tenaga dalam ilahi dsi

Post on 23-Oct-2015






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This is a very special book containing a very important "rite of passage" a sort of (attunement),which enables you to use the sacred art of ILMU TENAGA DALAM ILAHI.


Ritual of True Inner Self

Tenaga Delam Ilahi Tendai

Daya Sejati Insani

Celestial Inner Power Self Improvement--Healing—UltraMind—Self Defense

Ritual of True Inner Self

Original Manual by: Tendai Master Oliver Clonaris & Master Calvin Jugah

DSI Daya Sejati Insani

Meditation and Initiation Ritual for True Inner Sel f Energy.

Dedicated to all who have interest in Inner Power Development & Metaphysics Especially members dedicated to Tenaga Delam Ilahi, Celestial Inner Power, TENDAI

Qomaiza Master & Founder of TENDAI

Ilmu Tenaga Dalam (Inner Power) Tenaga Dalam (Inner Power) can be raised by breathing practice, either by holding the breath inside the abdomen, chest or below the navel combined with concentration at a certain point. This kind of inner power can accumulate into a supernatural power that is filtered from Daya Hayat (life power)/ Daya Prana (Prana power)/ Magnetiks (magnetic power) that exist naturally and within us. However, if these powers are not routinely used or practiced regularly, they will disappear automatically over time. Tenaga Dalam Ilahi (Celestial Prana) has a specifically different method from other prana or energy. This celestial prana sources at our faith to God the Almighty combined with full concentration. This prana will function forever and will automatically recharge itself after being used. The initiation process can be done directly or long distance. Celestial Prana consists of Divine Prana, Mental Prana and Physical Prana, the combination of the three will prevent the practitioner from being exhausted after practicing it. Most other Pranas have only one aspect that is the physical prana causing the practitioner to feel terrible fatigue after practice. Celestial Prana combines the three Pranas to automatically recharge itself after being used. In addition, the breathing techniques given in this manual will dramatically fasten the process. The benefits after the 21-day initiation process: * To have self protection against any physical or metaphysical attack * To have the protection against injury from sharp tools (being attacked by an enemy) * To cure any physical or metaphysical diseases (Healing abilitiy) * To cure impotency * To increase charisma and attraction * To improve career and business * To have the ability to communicate and control khodam (occult guide) if you want to * To be able to push away enemies before they even touch you. (Empty Force) * To borrow other people’s supernatural power * To be able to lock other people’s power or attack * To create protection for self, other people, house/company and wealth * The real key to make heirloom (to fill keris, machete, knife, samurai, jewel, oil for attraction and water) * There is no prohibition, side effect nor contradictive to other white esoteric knowledge. It will even unite with these teachings. All supernatural powers coming from God will unite. Any other knowledge coming from things or other beings will disappear. * And many other benefits that are unique to each individual. Celestial Prana (TENDAI) comes from divine faith and a clean and pure heart. It will eventually lead you to have complete faith in God the Almighty. This knowledge will function forever and will never vanish. It is non contradictive to other pranas. TWO PHASE EVOCATION OF ILMU TENAGA DALAM ILAHI:

• Phase 1: Attunement and of Empowerment Energy Sensitivity during first 7 days, its target is to open and improve sensitivity feeling and occult radar in participant’s body, So that one can feel and detect energy.

• Phase 2: Evocation and Empowerment of Mystical Power during 7 day, after

awakened hence needed by training of breath to strengthen mystical powers, which have been awakened. Mystical Power Science of Ghaib Real Light consists of two shares namely Mystical Power Mind and Mystical Power Physical. Practice Exhalation is to strengthen Mystical Power Physical, which if perfected will feel like electric stings, feel heat or warmness and sensitivity will mount drastically. Mystical Power Mind by itself will be empowered every day.

Introduction: DSI (Daya Sejati Insani) or initiation level Tenaga Delam Ilahi known as TENDAI or Cosmic Inner Energy is not a marital arts discipline nor is it an internal energy training system that will enable you to walk on fire, eat glass, become bullet proof or shatter rocks & bricks with your bare hands. TENDAI is a closely guarded secret, which has existed for several hundred years primarily originating from the Malay islands archipelago (Malaysia, Indonesia). TENDAI is not a branch of any other inner power discipline, yet it is the most primary and fundamental basis upon which all other inner power schools have been developed. This is not intended to sound boastful or to act high and mighty as all power resides in GOD. We are not the only inner power system or only authority on such subjects. This is an invitation to share in our experience with Celestial Power as well as to help you understand your own experiences should any of the above “paranormal” abilities manifest in you after initiation into TENDAI. In the event such things happen to you, it is because the creator (the source of all energy) wills it to be so. Understanding TENDAI Healing: The TENDAI ritual itself is more like a training that is performed whenever it is needed by you or others and is not something to be learned or memorized. It is the understanding of underlying forces behind the events and happenings of all things around us, which can be explained in the simply summary below: Intent or Will —You want or desire to help or heal someone.

Effort & Action ---You rub your hands together vigorously.

Sense & Feel---You feel heat and warmth on your palms. Secret---You place your warmed hands on the person and watch as the energy relieves pain, disease, sickness, etc.. The secret is that some other mysterious force or energy is emitted that is capable of things far beyond one’s comprehension. This secret cannot be seen, heard or put down in writing nor drawn or painted, which is why it remains secret. You alone will experience this for yourself now that you have this secret activated within you. Do not discuss or share this information with others who may abuse this information and do more harm than good. There was a reason that this SECRET found you or vice versa, so keep it unknown to others. There is great power in silence as it was once said: “silence is might!”

The Ritual of TENDAI is to always consult the higher self as a regular means of training. This type of training must be done without fail. Thus allowing you to forever discover new ways TENDAI can be applied in our everyday lives. Your inner self has gone through many experiences and has much knowledge to impart. It is asked that you regularly consult your inner self in making decisions, working on projects, requesting guidance, etc. as we can draw upon it’s knowledge as the inner self has already walked the paths we are treading now. More information is provided in the additional manual “Applications of TENDAI.” Never fret if your wishes remain unfulfilled or questions unanswered. Just because you have practiced a few times and received initiation does not mean that you have the right to ask and ask with a selfish desire. After all is said and done, you must introspectively ask if your real purpose here is to request wishes always asking for this or that? With consent from my TRUE SELF, I sincerely transmit and pass down this ancient knowledge to those who willingly receive and fully accept the responsibility to spread TENDAI to others in need of healing, protection or spiritual evolution with unwavering caring and compassion in the true spirit that each and every single one of us can find their inner self and realize that it has never been away from us, it has been with us through every step of our lives since the beginning. Repeat the following: ONCE, I WALKED ALONE, THEN I FOUND SELF AND WE WALK ED TOGETHER. NOW, SELF AND I WALK TOGETHER WITH THE ON E AND ONLY IN PERFECT HARMONY WITH ALL THERE IS.

Introduction to TENDAI by Grand-Master Calvin Jugah Please understand that the term Master or Grandmaster does not mean that I or anyone else has superiority over others. It simply means that I have the ability to perform transmissions or empowerments to attune others to TENDAI energies thus allowing them to access the benefits of this energy system. TENDAI is an acronym for Tenaga Delam Ilahi, which literally translates as Celestial Inner Power or Cosmic Inner Energy. The primary initiation into basic “inner power” or Tenaga Delam is Deya Sejati Insani or DSI for short. After initiation, you will advance at your own pace to all levels of TENDAI because GOD and your True Self are your guides and teachers. Discover as much as you can while at the basic or beginning stages of TENDAI and your abilities will grow as you advance slowly. Many abilities or techniques build off your initial foundation, so it is important to become proficient at any hidden skills that reveal themselves after the 21-day initiation process is completed. TENDAI is the discovery of the TRUE INNER SELF and the application of synergy between our physical self, inner self and universal cosmic energy. It means the collection, accumulation or gathering of cosmic power to accomplish a task, preferably for the good of others or improving your life. TENDAI comes from the intermingling of one’s own bio-energy with electric and magnetic energies of the universe and the earth that begin to comingle within the human body. This system requires no intense visualizations, affirmations, no black magic and no magical items or talismans. However, you can create magical items or talismans with TENDAI energy if you choose to do so. What you get with TENDAI is greater decision making skills, high confidence, protection from harm (physical and non-physical), higher intuition, healing abilities (near & far), career advancement, wealth attraction, astral travel, automatic self defense skills, neutralize and cancel negative energies, negate dark emotions and black magic, protection from theft (burglary or pickpockets), ability to transfer energy to others for healing, protection, greater mental prowess, charisma to name just a few. TENDAI practitioners may experience many unique things as the gain or rediscover lost or hidden talents, abilities or gifts that are unique or special to that specific individual. Understand that each person’s Inner Self is itself unique and as such different talents or abilities appear relative to the initiates Inner Self.

TENDAI does not conflict with any religious beliefs or any specific religion (except black magic, dark cults or satanic or demonic belief systems). TENDAI is not a religion, but it does require a faith and devotion to a higher power. Once you become attuned and complete the initiation ritual, TENDAI will remain active forever and will never exhaust itself as the energy is derived from the universe or celestial energies. Any pre-existing knowledge of other training methods (Martial Arts, Inner Power, Qigong, Mental, etc.) will be enhanced, while any study in dark arts will be purged and canceled automatically. Most initiates within just 30-minutes of activation experience energy (heat, tingling, warmth on palms & arms, deep calm, spinning sensation around the head, energy flow when resting, etc.) Experiences vary from person to person, because each individual is unique yet we all come from the same original source. One does not need to have any physical experiences whatsoever for activation to be successful. The empowerment will work regardless of what you felt or didn’t feel. As you begin a meditation practice, you will learn more about such things as well as many other discoveries unique to you and your inner self. Training Preparation (Journal and Energy Water) Prepare a personal journal or diary that you and you alone may read. Absolutely nobody else is permitted to see inside your journal. This is a sacred bond existing between your conscious and subconscious mind linked with your inner self and the ALL. Write:

1) Any problems or difficulties you are working on or have concern (big or small) 2) Ambitions & Desires – what is it that you want, be realistic. 3) Your Vow—Upon completion or fulfillment of one of your goals or the

elimination of a specific problem define what selfless act of kindness, caring or generosity you will perform or do for the benefit of others.

This journal should be prepared either 1-day before initiation or on the same day as receiving TENDAI activation. Any future ambitions, desires, problems, vows, etc. should be written automatically and entered into your journal as you continue to practice. Also use this journal to record all things that occur during meditations, in applying TENDAI, thoughts or inspirations, etc. If you find it interesting, you should record it. Please note that over the course of meditation, heavy perspiration is normal. Don’t question anything that you experience through visions, hearing or feeling. Just observe and understanding will come on its own accord. It is also common for the body to shake or vibrate during meditation practice. Stay relaxed and allow the body to move on its own in whatever way it chooses. This is very healing and beneficial to your energy flow. Water Preparation:

1) Lunar Water- Water energized by moonlight, stars and prayer. 2) Solar Water- Water energized by Sunlight, sea salt and prayer.

To prepare the Lunar water , expose a gallon of natural spring water to the moon each night beginning exactly 3 days prior to the upcoming Full Moon until the moon is full.

Pray to GOD to energize the water with the moon’s invisible power (hold your breath inside during prayer and when you exhale, focus on the water with the understanding that you are transferring the moon’s celestial energies into the water). Muslims chant: Al Fatihah verse, then Ya Allah Ya Qowiyu 5x while holding in the breath, then exhale mentally saying Qowwini firidoka dogkfi 3x focusing on the water. To prepare the Solar water, you will need to add sea salt to a small 8 oz bottle of water until the salt no longer dissolves. 1st remove a small amount of water by either drinking a mouthful or pouring the equivalent out. Add a tablespoon of sea salt replace the cap and shake well. Repeat this over and over until the salt will no longer dissolve. Check the water again after several hours. Shake it again and if the salt dissolves, add more. Once the water has been completely saturated with salt, it is ready to be exposed to the sun.

Pray to GOD to energize the water with the Sun’s hidden strength (hold your breath inside and when you exhale, focus on the water with the understanding that you are transferring the spiritual energy into the water). Muslims chant: Al Fatihah verse, then Ya Allah Ya Qowiyu 5x while holding in the breath, then exhale mentally saying Qowwini firidoka dogkfi 3x focusing on the water. Note: Sea salt has been absorbing the sun’s rays for hundreds of millions of years, which is why we added sea salt to the water. NOTE: The ancient alchemists believed and understood that the Sun radiates a lot more than visible light & heat---it also gives off an invisible form of energy or spiritual light needed to charge and nourish your astral/energy body. They looked within nature to find substances that would have very high concentrations of where this sunlight would be condensed as a crystal or salt and the ocean’s & sea’s became the answer. This common salt was referred to as gold to hide its true name and alchemical purpose causing people to believe that they were speaking of the precious metal. They also understood that the moon’s energy provided the feminine astral light and typically collected it from morning dew. This substance was called silver to hide its true alchemical function.

Visualize the Spirit or light essence of the Sun & Moon energizing your waters.

TENDAI Breathing Exercise for the first 21-days after initiation.

1) Prepare a glass of Lunar water, pouring it from your energized gallon of water. Fill your drinking glass about 90% full, leaving some room for the solar water.

2) Add in your solar water, which was energized with sea salt and the sun’s rays filling the rest of the glass. Know in your heart that this water is alive & energized with the cosmic essence of the Sun, Moon & Stars including the ether or infinite space which holds and contains them all.

3) Pray to GOD according to your beliefs (Al Fatihah verse, lords prayer, etc.) 4) Read and review what you wrote into your personal journal. 5) On the day of initiation, drink the entire glass all at once and finish it with

gratitude to the creator. For the remainder of the 21-day ritual, only drink half of the water mixture at the opening of the exercise and leave the other half for the end of your exercise. Place the remaining ½ water in front of you during exercise.

a. Sit upright on a straight backed chair (crossed legged on the floor or kneeling in Japanese seiza is also acceptable). Do not lean or slouch or allow anything to touch or support your back.

b. Raise your arms and hands as if you where going to use them like a megaphone to shout out to someone in the distance. Elbows will be parallel along the same horizontal plain to your forearms and palms. See picture on the following page for visual example.

c. Spread your fingers open (without strain) so they don’t touch each other. Eventually you will feel like you are holding a ball of powerful electro-magnetic energy between your palms while performing this exercise. At this stage of awareness you literally “snort in” the cosmic energy into your body’s energy channels (Ida & Pingala) down into the lower chakras.

d. Bow your head and ensure that your nose is located between your palms so that you can feel your breath or air flowing through the hands while performing the breathing exercise.

e. Keep your feet flat upon the floor (bare foot preferably), wear loose comfortable clothing and refer to the above illustrations.

f. Close your eyes, relax your mind and empty your thoughts. g. Begin counting down from 20 to 0. As you inhale, mentally make the

sound “Mmmm” as if you were eating or smelling something delicious. As you exhale, mentally make the sound “Ahhhh” as if you were experiencing a soothing hot shower in a sigh of relief. This process will automatically bring your mind into the Alpha state (8 to 12 Hertz or cycles per second) where subconscious programming is easily executed.

h. Say another short prayer to the creator, silently in your heart. Muslims say “Bismillilah 3x followed by Syahadah 3x.” A simple prayer can be: “Creator of this universe, master of all there is, grant me your protection from all negative characteristics, physical and non-physical, seen and unseen. With your mercy, grace and will, this is so, this is so.”

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvtiluTOZ-o i. The TENDAI breathing pattern is like triangle breathing. The pattern is

to inhale, hold in as long as you can, then exhale all through the nose in approximately equal proportion. For example, inhale for 5-seconds, hold as long as possible and then exhale for a count of 5. Upon breathing in, visualize that your body is filling up with white light or loving energy

entering through your nose and flowing down into your belly, which should expand outwards during inhalation. Feel this loving energy spread throughout your entire body. When this energy is felt in the solar plexus and down to the bladder area below the navel, hold your breath at least until the feeling of urgency arises. Why you ask? This process triggers the body’s self-survival mechanism or instinct and enlivens all of your 5 senses, including the extraordinary senses, which become more acute and active within your conscious mind. Upon exhaling, visualize giving your love and gratitude back to the universe. Mentally saying “Thank You, Thank You So Much!”

j. While holding your breath in, mentally repeat over & over “Creator of the universe..Manifest..Animate…Evoke…TENDAI..True Inner Self Energy. Say it continuously while your belly is fully inflated like a balloon. When the stomach is completely full and expanded, flex and tighten your stomach muscles and contract your anus to prevent constipation and also to root lock the energy into the torso. For variety, one can also repeat prayer while holding the breath. Muslims can recite Al Fatihah verse over & over, Christians, the Lord’s Prayer, Hindus, Gayatri Mantra, Jewish, Ten Commandments recited in 1st person, for example “I will not worship false gods”, “I will not make myself an idol”, etc.

k. Breathing out or exhaling, one should expel all the air as slowly and comfortable as possible. Upon reaching the end of your ability to exhale, pull your stomach muscles inward and up, squeezing out the last bit of air from the body. Feel the energy coursing throughout your entire body, especially the stomach, arms and hands. Say in your heart with conviction “BE PRESENT….BE ALIVE” continuously during exhalation.

l. After fully exhaling repeat the TENDAI breathing pattern for 15-minutes for each meditation exercise. Longer is better, but don’t force yourself. You can use a timing device for your exercise to assist you in this regard.

m. After 15-minutes, open your eyes, wipe off your face 1st upward, then down with the palms of your hands and say “I give thanks to the creator for this blessing” Muslims say Alhumdulilahirobbil’alamin.

n. Drink the other half of the solar/lunar water, knowing in your heart that it was blessed by the creator during your TENDAI breathing exercise.

Note: Breathing must be done through the nose for the entire exercise as slowly as you can achieve without discomfort. Don’t worry if your posture is not maintained as the physical world becomes secondary, while you are engrossed in the exercise. If during the exercise, should your hands or fingers move, do not stop it! Let them move on their own accord, even if it is just a slight twitch. Heavy sweating or perspiration is normal during the initial stages of this exercise and some may experience some aches as well. This is normal for this exercise. Be consistent and persistent with this practice.

6) The TENDAI Breathing exercise must be done two times per day for 21-days. Once in the morning (between sunrise & sunset “Daylight”) and once in the evening after sunset when it is dark outside. The body will naturally accumulate

warm energy during the day and cool energy during the night. Note: the idea here is to create a balance of warm and cold energies. Too much warm makes one prone to frustration and short tempered along with excessive sweating, while too much cold makes one lack decisiveness and feel generally indifferent. It can also cause one to become depressed as well as lower the body temperature.

7) The first 7-days is to cleanse and purify the chakras and energy pathways between

them so that the flow of energy becomes smooth and unhampered. This also allows the body time to become accustomed to the energy vibration of TENDAI. The second week is for the rearrangement of other disciplines previously learned. Any unclean energy from immoral sources will automatically be purged and expelled from the body. All clean energies will be enhanced, refined, amplified and improved. Any knowledge learned previously but not successfully applied correctly will now be easily accessible and implemented into your practice. In the 3rd week, hidden innate talents will likely be exhibited. This is where some may begin to experience wondrous things, astral journeys and may receive sacred knowledge from the high self. Don’t rush, take this all in slowly as it may not reveal itself a second time if you don’t give it your full attention.

8) Notes: Upon initiation and performing the True Inner Self Meditation (TENDAI

breathing exercise) or Deya Sejati Insani (DSI), a Hyper-Metaphysic-Energy-Chip is transferred to you at the start of your 1st exercise. With mercy and grace from the Creator, you will be protected from all forms of evil or harm, be it physical or non-physical. Do not test this playfully for only in true or dire need does this protection kick in. Understand that it is wrong to “test” the Creator.

a) The initiation ceremony does not count as being part of the 21-

day exercise ritual. You must perform the TENDAI breathing meditation for 21-days beginning the day after receiving your empowerment.

b) The TENDAI breathing exercise cannot be skipped for more than 3-consecutive days. If so, then you must start the entire process over from the beginning.

c) Again the DSI meditation must be performed twice daily, once in the daylight and once in the dark to balance warm & cold energy. If the mediation is only performed once during the day, it is voided and does not count as being part of the 21-day ritual.

d) Total days of DSI-meditation exercise must equal 21. For example: DSI for 6-days, then one day off, then DSI for 10-days, then 2-days off, then DSI for 5-days equals 21-days in total. As long as you don’t skip more than 3-days off in a row, you can continue to add days to your exercise total to 21.

e) 15-minutes is the suggested minimum, but longer periods are more beneficial. However, you must keep balance between the day and night DSI-meditations, thus keeping them equal. In the event you perform 20-minutes during the day, you should be

fully prepared to do 20-minutes during the night to keep warm and cold energy in balance.

f) After completing the 21-day ritual, you only need to perform the mediation once per week. You can of course do more if you like, but once per week will suffice. Choose a regular meditation (day & time) that suits you once per week and begin the meditation by affirming “I intend to synchronize my TENDAI energy perfectly and flawlessly. This is so, this is so, this is so.”

Walk Proud, but do not be arrogant

Help others, but do not expect gratitude Observe without judgment or criticism as this is the path to humility.

What is Inner Power Breathing? By Proskalier translated to English. To live, the human needs to breathe. Usual breathing is far different from breathing utilized to get health and to develop the bioelectric force of our bodies. Usual breathing works naturally and unconsciously, but breathing to get health and to develop the bioelectric force works consciously and is trained regularly. In our busy world, humans experience increasing numbers of different kinds of diseases. Therefore, other than to utilize the ever increasing experimental medicines, we should match it with natural effort that can assist the disease prevention and healing of the body, that is by doing the special breathing exercise, or more typically called a breathing technique. This breathing is different from ordinary breathing that is a short breathing with a 14-16 times per minute for man and 18-20 times per minute for woman. Whereas the special breathing is a rhythmic long breathing, that is inhale-exhale or inhale-restrain-exhale following certain count patterns that its frequency can reach 2-6 times per minute. The mode of healings that use breathing techniques can be classified into the “alternative medicine” group. In recent years, this medicine received large attention in Europe and America. One of the treatments in America that has been recognized logically is a therapy investigated by PROSKALIER, i.e. a Breathing Therapy.

Inner Power Breathing as introduced by Indonesia will be the focus of discussion here. The objectives of the said breathing exercise are the first-rate, sound spiritual and physical conditions as well as to perform a vibration system of body protecting like an emission of body electric field, seen as “aura”. A first-rate, sound physical condition will reduce the probability of exposure to a disease, while the body electric (bio-electric) field will spontaneously respond when there is any coming disturbance/force (protection). The breathing exercise is undertaken in three stages; sit-down breathing, breathing in motion, and closed eyes with sit-down breathing. A sit-down breathing is done with leg’s position folding behind; the bottom and knees have contact with the floor/ground. This is done for average 10 minutes. Whereas the breathing in motion is exercised by doing each “jurus” as much as fifteen steps with leg’s position forming a stances or “kuda-kuda” position while restrain breath under the navel. Effects of Breathing Exercise. As the efforts of healing and treatment, it can be explained that the breathing exercises influence the body physiology. In a broad outline, the body’s organs influenced are: lungs, blood vessels, digestive system, skeleton muscle system, heart and brain waves. With this exercise it will open more spaces that can be employed in the lungs so that the total capacity of the lungs will be increased and the residual volume of the lungs will be reduced. This exercise will also train the muscles surrounding lungs to operate as well. The breath restraining during motion leads to the number of oxygen received by the body will be decreased, so that the formation of the red blood cells take place more rapidly. The blood vessels will also undergo an enlargement. The food essences and oxygen can be distributed to each cell more rapidly. The breathing exercise will provide a relaxation effect to the organs, and digestive system. The abdominal respiration method indirectly exercises the abdominal organs. With regular abdominal pressing, it will smooth the blood flow of all abdominal networks so that the absorption of nutrition and its distribution will be enhanced. The regular breathing and concentration will provide an effect of calm and quiet, reduce excessive abdominal acid and potential for disease. Inner Power Breathing technique involve the movement of mostly whole body, primarily legs and arms that be done rapidly. Thus the muscle’s network will grow more long and dense and elastic, so that the muscle is not simply exhausted. The heart or central activity of blood flow has the function to take oxygen-filled blood from lungs and send it to the entire body network, and then take in the carbon dioxide-filled blood to be pumped again to the lungs to be expelled out. Examples can be found at: http://www.yellowbamboo.net/yb_freelevel1.htm http://www.yellowbamboo.net/demonstrations.htm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_I8A6NksUY&feature=related

With the breathing exercise, the heart’s muscle will be trained as well and the pulse more slowly, because each beat pumped more O2 so that the work of heart will be more efficient. The presence of correlation between the breathing rhythm and brain waves can be seen in the person who is angry. How about the breath of the person in anger? It is hasty, isn’t it? The person in anger has a rhythm of brain’s wave that is in chaos so that the resulting breathing is also in chaos. Otherwise, in fact that when we can breathe as well, long and regularly of 4 times per minute, according to the result of investigation using EEG’s instrument it will appear a result of a good and regular brain’s wave rhythm. Consequently the concerned person will always tend towards: calm and quiet, self-confident and patient. As an effort of self-defense, Inner Power breathing technique is also a mechanism of inner power processing. By doing this breathing technique, the energy center that exist in the body of each person will be processed and finally will form the development of bio-electric field. The Vibration system that has been developed here is defensive and in reflex in will defense itself when there is an attack entering into the vibration system. The incoming attack will automatically stimulate and resonate the vibration system. The more disturbance of incoming force, the larger also reaction provided the vibration system as body protector. Other than benefits obtained for personal-self, inner power breathing technique can also used for the treatment requirement or helping others, especially to heal a disease relating to body system. Everybody can do this breathing technique for processing the inner power, as long as having a willingness and seriousness. We have already possessed the basic material in each body. The oxygen and universal energy field has also existed freely in air. The more we practice, the more rapid and better is the result. The Energy Centers: In every human being there are seven major psychic centers we called chakra, five situated along the spine and two found within the head. The term chakra is from Hindi which means “wheel” of spinning energy. Chakras are non-physical organs and does not itself contain energy. Chakras are energy centers in the body which receive and process and transmit energy, of which each center being a vortex or wheel extends from the physical body into the etheric layers of the aura.

There are additional major chakras that are located outside the physical body as well as the other minor chakras scattered throughout the body, intermingles with intricacy as the nervous system. You could obtain more information on the basic location of these chakras by Google. That chakra system is used with all possible psychic ability. Whatever the psychic ability is, the method of development used to describe it, is all done in the same way, through chakra stimulation. It is impossible to manifest any psychic ability without first stimulating the chakras. After beginning chakra work, you may find psychic abilities starting to grow in you. In the basic inner power exercise, the chakras to be stimulated are root chakra, navel chakra, solar plexus and the heart chakra. Among the four chakras, navel chakra is the main to be aroused, which is the location of the inner power I have been insinuating. This chakra provides the biggest portion in the formation of etheric layer that is developing within you. Ancient Qigong masters from China, Indonesia and Japan are seriously observing the development of this chakra.


TRIDAYA- means Triple (TRI) Force (Daya), which is based upon inherent inner power of the 3 lower chakras (Heart, Solar Plexus and Sacrum) and the combination of 1) inner power (Tenaga Delam) 2) spiritual power (Ilmu Batin) and 3) Vibration Power. As a result of TENDAI, your inner power and spiritual power have already been activated. For those who want to develop & cultivate their inner power further or simply want to gain a better understanding of these systems, the TRIDAYA courses will give you the necessary training exercises and information to develop the 3 elements of Tenaga Delam, Ilmu Batin and Vibrotic Power. Understand that your initiation into Tenaga Delam Ilahi has already activated your inner power. However in addition to the TENDAI empowerment, you have also received complimentary empowerments for all three levels of TRIDAYA and PUSAKA REIKI to further advance your development. Tenaga Delam Ilhai will both enhance as well as work independent of these two systems and will NEVER exhaust itself as a result of discontinued training.


There is a hierarchy of five sets of goals or purposes or needs, which are set in the following order of prepotency. First, satisfaction or gratification of body needs ... Second, the safety needs ... Third, love, affection, warmth, acceptance, a place in the group. Fourth, desire for self-esteem, self-respect, self-confidence, for the feeling of strength or adequacy ... Fifth, self-actualization, self-fulfillment, self-expression, working out of one's own fundamental personality, the fulfillment of its potentialities, the use of its capacities, the tendency to be the most that one is capable of being. (Maslow-1943b, p. 91 ) Hierarchy of needs using Tridaya Inner Power for: Physiological Needs: Physiological needs are the very basic needs such as air, water, food, sleep, sex, etc. To enjoy all obout it you must be healthy first and through breathing exercise Level I make your body strong and health . Safety Needs: Safety needs have to do with establishing stability and consistency in a chaotic world. Safety needs include a desire for security, stability, dependency, protection, freedom from fear and anxiety these needs are mostly psychological in nature. We need the security of a home and family. Exercise Level I and II will be create your inner power activate and ready to protection you and your family. Love Needs: Humans have a desire to belong to groups: clubs, work groups, religious groups, family, gangs, etc. We need to feel loved (non-sexual) by others, to be accepted by others. Some parts of body frequently contaminated by negative energy and make peoples don’t like yourself, so through Vibrotic Power exercise you can destroy it immediately. Attract good luck and friendship. Needs for Esteem: Testing your inner power manifestation in Level I and III , such harden an egg and nobody could break it, break a hard brick with your empty hand, hit your enemy without touching them , etc. Building your self confidence and self esteem. Self-Actualization: The need for self-actualization is "the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming." People who have everything can maximize their potential. They can seek knowledge, peace, esthetic experiences, self-fulfillment, oneness with God, etc. Vibrotic Power exercise in Level III to learn you to tuning into a prosperity energy and how to attract the things you want in life. Best Times for initiation or self re-initiation: The following are the best times to perform the 21-day DSI initiation ritual based on the Solar and Lunar energies. You should attempt to complete a 21-day initiation or self re-empowerment on the exact day of the Full Moon that occurs nearest to the following Solar dates: March 21st, May 5th, June 21st, August 4th, September 21, November 4th, December 21st, February 4th. This manual should be kept strictly secret. Only masters have ability and permission to initiate and activate others and to share and/or communicate teachings or provide this manual with the TENDAI empowerment.

TENDAI Empowerment Lineage

Grandmaster & Founder Dr. Qomaiza

Master Calvin Jugah

Master Oliver Clonaris

Master Tracey Loper Master Santiago Dobles

Master Daniel Ferrera

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