tel fax (03) 9546 · 13-10-2013  · sun 13...

Post on 21-Jul-2020






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90 Buckley Street, Noble Park, VIC 3174

Tel (03) 9546 8276 - Fax (03) 9548 1608 - School (03) 9546 0044Email: parishsecretary@stanthonysparish.netParish Website:

Parish Priest: Fr Arsenio Tuazon - Assistant Priest: Fr Richard RossePastoral Workers: Srs Kim Tran & Nga Nguyen

School Principal: Margaret Batt


Monday to Saturday: 9.30amWednesday: 9.30am & 7.00pm1st Friday: 7.00pmSaturday Vigil: 7.00pmSunday: 8.15am,9.30am,11.00am,5.30pm3rd Sunday 2.00pm - Sudanese Mass - in Arabic Reconciliation: Saturday 10am and 6pm

Mass Times

Entrance Antiphon: If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand? But with you is found forgiveness, O God of Israel.

Communion Antiphon: The rich suffer want and go hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no blessing.


First reading: - Exodus 17:8-13 Second reading: - 2 Timothy 3:14-4:2 Gospel: - Luke 18:1-8


Sun 13 October: Group 3 - John Kenny, Peter Egan, Maurice Ferron, Glen D'Rozario, Pearl D'Rozario Sun 20 October: Group 4 - Louisa Morais, Victor Williams, Wilson Xavier, Rita Cerone, Ray Martin

Sun 20 October:07.00pm: Shiroy Fernando, Trevin Fernando, Mary Bertolini08.15am: Bill Cooney, Robert Santiago, Nella Roussel09.30am: Marg McDonald, Jeannette Quinn, Clare Polaiga11.00am: Stephanie Gomez, Theodora D'Costa, Cristy Calalang05.30pm: Sandra Saliba, Vivian D'Souza, Ronilla Long, Matthew Fyfield


50 years in 2006

St. Anthony, patron of our parish, loyal servant of God, faithful follower of Jesus: You taught by word and deed, the message of the Gospel. Teach us to live the Gospel values as you did. Enlighten our minds in search of God's will. Inspire us to be a prayerful community, ever reaching out to and cherishing our neighbour. Help us proclaim God's love and live what we proclaim. AMEN.



From Break Open The Word

Dorothy Day wrote about her life:

'Social taboos and cultural prejudices create barriers in every society. Jesus cuts across these in the story of the ten lepers. We have a lot to learn from the prophetic and controversial actions of Jesus. Our so-called Christian society still builds walls and casts out those who are different. We ridicule those who have a different culture, lifestyle, race or sexual orientation and we treat them like lepers. Our treatment of victims of AIDS in recent times is a classic example. The story of the ten lepers invites us to have a second look at what we are doing and to stop building wails and judging others because they are different'.

The purpose of the story of the ton lepers is not to teach that we should be grateful for gifts given. We already know that! Luke tells the story to teach that salvation and healing are offered to all. Our God is God of all - how easily we have forgotten!


PADUA† We pray in thanksgiving for Lina Bertone, and those who have died recently in the peace of Christ.

† We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at about this time:

Myrtle Oliver, Frank Dani, Maria Grengia, Tom De Meco, Fernandez Fly, Regis & Basil Allas, Joey Francis Tiu, Vincent Dias, Wilkerson Waterstone, Berty Poppen, Mary Antony, Mona & Edgar Rosario, Joyce & Malcolm Gaudoin, Tony Rosario, Lancy Decouto, George Andrews, John Fernandes, Jose Viegas, Ry Dizon, Joan Angello.

† Please also pray for those who are sick especially: Neville Erispe, Pat Doll, Bill Benton, Mary Bertholini, Marie O’Donwell, Esmond Erensen, Veronica Varga, Anton Siketa, Nance Hayes, Czarina Deang, Virgina Collins, Nestor Dela Cruz, Lise Toussaint, Sabrina D’Souza, Freddy Periera, Diu Guer, Freddy Pereriar, Sam Baron, Rudy Alveyn, Tony Fernandez, Elly O’Neill, John Partington, Nez Fernandez, John Jewell, Jordon Whitewood-Neil, Graham Harvey, Colin D’Cruz, Jenny & Bol Franklin, Theresa Landsberger, Baby Tyesha Guer Jaimie, Jean-Robert Migale, Isabelle Chauvin, Joyce Fernandes, Alfonso Salanga, Magdaline Ghosh, Bernard Jurgens, Noel Menuir, Sidney Fernandez, Mildred Erispe, Pedro Williams, Barry Stokoe, Kath Malone, Molly Maguire, Henri Frappier, Rita Briggs, Julia Tong, Antonio Vong, Cesar Ramirez, Teressa Teyscheney, Bernie Saldanha.

Lord, Hear Our Prayer!

Play Group - Mondays from 9.30 - 11.30am in the Small Hall Legion of Mary meet in the Gathering Space at 4.30 pm on Mondays. Charismatic Prayer Group meet in the Small Hall every Monday at 8.00pm. All are welcome. Novena - Devotions to Our Lady of Perpetual Help follows the 7.00pm Mass in the Church on Wednesdays. Italian Prayer Group meeting will be on Thursdays at 10.15am. Contact Lucy 9547 1671.

Divine Mercy Devotion every Friday 2.45 pm in the Church. El-Shaddai Multicultural Prayer Group meet every 1st Friday of the Month. Knitting Group meet in the Gathering Space every Friday from 10-12am. Sudanese Prayer Group meet every Friday evening at 6.30 in the Gathering Space. Legion of Mary meet at the Parish Centre at 10.15am on Saturdays. Sudanese Monthly Mass at 2.00pm in the Church every 3rd Sunday of the month. Friendly Hearts Group meeting 2nd & 4th Saturdays in the Gathering Space from 1-4pm.


A Special Welcome to New Parishioners to our Parish. Please enter your name and phone number in the Book in the Sacristy and a Parish Representative will visit to welcome you as soon as possible.

Children's LiturgyChildren's Liturgy will resume this Sunday13th October @ 9:30 mass in the Gathering Space.


Yes, 'PADUA', the parish magazine is now back for publication and you are invited to contribute to our

awesome, new look magazine.Do you have a story to tell or an occasion you want to share? As an individual or collectively in a group, we want to hear from you. You are encouraged to put your thinking caps on and let your fingers do the talking.Please limit it to an A4 size and while every effort will be made to publish your article, it may be edited or modified by the editorial staff.

You can email your articles to:

or drop it in at the parish office by 31 October 2013

Yarra Theological Union (YTU) Open Day Sunday 20 October, 2pm - 5pm

Yarra Theological Union a Catholic College for Theology Education within the MCD University of Divinity is holding an Open Day for undergraduate and postgraduate students

interested in studying at YTU. All welcome. Where: 98 Albion Road, Box Hill.

More info: Contact: 9890 3771 or

Legion of Mary Annual MassSaturday 9 November, 2pm

Bishop Hilton Deakin will celebrate the annual Legion of Mary Mass in commemoration of the life of, Servant of God, Frank Duff. Legion Prayers and Rosary will be prayed from 2pm. Mass will begin at 2:30pm. Please bring a plate to share in the Magnificat House, after Mass. All are welcome. Where: St Mary's Star of the Sea Church, 33 Howard Street, West Melbourne. Contact: 03 9328 4757

CARNIVAL 20131. The Parish Carnival will be on Saturday 16th November 10 till 9:30.2. Do you enjoy books? The Parish Carnival Committee is desperately seeking one person or a small group to run the Second Hand Book Stall this year. Eddie who has tireless run the stall for the past few years has decided to step down from the lead role so we desperately need new blood to take over or else we will not be able to have one of our most popular stalls. If you can help call Anthony on 0423048680 or email: stanthonyscarnival@hotmail.com3. The next Carnival Meeting will take place on Monday 14th October @7pm. This will be a Food Stall Holders Meeting so could a representative from each food stall please attend.4. Parish Carnival Raffle tickets will be on stall after mass at Church doors every Sunday. Please help support the parish by buy a raffle ticket. If you would like to take a book to sell please see the seller after mass or get them from the Parish Centre.

*If you can help sell raffle ticket after mass please see Sister Kim at the Parish Centre or call Anthony on 0423048680.

POSITIONS AVAILABLEApplications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced people for the positions of:*Pastoral Associate, St Joan of Arc Parish - Brighton*Case Manager, Clergy Care Team - Cliffton Hill*Director, Archdiocesan Office for Youth - East MelbourneFurther details can be found on either the Archdiocese website at:


Morning Tea - Cost $5.00Date - Tuesday 22nd October 2013Where - St Anthony’s Gathering SpaceTime - 10amContact - Yolanda Lewis 0413 199 062 or 9548 1118

THE CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE was to hold a mystery auction on Tuesday, 15th October.

Unfortunately it has been cancelled.


Grief Support St Anthony's Grief Support Group will next meet on Wednesday 16th October at 7:30pm in the Parish Centre. If you are struggling with grief from any loss in your life we invite you to join us on our journey where we support each other with compassion and friendship.For further information, please ring Maria Jones on 9792 4755 or 0414 520 488 (if you know of anyone who might benefit from this group, please extend an invitation).

"Thank You" To those who gave of their time & effort during our Post Grand Final Sausage Sizzle & also to those who came to eat them, thank you very much. Our salary cap is too low to be picked up by the Draft, so we will not be moving to another state! So we will see you again next year!St Anthony's Men's Social Club.

RCIA Team Meeting will be held on Wednesday 16th October 2013 at 8pm at the Gathering Space.

St Elizabeth's Market NightFriday 18th October undercover in the Performing Arts Centre. Come along, enjoy the night. A great variety of stalls this year ~ many new stalls. Start your Christmas

shopping or simply spoil yourself. 7pm ~ 9:30pm.Sausage sizzle and drinks available.

Bag stall at the CarnivalDo you have any handbags & Jewellery that you no longer want or need? If so can you please donate them to the “Bag Stall” at the Carnival? You can drop them off at the Parish Centre or we can pick them up. Phone: Paddy on 042 229 6961 / Cathy 041 959 6097 / Moira 041 751 9159

ST ANTHONY’S CARNIVAL - PLANT STALL Just a reminder that Donation would be most grateful eg. Potted plants, etc. For pick-ups contact Anne-Marie 85114488 or 0414 786 122.

BRIC-A-BRAC STALL 2013Hello Parishioners, the time is here once again for our Parish Carnival in November 2013. We did very well with your help last year, so I am asking you again to support the Parish. Please look in the cupboards and drawers, where perhaps you have stored away presents received and forgotten about, so I will be very pleased to accept any unwanted items from you for the Bric-a-brac Stall. Every item will be much appreciated such as vases, cutlery, tupperware, casserole dishes with lids, plates, trays, photo frames, etc. Anything, except electrical goods. You can put into boxes, tape them closed and leave them at the Parish Centre marked “for Mrs Fatima Soares”.

THE CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE Meeting is on Wednesday October 16th after 9.30am Mass in the Parish Centre. Enquiries Margaret Foy 9547 0939.



A big thank you to the Team who helped the Parish Office this time: Rita Cerone, Eddie Holland, Isabel De Kauwe, John Kenny and Jeannette Quinn.

Australian Catholic Youth FestivalVOLUNTEERS URGENTLY NEEDED!

The Australian Catholic Youth Festival requires 200+ volunteers to support the event. Volunteers must be over 26 years old and be able to get a Working with Children Check. To register as a volunteer visit: and click on

“Volunteer now.” For details: Llewy Berchy on 9412 3321 or

Welcome to the 2013 Catholic Mission World Mission Appeal. This year’s theme ‘I will build my Church’, invites parishioners to reach out and help the people of Mongolia to build their Church, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, and the Kingdom of God on earth.

We invite you to consider how this year’s Catholic Mission World Mission Appeal is a concrete way for you and your parishioners to respond to the invitation by Pope Francis. By being true Disciples of Christ, we can grow the Kingdom of God in Mongolia and in the most remote areas all across the world.


19/20 October 2013


PADUA† We pray in thanksgiving for Lina Bertone, and those who have died recently in the peace of Christ.

† We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at about this time:

Myrtle Oliver, Frank Dani, Maria Grengia, Tom De Meco, Fernandez Fly, Regis & Basil Allas, Joey Francis Tiu, Vincent Dias, Wilkerson Waterstone, Berty Poppen, Mary Antony, Mona & Edgar Rosario, Joyce & Malcolm Gaudoin, Tony Rosario, Lancy Decouto, George Andrews, John Fernandes, Jose Viegas, Ry Dizon, Joan Angello.

† Please also pray for those who are sick especially: Neville Erispe, Pat Doll, Bill Benton, Mary Bertholini, Marie O’Donwell, Esmond Erensen, Veronica Varga, Anton Siketa, Nance Hayes, Czarina Deang, Virgina Collins, Nestor Dela Cruz, Lise Toussaint, Sabrina D’Souza, Freddy Periera, Diu Guer, Freddy Pereriar, Sam Baron, Rudy Alveyn, Tony Fernandez, Elly O’Neill, John Partington, Nez Fernandez, John Jewell, Jordon Whitewood-Neil, Graham Harvey, Colin D’Cruz, Jenny & Bol Franklin, Theresa Landsberger, Baby Tyesha Guer Jaimie, Jean-Robert Migale, Isabelle Chauvin, Joyce Fernandes, Alfonso Salanga, Magdaline Ghosh, Bernard Jurgens, Noel Menuir, Sidney Fernandez, Mildred Erispe, Pedro Williams, Barry Stokoe, Kath Malone, Molly Maguire, Henri Frappier, Rita Briggs, Julia Tong, Antonio Vong, Cesar Ramirez, Teressa Teyscheney, Bernie Saldanha.

Lord, Hear Our Prayer!

Play Group - Mondays from 9.30 - 11.30am in the Small Hall Legion of Mary meet in the Gathering Space at 4.30 pm on Mondays. Charismatic Prayer Group meet in the Small Hall every Monday at 8.00pm. All are welcome. Novena - Devotions to Our Lady of Perpetual Help follows the 7.00pm Mass in the Church on Wednesdays. Italian Prayer Group meeting will be on Thursdays at 10.15am. Contact Lucy 9547 1671.

Divine Mercy Devotion every Friday 2.45 pm in the Church. El-Shaddai Multicultural Prayer Group meet every 1st Friday of the Month. Knitting Group meet in the Gathering Space every Friday from 10-12am. Sudanese Prayer Group meet every Friday evening at 6.30 in the Gathering Space. Legion of Mary meet at the Parish Centre at 10.15am on Saturdays. Sudanese Monthly Mass at 2.00pm in the Church every 3rd Sunday of the month. Friendly Hearts Group meeting 2nd & 4th Saturdays in the Gathering Space from 1-4pm.


A Special Welcome to New Parishioners to our Parish. Please enter your name and phone number in the Book in the Sacristy and a Parish Representative will visit to welcome you as soon as possible.

Children's LiturgyChildren's Liturgy will resume this Sunday13th October @ 9:30 mass in the Gathering Space.


Yes, 'PADUA', the parish magazine is now back for publication and you are invited to contribute to our

awesome, new look magazine.Do you have a story to tell or an occasion you want to share? As an individual or collectively in a group, we want to hear from you. You are encouraged to put your thinking caps on and let your fingers do the talking.Please limit it to an A4 size and while every effort will be made to publish your article, it may be edited or modified by the editorial staff.

You can email your articles to:

or drop it in at the parish office by 31 October 2013

Yarra Theological Union (YTU) Open Day Sunday 20 October, 2pm - 5pm

Yarra Theological Union a Catholic College for Theology Education within the MCD University of Divinity is holding an Open Day for undergraduate and postgraduate students

interested in studying at YTU. All welcome. Where: 98 Albion Road, Box Hill.

More info: Contact: 9890 3771 or

Legion of Mary Annual MassSaturday 9 November, 2pm

Bishop Hilton Deakin will celebrate the annual Legion of Mary Mass in commemoration of the life of, Servant of God, Frank Duff. Legion Prayers and Rosary will be prayed from 2pm. Mass will begin at 2:30pm. Please bring a plate to share in the Magnificat House, after Mass. All are welcome. Where: St Mary's Star of the Sea Church, 33 Howard Street, West Melbourne. Contact: 03 9328 4757

CARNIVAL 20131. The Parish Carnival will be on Saturday 16th November 10 till 9:30.2. Do you enjoy books? The Parish Carnival Committee is desperately seeking one person or a small group to run the Second Hand Book Stall this year. Eddie who has tireless run the stall for the past few years has decided to step down from the lead role so we desperately need new blood to take over or else we will not be able to have one of our most popular stalls. If you can help call Anthony on 0423048680 or email: stanthonyscarnival@hotmail.com3. The next Carnival Meeting will take place on Monday 14th October @7pm. This will be a Food Stall Holders Meeting so could a representative from each food stall please attend.4. Parish Carnival Raffle tickets will be on stall after mass at Church doors every Sunday. Please help support the parish by buy a raffle ticket. If you would like to take a book to sell please see the seller after mass or get them from the Parish Centre.

*If you can help sell raffle ticket after mass please see Sister Kim at the Parish Centre or call Anthony on 0423048680.

POSITIONS AVAILABLEApplications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced people for the positions of:*Pastoral Associate, St Joan of Arc Parish - Brighton*Case Manager, Clergy Care Team - Cliffton Hill*Director, Archdiocesan Office for Youth - East MelbourneFurther details can be found on either the Archdiocese website at:


Morning Tea - Cost $5.00Date - Tuesday 22nd October 2013Where - St Anthony’s Gathering SpaceTime - 10amContact - Yolanda Lewis 0413 199 062 or 9548 1118

THE CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE was to hold a mystery auction on Tuesday, 15th October.

Unfortunately it has been cancelled.


Grief Support St Anthony's Grief Support Group will next meet on Wednesday 16th October at 7:30pm in the Parish Centre. If you are struggling with grief from any loss in your life we invite you to join us on our journey where we support each other with compassion and friendship.For further information, please ring Maria Jones on 9792 4755 or 0414 520 488 (if you know of anyone who might benefit from this group, please extend an invitation).

"Thank You" To those who gave of their time & effort during our Post Grand Final Sausage Sizzle & also to those who came to eat them, thank you very much. Our salary cap is too low to be picked up by the Draft, so we will not be moving to another state! So we will see you again next year!St Anthony's Men's Social Club.

RCIA Team Meeting will be held on Wednesday 16th October 2013 at 8pm at the Gathering Space.

St Elizabeth's Market NightFriday 18th October undercover in the Performing Arts Centre. Come along, enjoy the night. A great variety of stalls this year ~ many new stalls. Start your Christmas

shopping or simply spoil yourself. 7pm ~ 9:30pm.Sausage sizzle and drinks available.

Bag stall at the CarnivalDo you have any handbags & Jewellery that you no longer want or need? If so can you please donate them to the “Bag Stall” at the Carnival? You can drop them off at the Parish Centre or we can pick them up. Phone: Paddy on 042 229 6961 / Cathy 041 959 6097 / Moira 041 751 9159

ST ANTHONY’S CARNIVAL - PLANT STALL Just a reminder that Donation would be most grateful eg. Potted plants, etc. For pick-ups contact Anne-Marie 85114488 or 0414 786 122.

BRIC-A-BRAC STALL 2013Hello Parishioners, the time is here once again for our Parish Carnival in November 2013. We did very well with your help last year, so I am asking you again to support the Parish. Please look in the cupboards and drawers, where perhaps you have stored away presents received and forgotten about, so I will be very pleased to accept any unwanted items from you for the Bric-a-brac Stall. Every item will be much appreciated such as vases, cutlery, tupperware, casserole dishes with lids, plates, trays, photo frames, etc. Anything, except electrical goods. You can put into boxes, tape them closed and leave them at the Parish Centre marked “for Mrs Fatima Soares”.

THE CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE Meeting is on Wednesday October 16th after 9.30am Mass in the Parish Centre. Enquiries Margaret Foy 9547 0939.



A big thank you to the Team who helped the Parish Office this time: Rita Cerone, Eddie Holland, Isabel De Kauwe, John Kenny and Jeannette Quinn.

Australian Catholic Youth FestivalVOLUNTEERS URGENTLY NEEDED!

The Australian Catholic Youth Festival requires 200+ volunteers to support the event. Volunteers must be over 26 years old and be able to get a Working with Children Check. To register as a volunteer visit: and click on

“Volunteer now.” For details: Llewy Berchy on 9412 3321 or

Welcome to the 2013 Catholic Mission World Mission Appeal. This year’s theme ‘I will build my Church’, invites parishioners to reach out and help the people of Mongolia to build their Church, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, and the Kingdom of God on earth.

We invite you to consider how this year’s Catholic Mission World Mission Appeal is a concrete way for you and your parishioners to respond to the invitation by Pope Francis. By being true Disciples of Christ, we can grow the Kingdom of God in Mongolia and in the most remote areas all across the world.


19/20 October 2013

First Reading: 2 Kings 5:14-17

A reading from the second book of the Kings

Naaman the leper went down and immersed himself seven times in the Jordan, as Elisha had told him to do. And his flesh became clean once more like the flesh of a little child.

Returning to Elisha with his whole escort, he went in and stood before him. ‘Now I know’ he said ‘that there is no God in all the earth except in Israel. Now, please, accept a present from your servant.’ But Elisha replied, ‘As the Lord lives, whom I serve, I will accept nothing.’ Naaman pressed him to accept, but he refused. Then Naaman said, ‘Since your answer is “No,” allow your servant to be given as much earth as two mules may carry, because your servant will no longer offer holocaust or sacrifice to any god except the Lord.’

The word of the Lord.Thanks be to God.

Responsorial Psalm: Ps 97:1-4

R. The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power.

Sing a new song to the Lord for he has worked wonders. His right hand and his holy arm have brought salvation. R.

The Lord has made known his salvation; has shown his justice to the nations. He has remembered his truth and love for the house of Israel. R.

All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. Shout to the Lord all the earth, ring out your joy. R.

Second Reading: 2 Timothy 2:8-13

A reading from the second letter of St Paul to Timothy

Remember the Good News that I carry, ‘Jesus Christ risen from the dead, sprung from the race of David’; it is on account of this that I have my own hardships to bear, even to being chained like a criminal - but they cannot chain up God’s news. So I bear it all for the sake of those who are chosen, so that in the end they may have the salvation that is in Christ Jesus and the eternal glory that comes with it. Here is a saying that you can rely on: If we have died with him, then we shall live with him. If we hold firm, then we shall reign with him. If we disown him, then he will disown us. We may be unfaithful, but he is always faithful, for he cannot disown his own self.

The word of the Lord.Thanks be to God.

Gospel Acclamation: 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Alleluia, alleluia!

For all things give thanks to God,because this is what he expects of you in Christ Jesus.


Gospel: Luke 17:11-19

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke

On the way to Jerusalem Jesus travelled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. As he entered one of the villages, ten lepers came to meet him. They stood some way off and called to him, ‘Jesus! Master! Take pity on us.’ When he saw them he said, ‘Go and show yourselves to the priests.’ Now as they were going away they were cleansed. Finding himself cured, one of them turned back praising God at the top of his voice and threw himself at the feet of Jesus and thanked him. The man was a Samaritan. This made Jesus say, ‘Were not all ten made clean? The other nine, where are they? It seems that no one has come back to give praise to God, except this foreigner.’ And he said to the man, ‘Stand up and go on your way. Your faith has saved you.’

The Gospel of the Lord.Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.


Mission ExpoThursday 31 October, 6:30pm -10pm

A night for young people inspired by their faith to explore their call to mission. Presented by Archdiocesan Office for Youth and Catholic Mission: Pray for World Mission Month - Listen to young people share their experiences of local and international mission - Meet with Catholic agencies and communities that run mission programs.6:30pm - 7:30pm: Six30 Holy Hour for World Mission Month Where: St Patrick's Cathedral, 1 Cathedral Pl, East Melbourne.

7:30pm - 10pm: Mission Expo featuring displays and guest speakers.

Where: Cardinal Knox Centre, 383 Albert St, East Melbourne.Cost: Free entry. Contact: or 9412 3300

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