term end report aneesh

Post on 06-Apr-2016






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The Apple International School, Dubai



This academic year 2014-2015 began

This academic year 2014-2015 began for

the Academic Staff on 1st of June

and for the Students on 10th of June.

Before we set off for yet another session,

an orientation for the parents of the new

students was conducted on 8th of June.

The inquisitive children, one by one, walked into the classrooms on 10th of June, dreaming about the new class atmosphere, the new group of class mates and the set of new teachers, as if to take up a new challenge. The children were given a cordial welcome by the class teacher to overcome their shyness and to feel at ease.

Clean Health Campaign began in the first week of Oct ’14. In order to observe this, volunteers from Dettol School Hand wash Program visited the School. The children were educated on the importance and procedure of washing hands regularly and properly. This is the single most important thing that one can do to protect our self from illness causing germs. The children actively participated in this.

Investiture ceremony of Year 3&4 ………

princess from year 3I was choosen as student council member

The next biggest event in our school year is the Al Afdal Awards’ ceremony – an occasion to honour the Students who excelled in academics in the year 2013-2014.

One of our present 3 I Students, YSA LORAIN received an award for Full Attendance. This event was conducted on 2nd of Oct ’14.

Breast cancer awareness week ,,,,,,,,,,,,

The students of Year 3I preparing hand bands for their loving mothers, aunties and teachers

Our field Trip to Adventure land………..

In the coming weeks we celebrated , Islamic week, Sports Day and UAE Day.

The colourful UAE Day was celebrated on 1st of Dec 2014.

Activities in the class room during teaching periods. An activity was conducted in History in all grade 3 on clay Modelling , Pupil did a wonderful job on this.

Our 3I classroom bulletin boards….

Thank you Author :Aneesha Hassan


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