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The Shortlist

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Thanks to our MEP award sponsors

The European Plastic Pipes and Fittings Association

Channelling Performance

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The GSMA is a proud sponsor of the MEP Awards 2016

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Looking back over the previous year, we will remember 2015 as a time of multiple challenges across Europe and the world. Issues such as migration flows into Europe, the Ebola epidemic and cohesion within the Eurozone were omnipresent in the daily news coverage. Against this background, it is of utmost importance that we all work together inside the EU institutions in a spirit of cooperation to the benefit of the common good. Only then we will be able to master these problems and look ahead to a peaceful and prosperous future. In this context, I am very glad to see

Paul Rübig (EPP, Austria) has been an MEP since 1996 and has twice been a winner of the Parliament Magazine’s MEP award for Research and Innovation

A word from our host...


that in the European Parliament we have many ambitious colleagues with excellent initiatives. The MEP Awards represent an excellent opportunity to acknowledge these outstanding achievements to a broader public and to highlight the added value that our work brings to our constituents. Therefore, I congratulate all the members of the European Parliament who have been nominated. It will be my pleasure to congratulate the winners in their respective categories in the very near future.

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A word from our host


Animal welfare

Corporate governance


Digital agenda

Economic and monetary affairs

Employment and social affairs




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Foreign affairs


ICT policy

Justice and civil liberties

Regional policy

Research and innovation

Sport and physical activity

Trade and internal market




Supported by:agriculture

Nicola Caputo S&D, Italy

Ulrike Müller ALDE, Germany

application system for CAP financial aid and ideas for more innovative farming techniques. In a parliamentary question, Caputo suggested using hi-tech sensors to monitor farm production and health disorders in animals, automated transport and logistics and smart farming systems to improve irrigation efficiency.

Nicola Caputo is well known in Parliament for his work on agriculture, having been nominated in the same MEP Awards category last year. He has led the fight against price volatility in the sector, and has worked extensively on enhancing the competitiveness of EU agriculture. He has submitted a number of proposals to the European Commission, including an online

Bavarian deputy has been praised for her hands-on approach to agricultural policy, often meeting with stakeholders to discuss their concerns. She is a vocal advocate for rural communities and is committed to strengthening the property rights of landowners, especially in the case of family-owned farms.

A farmer by trade, Ulrike Müller has been shadow rapporteur for her group on several key agriculture dossiers, most notably on a new EU forestry strategy and the cloning of animals for farming purposes. On cloning, Müller believes its commercial use should be banned until it no longer poses a risk to animal welfare, without excessively burdening business. The

Laurenţiu Rebega ENF, Romania

worked extensively on the issue of food security and was involved with the Romanian arm of the UN’s food and agriculture organisation. Within Parliament, he has questioned the Commission on agricultural training programmes for disadvantaged young people and interest shown in the Commission and European Investment

Laurenţiu Rebega dedicated much of his academic career to agriculture, with degrees in animal husbandry, the management of rural development projects and rural development from Bucharest institutions, and a diploma in agriculture from Denmark. Before becoming an MEP, he was managing director of an agricultural firm. He

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animal welfare

Anja Hazekamp GUE/NGL, Netherlands

Emil Radev EPP, Bulgaria

for farming purposes. Hazekamp has long fought for animal rights and is a member of the Dutch Party for the Animals. Before becoming an MEP, she worked in public relations and later policy for the Dutch Society for the Protection of Animals. She also worked as a scientist on the issue of animal testing.

An MEP since 2014, Anja Hazekamp was her group’s shadow rapporteur on the zootechnical and genealogical conditions for trade in and imports into the Union of breeding animals and their germinal products. She was also shadow rapporteur on the cloning of animals of the bovine, porcine, ovine, caprine and equine species kept and reproduced

very active in the campaign to amend the Bulgarian penal code in order to criminalise animal cruelty. A member of Parliament’s animal welfare intergroup, Radev has been personally involved in the cause. In 2014, after veterinary authorities refused to interfere, he helped rescue a horse who had been living in terrible conditions and suffering abuse from its owners.

Emil Radev has been at the forefront of the fight against animal cruelty in his native Bulgaria. He successfully led calls to implement an animal police department. This led the Minister for the interior to issue a decree last July ordering all police departments to appoint two officers dedicated to investigating cases of animal cruelty. In 2011, he was

Janusz Wojciechowski ECR, Poland

opinion rapporteur on trade in seal products. The Polish deputy grew up on a farm and has been surrounded by animals his whole life. He has previously told the Parliament Magazine that he and his wife were currently feeding 15 cats living in their garden, as well as another living in their house.

An MEP for over a decade, Janusz Wojciechowski is Chair of Parliament’s animal welfare intergroup and a Vice-Chair of the agriculture committee. He is the ECR group shadow rapporteur on the cloning of animals of the bovine, porcine, ovine, caprine and equine species kept and reproduced for farming purposes. He is also the agriculture committee’s

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corporate governance

Sergio Gaetano Cofferati S&D, Italy

Therese Comodini Cachia EPP, Malta





whistleblowers and journalists. Before becoming an MEP in 2009, Cofferati was mayor of Bologna. Prior to this, he was President of Italy’s largest trade union, joining when working for tyre manufacturer Pirelli. While leading the trade union, he successfully negotiated pension reforms in 1995. Cofferati is a fan of comics, science fiction and the opera.

Sergio Cofferati is Parliament’s rapporteur on the encouragement of long-term shareholder engagement and certain elements of the corporate governance statement. He is also the S&D group shadow rapporteur on the trade secrets directive, which aims to help companies better protect themselves from corporate espionage, while also safeguarding

becoming an MEP, she worked as a human rights lawyer, consulting with Maltese governments on European law and equality directives. Earlier this year, she was appointed Malta’s shadow minister for education and employment. Comodini Cachia is also a lecturer of constitutional, and human rights law at various universities across Europe.

Therese Comodini Cachia has been praised for the enthusiasm and passion she brings to her work. She is dedicated to enhancing Maltese civil society’s involvement in EU policymaking. The EPP deputy is a member of the Parliament’s legal affairs committee. She has worked extensively on the single-member private limited liability companies dossier. Before

Ashley Fox ECR, UK

of Parliament’s economic and monetary affairs committee, for which he was opinion rapporteur on the encouragement of long-term shareholder engagement and certain elements of the corporate governance statement. Fox has worked tirelessly to defend the steel industry, submitting a parliamentary question on whether the Commission planned to

Ashley Fox is no stranger to the MEP awards, having been nominated in the corporate governance category last year. A European deputy since 2009, Fox previously worked as a solicitor in Bristol. He is a member of Parliament’s industry, research and energy committee, also sitting on the special committee on tax rulings. He is a substitute

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Supported by:development

Nirj Deva ECR, UK

Mariya Gabriel EPP, Bulgaria

the role of local authorities in developing countries in development cooperation and the EU and the global development framework after 2015. In the previous legislature, Deva was rapporteur on the role of property rights, property ownership and wealth creation in eradicating poverty and fostering sustainable development in developing countries.

A Vice-Chair of Parliament’s development committee, Nirj Deva has been an MEP since 1999. Throughout his long career, he has worked tirelessly in the field of development policy. He is the ECR group shadow rapporteur on the Ebola crisis: the long-term lessons and how to strengthen health systems in developing countries to prevent future crises,

rights and gender equality committee, on which she highlights the important role women have to play in peace building and development. Last year, she organised a competition in her native Bulgaria to encourage students to reflect on the European year for development and the fundamental values of EU external action – democracy, human rights and peace.

Mariya Gabriel is a member of Parliament’s delegation to the ACP-EU joint parliamentary assembly. She has urged her colleagues to include more migration-related topics since 2009, long before the start of the current refugee crisis. She is currently the co-rapporteur on the evaluation of the African peace facility. Gabriel is also a substitute on the women’s

Davor Ivo Stier EPP, Croatia

is also the EPP group’s coordinator on development. Stier was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and moved to Croatia in 1990. He then returned to Argentina to complete his university studies. Before becoming an MEP, Stier worked as a diplomat in Washington and Brussels, then as an advisor to Prime Minister Ivo Sanader on foreign policy.

One of the first Croatian MEPs since its EU accession in 2013, Davor Stier has already made his mark on EU policymaking. He was the Parliament’s rapporteur on the EU and global development after 2015. In this role, he was instrumental in defining the EU’s priorities in terms of development policy, with a strong focus on peace, good governance and stability. He






Supported by:digital agenda

Better known to Brussels outsiders as Tony G, Antanas Guoga is an entrepreneur and professional poker player. His prior experiences feed into his work on Parliament’s internal market and consumer market protection, especially on the digital single market. Guoga knows first-hand the importance of the digital single market in boosting EU growth

and encourages young people to start their own companies within the digital realm. Putting his money where his mouth is, Guoga organised a conference last October in his native Lithuania bringing together public sector representatives from European and US tech giants and over 2500 young people. The event was attended by European

One of Parliament’s youngest MEPs, Julia Reda is has been highly active on the digital agenda. Her focus has been on putting an end to geoblocking and updating EU copyright rules. She drafted a report on the topic, looking at creating a borderless internet across Europe before the Commission had even presented its legislative proposals. Reda understands

how frustrating it can be to be blocked from viewing online content simply due to location, something she wants to see stopped. Other than geoblocking, she has also worked to improve access to knowledge

– whether academic materials or research results – free of charge and pushed hard hard for her MEP colleagues to vote to protect the freedom of panorama.

Antanas Guoga ALDE, Lithuania

Julia Reda Greens/EFA, Germany

Róża Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein leads the Parliament’s digital single market strategy working group. In this role, she has committed to ensuring that the digitalisation of the EU economy respects the principles fair competition, innovation and consumer choice. She has been particularly attentive to the needs of SMEs, who may find it harder to adapt to

modern technologies due to financial or administrative burdens. A passionate European, Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein – a countess by marriage – was head of the European Commission representation to Poland before becoming an MEP in 2009. She is no stranger to the MEP Awards, having succeeded in the internal market category in 2011 and 2013.

Róża Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein EPP, Poland


Supported by:economic and monetary affairs

José Manuel Fernandes EPP, Portugal

Brian Hayes EPP, Ireland

Connecting Europe and Horizon 2020. Fernandes also ensured that support for Europe’s youth remained robust, promoting extending the youth employment initiative until 2020 and that funding for Erasmus + was enhanced. In total, he helped restore managed to recover € 2.8bn to the Parliament budget.

In his role as rapporteur on the general budget, José Manuel Fernandes has been instrumental in securing ongoing financial support for a number of priorities. The Portuguese deputy, an MEP since 2009, led the European fund for strategic investments negotiation, securing substantial funding for innovation and R&D. He managed to minimise proposed cuts for

funds, drafted an opinion on the external impact of EU trade and investment policy on public-private initiatives in ex-EU countries. He has also pressed the Commission through a number of written questions on their regulatory response to the economic crisis.

Since his election to Parliament in 2014, Brian Hayes has demonstrated a strong interest in economic and monetary affairs. The Irish deputy is a member of the economic and monetary affairs committee and a substitute on the budgetary control and special tax committees. He was shadow rapporteur for the report on the proposed regulation of money market

Steven Woolfe EFDD, UK

UK deputy Steven Woolfe is a champion of free market values. Since joining the Parliament in 2014, he has been an active member of the economic and monetary affairs committee. He is also a substitute on the budgetary control and special tax committees. He has raised numerous amendments on proposals for a regulation on indices used as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts.


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Supported by:employment and social affairs

Brando Benifei S&D, Italy

Ole Christensen S&D, Denmark

employment. He was co-organiser of the “Young Members of Parliament European Forum”, formed to debate the implications of EFSI for youth employment. He was also one of the promoters of the “Alliance 4 YOUth” initiative, where around 100 companies joined forces to tackle youth unemployment, promising to create more than 100,000 jobs in three years.

At 30 years old, Italian deputy Brando Benifei is one of Parliament’s youngest members. A member of the employment and social affairs committee, he was also shadow rapporteur on the amendment to the youth employment initiative concerning additional initial pre-financing. On top of his parliamentary duties, Benifei has also widely championed youth

Christensen has used his experience, political skill and passion to build widespread political support to make occupational safety a priority, providing support and visibility for an issue that is too often portrayed as a potential barrier to competitiveness.

Health and safety at work for Europe’s citizen has been a key interest of Ole Christensen. The Danish deputy has been a member of the employment and social affairs committee since joining Parliament in 2004. Most recently, he was the committee’s rapporteur for the EU strategic framework on health and safety at work 2014-2020 dossier.

Filiz Hyusmenova ALDE, Bulgaria

seeking to redress the inequalities in social care between member states. Hyusmenova has been unstinting in her support for the Alliance for Maternal Health Equality, and is personally leading the call for a parliamentary declaration on universal right access to maternal healthcare for all.

Filiz Hyusmenova has been widely recognised for her support on social equality in maternal healthcare, a key indicator of a well-functioning society. The Bulgarian deputy recognises the importance of ensuring adequate social support for all mothers-to-be in Europe. This is why she has provided a voice and a rallying point for those

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Supported by:energy

Miriam Dalli has taken an active role in the fight to ensure EU energy security. As a substitute on the industry, research and energy committee, she pressed for numerous amendments to strengthen the European energy security strategy dossier. These included the need to diversify energy supply, develop alternative fuels and decrease energy

dependence by wider use of smart distribution, smart appliances and encouraging viable small energy sources. The Maltese deputy was recently appointed rapporteur on the blue economy dossier, which focuses on the economic potential of Europe’s maritime resources, including clean energy.

Sean Kelly was in charge of leading discussions on COP21 within Parliament’s industry, research and energy committee. Given the potential impact on his committee’s area of responsibility, he knew their views had to be present in the environment committee report. Pushing strongly for clean energy systems, ending fossil fuel subsidies and increased

resources for energy technology innovation, he worked tirelessly to encourage open debate and balance opinions effectively between the different political groups. Following his efforts, he was chosen as part of the delegation to represent Parliament in Paris. He is now working to ensure that MEPs’ key points are reflected in the final agreement.

Miriam Dalli S&D, Malta

Seán Kelly EPP, Ireland





Miroslav Poche is one the most active campaigners on energy issues in Parliament. As a member of the industry, research and energy committee, he was shadow rapporteur on the European energy security strategy. Poche has been nominated as a shadow rapporteur on the implementation on the energy efficiency directive. The Czech

deputy takes his active interest in energy outside his parliamentary duties, regularly organising or participating in public debates around the Energy Union, focusing on energy efficiency. He is also a campaigner against energy poverty, both within his parliamentary group and in the Czech Republic.

Miroslav Poche S&D, Czech Republic

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Supported by:environment

Simona Bonafè S&D, Italy

Sirpa Pietikäinen EPP, Finland

given the numerous issues Parliament has raised with team Juncker’s proposals. However, speaking to the Parliament Magazine earlier this year, Bonafè was confident that she would be able to help deliver an ambitious and effective package. The Italian deputy argued that transitioning to a circular economy was not only about the environment,

Before becoming an MEP in 2014, Simona Bonafè was Councillor for the environment in Scandicci, near Florence. She later worked as a journalist. Though she is relatively new to the Parliament, she is in charge of a key dossier, waste management. This is a central element of the Commission’s circular economy package and will be a challenging task,

Commission. Pietikäinen has a proven track record in environmental policy, having served as Finland’s environment minister from 1991 to 1995. She has been an MEP since 2008. She believes the world already has the tools and information it needs to ensure a better, greener future for generations to come and that the key to overcoming global

An MEP award winner in last year’s animal welfare category, Sirpa Pietikäinen is an extremely active deputy. She is Parliament’s rapporteur on resource efficiency: towards a circular economy, a crucial dossier on recycling and avoiding waste and a source of much controversy since it was withdrawn and later re-introduced by the European

Catherine Stihler S&D, UK

health and safety of people and pets, as well as ‘the rational use of energy’. Alongside her work as an MEP, she is Rector of the University of St. Andrews in her native Scotland, where she graduated in international relations and geography and with a postgraduate MLitt in international security studies.

Elected to the European Parliament in 1999 aged 25, Catherine Stihler was the UK’s youngest MEP. She is currently Scotland’s only female European deputy. A Vice-Chair of the Parliament’s internal market and consumer protection committee, she has worked extensively on gas-burning appliances, aiming to ensure a higher level of protection for the

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Supported by:foreign affairs

Dita Charanzová was elected as an MEP in 2014. She is a member of Parliament’s delegation for relations with Mercosur and the delegations to the Euro-Latin American parliamentary assembly and to the Cariforum - EU parliamentary committee (African, Caribbean and Pacific states). She has worked tirelessly in Parliament’s trade committee to

improve trade relations with Latin America. She led a campaign to send a delegation of MEPs to observe the elections in Venezuela last December and has organised events to raise awareness of human rights abuses in the country. Charanzová is experienced in foreign affairs, having previously worked in the Czech Republic’s diplomatic service for 11 years.

Prior to becoming an MEP in 2014, Arne Lietz had a colourful professional career. His Parliament CV for the year 2006 alone lists his previous activities as, “call centre worker, Hollywood film script agent, washer-up”. He has also worked as a historian for a US teaching organisation in Berlin, Boston and London. He has been praised

for his “knowledge and realistic approach to the humanitarian sector”. Lietz was Parliament’s foreign affairs committee opinion rapporteur on a new international climate agreement, which set out the European Parliament’s mandate ahead of COP21. He is also a member of the development committee and a strong advocate for allocating

Dita Charanzová ALDE, Czech Republic

Arne Lietz S&D, Germany

Former Romanian justice minister Monica Macovei has been an MEP since 2009. She was originally a member of the EPP group, but switched to the ECR group last year. In her native Romania, she has led the fight against corruption and was a founding member of Transparency International Romania. She also advised the Macedonian government on

judicial reforms and the fight against corruption. She is well-respected among EU policymakers, having previously been named Parliament’s Woman of the Year. She is Chair of the Parliament’s delegation to the EU-Albania stabilisation and association parliamentary committee. She is also a substitute member of the civil liberties, justice and home affairs committee.

Monica Macovei ECR, Romania

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Supported by:HealtH

Cristian-Silviu Buşoi EPP, Romania

Lidia Geringer De Oedenberg S&D, Poland

rapporteur on safer healthcare in Europe: improving patient safety and fighting antimicrobial resistance. Buşoi has submitted several parliamentary questions on health, including on the Commission’s progress on establishing of a cooperative structure for chronic diseases, which account for nine out ten deaths in the World Health Organisation’s European region.

Cristian-Silviu Buşoi has a wealth of experience in the health sector, studying medicine and heading Romania’s National Health Insurance Fund. An MEP since 2007, he has advocated extensively on behalf of liver patients and liver health professionals across the EU. He is a member of the environment, public health and food safety committee and is the EPP shadow

with the creation of 60 units dedicated specifically to breast cancer. The declaration underlines the fact that cancer remains a significant threat to human life in Europe and that certain treatments have a seriously negative impact on patients’ quality of life, often with lasting detrimental effects.

Before becoming an MEP over a decade ago, Lidia Geringer De Oedenberg worked in television, first as a journalist for Polish Television (TVP), later becoming programme director and then Vice-Chair of TVP. She has co-authored a written declaration on the fight against breast cancer in the EU, which is expected to be a watershed moment for Polish healthcare,

Pavel Poc S&D, Czech Republic

fires. He submitted a parliamentary question asking whether the Commission would be undertaking any legislative initiatives to tackle the issue of fire fumes. He has also asked the Commission whether it plans to present proposals to regulate industrially-produced trans fatty acids, which raise the risk of heart disease, in food marketed in the EU.

Pavel Poc is a Vice-Chair of the Parliament’s environment, public health and food safety committee. He has been active in promoting cancer awareness, authoring a declaration on fighting colorectal cancer in the EU. He has also been praised for his work in fire safety issues, particularly fire fumes, the main killer in building


Supported by:ict policy

Mady Delvaux S&D, Luxembourg

Kaja Kallas ALDE, Estonia

world’s first parliament to discuss and create a legal framework for robotics. The Luxembourgish deputy has stressed the importance of this, especially when considering issues of standardisation, data protection, machine intelligence and safety. Before becoming an MEP, Delvaux was Luxembourg’s education minister.

Mady Delvaux was elected to the European Parliament in 2014, and is a Vice-Chair of its legal affairs committee. She is rapporteur on civil law rules on robotics. Delvaux is enthusiastic on the potential of robots, arguing that they could be revolutionary for the EU economy. Delvaux’s role is extremely important; the European Parliament will be the

prevent entrepreneurs from creating innovative companies. She believes regulation must not hinder technological advancements. An MEP since 2014, Kallas was previously a competition lawyer. She is no stranger to EU affairs – her father is former Commission Vice-President Siim Kallas, who served under former Commission

Kaja Kallas sits on the Parliament’s industry, research and energy committee and is a substitute on the internal market and consumer protection committee. She is the ALDE group’s spokesperson on digital issues, and is rapporteur on towards a digital single market act. She is vocal in her defence of SMEs, arguing that borders in the digital world

Angelika Niebler EPP, Germany

Crutcher’s as Counsel on media, entertainment and technology and privacy, cybersecurity and consumer protection. The German deputy is a member of the industry, research and energy committee. She recently submitted a parliamentary question on breach of the EU consumer protection directive by Chinese traders in eCommerce.

Angelika Niebler has been praised for her long-standing dedication to ICT policy in the EU. She has been an MEP since 1999, and has worked on several key dossiers. She was Parliament’s rapporteur on the 1998 telecoms review. In September last year, alongside her parliamentary work, Niebler joined the Munich office of law firm Gibson, Dunn and

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Justice and civil liberties

Jan Albrecht Greens/EFA, Germany

Anna Maria Corazza Bildt EPP, Sweden

is also the civil liberties committee’s opinion rapporteur on the transatlantic trade and investment partnership (TTIP) and trade in services agreement (TiSA). He is outspoken on the issue of mass surveillance, pressing governments to respond to Edward Snowden’s NSA revelations. In 2013, Albrecht arranged for MEPs to submit questions to

Jan Albrecht has been an MEP since 2009 and is a Vice-Chair of Parliament’s civil liberties, justice and home affairs committee. A lawyer by training, he is especially active on issues of privacy and data protection. He was Parliament’s rapporteur on the EU general data protection regulation, which will replace the existing regulation from 1995. Albrecht

committee, for which she was opinion rapporteur on the situation in the Mediterranean and the need for a holistic EU approach to migration on behalf of the EPP group. Corazza Bildt is active in promoting the rights of children and was instrumental in setting up the Parliament’s children’s rights intergroup. She is married to former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt.

An MEP for Sweden since 2009, Anna Maria Corazza Bildt was born in Rome, Italy, and retains close ties to her country of her birth; she owns a parmesan export company and a hotel on the outskirts of Parma. Bildt is a Vice-Chair of Parliament’s internal market and consumer protection committee. She also sits on the women’s rights and gender equality

Roberta Metsola EPP, Malta





Parliament’s proposals on addressing the ongoing refugee crisis. She has repeatedly called on member states leaders to show responsibility in dealing with the crisis by taking urgent and meaningful action. Metsola was previously Vice-President of the Youth Convention on the Future of Europe and was closely involved in the negotiation and drafting

Roberta Metsola was elected to the European Parliament in 2013, and was one of Malta’s first female MEPs. She has been in charge of one of Parliament’s most important dossiers, serving as co-rapporteur on the situation in the Mediterranean and the need for a holistic EU approach to migration. In this role, she will need to work on outlining


regional policy

Tamás Deutsch EPP, Hungary

Matthijs van Miltenburg ALDE, Netherlands

and is rapporteur on investment for jobs and growth: promoting economic, social and territorial cohesion in the Union. In the report, he highlights the role cohesion policy can play in helping smaller regions use resources more effectively. He also passionately believes in the right to internet access, coordinating a consultation in Hungary that will allow

Before becoming an MEP in 2009, Tamás Deutsch was already active in Hungarian politics. A founding member of current ruling party Fidesz, he was an MP between 1990 and 2009 and served as youth affairs and sports minister. He was also Vice-President of the Hungarian Olympic committee. Deutsch sits on Parliament’s regional development committee

and territorial cohesion in the Union. He studied international law, working for the Dutch ministry of transport, public works and water management. He is also involved in transport policy, and is the Liberal group’s shadow rapporteur on drones for civil use. Colleagues praise van Miltenburg for his honesty, integrity and professionalism, saying he

Matthijs van Miltenburg is in his first term as an MEP, but is already heavily involved in a number of key regional policy dossiers. He is the ALDE group shadow rapporteur on cohesion policy and the review of the Europe 2020 strategy, the urban dimension of EU policies and Investment for jobs and growth: promoting economic, social

Kerstin Westphal S&D, Germany

as well as a ‘one-stop shop’ for cities – a contact point for local authorities dealing with European legislation. Before joining the European Parliament, Westphal trained in childcare and later as a nursery school teacher. She continued to teach in nursery school until she was elected as an MEP.

Kerstin Westphal has been involved in politics for over 30 years, and became an MEP in 2009. She is a member of Parliament’s regional development committee and was rapporteur on the EU dimension of urban policies, which was adopted by a large majority last year. The document calls for better coordination of EU policies related to urban issues,


Supported by:researcH and innovation

Michał Boni EPP, Poland

Eva Kaili S&D, Greece

European Parliament. In a written question, he asked the Commission what measures it intended take to ‘support the successful deployment of mHealth’. Boni believes new technologies could be a ‘game changer’ for the healthcare sector, but that this will require clear rules on data exploring and sharing.

An MEP since 2014, Michał Boni is active in the field of research and innovation. He is a founding member of Parliament’s digital agenda intergroup and is the civil liberties, justice and home affairs committee’s opinion rapporteur on towards a digital single market act. Boni is particularly interested in mHealth and has hosted events on the topic at the

to the Hellenic Parliament in 2009, and was the PASOK party’s youngest MP. She became an MEP in 2014. Kaili is a Vice-Chair of Parliament’s science and technology options assessment panel, which works to provide MEPs with impact assessments of new technologies, and organises meetings with politicians and representatives of the scientific community.

Eva Kaili sits on Parliament’s industry, research and energy committee and is also Chair of the delegation for relations with the Nato parliamentary assembly. She studied architecture and engineering and later international relations. Before entering politics, she worked as a journalist and anchor for major Greek television network Mega Channel. She was elected

Hans-Olaf Henkel ECR, Germany

Aerospace and Ringier AG. He is Parliament’s ECR group shadow rapporteur on towards a digital single market act and is the industry committee’s opinion rapporteur, on behalf of his group, on updating copyright laws. He is interested in Horizon 2020, and has asked the Commission several questions relating to it, including on how

An MEP since 2014, Hans-Olaf Henkel is a Vice-Chair of Parliament’s industry, research and energy committee. Before his election, he headed IBM’s Europe, Middle East and Africa division. He was President of German research institute Leibniz-Gemeinschaft and a member of the supervisory boards of Bayer AG, Continental AG, DaimlerChrysler


Supported by:sport and pHysical activity

Santiago Fisas Ayxelà EPP, Spain

Emma McClarkin ECR, UK

expertise to speak with authority on the challenges facing all levels of sport. Fisas is a member of the international trade committee and a substitute on the Culture committee. He has brought his expertise to bear for the latter, acting as lead on their report on the ‘European dimension in sport’.

Santiago Fisas Axyela is outspoken on the importance of pursuing active, sporting lifestyles in order to promote health. The Spanish deputy has been an MEP since 2009 and is a former Secretary of State for Sports. He is a member of the Spanish Olympic Committee, and is one of only a small number of MEPS with the knowledge and

sport covers all levels. At a local constituency level, she supports her local sports clubs, listing their details on her personal website. At the same time, she recognises the importance of high-level sport and has actively pressed for greater accountability and better governance within professional sports bodies.

Emma McClarkin is a champion of women’s active participation in sport and is a Vice-Chair of Parliament’s sports intergroup. The UK deputy has consistently promoted the importance of sport since becoming an MEP since 2009, hosting a United Nations meeting in Brussels dedicated to sport in education and employment. McClarkin’s interest in

Marc Tarabella S&D, Belgium

to bring prospective Fifa presidential candidates to a hearing at the Parliament. He has also raised a number of written questions to the Commission on the issue of how to ensure data privacy for athletes who are subject to regular drug testing.

First elected to Parliament in 2004, Marc Tarabella has worked hard to keep the issue of sport on the political agenda. The Belgian deputy is Co-Chair of Parliament’s sports intergroup, and has taken an active role in pursuing improved sports governance. Following the recent financial scandals surrounding Fifa, Tarabella was instrumental in efforts

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Supported by:trade and internal market

Urmas Paet ALDE, Estonia

Viviane Reding EPP, Luxembourg

journalist. He is a member of Parliament’s budgets committee. Paet is a supporter of the transatlantic trade and investment partnership, and is confident it will help boost EU growth and jobs. He submitted a question to the Commission, asking why the negotiations had not yet been concluded and when the agreement might be concluded.

Elected to Parliament in 2014, Urmas Paet was nominated in last year’s best newcomer category. Before becoming an MEP, he was Estonia’s foreign affairs minister, and his country’s longest-serving minister since the re-establisment of Estonian independence. He also served as culture minister. Before getting into politics, Paet worked as a

committee, she was rapporteur on Parliament’s recommendations to the Commission covering the negotiations for the Trade in Services Agreement. She is also member of the digital agenda intergroup, strongly believing that a well-functional digital market demands coherent data protection rules.

A veteran of Brussels, the Luxembourgish deputy is now in her third term as an MEP, having first served between 1989 -1999 before her time in the Barroso Commissions. Since returning to Parliament in 2014, she has led calls for reformed investment protection mechanisms and for a digital internal market. As a member of the international trade

Virginie Rozière S&D, France

in Parliament. Rozière believes that providing EU protection to these non-agricultural products would immediately benefit up to 800 products from all over Europe, a number that would quickly increase. In addition, it would protect traditional skills and provide welcome protection against unfair competition.

Geographical protection for specialist food products plays a major part on their success and sustained quality. However, this does not – currently – apply to non-food products. French deputy Rozière is trying to change this. As rapporteur on the dossier, her resolution to extend this scheme to artisanal non-food products gained overwhelming support



Merja Kyllönen GUE/NGL, Finland

Dominique Riquet ALDE, France

of Europe’s most important services and is vital for employment and value creation. Kyllönen is responsible for the transport committee’s opinion on the digital single market strategy and was shadow rapporteur on a number of dossiers, including delivering multimodal integrated ticketing in Europe, sustainable urban mobility and implementation

As a weekly commuter from rural northern Finland and a member of Parliament’s transport and tourism committee, Merja Kyllönen is well-versed in the performance of European transport. Her stated ambition is to make it ‘smoother, safer and greener’. An MEP since 2014, the Finnish deputy believes that transport infrastructure is one

In his role as Chair of the intergroup on long-term investment and reindustrialisation, he also takes a strong interest in transport funding. This group provides a platform for horizontal discussions between parliamentary committees on identifying bottlenecks and obstacles to relevant investment.

As a Vice-Chair of the transport and tourism committee, Dominique Riquet has championed the importance of transport since his election to Parliament in 2009. The French deputy was shadow rapporteur on the fourth rail package and provided an opinion on both the European Maritime Safety Agency and the European Aviation Safety Agency.

Peter van Dalen ECR, Netherlands

the EU’s marine, maritime transport and tourism sectors. He has also raised the issue of lack of prospects for inland waterway carriers via a number of questions to the European Commission.

Peter van Dalen is a member and former Vice-Chair of Parliament’s transport and tourism committee. He has taken a keen interest in transport issues since joining Parliament in 2009. The Dutch deputy has been shadow rapporteur on a number of key transport dossiers, including inland waterway vessels and enhancing sustainable growth in

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Supported by:tourism

Claudia Monteiro de Aguiar EPP, Portugal

Claudia Tapardel S&D, Romania

and led a well-received conference, the first in a series of events, aimed at examining those issues likely to inhibit or stimulate the tourism sector in Europe in the short and medium term.

Since her election to Parliament in 2014, Claudia Monteiro de Aguiar has continually raised the challenges facing tourism in both in her home country of Portugal and across Europe. She is the EPP group shadow rapporteur on new challenges and concepts for the promotion of tourism in Europe. In addition, Monteiro de Aguiar organised

of events in Brussels to help inform policy on the needs of European tourism. She recently pressed the Council, via a written question, to expand the designation of 2018 as the European Year of Cultural Heritage to that of European Year of Cultural Heritage and Tourism Development.

Ana Claudia Tapardel has made the development of tourism an important part of her parliamentary career since her election in 2014. She created the parliamentary intergroup on tourism to foster the exchange of ideas between the EU institutions, the member states and external stakeholders. The Romanian deputy has also organised a number

István Ujhelyi S&D, Hungary

on how to improve coordination between national tourism boards, and also raised the issue of the need for measures to restore confidence in tourism within Europe following the tragic attacks in Paris. Ujhelyi has also called for measures on travel visas to help increase tourism from China.

István Ujhelyi has involved himself deeply in promoting tourism since his election to Parliament in 2014. He is a Vice-Chair of both the transport and tourism committees and leader of Parliament’s tourism task force, where he has defending Europe’s position as a leading tourism destination. The Hungarian deputy has quizzed the Commission

The Shortlist

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