teen cybersafety & database resources

Post on 29-Oct-2014






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Teen Cybersafety presentation; includes LOJ databases




Teen CyberSafety & Technology Resources

Beginning Activity

Start in the middle of the room. As I read each statement, come forward if you agree, move back if you don’t, or stay in the middle if you are neutral.

1. I love learning to use a new electronic device or computer program

2. Technology makes my life better

3. I talk with my student regularly about online safety

Beginning Activity

Start in the middle of the room. As I read each statement, come forward if you agree, move back if you don’t, or stay in the middle if you are neutral.

4. I mostly know what my student is doing online – what social networking sites they use, for example

5. I am able to help my student find reliable information online for school assignments

6. I know what information resources are available through the school district for free

What Worries You?

With a partner, take about 3 minutes to put this list in order. The issue that worries you the MOST goes first, the LEAST last.

Cyberbullying (peer harassment online or using cell phones) Sexting (sending explicit messages or pictures) Physical safety (abduction/meeting strangers in person) Online harassment/solicitation by strangers Viewing violent, sexual, or otherwise inappropriate materials Identity theft/stolen financial information Reputation/online profiles (negative information about student ) Computer viruses Other?

Statistics: Technology Use

93% of teens (12-17) go online.

75% of teens (12-17) have cell phones.

On average, texting teens (12-17) send and receive 1500 text messages a month.

73% of teens (12-17) have profiles on social networking sites.

• Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2007


32% of online teens have experienced one of the following forms of online harassment: 15% of teens reported having private material (IM,

txt, email) forwarded without permission 13% had received threatening messages 13% said someone had spread a rumor about them

online 6% had someone post an embarrassing picture of

them online without permission

26% of teens have been harassed via their cell phones either by voice or text

Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2007


4% of cell-owning teens (12-17) say that they have sent sexually suggestive nude/semi-nude messages. 15% have received them from someone they know.

1 in 25 youths received an online sexual solicitation where the solicitor tried to make offline contact.

Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2007


Talk with a partner for about 3 minutes:

Who is responsible for teaching about cybersafety? Schools, parents, both?

What would work best for your student?What do you need to know to help your child

stay safe online?

Share ideas with the group!

What Probably Won’t Work. . . .

Overreacting/teaching students to fear the Internet

Cutting off all online access

Depending on Internet filters to keep students safe

What Will Work

Teach appropriate use throughout curriculum and at home

Encourage student to report harassment/bullying/other problems to parents and teachers

Address bullying in general – 67% of teens think bullying happens more often offline

Have frequent conversations – about news reports, incidents at school, etc.

What else?

Remind Students. . .

If anyone online makes you feel uncomfortable, tell an adult immediately

Anything you send or post can be reposted publicly, and you may not be able to remove it – could even impact college & future employment

Never share passwords, even with close friends

Never give out or post your full name, address, school, financial data, or any other sensitive personal information

Great Online Resources – Free!

Shifting gears. . .

Image Attibution: http://www.flickr.com/photos/will-lion/2595497078/sizes/z/in/photostream/

Don’t Believe Everything You Read

Activity: What Sources Do You Trust?

Take about 2 minutes to discuss with a partner:

What websites do you consider reliable?What websites do you think might be unreliable?How do you help your student tell the difference?

Share your thoughts!

Activity: Evaluating Information

What do you think of these sites?Thumbs up, down or sideways:

Wikipedia CNN

Yahoo Answers Gale PowerSearch

The New York Times Printed book

The World Book Encyclopedia Personal website

Tell students:

• Don’t believe everything you read. Use critical thinking skills

• Compare many sources

• Always cite your sources (Easybib.com, Citation Machine, etc.)

• “Google” is how, not where, you found it

Image Attribution: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikeeperez/2453225588/

District Databases – Junior High

Access to newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias, test prep, Spanish language, Opposing Viewpoints and more

School pays for access – databases have information you can’t get free on the web

They are edited/fact checked, so often more reliable than websites

Usually include formatted citation, so you can add it to your Works Cited list

District Databases – Junior High

CulturegramsWorld BookGrolierSIRS ResearcherNovelistGale PowerSearch (includes test prep, Opposing Viewpoints,

Spanish, Health & Wellness, and much more)

Home access – School website, the Library Home Page, then enter login/password

Take a bookmark today or ask the Library Technology Assistant for passwords

Public Library Databases

Also From the Public Library. . .


What are your questions, suggestions, and concerns?

Thank you!

Image attribution: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/2/2086641_23234fb0f8.jpg

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