tenancy agreements - accord group

Post on 04-Feb-2022






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Tenancy agreementsThis leaflet explains the types of tenancies we have and information about the tenancy agreement between us as a landlord and you as a tenant.


What is a tenancy?When you accept an offer of a property from us you will be asked to sign a tenancy agreement. This agreement sets out your rights and responsibilities as a tenant of Accord.

The tenancy agreement is a legally-binding contract. By signing this contract you are agreeing to keep to the conditions it contains. Please read it carefully before signing.

We offer a range of tenancies on social, including tenancies in mutual home ownership co-operatives. The type of agreement will be clearly spelt out on the tenancy agreement you sign.

In most cases, we will give you a starter tenancy for 12 months. After this time it will become an assured tenancy, unless you don’t keep to the agreement. More information about starter tenancies can be found in our separate leaflet.

The following information does not apply to starter tenancies, properties which are sold by either a long lease or a shared ownership lease, or where a licence, excluded licence or excluded tenancy is granted.

What type of tenancy agreement do I have?

What we expect you to do

The detailed terms of tenancy agreements may vary but in summary we expect you to:

Live in your property as your only home and pay your rent and service charge in advance

Keep your home clean, tidy and well maintained, including your garden and any shared areas

Be responsible for all the people who live with you and for your visitors

Be a good neighbour and not annoy, disturb, cause offence or behave in an anti-social way towards your neighbours and their visitors

Treat our staff and our contractors with respect and not to threaten or abuse our them in any way

Allow us and our contractors into your home to carry out repairs and essential tasks such as gas safety checks.

Get permission from us to keep pets in your home and if granted, to keep them under control at all times

* subject to your tenancy agreement and conditions.

Review your rent, service and any other charges at least once a year, giving you notice of any changes before they happen

Consult with you about any changes that will affect your tenancy, where we are legally obliged to do so

Keep the structural and external parts of the property in good order

Allow access to information held about you under GDPR legislation

Recharge you for any repairs we carry out for you which are not our responsibility, including damage caused by you, anyone else in your home or your pets

Allow you to exchange your home with someone else*

Allow your tenancy to be passed to someone who lives with you if you die*

Agree to you taking in a lodger and sub-letting part of your property*

Give our consent to request for improvements*

We will take appropriate action to end your tenancy if you do not keep to the conditions set within it.

Investigate all suspected incidents of tenancy fraud and recover possession of your home if you are found to have acted fraudulently to obtain your tenancy.

What we will do

If you would like more information you can talk to your housing officer. They will be able to clarify what type of agreement you have. For independent advice on your agreement, you can contact your local Citizen’s Advice or Shelter advice centre.

How can I get more information about my tenancy agreement?

We welcome feedback, good and not so good, on the services that we deliver. It helps us put right any problems or improve the way we do things. It also helps us compliment our people if they have delivered a good service. If you are happy, or unhappy, with the service you have received please tell us. We will give you details of our compliments and complaints policy and we will look into your comments and respond to you.

What if you are not happy?










Large print Braille Audio EasyRead

Accord Housing Association, 178 Birmingham Road, West Bromwich, B70 6QG Telephone: 0300 111 7000 Email: customerfirst@accordgroup.org.uk

Printed on part-recycled paper using environmentally-friendly inks


Complaints and compliments

Accord Group / Complaints and compliments

This leaflet explains how to make a complaint or compliment

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Large print Braille Audio EasyRead

Accord Group, 178 Birmingham Road, West Bromwich, B70 6QG Telephone: 0300 111 7000 Email: customerfirst@accordgroup.org.uk

Printed on part-recycled paper using environmentally-friendly inks

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Tick the box next to the language or format you need and send it to the address below. This leaflet is also available in large print, Braille, audio and EasyRead formats.

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