the art of picking a co-founder

Post on 07-Jul-2015



Small Business & Entrepreneurship



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People love the notion of the sole innovator, but this notion is wrong. Successful companies are usually started, and become successful, with the contributions of at least two people. Yin and yang, maker and seller, dreamer and pragmatist — call it what you will. After the fact, people may recognize one founder as the innovator, but it takes a team to make a new venture work. Derek Sivers, the co-founder of CD Baby, said it best: “The first follower is what transforms the lone nut into a leader.” In some instances the first follower is the first customer, but most often the first follower is the second employee of a company — that is, the co-founder. There are few factors that can make a company more successful, fun, and epic than an awesome co-founder. There are few factors that can make a company more unsuccessful, aggravating, and pathetic than an incompetent, lazy, or dishonest co-founder. This SlideShare explains the art of the picking a co-founder and is part of the LinkedIn Influencer series for #mystartupstory. Photo credit:


The Art of

Finding a

Co-founderby Guy Kawasaki

The Art of the

Start, version 2.0

What Co-founders Should Share


What do customers need?How will the market evolve?How will technology change?


What do customers need?How will the market evolve?How will technologychange?

What kind of company do we want?How big a company do we want?What will our future titles be?


What are our personal priorities?What sacrifices will we make?How long will we do this?

How Co-founders Should Differ


What can you do that I can’t?What can I do that you can’t?What can neither of us do?


Who’s got the microscope?Who’s got the telescope?Who’s got the gyroscope?


Young versus old?Engineering versus marketing?Male versus female?

Words of Wisdom

Don't rush

Take your time and do this right.

Think “marriage,” not “fling.”

Recruit to build, not to fund

Don’t hire to attract investors.

Hire to make your team stronger.

Plan for the worst, hope for the best

Make everybody vest, even you.

Do this now, before there’s

something to fight over.

Pass the Shopping Center Test

If you saw your potential co-

founder at a shopping center,

what would you do?

Leave to chance that you make contact?

Go to another shopping center?

Run right over?

If you’re strong initial reaction isn’t todash over to the person, do not make him orher your cofounder. This is the second mostimportant relationship you’ll ever make inyour life—maybe the most important, in fact. So go slow, do it right,and hopefully do itonce.

Photo credits: Jrm Llvr

This SlideShare is based on atiny part of Guy’s upcomingbook, The Art of the Start, Version 2.0.

If you like it, there’s a lot more from where this came.The book will be out in March, 2015.

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