terwillegar community garden network annual general meeting march 5, 2011

Post on 26-Mar-2015






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Terwillegar Community Garden


Annual General Meeting

March 5, 2011

Agenda About the community garden

Overview of 2010 accomplishments

Volunteer recognition

2010 Board and responsibilities

2010 financials

2011 budget

Lessons learned

2011 projects

Plot assignment update

Quiet Garden

Board Election


About the Community Garden

Third year of operation

Garden is located on Community League land and was funded by the league. It is an activity sanctioned by the Community league.

The current set up is temporary. The intent is to develop the area over time into a landscaped garden and orchard area as per the garden vision document. The City is to develop the land once the architectural design is completed and funds are available.

2010 Accomplishments

Completed mulching with the available mulch pile

Obtained donated seeds and potatos

Had the garden shed sided

Fought back the weeds

Food bank watering

Potato beetle control

Food bank garden produced 377 kg

Reasonable growing year despite being colder than normal

2010 Volunteer recognition

All those that helped - GREAT, we couldn’t do it without you.

Above and beyond volunteers

Francis Wambuga, Joss and Axel Manning-Fox, Cathy and Patrick Chan, Bill and Rosemarie Luchak, Angela Johnson, Collin Webber, Keith Oldford

And everyone else that helped out whenever and however they could – it is all appreciated!

TCGN Board and Responsibilities

Board Positions (non-elected 2010)

•Garden Coordinator – Steve Johnson

•Resource Coordinator, Community Relations Coordinator, Site Coordinator – Shared by Steve Johnson, Matt Parsons, Loretta Friedrich, Kim Rost, Jodi Murphy

•To elect these positions for 2011 (nominations and voting at end of meeting)


Board Responsibilities – Available on the league websiteCommunications (news articles, etc)

Administration of membership contracts (database)

Setting up/leading volunteer and project committees

City of Edmonton Parks agreement

Membership with ECGN

Developing Budget with the TCL and attending TCL meetings

Grant applications

Meetings with the City for site development

Maintaining website

Maintaining Operational Guidelines, membership contracts, meeting minutes, budgets

Mediate disputes

Operational guidelines lists all responsibilities of the board and positions. Available at: www.terwillegar .org follow the links to the community garden page.

Memberships (Resource Coordinator)

Articles for the TCL Tribune (Community Relations)

E-mail responses and sending out mass communications (Community Relations)

Tank filling (Site group)

Site development and maintenance (Garden Coordinator and Site)

Fundraising – donations and events for now and eventually grants (Resources with Community Relations)

Budget 2010


•Shed siding $300

•Epcor $80.32+ invoice

•Meter adaptor $32.76

•ECGN membership $10

•TOTAL $428.08+invoice


•Membership $1160 (58 plots at $20)

To confirm with C.L. Treasurer $727.92- invoice

Budget 2011

•Depends on project work to be done


•Memberships - $1,200

•Other grants – Between $0 and $10,000


•Water - $200 - $300

•Proposed Estimated costs:

•Soil/Compost - $1000 - $5000

•Mulch - $1000 - $2000

•Irrigation system - $1000- $2000

Budget 2011 - Grants

Application in for $5,000 to TD Friends of the Environment Foundation for soil, mulch and tools. We will hear back by May 20th.

Application in for $5,000 to Home Depot Canada Foundation for soil, mulch and tools. We will hear back by March 25th.

2010 Lessons LearnedMore mulch and soil is needed for pathways and for plots that are short on soil depth.

In general, the site inspection template e-mail was well received. The template was designed to outline common issues with plots, such as weed and pest control, not being raked to full plot dimensions, and not enough mulch. Board will conduct site inspection in 2011and use a similar template to report back to plot renters.

Still no earthworms in the garden.

Food bank watering and weeding needs to be better documented. A board and log book will be set up in the garden shed for volunteers to track participation and what work was done

Work bees and garden inspections will be scheduled and dates provided to the members for the garden season. It will be posted on the website and sent out in a preseason e-mail.

Lessons Learned

1) Watering

•For a plot should water around 100 litres per week so the water soaks deep into soil. Depends on water need of plant.

•Mulching with weed seed and pesticide free grass clippings of 2-5cm depth recommended. Wheat or rye straw also works.

•Leave soil berms or depressions around plant (plot) to prevent water from running off

Lessons Learned

2) Potato beetle

• if found pick and kill by hand and tell your plot neighbors


• wheat or rye straw mulch better environment for beetle predators

•They attack other plants such as tomatoes

•THEY WILL BE BACK as they over winter in the soil several centimeters down.


Lessons Learned

3) Powdery Mildew

• Plant in full sun and have good air circulation (prevent overcrowding plants)

•Pick off infected leaves and dispose in garbage

• Organic Sprays - Neem oil, chamomile tea, 1 teaspoon baking soda to 1 litre water (raise pH), 1 part cow milk to 9 parts water. Spray after rainfall and through-out garden season

1. 1.

Lessons Learned

4) Garden set up

• plant as per seed directions on spacing. Several gardeners overcrowded their vegetables

•Tall plants to back, small to front for sunlight

•CAGE or stake tomatoes. Direct squash vines

•Visit your garden regularly (some missed harvest times, insect control, and watering)

•Some plants do not get along. Research your crop before planting

•Some plants keep bad bugs away (garlic, basel, etc) which could be useful on borders


Lessons Learned

5) Rabbits

• Didn’t do as much damage as anticipated

•Control by snow fence or chicken wire


Lessons Learned

6) Slugs

• None spotted in 2010 at garden

•If we have a wet year, they could arrive

•Pick when found. Best to pick in early morning

•Beer traps work very well but must be maintained daily


Lessons Learned

7) Soil Nutrition - Compost

Soil has not been amended with compost – may be brought in for use in 2011 subject to fundingBenefits of moisture retention and better crop production

Recommend adding compost in the fall in up to a 2 cm thick layer. Every 2-3 years

Available from landscape centers, University farms, Edmonton zoo, and Clean-it Green-it.

Can also make your own compost – discuss with Steve Johnson

Also can dig in HEALTHY plant tops into soil at harvest time. This is called green manure

Lessons Learned

8) Canada Thistle

A very successful weed. Must be pulled out by the root. If any root is left it will regenerate. Don’t let it get to seed

If we keep pulling and cutting it down, EVENTUALLY the plant should die due to lack of energy in its root system. This could take several years from others experience

2011 Projects•At least two workbee’s – notice provided on community league website and e-mail

•Filling and monitoring water tanks

•Mulching around water tanks (weed reduction)

•Composter development and management

•Food bank garden volunteers (plant, water, harvest)

• Supervise school participants and teach about gardening

•Developing additional plots for new members

•Possible food bank and plot expansion based on grant funding

• Planning what our permanent garden would be with the City of Edmonton IF we have enough board members

Food Bank Garden

•Require team lead to organize volunteers and garden set up for May 28/9 (weekend after May long weekend)

•Ground needs to be turned as overly compacted Need seed supply or starter plants – call local stores for donations. Check last years seed stock.

•To schedule plot watering and garden inspection for pests and pest control

Membership Contract Highlights

Volunteer commitment encouraged and will be tracked (volunteer logs and sign-in sheets) as part of ‘good-standing’ clause in garden contract

Survey completion for Edmonton Community Garden Network by all members

Membership and non-deposit fees to be PAID by cheque

Board discussion on if non-deposit made to edmonton food bank if member does not maintain plot and is not in good standing

Mandatory TCL membership as we are on community league land and this is a community league sanctioned service

Plot Assignments

Angela Johnson has provided plot assignments. The map will be posted in the garden shed before gardening can start.

Currently 7 plots are still on hold for returning members that have not returned paperwork.

14 plots are available

13 people are on the waitlist with a total of 15 plots being requested

still getting new inquiries about the garden and the waitlist continues to grow.

Quiet Garden

Vision: The Terwillegar Quiet Garden exists to serve the community by offering a calm space sown with native plants for peaceful reflection and friendly gatherings. The Garden seeks to provide education in traditional gardening practices in order to enhance Edmonton’s food security.

Garden Course

gardening 101 course out of Muttart  conservatory on May 28 10am -12 noon, and a beginner herbs course May 29, 1-3pm




HAPPY GARDENING???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


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