teaching kids how to program

Post on 01-Dec-2014






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So your kid is interested in technology, programming, robotics ?


Devoxx4Kids: So your Kid is interested in

Programming, Robotics, Engineering ?

Arun Gupta, @arungupta Director, Developer Advocacy, Red Hat

Scratch§ Features

- Visual 2D programming - Drag and drop blocks - 6m+ projects published on scratch.mit.edu - Age 5-15

§ Teaching concepts - Sequence - Iteration - Conditional logic - Variables - Data structures - Events handling - Parallel execution - Synchronization - Random numbers - Dynamic interaction - User interface design


Scratch: Attack of the minions


Alice§ Features

- Visual 3D programming - Story telling with code - Targeted at middle school girls - www.aliceprogramming.net - Age 10-15

§ Teaching concepts - OO concepts - 3D objects - Create stories - Comes with IDE, no syntax to remember - Java underneath - Camera/world navigation

Greenfoot§ Features

- Type, compile, run, debug - Interaction with Java classes - Joy of Code: http://blogs.kent.ac.uk/mik/

category/joy-of-code/ - Greenroom, Greenfoot Hub - http://greenfoot.org - Age 10-15

§ Teaching concepts - All Scratch concepts - Parameters passing - Return values - Recursion - Classes, instances - Methods - Inheritance - Input - 2D gaming and simulation - All Java features available


BlueJ§ Features

- Java IDE - Object-orientation - Textbook, teacher support - Extensions - http://bluej.org - Age 12-18

§ Teaching concepts - Integrated IDE - Graphical class structure display - Graphical and textual editing - Built-in editor, compiler, debugger - Interactive object creation - Testing

LEGO Mindstorms§ Features

- LEGO on steroids - Programmable robots - Software and hardware - Pack: NXT or EV3

- Brick - Sensors - Connection cables - USB interface - GUI to create/download programs

- Age 8-15

§ Teaching concepts - All Scratch concepts - Robots are also computers - Sensor and event handling - Compensation process

Arduino§ Features

- Single-board micro controller - Designed for hobbyists, students,

professionals - Interact using sensors and actuators - Comes with IDE - Write programs using C or C++ - Age 10-15

§ Teaching concepts - Ohm’s Law - Breadboard - Basic circuitry - Sensor handling - Connection with other devices - C and C++


Minecraft Modding§ Features

- Break and place blocks in a 3D environment - http://minecraft.net - http://minecraftedu.com - Age 8-15

§ Teaching concepts - Java fundamentals - Class, methods, variables - Compiling, running, debugging - Eclipse, NetBeans - Maven

Minecraft Modding Tutorial


120 workshops

~30% girls>2k kids

236 volunteers

You can do it, we can help!

Kids can do it, D4K can help!




What can you do ?§ Open a local chapter § Host an event § Become an instructor/volunteer § Spread the word § Create a workshop § Sponsorship: $$, swag, hardware, …

- Devoxx4Kids USA is NPO and 501(c)(3) - http://www.devoxx4kids.org/usa/donate/

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give

Winston Churchil

The best way to predict future is to create it

Alan Kay

Resources§ devoxx4kids.org § USA: http://www.devoxx4kids.org/usa/ § San Francisco Bay Area: http://www.meetup.com/Devoxx4Kids-BayArea/ § Open a new chapter: http://www.devoxx4kids.org/join-us/ § Parleys channel: http://www.parleys.com/channel/51b6ea81e4b0065193d63047

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