ted evaluation slideshow 2

Post on 28-Nov-2014



Entertainment & Humor



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TED Evaluation SlideshowBy: Nathan “Shane” Cohran

Don Tapscott: Four Principles for the open World

Don Tapscott is the chair of Maxie Insight and has written 14 books about aspects of the new world. Don takes a look at our digital connected hypercollaborative world. Don can see the future coming and he works to identify the new concepts that we need to understand in a world that is transformed by the internet. Don is one of the world’s leading authorities on innovation, media, and the economy and social impact of technology.

Don’s Quote:

“To me this is not an information age. It’s an age of networked intelligence, it’s an age of vast promise.”


Four principles for the open world, and how technology is taking over the industrial world.

Don captured the attention of the audience by adding humor to a personal story he was telling. He also captured it by relating his speech to a topic that the vast majority of today’s population is captivated by: Technology through computers, internet and social media.

Don maintained the attention of the audience throughout his speech by his motivational speaking on the openess of the world through new technology of industrial social media. Don also used videos showing how technology was captivating the internet and the young people of today’s society, along with a little humor.

Don followed the majority of the

commandments in his speech and

presentation. But, I think he

most accurately followed II, VI, &


The reason that I chose these commandments is because he

wasn’t afraid to share his insight into how the world is transferred by the internet. He has a great dream of how technology will revolutionize

this new world, he see’s into the future. He never flaunted anything about himself or his company, and he never tried to sell anything from

the stage.

On the dynamism scale I give Don Tapscott a:


He could have related more to the audience through humor and personal stories. Humor would have kept the audience more alert interested.

Some of the tips that were used from Garr Reynolds and Nancy Duarte was the use of visuals to capture the audiences attention, and the art of storytelling.

What I learned:

What I have learned about delivery from watching Don is that you have to capture and keep the audiences attention.

You have to prepare your presentation to be appealing

and interesting to the audience.

Remember to relate to your audience. You can do this by

using humor and telling stories of personal

experiences. Get them involved in your presentation

as much as possible.


Don Tapscott and Sir Ken Robinson differ greatly on their speaking style. Don uses more factual

information than Ken does. He also dosen’t have the same technique to keep the audience

engaged and entertained.

Sir Ken Robinson has a special way of connecting to his audience. He keeps

their attention through humor. He uses real life experiences through stories to

keep them laughing, this puts the audience on a closer personal level with


Tips for Delivery of Future Presentations

Involvement – Get the audience involved in your presentation.

Relate – Always relate to your audience through storytelling and personal experiences.

Knowledge – Show a clear and thorough knowledge of the topic.

Humor – Use humor to keep the audience interested and alert.

Visual – Use interesting and colorful visuals on your topic.

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to entertain you

with my slideshow. I hope you enjoyed it and I look forward to

viewing your slideshow and offering my feedback. Please

feel free to leave your feedback of mine.

Nathan “Shane” Cohran

Image Sources





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