the 10 fastest ways to boost your conversions | qubit products webinar

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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We'll walk you through some of our top best practices — tried and tested examples that are fast to implement and provide fast results. Driving newsletter signups? Check. Sense of urgency nudges? Got it. Up-selling at the checkout? Tick.



The 10 fastest ways to boost your conversionsWebinar, 29th August 2013

Henry PorterProduct Strategy Manager at Qubit

72% agree they ‘understand importance of personalisation,

but don’t know how to do it’

Source: Econsultancy 2013

Home Category Product

• Welcome messages

• Session retargeting

• Driving newsletter signups

• Content engagement





• Highlighting functionality

• Product badging

• Sense of urgency nudges

• Live chat functionality

• Delivery thresholds

• Up-selling at the checkout

Best practices can be applied to range of pages on your website, allowing you to target visitors along their user journey.

Today’s consumermoves quickly.

So should you.

These are 10 of our fastest wins - fast to implement and fast results. Taking our favorite examples from across the world wide web, we’ll cross industries, from retail to travel, and follow a user’s journey

across a range of page categories.

Get ready to drive conversions, fast.



#1Give new

visitors a warmwelcome


Welcome message


Idea:All new visitors to your website - providing them with an individual voucher code, alerting to existing USPs, or simply saying a friendly hello!

Benefits:• Cuts through information overload

and highlights key offers or USPs

• Introduce your new visitors to existing offers - such as free returns

• Opportunity to introduce your brand values and add a friendly touch

Targeting example:• Geolocation - by city, country,

metro area & region.

• Traffic source - like from a fashion blog.


Welcome messageNew visitors are often unaware of existing selling points; use this as an opportunityto explain why your company is special with an on-page message layer


Welcome messageNew visitors are often unaware of existing selling points; use this as an opportunityto explain why your company is special with an on-page message layer


Welcome messageGive a little gift to your new account signups; trigger on-page message layers thanking them for their sign up and provide free delivery on their first shop.


Welcome messageGive a little gift to your new account signups; trigger on-page message layers thanking them for their sign up and provide free delivery on their first shop.


Welcome messageGive a little gift to your new account signups; trigger on-page message layers thanking them for their sign up and provide free delivery on their first shop.


retargeting with personalised

landing pages


Session retargeting

Idea:If we know a visitor have entered our site from a particular product search term, lets optimising our landing page with what they’re looking for!

Benefits:• Personalise the site depending upon

behavioural signals.

Targeting example:• Search term - eg. sunglasses or flip


• Previously viewed products or category.


Inter-session retargetingPersonalising your homepage is perfect for visitors returning on product search terms;use an in-page image replacement to catch them.


Inter-session retargetingPersonalising your homepage is perfect for visitors returning on product search terms;use an in-page image replacement to catch them.

#3Drive newsletter

signs ups to boost your CRM


Driving data capture

Idea:Asking users to register their email addresses, boosts your CRM marketing opportunities as well as letting users take advantage of basket features.

Benefits:• Registering with an email address

allows you to contact them in the future - for example, seasonal discounts or sales.

• You could then trigger layers to those coming from email marketing links.

Targeting example:• All new unregistered visitors

• Visitors that have browsed several category pages but still have an empty basket.



Driving newsletter signupsHaving a lightbox take over a visitor’s screen prompts them to interact and signup;use either an on-page form submission or on-page layer redirect to catch them.


Driving newsletter signupsHaving a lightbox take over a visitor’s screen prompts them to interact and signup;use either an on-page form submission or on-page layer redirect to catch them.


#4Push people to

engage with your content


Content engagement

Idea:When websites are already full of rich content, why not use this to boost conversions. Push visitors to content to engage them with the product!

Benefits:• Pushing users to content rich parts of

your website lets them engage with not only your product but with your brand.

• Make use of your content by then providing a link to products, cutting down the visitor’s path to purchase.

Targeting example:• New visitors to this page - it presents

an opportunity for you to highlight unknown rich content


Content engagementFor websites with blogs, e-zines, or video content, shout about it to your visitors;place eye-catching imagery above the fold to entice a click through.


Content engagementIf you feature purchasable items within your content, let people buy them, fast;have a click through layer appear that links to your product.


Content engagementIf you feature purchasable items within your content, let people buy them, fast;have a click through layer appear that links to your product.

#5Help people by

highlighting page functionality


Functionality highlighting

Idea:Improve your user experience by nudging visitors to start utilising helpful functionalities like search bars, filters, and wishlists.

Benefits:• Users are more likely to engage with

a product if they know beforehand that it is available in their chosen size, colour, price range, etc.

• Don’t let users get frustrated and abandon your site - show them where they should click!

Targeting example:• New visitors who aren’t familiar with

your site design.

• Visitors with multiple sized products in basket.

Filter by size!


Highlighting functionalityHelp people find what they’re looking for by pointing out useful functionality;use a pointer to suggest which products are best for driving conversions


Highlighting functionalityHelp people find what they’re looking for by pointing out useful functionality;use a pointer to suggest which products are best for driving conversions

#6Grab their

attention by badging your



Product badging

Idea:If your sale or promotional items are viewed alongside other products, grab visitor attention by placing eye catching product badges.

Benefits:• Push stock that may be on

promotion or that is on offer without needing visitors to enter a ‘sales’ section or filter by price.

• Entices visitors into diving deeper into your website by encouraging them to open product pages.

Targeting example:• If someone has been browsing

particular sales pages or categories, badge products that are already on offer.



Product badgingDraw attention to particular products that are already on offer or under promotion;use an in-page image replacement to label your products.


Product badgingDraw attention to particular products that are already on offer or under promotion;use an in-page image replacement to label your products.

#7Push stock

with urgency messaging


Sense of urgency nudges

Idea:Use scarcity as a behavioural trigger to get your visitors to act. If people think their item is selling out fast, they’re going to checkout ASAP.

Benefits:• Shift the last of your stock without

resorting to sales or promotion.

• Boost your AOV - If people are going to be checking out, they may add more products to their basket to avoid double delivery charges at a later date.

Targeting example:• Products that have less than 5

available in stock (utilising Qubit’s Universal Variable data model)

iLow stock


Create a sense of urgencyGet the internal clock ticking by drawing attention to products they might miss out on;use a numbered stock layer or a recurring onpage slider to grab their attention.


Create a sense of urgencyGet the internal clock ticking by drawing attention to products they might miss out on;use a numbered stock layer or a recurring onpage slider to grab their attention.


Create a sense of urgencyGet the internal clock ticking by drawing attention to products they might miss out on;use a numbered stock layer or a recurring onpage slider to grab their attention.


Create a sense of urgencyGet the internal clock ticking by drawing attention to products they might miss out on;use a numbered stock layer or a recurring onpage slider to grab their attention.

#8Deploy helpful widgets at the

right time


Live chat widgets

Idea:Your visitor might be on the cusp of checking out, but they’re just not sure of something. Get them to convert by answering that final query.

Benefits:• Adds a human touch to the shopping

experience - boost your brand by being known for having on the ball customer service.

• Catch them while they’re considering abandoning their basket - and then convince them otherwise!

Targeting example:• Hanging around particular pages,

like support or checkout, for an extended period of time.

• By geolocation - if your visitors are all speaking different languages.


Live chat widgetsEveryone needs a bit of help now and then, especially if they’re parting with their cash;extend that helping hand with an on-page redirect layer, triggering after a few minutes.


Live chat widgetsEveryone needs a bit of help now and then, especially if they’re parting with their cash;extend that helping hand with an on-page redirect layer, triggering after a few minutes.

#9Fill that basket to

brim with free delivery over a



Promoting free delivery thresholds

Idea:If your website offers free delivery over £75, make sure your visitors knows exactly much (or even better, just how little) they need qualify!

Benefits:• Boost your average order value as

users attempt to reach the minimum for free delivery.

• People are more likely to convert if they feel they’re receiving a gift or extra benefit.

Targeting example:• Referral (perhaps visitors who are

coming from a discount site)• Returning visitors• If the user’s basket is

• a) over the threshold already• b) nearing the threshold


Delivery thresholdsYou’re providing a great delivery service, make sure you shout about it!;Use in-page alerts to remind users, including the exact values they’ll need.


Delivery thresholdsYou’re providing a great delivery service, make sure you shout about it!;Use in-page alerts to remind users, including the exact values they’ll need.


Delivery thresholdsYou’re providing a great delivery service, make sure you shout about it!;Use in-page alerts to remind users, including the exact values they’ll need.

#10Up-sell visitors

as they hang around the checkout

Recommendation widgets

Idea:Your visitors are already well on their way to converting, if they’re in that mindset then why not bundle a few extra items in their basket?

Benefits:• Targets visitors who are already

planning on purchasing. They are far more likely to add items to their basket last minute if they have already committed to delivery charges and payment.


Up-selling at the checkoutIt’s like those little extras at the supermarket till, we’ve already committed!Have related items on standby with recommendation widgets above the fold.




Welcome messages Highlighting functionality Sense of urgency nudges Delivery thresholds

Session retargeting Product badgingLeveraging scarcity by promoting popularity

Up-selling at the checkout -recommendation widgets

Data capture Content engagement Live chat functionality

Filter by size!Hello!


Low stock


New Rating:

Qubit’s fast ways to boost conversion




The Qubit platform

How we help youdrive conversions, fast

Tag management Visitor analytics A/B Testing Personalisation

Our approachgives you more

control over optimisation


Discover valuable opportunities for optimisationRun complex queries in seconds, define segments and read feedback

Instant access to insight:See how conversions change for visitor groups

Highly structured user feedback:Diagnose problems by hearing problems first hand


Deliver targeted A/B tests and personalisationsSet criteria and push creative live, without hassling IT

Flexible targeting options:UVs offer highly extensible ways to targetand trigger personalisations

Fast layer deployment:Create personalised messages without IT or flipto JavaScript inputs for more advanced options

Measure results and prove ROIEvery test and even ‘always on’ personalisations, are measured against a control


Real time stats for live tests

Test results when significance has been reached



Get ahead with our personalisation research


Read up here:

An introduction to web personalisation:Turning insight into action


August 2013

Thank You


Henry PorterProduct Strategy Manager at Qubit

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