the area prospectus and application process. session objectives understand the relevance and...

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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The Area Prospectus and Application Process

Session Objectives

Understand the relevance and importance of the Area


Understand all roles and responsibilities of all parties

involved in delivering the Prospectus

Demonstrate knowledge of administrative tasks involved in

effective upkeep and delivery of the Prospectus from all

user perspectives

By the end of today’s session...

What is the Area Prospectus?

Area-wide web-based prospectus

Collates all pre and post-16 courses available for learners

Response to the DCSF’s 14-19 Reform Plan

Soon will have facility to apply for courses

What is the Area Prospectus?The DCSF’s comment

A user friendly, fully searchable directory of education and training

available in the area at entry level through to level 3

Information about course quality

Information about progression routes from courses

Details of how to get in touch with IAG practitioners who can offer


The opportunity to apply for courses online through the CAP

From the 14-19 Prospectus and CommonApplication Process Action Plan May ‘09

Benefits of an Up-to-Date Prospectus

Benefits of an Up-To-Date Prospectus

More information – more applicants

Students more suited to courses offered

Provider’s responsibility

DCSF documents outlines

Government requirement

Benefits of an Up-To-Date Prospectus

DCSF documents outlines Governmental September

Guarantee requirement –

“[It is the responsibility of] Post 16 Schools, Colleges and

Independent Training Providers to ensure that up-to-

date details of their current offer are available

through the area prospectus.”

- DCSF September

Guarantee Guidance 2008

What Is a Good Prospectus Entry?

Includes extensive description of provider

Lists any accreditations and awards

Includes institution logo

Lists all facilities offered through provider

Provider Details

What Is a Good Prospectus Entry?

Includes unique description

Engages student with course

Details of progression information

Lists all venues that courses are offered


Course Details

Go to

Enabling learners to quickly and efficiently

find courses that interest them

Predictive text

Dynamic input

Learners can enter Course Name, Provider

Name, Town or Career Area

“Did you Mean?” facility suggests

alternatives for misspellings

Other suggested courses

The Search facility

The Combination Search facility

Enter a combination of courses

The learner can enter a mixture up to 12

Search will result the providers offering the mix of courses the learner is interested in


The Search filters

Allow for refining of searches according to

learner’s preference

Help text (hover over the icon) directs IAG

explaining the various areas of the


The Search filters

Location broadens to ‘All Prospectuses’ search to allow for

simple cross-border provision

Age Range – 14-16/16-19

Start date

Search between 9 main types of qualification

A / AS level, GCSE, Diploma etc

Level – click ‘More About Levels’ for a detailed run down of

levels (explored next page)

Course type – quick access for key government agenda


Diplomas, Apprenticeships, Foundation Learning

‘More About Levels’

Course details

Provider Administration

The Administration Homepage

The Administration Homepage

Edit Details Screen

Selecting provider type

Edit Details Screen

Events and Open Days

Adding a New Event

Adding a New Event

Report a Missing Qualification

Reporting a Missing Qualification

Reporting a Missing Qualification

The Reporting Suite

The Reporting Suite

Data Accuracy ReportShows which of your courses are up to date. Will represent all courses not updated in a specifiedtimeframe.Runs in Excel.

Expiry ReportShows any QANs logged against courses that have expired

Provision ReportShows your entire provision currently on the Prospectus

Provider Details ReportWill represent which details you are showing and which you are missing

The Reporting Suite

Gap Analysis ReportFor large provisions – shows where you may have gaps in your provision in terms of level, subject etc

QAN Check ReportShows how many of your courses do not have associated QANS

User Activity ReportShows, across all users, last log-in time and last action

User ReportShows all users

Programmes ReportShows all programmes

Using the Course Editor to Add Courses and Edit Course Details

Courses, the Academic Year and Rollforwards

Allows for courses to be entered into the following year and


Learners see course information after LA roll-forward

Prospectus should view courses starting in the following

September for application purposes

Local Authority controls which academic year prospectus is


Course details and academic year are unaffected by Local

Authority roll-forward

The Administration Homepage

The Administration Homepage

The Course List

Edit Current Course -

Edit Current Course –“View”

View – Go to Course Editor

Clone – Make an exact copy named “Clone of ...”

Delete – Remove the coursefrom the Prospectus

The Course List

Add – creates a new course

Will be named by the text inthe box.

As a uniform method of entering names, input the course type (eg GCSE, AS, BTEC etc) first

Click “Add” to enter the CourseEditor

The Course Editor

The Course Editor

The Course Editor

The Course Editor

•Status – must be “Live” to see course on Prospectus. Review toolenabled.

•Programme Type – either “Apprenticeship”, “Diploma”, or “Other”.

•Contact Name – Required Field.

•Venue – must have at least one to be searchable on the Prospectus. Select “Whole Area” for Work Based Learning. Consortia administrators will have all venues at all providers selectable

•Partnership – Will allow other providers to add the course in their “Courses Offered Through Partners” section.

•Numbers – Predicted and current numbers for the course.

•Appliable – Select “Yes” to display text on the Prospectus that will inform learners of the ability to apply for this course online. “No” will remove this graphic.

Course Representation on the Prospectus

Course Title

What Will You Be Learning? –



Who can do it?

Qualifications – QCA Data and links


The Review Tool

All courses will be sent to LA for review before being made live

Any courses that have been sent back by LA before publishing will contain

comments as to which details to amend/add

Once update is complete, send course back for publishing

Using the Course Editor to Roll Forward Courses

The Administration Homepage

The Course List

Click “Copy

Programmes/Courses to

Academic Year 2009/10”

Will ask which courses

you wish to roll forward

and which status to roll

them forward to

Press “Copy


The Course List

Click “Copy

Programmes/Courses to

Academic Year 2011/12”

Will ask which courses

you wish to roll forward

and which status to roll

them forward to

Press “Copy


Copying Forward Courses

Click “Copy

Programmes/Courses to

Academic Year 2011/12”

Will ask which courses

you wish to roll forward

and which status to roll

them forward to

Press “Copy


Copying Forward Courses

Click “Copy

Programmes/Courses to

Academic Year 2011/12”

Will ask which courses

you wish to roll forward

and which status to roll

them forward to

Press “Copy


Copying Forward Courses

Click “Copy

Programmes/Courses to

Academic Year 2009/10”

Will ask which courses

you wish to roll forward

and which status to roll

them forward to

Press “Copy


Option Block Setup

Option Block Setup

Option Block Setup

Option Block Setup

Option Block Setup

Using the Import/Export Tool

The Import / Export tool

The Common Application Process

What is the Common Application Process?

The facility to, via the Area Prospectus, apply for the

courses available for learners across the area

Enables associated practitioners (IAG leads, tutors,

Connexions PAs, local authorities) visibility over the

application process to allow for impartial IAG to be delivered

to those students taking part

What is the Common Application Process?The DCSF’s comment

One process through which all young people can apply for education

and training opportunities so that they no longer have to navigate

different applications process for different opportunities apply for education and training courses from entry level to

level 3, namely:



General Qualifications (GCSEs and A Level)

[Young people at risk of NEET] can be offered support and advice

from specialist IAG professionals

From the 14-19 Prospectus and CommonApplication Process Action Plan May ‘09

Sending Provider ProcessLearner uses online prospectus to select favourite courses and venues

Learner completes online applications for the courses

Students receive impartial advice and guidance

Connexions PAs monitor the progress of applications

Sending Provider checks report on who is and is not using the system at their institution

Applications sent to post 16 Learning Providers

Connexions PA’s can view individual applications that have been submitted

Sending Provider generates reports showing number of applications sent by each student




Receiving Provider Process

Result of application returned to student

Receiving Provider views reports on applications

Receiving Provider schedules appointments through system

Connexions PAs assist learner to prepare for the interview.

Application acknowledged to Learner

Offer- conditional on set criteria

Offer- unconditional on set criteria

No Offer- Rejected with reasons

Application received, checked and processed by Post 16 provider

Optional:- Student attends interview with Provider




Final Stages

Connexions PAs can review the application results from each learner.

Sending Provider generates reports showing number of offers for each student

Learner accepts or rejects offer.

Connexions PAs advise student on options

Offer made (conditional or unconditional)

No Offer made- Rejected with reasons

Learner receives notification of result of application

Review and EvaluationS-cool provides ongoing support to Broker

Broker reviews: • Success of process (Set in Audit)• Provider/Learner Uptake• Next steps•September Guarantee reporting





The Learner’s Process

The Learner’s Process

• Visit Area Prospectus

Step 1 - Logon

Step 2 – Register account with Area Prospectus

• Click ‘My Courses’

Step 2 – Register account with Area Prospectus

• First time – learner enters username, password and email address• Subsequent visits: enter username and password to review saved courses and apply

Step 3 – Search for courses

• Use Prospectus to find courses

• Use Keyword, Combination, Subject and Provider search to effectively result learner’s most desired courses.

Step 4 – Add favourites to ‘My Courses’

• Click ‘Add to My Courses’ on course details page• Course will be saved to review later

Step 5 – Use Unlock Code to login to Application Process

• When learner has saved a favourite at a provider taking part in Application Process and enabled for receiving applications, the ‘Apply to this provider’ button will be visible from the ‘My Courses’ page.

• Click ‘My Profile’ to be prompted for the learner’s unlock code

Step 5 – Use Unlock Code to login to Application Process

• Learner only needs to enter unlock code once

• Logging into the Area Prospectus will also log into Application Process from now on

• Once unlocked your learner has access to all the Application Process facilities

Step 6 – Fill out ‘My Profile’

My Profile

• Allows learners to enter personal details, work experience, personal statement etc

• Details filled in here will populate application forms

• Learners can change their password from here

• Reference will appear at the base of the page if applied

• Learners should fill out “My Profile” before applying for courses to ensure details entered appear on application forms Slide 82

My Courses

• Shows all courses saved as favourites in the Area Prospectus

• Allows learners to apply for any courses at providers enabled for Application Process

• “Search for more courses” will return the learner to the Prospectus to search for further courses

• Click ‘Apply to This Provider’

Step 7 - Apply Slide 83

Using Application Process to apply Slide 84

Using Application Process to apply Slide 85

Using Application Process to apply Slide 86

Using Application Process to apply Slide 87

Using Application Process to apply Slide 88

Step 8 – Track applications and respond to offers

My Summary

• Provides a visual overview of the entire learner’s application process providing access to view:

• My Profile, where learners can alter their personal details, predicted grades etc

• My Courses, where learners can view their favourites saved from the Area Prospectus and apply for courses at providers taking part in Application Process

• My Appointments, to view any upcoming appointments

• My Offers, to view and respond to offers

• My Applications, to view, continue, withdraw and edit current applications Slide 89

My Applications

•Provides a visual overview of the status of any applications in progress including

• Any saved, unsent applications

• Applications that have been sent

• Applications acknowledged by providers that are currently being processed

• Any withdrawn or declined applications with reasons displayed

• The option to continue with and send currently unsent applications, and withdraw any unsent or sent applications and provide a reason (applications received/acknowledged by the receiving provider cannot be withdrawn)

Step 8 – Track applications and respond to offers Slide 90

My Offers

• View any offers that have been proposed to the learner from their receiving providers including:

• The option to accept offers

• The ability to decline offers and to give reasons

• A visual overview of the offers process

• (Optional) The ability to order your offers by preference. This will be indicated to the receiving provider to aid provisioning and predicted numbers.

Step 8 – Track applications and respond to offers Slide 91

My Messages

• Learners can view any received messages

• Alerts – learners will receive an email to their email address entered within “My Profile” whenever

• They receive a new message

• Any of their applications

changes status

•Learners can message any provider they currently have an active application to, their home provider or their Connexions PA

• Learners can “flag” messages for further attention with an Outlook-style inbox functionality layout

Step 8 – Track applications and respond to offers

Unlock Codes Demo

Visit URL above

Register with the Area

Prospectus and search

for courses at

Cattleman School

Unlock codes available

Administering Received Applications

Receiving Provider tasks overview

Manage incoming applications


Build Offers

Invite to interview if applicable

Send offers

Enrol learner

Review forwarded offers from consortium if applicable

Report on applications and offers

Manage users

Message applicants and learners

Export and import applications to synch with MI system

Receiving Provider’s suggested process

Acknowledging applications

Acknowledging applications Inform learner of receipt of application

Acknowledge multiple applications at once

Will set learner’s application to “Received”

Send out message – either template or individual message

Managing Applications

Managing Applications

After acknowledging the application the receiving provider

can then process the individual applications either with the

young person present or without.

Creating a draft offer

Clicking ‘View’ takes user through to

application management page for

this learner

Add courses to offer either by ‘Add

to Offer’ or by choosing courses from

Prospectus offer through ‘Add a

course from this provider’

Can view application form

Click ‘Decline’ to decline application

and add reason

View acknowledgement message

that was sent

Creating a draft offer

Click ‘Send offer to learner’ to

begin sending offer

Sending and adding conditions to offers

After clicking ‘Send offer to learner’ a provider can specify

Conditional – with conditions – use either a template or free text


Click ‘Send offer’

Will progress learner’s

application status

to “Offered”

Creating multiple offers

Once you have built a draft offer

you will have the option to “Add

New Offer”

Build offer in same way to


Quick and Generic offers

Allows for bulk offers to be made either by course or by level

Can specify Conditional or Unconditional

Use template or individual message to detail conditions and context of offer

Quick and Generic offers

Quick and Generic offers

Quick and Generic offers

Setting new appointments

Click “Set New Appointment” on the Ladder Page for the learner’s application

Setting new appointments

Or, from the homepage, click “ Set Appointments”

to set new appointments in bulk if required

Setting new appointments

Setting new appointments

Setting new templates

Click “Add a Conditional Offer/Application Acknowledgement Template”

Setting new templates

Create message templates for

Acknowledging applications

Conditional offers


Can send messages to learners applying or studying at your provider

Can message administrators at your provider

Can message Local Authority

Inbox allows flagging of messages for further attention

Messaging inbox

Gives overview of received messages

Allows creation of new messages

Click the flag to highlight for further action

Messaging – Send New Message

Search through administrators, learners at your provider or applicants to your



Report on the attendance of learners for their first day of study in September

Allows visibility over final destination of learners for September Guarantee



Report on the attendance of learners for their first day of study in September

Allows visibility over final destination of learners for September Guarantee




Applications Made

Report on those learners who have

made 3 or more apps to follow up

as necessary


See which of your courses have

been applied, offered and enrolled

Learner Offers

View the offers that have been

granted to the learners applying to

your provider


Applications report

Export applications received

to .CSV format for reporting or MIS


User Management

User Management – creating a new user

Use Provider user level role template by default when creating user

Roles can be edited once user has been created

Create specific users dependent on role

User Management: editing roles and permissions

Receiving Provider Administration Demo

Visit URL above

Log in using the details:

Sending Provider :

Username – cattlemanprovider

Password – password

Acknowledge and build and offer for your applicants

Send a message to your learner

Report on applications

Integrating with your MI systemExporting applications and importing offer/appointment



Enables download of application data into Excel format

contained within a .zip file

Specifying date range for applications for periodic download

Excel file can then be saved as .CSV or .XML

Allows for offline manipulation of applications (ie building

offers and conditions within own MIS) and bulk addition of

appointments via CSV spreadsheet

Enables (using import template) import of edited offers

and/or created appointments


Providers can import offer information or appointment data

or both

Will alter status of learner’s application and inform of any

appointments via their Application Process learner site


Step 1: Downloading Application Data

From “Reports”, use the “Applications Report”

Step 1: Downloading Application DataSpecify application type

Report on either internal,

external or all applications

Select report type

Basic – contains “Personal

Information”, learner name,

learner home provider and

courses applied for

Full – contains all fields

from application form(s)

selected to report on

Step 1: Downloading Application DataSelect report type

Standard: Contains fields from

application form for reporting


Enhanced: designed for use with

your MIS system. Contains “Course

Code” from your AWP setup, date

created, application status

Select form

Select from the application forms

used at your provider throughout

the year. Use the “First App Sent”

and “Last App Sent” to gauge which

forms to report on

Step 1: Downloading Application DataSelect dates

Specify the timeframe within

which you would like to report

on applications received. Bear

in mind that this date range

will also be affected by the

forms chosen in the previous


Step 2: Working offline/Importing to MIS

Import application data into Provider MIS

Create offers/appointments for learners

offline or within Provider MIS

Provider MIS

Step 3: Importing Offers and Appointments

Step 3: Importing Offers and Appointments

Step 3: Importing Offers and Appointments

Download appropriate CAP Offer Import Template

Step 3: Importing Offers and Appointments- the Offer Template

Populate offer template with data from MIS with required fields:• Learner ID (from application download)

• First name of the learner• Surname of the learner• Offer type (either conditional or unconditional)• Offer conditions (if applicable)• Courses offered

• Can be course code from Prospectus or exact name

Refer to manual for exact terms within fields

For multiple offers for one learner, create a new row per offer:

Step 3: Importing Offers and Appointments- the Offer Template

Step 3: Importing Offers and Appointments- the Appointment Template

Populate appointment template with data from MIS with required fields:• Learner ID (from application download)

• Appointment date• Appointment time• Appointment contact (interviewer)• Appointment location

Step 3: Importing Offers and Appointments

Step 3: Importing edited data

Browse for the saved template with updated offer information

Step 3: Importing edited data

Specify whether you wish to import offers or appointments

Step 3: Importing edited data

Import the updated file

Step 3: Importing edited data

Correct any validation errors within import spreadsheet

Import/Export tool important notes

Certain offer states will be overwritten with each import


If the learner has not accepted any offers they have previously

received and they are included in the upload, the offers outlined

in the current upload will replace them.

Any offers that have been accepted will not be replaced by

any additional offers for the learner included in the upload

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