that we should make divorce easier

Post on 05-Dec-2015






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English debate






Lecturer :

Samsul Arifin, S.Pd.

Created by :

Tiara Nur Hidayana (3D / 12321127)

Mega Ayu Prameswati (3D / 12321114)

Innaka Annisa Putri (3D / 12321119)





Well, Good Morning everyone.

We know that the motion today that we should make divorce easier. We as the affirmative team agree

with this motion. What case here? Ladies and gentlemen, today, marriage is the unification of two persons in

a formal ties through civil records and is also enshrined in the presence of God in accordance with the

approved religion both parties. There is a problem in marriage is a common reason for divorce filed by the

husband and wife. The reason often put forward when both spouses or one of them felt the inaccuracies in the

intractable marriage so as to encourage them to consider divorce.

Now, before we start our major points of analysis, I will give you clarity to the running of the debate

by providing a view of definition. Divorce is a divorce between a husband and wife living as a result of their

failure to carry out the role of each bond. In this case the divorce seen as the end of a marriage instability

where spouses live apart and then officially recognized by applicable law. Divorce is the dissolution of the

family because one or both partners decide to leave each other so that they cease to perform his duty as a

husband and wife.

In Indonesia, the government should make divorce easier, and we limit our motion today that this

should make divorce easier.

Today, I’m Tiara as 1st speaker, I will be talking about all major points and evidence.

Mega, as 2nd speaker, will be talking about rebuttal, recap 1st speaker, and arguments.

Innaka, as 3rd speaker, will rebut and sum up our team case.

So, I’m as 1st speaker of positive side the house absolutely agree with the motion today that we should

make divorce easier. Why?


I would like to argue first point is positive impact on a person's life, as well as the general public :

1) Loss of opportunity for husband and wife to do good deeds in the face of a variety of patient problems

households will bring goodness in the world and the hereafter.

2) Destruction of households that have been built next to her husband and family members split. Like a

woman who outlines thread that has been spun into a strong scattered back.

3) Various feelings of anxiety and fear that arises when the husband overrides interested in getting married

again. In fact, it is possible he will find it difficult to raise capital to get married. Not infrequently,

parents are concerned for their daughter to marry her after his divorce with first wife. Until finally he

remain single forever.

4) The return of the women who had been divorced home to their parents or guardians, and even to other

people's houses. This will certainly be a mental burden for them and the trustees. Therefore, settling at

home parents or guardians after her husband divorced, not the same as when it was a girl before

marriage. It is understood one thing very rnyang women.

5) Very few chances for men to marry women who have been widowed after her husband divorced. Not

impossible, after the divorce, she remains a widow, not married. Of course this brings a wide range of

damage and distress for the woman of his life.


6) If you find that a divorced woman has children, then the problem becomes increasingly worse.

Therefore, it is not uncommon that children living together in the house of the guardian of women will

experience a wide range of problems in interacting with the children of the woman's relatives or legal


7) Not infrequently the father took the child from her mother by force, until the mother never again be able

to see it, especially if the father of the children is a hard-tempered, must part with her son would be very


8) Increasing distance from the father of her children. It could be due to the children lived with their mother

or due to his work with a new wife not normally pay attention to their children while living with a

stepmother. Finally the father reap huge sin for wasting her.

9) Unattended caused children away from their fathers and mothers to educate their difficulties alone. This

would plunge them hanging out with friends who are a bad temper. Moreover, at times full of slander

and deceit, it is not uncommon displaced children is falling into the valley adultery, nor taking drugs, so

that eventually they become social pariahs. Surely this is not desired by any parent who still have the

common sense and honor, because it would tarnish their disgrace.

10) The number of divorce cases in the community will deter many young men and women to get married,

because of their fear of failure and a tempest in a household, which eventually gave birth to a traumatic

attitude. Of course this will bring great danger to society when they (the youths) were forced to channel

the biological necessity to things forbidden, such as free sex, gay, lesbian and other sexual deviations.

Our 2 point is Psychological development of children of divorce :

a) Meaning of Families for Children

For children a family is very important . The family as a place of refuge , gain affection . The role of

the family is very important to a child's development in the coming times , both psychologically and

physically . Families without children will feel alone , there is no place to take shelter .

b) Due to Divorce Child Psychological Conditions

Period when divorce occurs is a critical period for children , especially the relationship with parents

who do not live together . Feelings stirred within inner children . At this time the child also should

begin to adapt to the new changes in his life . The things that are usually perceived by the child when

the parents are divorced :

Feeling Insecure ( insecurity).

Do not desired or rejected by the parent who left.

Angry Sad and lonely .

Lost , feeling alone , self-blame themselves as the cause of divorced parents.

These feelings can lead to the child , having grown into a fear of failure and fear of close relationships

with others . Some indicators that a child has to adapt is : Be aware and understand that her parents are no

longer together and no longer fantasize unity of both parents , to accept the loss , not angry at the parents and

do not blame yourself , be himself .



It is undeniable fact that an estimated 80 % say the problems are about the largest family law divorce

law, and in fact the courts for every day of receiving a stack of divorce lawsuit. Whereas Eastern culture we

should be men - sacred - right meaning of a marriage , but the facts say otherwise. Every year chart divorce

cases continues to rise and of course more and more victims from the consequences of divorce itself, who are

victims of divorce? Is not no children of their own. However , divorce is present in the midst of life uninvited

and unwanted . Divorce is a process in which the couple had previously trying to defend it, but perhaps the

best way is a "divorce". Sometimes divorce should happen to avoid domestic violence (domestic violence),

for the protection of children who are toddlers, for the future of their children, or even to have a child. When

the divorce should take place by these reasons, it is not a wise and prudent decision.

In London, the high prevalence of divorce has prompted the department store Debenhams , to launch

"divorce registry" for friends to buy gifts for the newly separated couple - similar to a bridal registry service

for new and expecting parents. Elsewhere in the UK, in the exhibition offer divorce counseling and

mediation services for separating couples, ceremony organizers have begun adding non - religious encourage

a peaceful separation.


Therefore, why we as affirmative team absolutely agree with the motion that we should censor the


Today, marriage is the unification of two persons in a formal ties through civil records and is also

enshrined in the presence of God in accordance with the approved religion both parties. There is a problem in

marriage is a common reason for divorce filed by the husband and wife. The reason often put forward when

both spouses or one of them felt the inaccuracies in the intractable marriage so as to encourage them to

consider divorce.

like our 1st speaker spoke to you about argument:

1) Loss of opportunity for husband and wife to do good deeds in the face of a variety of patient problems

households will bring goodness in the world and the hereafter.

2) Destruction of households that have been built next to her husband and family members split. Like a

woman who outlines thread that has been spun into a strong scattered back.

She also spoke about :

It is undeniable fact that an estimated 80 % say the problems are about the largest family law

divorce law, and in fact the courts for every day of receiving a stack of divorce lawsuit. Whereas

Eastern culture we should be men - sacred - right meaning of a marriage , but the facts say otherwise.

Then, our 2nd speaker told you that,

1) Various feelings of anxiety and fear that arises when the husband overrides interested in getting

married again. In fact, it is possible he will find it difficult to raise capital to get married.

2) The return of the women who had been divorced home to their parents or guardians, and even to other

people's houses.

3) Very few chances for men to marry women who have been widowed after her husband divorced.


4) If you find that a divorced woman has children, then the problem becomes increasingly worse.

5) Not infrequently the father took the child from her mother by force, until the mother never again be

able to see it, especially if the father of the children is a hard-tempered, must part with her son would

be very painful.

6) Increasing distance from the father of her children.

7) Unattended caused children away from their fathers and mothers to educate their difficulties alone.

8) The number of divorce cases in the community will deter many young men and women to get

married, because of their fear of failure and a tempest in a household, which eventually gave birth to a

traumatic attitude.

She also said that:

However , divorce is present in the midst of life uninvited and unwanted . Divorce is a process in which

the couple had previously trying to defend it, but perhaps the best way is a "divorce". Sometimes divorce

should happen to avoid domestic violence (domestic violence), for the protection of children who are

toddlers, for the future of their children, or even to have a child. When the divorce should take place by these

reasons, it is not a wise and prudent decision. In London, the high prevalence of divorce has prompted the

department store Debenhams , to launch "divorce registry" for friends to buy gifts for the newly separated

couple - similar to a bridal registry service for new and expecting parents. Elsewhere in the UK, in the

exhibition offer divorce counseling and mediation services for separating couples, ceremony organizers have

begun adding non - religious encourage a peaceful separation.

So, Ladies and Gentlemen, in conclusion our team, we look that by the fact the previous description,

it can be said that we should make divorce easier. Divorce is a divorce between a husband and wife living as

a result of their failure to carry out the role of each bond. In this case the divorce seen as the end of a

marriage instability where spouses live apart and then officially recognized by applicable law. Divorce is the

dissolution of the family because one or both partners decide to leave each other so that they cease to perform

his duty as a husband and wife.

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