tensar geopier foundations issue3 nov2012 en

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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tensar guide


  • your intermediate foundation solution


  • ornm58



    Building in Confidence with Rammed Aggregate Pier Systems

    C ornm58 ornm58

    ornm58 ornm58 ornm58



    ornm58 ornm58

    ornm58 ornm58 ornm58

    ornm58 ornm58 ornm58


    Intermediate Foundation technology is widely adopted for soil improvement of soft ground, delivering real savings in cost and time. We can help you apply Tensar Technology to improve the bottom line on your project.

    Tensar Technology - Proven Practical Solutions and the Know-How to Get them Built

    Use Rammed Aggregate Pier systems by

    Tensar Geopier to Strengthen Soft Soils.

    g inidliuB

    tie wcnedinfon Cg i

    rggd Aemmah Rt

    t esoe chf te osuaceBtsy sreie PtagerggAeh lgig hnirusns euht

    reie Ptage emtsy S

    , Gssecorn poitallatsnd iipad rne avitceet en aoitavacxr eeve ovissad miovn aas cmet

    .ytilibailed rne acnamrofref ps oleve


    d emmar Reipoe, Gs noitadnuop f foeed dnn a

    s yr ieipoer GanseTt tnemevormpl iios

    und i,laicremcomurtnsol capicinumoitdanuon fevorp

    s pmetsy) sPAR(tne Ivitceffe-tsoc

    ohnced tetnetapey dd betcurtnsoc

    gerggy atiluaf qo4 m uo 1p ths utpef do

    trae plbailed rnd aecneirepxr euos yppun soitdanuor fos feigolohncet tlaitnedise rion,tatorpsnar t,lairtsdaceo dwn tahe troh mti. Wnoitcutagerggd Aemmar Ru, otroppun so

    t aneiciff, eyldneirf-ecruosee rdivornsoitulo snoitdanuoe Ftaidemrett aahs ttnemelP eAe Rsilits ueigoln lihe tvisseccug snitcapmoy clense

    emaim d0 m0o 9m t0 m5n 4e itacorg pnmimad retnetag pnis4 m u

    nr ientf t orop

    nd af s oed

    reie Ptd nt a

    r u. Onsert a

    stfin ly tivar cet


    fr oeipoer GanseTl ciot snereffir dofns ooitidnoc cificepspmi-lio stenerffid

    ornm58 3Pr GeipoeG

    ornm58 p ImreipoeG

    ornm58 mar ReipoeG

    d sns adohtef me ognae rdis a wreffnepe. Dsegnellahd cnns aoitidnol c

    g tnireffe ore at wcejore phf tns o:sdohte mtenemvorp

    metsy S3

    mets Sytcap

    metsy Stcapm

    ns oitulod se hn tg onid

    e ehr

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    n bas cmetsyP sARe mtenemcalspid

    nsl iduaividne ihTg enmimat rcapmiecron foitcapmoc

    corg pnmimad retnetag pnis4 m ul saretae lhs tesaercnn ioitcg anmi

    ih, wytivae chg tnidnuorrus slioe sser raehr setaer, glortnot cnemeltt

    .ngiser doe frusserg pnira

    t onemecalpeg rnisd uellatnse in bemriuqe ret sin ongidenep d,sdohteerih dtos besilits usecorn poitallatd vrawnwoh dtid wenibmoy cgreng e

    d snh atgnerth sgin hg initluse, re


    s tluseh rc, ecnatsis

    rt o.stenem

    lacitret vcelacitred v

    ssenffitd s

    ecron foitcapmoce urs ametsyP sAR

    o st tfog snidulcnid pnt alic sinagroe tcalpes rmetsys

    siontanduo fpeed2

    d snh atgnerth sgin hg initluse, reor sooo pd tooe gvorpmo id tese u

    e snseo de tsoo, ltlid sny aalf cfito slid fellortnocne ulbairad vn, ataed pd-ecruosed rny altsor cod feee nhe t

    ion.tavacxerev o ors

    .ssenffitd s,slio

    ,dnae sPA. Rl

    g nitelped

    ome Drecnil CtnmeeCaniamo R,adiidgeM

    iontcurtson Come

  • Construction Advantages ornm58 ornm58

    ornm58 ornm58 ornm58



    ornm58 ornm58

    ornm58 ornm58 ornm58

    ornm58 ornm58 ornm58







    iontcurtsonCornm58 diapR noitallatsin pornm58 uae qtis-nc oificepS

    duod mns aliopl slird

    ornm58 e ocduey rltnacifingiSikdiB

    segatnavd Aionssecor p

    oitcepnsl iuasih vugohrl tortnoy ctiluastses tuldu

    aerr tl oavomer ros fliope stanmiilr ee o

    ttfe itiftl

    fn oo




    ornm58 l oeete scalpen raCgg alaco l,larutan

    ornm58 soh fgis hecdueR anoitavacxeervo

    ornm58 urtnsos cecdueR


    tins woitdanuop feee dtercnor cl oetgaerg

    r mod fedeen noitpmunsol ceul fisstenemcalep rdn

    demialceg rnisy ue btsan woitc

    h t

    e vissar m

    ornm58 g pnikros a wediseBornm58 rpp atenemcalspiD

    wloe biontcurtscon

    ornm58 luses rsecorn paelCnrec coniontatli sor

    ornm58 r salunars geifinseDill fdn asilos

    ornm58 gin ss itlusen retfOornm58 nmiatnos ctneverP

    id b

    uqee rrutcurtsarfne itio sm nroftalg p

    o fswoll adn angasi csetnaimi elhcaoretawnduor gw

    ssen moitcurtnsoe clttin ls itsn

    grd one avisehos cecrofnied rns alior s

    sgnivat ssot cnacifing

    nffits sevorpmd inn aoitargn mioitans miititiddt b





    h acue stagergga

    ornm58 netos petanmiilEtnenmorivnd enacorpiontcurtscon

    ornm58 urtnsos cecdueRPA Rllam sginsueilpkcot sdetilim

    ornm58 vee lsios necdueR

    etercnod celcyces rh a

    atli, sffonur retal wufmrar hol faitnPAy Rrr duh otie wcnabrutsil dat


    id sleifneern ge ocnabrutsin doitctina mdn atnemipuq enoitallats in

    aer a

    tnenmorivne ehn ts ilev

    n oita


    roppug sniraed bna

    ornm58 m aetsye slitasreVornm58 leve liontarbi vwoLornm58 a syllatnemonrivEn

    Od Cevorpmn io at 2ornm58 fft esod cnn aevorPornm58 r cod foirey paleo dNornm58 mtaer tpee dswlolA

    sexs miuoititnemeg cniddy at br

    urtf se ognar redin a we isr uos fwoll


    birt congnireff oeblaniatsu snd aefa

    2 ecanalb-

    ilppf ay oteirar a von foituloe svitcef

    hcn soitcurtnsos cetareleccg anirur c

    iontcafeuiq lorr l ftnem





    en Clanoitanertn IerffereiHSA U,asnkar A,kco RetltLi



  • The Geopier GP3 System





    Engineered to meet specific soil conditions and loads, the

    Geopier GP3 system provides foundation support for

    sensitive structures.

    ope GehTer deipoer GanseTt esod cnt aneiciffe

    e shr ton foitulos3 sPr Geipoee GhT mro ftenemcalepr

    nsoitdanuop feed

    3P Grieop emtsy S3Pr Geipoee Ghd tepoleve m aetsy s

    tdanuoe Ftaidemretne Ivitcefft ete svitinset snemelttef st oroppu

    effn ee amocee bcnis sam hetsy3 salep rdn anoitavacxeerv oevsias mahd sellir, dselin pevirg dnidulcn, ins

    emn s am a

    n oi. serutcurt

    e vitcr otenemc

    r s otfa

    rel T Teil Oeun FotsuoH

    n Hoitcurtsnod Crak Y Yanay T Tanapmol Canim

    AS, Usaxe, T Tenotsuon H

    nsoitdanuop feednpi-tsad cereuga

    troppuy sltnerruch lgis herunst eahtr thti wdearpmoc


    3 sPr Geipoee GhT

    ahd sellir, dselin pevirg dnidulcn, inserutcurtf ss odnasuoh. Tselie pcal

    n eevors pmetsyr seipoey Gd betbailed rne acnamrofref ps oleveh l

    .msetsy salnoitidar


    emmat Rnemecalpes resm uetsy3 s

    r s otfae rs ae

    e cneirepxn ey tili


    d e 2 rggf as oreyaL

    3r GP 3eipoeG rtson C

    ho ttnd iecduortnn iehe tre atage

    ssecor Piontcu

    d ellire d

    3 sPr Geipoee GhTRr (eie PtagerggA

    o st tfog snidulcnid pnt alic sinagro

    n poitallatnse ihTg enmimat rcapmit snellecxt eibihxevoro pd tengisedlttel saitnereffid

    t rcejort peeo mt

    emmat Rnemecalpes resm uetsy3 so pd tooe gvorpmo is ttnemel) ePAR

    e snseo de tsoo, ltlid sny aalf cfito sllid fellortnocn, uelbairad vn, atae

    d vng anireuga-ers pesilits usecorn ptnemelP eAt Rcurtnsoo cy tgreng etsyP sA. Rssenffitd snh atgnertt sd nl aatog tnisopmd ine albailee rdiraed besaercnd inl aortnot cneme


    d e, slior sooo p

    , dnae s.l

    l acitred vh cih, wst

    e rs amed

    t roppug sni

    2. rggf as oreyaLn cihn ty itivacf ar oeyah lcae

    itluse, rygreneifinser depmatao ctny illaretal

    h stig wnilpuoc.lortcon

    3. atnsg iniwolloFstnemnkabme

    ho ttnd iecduortnn iehe tre atageempad telleve. A bstfid letcampomat rcapml iacitreg vnise utagergg

    ffitd snh atgnerth sgiy hren vg ins aecrod fny allacitree vtagerggs aecxn es itluses rih. Tsllawediy stivattee slbailed rns aliog snidnuorruh s

    e scrofnies rtnemelP eA, Rnoitallaol, fnsoitdanuow follaht sroppu, s

    d ellire ds mar rg nmim

    e h. Tssene tagerggs a

    t nellect nemel

    d ns aepole s, sbalr soo

    1. ris fsecore phTl dlir. Dretemaidmaih dto. B7 m

    meriuqen rgisedioe sht tcepnsi

    nigne ers areip


    m o0 cy 6tivag a cnillirs devlovnt isuobm aore fgnay rllamrohs ntpel dnidnepee drhs atpel dlird dnr aetem

    o vu tos ywollg anillird-er. Pstnemg tniruns, esgniroe bhn teewtel b.sliot shgie rhe tvorpmo id teree

    n m i5 cr 7m oot 2 m t

    n g ony lluasio ve ht tah

    . Tsdank pad tna elPA Rffit sehtno ctnemetltse

    etcartte ars aessertg snitooe fh. Tdeereni engn ingitluse r,stenem el


    od te

  • APPLICATIONS ornm58 ornm58 ornm58 ornm58 ornm58 ornm58

    ornm58 ornm58 ornm58 ornm58 ornm58 ornm58




    ornm58 ornm58 ornm58


    DESIGN / PERFORMANCE ADVANTAGES ornm58 ornm58 ornm58 ornm58 ornm58 ornm58 ornm58

    D ANOITCURTNSCOornm58 noy ctiluar qetteB

    t Cnalg PnirutcauffanaKIA MAS, Uaigroe, Gtniot PseWWe

    SEGATANAVVADnoitcepnsl iuasih vugohrl tortn

    noitcurtsnot C

    MROFREN / PGISEDornm58 elffit sdn angortS

    emo Derncil CtenemCaniamo R,adiidgeM


    y cr qd mns aliopl slirf do

    ornm58 g pnikros a wediseBqrereutcurtsrafni

    ornm58 y sllatnenmorivnEn io an toitubirtnoc

    ornm58 nsd iipad rnn aaelCornm58 dehc sdetarlececAornm58 m aetsye slitasreV

    rtf se ognar rediw

    pugstses tulduod m

    etio sm nroftalg pdreiuq

    g nireffe olbaniatsud sne afay sOd Cevorpmn i 2 ecanalb-

    ssecorn poitallatns


    n ae isr uos fwollm aserutcur



    ornm58 emltte stenlelcxEornm58 apat croppuh sgiHornm58 gnriae bdesarecnIornm58 urtr sod fengiseDornm58 n ss itlusen retfOornm58 eo md tereenignE

    lortno cten


    reussre pg

    sgnidliuf bt oroppul sarutc

    sgnivat ssot cnacifingi

    aod lnns aoitidnol cioc sificept see



    ornm58 t esod cne albaileR

    evitcefft e

    ornm58 siontanduoFornm58 sbal sorloFornm58 seitilica fleufoiBornm58 snkal tairtsdunIornm58 seinbru tdinWornm58 wgininate rhtraE



    ornm58 iontatorpsnarTornm58 stnemkanmbEornm58 syawilaRornm58 iontcafeuiqLornm58 atsised raol laretaLornm58 arelecco ae tganiarD



    e tass


  • The Geopier Impact and Geopier Rampact Systems


    The Geopier Impact and Geopier Rampact systems are efficient and cost-effective Intermediate Foundation solutions for the support of settlement-sensitive structures. Like the GP3 system, both the Impact and Rampact systems create stiff Rammed Aggregate Pier (RAP) elements using patented vertical ramming processes. Where the Geopier GP3 system uses a replacement method, the Impact and Rampact systems use the displacement method, ideally suited for contaminated sites where spoils or overexcavation is not an option. Both systems are extremely cost effective for installations in soils subject to caving because construction is facilitated using patented displacement mandrel, eliminating casing risks. The Impact and Rampact solutions replace massive over excavation and replacement and deep foundations, including driven piles, drilled shafts or augered cast-in-place piles. This high-performing systems provide high strength, stiffness and excellent levels of performance.

    APPLICATIONS ornm58 Foundations ornm58 Floor slabs ornm58 Biofuel facilities ornm58 Industrial tanks ornm58 Wind turbines ornm58 Earth retaining walls and slopes

    ornm58 Transportation ornm58 Embankments ornm58 Railways ornm58 Liquefaction ornm58 Lateral load resistance ornm58 Drainage to accelerate consolidation process

    CONSTRUCTION ADVANTAGES ornm58 No drill spoils reduce project costs especially advantageous in contaminated soils

    ornm58 Besides a working platform no site infrastructure required

    ornm58 Specific Qualitiy Control program including modulus load tests

    ornm58 Environmentally safe and sustainable offering contribution to an improved CO2-balance

    ornm58 Clean and rapid installation process ornm58 Accelerated schedules ornm58 Versatile system allows for use in a wider range of structures

    ornm58 Reliable and cost effective

    DESIGN / PERFORMANCE ADVANTAGES ornm58 Strong and stiff elements ornm58 Excellent settlement control ornm58 High support capacity ornm58 Increased bearing pressure ornm58 Designed for structural support of buildings ornm58 Often results in significant cost savings ornm58 Engineered to meet specific soil conditions and loads

    Bogazici ShipyardAltinova, Turkey


  • With more than two decades of proven foundationsupport, Geopier systems provide resource-friendly,ecient, and cost eective foundation support.

    Wind Park ConstructionPurzien, Germany

    Geopier Rampact ConstructionUSA

    The Geopier Rampact Construction ProcessThe Geopier Rampact system, like the Geopier Impact system, is a displacement technology. RAP elements provide effective support in relatively shallow deposits of man-made fill and other heterogeneous profiles to depth of approximately 6 m. Through its tapered shape, the Rampact system laterally compacts the matrix soil along the entire profile of the mandrel as the mandrel is driven into the ground. The blunt bottom is then used to compact each lift of aggregate which is introduced through the mandrel as the pier is constructed.

    The Rampact system is faster to install and provides higher capacities relative to the displacement Impact system in appropriate soil profiles.

    Geopier Impact Construction

    The Geopier Impact Construction Process1. A specially designed mandrel and tamper foot is driven into the ground using a strong static force augmented by dynamic vertical impact energy. Depths normally range from 3 m to 14 m, depending on design requirements. A sacrificial cap or other flow restrictors prevent soil from entering the tamper foot and mandrel during driving. The process eliminates spoils and displaces soils laterally, densifying and reinforcing the existing soils.

    2. After driving to design depth, the aggregate is fed into a hopper at the top of the mandrel by use of a telehandler. The hollow mandrel serves as a conduit for aggregate placement. The mandrel is then lifted approximately 1 m and then driven back down 60cm, forming a 30 cm thick compacted lift. Compaction is achieved through static

    down force and dynamic vertical ramming from the hammer. The process densifies aggregate vertically and the patented bevelled tamper foot forces aggregate laterally into cavity sidewalls. This results in soil improvement, excellent coupling with surrounding soils and reliable settlement control with excellent strength and stiffness.

    3. Following installation, the Rammed Aggregate Pier elements support shallow foundations, floor slabs, and reduce liquefaction potential and improve stability support of embankments, walls and storage tank foundations. The footing stresses are attracted to the stiff RAP elements, resulting in engineered settlement control.

    and slopes

    consolidation process

    advantageous in contaminated soils

    infrastructure required

    modulus load tests

    contribution to an improved CO2 of structures


  • ornm58 The Geopier GP3 System ornm58 The Geopier Impact System ornm58 The Geopier Rampact System

    Your local installer is:

    snl iacor luor yr oeipoer Gasnet TcatnoC:tuob aiontamorfn irehtruf

    ornm58 metsy S3Pr Geipoee Gh T

    Sr Iie Gh T

    e vieceo rr tellats

    ellatsnl iacor luoY

    s:r ie

    ornm58 metsy Stcapmr Ieipoee Gh T ornm58 emtsy Stcapm Raeripoe Geh T

    ropror Casnef Tt oras pr ieipoer GasneTorf pr oerutcafunad mnr aepolevel dabolg

    mpoelved-et silnaoitidartno n,deereniengngidulcn i,stkeram-d enerutcurtasrfniion.tcurtson clairtsund ind alaicremomc

    n ih atis wremotsus cts iedivorr pasneTs aeigolonhce, tstcudore pvitavonnf io

    d uf etidie fit

    g nidael, anoitarylhgih, yrateirpo

    rofsnoitulo stenm,noitatrospnar t


    e tiud setargetnn in oitacilppd an

    h ig hidl, i

    esd unf ey oteirae vdir a woe fsitrepxen soitneteh rtra, esyawdaoe rcnamrofrep

    tnemide snd aionsor end asiontanduof

    h gig hnidulcn, isgnidliu, bserutcurtn s

    .lorton ct

    Hbm Giontanduo FreiopeGe 9artr SelhrB

    nno B9113-5D

    2 0 3 918 92) 209 (4: +leT11-23 918 92) 209 (4: +xaF

    ue.reipoeg@of inil:am-Eeu.repioeg.ww w:beW


    aiontanretn Irasne T @thgiryopC, 4e 2uss, I210r 2ebmevod NetnirP

    nie (ruhcors bihn tt ihgirypoe chTs atr io/dnd aetimil LanoitanretnI

    r pk oror wehty onn ad ietaroprocniefes rtcudore phr ton foitamrofni

    s ne iruhcors bih. Tylns oesoprupf a pe ogdelwonl kluh ftie wnoemosnt acudord petimil LanoitanretnIcartnod cednetnr it ocartnoy cnaf ee omie tht te acron fs inoitidnoC

    o rs nekad metimil LanoitanretnIl Lanoitanretnr Iasnef Tt ocepser

    y iltceridnr iy oltceriu doo ye tlbailnoe chn topd uecale pcnailey rnaad setapicitn, aeuneves rsenisubsil dagef le osan c. Icn, IynapmoC

    210 2iontaorpro ClN, E58, 4

    margaid dns ahpargotoh, ptxel tln aoitatimit luohtig wnidulcns bih. Tdevresee rrs athgil rld ans aeinapmop cuord getaicosss an ooissimree pht tuohtir weveostahm wroy fnn an ioitacilbur p

    itartsulln if as o, ieruhcors bihf ts onoisres vuoivern po id terreor, pgniniatbr ooe ftutitsbue a sr b, oetutitsnoo cd tednetnt iot asuu mod yny atilibisnopsee rlor suos yt i. Itcejorr palucitraf a poy yd betalpmetnor cennae mhn td ine ase uhr ton fgiser do/dtanretnr Iasnef a Tn ooisivore phr tot fcartnoy cn. Auoh ytit wsno ee tdas mt iroy erevt eslih. Wtcartnoe cho ttng iniretnf evisneherpmo, cytilibaile, rytilibatiue sht tuobs anoitatneserpeo rgef nt oug onisiry arujnl ianosrer ph otaer doy ftilibais ldetimioe fsiwrehtr oy otiuq, e)ecnegilgeg nnidulcnit (ro, ttcartnon cy in, ilaicep, stceridn, itceriy dng anidulcne iruhcors bihf ts otnet

    k oramedard teretsiges a rr iasne. T)lliwdoor gs osenisu, bsgnivs dihf tn ooisreh vsilgnl Eanigire oh, tseitrae phn teewtes betup

    giy rrateirpord pns athgiy rtreporl pautcelletnr iehtl old an) asder rd oeipoe ct boy na, mtran pr ie olohn wr iehteh, weruhcors buhcors bihn tn ioitamrofne ih. Tdetimil Lanoitanretnr Iasnef Tn o

    e oerd fetimil Lanoitanretnr Iasney Td beilppud sne arutae nvr pehtr oo/dnn aoitcurtsno, cngise, dgnireenignc efiicept scejoo ts tn aoitanimretel dane fihr toy ftilibaid lnk asil rle amusst a

    s bihf ts otnetnoe ch. Ttcejorr palucitrah a ptin woitcennon cu ior Iasnen Te ol blie wcivren sgiser do/dnt acudord petimil Lanoiruhcors bihn td ieniatnon coitamrofne ihf ty ocarucce ahe trus

    or cehtd ons aecivre, snoitamrofne ihf ty ocaruccd ans asenevnr Iasne, T)ynf ain (oitatneserpersit mneluduarr for fe ocnegilgnnon cg inisirr aeveoswor hr oeveostahe wgamar ds osoy lnr ao

    t lot nug bnidulcnie (gamar ds osol laitneuqesnor cl oatnedicnmedard teretsiges a rr ieipoe. Gdetimil Lanoitanretnr Iasnef Tk o

    .liaverl plahr semialcsis d

    r asneo Ts tgnolen bieres hthr d oecudorper rd oetubirtsi

    r oirl pld any ans aedesrepue srun oitamrofnl iarener goe fgrahf c

    y n bevie gcivdl aanoisseforr asney Tnf ay otilibatiue sho t

    f t oram prot foo ne druhcors bd radnats Sdetimil Lanoitanretnr Ir asne, Tgnitnirf pe omie tht te a

    n e iva. Seruhcors bihf tt onetne t bol nlahd setimil Lanoitanretn

    r o/dnf ae ose uhh ttin woitcen,tseretn, istfiorf ps osoo ld tetimi

    n oitadnuor Feipoef Gk oram

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