ¡i ,, ,ir, ami BjBBaBI ti" ir mat ti np l-iatl'i tai h. 'J Ii, fit on íli*-:r bed» during the day mm li a« ;i tailor »itn on

kit tab* , mid usually " . '-.- b gas ii." Ii in natural forAnn mai: laborers to tay that tin J :miiot omp.-te w ith

j.'ople who an- wbl-np to liio in thin way.It iMi't MUnptllollH, I alni:!, hut finir motif of

Halag i« iM'ifn\* i-^. uni iiy dim rent from thal alraihiny minion, Hallora, Ac, and a gnat deal

li uni ami fit;- nure ci minmi, a!. Tin- Ann in an andlii-h ¡-lihTH din-liarping« in the port of New York, are

iiiiteiit to b'dpe in more i .infill't'd, «Taral fl iitilatcl..nul fal fi Ibi. r faarttfl ill W.¡lernt., than Hum- linn

ban In the lielteiille l.iiim'rv. The i ri w«' t|.iartern on

m, BtBBftaal nliip trading to the port of New York an at

t b .m aiui in .-i ;.i! at th"-' of tin at m. n. Daua am at

t« nenieiit bon »¦» in New-York uiiifurmly frei r

:. m nilli and doBghttag in anaft pene aadbanaoajf u- Um (oartan al tiu-.-o fftlafiiih ti.«iumi l.tb'ireit mi tin- raUraad>j who ktwa bataUaadeat tai tin ¡r ihn ata, m>t aal} «art like tftaaa Cftlat -¦¦

IngaaaBi umi. r roatractarti bat Iftajf im- bj aaagBjno - gag ut a comm,m table, their ipiiirtt r- uro not to

lu-i nmp.iri-'l ivltb tim-e of tin ( H In b anl.iio I aadcomfort. Tba] an tancrtM tai atat, aaaaaraaee, aadcollie ino ne- to the bent .J Halter- our »ob.¡el- illlirip

tftawar, Bal it I- mt Bam -ri bago ant al Mr. Bari.r- eatahlhduaaal la Maka a aaattnat katwaan tkalinu mIi- of li m np in.d that of otlei- nat ii mai, tie- in the Hume

gradi of l.ii.i.r ami eondltloaof Ufa, kkoatafofaTr.Ii.ney'- ¡'..riiier otoployda i in.tiii Bilk kiah Iftajali¡iii in-ii -tni.- from ii t., «oaaaa al ah Ifeay riaap bj tin-

Hiiine biiibllnp, eat at the aame pcneral table, Ju-tn- tie . bin.-c i|o. Tin ir loom.- are furni.-ihed with

beak ¦' ml mirima, tit with all tin ne alda toebel fun* --. tai y do n ,t imnpiuo fit ota b ii la thia re¬

aped v. tb lanac t'f the Cklatna, ntaj a* nut oarjfiiinpy, bal dirty. Tin ir table, m. ra toaaptnoaslj,i- 1. »- lint y h.rieil; tin ¡r food i- lent rleablf, Mai¡irti-pi .'.My n-keii. Ia pommai appaaranee Iftt vornanBTC not ne it, nor ,'lway- b a' li. v, tit« -e linn

with nnlformntalunrna aad acrnpulooa amtneaa. uti. a

oiiip.ueii, tin women In penamal appearanea i.i>i.« :,r

tin- le.-* iuti-rcrtiiip ,-iini moro répondra af 0* Innganga. Tiii« la aot in itod. Pi tagbj -i -ii -i -'< !. froan ti" taonfa ni na of tai l kuaeat totth t of t m ii lah -. bia to

tin-b'tti-r, v ill ¡it um e Hfl.k. .'.11.1 refVi I inp ,-lni i \ i r. it

e»toadaoran to Iftt rantupai Badpkyalqaof Chlm ne-1 ti.-piet th'-in bj hine lern, cn, fully B

Meted,a "pt kndi raw." ra tot t kim, with kata angleexception, dell ato feotaroa and antfanal] barge, otroagfraaaaa, I w. h bataB) anptepaiol to tod tftat in Uaatiny an tully ni- ti tin- a Aii'iiliiu, baal u AI mca-iired atgkta v. iii, a taaM or mere of

fin m found ti eui oft» n t.illi r ami al wa: -

bromh r ahonknered than aipiatf, «ml irelgkiag almuch ai n» aoanda- Uri aa ttrr na Tin ir eonn*lonaaaM eoBtala Bothlng of tin repakrii..--of the n»

irr-i rae.tin r. ¡ne ao Ugh ebeek-l.a, bo tkMk, proliadlag lipa, hal exoeealagtj regulas tnatnraa. latan¦rere only two ertkreepBirof boarr,ohOoroalathepuip; theraathare latelüceat, «tuning riraatraaafoa.wini-e .-...- fault, ai < m Ika lu -t i'ain ..»Mu atajaduni. I- lu tlu-iri-olnr-. latftl li,the p.ilipof Iil-b UOBatB inid- - IBM bui'ilinp uf »!' M1 i.le ¡ii,not oinp.ue bj u fli e

nu ni of manner, In neal ne-- and elaaaftnaaa of appeariiiiu', um bj Int.liligi nee of tunk with ti,»- .. beattie!Chinee" afton Mr. Harrop han ratrodneed tarta tin-

warka, Uriaatataaaaat eaaaat aatoal haaj raaderakartti,ii, the ni», ni. ry of tin- lat t HiirpiiHi ii ne

lill WIl'II.V 1'lMi'Mh lu II lill mi iiilllll«.

Winn Mi. Hervey Ir..upht hi« panp to Bath vii!, the.uu-iiiiutii waa Barrancal that in badging them in Um¦ann kaakannn with tin «natta, ftaoptag larat at warfeill tile BBBBJ loom-, aid u fBtrtag Hie pi, is (,, eilii, ,,tc them ¦ haiiiiH, in wan about ra art 11 a anda] aa aaaniMtyand a IWfaoaeft on the latallt|. He, then fun-, att> r

enlim.lerable diflli ulty divided hit laandl y an it were,bafea two, lind iirraiu-i d t" ki t p the men mît wmneii nphi .ttil. Hut the orín lime alii aily undi rlaken to iii»

repui'l the Baan! tahhud niiiiiinricH, ami linn- iijrprtoatdnot only a wilMnpne-H hut an caper d>-idre to tench theI linn new tad adnaaaa tlutlet. Mr. Herveyhint uiilfoi inly d. ti.« .1 their r< <iue*tH, and tlnin fej| Mat«the forewoman and her daughter ban- appeatad in the¡ipiitlin lit* of the Clnuuiiieu to t« a» li them the inynteryni tue ain.'othiiiK-lron. Tula refuaal naturally increanedthe cm i.'Hity oftthe worn, a, until the with lo teach theChinamen hu* liecom,- pei,u,d, iu.l u ,11 eventually hadI-, tin removal of all harriera to their iutereourae diirlii«;biiHln. m boura, except auch un are neeeaaary to of the dlaeipllae of the t-atal.likhiueut.Uf cui.r-e you undi iHt.iiul that ("apt. Hervey lia-i i>nly

ju« obtained lil- forer, and t« j »t to ae«> w bat he will doa, ith it. Tin r< ia not the ttajdUaa] «louhl lu lila o«n mind... then cwiifual aareett ¡uni bit final prout. Hralreaiiyrighi for more fhjaftBBj Bfel ingtnfej that he fallid hj getway with ne v. n ot lu r* whom h. hail ei,n»|red m g^u

rraauanaa, Kum- nkafelaaav^altknnBjrt they were fn>tun yeaterday, 1 »hamld eoaelud. tbHt tin» wlllmaki- ina ti w « fU, pi ml and i|iili fe workmen. They tapantrorfeaaly tafe»aawafeag At j«, m. i wai in the waafeaainum. win re four of tbem filled tt.«- t ulm, the lryliii{cylimbT, tin in ti on ti.e water and the BkatM BaoaaBBtTta«aafa al id to dry the eothen, mid had iiihhIi red themachinery of dryer aad waaher. In tin IrontogHjoaaa 1»aw twui.r three lint iuijiiIh of tin- fl laBllBBlB »nnadhand fold tinta with auch can- and Baaanaaa that Mr.Heney wnl have no heMtalion lu «-inllu« Mum fur ei

|H>*itli.n in th. afean of Broadway. Thl«, Itmu») h« reun iiiliercd, waa the autterna attuinril after a

halfMay'a ex|M-rieiir«) only. The final auroeaa of thelim li erit I , oi.alder, fu/Ui the.« lüdlcaln.u», a« Without

I aiiwahi.


irs rr an«, iBBOBBBh dMB '»hcamzmio..To I ht Editor of The Tribune.8m: Tbc prosent International WoiltingTin nu

Association I« d«-»tim ii, 1 helieve, to play a v. ty ea*>tjik-uouapart lu the hUtory of thin gem-i allon, und I pur-P'tae, therefore, Uiexplalu to your reader* wuiiethlugofIta character uud object*. Ii« foundation wau a veay.lifli.ult, almost a hope let« undertaking, conMd« ring tiamutual antipathy of European natmut, and the preju¬dice« common to all workingim n. It mild have beenafarM only ii\ u mm who wa» a» w( ii aoanabalad ailhtío ladaiaa** hy alaanjaajwara auuu gthaaa«aa with theGermanic, a »tudent of hhrtoryand pi lit al rmouoaay. aman of profound learning, hut, at the name time, of tla¬mont catholic deiiiiK ratio inclination«. Km h a man wa«found In Karl Marx. Th« Fr« m h «ocial r«-former« had,till then, he. n edm ltd in one of th.- m I ural fkMBBBBlM«chool«; tiny wen-either llahoiiv 1st», or ( alu'tint», "r

Fonrlcrlto«. Ttn ir »y»t«ni« Ignored lil.eriy and «elf-gov¬ernment; th« y expected all tpHMi things to count fromabove, from a moro or les« centralised and omnipotentgovernment. The Eagttah reformer» BBaghl Mil depend¬ence, and laid a gn aterstn 11011IIN rty than on equality;hui they had no tyaaaat,M unity of ldi!i«.no aaaaaaM»tarling point and ulm. Their UipBBMlBlllOB. the Trud« «

Union*, tiruggh d only for the want« of the du; hut intheirJlmtted field they did a greed (h al of good.It wa* then hy tun hing English woiklngmen the

French Mea« of aqaallty, «ml Iraak h wm Idngmen the

Englith Idea of lllierty and »elf-gnvi num-nt, that Marxbecame a great aoalaj n former. It wa» hy bringingthem together in International CotigTosse». and «ettingthem to BXehaage Idea» and (omi.lue for mutual m-

tiBtauce, that he famish« «I Hum with a ««un.t.ti fur

thateaaanadedIdea*,and bxtaaaaaad them m thoraaghconsideration of the noce»«lty of a futur»- UghOt M4more humane dev. lopu,. tit of hi. I. ty. At last, BO em¬

bodied all hi« id, a» on thal siili|(. t m a work, wnttci, ht(¡( rm»n mullí the title of ¦. ¡Hu Pepita*," the flr-t vol-ume of ayhjchonl) baa, a- rat, appeared Thi aaaMttalportlont of it have la en transiat« d ht lu- mil n nts into

mont of the li ring langai gi -. and foi ¦ thi i m gaapi 11 rUM International Vs'nrL.j.gua B'l A.ii v lu. h lu Idit« nint Congre«« In IiOtidou, in !>*>.). ha« sine Baot DaLaaaaagaj ¡iw). Braaaela <iana, and i am! is

now firmly oatnhtlatod aaaoai aareral atiniooa af til«-tolllUK Bia-»»» .f (lu.,! 11: 1 I.

Hwitrerlarn!, Hpain Italy, II«!..u.c. i. antuj AaBan di n, «i i. :.

ni aara ran oatII < fund ailie f.. Id« a of tin.- lulen ! '-. .a'h li

i- that irnuii) is gradúan] production, in-null ann asehaaat and loton, andthat u .eu must ,o coin nuil.iii UtOaMM li - t« tin- ...

It i« capita! wini h i« nvolutloBlzing toetat)period athlatorj bat It*eorreepaudlni part aalai »uni of

piodii' Hen. it wa* alan laborwhich el.Mrtaadthiproduction and ho. nil »tat« of anli<|Ulty. UM middi«-age« papajtad their amaHar stump bp Um division ofial.. r and pr« iliictliiii for iiiiiiu« Wanta l! Wa Uiiian.ifii« tin ms: tj -i« n. a to« h gaol UM lae! century ItttlHIislloiy eli ii.i ti r. Bad it s Mu- p. li« ttonol tins sts

bebbthroui-hnaw bnrcntioBa and tclcntlfk dltcoverle*into the eapttaUaaV pcadactloa al th' pacaeal timewho h imp.u i., to n aaaaatj tai iperllta ttvtahaaaWin re foina riy jon h.ul an Hal« pi ndciil mast' r mi

i li.iiiic, al'lc le pioilii.e a \aiiety of hu r, li.uulise olapillia li!.i. kind iii a Wolkllilili llki lu.« I, ! ] ell fi"W Ma «ii pi lid. nt alare, eatptoped bj aeapttallat, wh< ramisla | lum M ¡(li ma'« l'l.ils, tools alie mai I. ) alni r« ;u

u> « ali the piotit», paj bag linn ¦ ¡'ii entj a pat Im at lu»

arning», e.ilh d wage- Iht* WOrklBgBMU I* BO lflngOl b>ih pi inlelit.iiitel igen!,- » If" liant a m. n ne!» In« lit of a fie»< ".i.minni) 'ml I /in,li tuiir 1¡ i- lu. i-\ nh-nt t« udeintm th* tlun s 1.1 change ali prml.ii lion bato « .ipit.ihst pro1..i, and to ii,\ i<l» «m u ty into two ihii-i«, ¦:,,

tana, whoown avery thing, and ha a« is a h<> own nothinghut di pimi for their lit lihooii »niii» '.. an thi uiuiain-t¡ass. Is ila t il.i lil»- that pi odin t ion oil a

lurg»' stale, !.< tag eli« apel, ne li si ledi ill» IMHHia.ll.and oli"lili/.llig tiliu foin uiul al 'tal. «lion Id li 11.1 ) dientirely away willi prodiu tina on u sin,. - V lu ti atlast th«' ««.ni is hough! apbpafeW winn al: the I'liiiii Ik s

of i:« ;.or ¡m .u a n l aw . xi lusi-, eij ii alaaoaf < *. lualvi mach,i ¦*, when att tha capital af a eoaatrp la la ti.«

pi ¦-.¦» ssion of a linn:» }< ii ,ii stoi i.u t, t> ho ,,s. (JIMBU]w in aloa ii nu« u.it1,« lai -. whan thaU Um aaoraaoaaui.ijoriij of poor m« n ga i«. ii'... -"nu Baan paoBtabk i b>

ploj mi l.t. la lnaki thi m-clt » linlepi inlet.t, oi to BBtO)bj.i" r.ition min eouipi ntioi wlthU* largi ra]pi« 11 I


Tin i ii gt .i.iiiu arl ii Mai I laid ont ri balin cn d. ins-ill and adopted bj Um font laternatiouaCon."--(.-. i-, in a oi.... u-« ii tem. Hu-folio'

i for UM warklag peopleof < a nation te attemptla n modi i soi defy th rafwaat hi .« comb nation of *Uiii«- n linn -. .'ici m«,milli,c aiti arptx al a lan lah rerorn

tion (.light to I < discoiili L" d Hu bBW society ought lo

ii Maadi i on u/im Mil' odaxwfJM Beery btdifldualought to u». d» te'opi.!. bj iii éducation«! bimbi at flandi» pu-aï of »« n a-« ami ait, int« B tralj human» N i,

au tin enorm.auaoaaoa aqaaaderadoi ehurcheaandsoldi, rs ought ta to n.ti si... u rafalag a aaghar typi <«f

iiiimiinitt. | aoetatj tha*{preparad foi Ita gn dtaelwm beetknow baw ti ,.> ilati hari aew «seder of tulagiOi e thing, howerei ¦ it. ti al rai i. futanlegialatMa win bara la aacaraatadata its»¡r ta ti«

ecu..mi, ii laws of th« aga n win hare to renderpro«lu. tiou ». i. ntiti., and t" ttabttah it on Um large»i im.ssi-

Meeeale. ah bow latenUtwa aad dleeorc leo,liof n »loin ding t* BOW,t* tin hen» tit of Hu t« tt.iiair.

tin aal i\ lag i ii" i ¡. ( > i - . i n tei«. (l into n '. na

of redarlag the tofhi «t all af beantlfylBg Ufa. andf-iiiiot.iiiiL'i ..inanity, au ih» gn it tadiapeanahta ataaaaof exl»t» -in .«s luiuls. min«», in o linn», mil means of

oiiiiiiiiiiicaiioi!, mu»! ha Um i«./'«..'". //'"/"We it u'/, andmust lu uncle so gn li'i.-H..' N.'tliing .¡.li I « IMM Id] la¬

in ivat» pr.p.ny, bat Um prodawl al bvtoi otte*r<r*Mfui or

Tin i r,i is- triBIT* Ol ¡iii Mi\ i-, I'¬

ll is r< mai ki' Ve ti.a' nun.h» is o» upo-río», o' th«

new i>< su.non ar« BM '¦ without «< holaity attali bm ata,i.u! wrh eleni logMal adaaa, araaad nth m ampolttaturt ai ead Metorh d faeta, am' a atoota batato um

eloquence; wlf-M di anna.who would retint en lltonun> »o. iel\ at nie '.'is. Then It oh. among lion n

tailor, j.»-, nilli», m 1-oiuinn who toa pabUebod a tooni, -Kcfutalieii af UM Economic.-: U«.i li H.o- ofJoh* Mu.ill Mill; Bliolln 1. I» I I'le/g. I. ot Kit»

lel.l. who has ttinieii ., i-ntlipii it «II nu'iph'?' ii -is

Mm another, a turner, n< al al l»i-u whi laaw of

the hc«t-iiiforineU and most éloquent Maxtor* af tn«

NjorthU.aa i' illameat. and yrita a aaaitor of edttmof aewapapcra in Um «Kngrlah, Prcaah, .I QojmxbBj i:i.. I.aiian. Plrntlah, inn. h Magyar, Caw htu m

Kii.-si.Hi UtBgaag**» who hagM Hi «» aMMMaantoi andnow wield pawarM paM Of Um laanap p«r» lali,, .,.., toftha Iiilernatioiuni A»s.i< îaimii I iiiüj ni» I

tau inTr« n lo /'/ou.'i'. (l.e «'.ii /« Mu «bum (Liegt ).

i:intu imti.nulli nue/.«. < ' .>''. rrwaatl iBelgtaaaJ¡iiiioiigllu I-'leiiiisli. he Hi " «(.¡.'ii 'iinuig the t-pan-

i-h. in gaftfaHdad flBBfortoiBh, aataag Um < -«¦ m » i-

rafkaahaaf (i>ip«i«i; TtlkmtUleCHtmu) rapagtogf fltoin in; i-i/'"/. IOMOTBJ Tin I < ¡iii ms« IWW (.ern...n

dailli s, gwkOM .tBM I »¦ I"'1 l1"1'"1 '*> M "' "*'" «»-I"''"Hean j. h. /oat Jaeoby al KMgahcrg (P m li aiiJ UM.lr6»i/o i-'i.i'.'i of N< »V.irk. wh.. I. BOWOrOI has late .V

Ih-hi temporarily «w«pende<lTill pi» a« liligi .iii«! t« m hing«-of t:.« s« n el .n,»

hate hw u n iy mm »-»aiiii. eaaaaaV ring thai th« ahat»t-los In tin ir win are m numiroii« in f itrot g IhOJ fM

courag' lill n« « 'H' H BrU« ». am! I ' I o'» a.,, . urta « it

deiiioii»tritit.ii«. and Hi« > u.' M Mttlgl te 'he i vii« n. flu

wake of all »ut-h iii»«.i«l«is hj broth« Irl . ami

Net ert).eli-««, tiny me ciiliiiuiiiut» «1 »« iiftigi.tor» an«.

ahaxtor* afaahwadaf Mi MnrnaMntj aataacwta thaoj

with ti"« police. fcUrt thi* Ibu» 01.

o.» rihpaaPPl ,iiMltx. *haaa hirn hrei haanad afjaaaaammtlMB,M ha Beteten* a' Ctoxtawl,fhxraaxa L Bprwand Vervur«: bl Fra...«..'t Anhln. Hlrainui.e. and (to»

«it; In ¡»pilli, at Ban-clou»; lu Au»trla. at Oiinutt.

Reu'henlH-rg, und tXJM«; hi witl'lhth» IMtWOpoaXIThu» II i«. alM'.that a uuuiher ol BnjBnhN hrtall h..-1

mm taPdant mm MMBakantB «-t Um ratinati.iuals, foIK.we.l hplMWry ludgn.« nt». ».o 1, ii» th«-. MVienna, nine MMtoM Dg«prM»Ml BM "lx yean* lit«

jear».au«i »toorlei leim«, lu Pul I«, twenty-eight nunn

lien» coiulciiincd-seiitence« fr«.in tinee month« un to I « o

year»- In Kund*, oui condemned ti death ui.-h. U bi¬

rlan exile; io (lmrl.roi ali.iVeivier». U» igun u. BBBdland, lu Hourn. IfOM, I>e iieiu. I A«

in HI »'i*

In I'rmvna and th« North BBfWMB O fetid«« MC.A«Umarcb invented au »nieuioii» mean« of foiling the lu

t«i national» Iii their »gort* for organ Un»Mon He foi up

a iwatat iranaitrin-' al hMaañMjganni kaaood by one

Hen Von Kehweltaer. «bo» claim to be the only trie roi

lowers of Ferdinand LonaHe, that min. nt fouiuli r of tin

«orklngmen't party and of the Iuteriattonalu.oM-meiit in Germany. Th» -< hw. itrenann are lu thehabit of cudgeling tin Ir opponent.» In the wnrklnpm-n"-attemblagi-a, and Hinman k» III)C1 protect th. ni In -o

.luiiig. ThiiH it i- that tlure un two International organ-Ir.ittItiti- li, (o many, a apurions mu In QotamBB ''' P v

and .' p.-iiinii. on,, in nil ti in i ..»bkni i ut, Bahai andothern; bul tin latter han if lal. B1 . M MM :. ,.nt»t all theoplo-itloii.

rj 11 W ft,III Frame. I^uiih Hoiiapiirt. who from ti.» bepiiiniug

of hla demoralizing rule aet hlm-elf up aa prof« .tor "fthe workliiL* eftnuna aa against the bourgeoisie, promltcdli. bank immediately after fehl Int. unit lonal Congretn inHani i. bj toi» late the International organisation, pmvidetl th'.y would luknowbilp lum at tin ir leader. ThiaIxlnp n fii-ed. In »till proiiil-. d toleration, if they wouldpublicly acknowledge what pood he hail done to theworking people. Tiny ahunned all communion withhim, ami from Unit lime hi- perse, ni ion of the Intern i

Monal- wa- uni. h ming. II,- killexl off/every one of theirBtnaaea aa aoon aaeetaMlahcd; he put every spokesmanof theirs into ptunUa, MM of timm three of four time- :he ili-oliiil their orpaiilzatioiia and forbade their ine«-t

inp-. A f. w dm « before the pbliia» itiiin he irnprlsou, ,1cn ry prmniueiii lut» he nu'.d la i his hunda on,and a few tlay* before the declaration of war again-tI'niHHla lu had them all doomed toa long period of lni-

pri-mim» ni. Nt IBtthOb., the iircnnl7..itiou anfeBtfetd»gainst the w n-, ¡uni -m,t a document, nlpin d by all thetot lett» s of the ..orman International-, Inwini fe tl.oi ptumi-eil that UM nar, kindled hy d -potsfur the purpurn- ot .1. »troynip tin Intern.,lion.ii brotherlyn»-iitimeiit, BhOttll not u'ter Huir .let otion to UM coin mon

p;u |J and In:» ri -t.When UM I nipi mr I. ft foi Hi» lb bl, Ins _'o\ eriiment n

ci Ivi.l lii-triii tion« Bal M »""t the workiiipmen,» -pi « iiilly IkOM of the Intermití, ,': p n 11, in any «-lent,

r.ilikao, ¡uni afti r him Tro, lui Bad F.n re, lune thus fur

carrud out ikon laatractlona; aad while tkkrrei andmimina!- of all kimi- hate I t ii fkodlod fet tfto taaka»only th"-. WOrfetagBMUl niiitc liana who profcH.-to wh.iti mt c f. Now,the onlv mi n in Finne bOafefetUM latani .-i it-i,o.-and

art, who «h -in in ti.ali iBBotttoal heartpateaat itanaaltaj pill are ti» Ii ti rin'tl. t M kinpmei) of the Bargti Im a. Thee kata < tana, at, " babta <. af power." and tMn al .f UM I-' imparti»! Ide..-. Tlu-y would, bit to tin m-

-eiie-. rrj to Inaugurate aa tia of peace aad Inleiaal de*i elopB* it. bj apn iding ia tireUeat trttani ol gunna]i" polar Inatrui linn, hjr ilffeatralItaUtra, aad glrlitg baefeloorarp community aa Badtrtdaal aaf/«woorwM*aia<kBj.aborhtfetag tin ttandjag amj and navy, and lanadtagn.!- of ii',lit roi 1-' i.itiic workliirfiiicn'h ¡i.oi ia-

lum-.amltlu tike. Hut MbBktottl :.h|ki f of affairs In

lin ii-,. Um i eaanol al pri », 11 ti td la *i- tk tat,v. part] ta aaattali who«»- pragraaaan kajfeaj niih a

aantonal biiBriltallon He*llh|a,phej>ahata nonrma.nopr,-»H. bo repreaeatottreo with Um pr' awl gai nant b1 ofiii 'i ii». .uni liii'-t leiiipm :/<-. Ibiy Wnuld lain N'-ipilHint now all p'.ii'n 'I ¡n tion : lut, unforfiinat'-lc, th« v

know ti: .: ti, nnj bl atened mm-' ag a I tank orgaalan-finn ti,¡m ágata Frame; iiiat Utaratoaatanagioad aaI" I Wien l'i-maii h aii'l Boaaparte ft kill 0ß or drier ¡ml

].-.|.- i,i (1,1 m<,'t Uli' 'liü'rtt ( t llffjt fir I ,> in ll,>,, ,,

i ia ii,,ember. IM) .u toaat thaj grail) fet taara taiHu x,-'. i < of »m li a plan. Ml they trv to jinveiit ita

i mi-illiunatinn. lait w ill aufHc fet exphUfl whut min«l-i- woiill be mitiicly ui::i:lc!i:pibie, why the " BMVihave ii-nriM-d all tl.e pn«er In Lim.-, and why they hold

Ml] aieetfi p« in al! fin- pre. if- of P ria ami ¡iii tl.e

impel in- aft) ioiiii of thom an bjmfeniif In prnrferiatmp war to UM hafeft ii.-iin-t Hit Pi i- in., .md whyfehejr ara eatuaiiriafcsd fa aO tai i eat aa Mat ob plundeiBad m b la«M» Baa bl li Um i anlj can Mid out Beana* Bttj toag,

¡ii-ti c im. 11 party of Barone are ptepatfehg umnl-taiu » foi It.i li.. In Kn^laiu! nu IfeBBJ lum- In en lu bl.ajtpn »»up atroag repula* bb »< ntum nt», di BnunUngec-ki u i. i'tui» 11 aad .i--i-tui'. for Um rtOMfe B public,¡uni unter-ii »uffiiipt .iii.i roan ¦aafeatknj al tim worh>n.gii ei. in l'ai liiimei.t. AIMliiH BBOftlta be ¡t vin

hiiiiiii. -.¦ pt Hate, i ut 'i unit tara Bal t«, ki Iftt.mitt.iiy.Tin i. an -i. .« n n m moi ti e lim i» ..tem ,u party lalu pi.iikI.

r\ uki 1.11 m

Ii Heipiiiir lb» "iio.l»- ni. nan 1 " of tin ( o"îinent,matter* are ttlll mon potteatoue. Then to n eeaualete

MgratkN of ¡ nu - pmnp on tu-t in w The Mfjk>ei.,1' pan v, fi r aiuio-t M yaala taaacanatj lateriaptodpoHtcHHimi of power, v .in iiii»tei| nt the hint » iii ti,, n, inti., tari) m.n.mi r i-t MM,fe) Um Ctoefeaal party, whichbad prim.i to th. peepn, ta Um eaeeof menaaki<.nu iii./ rutirnijt (Hielen.« How only MftjtBl elector.).Hut liiiliie.I .it. ly BpM IM feOOfel of Hil- »in.¦<-.««, the

Clerical] irtj naatararnt a nnaktag awaral defeat, ki Ikacol |-i of i-1 gnat banking and other concern«

of mint I.:uiprand. a »|m ulallie ¡lui» ntiiiir, ktiltrhtodby Hie Pope, .ntl itlelititie.l wi-h the Cl'licalfa,ton. Bui taraatnatata ptorad ¦ total Maa,

'.ni l, m.-,itn!» of will to do faiiuliea wen-

utterly rutaoA Toe International puitv, nktrkto aowftare Mttor argnal* '. aid oattered than fea Befeg m p: nil gitiatly trj tato dtoattar.aad.krahlra. tMjkad li n hi mp» iinji-y per»»i ut» ii that the ayiup..thieso'tbi pt op.o um ii to Iii« Ir Mile. In Yon i. rs tin-policeBad» IB .lulu. in..di h Uio-l unjii lill.,nie Htlaekllpeliapi.i HHimi nf woikiiigiii» i., and iio' iniiin

iiarmi. HH Hpt t tatara, noa* i and chlldrea laeladed, OaU - o.. » a. a h lil m Milli, d U.i kmaiis -lu it a wmkltip-liiiiii tieiid. wild ut any prmoi allon, ami the Kingtlii-J-i iipnii fealgbted lum. but In- mi" ¡oh« -huiineil, on in ni nm alta bin., eolilag bim « to rataat Tiopiaaaa*.to thal lu-attempt' d -iib ide. A b w BBJfl lau i. winn

llu in w . i.aii.' . i- im ii- n nup.ii.iii ii. thi King lu ni Hie

t ai t. lui.ry i» i u w of tin t iti/t n Hoiiiiety of ¦nanala, andall In- Ha'iiton w» r. an-wen ii by ¡, llgBlfli ml -ii. BCt "f tinti np- The am | of lit Ig inn. n "-tioiip, ;» Jii.-t BOBwatclniig tin li. in h trintni foi the prevention of

brear!.f anutrallly Ifeal ain-y Mtoaaek aaexteallUibutd lb« hi Bt.meiif- of lln International p.uti,ann the gem mi diaaatiafa» tion w lil. tin old partftaj »mlHi, »ion vtiineli. ih ho Hil., rig. Illa' lb [nhill au »lci.ioti-.tra-..tim.h .u,'! t inn of ajinjiathy with Fiance an *f BfeBMhriila;Ij ii; i. lu ,katft li. tin .¡unp lind in the elie-. It

would not by any in« ¡in- t'» »t:..iv< if Belgiuatkoublilli Ut Hil Hepulilli anti In.,ki al ,. niilii -i n in

liiiil of ai,i,i lattM BB rritliet

i> inn i art- <u 111m

Rob i. pi. ti,, ». luiifti.t'tn tai ¡t- J.i I;,i'. i, , m Hi tia .uni iii.iy i- batter hao«a to yealrendan TM fafearaattonnl port] Ikereiaeeeapa ..

g ..lil! Ilttli OIp.UiUi i!, nul ihe Mc tint t nf tL.¦ popu¬la 1 Buaana ia raaaiag tai Ikelj dm-t tmu. aadtttoenttn i>li 11 in nt ion of '111,1 1.1,ti OPjatrt .! It] wier it po] li li OBIlui ak thal. Hhaki otllht a. t .a! In i. ruinciit-. Mad I'linglui mei, and id« aa into t'u fun pi. liol, faimib. to la¬tí nat BM "it a» and tin hii| ..ort of Hu Fn m b fek puMb

lill. 1.1.' I H A li k1 -I- is 1,1 I.MAN V.

ii. i,«im.u.i. Aimtiiii. ¡uni iwttatrtonri IM IntatnavBait) '¦'¦ aal Fi'.iui. du .iriition of keel

aaanluioualypnMaatod agalaattni wai Mttkej bare,.u tin -¡.m. rim», acknowledged thal m tat pat of UmUara naataai u wa» juatlfalik In aolf-deteaaa,whtrh,iinvtc'i- ni-i:i'no- be enitted futtket thai eel dwould tit nu mi Altai itn- m : of feedoB and tMd eloratim. of 'be Ft. i'b K. publ'. ti,. :i BOttttOB Wl allmd.Tin coi,ti,un'mi ' th. Bar M the par! of tl.e PmariMh\i r «lui ¡. I» lay pi oat ral. ami h. !pl. »n at binft et wan fat li.« itl. iii pie»atfetd» ami (hi pian of di at my npth. Bag it '.i .»i.u ii« in', m-* mu', part) afPknnei InfektIBU rent i-f ib Hpnt.-ti w..t .1» noiiin t d Til«- tu -< <|'ii in i

win ii mu. i*-i ot ¡.riiHit of proatiarnl lafearaatloaaltpoketm. i. ii. Ilruiitwitk Vn-niiu. hin', elm v, I,« pa, foi

lovidbyth. ni.punto mi nt of ti,cn ebialed Ja« c1 y of

K'uiip-bt rg Thai far Btaaaareb km arerjrtkiag fell« «ii wit), am! the Ii.lei . na! linn ii. mu ih

i,... m: .lowi nu, pi,.iitiv bj n.» ratnhUaked paittitbI ,i n,mi.- n, ni mu. n o'-i. no tu ai ¡.ii Inn «¦ 1 » »n pa¬tiently Inline by li* (.»in,.u iiatim bul wh» nine war

than ia ¡onpei n« pin iii. I'M b.i'i h m ii pro-pi tn ofun i eta «hi. Um BBertfeVe* evaUnar, tue ritnatioawll]in ii!'iiii:.k'< Um etoaifiiai aiaaj urban abroad, taaraw11 at n. » tatdaagjri fe panak i aira la uim:,.»

Tin ¡ne wa ling foi Hu nu v i.t i, if» ahal. Mcup.ige n. Tai key. Hie ih, u I« un Idad between theKu-tifc!. ami Aiiatruu. .ni'c n t> ¡.ml ».i nut. i inth» fe» 1

uif of tli» «orlriiig-. iH«t.H Um u Bgnknaj t! e»1y aaty andUm ruling «ratant!, that n aarceaaTul rerolatlaa ih loi at

| improtialile, which in.tin pi« an . lettrb al »ho, k to

all of Nmih» ni lieruii in Ii anok a ia»» >wli/mbud Ithuh lo «nppoi t the !<. p', i ¡um :n HiHtla, aa

¦eaaaathi ¡'riu».» ban tel oat fo fvrkej .tin -.

dorpdlaaaUafattatB aaaoagtki betrayed paaaoottyaadfb» coii-pir.iy of tin warklagnMrti f tu« rtttea ni» iiieui-i ,.t h ft it.Intkert,Um luUiuaiiomu i*m.althoughaimereiyue-

amma of keeping the iKio < fm minn ita.a l" muir. l.a»«

baan M uii««rri»iit»l.u provoked and ui*torl>ed cui.^winn-, that it m mt luiprolabl« that tM) ".ay ." »f»;aefeaae, adraaee at an tcrientut awveaaeat. *r l""'

ahould iiapis-ii they will he nore earrie«! a*»M *IJfirevolutionary inatlnrt of Hu BBMtaa fefeaa afnarrn«til.

* "

|| Atwjtta.topi. ha aft« '


THE irvnai. li tii.hvy-an imp« -is mit-TAKV AM) ( IV I« PASI AM.n;i RBCKPTIOMOP mi KI MAIN«.TIIK IHik 1> I'.N-sT'iIIM

lill: PRRSIDKhTT IMD UNITED RT.ITM *M>«ill 0PPIC1AU IT.»-J M 550,000 -t-i.» ..-

T» Its.TIlK CKPJtMOXISa Ai lui loin',Bl gjfgfl AM» IMMII.S I-.

.. . Kaiiagrut followed Lincoln. Si.inti.n,Tlioma«, Rawllmi, and the other baree* af Um aaUaa'acalendar who hate departed, the gn at 1 cart of (he i* a

pie wm atorad te make si me Bttlag deatonatratMn ofMap et for hi- mi ni».iy. Tollu |'< pli of IBM unir, j-li-, of win- li A'ln ¡rai Farr.igut had bCCMund whose prosperity deiiot-» «o gran«!'] ilu ger.cralpaw e and nourishing condition of that I i-f and In J"-: J. o'liiiionwi alth who li to, B ¡Ih others like I. in-. If. ..¦

largely al«li-»l in pre«» rtlng, ¡.»- ii.,arl :'

proud prit liege of honoring l-l» remain a« onlj¡th s. au lumor the illustrious Bj ni. |h* fumial <<u

teg«-, the pal ide of Hi.- military. UM pt . mi, w.tnFu -idiMit and Cahlnet, (.»vernor nnd »tiff. Mayor amiCouncil and municipal oilier». «,,. |. il.-s au.I Bnmi n, the sii-|m n-ion of liu.-ii ». », and <lr.i| l ..

In black Of the »lately edifice« hy the »

and th»'pre«en»-e of hundred« of thou- tatet*.such wen; tin- fe.»lure« of tin- triinilo Whfoh Pa w Peckpropoacd to gue to the memory of him who I» «»«o» lal» 1In the popular mind w.lh a hi ill! mt -. of \ i,.i <

hy «ea. ami with lonir «ort u o in tin-« ni-. « f theand willi manly ami gi ueroiu lo) ulty to the»o many were di«'o>al. The pageant of yeatci it ti i

"¡ils ising, Indeed, bj spite of a ra u »toi ni. Which Blii.« i.. m. ata a_-.i)n-t :i- -'u-. eet ata

thi: kui rnoaj <«k na m iíom.Tie ri malu-", |a trtfmilu fmni Foi:- S II '.»

MO) u'.t li ( Cul« I« i.V. in al lill« li' tit. d at thi« port at an Batty ..

morning on the si« amer llrl»t<>l, tog»-th»-r with tin( oumul ti a of Arrangement* >.f the! mum mum i. »> dtie LoyalLegana.afwhlahaariatj Umtho Frisidint. liant. LayaJ] larragnt, Kb i ,B. Artflk rj,the «.on of the Admiral, with other Mi li K a. a .it'iiid. Itin niu.iiii«. A.« M UM Ii I i i !.. I

it, had arrived, the «.

Catalpa caine alongside, and tin- al BBMMtr.iii.-I. it« d to h< r di k. Tin- (utulpa, h. r ; .ii-.. , of'Tli'i-r-fr..ui tin v,\.t ti d, steam, d r pidly down the hay ¡md ni« I I hoBrooklyn. Ttopattci ¡« -< m

mitti e Will) wen- lo li nive till! Tell lilli« I !'. half f o'

( ity of Ni w-Yoik, . linn- to the side af UMBtWahtpB ,'t

ahoiit 9 o'clo» k. Ti e lu .ivy s»-a ruiiiiing r.....: it »liffl. allto transfer the casket, which, a» th. s,, nea »aiu»- up,tia«-i. non the «"tern of the < if .ilfii, Boran I with tiAmoru an Mug Tin I'oit.-moutli Navy-Yard lui. I pia..« Ia «lil'ge, while lln«e on Inaml the I it.i j. i-..I lln Heil'- i

passed over, with u.>v»Tc<l head-, 'o the di- k »if tho

Brooktj a, whi re ti.. > ni !. raei Irai by Cap! Qm at.Bl'lu-. a«k« I wat» tin n le isli-d from tin lu.'to I In- |M <!.'< kof theni.-iie. A* the bad] WMiwnagtntotbi jhiti hotin- muflied tnuaa nar* bean, b, aad Um AdaahraPa broad1» iiiiiiut (four stan on ii hine ground) »:.» hoisted at

half must amldship». Tin lin.okh ii Mu ii -'.ana «I slow ithoward the etty i the workmen lugan areetli % Um >¦

fal.|iie ; und lh. -« ., ita pa and ininti,r tug fromthe iirooklyn Nat . -^ ail lolliiw. d in line, al n wat, lu thowuk» of the fii-rate.While Um ( atnf.ii.|ui< wai iiu'iiiih./, a guard «f four

muru «¦« stood ah silt aiouinl the casket, ti B BBMM* BBds< amen of the frigate ron loutit ttOOd ni hMBJB groupupon the »pa.« hey.I. and BBM tin- woikimn wit-

. lustiii d the < o'nioiit-¦.¦ of arrangement« and a fi <*¦

¡in ata "f baa ataaj ato ttoaarytn«atop Moattaag» Iaaarhtaaaratwdrawn up iu Hue, din-etij opposite, andHie band plated »ohmu air». Tin re WM litih- couti rs.i

ti. ii, and that only in low tone», and UM -illino«» wa«onit btohaa bj baa wnahtMBj of Um MbbbbMi the pal¬tering of tin- rain upon thM «umolu d. !,, inn; (ho IhoihIi g»if Hie lninufe gun«.The cat.if ii-pie, when completed, wa« a magnificent

»trin turo It t, a« made la Ml'i"ii«, and tt i« lu,in duringiii«- pa BWga betweenU i Lovat n. > aad Um Bath«(insistid of a piBtfatBB and a ¡lal» with MM Bpttghlpeela, (Teai aw h M a hh h aaaaw^i «l ¡« «iu« rad ni an. 'ii.«

appel sa!« « io i ml It d ..ii eiitahlatui'i and in I a. u conti i

appeared Ubi MNxaaawai i>. <>. f., m atrn r, m «i atoa .

topi dod a pa of blai k »ilk ratñee, ti Unaa iarMBaBi r

fringe. Hcni-ath thi« ; ¡mlu wen nu of lila Uindi. It the 1 ¡id u ii.«- ( afafiiliiue wa» an tmcricanlag i-iitwined watt cru)«', nnd in ih»> reatara gili«--!AliK'l'ii ¡ill e.i.le; ami ii! otc all a spiel did »..ii. pt of

Bated cloth rho erection of the rata! Iqacura act coi

eluded until after the fin nklin bad pats d the «aluflnggun» af .'a «ti« William, and tt wa* therefore iii sated hwpioia le,i lyretail] ia hasaator* pnh»<otar*x, io paaeatil. i ullin Bgaa it.

Tin. «. *¦ in ran uuiitoit.

A« the frigate pa sid, \e-w-l« of mr, nationalitypina d their ensigns at half mast. A» I! .. l(n»ikl\i«¡owl. si«-., nu d up the liter the pa»»»*iig< i> tin k«-.| to tinBhteaef ttoferryboat* MrMwth* mai -' frlgati andbaa *ort tintilla, which bp Umbi bato hod bxratoy ta< lea oil.

thi i-io .m unan ni ian cur.The crane ea Bn dwny mil attot «ti alai g UM

lim-of iiiiir. h. i-i UM foicuoi.ii, pu.«.ut .! -i an ha»n.i i:«i anotheroftoga al half ma-t and maha ganara!draping of tooan Mt hta k.'.rm baan aad whtta bobblued, aa baa not been wíiu»hmi| upon ant other oeca

sum, except at UM fun» rd of IJneola wlmhhad lu .ii tin-, at. aim;, eoinm- ia d Cutting BBlti. BBXlthousand.« of people, anticipating the p»--t p.ui« luent ofUm union, i. remained artthtn Boote. All win» wer»-

out aarried antbraU**, aad UM dante orowdawho m eatha of Um rain paticiill] wailed on

tin Baronta for toora, ptnaaatod a atna rpactartaof .¡.-u ko--, r n i. ii «li ,'¦ f.. itl .: u darli ith« day, and «"lu'-tiui. « in torrent«, 'iii noting «-f

bodhM oi bnaapd and attar otgnalzatloi ithroagh Um»ne» tula fin-vari.m» posii ..i ti.em tarred tiaiu««»»' the nu it n u--«-.- who ii'¡ed tin sidewalk*, np Broad\, i. d n .n Ki mi. rath -t and abott! L'nion-atpian a|Fiiihat«-. The paaaage of dJatinguf»] - tacari L-« ir on horeetaah aaw and then anulted aahdaedii..., iu. in r.. Ideiit'api greoefroai Um PlfMtwniHotel,«down Baandwii} to the etty Hail, in it c.irilag.dr ttn it lour rplcndtd h. r«> » Which weie

p inMMM I, WM rapid, t I lieinga and, .uni, though pa i ¡ally cot, red «o i .»¦ ha >».»» aat

le ni |y «nil, In w is ogiilred truil |. I: o poiat bjtie paaph wto la .; cptanad hataappn ipplaaaiatoWOd III«- r ailinn ii.ft; o living In,-,» ni til' pre«aneaaf thedead one. Tin- PieMdintl ¦¦

lOWCdbj tl.o-e cuil.lining the UuiiiUt» ol the CalUUelau olheis of hi« -..

A« curly as s oY ..ok in the uiornltig great rrewfjgaiI la awl ar nu i UM Cttp Hail, whirl .¦.¦«:¦

arañadla Mach, and thtakly hm.g w m. I ax. Ti.«- .i «

tlagnlahed Incited aaahled la i Oarxxwav^Kool,!, to moot tin ( ..inn.mi (cum ii, pr< ,< .latory to talclu g pin« ¦«-. iu th»- line of the pn»« »st.ui. ItoodhaBM Mth«'«nut «ml nat y and ju, innu lit it;.- at b gan to a*-

scmh.o al the (ity Hall iii the Goveruoi'a and otbeln. iu« iicc»«sil le. a little after 9, and for eenie

time were occupied In f i lendly gn etina*. A little t» foreII o', lock, the Chathill li Council and the gm »t» left th«>

Hull, anil proceded lo the foot ( f (anal »t. I" the «ev

«ia: bB*WnM «>f the .ty and county govern .cat hiu*ne s wa« of nui «. el tuely *u»p4'U<led.

lill l-l HAKKlTlii».At 11 ocloek the fi.ii» ral reactied a B*BBÍ «'PI- UM BW

laOtef V. «tr\ -i und «..wit the Brook!; n Wen mound

Wi.'iitN lu. bad ru. alongside. Hie ant I waai;Heii.and «in- «f the most banxxxxtM eereiiioui«* cter wil¬

li.-, ed lu thi« hnrhl r t.» k pla« «.. At th« word of th« m

.i r Bf UM day UM Bl MM aa* kly rau aloft, -nd aa the

h, m. is. nu:; ti.« athol to Um rhfa, Um Mthwa maune-i

the twJdB «ml MOOd .liimovu'.lc. Tue tliuiu« beal, ti.«

band Played ¦ mmmm dtapa, and the aimaallti o ..f .-t*oi t w.tii u.arad haaxH adata the .«mu Matanraanj..tor n.»- «-el. t tta ataioJ the Oaaahnv ItaMrbbj«toi n. of .ali«, meantime, w». at ta bight.¦toBMitaeaandbaad' 1 ¦"" taBBxahatad to the

polite boat and the ioniiultt»v» of Air.ingemnit»

hit'rigenib.irkcdon the ''atalpa, the tall i »tait.»! foi

the «bon- Minute gua- VOM th« u ttred from the Brook

lui and the pennant «f Admiral rarragiif. whl» h had

P. eil taken from ti., f: ln.t.-, wa» hul.-l.-d at the bow >.{

itatag. ** "? ""' '*k ,b" ,UK" Ummu^*MpBtaB>,n|K»u which w.-ii- drawn up the marine« who were hpfn*««Um firing parly, the ..flier« of the I^jul Uai-ii, the

remainder t»f the t ..miiiltt»«« of Arruugt-m» nt>. and the

»lllci r» «ml »allora who had tv rved with Admiral Parra

gut durliig the war.

The vcnnaiit of Adnilial Farrngut wa« th«n drapedlitioiit the ca-»kel, when the lio<ly waa carne I on »horeau«! place.1 on the bier in charge of the l>ear ra. The ultierr« of the Brooklyu, the t'ommltte« of Arrnug meat»,and the mourner» f»~'k the placet PXatgB hhajB theniinutc gua* ol lb« Urvoknu booming meauwaii*. whan


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