the 3 email commandments

Post on 17-Oct-2014






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The 3 Email Commandments will help you get through your inbox and on with your life. By following the commandments you will be able to process your email faster and more efficiently, which will allow you to focus on other, more important activities.


Commandment #1

Stop playing Tetris

Email is like Tetris. No matter how fast you are, there’s always more coming, and faster. An average person today

gets 110 emails/day.

By 2015 it will be 125/day (a 14% increase)



110 email/day

125 email/day

Since days in 2015 will still only be 24 hours long, something has to change, you.

You need to change the way you think about email, and the way you process it.

Commandment #2Don’t let email be your no.1


Be proactive and focus on your own to-do list.

Email is your to-do list that other people can write on.


Scan your Inbox for urgent/important items in the morning, and then work on your top priorities.

Dedicate blocks of time to processing email, and treat email processing as one of your priorities

Not the default Priority #1!

If you’re ever sucked into “doing email”, ask yourself if clearing your Inbox really the best

use of time right now!

Eventually it will be - but make a conscious decision about it.

Commandment #3Not all emails are created


Every email interface gives the same amount of real estate on the screen to each message.  

This tricks our subconscious into thinking every email is equally important.


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But that’s wrong - some emails need to be dealt with right away (urgent/important). Some can wait (non-urgent/important). And others should be archived/deleted in bulk (unimportant).

According to our data the unimportant bucket contains, on average, 58% of


- SaneBox filters out the unimportant emails into the SaneLater folder so you can archive or delete them all at once.

- You can move the non-urgent/important emails into one of our Snooze folders

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Here’s how SaneBox helps you:

Now your email only contains emails that you need to deal with today.  

And if you don’t get to all of them, it’s ok - just snooze them till tomorrow!

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