the age of euler

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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The Age of Euler. Nicholaus 1623-1708. Nicholaus I 1662-1716. Jakob I 1654-1705. Johann I 1667-1748. Nicholaus II 1662-1716. Nicholaus III 1695-1726. Johann II 1710-1795. Daniel I 1700-1782. Jakob II 1759-1789. Daniel II 1751-1834. Christoph 1751-1834. Johann Gustave 1751-1834. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


The Age of Euler

The Bernoullis

Images from MacTutor

Jakob I 1654-1705 Johann I 1667-1748

Nicholaus III 1695-1726 Daniel I 1700-1782 Johann II 1710-1795

Nicholaus I 1662-1716

Nicholaus II


Nicholaus 1623-1708

Jakob II 1759-1789

Johann III 1746-1807

Daniel II 1751-1834

Christoph 1751-1834

Johann Gustave 1751-1834

Leonard Euler

Images from MacTutor

Images from MacTutor

Joseph Louis Lagrange

Guillaume François l’Hôpital

Maria Gaetana Agnesi

Jean Le Rond d’Alembert Bishop George

BerkeleyColin MaclaurinThomas Simpson

Calculus Texts in the 1700’s

• England (fluxions)

• Charles Hayes – A Treatise of Fluxions

• Simpson – A New Treatise of Fluxions (1737)

• Maclaurin – A Treatise of Fluxions (1742)

• Continental Europe (differentials)

• l’Hôpital – Analysis of Infinitely Small Quantities… (1690)

• Maria Agnesi – Foundations of Analysis for the Use of Italian Youth (1748)

• Euler – Introduction to Analysis of the Infinite (1748), Methods of Differential Calculus (1755), Methods of the Int. C. (1768)

• Lagrange – The Theory of Analytic Functions, containing the principles of the differential calculus, released…quantities (1797)

Algebra and Number Theory

• Systems of linear equations

• Maclaurin – Introduces Cramer’s Rule (before Cramer!) (1730’s)

• Polynomial equations

• Maclaurin – Gives well-organized form for solving polynomial equations through degree 4 and Newton’s numerical approx.


• Euler – Gives a fuller treatment and notes that he cannot give any formulas for 5th degree and above

• Lagrange – Also attempts to find a general solution for the nth degree eq.

• Number theory

• Euler – Gives his proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem for n = 3.

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