
Post on 17-Jan-2016






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You are cautious, vigilant, reflective. Your thinking is both analytical and constructive. You tend to analyze every situation, both favorable and unfavorable, and this trait defines the strong as well as the weak points of your personality although you pay greater attention and attach more significance to unfavorable events.

You tend to think of the world as a unique and orderly system and you never see your own life as a sequence of random episodes but rather as a consecutive chain of events, one resulting from another. In other words, you accept your life as fate. You do not perceive reality through the five senses. Instead, you try to comprehend your environment. Art and literature exert greater emotional influence on you than life itself. Often beauty means more to you than any material good. Your preference in movies or TV programs runs to serious psychological dramas. You do not trust your intuition and your intellect appears to be your stronger point but since you are inclined to doubt everything, you do not trust it either.

You are probably a shy and sensitive person. Perhaps you have problems in communication. The flow of time is almost a physical sensation for you and you see the present only as a passing preliminary stage before the future. Its uncertainty disturbs you. You care a lot about an ensured and secure future. In this connection, it is interesting to note that as your security grows, so does your self-confidence, bringing about aspirations to a higher level and new character features such as a tendency for moderate risk-taking and even daring. Nevertheless, you feel most comfortable when dreaming of the past. The past, with its unchanging certainty, is definitely rated highly by you.

You are prone to self-analysis, with a tendency to lowered self-esteem. You are doubtful about your abilities and capabilities. This doubtfulness leads not only to a lowering of the level of your expectations but also to a reduction in the constructive and energetic potential of your personality.

At work you are outstandingly accurate and industrious, trying in this way to compensate for the fact that you mistakenly feel you are professionally inadequate. Your habit of repeated self-checks slows down your work, which you consider to be an indication of your poor abilities. Because of your lack of self-confidence you often ask for advice from people who are hardly more competent than you in the problems in question. You often trust them more than you believe in yourself; you allow yourself to be led, thus losing your own initiative. Due to your diffidence and low self-esteem you experience difficulties every time you have to take up a new task. You are afraid that not being able to cope with the new task will lower you in the eyes of the people around you and, what is more important, in your own eyes. But once you take up the job you do better than you expected.

Generally speaking, you stand hard times in life much better than the daily

problems of life. You cope with troublesome situations better than many others who are reputed to be strong. At the same time, because you continuously strive for perfection, it is hard for you to complete the work. You have difficulty making decisions because you carefully weigh all the pros and cons, paying major attention to possible failures. Because of your low self-esteem and reduced level of expectations, you sometimes turn down more responsible, prestigious and profitable work. Consequently you are prevented from realizing your capabilities in full and hindered in your advancement in life. Be aware of this gap between your greater potential capabilities and the smaller success in life that you achieve because of your self-dissatisfaction which in turn strengthens your inclination to useless self-criticism.

Your strong feeling of self-respect and dignity accounts for your shyness; modesty is not the only reason for it. It also arises from a fear that should you act awkwardly, you would lose the respect of others. Thus your shyness is the flip side of your pride. In your relationships with people you are considerate, good-hearted and obliging but tend to keep people at arm's length. You have few truly close friends who could be called your soulmates.

Your character protects you against many defeats but also blocks your way to greater success. Your fear of defeat appears to be stronger than your desire for victory. In general, more than the comforts of life you value the harmony in your own soul. You constantly work to introduce, maintain and perfect order in your perception of life, trying to avoid inner conflicts with yourself. Often individuals of your type become attracted to religious and moral doctrines which offer them the appearance of a settled external world as well as a settled internal spiritual one, and they seek out people holding the same views.

Men and women of your type establish intimate relationships only when there is psychological compatibility on the basis of a close spiritual-emotional connection - love. As a rule, relationships of this kind are firm and stable and when they break up, it is always tragic.

You are indifferent to food as your appetite is mainly a function of hunger. It easily disappears when you are excited. On the whole, enjoyment of food rates one of the lowest priorities in your life.

As you grow older your character will undergo changes. Your knowledge and the prestige you rightfully gained will enhance your self-confidence and diminish your shyness; a lifetime of dealing with many different people will have developed your communicative skills. Perhaps you will develop an interest in pedagogical activities, where you might find a second vocation.

When deciding on an occupation try not to look at work requiring frequent and quick switches of attention or the necessity to make instant decisions under stress. You will succeed at a difficult and responsible job which calls for concentration and has a flexible work schedule. Any of the humanities are favorable for your character. You would also show your worth in the field of scientific investigation or in the medical field, although not in surgery because of

your intrinsic tendency to hesitate. In business you will succeed best in developing new ideas, or as a qualified professional or expert.

The men of your type resemble Charles Darwin who, for a long time, was undecided whether to publish his work "The Origin of Species", and Gregor Mendel, the founder of genetics, who was afraid to stand up for his discovery. Women of this type of personality resemble Margaret Mitchell the author of "Gone With The Wind".



People of this type, engaged in their customary productive work, do not think about its "higher sense", and proceed from purely pragmatic personal needs - for themselves and their families. Characteristically, they are farmers and laborers, owners of small businesses, minor municipal or government employees and bank clerks, teachers - and pensioners.

Their claims are modest, they do not expect great riches through their career, or greatness or glory. They want a reliable basis for their current material and social status, and hope that they will gradually move up the social and financial ladder. Success in the lives of such people is conditioned on hard work as well as on individual ability. The more able ones can succeed better in their chosen career if circumstances are favorable, but they can easily lose their position when competing with more psychologically motivated persons.

This type of person is not politically ambitious, and is unconcerned with politics in general. He needs to be able to rely on the government only to preserve the current order also in the future. In all other things he wants to be independent of the state while at the same time remaining a part of it. During elections he tends to vote like the majority, leaning towards conservative leaders. Even if he has his own point of view on any issue, he dares not oppose it to the "general opinion", being afraid to lose a feeling of solidarity with the majority. During great social upheavals he tends to congregate with crowds of like-minded people which makes him feel part of a large strong body and relieves him of the burden of responsibility for his opinions. In general this type of person is an individualist in his personal life and collectivist in his social life. He is against any radical changes in the state and in society and reacts negatively to all those who like changes in their country. He is not interested in foreign affairs except in the catastrophes and natural calamities happening there.

For this type of person, only the present time and the place where he lives are real. To him the future seems the same as present and he wants to make it as secure as the present. In his mind, the past is always tinted in rosy idyllic tones and is not important. This type of person prefers a traditional rhythmic way of

life. However, psychologically and physiologically, his needs for the occasional thrill and sense of danger is satisfied during the inevitable difficulties of living and also in sports competitions while rooting for his favorite team. This type of person looks upon sudden and significant changes for the worse in his life as irreparable catastrophes to which he adapts badly, and which may even cause him to become ill.

This type of person usually has a narrow circle of friends, formed long ago, to whom he is tied by special occasions enjoyed together and by mutual help. He tends to spend his free time quietly - working in his garden, or taking his family on vacations to holiday hotels or on well-organized tours. When he watches TV he chooses light entertainment programs and sports competitions. Some persons of this type like to attend sports events in stadiums where, together with large crowds, they find an outlet for their emotions. He spends his leisure time in various ways. He may have a serious hobby or he may be a "Jack of all trades" who enjoys making home and garden improvements.

His attitude towards the opposite sex is appropriate to the different stages of his life, and in the majority of cases he will have good partner relations in all aspects with his spouse - sexual, family and economic. Food preferences are individual but not sophisticated, and within the framework of customary meals.

Persons of this type will, in general, live within the bounds of their abilities and powers. If they are successful, they will cautiously increase the level of their expectations. If they fail, they must learn to face adversity with more courage, planning their future better and remembering that it often brings changes for the better. Generally, such people are conservative and conforming. Though each single one does not have much chance to stand out from the common mass of the population, together they form the body of the nation, making for stability.



You are a steady and rational person. You can define goals precisely, distinguishing between what you really need and what you can easily do without. You are able to learn from previous experience. You feel and value the present and think seriously about the future. You take your projects seriously, evaluating carefully their importance to you as well as the feasibility of their implementation.

You are capable and disposed to evaluate soberly your possibilities within the context of various circumstances. You consider the consequences of your actions. You have the courage to make a decision but also, when necessary, to reject it. Having made a decision you don't hesitate, but carry it out energetically.

You are cautious but not shy. In trying to reach your goal you are capable of overcoming many obstacles and difficulties. At the same time, you can evaluate the importance of this goal to you and your potential for achieving it, as well as your possible gains and losses. The moral aspect of any affair is of great significance to you. You are, first of all, preoccupied with solving your own psychological problems and only afterwards with objective external ones.

You are socially active. You have your own opinion on many social and political issues, but don't like to thrust it on others. You are open-minded but don't like extremism or aggressiveness. You easily become friends with people who make a good impression on you and you have many friends to whom you gladly give whatever help you can without expecting compensation or profit.

A sense of self-dignity is intrinsic in you. You are aware of the limits of your abilities and are satisfied when you have exploited them to the fullest. You are not egotistical and do not need to prove your merits to others nor demonstrate superiority over them. You are not vain, and at times this leads to insufficient ambition.

Men of this personality type treat women with respect, being especially aware of their physical attributes. Women of this type prefer clever and spiritually attractive men. Your relationships with the opposite sex are based mainly on spiritual empathy.

You like to eat well but don't demand gourmet food. You prefer an active vacation - traveling to interesting places that are new to you.

Your nature is well-balanced between stability and safety on the one hand, and risk and daring on the other. You try to set yourself realistic goals but this limits the level of your expectations and the realization of your potential. You must force yourself to be more daring. Success will encourage you to aim at higher levels and to attain goals you previously never hoped for.

Men of this character type resemble Benjamin Franklin and Franklin D. Roosevelt, and women resemble Margaret Thatcher.



You are self-confident, firmly convinced of the rightness of your beliefs. People who do not share your opinions irritate you and you do not mask your annoyance with their views which appear wrong to you. You are inclined to give advice to others to keep them from making mistakes but you yourself do not like being given unsolicited advice. Typically, you never entertain doubts or

hesitations and you cannot understand people who constantly rummage in their souls.

Most of all you value order and stability in everything around you, from your family relationships to the way your house is furnished. Order and stability are your priorities in interaction with your colleagues and the way your organization functions. From your family members you demand strict obedience to the rules you impose. You expect your children to excel in their studies and behavior although perhaps you were not outstanding in these in your own childhood. You punish your children for bad marks at school and for misbehaviour. You are likewise demanding of your subordinates, making no excuse for their smallest setbacks or disobedience. You do not countenance the slightest infringement of your rights by your superiors, and you are prepared to go to the limit to uphold them. Your superiors appreciate you as an industrious worker while you appreciate your supervisors for their clear and concrete directions.

As a rule, you try to control yourself, especially in regard to the relationship with your superiors. However, you are inclined to outbursts of anger after which you generally quickly get hold of yourself and recover. But not always. In situations where, due to your subordinate status, you are unable to respond adequately to an insult, you do not forget the offence and imagine revenge against your offender.

On the whole, you are a person with a practical turn of mind and character. You possess a highly developed sense of reality and the present is what you value most of all. You are not inclined to daydream about the past. Although you regard the future with caution and distrust, you hope that it will be like your gradually improving present.

You do not like what you consider frivolous or unexpected expenses. However, the comforts of life for you and your family are important to you. When inviting guests, mainly from among a long-established circle of close friends, you experience a feeling of pride in your home. You occasionally make improvements to your home, and if possible, you prefer to make them yourself.

The circle of your friends is small but constant. You like to spend your leisure hours together with them in common pursuits and recreation such as sports, fishing, and watching TV, rather than in conversations on abstract topics. On television you prefer watching athletic events such as football and hockey rather than political and analytical reviews. You are fond of thrillers and do not dislike violent scenes which show rape and murder. You like to vacation together with your family and select well-organized and easy travel along approved routes.

People of your type are usually sturdily built and physically strong although many tend to psychosomatic diseases such as high blood pressure, stomach ulcers, skin diseases, etc. You have a good appetite, like a plain menu, and are consistent in your preferences, attaching great importance to the preparation of each dish exactly to your taste. In your love affairs the sensual aspect of a relationship attracts you more than the romantic side. However, when the

relationship breaks up, you suffer very little.

If your self-esteem has been wounded, or your rights or interests infringed, you can become aggressive. Under such circumstances, when you defend yourself you are capable of a strong offensive, ignoring the fact that you might be endangering your life.

Politics are not among your special interests. At election time you vote for the candidates who stand for principles of power and who seem capable of ensuring rigid order even by tough measures. In an extreme turn for the worse – social upheaval, for example - persons of your type react strongly to the event by active protest. As they have a good sense of reality they are able to correctly judge the very core of social demands and needs. Due to their audacity they are frequently at the head of public social movements. Although they clearly express the public's dissatisfaction and show the way to social protest, they never forget their own personal needs and material interests which always come first with them. After achieving victory, they have no doubts about using the results of that victory to satisfy their own personal demands and gain corresponding privileges.

Persons of your type are successful in small to middle-size businesses, or as department managers in a large enterprise. They are considered to be perfect candidates for the law-and-order services, such as the police, where spontaneous action and courage are required. Men of this type were the pride of ancient Rome where they were centurions, and in our day they frequently fill high positions in the military. Women of this type can achieve success as administrators or managers.

In order to successfully point up your positive qualities you must learn to control your hot temper and become more tolerant of the people around you. You should take good care of your health, especially of your cardio-vascular system.

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