the best peoplematter features you aren't using - collaborate '15 presentation

Post on 02-Aug-2015






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The Best PeopleMatter Features You Aren’t Using:

How They’ll Help You Recruit and Retain the Best Talent and Save You

Time, Money and Energy

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PEOPLEMATTER MOBILE APP Are you using the PeopleMatter Mobile App?

PeopleMatter App

Search PEOPLEMATTER ●  IOS - Apps Store ●  Droid - Google Play

New look as of March 2015 release:

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PEOPLEMATTER MOBILE APP Managers: Get a snapshot of your day and what may be upcoming.

PeopleMatter App

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AUTOMATIC APPLICANT REMOVAL Idea: To assist in the organization of applicants that apply to multiple locations.

Settings - Manage applicant removal at any time.

Choose from 3 options to remove applicants from other locations based on the following rules:

●  Applicants will be placed in the “removed applicant” status.

●  You can search under ALL to access their file again in the future.

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CUSTOM ONBOARDING QUESTIONS Create company specific tasks to be answered during your new hire’s onboarding paperwork.

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CUSTOM ONBOARDING QUESTIONS This feature may be created under Settings:

As an Admin, you can choose various ways to present the task:

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CUSTOM ONBOARDING QUESTIONS Run reports to gather data on the custom onboarding questions.

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PeopleMatter Support Portal NEED HELP? Stay tuned for more information about our new support portal. PeopleMatter is enhancing the ability for our customers to gather helpful resources to assist in everday activity within our Platform.

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Job Application Questions

•  In the Company Settings, admins are able to configure the way their application questions are configured and displayed to applicants when they apply.

•  To change the order of the application questions, click on the cross-hair and drag the section to the desired position.

•  Also, application questions can be assigned to All Job descriptions or specific job descriptions, which prevents other applicants from viewing that specific application question, unless they select the job description it’s tied to.

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Job Application Questions

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Job Descriptions

•  Job descriptions can be used both externally and internally.

•  In PeopleMatter, you are able to designate if jobs should be turned on for the application or for internal use, which would allow admins to hire current candidates or transfer current employees for job descriptions that aren’t currently configured to accept applications.

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Job Descriptions

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Job Descriptions

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•  The PeopleMatter Support Team is able to provide a tool that allows companies to generate a specific link to use in job postings that bypass the location and/or job description selection.

•  This tool is shared with customers via a zip file that can be saved on the admin’s machine and used by the admin at any time.

Job Specific Links

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Job Specific Links

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Job Specific Links

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•  As a Professional Service, PeopleMatter now offers the addition of custom forms to onboarding workflows to help customers go completely paperless.

•  Forms can be implemented into the PeopleMatter platform as a new onboarding task for team members, managers, or both.

Custom Forms

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Custom Forms

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Custom Forms

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Custom Forms

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Custom Forms

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Custom Forms

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Custom Forms

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•  Careers page that you don’t have to create or maintain

•  Customized look and feel that matches your existing website •  Dynamic Google Maps integration that displays all of your locations

•  Automatic job postings and descriptions, pulled directly from HIRE

•  Integration with HIRE’s online job application and applicant tracking system

Custom Careers Page

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•  Standard Map Layout:

•  Standard List Layout:

•  Table Layout with Sorting:

•  Map / Tab Layout:

Custom Careers Page

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