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Team Building and Team Work


Team Building and Teamwork

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

“It's possible to achieve almost anything as long as you are not worried about who gets the credit.”

~ Harry S. Truman

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

"We are going to build a team". Replace the word "team" with the word "house" – or any other noun that can be built and will take more than just a few minutes – and most sensible people will want to adopt a structured approach. The same goes for successful team building.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

What is a Team?A Team comprises a group of people linked in a common purpose. Teams are especially appropriate for conducting tasks that are high in complexity and have many interdependent subtasks. Here are some terms that are often used to describe 'a team'. Which ones do you think define what a team is?

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

A group of people Synergy Having one aimWhole > Sum Co-operation Flexibility

Working together Reporting to one boss Serving one customer

Some of these terms are features of good teams. For example, 'whole > sum' is a feature of a team that is working well together - but there are some teams whose collective performance falls short of what you might expect given the quality of individuals.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

The term 'reporting to one boss' can be a misleading one. In a well-designed organisational structure, people reporting to one boss do often form a team. But reporting lines are frequently designed within the constraints of grading structures.  In reality, team structures are often complicated, and people can be members of several teams, because a team is a group of people working together towards a common goal. 

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

Team Vs. Group

Team vs. Group A group consists of any number of people

who interact with one another, are psychologically aware of one another, and think of themselves as a group.

A team is a group whose members influence one another toward the accomplishment of an organizational objective(s).

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

A group in itself does not necessarily constitute a team. Teams normally have members with complementary skills and generate synergy through a coordinated effort which allows each member to maximise his/her strengths and minimise his/her weaknesses. Team members need to learn how to help one another, help other team members realize their true potential, and create an environment that allows everyone to go beyond their limitations.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

Not all groups in organizations are teams, but all teams are groups. The difference between a team and a group is that a team is interdependent for overall performance. A group qualifies as a team only if its members focus on helping one another to accomplish organizational objectives. In today's quickly changing business environment, teams have emerged as a requirement for business success. Therefore you should constantly try to help groups become teams and facilitate the evolution of groups into teams.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

From Groups to Teams

Groups develop into teams in four stages. The four stages are: dependency and inclusion, counter dependency and fighting, trust and structure, and work. In the first stage, group development is characterized by members' dependency on the designated leader. In the second stage, the group seeks to free itself from its dependence on the leader and groups have conflicts about goals and procedures. In the third stage, the group manages to work through the conflicts. And in the last stage, groups focus on team productivity.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

Teamwork is an action performed by a team towards a common goal. A team consists of more than one person, each of whom typically has different responsibilities. A team also includes seven common elements: 1. common purpose; 2. interdependence; 3. clear roles and contributions; 4. satisfaction from mutual working; 5. mutual and individual accountability; 6. realization of synergies; and 7. empowerment.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

Team Size, Composition, and Formation

Team size and composition affect the team processes and outcomes. The optimal size (and composition) of teams is debated and will vary depending on the task at hand. At least one study of problem-solving in groups showed an optimal size of groups at four members. Other works estimate the optimal size between 5-12 members. Research shows that he optimum team size is 8 roles plus a specialist as needed. Fewer than 5 members results in decreased perspectives and diminished creativity. Membership in excess of 12 results in increased conflict and greater potential of sub-groups forming.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

David Cooperrider suggests that the larger the group, the better. This is because a larger group is able to address concerns of the whole system. So while a large team may be ineffective at performing a given task, Cooperider says that the relevance of that task should be considered, because determining whether the team is effective first requires identifying what needs to be accomplished. Regarding composition, all teams will have an element of homogeneity and heterogeneity. The more homogeneous the group, the more cohesive it will be. The more heterogeneous the group, the greater the differences in perspective and increased potential for creativity, but also the greater potential for conflict. Team members normally have different roles, like team leader and agents. Large teams can divide into sub-teams according to need. Many teams go through a life-cycle of stagessuch as: forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

Types of teamsIndependent and interdependent teamsA Rugby Team – Football Team – Cricket Team – Hockey Team – Relay race Team Interdependent team:No significant task can be accomplished without the help and cooperation of any of the members.Within the team members typically specialize in different tasks (running the ball, goal kicking & scrum feeding).

The success of every individual is inextricably bound to the success of the whole team. No rugby player, no matter how talented, has ever won a game by playing alone.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

Independent team:Chess – Carom – Badminton Matches are played and won, or points are scored, by individuals or partners.Every person performs basically the same actions.How one player performs has no direct effect on the performance of the next player.  Self-managed teamsNormally, a manager acts as the team leader and is responsible for defining the goals, methods, and functioning of the team. However, inter-dependencies and conflicts between different parts of an organisation may not be best addressed by hierarchical models of control. Self-managed teams use clear boundaries to create the freedom and responsibility to accomplish tasks in an efficient manner.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

The main idea of the self-managed team is that the leader does not operate with positional authority. In a traditional management role, the manager is responsible for providing instruction, conducting communication, developing plans, giving orders, and disciplining and rewarding employees, and making decisions by virtue of his or her position. In the new age organisational model, the manager delegates specific responsibility and decision-making authority to the team itself, in the hope that the group will make better decisions than any individual. Neither a manager nor the team leader makes independent decisions in the delegated responsibility area. Decisions are typically made by consensus in successful self-managed teams. The team as a whole is accountable for the outcome of its decisions and actions.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

Self-managed teams operate in many organisations to manage complex projects involving research, design, process improvement, and even systemic issue resolution.  Self-managed teams may be interdependent or independent. Of course, merely calling a group of people a self-managed team does not make them either a team or self-managed. As a self-managed team develops successfully, more and more areas of responsibility can be delegated, and the team members can come to rely on each other in a meaningful way.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

In self-managed teams it is vital that the manager sets expectations for his/her employees. Expectations allow individuals to understand the manager’s evaluation process in addition to holding employees accountable to certain tasks. If it becomes routine that an employee’s tasks are unfulfilled, the manager should replace that individual immediately.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

Project teamsA team used only for a defined period of time and for a separate, concretely definable purpose, often becomes known as a project team. Managers commonly label groups of people as a "team" based on having a common function. Members of these teams might belong to different groups, but receive assignment to activities for the same project, thereby allowing outsiders to view them as a single unit. In this way, setting up a team allegedly facilitates the creation, tracking and assignment of a group of people based on the project in hand. The use of the "team" label in this instance often has no relationship to whether the employees are working as a team.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

Sports teamsA sports team is a group of people which play a sport together. Members include all players (even those who are waiting their turn to play) as well as support members such as a team manager or coach. Virtual teamsDevelopments in communications technologies have seen the emergence of the virtual work team. A virtual team is a group of people who work interdependently and with shared purpose across space, time, and organisation boundaries using technology to communicate and collaborate. Virtual team members can be located across a country or across the world, rarely meet face-to-face, and include members from different cultures.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Teams

Teams, such as in medical fields, may be interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary. Multidisciplinary teams involve several professionals who independently treat various issues a patient may have, focusing on the issues in which they specialise. The problems that are being treated may or may not relate to other issues being addressed by individual team members. Interdisciplinary team approach involves all members of the team working together towards the same goal. In an interdisciplinary team approach, there can often be role blending by members of the core team, who may take on tasks usually filled by other team members.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

Teamwork Activities

A challenge for leaders of groups of people, such as in a work department, is to get everyone to pull together and function as a team instead of going in separate directions. One way to foster teamwork is to engage the members in activities that require them to work together. Activities can be physical in nature or require the use of team brain power to solve a problem. Fun activities such as sports or games can allow the team members to relax and enjoy working with one another.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

Social Activities: Part of the challenge of developing teamwork is to get team members to become comfortable with each other. Informal social activities allow the team members to relax and have fun while developing the rapport necessary to function as a unit. Examples of social activities include team sports such as volleyball or bowling or a group picnic, where everyone is responsible for a task such as bringing food or planning a game. Charitable Endeavours: Working together for a charitable cause builds teamwork and gives the participants a good feeling from working together. An example of a team charitable activity is planning and organizing an event like a walk or run to raise money or a bake sale that promotes a cause.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

Workplace Activities: Because teamwork is important to a productive and healthy work environment, teamwork activities should be a part of the workplace. Possible activities include job swapping, where workers swap jobs with each other to develop empathy. It also requires workers to help each other to learn the jobs. Another idea is to start a team newsletter that provides the latest information on activities and accomplishments of the team members. Projects: Projects require that team members work together to achieve a common goal. Projects can involve activities like putting puzzles together or cleaning up or rebuilding a property. Projects typically involve assigning each team member a specific task that he is responsible for completing, which helps to develop trust within the team.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

Outdoor Activities: If members of the team are relatively fit, outdoor activities are a way for the team to get away from the "normal" environment. Activities such as camping, hiking, mountain biking or white-water rafting allow the team members to relax while enjoying the fresh air, and the sense of being "away from it all" can lead to bonding within the team.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

Advantages and Disadvantages of Teams

Advantages• Increase in information sharing amongst team members• Create better decisions, products/services• Increase employee motivation/engagement Disadvantages•Some individuals are faster/better on certain tasks•Process losses-based on the cost of developing and maintaining teams•Social loafing-referring to the act of an individual doing less work because they are in a team environment, then what they would normally do if they were working individually.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

Team Building

Team building is pursued via a variety of practices, and can range from simple bonding exercises to complex simulations and multi-day team building retreats designed to develop a team (including group assessment and group-dynamic games), usually falling somewhere in between.

It generally sits within the theory and practice of organizational development, but can also be applied to sports teams, school groups, and other contexts. Team building is not to be confused with "team recreation" that consists of activities for teams that are strictly recreational. Team building is an important factor in any environment, its focus is to specialize in bringing out the best in a team to ensure self development, positive communication, leadership skills and the ability to work closely together as a team to problem solve.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

Reasons for Team Building•Improving communication and relationships•Making the workplace more enjoyable•Motivating a team•Boosting morale•Getting to know each other•Getting everyone "onto the same page", including goal setting•Teaching the team self-regulation strategies•Helping participants to learn more about themselves (strengths and weaknesses)•Identifying and utilizing the strengths of team members•Improving team productivity•Identifying and developing leadership skills•Practicing effective collaboration with team members

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

Models of Team Behaviour

Team building generally sits within the theory and practice of organizational development. The related field of team management refers to techniques, processes and tools for organizing and coordinating a team towards a common goal - as well as the inhibitors to teamwork and ways to remove, mitigate or overcome them.

Several well-known approaches to team management have come out of academic work.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

• The forming-storming-norming-performing model posits four stages of new team development to reach high performance. Some team activities are designed to speed up (or improve) this process in the safe team development environment.• Team Types can be assessed to gain insight into an individual's natural behavioural tendencies in a team context, and can be used to create and develop better functioning teams. • Team Sociomapping is a visual approach to team process and structure modelling. This model is based on social networks approach and improves the team performance by improvement of specific cooperation ties between the people.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

How to Build Highly Effective Teams

Often, teams are formed merely by gathering some people together and then hoping that those people somehow find a way to work together. Teams are most effective when carefully designed. To design, develop and support a highly effective team, use the following guidelines:

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

1. Set Clear Goals for the Results to be Produced by The Team. The goals should be designed to be “SMART.”SpecificMeasurableAchievableRelevant and Time-bound.

As much as possible, include input from other members of the organization when designing and wording these goals. Goals might be, for example, “to produce a project report that includes a project plan, schedule and budget to develop and test a complete employee performance management system within the next year.” Write these goals down for eventual communication to and discussion with all team members.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

2. Set Clear Objectives for Measuring the Ongoing Effectiveness of the Team.

The objectives, that together achieve the overall goals, should also be designed to be “SMART.” Objectives might be, for example, to a) to produce a draft of a project report during the first four weeks of team activities, and b) achieve Board-approval of the proposed performance management system during the next four weeks. Also, write these objectives down for eventual communication to and discussion with all team members.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

3. Define a mechanism for clear and consistent communications among team members.

New leaders often assume that all group members know what the leaders know. Consistent communication is the most important trait of a successful group. Without communication, none of the other traits can occur. Successful groups even over-communicate, such that:

All members regularly receive and understand similar information about the group, for example, about the group’s purpose, membership, status and accomplishments.

These communications might be delivered through regular newsletters, status reports, meetings, emails and collaboration tools.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

4. Define a Procedure for Members to Make Decisions and Solve Problems.

Successful groups regularly encounter situations where they must make decisions and solve problems in a highly effective manner. Too often, the group resorts to extended discussion until members become tired and frustrated and eventually just opt for any action at all, or they count on the same person who seems to voice the strongest opinions. Instead, successful groups:

Document a procedure whereby the group can make decisions and ensure that all members are aware of the procedure.

The procedure might specify that decisions are made, first by aiming for consensus within a certain time frame and if consensus is not achieved, then the group resorts to a majority vote.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

5. Develop Staffing Procedures (Recruiting, Training, Organizing, Replacing)

Too often, group members are asked to join the group and somehow to “chip in.” Unfortunately, that approach creates “chips,” rather than valuable group members. Instead, if group members go through a somewhat organized, systematic process, then new members often believe that the group is well organized and that their role is very valuable in the group. Successful groups:

Identify what roles and expertise are needed on the group in order to achieve the group’s purpose and plans – they staff according to plans, not personalities.

New group members go through a systematic process to join the group – they understand the group’s purpose, their role, their next steps and where to get help.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

6. Determine the Membership of the Group

Consider the extent of expertise needed to achieve the goals, including areas of knowledge and skills. Include at least one person who has skills in facilitation and meeting management. Attempt to include sufficient diversity of values and perspectives to ensure robust ideas and discussion. A critical consideration is availability – members should have the time to attend every meeting and perform required tasks between meetings.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

7. Determine Time Frames for Starting and Terminating the Team, If Applicable

Now consider the expertise needed to achieve the goals of the team, and how long it might take to recruit and organize those resources. Write these times down for eventual communication to and discussion with all team members. 8. Determine the Membership of the Team

What expertise might the team need to achieve the goals of the group? For example, an official authority to gather and allocate resources, or an expert in a certain technology. Always consider if the members will have the time and energy to actively participate in the team.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

9. Assign the Role of Leader – to Ensure Systems and Practices are Followed

The leader focuses on the systems and practices in the team, not on personalities of its members. For example, the leader makes sure that all team members: a) are successfully staffed, b) understand the purpose of the group and their role in it, c) are active toward meeting that purpose and role, and d) utilize procedures for making decisions and solving problems. (Note that the leader does not always have to be a strong, charismatic personality – while that type of personality can often be very successful at developing teams, it often can create passivity or frustration in other members over time, thereby crippling the group.)

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

10. Assign role of communicator – communication is the life’s blood of teams!Communication is the most important trait of a successful team. It cannot be left to chance. Someone should be designated to ensure that all members receive regular communications about purpose, membership, roles and status. Communications should also be with people outside the team, especially those who make decisions or determine if the team is successful or not.  11. Identify needs for resources (training, materials, supplies, etc.)Start from analysis of the purpose and goals. What is needed to achieve them? For example, members might benefit from a training that provides a brief overview of the typical stages of team development and includes packets of materials about the team’s goals, structure and process to make decisions. Consider costs, such as trainers, consultants, room rental and office supplies. How will those funds be obtained and maintained?

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

12. Identify the Costs to Provide Necessary Resources for the TeamConsider costs, such as paying employees to attend the meeting, trainers, consultants, room rental and office supplies. Develop a budget that itemizes the costs associated with obtaining and supporting each of the resources. Get management approval of the budget. 

13. Contact each Team MemberBefore the first meeting, invite each potential team member to be a part of the team. First, send him or her a memo, and then meet with each person individually. Communicate the goals of the project, why the person was selected, the benefit of the goals to the organization, the time frame for the team effort, and who will lead the team (at least initially). Invite the team member to the first meeting.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

14. Early on, plan team building activities to support trust and working relationshipsTeam building activities can include, for example, a retreat in which members introduce themselves, exercises in which members help each other solve a short problem or meet a specific and achievable goal, or an extended period in which members can voice their concerns and frustrations about their team assignments.  15. Carefully plan the first team meetingIn the first meeting, review the goals of the team, why each member was selected, the benefit of the goals to the organization, the time frame for the team effort, who will lead the team (at least, initially), when the team might meet and where, and any changes that have occurred since the individual meetings. Have this information written down to hand out to each member. At the end of the meeting, ask each person to make a public commitment to the team effort.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

16. Regularly monitor and report on status of team members toward achieving the goal

It is amazing how often a team starts out with a carefully designed plan, but then abandons the plan once the initial implementation of the plan is underway. Sometimes if the plan is behind schedule, team members conclude that the project is not successful. Plans can change – just change them systematically with new dates and approval of the changes.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

17. Support team meetings and the members’ processes in the team

At this point, it is critical that supervisors of team members remain available to provide support and resources as needed. The supervisor should regularly monitor team members’ progress on achieving their goals. Provide ongoing encouragement and visibility to members. One of the most important forms of support a supervisor can provide is coordination with other supervisors to ensure that team members are freed up enough to attend meetings.  18. Regularly celebrate team members’ accomplishments!

One of the best ways to avoid burnout is to regularly celebrate accomplishments. Otherwise, members can feel as if they are on treadmill that has no end. Keep your eye on small and recurring successes, not just the gold at the end of the rainbow.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

Team Work

Start with Your Ability to RelateEvery possibility, from landing the contract to the romantic evening hinges on your ability to relate. But neither profit nor pleasure are the primary motivation for teamwork. Productive teamwork moves you toward challenge, through change, with more confidence. Working well on any team generates energy and enthusiasm for life.

Some are More Skilled than OthersThis ability is learned. You do not need complex interaction formulas. You don't have to be easy-going, well-educated, hard-nosed, or even especially intelligent to build a team. You don't have to be anything other than yourself. You can be effective with people using common sense and a few fundamental principles.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

1. Vision

Vision means being able to excite the team with large, desired outcomes.

The first step in vision is to project such a goal. This goal must be bigger than a pay check. It must contain challenge, appeal to personal pride, and provide an opportunity to make a difference and know it. Then the goal can become a powerful vision.

2. Commitment

Commitment means your ability to enhance team productivity. When expectations are defined, success rates soar. When leaders assume that everyone "should" be committed, as a matter of course, we overlook the difficulties many have with certain commitments.

The solution to this set of problems is two fold: establish an atmosphere of trust, and within that atmosphere encourage inclusion.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

3. Trust

Trust is the antidote to the fears and risks attendant to meaningful commitment. Trust means confidence in team leadership and vision. When trust prevails, team members are more willing to go through a difficult process, supported through ups, downs, risk and potential loss.

Trust is most efficiently established when leadership commits to vision first, and everyone knows those commitments are genuine. The process for leaders to commit is the same as for everyone else: assess pre-commitment doubts, questions, unknowns and fears.

4. Inclusion

Inclusion means getting others to commit to the team effort, helping others through their "diving board doubts" to genuine commitment. Since leaders now understand this process first hand, we need only communicate with the potential team members to complete inclusion.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

5. Help Exchange

The final step in fostering teamwork is to establish a corroborative, balanced strategy for reaching the committed vision. This plan will consist of all of the tasks and help exchange necessary to realize the overall vision. Your teammates themselves are in the best position to supply this information. Since by this time you have laid the groundwork for trust, and established good buy-in, your teammates are likely to be enthusiastically cooperative.

Effective teams often produce lively discussions of divergent viewpoints before reaching consensus. Diverse views can mean unresolved argument, or they can mean increased team intelligence and ultimate consensus. The difference is a well built team. To improve the effectiveness of your team, Learning Center offers customized teamwork training.

Team Building and Team Work

Igniting Minds... Energizing Lives…

Haldia Refinery

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