the best of zambia magazine (february 2012)

Post on 23-Mar-2016






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February 2012 issue promoting the events, offers and news from gold members. Of special interest this month are Valentine's ideas and special offers.


House of Cakes

showcasing our members’ news

Issue 7 >> February 2012the magazine

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Lusaka Trucks and Mukwa Lodge

Mukwa Lodge and Restaurant

Mwasuwila Christian Book

Nkuku Take Away



New members on >>

Page 14 for all the latest!

— Special offers

— Up ‘n’ coming events

— Hot news



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Welcome to the February issue! It’s hard to believe that January is already behind us. And as

Valentine’s Day hurtles towards us, there are some great offers that you can use to spoil the loved ones in your life (page 12).

This month’s interview (page 4) is with Abel Ng’andu, Managing Director of Ng’andu Consulting. Read how Abel has built a company that has now been international recognised with an award.

This magazine was created to showcase our members and we’re really pleased that each issue has more and more member related news, events and special offers. We want this monthly edition to be the place to go for current news, offers and events. Here’s to achieving that!

Sara Drawwater, Managing Editor

Nambeye Katebe, Assistant Editor

Contents >>

— This month’s interview >> 4Every month we’ll interview someone making an impact in Zambia or doing something we’re proud of internationally.

— Travel and Leisure >> 6Articles, events, offers and news on products and services for people travelling in Zambia. Also relevant to those living in Zambia who are looking for exciting and interesting things to do, places to visit and events to attend.

— Business and Services >> 8Articles, events, offers and news on enterprises in Zambia that help create the environment within which businesses operate and grow.

— Staff news and opinions >> 12Every month we share the latest news and opinions from the Best of Zambia team

— Valentine’s related offers >> 14Deals you can use to impress your l;oved ones this Valentine’s Day.

— Hot off the press >> 19All special offers, events and news are now gathered together at the back of the magazine.

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2. We accept no liability for any material not received by us or received in a corrupted form, or for loss or damage to the client’s published material, artwork or photographs. 3. We aim to promote our clients’ products and/or services through this online magazine, but we can in no way guarantee increased sales and business as a result, as that depends on factors outside our control. We shall not be liable to our clients

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Please note:For further information, please refer to our full terms and conditions which are published on our website.

From the editor >>

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This month’s interview

An interview with Abel Ng’andu, Managing Director of Ng’andu Consulting

This month our Multi-Media Journalist, Nambeye Katebe, turned her attention to a Zambian engineering firm that has been making an impressive buzz in local media and has received recognition from the international community.

We caught up with N’gandu Consulting’s Managing Director, Abel N’gandu, to find out the secret behind their tremendous success.

NAMBEYE: To begin with, tell us a bit about yourself.

ABEL: I am originally from the Copperbelt Province and was born in the town of Chililabombwe. I attended Chawama Primary School then went on to Libala Secondary School. After that I had a short stint at the University of Zambia (UNZA) I was in the school of Natural Sciences and I intended to pursue an engineering course but the constant closures at the

University forced me to leave. I started applying for a scholarship outside the country and I was fortunate enough to be accepted to the Indian Institute of Technology (Roorkee) in India. It was there that I accomplished my dream of becoming an engineer byobtaining a degree in Civil Engineering.

NAMBEYE: Ng’andu Consulting is one of the leading engineering consulting firms in the country. What inspired you to start the company?

ABEL: In order to answer that question appropriately, I will needto give you some background. In 2003 I partnered with a South African company called UWP Engineers, founding Ng’andu-UWP Consulting with a 20% Zambian shareholding and 80% South African. In 2009, I felt I had acquired all the necessary skills I needed from my time at UWP to venture out on my own. I felt confident enough to leave. I realised that Zambia had significant growth potential in terms of the

construction industry and I had the desire to set up a company that could provide quality, cost effective and innovative engineering services to Zambia and the whole sub-region of Africa. In 2009 N’gandu Consulting, which is a 100% Zambian owned company, was formed.

NAMBEYE: What would you say are some of the key services that Ng’andu Consulting provides?

ABEL: Ng’andu Consulting provides a multi-disciplinary servicethrough its dedicated specialist divisions - water, transport,structures, programme management and project management.

NAMBEYE: Ng’andu Consulting has been operational since 2009. What has the response from the industry been like and do you feel you have met a need?

ABEL: The response has been tremendous. Since forming the company in 2009, our average

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turnover has been above 30 billion Kwacha and in 2011 we saw a turnover above 40 billion Kwacha.

We originally started with about 15 employees but we now have over 92 employees. I think it’s safe to say that we have made significant progress since we started in 2009. Our clients have responded favourably to the management systems that we have put in place to ensure total client satisfaction. In 2010 we opened a branch outside Zambia, in Kigali which is in Rwanda.

NAMBEYE: Last year N’gandu Consulting was awarded the European award for best practices 2011 in the gold category. This reward was in recognition of the company’s extraordinary achievements in 2011. What has this award meant for your company?

ABEL: This award has not only been a great achievement for N’ganduConsulting, it has also been a confirmation of our commitment toquality and excellence in everything we do. We have not ended there.

We have put in a roadmap to be ISO certified within the next two years.

This will make us one of the few civil engineering companies in Zambia to be certified by the International Organization for Standardization.

NAMBEYE: Ng’andu Consulting scooped the award for its splendidperformance in customer satisfaction and outstanding results in quality management. How do you manage to ensure that these values are instilled in your company?

ABEL: We have put in place systems that have been developed from already existing international standards. These systems ensure quality management both at the head office and on site. The systems enable us to monitor all aspects of our work to ensure that client expectations are met. We have the same systems in our Rwandan office; the staff who operate in Rwanda are trained in Zambia so that we keep theexact standards.

NAMBEYE: Needless to say, you have an exceptionally talented team. How have you achieved such a loyal and hardworking workforce?

ABEL: Company success depends on leadership. We have a firm belief in investing in people. Training is thecornerstone of our company and we keep our staff highly motivated by rewarding them with a good salary. We carry out training not only in Zambia but also abroad. Several of our workers have been granted scholarships in order to further their education.

Last year, seven people from our team were sent to pursue their Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering outside of Zambia.

This year we are encouraging our female staff. We have three women we intend to send for further studies. We have adopted training as an on-going 30 year strategic plan.

NAMBEYE: With so much achieved already, what is your focus for the next few years?

ABEL: We have a 30 year strategic plan which we have divided intofive year sections so that we can monitor our achievements.

In the next five years we want to invest in the construction of a research institution in Zambia.

This institution will be a facility for the development of innovative designs and for building and road construction materials. Our dream is to inspire the construction of landmark buildings in the country. We want people to admire buildings which show off innovative designs that incorporate culture with modern construction techniques - buildings that create symbols of achievements and confidence in our local engineers.

NAMBEYE: Finally, with the growth of engineering consulting firms in the country, why should people come to Ng’andu Consulting?

ABEL: Ng’andu Consulting is a unique and innovative company. Wehave achieved international recognition as a result of our policy of employing some of the best civil engineers in the country and by investing in the training of our staff in the latest technology. All of this means our staff are able to deliver the best solutions. Most importantly we are open to new ideas from our clients and aim to provide totalcustomer satisfaction.

Information+260 (0) 211 237

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It’s always fascinating to read about wildlife antics from the Zambian bush!

Pippa Turner from Mayukuyuku in Kafue National Park sent us their Christmas newsletter and we extracted these wonderful snippets.

On wild dogs“Our pack on this side of the bridge seems to go from four to three and back again so we are not too sure what is going on. They were seen early season and then again late season in November. “

On leopards“Early one morning in the early green season two male leopards were seen across from each other in the bushes. We are not sure if they were seeking to mate with an unseen female or bruising up for a fight.”

“One day we were summoned by staff who were repairing the road into camp.

A leopard was sitting watching the guys work in broad daylight.

We rushed up the road and sure enough, there was our young female leopard Tinkerbell, peeping out from behind an anthill. She had been watching the guys earlier and when they returned from the pits with more soil, they found her balancing on a branch over the road. She continued to play silly games, jumping up tree trunks and trying to hunt for about another half an hour before she left.”

Wildlife sitings and other news from Mayukuyuku Bush Camp

“In September we discovered a new pair of leopards together. They were extremely chilled with the vehicle. The female was so fascinated she almost had her head on the bull bars!”

On the Pel’s Fishing Owl“We now go up the Mukombo Stream in the boat during the green season. This proved very productive for seeing the Pel’s Fishing Owl in the same tree on numerous occasions. Also, over the last few nights I have heard them calling further up by the rapids at around 4 a.m.”

On buffalo and lion

The big herd of buffalo on the Chunga side have been very reliable. We know to wait till they have passed to see lions who always appear to follow this big herd of around 1,000 strong.

Recently we have seen around 80 buffalo on this side of the bridge which is a huge increase from the eight we would see now and again. Lions have

— Travel and Leisure

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been seen a lot off the tar road this year. The hunt and killing of a zebra has been seen from there. The cubs ran and joined the females once the action was over. The two males who were relocated to Liuwa Plains to join lady Liuwa have not managed to breed with her – probably she is just too old. So a female will be relocated sometime in the future to join them.

On cheetah

Cheetah have been seen throughout the season but maybe not as often as in years gone by.

However, we are definitely seeing our two more often on this side, on Duiker Loop and Pontoon Road especially. Sometimes just one is sighted on Pontoon Road, so maybe they split and join up again?

On wildlife in the camp“One very quiet afternoon when just a couple of staff were in camp alone, a leopard – probably Tom, came in and rested under the tree on the anthill behind reception. Sadly neither had a camera to hand!”

“In June we had an older elephant come into the camp and lie down and sleep, first just by the entrance. Then a day later, near to the bridge across to the campsite. It was hard to photograph as he just resembled a large rock with a tusk sticking up but it was a “first” for many of us. He acted very similar to “Dave One Tusk” and hung around the camp for three days. One night at dinner he was right by the solar shower and then next to the dining room. We spent dinner whispering quietly until he was right up against the thatch at which point Yoram moved us all back to the campfire.”

However, his desire for green leaves or company meant that he tried to squeeze his 60 year old large frame between the bar, the bushes and the anthill.

He could not fit, so indignantly went off towards the water pump and allowed us to finish our dinner!

“June and July were the months to see leopard in the campsite. A young American couple were the first. They were brushing their teeth in the bathrooms at around 8.30 p.m. when they picked up “eyes” coming towards them. Rather than get stuck in the bathroom, they went hastily back to the campfire at their campsite and sat while a leopard calmly walked past them to the slipway to drink. This happened three times over the next week or so and on one occasion two leopards were on the adjacent pitch to the guests. We can tell when this is happening as the bushbuck and monkeys start with their warning calls.”

A guest spotted a leopard on the opposite bank. It sat on the beach during the daytime in mid August. We had a busy camp at the time so many guests got their binoculars and cameras and watched the leopard. It rested between a hippo and a crocodile for quite a long period!

“I think the “moment of the year” for me was an evening in October when a bushbaby started making a huge racket above the dining room roof. Collins our barman was sure something had run along the end of the dining room. All of us jumped up and ran to look up into the Jackberry tree by the corner of the dining room roof and there was Tinkerbell (our young feamle leopard) sitting in the tree about eight feet up. She put up with the torches for about three minutes before jumping down and running across the rocks and away. It was quite something to behold.”

General Mayukuyuku news“To help manage bookings and administration we have recruited Mary and we now have a tiny office in Lusaka in Cairo Road.”

“In June we replaced two more of our tents with the new bigger ones from South Africa. We topped up the furniture with suitcase stands, shelving units and day beds on the verandahs. The fourth tent is also now operational. “

“Stay full board at a special green season rate of $200 per person per night (normally $250) and get one activity of choice free per person per stay (worth $35)! Local visitors can contact the camp for additional special rates. This is available until March 31st.”

Information+260 (0) 977 721

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— Business and services: THE CHOICE SELECTION

The last two issues of this magazine discussed part one and two of growing a business in Zambia. Part one covered how to get started and part two was about expanding your business.

This final part of the ‘Growing a business in Zambia’ series looks at ways of consolidating your business and building a strong platform for future growth.

We’ll be discussing how to tap into the power of the Internet, and how to use both Public Relations and Corporate Social Responsibility to your advantage.

Using the Internet for businessConsidering the fact that the Internet is a relatively new phenomenon, it is amazing how profoundly it is changing the way companies do business.

In the 21st century information is king. But as we move through the 2010s it is becoming more and more apparent that the Internet has a potential flaw — it has the capacity to provide information overload — a volume of data so high that it becomes meaningless, of no value…

The key is to ensure the right people get the right information at the right time, whether that is a restaurant menu for a husband planning a romantic evening out, facts about a charity delivered to a potential supporter, or directions to a nearby filling station for a stranded motorist. The Internet can do all this and more through search engines like

Growing a business in Zambia: part 3 — A platform for long-term growthGoogle working in step with well-developed market-oriented websites. When it comes to your business, and how to reach your target market with your unique selling proposition, think of using a good business profiling site that will drive traffic to your own website. You won’t be surprised to know that we think is great for this! But there are others you might want to investigate too.

The nature of the Internet is that you have on average 10 to 20 seconds to attract someone who’s browsing. If your message is less than compelling to them and they can’t find what they are looking for, they will exit the page — a lost sale!

So think about who you want to attract, think about your compelling message to them, and think about what call to action you want to give them. If you get it all right, then you’ll be amazed at how effective a tool the Internet can be in building your brand and bringing in more business.

Public Relations Public Relations (PR) is all about how you manage the relationship between your company and the public. By speaking at events, winning industry awards, and working with the press, you can develop a prominent positive public image for your company. Typically you create or bring to the media’s attention topics of public interest and news items that are publicised through various channels. PR activities include branding and image management, holding of events, and releasing of press releases, executive speech writing and advertorials. The nice thing is that, although you’ll need to pay a PR company to manage all this work, you don’t have to pay for the publicity like you do when you place an advert.

A small company will usually handle this area of its promotion in-house rather than using a PR company. It is surprising how easy it is to get some free publicity in a newspaper or magazine, or even on TV or radio. Get in touch with a reputable channel that has a readership/viewership that fits in with your potential or actual clients.

If you have reached a stage when you need to use a PR company, choose a reputable company like ZK Advertising. The ZK Advertising team has a track record of outstanding advertising campaigns and PR work that delivers significant brand awareness and tangible marketing success for their clients.

Information+260 (0) 211 257

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For events and exhibition organisation and management, think of Africast, Events in Tents, Glitter and Sparkle, Image Promotions, Plan It or Rooneys, depending on the nature of your business and your event.

Africast’s core business is industry-focused exhibitions. Africast also hosts major corporate events such as conferences.

Information+260 (0) 211 293

Events in Tents turns ordinary events into unforgettable experiences with a wide range of quality marquees, gazebos, furniture and supporting items like lighting and crockery — all available for hire.

Information+260 (0) 211 272

Glitter and Sparkle is an experienced event planning company based in Lusaka. A professional team with design and planning skills, together with a flair for creativity making them a perfect choice.

Information+260 (0) 211 228

Image Promotions are conference and event management professionals, supporting the organisation of any kind of function.

ZK Advertising

Africast Exhibition Management

Events in Tents

Glitter and Sparkle

Image Promotions

Information+260 (0) 211 223

Plan It offer a personalised service specialising in quality events management, interior design and décor consultation, landscaping, exquisite flora, handmade gifts and team building programmes.

Information+260 (0) 211 236

Rooney’s hire out quality equipment for indoor and outdoor events such as corporate cocktail parties, international conferences and weddings.

Information+260 (0) 211 222

Corporate Social ResponsibilityFor centuries companies have been supporting good causes in various ways, often making a very real difference in people’s lives. The motive is usually 100% altruistic. However in recent times, people have realised that they can get lots of good publicity from giving to charity, sponsoring an event or individually running a race for your favourite cause for example. In this sense CSR is an aspect of PR.

You might want to look at gaining some good publicity from the support you give to causes you are genuinely passionate about.

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Alternatively there are companies that can help you find CSR opportunities enabling you to genuinely support a worthy cause whilst promoting your business at the same time.

For example, Munich Advisory Group specialise in helping its clients develop their CSR programmes through sustainable development projects.

Information+260 (0) 211 294

ZK Advertising provide all-round CSR consultancy and management services. ZK Advertising offers public relations solutions that include:

» Corporate image management and brand support » Crisis communication and management » CSR management and consultancy » Media relations and PR advise on handling media » Event management » Media and PR kit development including press

releases, executive speech writing and developing content for advertorials’

Information+260 (0) 211 257

To wrap it all upWith the current global economic crisis, you might feel it’s not the time to start a business or even expand your current one.

But at a regional level, those in the know believe Zambia, and indeed the whole continent, is currently poised for economic take-off.

Zambia seems to have everything in place, with its legal and commercial infrastructure becoming more and more robust, and the products and services needed for corporate activity increasingly available. So jump in - follow your passion, plan carefully, use your capital wisely and pray a lot! Wishing you every success in growing your business venture in Zambia.

Plan It Designs Ltd

Rooney’s Hire Zambia

Munich Advisors - development

Munich Advisors - environment

ZK Advertising

— Business and services: THE CHOICE SELECTION

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350+ Zambian businesses have decided to join the Best of Zambia.

Isn’t it time you did?

Call us on +260 (0) 955 051

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— Staff news and opinions

It is the people that give personality to any organisation. One reason we created this section was to show off the great people behind the Best of Zambia!

So this month we stopped to ask some members of the team what they get up outside of work.

I got an answer I certainly didn’t expect from Thomas Subulwa our Logistics Officer. It turns our Thomas is a musician and after many years of playing the violin and other instruments, he now coaches young musicians. Thomas is pictured leading the gospel band he is currently working with.

Thembi Chipeso, a member of our Sales Executive team, is an enthusiastic member of the Patriotic Front, the political party who just came into power in Zambia. And he can prove just how enthusiastic with this picture of him with the new Zambian President Michael Sata.

Team Best of Zambia: a varied bunch!

When we asked Gilbert Nsamba one of our Sales Executives he told us he was a family man and brought in a picture of him with his son Mwelwa when he graduated from primary school. The cute little girl is Gilbert’s daughter Mapalo, who like her father is obviously very proud of big bro.

The glamorous lady in the picture is Meekness Chiluba, also a member ofour sales team. She is pictured wining and dining with her husband, Captain Chiluba, a senior chef in the Zambia Air Force. Captain Chiluba

is in ceremonial uniform for the Zambia Air Force Christmas dinner. The gorgeous little man (left) is Mapalo, their son.

So there you have it. Some insight into the afterhours of team Best of Zambia! We think we’re a great bunch ;-)

By Sara Drawwater,

Managing Editor

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Are you a gold member of so you can feature in the next issue of magazine for free!

Send in your March events, offers and news by the 20th of February to be included. Email your content to

Not a gold member of a gold member in no more than 10 days from just K1,700,000 per year.

Then send in your March events, offers and news by the 20th of February to be included in the next issue of magazine.

To join Call +260 (0) 955 051 035- Call +260 (0) 978 394 856- Email

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Amazing Robin Pope Safaris getaway - a romantic hideaway! A bargain for Zambian residents

The rains are here and the Luangwa is at its most dramatic, with plenty of new growth plus great game viewing. Join Robin Pope Safaris for an Emerald Season exploration of the Luangwa with this amazing getaway special:

Only $518 or K2,590,000 per person for two nights, including flights and two nights accommodation. Excludes bar and park fees. Applicable to Zambian residents only.

This time of year Luangwa offers wonderful activities.

Nkwali offers daily boating on the Luangwa River where you can experience the Luangwa in a new way with fantastic birding and exploration of the now water filled lagoons. Watch elephants cross, or attempt to cross the river with their trunks acting as snorkels. Sunset cruises are ideal for photographers.

With so water around the game retreats to higher ground. Robin Pope has all weather roads to access the park, making game viewing an absolute delight. Sightings of the elusive wild dogs are more common this time of year

and lions relaxing by the roadside is not a rare sight either.

Migrant birds are still much in evidence and the chicks have hatched and are now seriously fluffy and fat. They are also great tasty morsels for raptors, monitor lizards and other hungry predators.

Offer details K2,590,000 ($518) for two nights. Single supplement of K400,000 ($80 ) and contribution to Luangwa Community and Conservation Fund.

Includes accommodation (two nights at Nkwali), meals, all game viewing activities, flights (Lusaka/Mfuwe/Lusaka), airport transfers and Luangwa Community and Conservation Fund.

Excludes drinks, park fees, airport tax.

Applicable to Zambian residents only. Bookable within 21 days of travel. Valid to 31 March 2012.Subject to availability, and rates subject to change without notice. Information+265 (0) 177

Lake view chalets reduced this February

To celebrate the month of love, this February Kariba Bush Club are offering an accommodation self catering special that you cannot afford to miss!

The canvas-and-thatch style chalets which are built on wooden decks overlooking Lake Kariba will be $47 per person per night for self-catering. Normally $85, that’s a $38 saving!

Self-catering facilities like kitchen with fridge, freezer, stove, crockery and cutlery are available.

At Kariba Bush Club you can prove your fishing skills by catching an infamous Tigerfish, lounge in a pool side hammock whilst fish eagles swoop in the sky above, spot Zambia’s amazing wildlife on a canoe safari, or get scared out of your wits on a tour of Zambia’s largest Nile crocodile farm! Whatever you decide to do, the Kariba Bush Club team are confident it will be unforgettable.

Information+260 (0) 979 493

— Ideas for Valentine’s: OFFERS, EVENTS, NEWS

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A recipe for the perfect Valentine’s

This recipe was created by the Victoria Apartments team!

Wake up early packed and ready to head for Livingstone. Enjoy the sunrise and listen to your favourite tracks. Rock in your seat to the beat and head down memory lane together sharing stories of how you met and what happened next.

Arrive in Livingstone and pick up treats that will keep you well stocked. Head for Victoria Apartments where you can have a quick warm shower and head on to Protea Hotel for a nice lunch. Take a nap then head on out for a boat cruise.

On your return cook up a scrumptious meal in your fully equipped kitchen or strike up the bbq. Kick back and relax to a good movie and some hot chocolate. Enjoy the company of your loved ones in Victoria Apartments before calling it a night! It’s okay to splurge this Valentine’s if it’s at Victoria Apartments! Information+260 (0) 213 321

Three for two nights at Croc Valley Camp

Green season rates at Croc Valley Camp are $140 per person sharing on a full board basis. Plus until the 30th of June you can stay for three nights and only pay for two!

Full board includes accommodation, all meals, four game drives, laundry and airport transfers if required. Children sharing under the age of 12 pay 80% of the rate and children sharing under five go free. Bookings will be accepted at any time subject to availability.

There is also a small charge of $5 per person per night donated equally to SLCS (South Luangwa Conservation Society) that controls the anti poaching in the park, and Project Luangwa that facilitates the building of new schools and classrooms in the area. Croc Valley offers affordable safari lodge accommodation bordering the amazing South Luangwa National Park in Zambia. It’s all about comfort together with rustic simplicity. Information+260 (0) 216 246

Green season specials from Mayukuyuku

Unlike many camps in Zambia, Mayukuyuku Bush Camp remains open all green season! At this fantastic Zambian safari camp, full meals and safari activities remain available throughout the year.

Green season specials are available from Mayukuyuku Bush Camp until March 31st 2012.

Green season rates for international guests:Stay full board at a special green season rate of $200 per person per night (normally $250) and get one activity of choice free per person per stay (worth $35)! Local visitors can contact the camp for additional special rates.

Mayukuyuku is on the banks of the Kafue River in the Kafue National Park. It is an ethical and stunningly beautiful safari experience. This is a picturesque safari camp that is situated in one of the largest game parks in the world, known for its diverse wildlife. Information+260 (0) 977 721

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Chocloate, wine and dinner at Plates

On February the 9th, from 18:00 to 20:00 there’s a wine and Chocolate Pairing event at Plates Restaurant.The team will be pairing four delicious chocolates with four wines to celebrate Valentine’s Day!

You can learn how to pair romantic chocolate with fabulous wines. It’s K80,000 per person and you’ll need to make reservations.

February 14th is of course Valentine’s Day and Plates are doing an extra special dinner. Reservations are strongly recommended for Valentine’s Day so get booking now!

If for whatever reason you can’t make it on Valentine’s Day itself then do not despair. Plates are helping couples celebrate love all month with a selection of rose wines, champagnes, and sparkling wines. These will be served all month alongside delicious meals that complement the flavours.

Information+260 (0) 211 841

Candle lit romance by Masala Mantra

The Masala Mantra team are planning to make Valentine’s extra special for couples dining that evening. Think candle lit dinner and free glass of wine for the ladies! Masala Mantra restaurant in Lusaka, offers a medley of authentic Indian tastes based on authentic Mughal cooking from South Asia. The food at Masala Mantra restaurant is consistently high quality, made to traditional recipes by resident Indian chefs. Mughal cooking from South Asia is famous for its use of exotic spices, dried fruit and nuts. The tastes of Mughal cuisine vary from extremely mild to spicy, and the popular Chicken Tikka Masala is an example of a dish rooted in the Mughal cuisine.

So, why not surprise the love of your life and treat them to something exotic this Valentine’s?

This classy highly-rated restaurant is conveniently located in Rhodes Park near the city centre.

Information+260 (0) 211 227

Sweetheart dinner, 11/02/2012

The International School of Lusaka’s sweetheart dinner is a sponsored event and all money goes to charity.

Information » Venue: Portico Restaurant » Time: 18:00 to 22:00 » Menu: Plates Restaurant, Mint Café » Tickets: K90,000 per person and

K150,000 per couple (includes entrance and a three course meal) » Enjoy a fun ‘how well do you know

your partner’ game, cash bar

Raffle tickets just K50,000. Win: » Chocolates from Grandeur » Dinner and gift vouchers » A stacked hamper » Full body massage » Tickets for two for the movies » Wine, and many more!

Take away a memory of the evening with discounted professional photos. An evening not to be missed! Tickets available from LICS , or call Savannah on +260 (0) 974 003 597.

Special thanks to Linda Wilkinson of Chikumbuso Women and Orphans Project for all her help.

Information+260 (0) 211 292

— Ideas for Valentine’s: OFFERS, EVENTS, NEWS

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A heavy weight list of sponsors have offered their services to make this a special night that will also to make a difference to the

And Inzy, Shakas Grill, Grandeur Chocolate, WsM

Jewelers, The Green Mealie , Rose Beck Farms,

Spar, Fresh View Cinemas, Ad Addicts, Pro print,

La Mimosa, Deli Zambia

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Special Valentine’s gifts from Vera’s Spa

As it’s Valentine’s this month, Vera’s Spa are offering a very special health bonus treatment for two! Treat your precious skin with rich and specialised facial treatment and get a complementary Aromatherapy massage for your loved one! Yes, that’s an entire massage absolutely free when you book this facial treatment.

Additionally if you want to offer your loved one more flexibility then you can buy them a gift certificate. Let them choose what pampering session they feel like!

Vera’s Salon and Spa in Lusaka, is found at the luxurious Taj Pamodzi Hotel. A selection of innovative treatments, complimented with a full line of professional skincare and body treatment products are available for men and women. There’s also an on-site hair salon.

Information+260 (0) 211 254 455 ext

Films for Valentine’s by Strong Zambia’s My TV

It’s the week of love so My TV will be airing two romantic films.

Friday 17th: What Women Want With Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt. Nick, a somewhat chauvinistic advertising hot shot, has a fluke accident that enables him to hear what women think. All he wants to do is rid himself of this curse, until a psychologist shows him this could be used to his advantage! His first target is Darcy McGuire, the very woman that got the promotion he wanted. But just as his plan is beginning to work, love gets in the way...

Saturday 18th: What love Sees With Richard Thomas and Annabeth Gish. Jean a beautiful girl in her twenties, comes from a world of privilege. Gordon is a handsome but humble rancher, the pride of his small town. They share something which makes the love that blossoms between them all the more intense: they are both totally blind. Against all the odds they marry and head to Gordon’s ranch. There, side by side, they build a future which includes responsibility and independence.

Information+260 (0) 211 287

— Ideas for Valentine’s: OFFERS, EVENTS, NEWS

Valentine’s cakes for loved ones

Pictured on the cover, House of Cakes never fails to impress with their inspired take on cakes. Pictured here is a perfect little gift for that special someone in your life.

As well as delicious gifts like the one pictured, House of Cakes can create whatever design of cake you could dream up.

So, have you got a very special memory you want to recreate? Have you got a special song that you could use as inspiration for a cake? What’s your special someone’s most favourite thing in the world. Capture that in a cake. Whatever idea you could come up with, House of Cakes can turn it into a completely edible cake.

House of Cakes has an eye for detail and the experience and techniques to craft exquisite personalised cakes, perfect for your particular occasion. Each cake is individually baked to incorporate your personal style. Try them this Valentine’s Day!

Information+260 (0) 979 440

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Kariba Bush Club to open island camp

Travelers to Lake Kariba in search of spectacular wildlife and fishing opportunities will love Kariba Bush Club’s Maaze Island bush camp.

The private and secluded Maaze Island bush camp is opening in April. En-suite tents are $40 per per person per night for self catering. And for the romantic at heart, full moon cruises and dinner on one of the sandy beaches will be available from April to October (weather permitting).

Maaze Island is stocked with prime game, including impala, bushbuck and the occasional elephant. Game walks, canoeing trips and fishing excursions are available The camp is made up of six tents, each with their own shower and toilet. A boma with a bar, lounge and dining area offers space for relaxation. The island camp has a kitchen set up for self catering, but full board is available on request for those who wish to take things real easy.

Information+260 (0) 979 493

Zambia National Barista Championships winners

On November 23rd, 2011 Dailess Nalwamba, a coffee barista from Blue Moon Café, won the 2011 Zambia National Barista Championships!

It was an amazing day. Blue Moon had closed early so all staff could attend the awards ceremony. When they called Dailess’s name as the Champion Blue Moon staff rushed the stage, threw Dailess into the air, and began chanting “Blue Moon, Blue Moon, Blue Moon.” All the hard work and practice had paid off.

The Blue Moon team are now working toward sending Dailess to the birthplace of coffee, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from February 15 to 19, 2012. Here she will compete in the Africa Barista Championships. This is a high-profile event and Blue Moon are excited to get to represent Zambia here. The issue....they need help to raise money to cover travel and registration costs. If you can you help Dailess get to the next level please contact Bob.

Information+ 260 (0) 211 261

My TV launches True Movie 1 channel

My TV from Strong Zambia has launched True Movies 1. It shows true stories that touch the heart.

On True Movies 1, for 24 hours a day you can experience remarkable and powerful true stories of ordinary people overcoming extraordinary odds. This channel features hundreds of moving true movies with performances from A list stars such as Merryl Streep, Angelina Jolie and Helena Bonham Carter.

True Movies 1 has now replaced the My TV Promo channel. The ‘Two of Us’ telenovela that was showing on My TV Promo can be viewed on Saturdays at 15:00 hours Nigeria time on My TV MORE.

There is good and bad news. Capacity constraints have forced My TV to suspend the My TV Promo channel for the time being. But My TV Promo will be back on air as soon as the migration of My TV broadcasts to MPEG-4 is initiated. This is planned for April 2012

Information+260 (0) 211 287

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— Hot off the press: OFFERS, EVENTS, NEWS

Nkuku is a brand new take away restaurant that has opened in Woodlands Shopping Mall in Lusaka.

Nkuku offers a deliciously new perspective on chicken, using only the freshest ingredients to serve up some of the tastiest kettle fried chicken in town. Nkuku means ‘chicken’ and Nkuku is all about chicken!

Menu options includes all kinds of chicken, mash, chips or coleslaw and a range of soft drinks. Find the Nkuku take-away restaurant tucked away round the corner from Blue Moon Café in the Woodlands Shopping Mall. It is a cosy, intimate place where friends and family can stop by and enjoy a quick meal together, or order a take-away.

Nkuku is the first all Zambian franchise in the take-away business — that’s Zambian chicken, Zambian owned, Zambian style. Go on an experience this brand new take away restaurant. And remember to let us know what you think.

Information+260 (0) 211 262 156

Nkuku take away opens in Lusaka

South African Airways launch a new flight

South African Airways have proudly announced an additional flight which started on the 6th of February 2012!

From the 6th of February 2012 there will be another flight between Lusaka and Johannesburg. This flight will be on Mondays. South African Airways already have two flights between Lusaka and Johannesburg, two out of Lusaka and two coming in from Johannesburg. This new service means there are now three Lusaka - Johannesburg flights a week.

Additionally, South African Airways is proud to announce the start of a direct services from Johannesburg to Beijing in China. These flights launched on the 31st of January 2012! For more information call your travel agent or contact South African Airways in Zambia directly. South African Airways’ Lusaka office handles South African Airways flights and bookings in and out of Zambia.

Information+260 (0) 211 252

Solar equipment course in February 2012

Pumulani has a course in Installation, Maintenance and Trouble Shooting of Solar Equipment from Monday 20th February to Friday 24th February.

K2,770,000 includes » 4 nights accommodation at

House of Excellence in Kafue » All meals plus coffee and tea » Toolkit » The book, “A practical guide to

solar photovoltaic systems for technicians” » Writing pad and pen » Transport between Pumulani and

House of Excellence » Certificates

You can also attend the course for K1,670,000 without accommodation. This includes: » 5 lunches with coffee and tea » Toolkit » The book, “A practical guide to

solar photovoltaic systems for technicians” » Writing pad and pen » Certificates

Contact Pumulani for an intake form.

Information+260 (0) 977 772

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Bezi the elephant calf flies to a new home

Many of you will remember the dramatic rescue operation of a tiny elephant calf in November 2011. Bezi’s story was covered in a previous issue.

On 15th of January 2012, Bezi was successfully relocated from the Conservation Lower Zambezi (CLZ) base camp to the Elephant Orphanage Project (EOP) in Lilayi, Lusaka.

After his rescue the CLZ team gave Bezi 24 hour care to help stabilise him. Bezi is now approximately four months old. Although Bezi is still underweight it is hoped that he will grow at EOP. After his flight, Bezi became the newest and youngest member of the now four strong herd of rescued elephant calves.

CLZ would like to thank Sport Beattie, Rachael Murton, Tanya Shober, Robert Stacey and Royal Air Charters, all at ZAWA and the Vet department Information+260 (0) 977 193

Munich Advisors have relocated

The Munich Advisors Group is a network of local and international consultants focusing on the development of social, environmental and economic sustainable results. They are a renewable energy and social impact consultancy.

With their recently relocated office in Katima Mulilo Road, Munich Advisors are ready to provide world-class services for Africa with measurable success by combining local expertise with international best practices.

Services offered range from design and implementation to themaintenance and monitoring of renewable energy solutions (solar,wind, biomass, biofuels and biogas). Munich Advisors Group is perfectly qualified to solve African energy problems. The group operates in Germany, Zambia and South Africa, delivering support to companies and organisations on energy issues.

Information+260 (0) 974 446 860

KDG have over 400 vehicles for sale

Over the past 15 years KDG Autolink have become Southern Africa’s largest bond store of imported new and used vehicles.

So that customers can car shop with ease, KDG has three branches across Zambia, in Lusaka, Kitwe and Livingstone, with 400 vehicles across these three sites. With 2,000 vehicles in their warehouse in Durban South Africa, KDG are confident they can deliver a second hand vehicle of your choice to your doorstep within a week. What’s more, KDG will handle all clearing, documentation and licensing on your behalf.

Backed by a well-established network of companies, KDG is able to supply a diverse range of vehicles to suit the most exacting requirements. KDG’s range of vehicles also includes trucks, buses, sedans, station wagons, 4x4’s and special purpose vehicles.

Information+260 (0) 211 232

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— Hot off the press: OFFERS, EVENTS, NEWS

Inspirations sales at the Rhodespark store

Inspirations Furniture will be launching a clearance sale from the 6th of February 2012.

The sale will be on furniture and selected accessories. Note that Inspirations Furniture has a number of outlets and the sale will only be held at the Rhodespark outlet: 6A Omelo Mumba Road.

Inspirations offer a comprehensive range of home décor products such as upholstery, soft furnishings, curtains and blinds right through to hard furnishings, metal works, décor accessories and giftware. With an established reputation for quality free-standing furniture and custom-made soft furnishings, Inspirations inspires its customers from the moment they step into the Inspirations furniture shops.

Inspirations director and designer Ms Jaye Patel comes from a fashion design background. Since 2000, she has used her skills to create inspiring furniture design and developed Inspirations to offer a personalised service to her discerning clients.

Information+260 (0) 211 229

Lynx Mango Juice now available

Towards the end of 2011 Lynx Zambia Ltd introduced a new product called Lynx Mango Juice.

This brought the total Lynx Juice products range to four. The range also includes Lynx Orange Juice, Lynx Pineapple Juice and Lynx Guava Juice.

Taking a tip from The Best of Zambia that Lynx should make their juice products more available to the Zambian consumer by packaging them in smaller sizes, Lynx started retailing their Juices in 1 litre containers. These 1 litre containers have proved very popular so thanks go to the Best of Zambia!

Lynx Zambia Ltd, in Ndola, manufactures and supplies refreshing fruit drinks. This popular quality range of soft drinks includes Vitamin C enriched orange, pineapple and guava juice, raspberry and cream soda flavoured syrups, low calorie sweetened orange drink for diabetics and Metsi mineral water.

Information+260 (0) 212 621

Kholisa houseboat for sale, $412,000

The Kholisa Houseboat which sleeps up to 30 people has 13 cabins, one staff room, a kitchen and a splash pool.

The 13 cabins are made up of:

» Two en-suite triple rooms with air conditioning » Two en-suite double rooms with

air conditioning » One en-suite quad room » Four en-suite twin bunk rooms » Four twin bunk rooms

The Kholisa houseboat is 65 feet long, 250 HP, with two six cylinder engines. It also has newly refurbished pontoons. The price of $412,000 includes taxes. Kholisa is docked in Siansowa, Sinazongwe District, Lake Kariba. This is an ideal boat for entertaining friends and family or to run a business offering accommodation and activities from the water. Currently owned by Kariba Bush Club, you can contact them with any questions you may have.

Information+260 (0) 977 721

Facilities: 13 cabins (2 double rooms en-suite with air con; 4 twin bunk rooms en-suite with air con ; 4 twin bunk rooms not en-suite, no air con; 2 triple rooms en-suite with air con; 1 quad room with en-suite, no air con; ) 1 staff room. 1 kitchen. Splash pool.

Call +260 979 493 980 OR Email Kholisa is docked in Siansowa, Sinazongwe District, Lake Kariba, Zambia 65 FT LONG 250 HP 2 SIX CYLINDER ENGINES NEWLY REFURBISHED PONTOONS SLEEPS UP TO 30 PEOPLE

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In the early 1970’s Drs Belloc and Breslow carried out the Alameda study. They wanted to see why some people lived longer than others. After studying about 7000 individuals they came up with the following summary - seven factors, or ‘health habits’, that cause people to live longer:

» 7-8 hours of sleep per night » No eating between meals » Eating breakfast regularly » Maintaining a proper weight » Regular exercise » Moderate or no alcohol » No smoking

This is when they came up with the idea of a ‘health age’. There could be a significant difference between your physical age (when you are born) and your health age (how old your body is from the way that you have been treating it). The fewer health habits you follow the more ‘years’ you add to your health age. The more health habits you observe the more years you remove from your health age, making you younger and prolonging your life.

Age Habits Habits Habits Habits Habits Habits 0-2 3 4 5 6 720 +14.3 +7.4 +0.5 -1.1 -4.2 -9.430 +16.9 +9.1 +3.0 -0.6 -4.7 -11.140 +19.4 +10.7 +5.4 -0.1 -5.2 -12.950 +22.0 +12.4 +7.9 +0.3 -5.7 -14.760 +24.5 +14.0 +10.4 +0.8 -6.2 -16.470 +27.1 +15.7 +12.8 +1/3 -6.8 -18.2

Health corner: your real age versus your health age

For example, a 70 year old that keeps all seven health habits is 18.2 years younger than their peers. that makes them only 51 in health age. The same 70 year old that only follows 0-2 health habits adds 27.1 years, bringing their health age to 97.1. Would you like to be 51 or 97? Who do you think will be living the longest? What is your health age? You can choose what age you would like it to be. Start making wise choices today.

InformationArticle by Juanita Pretorius+260 (0) 977 788

Image credit:

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Noteworthy tweets from those we follow

@BBCAfrica Semi Final line up:#Ghana- #Zambia & #Mali- Ivory Coast (#afcon2012) If you live in Africa you can hear both games on the BBC World Service

@ballsforafrica If your deal was dodgy, it’s time to worry’ – President Sata rooting out corruption #Zambia

@africastrategyWhat has happened to the positive feel around #Zambia Amazing what a few ill chosen words from leaders can do

@mugumyaYEEESSSSS Sudan are thru to the last eight. Angola go home with their bribes. #Zambia will play Sudan #AFCON2012

@peter_langmead The UN continues to be run by drips and the world continues to be controlled by tyrants

@stevenputter good morning twitterland. im off with Gavin to Mpanshya, interesting he has never been further than 2km down the road

@phat_controllerZambian Minister calls for more use of ICT in Agriculture: IICD #ict4d #zambia #eagri

@Skip_toMyLu I swear if #Zambia wins the #AFCON12 ..... Sata is buying tickets for Zedians abroad to come home and celebrate! #Donchikubeba!

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