the aware life teleseminar laura silva 03/11/13 · 2013/03/11  · silva life system – in one...

Post on 27-Jul-2020






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Lisa: Hello! Welcome, welcome, welcome to The Aware Show Teleseminar Series. This is Lisa Garr. I don’t want to waste a second, because I want to get into this topic as quickly as possible. My goal for you in this next hour and a little bit is to get your mind engaged with the information we’re about to get into because it is absolutely not only life-saving but transformational and tools that you will use every minute of your life. I know this because I’ve been going through these tools and absorbing and soaking them in and realizing… ‘Why didn’t I do this before? What the …?’ *laughter* I’ve just got to tell you. I’m having an incredible epiphany but it’s my goal to just pour into you and get you to understand the feeling that I have right now. I learned last night how, really truly, how to manage my thoughts around stress. That I am in control of those thoughts. That I don’t have to… I mean, would you love to, like, learn how to end those uncontrollable mind-chatter thoughts that put you to sleep at night and run you throughout your day and they’re in your subconscious and you don’t even know they’re there but they are running your life? Would you like to be done with that? So, I’m kind of excited about it because I finally see the window and the opening here and how to really, really, truly – and this isn’t the type of technique that you just listen to and then you get the special offer and then you forget – this is something that you will use every day in your life because it’s in your mind. So, we’re talking about scientifically proven techniques of training the brain to go from alpha states to theta states in order to choose your thoughts – not that they’re choosing you – to choose your thoughts and then ultimately allow those thoughts to flow so that they’re automatically conditioned to solve problems in your mind and be in peace, or whatever it is that you want… and joining me is a wonderful… ‘icon?’… *laughter* … I must call her, Laura Silva Quesada, and she’s the daughter of Jose Silva. She’s also the president of Silva International - with six million people who have gone through the Silva Life System – in one hundred and ten different countries – and now I know why. A system doesn’t last this long without it working. Welcome, Laura! I’m so happy that you’re on the show. Thank you so much for being here!

Laura: Thank you, Lisa. I’m thrilled to be here. It’s really a joy for me.

Lisa: Well, I am excited and I want to learn more. So, I’m going to have to take over a lot, and just… we’re going to go through techniques on the call, really great stuff.

So, tell me a little bit about your life – growing up – your dad and your whole experience of learning these methods from your father.

Laura: Well, it’s kind of funny, because when I think about my life, I think about it as pretty ordinary – but when I talk about my life – people say, “Oh, my God! What? *laughter* You all grew up doing those things?” You know?

Lisa: Mmmm…

Laura: Because, for us, to be… to undergo, like, hypnosis and age regressions and age progressions and positive/negative hallucinations and…

Lisa: Wow!

Laura: …doing casework and even at a distance, laying on of hands, I mean… that’s just like…

Lisa: *laughter*

Laura: …everyday stuff, you know?

Lisa: Wow!

Laura: I literally thought everybody did that at home.

Lisa: Mm-hmm.

Laura: I didn’t realize ‘til much later that we were very unique in that way, to the fact that some people were afraid of us and some people wanted to learn more about what my father was doing because his primary goal in the beginning, his main motivation, was to teach his children to learn better; because he figured if they learned better, they made better grades in school, then they had a better shot at being successful at life. You know, finishing their education, pursuing a great career, making some good income, things like that. So, that was his main motivation because, after all, he did have 10 kids! *laughter*

Lisa: Ten, wow!

Laura: *laughter* There were a lot of children in this family! *laughter*

Lisa: *laughter* And so, that was his first… that was the initial onset of why he wanted to start this, is to expand the brain to learn in a better way. Interesting!

Laura: That’s right, and then along the way, he started to realize different things and he had some pretty amazing moments when working with my older sister, Isabel.

He realized that she was answering questions right before he was asking them, and he realized there was some aspect of intuition that was going on, a heightened intuition. So, his research literally took a turn from that point onward to enhance intuition; because then he realized if you had a heightened sense of intuition, that then you would be able to make better choices and decisions and move through life effortlessly. He really began to create a process that would allow an individual to use their mind and their mind tools or faculties and senses to be able to project them outward and to perceive information that could be applied to solving problems of all kinds. If you can solve problems, you become more and more successful, and success breeds more success. So, his focus took a shift towards enhancing intuition, but along the way empowering the individual to be able to create a life that they want to live and then live that life.

Lisa: Yeah, I can see how those would work, and then… when did the tools that we’re talking a little about today, the foundational tools, come into place – because your lessons on managing stress are so powerful – but was that a part of the core program?

Laura: Well, you know part of the core program was relaxation and meditation; and the concept obviously was that you can’t be stressed and relaxed at the same time. The Silva Method has evolved through time, we’ve been around for 50 years, and this research literally started in the mid 40s, so it was around the 60s to late 60s when he began to teach his methodology out to the public, back in 1966 to a group of artists who wanted to enhance their creativity. One of these artists who’s still with us today, she’ll say to me from time to time, reminds me of the fact that although we went in there to learn how to enhance our creativity, we literally learn how to create our lives instead, and we learn the art of living more than anything else. I thought that was really well put, the art of living – but the techniques, although the realization was you can’t be stressed and relaxed at the same time, it was through time that we begin to evolve the concepts, to saying, well, this is the reason why we get stressed. What’s at the foundation behind that, why do people experience stress if it’s not because they’re either activating fear and/or anger, or triggering the fight or flight response which is associated to fear and anger, but in also noticing that fear and anger and emotions and not behaviors like fighting and fleeing, so we start to really build on those concepts and begin to evolve them in a way where people are able to have such a grasp and understanding as to what literally is causing this stress experience. What core experiences lead to that. When you understand that, you can manage them effectively and literally manage your stress effectively, and manage stress and anger effectively, and be able to move through life in a more managed manner.

Lisa: Absolutely, it made so much sense to me, about how to manage stress and kind of disconnect and then realize the root cause of what is really causing – ask yourself specific questions, what it’s lighting up to you, and then there’s an exercise where you can literally go to – and after you do these exercises enough, it becomes automatic.

Laura: Automatic. Within a matter of seconds you can literally counteract the stress experience and be able to understand where it’s coming from and how to neutralize it and then go back if you have to, to deal with a situation if you have to deal with it in order to free yourself from that ongoing stress.

Lisa: I used that this morning because I listened to all these great techniques, and that one lit up for me especially, and this morning I woke up and had the full day, my husband is out of town and my daughter was sick, and I’m like, “Wow, this could have been stressful for me, but it’s not!” Because you lit up for me, that “control freak”, that wants everything to go my way. *laughter*

Laura: Exactly, yes, isn’t that true? There are several core experiences that pretty much lead up to certain expectations or experiences within us that either lead to fear and anger, and that’s usually going to be things that are associated to a sense of abandonment or rejection, helplessness, hopelessness, or a sense of not being in control of everything. I think a lot of us tend to respond a lot to or react mostly to our rejection and/or feeling of not being in control of everything, because we are control freaks. Rejection has to do with “What if I’m not good enough? What if I’m not successful? What are they going to think about me? What if I fail? What if I succeed, then what?” And so, when these core experiences are triggered we’re literally triggering an aspect of us that lacks the resources to handle the situation. What really is happening is that you’re kind of evoking a past, younger you into a situation to deal with a situation that it’s not equipped to deal with. When we understand that concept then we’re able to stay focused in the present, because as the adult that you are now, you have accessible every single resource that you can possibly imagine. In our lifetimes, in your lifetime, you have had so many experiences and you have utilized and accessed every single resource, so it’s there for you, we just forget about that sometimes because we slip back into a past, less resourceful you to handle important situations because fear and/or anger have kicked in, and these core experiences are evoked, or they’re also kicked in. So, once you understand that dynamic, how that works, it’s so easy to handle and really so easy to then manage stress effectively.

Lisa: It really is an amazing technique, and that’s just one out of the 17+ techniques that are as, if not more, powerful. That’s just a base of the... That’s just number one out of 17! So, we’re going to do some of these exercises on the call so that you can get the idea, and I’m so honored that we’re going to be doing it with you live, which is going to be

really cool, but you can have… and I want to let the listeners know, if you go to the website, which is it will take you to a very, very clear explanation of exactly what we’re talking about here, and we’re doing this in partnership with the Silva Life System. So, I really wanted you to see all of the data, all the science, all the information on there. It doesn’t look like our typical page, but it is in combination with The Aware Show, and it’s all of the details, all of the science on there and you can get a chance to read more about that, but I want you to go through some of these experiences because this is the actual art of destressing. We’re not going to just talk about it, and the systems don’t just talk about it. You do the work.

Laura: Right. Not only do you do it, Lisa, you come to understand why it does work. You get to understand your internal experience and be able to rewire your subconscious so that your external living experience, or the quality of your life, is enhanced and improved and you’re empowered along the way. You will have learned, by the end of the program, so many tools that you can utilize to be able to solve problems of all kinds. It really is a life-changing course, it’s amazing how this works; and it’s backed by science. What can I say? It works.

Lisa: Yeah, I’m not kidding here. I mean, I want to get into this, but… this is something where I have… maybe because of all the work that I’ve done in the past… I soaked it up super fast and went into… there’s beginner, intermediate and advanced levels of problem solving and mind-body management and activating intuition and manifesting, and the advanced techniques are mind blowing, where you physically work with, explain it… with energy and intention and intuition, at the same time?

Laura: Right.

Lisa: Which is amazing, through a glass of water. *laughter*

Laura: Oh, I love that technique. *laughter*

Lisa: Tell me a little bit…well, that’s like, way advanced, but…

Laura: Well, you know what? All of the sudden I started to, many, many years ago, I started to have an allergic reaction to cats and I never before had had that allergic reaction to cats. So, I thought “Gee, this is really odd, it’s so unlike me to have this kind of a reaction.” And so, I did the glass of water technique, which simply means you get a glass of water and you incorporate a process of incubation. Now again, your intention, your desire to want to overcome a challenge or to get information or direction has to be very strong, and I really had a strong desire to overcome this reaction. So I get a small

glass of water, doesn’t have to be very big because you have a big problem, just a glass of water. As I closed my eyes and drank approximately half of the water, I said to myself, “This is all I need to do to find the solution to why I have this allergic reaction to cats.” I set the glass aside, with the remaining water in the glass, and I closed my eyes and went to sleep. That’s the last thought I had in my mind. I allowed that thought to incubate all night but the intention and the desire were very much there. In the morning I woke up with an old memory of a time when I was just a little girl, and at that time we were such a big family we all had chores to do. So it was my turn to bring down some of the clothing that was still on the clotheslines. As I was bringing them down I could hear voices inside the house, and my mom had a really big yard so I could hear far away voices of my sisters and brothers going “Oh, look, how cute!” I rushed into the house with all these clothes in the basket only to find that my sister, about a year older than I am, she and I are very close, had this beautiful little Siamese cat that my father had brought in as a gift for the family. She was holding him, and I wanted to carry the kitten and she wouldn’t let me carry the kitten. So in my anger, I got a clothespin and I attached it to the tip of the cat’s tail, and the kitten went crazy going around in circles, and my parents got angry at me and I was sent to bed and I was a bad girl kind of thing. When I had that realization, I said, “Oh my Lord, that’s what it is!” That whole experience came forth at that time, and I knew that there was an association to what I was doing at that point in time in my life, and the reaction to the cat.

Lisa: Wow!

Laura: I know, it was really great, amazing, because then as time passed by the reaction got less and less and less, as I became more and more aware that I had to change some of my behaviors. I was being a bad girl, so to speak. I wasn’t hanging out with the right people. Again, I was much younger back then, and I was doing things that I needed to change in order to get a better outcome of my life. I made the connection and my allergy went away.

Lisa: Really? Wow.

Laura: It was quite amazing, but it came tied in with a glass of water to drink. It was so amazing. I always feel like there’s no such thing as time when you’re working with the subjective dimension, or the spiritual dimension. So, these physical experiences may have happened when I was seven years old and was retriggered in my early 20s, but there are certain things that triggered that reaction that were very connected, none the less.

Lisa: Well, as I said that’s one of the more advanced techniques where you do flow the energy into the water, and manifesting. So, the four foundational techniques here are (and I’ll just tell them really quickly and then we can go into them a little bit).

Managing stress effectively, which we talked a little bit about. Thinking of what you want and only what you want, which is great because it really helps you with focusing down to what it is that you really want.

Laura: Well not only that, but you don’t have time to waste on anything else but thinking of what you want, otherwise, I mean, who are you trying to kid? If you’re thinking about what you don’t want you’re only adding more energy for it to happen! What you think about, you bring about. What you think about expands, and if you’re thinking about something negative, or the doom and gloom scenarios that so many people throw around, you’re only attracting more of that into your life because you don’t have the luxury, the time or energy. Don’t waste it, don’t waste your precious life energy on something that you don’t want. Always focus on what you do want instead. Plus, thought precedes physical manifestation. You have to first think it, and then it manifests. It’s not the other way around. What you’re thinking about, you’re helping to create in your living experience.

Lisa: That’s amazing, so you get really clear and the great thing is the techniques walk you through specific goal writing – about getting pictures and being specific – but it’s all done, of course, with music in the background, and this is a special type of dreamscape technology? Is that right?

Laura: Yeah.

Lisa: It’s got binaural beats, tell me a little bit about that, that helps us.

Laura: About the sounds that we use in the background? During the meditations?

Lisa: Yes.

Laura: Every meditation is going to have some kind of a sound in the background. Some of them are ticking sounds that are specifically set up, maybe five cycles per second, which match a theta frequency of brain. You can’t hear brain frequency but you can certainly match a beat or a sound to match that frequency. Or ten cycles per second, which is more akin to alpha functioning or alpha brain frequency. Some sounds are binaural in nature so you can listen to them with a headset, although it’s not necessary. You have to remember that our body, and our brain especially, they’re magnificent. They’re designed to operate without any outside tools. We don’t need outside tools in order to train ourselves to meditate like a monk, or to be able to master your internal experience therefore mastering your external experience. You are a fully equipped individual. Now, these tools can be helpful.

Lisa: In the beginning, yeah.

Laura: You’ll be listening to certain rhythmic beats and music that are a certain frequency and pace, which can be very helpful and very conducive to the meditative experience, but not necessary. So, we do utilize some sounds in the background that we have learned, have studied and have researched, to be very conducive to the meditative experience; but once you make those points of reference, the subjective points of reference with how you feel, how you experience an internal experience, then you don’t need anything other than those points of reference. Towards the end of his life, my father always used to say, “You know, even frequency of brain doesn’t matter. What matters, is that internal state of mind – that you’ll come to learn – will lead to positive outcomes; and you can do it with eyes open, and you can do it with eyes closed.”

Lisa: It’s all about the mind and how powerful our wonderful minds are. A lot of this work, as I mentioned at the very beginning, is about training the brain to go from alpha to theta states in order to really be in control of your mind.

Laura: Well, that’s it. It’s going from the beta states, which are associated to your outer experience, into the alpha and theta states, because most of humanity, I would say 80 to 90% of humanity have no awareness in any other frequency but beta. The moment their brain frequency starts to slow down in the direction towards alpha and theta they’re asleep! So they either have unconscious or outer conscious. They have no experience and no awareness of the inner conscious, because to them it’s subconscious. You see? If you follow me?

Lisa: Right.

Laura: Most people have only subconscious experiences that really run and operate their life and their habits and their way of thinking and everything about them, but it’s subconscious. So, what we train people to do is go from the subconscious, or to transform the subconscious into inner conscious. Then, with your intelligence, reprogram that inner conscious/subconscious in the way that you want it to perform, or to behave that is more productive, resourceful, and positive, so that you do live the life that you want to live… the life that you created… the life of your design. So, we train people to be able to enter a state of mind, because we have to be real careful and clear about the fact that mind is not brain. Mind is spiritual and subjective, intangible and invisible; whereas, brain is a physical organ that stores information. Now, they’re two completely different things. One is organic and physical, one is spiritual and subjective, intangible, invisible. In order to tap mind, you need to initially slow down the brain frequencies into alpha where intelligence resides. Because that’s where you can ponder, and question, and visualize and imagine, and be able to then have access to mind. Now, when you go too deep into theta, you do not in theta have a dynamic mind. You have a sense of being.

You have a sense of wellbeing. You have that inner state of calm in connection to maybe all else that is, but with an inactive mind, and so it is only through alpha that you have a dynamic mind that is engaged in a problem solving process or in a self healing process, or into imagery or intuition and all these different things, because it’s engaged. That’s how we access the mind.

Lisa: Ah, so that’s where the true work happens. The other levels we were talking about is going beyond your limiting beliefs, and then using more of your mind and brain, and having more tools and techniques. That’s just the basics, then we go into, in the program, 17 different techniques. So we’re going to do one of those now, Laura has agreed to do the Mirror Of The Mind technique, which I think is wonderful, and there’s all sorts of different ones like, I tried last night which worked instantly, the alarm clock exercise. You can literally set your mind before you go to bed, to waking up at a specific time… but it’s more than that. You can set your mind to anything that you want, and create and manifest that in the next level, when you get good at that technique, when you get good at the alarm clock exercise. If you can do that, think of what else, and what else…

Laura: Exactly, because although the clock technique is literally a goal manifestation training, because you set, in your mind, a specific, exact time to awaken; with your mind only, not with a real clock. Then, when you do awaken, it’s like you’re manifesting the goal at a specific time in your future. What else can you do? And, people say “Well that’s easy!” But you know what the interesting thing is… that it takes the same elements to awake in the morning at a specific time, as it does to get rid of a tumor, or to get a pay raise, or to find the love of your life.

Lisa: Wow!

Laura: The main factor in there that most people don’t have for other things, like waking up in the morning with your mind, is that it’s belief. A lot of people say “Well, you know, I can do that easily, but oh gosh, a tumor? I don’t know about that.” So again, it’s a belief factor that’s missing and that’s what we want to work with. How do we have intense belief in your abilities in everything you do?

Lisa: Well, it’s cool because when you see the techniques work so fast, the belief sets in really easily… very, very fast.

Laura: It does, you build conviction.

Lisa: Yep. I tried two last night and they worked instantly this morning without any effort…

Laura: Great!

Lisa: …and that’s how I know they’re working. That’s when I know that I’m in control of the mind and I’m not reacting to my…

Laura: Right, you’re responding with ability.

Lisa: *laughter* All right. So, again, these techniques have lasted for 50 years and they’re really powerful. The website to go to, and you can look at it, is So let’s go through one of the techniques, if you can take us through this.

Laura: Oh, I’d love to. This is really a jam-packed technique. So, I’m going to do my best to give it to you in a shorter version of what you’re going to experience in a live seminar, which is very, you know, it really does evolve and explain the technique very, very deeply, or in the home study course. Great explanations, and you’re going to get a great command of the technique and all. But this is what it’s all about: You’re going to enter a meditation, I’ll guide you with a three deep breath method. The first breath will be to relax your body and I’ll guide you along the way. The second breath is to relax your mind by thinking of a tranquil and passive scene, and the third breath is simply, kind of like, to feel your center, and begin to experience your inner state. At that time we’ll deepen with a ten to one countdown. Any time you count on a descending scale, you tend to deepen, especially if you say to yourself “Deeper and deeper.” So we will deepen a little bit further, and at that point in time I’m going to ask you to imagine a mental movie screen, as if maybe you were sitting in a theater and you’re looking up at the screen where the movie is projected onto. That’s your mental movie screen. Make sure it’s passed your eyelids and away from your body, and slightly above the horizontal level of sight. So if you imagine the mental movie screen like in a theater, that’s perfect. Now on the mental movie screen you’re going to project an image of your present reality, or maybe a problem. If you have a problem or a challenge right now that you’re faced with, whether it be in health, or in finances, career, relationship, whatever. Picture that problem as clearly as you can, as openly and honestly as you can. “This is what I’m going through. This is what my experience is.” It’s important to do this step because you want to acknowledge what you’re leaving behind. You want to acknowledge “This is my starting point, this is what I’m going to leave behind.” And so you acknowledge that, you recognize it, “This is my problem,” and once you do then you erase that problem, and then you bring to mind an image of the outcome that you want to achieve. Now, the problem is always going to be framed or projected into a blue framed mirror; a mirror that can be amplified in size to fit within the frame of a thing or things, small scene or large scene. The blue frame will denote the problem, and once you study it for a few moments, and I’ll guide you along the way, you erase it, you move the frame slightly to your left,

change the color of the frame to white, so that the white denotes solution, outcome, future, OK?

Lisa: OK.

Laura: And then, within the white frame mirror, you project an image of what you want to manifest instead. You without the problem. Your life much improved. Everything getting better and better. Your health is great, whatever it is. When you have that, I want you to think energetically, I want you to really build up “I really want it, I desire it.” So build up an intense desire for that outcome. A belief that’s not a subjective energy. A belief that you can and you will make it happen. That you have the power to make it happen. That you’re deserving of it. That you’re worthy of it, and an expectation that it will. A true conviction, no doubt whatsoever, this will happen. And so, those exercises start amazing energies that can get the outcome, or manifest the outcome. When you do that and you have it just right, you’re then going to step into the image of you in the outcome. OK? So, imagine that maybe you’re walking up to the image, that you’re stepping into it, however you want to do it. Just imagine stepping into the image of you who has already achieved the outcome. And now, experience how wonderful it is to have already achieved… to have arrived to this place of perfect health, of great love, of abundance, of a wonderful career, whatever it is that you’re seeking, what you’re wanting. As you experience it, notice how your thoughts and behaviors are different. Notice how your beliefs are different and better, because that you in the outcome image is now a different person; with better behaviors, thoughts and beliefs that have allowed that outcome to manifest. As you experience this wonderful sense of achievement, imagine, as if you’re moving forward through time, and that you are continuing to get amazing benefits because you have made this happen. You have manifested this outcome. Then I’ll guide you at one point in time to express outward from the area of your heart, great appreciation and gratitude for having already achieved this wonderful outcome. When you’re feeling at your best, I’m going to ask you to press the tips of your thumb, pointer and middle finger together, like when you say, “Mama Mia” or something like that.

Lisa: *laughter*

Laura: Press the tips of those fingers together and then repeat after me. “Whenever I have a need or desire to feel, think, believe or behave this way, all I need to do is press my three fingers together and it will be so.” See, you’re locking in a resource, and you can do this with anything else or any other resource that you need. When you say this, and lock in this resource, this may come in handy any time in the future, during your day, when stress or doubt sets in and you want to stay focused and on your track towards the

outcome, then whenever you feel vulnerable or doubtful, you feel stressed out, then just simply press the tips of your fingers together, close your eyes, take a deep breath and just recall this wonderful sense of achievement so that you can reinforce the outcome over and over and over again, and attract it and pull it towards you faster and faster with every time that you do this.

Lisa: Nice, so this is what we’re going to do; and I love that you pre-frame everything for us, every single one of these 17 techniques you do that. You spend about 15 minutes telling us exactly what’s going to happen, and then we go into it, and I’m really excited we’re going to do this on the call, but why do you set it up for us like that? What does that do to the mind?

Laura: It’s really important that we not only understand the process, but that we are able to, because to go through the process, even through the explanation, you’re going through it as you’re listening right now. If you’re listening to me right now, that’s a main sense that you’re utilizing, a sense of hearing. That being said, that means your eyes are defocused. When your eyes are defocused, your brain frequency can slow down because the only sense that requires high beta frequencies to operate it is the focused sense of sight. That’s why all meditation programs will ask you to close your eyes, because that way you eliminate 85% of external stimulus. But once you have established subjective points of reference or markers with your internal experience, you can enter that same state of mind even with your eyes open, so long as your eyesight is defocused.

Lisa: OK.

Laura: So as you’re listening to me going through the explanation, you’re literally doing it. And then you literally are going to do it with your eyes closed.

Lisa: OK, so it reinforces it, now that’s great. That is great.

Laura: That’s right, yes… by far, yes.

Lisa: OK, all right. So, we’re going to go through this technique and I want to, also, in the meantime, let you know that all of this is available as a home study course. This is absolutely life changing, I mean, incredible.

Laura: Thank you.

Lisa: You can either do the digital or physical, but I went ahead and got this course for three of my friends, before I even got on this call with you; because I was just having these conversations with, “Why can’t I change?” and someone is going through a huge transition, and I’m like, “You know what? This is going to help you so much!”

So, I just wanted to let you guys know that the website is We’re going to have questions later from the audience too.

Laura: Oh great, I love questions. You know what’s so amazing? You’re going to spend less than what you do out at lunch or dinner, and it really is life-changing. It’s guaranteed to work. If it doesn’t work for you we’ll give you back your money! That’s how confident we are.

Lisa: Oh my God, and how much money have you spent on trying to get to sleep? There’s a whole method here on how to do that… on headache medicine? There’s a method on how to get rid of that, but mostly on how to manifest your dreams and how much time have you wasted? Wow, this is really… OK, so let’s go through this so people can experience what I have been going through!

Laura: Right, OK. So, I want you to think about, maybe, your life after this right now, your present reality or maybe a problem that you’re having so that we can start to resolve this right now, OK? So bring to mind something that you really, really want to work on. Find a comfortable position. Close your eyes, and take a deep breath. While exhaling, relax your body from head to toes by releasing and relaxing pressures and tensions along the way, starting with your scalp and forehead. Your eyelids and the tissue surrounding your eyes. Your cheeks, tongue and jaw. Your neck and spine. Your throat. Shoulders, arms and hands. All the way downward, releasing and relaxing tensions and pressures. Taking nice, deep belly breaths, breathing slowly, deeply and rhythmically. Relaxing your chest and abdominal area… thighs, knees, calves and feet all the way down to your toes. Nice, deep belly breaths. Take another deep breath, and while exhaling, relax your mind by thinking of a passive and tranquil scene. Any scene that makes you feel tranquil and passive helps to relax your mind. Do that now, and do it as if you are in the experience. Enjoy. Take another deep breath, and while exhaling, relax. Relax even deeper. This is a great time to establish a point of reference, a marker if you will, of this internal state that you’re experiencing. Notice how calm you feel. How calm and relaxed your muscles are, and you’re thinking as well. Remember this point of reference, to help you enter a deeper, healthier level of mind, I’m going to count from ten to one. On each descending number you will feel yourself going deeper, and you will enter a deeper, healthier level of mind. Ten, nine, feel going deeper… eight, seven, six, deeper and deeper… five, four, three, deeper and deeper… two, one. You are now at a deeper, healthier level of mind. Deeper than before. This is a great time for you to imagine yourself, as if in a theater, looking up at a mental movie screen that is past your eyelids and slightly above the horizontal level of sight. Now imagine, or picture, a blue framed mirror on this mental movie screen. Now this mirror can be amplified in size to fit

within the frame of thing or things, a person or people, a small scene or a large scene. The blue framed Mirror Of The Mind represents your present reality or problem situation that can be converted into solution, or a better outcome. At this point in time, project an image of your present reality or your problem situation onto the blue framed Mirror Of The Mind. To make a brief study, be open, and very honest with yourself. You can describe it in detail and color if it makes it easier to picture. Take a few moments to study your present reality or problem situation. After making a brief study of the problem situation or present reality, erase the image in any way that you imagine. Erase it, with an eraser or cloth or whatever. Change the color of the frame of the Mirror Of The Mind to white, and move it slightly to the left, your left. Now project within the white framed Mirror Of The Mind, the outcome or the solution that you desire. It doesn’t matter if you know how you’re going to get there, just picture the outcome. As if you could picture something in an ideal world. What you desire, desire with all your heart and soul. Also believe that you’re worthy of it, that you’re deserving of that, that it’s possible. Believable. So, believe it intensely and expect it to happen without any doubt whatsoever, just full confidence that it will happen. This amazing image of you already having achieved, already having reached the outcome, the solution, the goal. Take a few moments to evolve that image, that wonderful image. Remember to desire, believe and expect it intensely, and now step into that you in the image. In any way that you can imagine, and become one with the you who has already achieved the outcome. As you do you suddenly notice your posture change, a smile come onto your face and chin up; and it feels so good to have achieved. This amazing feeling, to feel this success, that you have made it happen, and life is wonderful. Notice all the benefits that you now are able to enjoy because you have reached this outcome. Notice how your thoughts, and your beliefs and behaviors are different and better, because this is an upgraded version of you. In order to have achieved this outcome, everything about you is different and better, especially your thoughts, beliefs and behaviors. Imagine yourself moving through time, moving into the future, and noticing how life continues to get better and better every day and in every way. Take a few moments to allow your body, brain and mind to memorize this wonderful experience and to come to own it. It feels so good. Now press your thumb, pointer finger and middle finger together, the tips of those three fingers together, and repeat after me: “Whenever I have a need or desire to feel, think, believe or behave this way, all I need to do is press my fingers together and it will be so.” “Whenever I have a need or desire to think, believe, feel or behave this way, all I need to do is press the tips of my fingers together and it will be so.” From now on, any time you think of this specific situation, you only think of the outcome… that is framed in white… and/or simply press your fingers together, and be back in the achievement experience. And this is so. Now, as you feel ready, you may open your eyes, feeling fine and in perfect health, feeling totally successful, and filled with the power and the ability to achieve. Remember this wonderful feeling.

Lisa: I got so wonderfully immersed in that, I drew a little picture, because I wanted to hold onto it before I came back in… Wow, that is just an example of one of the techniques on the entire 17 different techniques, and this is just the best of the…

Laura: Oh yeah, and really when you listen to the home study program, it’s going to be so much more evolved, and it takes a little more time as you’ll be able to deepen even further and fully connect with that internal experience, it’s really important that you do this. Now, with this specific challenge that you went through, or this specific exercise, you never go back to the problem image from now on. When you meditate you only focus on the outcomes. Only outcomes and benefits, and that’s it. But you can utilize the same approach for any other challenge or situation that may present itself to you, or that you may have.

Lisa: What I learned is that this becomes an active meditation for your life. You’re not going into this deep theta state every time.

Laura: Exactly.

Lisa: Explain what active meditation is.

Laura: Active or dynamic meditation means that you’re fully engaged. You engage your intelligence, fully and completely. You engage imagery. You can see, hear, taste touch and smell, but with your mind senses, which have no barriers of time or space. In other words, I can go into my past, into childhood experiences, and desensitize traumas or core experiences that are affecting me today, and be able to free myself from those past experiences and/or the beliefs that resulted from those past experiences. So, I literally can create new beliefs for myself, be able to project my mind and my faculties into the future to create the life of my design – the life that I choose to live – and then live that life. You know, bring it into full reality. So, when you’re working with dynamic meditation, it means that you’re fully engaged. You can question, you can ponder, you can create images, you can redesign things, you can restructure whatever thought or belief that you have. You are fully present in the experience and you’re participating in how your life is unfolding. If you’re doing passive meditation, on the other hand, then your frequency is slow, much slower, and in that state intelligence is not engaged in that way. You can experience information, thoughts, dreamlike experiences, sensations, colors, whatever. You’re not asleep and you know that, but you’re not fully engaged in the least bit. The moment anything happens to you, maybe you had a dreamlike experience, and you question, at that point your frequency immediately goes back into alpha to question; and then you can take another deep breath and again enter theta if you wish, and you can do

that when you do passive meditation. Passive meditation is great for the body to heal, because you do not interfere in the process. You just allow your body to return to its’ blueprint of health without you getting in the way. Whereas in alpha you’re engaged in the process. You can guide your healing. That’s what psychoneuroimmunology is all about, or guided imagery for healing is all about. So this is where you participate in the process, so it’s very different, and both have benefits, but you can do a lot of problem solving when you’re working from alpha, and you can do a lot of self healing and self pain management from alpha.

Lisa: Mmm. So, you do both in the course, in the home study course, you’re doing both.

Laura: Yes.

Lisa: You get into the depth of it with the binaural beats, and the theta beats, and the hertz and the frequencies, and you get into that there.

Laura: Right.

Lisa: Then, as you’re walking along throughout your day, that meditation goes into an active form and becomes reality. A lot of people are asking about physical issues, on the call, about chest injuries after a car accident, what to do with hot flashes, how to treat depression and bipolar tendencies, law of attraction; I mean, well, a lot right now is going after the physical. Can you explain how this works?

Laura: Yeah, by all means. Whenever it comes to your physical body, by all means, work with your health caretaker, but I pretty much know, or I could probably figure out that most doctors or health caretakers are going to encourage meditation because it’s going to only help strengthen the immune system. It’s going to help you to guide your imagery towards the healing process, to participate in the healing process, and when it comes to maybe brain chemistry being off, or bipolar, situations of that type; then it’s going to help you to center yourself. You won’t be as erratic because you’re now learning more mind tools to work with, but always work with your health caretakers along the way. When we look at meditation, we often call it centering; because when the brain frequency spectrum (the most notable frequencies, or bands of frequencies) that the brain operates on, are delta, which is unconscious or very slow wave speed brain frequency; from anything above zero to about maybe 3 - 4 cycles per second. Then comes alpha, which is around maybe 3 - 4 cycles per second, so about maybe 7 cycles per second of brain wave emissions, OK? …that follow 2 cycles per second. Then comes alpha that is between maybe 7 - 14 cycles per second of electrical emissions of the brain. Then comes beta, which is associated to your outer conscious levels, or your physical world, which is anywhere from 14 on upward. There are many other brain frequencies, but those are the four predominant bands. So, when you center yourself,

you’re talking about centering yourself at about 10 - 10 ½ cycles per second. That’s alpha. So, when people go into the alpha frequency, then they’re really centering themselves in brain frequency, and going within. Now again, you need to evaluate the kind of help you might need from a health caretaker, but whenever you can participate in the healing process, you’re going to find that the healing is going to be much faster. If you’ve had chest injury or you have malfunctioning organs or you have maybe some problematic or diseased situation; anytime you participate in the healing process through imagery and meditation, you’re helping it to get better and better and better through time. The most important thing I ask you to do, is to get into the experience of having already achieved a healthy body. If you have an unhealthy body, or an unhealthy condition, or unhealthy organ; when you picture the outcome, the white framed mirror, step into that you with the healthy condition, no more health problems… with the healthy heart, with the healthy mind, with the healthy brain… whatever it is… and how is your life different and better because of that? The more time you spend in the outcome image of health, the more time you’re allowing your body, your brain, your mind to come to own it. To understand, “Ah, this is how I’m supposed to operate.” “Oh, this is the way my body is supposed to be… my heart supposed to operate or function… OK I get it.” Anytime you do that you’re reinforcing health and those outcomes to come into play. That’s most important, right there.

Lisa: Yeah, I’ve always wondered how, when you see those DVDs of people healing with meditation, this is the techniques on how you do that. Also, when you go to a doctor, sometimes when you get to the doctor’s office there’s this energy that says, “I need to give up all of my answers to this person. I’m sick, fix me.”

Laura: Right.

Lisa: But what if you sat there and said “Hey doc, I’ve got this issue and I’d really love you to get some clarity so that I can then go home and visualize this and really get into the interweavings of my mind… how to heal myself.” That’s an empowering conversation. That’s the future of medicine.

Laura: Oh gosh, yes.

Lisa: When you can work with a partner!

Laura: I’m a jogger.

Lisa: Oh, OK.

Laura: I’ve been jogging for like 27 years after I had my last child which… I mean, I gained 80 pounds with my last child, so I figured, do something quick! *laughter* I decided to go ahead and go jogging and start exercising that way, and do a lot of meditation, so on and so forth. Anyways, it worked for me and I became a jogger since then, but I hurt myself a few years back. I hurt my back, and I went to my typical doctor friend who is a Silva graduate as well, he’s gone through all the programs. His entire staff has gone through the 100 to 1 Silva Method.

Lisa: Really?

Laura: He sent me to this neurosurgeon, who I’d never met before. This guy hadn’t even talked to me for ten minutes, and right away he wants to put me on prednisone, operate on my spine, put a neck brace on me, and told me to take whatever; not to carry more than 5 gallons. I’m thinking wait a minute. You don’t even know who I am! I left that place and told my other doctor, “You know what, don’t ever send me to that man again.” He was so dumbfounded that I was so upset about that. That man absolutely did not connect with me, didn’t even care to connect with me, he just wanted to operate on me right away without knowing anything about me or my lifestyle. No! So, I found a really great doctor that had to do with pain management in a nearby city, Austin TX, I live in Laredo. I love him, his name is Ray Jimenez, and so I went to him, he took two hours with me on my first visit.

Lisa: Nice.

Laura: We talked about what I do and how I meditate and use guided imagery, and he was very familiar with The Silva Method, and so what we did was a little bit of alignment, a little bit of acupuncture. He told me, “Well, you might want to try some arch supports because I think maybe your arches are a little prolapsed, and supplements.” I’m telling you, probably within maybe a couple of weeks, I was back to running. Every day I run, I imagine this apparatus that I insert between my vertebrae, and I crank it up like a jack to separate all my vertebrae, whereas everything is in line and beautiful, and I’m doing this imagery, as I’m jogging.

Lisa: Beautiful.

Laura: And I jog like, four miles a day, every day. I used to jog a lot more, but now, at this time, I just kind of, just… kept it for maintenance, you know *laughter* because four miles a day is enough.

Lisa: No, that’s actually great, because I love running too; but this is something that people can use for anything. People are asking about Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and it’s an autoimmune dysfunction. So, the things you go to your doctor and they put you on

medication for life, and this is something where visualization, imagery, and this type of mind meditation can get to the auto immune dysfunctions faster than the medications. Amazing!

Laura: OK now, but there are two things that you need to remember here, and one is persistence. You know, you have to make a daily practice; and come on, I mean, we all have the ability to meditate every day. I mean, really? If you’re telling me you can’t, then you’re telling me you’re not going to sleep, and you’re not waking up in the morning, because your frequency of brain has to go through alpha to enter sleep, and it comes out from alpha to get into beta. So, you’ve got two perfect times to meditate every day. And the other thing is belief. What are you buying into? What are you believing in? If you believe that your doctor says, “Oh, there’s no cure for this condition,” If you buy into that and you believe it, then you are in the for the long haul, so to speak; because, it depends on what you buy into – what you really believe in – because your beliefs are going to create your living reality. Your beliefs are going to literally dictate how you’re going to live life, because there’s nothing more powerful than belief in this world of ours.

Lisa: Yes, I am so glad you said that, and also there’s a person who reminded me here, there is this system, you can download it onto your iPhone, you can download it onto your tablet, you can download it onto whatever you have around you all day long, and you can go through these meditations and exercises in five minutes, in ten minutes, in seven minutes. Because it’s instantly accessible to you all the time, that’s what I did, I loved that aspect of it, that it came into my life. It’s not sitting on my desktop, you can download it onto your phone and have it with you to do if you’re waiting in an office, or if you’re in a line, or if you’re doing something that… You don’t necessarily have to go into this deep theta state, you can do the active meditations as well, and that’s the cool thing about this program is they’ve made it incredibly user friendly. If you go to, then you will go to their page which is important, because that’s where all the support of this system is. This is a fully, incredible home study course. It is so well laid out and there is a video that explains what you’re going to learn, to introduce it, and then Laura goes through what’s going to happen, and the science and all that behind it, and then you actually go through the technique, and then you go through playing it forward into your next step. Each one of the seventeen modules has those four elements in it. And then, of course, there’s the core program as well, where you get the basics of how to manage stress effectually. That tool in itself is so huge. And then you get into the details of what you want, and only what you want. Then you go deeply into getting rid of your limiting beliefs, and going beyond your limiting beliefs, and then you get into the brain candy, and all of the mind tools and techniques with the dreamscape technology, which I talked about earlier and the binaural beats, and then

eventually that goes away because you’re so good at it that you’ve learned how to put yourself into the theta state just by your intentions. Then there’s magic in there. You can go into parallel universes. You can go into creating and manifesting energy into physical form. These are really cool techniques. There are super advanced techniques in there for people who really want to learn how to use the magic and how to make it manifest into your life. It’s incredibly exciting for me, I get really enthusiastic about this because you don’t need anything other than yourself to get this; and that’s all you’ll ever need, but this is how to do it. This is how to empower yourself. This is the actual art of doing it, not just talking about it.

Laura: Right.

Lisa: This is it. *laughter* It’s really cool, and it’s lasted for 50 years, and where the heck have I been? I mean, dude! I am so… *laughter*

Laura: That’s right!

Lisa: I’m so excited, I am really excited to know about you. Somebody on here, actually her mom, learned from your dad, and…

Laura: Awww… that’s great!

Lisa: She was raised with these techniques, which is really cool. There’s a lot of support coming in for people who use this system on their phones; and we’re going to take some live calls, if you don’t mind, for a little bit here. I want to have you speak to my listeners directly, because it’s such an honor. Someone from Atlanta is saying, “I have it on my phone, but what meditation do you recommend to do every day?”

Laura: You know, it depends on what you… you know, this is what I would like for you to do. I would like for you to do the meditations, whichever ones they are. I mean, like, if it’s Mirror Of The Mind… I use Mirror Of The Mind almost every day, because I’m always having goals that I just set, or I have situations that come up, or challenges, whether it be at work, or whatever it might be. I use Mirror Of The Mind every single day, and a lot of times, I’m focusing on a lot of outcomes, I’m in the outcome experience. So, imagery is always something that you’re going to do. The method you use to enter, that we teach, is a three to one method with a ten to one countdown. So once you find yourself in that really nice space inside, just go into outcome images of projects that you have been working on, and if you have a challenge or a new project then create a new blue frame then white frame for that, OK? That’s something I like to do. I like using the clock technique also, but by this time I don’t need to say “This is the time I want to awaken, this is the time I’m going to awaken,” I just picture the time I want to awaken and know I’m going to awaken, because it’s worked for me so well. So, what I really will

hope that you all graduate towards is not having to use the sound, or the actual recordings, but that you actually do it on your own. I want you to live your life, the Silva way. You know, just make this a lifestyle, that you don’t need to depend or rely on a recording, unless you really feel that you want someone to guide you into meditation. There are some times that I myself feel like I’m having too much energy to sleep at night, and I have a slightly sleepless night. I’ll listen to the sleep control technique, on the app itself or from the recordings or from the Silva Life System program and it’ll just put me right into sleep. So, I like using that for those times that maybe I need additional help or guidance, but typically, I just do it by myself, with no recording to listen to. You know, you set the method to train you to get to being fully able to do this on your own, OK?

Lisa: Yes, and that’s very, very, very powerful. A lot of questions coming in about the actual technique, too. Why did you have the old picture moved to the side, to the left? What was the purpose of that?

Laura: Well, yeah, there are several reasons behind that. One thing is that you have spatial distinctions and you have color distinctions. From blue denoting the problem and white, more of a higher frequency of light, denoting the outcome image. Center front is going to be more related to your present situation, and then slightly to the left is going to be your future situation. My father was an electrician by profession, and everything for him had to make sense when he was putting these techniques together. He would say that people always talk about future being in front of them. Oh, look ahead to the future. We don’t ever say look behind to the future, no, that’s the past. It’s all behind you.

Lisa: Right.

Laura: So he said, it’s as if we’re walking in the direction that our future is unfolding. So, if you look at life energy (because he was an electrician by profession) he says in electronics there’s such a thing that if you pass a current through a coil, there seems to be a magnetic flux, or movement, at right angles to the left. So he thought, if we put that into our living experience; it’s as if the life current starts, maybe, upon conception and goes through us and moves until the end of our life here on earth, which is before us. So, if we imagine life currents starting from behind us, going through us (we’re in the present) and moving into our future that’s ahead of us, and we move outward at right angles to the left and now turn to look at our lifeline from a subjective perspective, then we see that the past is to our right, the presence in front of us, and the future is to the left. Now, that’s a little different than how we process or access information with our brain. Our brain is organic, that means it’s a physical instrument. So, like an NOP, when you’re accessing information, you tend to do the opposite. You tend to look up to the left to

access information that you’re recalling, for example. Whereas, we look up to the left to create an image of what we want our future to be like. So, the beauty here is that, from a subjective spiritual perspective, you are viewing future in the same place where your brain recognizes it as already done.

Lisa: Ahh, that’s why… and so you get that into your conscious and you move it into the conscious mind from the subconscious.

Laura: Yeah, it’s already a done deal.

Lisa: Ah… all right. So, a couple questions also coming in, is this different than The Silva Method they had before? Yes, this is upgraded. This is The Silva Method 2.0. So, there are things that have been added, and changed, and mostly it’s the usability of the modules that I absolutely love, that it’s so user friendly in the way that it’s been laid out. You’ve got the visual, you’ve got the audio, you’ve got the how it’s going to happen, the exercise and the next forward technique and how to use the whole system is in there. I love the way that you guys have laid this out. It is really, really user friendly.

Laura: And you do have some additional exercises. You have Craving Your Beliefs. We have Changing Limited Beliefs and the Roadmap To Success, but towards the end, you literally have a very extensive mental exercise of how to create new beliefs for yourself. You’ve got the Mirror Of The Mind, step one two and three; where the first one is the original format. The second one engages core energies of desire, belief and expectancy. Then the last one is not only a very holographic experience, where you’re in the experience, but we call them each meditations where you have not only the energy of desire, belief and expectancy, but the coherent emotions that support you along the way. We need to engage the emotions. You need to be in the experience and associate fully with the experience of the outcome, and then feel or push out the coherent emotions of gratitude, appreciation, love, whatever it is, to make sure that you attract that reality into your physical reality.

Lisa: Fascinating. I just don’t know who would not do this. It’s such a great solution. All right, the way to speak with Laura directly, is press *2 to raise your hand, and you can ask questions of Laura Silva, who is with us right now. To get the offer, you go to, and you can look at the science, the background, you can get the digital, which is the home study course or you can also get the physical and digital too, which take you through all the techniques as well. It’s really incredible programming and it’s based on a 50 year old system that has been effective for over six million people. If it didn’t work, that first person wouldn’t have told the second, and so on *laughter* and so on…

Laura: And that’s when we stopped counting, I guess you could say, because you know…

Lisa: That’s cool.

Laura: …that was like six million people like 20 years ago…

Lisa: Wow!

Laura: …because we have the most duplicated system in the world and so there’s a lot of people who take versions of Silva, that it’s not really Silva but they’re so similar to us so it’s really hard to say how many have been really impacted in the world with The Silva Method.

Lisa: True, true… a lot of people have spawned off other methods which I’ve loved, but this is the foundation, and that you have also added to this is really amazing because it gets us into the next generation of these tools, which I like, I really do love. If you could explain to our listeners, because I can’t really put it into words as well as you, the different types of ways that you do use parallel universes. Just touch on it for a second?

Laura: Different kinds of ways that we what?

Lisa: Where you use different energy and frequencies in order to manifest what you want.

Laura: Oh, yes! The energies of desire, belief and expectancy are powerful energies that must be present in anything you do. It’s as if I say, “I really desire to get well, but with this problem, it’ll never happen!” You see, if you don’t have your belief and your expectation working with you, it’s not going to happen the same way it will if you have all three energies working with you. Or, you could say, “I really know that I could get well, and I know I could probably do it in six months, but if I do, I’ll have to go back to work.” If you have no desire, it’s not going to happen! So, my whole point here is that you need to have desire, belief and expectation. Those are subjective energies; and I say subjective because you can’t describe them. You can’t tell me, with any words, how much you desire, let’s say, to heal your body; or for your heart to be back to normal. You can’t tell me that. You could say “Well, I really desire, 100%!” Well, what’s that? What are you telling me? That makes no sense to me, because it’s subjective. It’s like love. How do you feel when you’re in love? It’s the same kind of thing, but see, you know. You know how much desire, or belief, and/or expectancy you need to make anything happen, based on your personal history. In your past, you have made amazing things

happen because you desired it so much. Poof! You made it happen… or, “I believe in this, this is what I believe in, it’s got to be this way,” …and it is, it happens. Or, because you feel it. “It’s any time now… any moment now. I know it’s going to happen. I expect it to happen any moment now!” Poof, it appears! Almost from thin air. So desire, belief and expectancy have to be there, and that’s the foundation of faith. That’s what faith is all about. You have to have those three things come together. I think about the woman in the bible who had been suffering in illness for 12 years, and she thinks, “If I could only reach out and touch his robe I know I’ll be healed.” Well, her desire puts her in a position to reach out and invade this man’s private space and touch his robe. So, her desire put her there. Her belief was so strong that she literally went out and did that action. And what was her expectation? To be well! So the interesting thing is, that when she does touch his robe, he says “Who touched me?” And when he sees her, he says to her one thing that always ends up on my mind as I hear this sermon or read this, is “Your faith hath made you whole.” He never said “I healed you.” In other words, he was telling people from way back, thousands of years ago, “It’s your faith that makes you whole. It’s your faith that gets the job done.” It’s how much you desire it, how much you believe in yourself and the ability to make it happen, and how much you expect it, without doubt whatsoever, that makes the reality happen; and those three elements are there with everything you do, when you manifest it, even waking up in the morning. People say, “Oh, that’s easy. I can do that…” Well, see? “…and “I have to wake up at 6:30 because I’ve got a job interview today.” Well, there’s a desire. “At 6:30? Well, I can do that, that’s easy.” There’s a belief, and there’s the expectation; and that’s the very same three elements of that, in that very same way, that co-conviction, is how you must go forward with anything else you do.

Lisa: Awesome, awesome, awesome! All right, we have time for one call. I’ve got a call from Houston, TX, probably not so far from you, do you have a question for Laura Silva?

Caller: Oh, this is me? Hello?

Lisa: Yes! Hello!

Caller: Oh my God, this is so fantastic, thank you so much. You know the person that you mentioned…that… of his Mom? ...that had class with Silva? That’s me!

Lisa: Perfect… so cool… great!

Caller: I’ll make this really fast, because I’m going to see if you can maybe try to get other people on. OK, this may sound like a very minority question, but it is not. I was raised on all of this, and several years ago a condition came upon my body, it’s called tinnitus, where you hear fax machines going off in your ears, like 24x7. Now, it was just in my right ear, and on top of that, there is also deafness in that ear, so there’s no way to

mask it. OK? I know I’m not alone and I know that this is still with me for a reason, and maybe it’s to help others in a similar condition. Now, I’ve tried going into that parallel space where I don’t hear those fax machines going off very loud, to meditate and to visualize, and to do all of these techniques, and I’ve not been successful in doing that, and my life absolutely shows the lack of manifestation in every area. Do you have any techniques, and I know you may be talking about advanced techniques, but I’m telling you, I’m not alone in this situation, and I know it would help so many people. I follow all of your techniques. Still do, to this day, so what can we do? I know I have the expectation that at some point it is going to go away. I know that, and I expect that, but right now, that has not manifested physically. So, what can I do to actually…

Laura: OK, there’s three things I can think of right off the top. One of them is going to be the deep meditation. This is one of the cases where maybe a theta type meditation can help; and a theta type meditation is a very deep meditation. I actually have a sound that may help you to achieve this outcome, but it’s also the kind of meditation you can do late at night, or in the afternoons, after lunch when you feel like you want to take a nap. You go very deep with the one thought in mind: “This is all I need to do to alleviate myself of this tinnitus.” This is all I need to do to alleviate myself, or to have healthy hearing. Put it in the positive, OK? To have healthy hearing, and just keep thinking that, because you want to take the intention into an area where your body can respond to it, and let your intention do the work, basically, at those very slow frequencies of the brain; or into the theta frequencies where biological or innate intelligence seems to run the show. That’s one thing. The other one, too, is that every time you think of it, just say “Cancel, cancel.” Go back to a time when you didn’t have it. Go back and say, you can remember a time before the tinnitus, and what was going on in your life during that time? Were you getting married? Were you having some kind of fun thing? Let’s say you were getting married and you can recall vividly when you were getting married and you didn’t have this situation. So every time you think about the tinnitus, then immediately go to your wedding band and look at it and think about all these happy memories that you were experiencing during that time. You want to release positive chemistry into your system that’s going, maybe, to help counteract the tinnitus. The last thing that I want you to do…

Lisa: What about the cat story, when you said you went back to a belief where that…

Laura: Right, yeah, the glass of water would be great, that’s another one, too, that you can say, “This is all I need to do to find a solution to the tinnitus problem.” You might want to go for that route as well. The third one is to ask the tinnitus itself, ask your body. Ask the condition. Imagine the condition in some shape or form, give it some sensory qualities. Give it a shape, a size, a texture, color, a density, and then form it and hold it in

your hand and ask it, “What do you want me to learn from this? Is there a lesson that you want from me?” And listen to it, it has to tell you. Don’t try to make it up, but ask your body, in many cases, or ask the condition. You’ll be amazed as to what it can tell you, and that can alleviate it, like in the cat story; and that’s probably why the glass of water technique was so powerful. So those are like four different things that you can do to really start aiming all your life energy to get rid of that, because I know how really disruptive that can be.

Caller: Thank you! *laughter*

Lisa: Thank you so much! Thank you for your call.

Laura: You bet!

Caller: Oh, that is so awesome! Thank you so much!

Lisa: Awesome.

Caller: Thank you so much for both of your works.

Laura: Oh, you’re so welcome! I just want you to succeed!

Lisa: *laughter*

Caller: Yeah, thank you, thank you so much. Both of you be blessed. Thank you!

Lisa: Thank you.

Laura: Thank you.

Lisa: Wonderful… and also, the dream technique of going into the dream state. The dream techniques on here are incredible, and…

Laura: Right.

Lisa: …where, if you are looking for a problem to be solved, you can go in, before you go into the sleep, and it’s very, very specific, the techniques.

Laura: I had a graduate one time who I took the Silva course with, because the live experiences are amazing, and he had tinnitus. I ran into him at the grocery store, and he said, “You know, it’s gone. It’s all gone.” I said “Really! What did you do?” He goes “Eh, every time I thought about it I’d say, “Cancel, cancel” …and I would just go about my day. So, he literally didn’t give it any more power, didn’t give it any more energy by giving it attention.

Lisa: Wow! Well, I just thank you so much for you and what you have contributed to the world, and your family has contributed to the world, and the healing that you are empowering us to remember that we have… and the guidance to allow us to access our higher levels of consciousness… to remind us that we have those higher levels of consciousness that we might have forgotten about. You really make it so practical and easy to get back to that place in our lives, and I know why six million people have done this; but I wanted to introduce the whole idea of The Silva Method to my audience, and to more and more people. Also… this is different, if you have experienced these techniques in the past. These are techniques that have been changed slightly, upgraded, definitely more user friendly and you can download them onto any device that you have. There’s the phone app, there’s a tablet app, there’s the physical, if you want to get the physical part of it, and play it wherever you are. It’s just tools in your hands to make it friendly for you to be able to use – and to do it – to actually do it. The great thing is that once you get these tools and you go through these exercises, they stay with you forever.

Laura: Oh yeah, you’ve got them always.

Lisa: That’s incredible. Well, thank you for the life-changing information as, oh my God, it’s just been a pleasure. I am so grateful to you, thanks for being with me, I really appreciate it.

Laura: It was my pleasure, thanks for the opportunity. I just really want people to succeed, and I have a very deep belief that spirituality should not cost so much! I think it needs to be accessible to everybody, so I just want the best for everyone and I’m so fortunate to have been a part of your show.

Lisa: Thank you so much… and it doesn’t cost a lot, so this is the most incredible value I’ve ever seen, so thank you for that. Go to and you can learn all about the Silva Life System, and how to get it, right then and there. Super, super easy for you guys. Thank you for listening. As I said at the beginning of the call, it was my intention to pour as much information as we could into you for this hour and a little bit plus, so there’s a little over an hour now; and I believe we did that. We got the feeling and I feel complete about this now. I want anyone listening here, take it to the next level. Go after the techniques and exercises and make changes in your life. We’ve made it easy. I appreciate you guys so much for being on these calls, and I just want to empower you… and until next time, I invite you to all to STAY AWARE.

— end of transcript —

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