texto para luis 2

Post on 06-Jul-2018






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  • 8/17/2019 Texto Para Luis 2


    One of the very first civilisations of the Old World was the Mesopotamian Civilisation.

    Mesopotamia, which name stands for “between rivers” (in clear reference to the Tigris

    and Euphrates rivers) had a noticeable period of prosperity from 3700 BC to 330 BC.

    During this period there were three remarkable milestones:

    1.  Assyrian Empire.

    2.  Persian Empire.

    3.  State cities.

    During this period they were the ones who invented the wheel, the sailboat and writing.

    In terms of war, they provoked dramatic advances by using horse chariots.

    One typical building from the Mesopotamian civilisation was a tall temple known as

    “Ziggurat”. These buildings were built to locate people close to God (a famous Ziggurat

    was Tower of Babel). Around those temples there were cities, whose dwellings were

    made from adobe.

    In those cities lived not only farmers and herdsmen (who cultivated cereals, vegetables,

    fruits and hunted gacelles, hares and quails) but also merchants and artisans—who

    started to use the money.

    In terms of what Mesopotamian people used to eat beef, pork, goat, fish and many types

    of fruits (such as pears, apples and grapes) were the basis of their nutrition. Finally, and

    regarding clothing, Mesopotamians used to wear dresses and skirts made from fabric.

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