the absedy alphabet isbi challenge-chapter 4

Post on 21-Jan-2017



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The Absedy Alphabet ISBI


Chapter 4: Naps are Healthy

Welcome back to the Absedy Alphabet ISBI Challenge! Last chapter there was a lot of growing up and even more pranking. Well, I guess there was more growing up than pranking.

I also haven’t been buying clothes because they are poor and I want to save all their money to invest in their house, and their future mansion. But at this rate it is going to take a very loooooong time to save the money for it.

Anyway, enough blathering about money problems. Time to play!

What a minute, who are you? And why are you standing in that pose with your cheeks puffed out like that?


I guess I’ll never know.

Please don’t set the house on fire. Please don’t set the house on fire. Please don’t set the house on fire.

Aislin: “I hope I don’t make more char.”

Aislin: “Well, it’s not black. But is it supposed to stick inside the pan like that?”

Aislin keeps doing this, and then a clapping noise happens. It’s weird. I know it’s that one talking animation where they clap, but having it be one handed is just so weird.

Aislin: “Why do we still have a nanny?”

Are you talking to me?

Aislin: “Everyone here can take care of themselves just fine.”

You aren’t talking to me, are you?

Aislin: “Well, except for dad. He probably needs a nanny. I’m pretty sure he’s still passed out on the floor.”

Oh. Right. He is. I should probably stop stalking Aislin…

Aelwin: “Ha. I can make food without burning it. Yes-sir-ee. Hehe.”

I think everyone should be worried about what might be in those sandwiches.

Laura: “Why is it that I always have to stand over you for you to get your homework done?”

Aelwin: “What does it even matter? I’m a teenager now. The social worker doesn’t take teenagers away for failing.”

Laura: “Just do your homework.”

Aelwin: “How long do you think I can balance this ball on my foot for?”

Aislin: “About how long it takes before mom comes back into the room to get you to do your homework.”

Aelwin: “Very funny. But I don’t see you making a dent in your pile of homework over there.”

Amaryllis: “Do your homework, sisters! I’m the one caught up, so I can yell at you for it all I want.”

Amaryllis: “Mom! Dad’s been passed out for an entire day. Should we be worried.”

Aelwin: “Should we take him to the hospital?”

Aislin: “I dunno. Wouldn’t that wake him up? He’s kinda spacey when he wakes up.”

Aelwin: “Isn’t waking him up the point?”

Amaryllis: “Maybe if we made him santa cookies he would wake up.”

Laura: “Controller, I’m starting to think that he really is dead.”

Nah. If he were dead, then there would only be a tombstone. Trust me. He’s alive.

You guys are all such worry warts. Here, I’ll fix this.

Komei: “Ug, I feel terrible. And sore.”

Up and at um, Komei! Hehe.

Komei: “Ew! Why do I stink so bad.”

Hehe. That’s what happens when you’re passed out for forever. I’m actually kind of happy he can’t hear me at this point.”

Laura: “Seriously. This is gross.”

Hey, I’m not the one who stopped him from sleeping in a bed. He was the one who wanted to sleep on the floor for over 24 hours.

Laura: “That doesn’t change the fact that this is gross.”

Hehe. I feel vindicated.

Laura: “Komei’s grossing me out.”

I told you he was gross before you married him. Hehe.

Laura: “Oh, shush.”

Laura: “How can five people make such a huge disaster of the bathroom? The toilet was clogged, shower broken. And there is an inch of water on the ground!”

That’s why, when this family has the money, they are getting a butler to take care of all their filth. But that’s a long ways off. So, until then, you get to do it.

Aislin: “Hi puppy.”

Aelwin: “I think that is more like a wolf than a puppy.”

Aislin: “Whatever. He’s still a puppy to me.”

Aelwin: “Homework is dumb.”

She still has homework from when she was a child!? That homework is so late there is no way they would ever let you turn it in. I’m a horrible sims player. Simply horrible.

Laura: “There. Aelwin, you’ve finally finished your stack of homework. Time for me to focus on Aislin.”

What a pain. I’m using the weekend to get them caught up and it’s almost over already.

Laura: “I feel kind of funny.”

Would you look at that. You’re old.

Laura: “Huh. Where did this ring come from?”

Uh. When you got married.

Laura: “When did I get married?”

Oh dear.

Points Summary PointsBeginning Point Total: 6Nothing whatsoever

Current Point Total 6

I suppose that wraps up this chapter. I don’t really have anything to write on this closing slide, so Happy Simming!

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