the biotechnology revolution - tools' information

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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In this guide you will information and suggestions on how to use each of the tools developed by Xplore Health.


Educator’s guide onBiotechnology (Tools’ information)


The Biotechnology Revolution - 2 – Tools’ Information

Table of Content

I. Introduction ..................................................................................................... 3

II. The tools ........................................................................................................ 3

1. Virtual experiment 1 – Engineer skin ........................................................... 4

2. Game 1 – Help me to cure Nadia’s cancer! .................................................. 6

1. Game 2 – Become a doctor ........................................................................ 7

2. Game 3 – become a medical engineer ........................................................ 8

3. Video 1 – Biotechnology, life with us ......................................................... 10

4. Video 2 – Can you cure with cells? ............................................................ 11

5. Video 3 – Plants to farm drugs .................................................................. 12

6. Game to engage in a dialogue .................................................................. 13

7. DECIDE – Biotechnology and ethics ......................................................... 14

8. Experiment protocol – the Biotechnology revolution .................................... 16

The Biotechnology Revolution - 3 – Tools’ Information

I. Introduction This document provides information on the tools that are available on the Xplore Health portal for the second module concerning biotechnology. For each tool, we provide an ID table and explanation on how to use the tool in class and interact with the curriculum.

II. The tools The tools that have been created for the use of teachers and students in order to help them in their familiarization process of biotechnology are listed and explained below.

The tables provided in this document describe each tool, provides a link to the tool and gives suggestions on how the tool can be implemented in class: pre-, during, and post-exercises.

The tools are the following:

1. Virtual experiment 1 – Engineer skin

2. Game 1 – Help me to cure Nadia’s cancer!

3. Game 2 – Become a doctor

4. Game 3 – become a medical engineer

5. Video 1 – Biotechnology, life with us

6. Video 2 – Can you cure with cells?

7. Video 3 – Plants to farm drugs

8. Game to engage in a dialogue

9. DECIDE – Biotechnology and ethics

10. Experiment protocol – the Biotechnology revolution

The Biotechnology Revolution - 4 – Tools’ Information

1. Virtual experiment 1 – Engineer skin

Tool name Virtual experiment 1 - Engineer skin

Link to tool / information on the tool

Description Activities in which this tool can be used

Key messages:

Human tissues can be engineered in the laboratory using live cells. The engineered tissue can help patients whose bodies cannot heal on their own.

Concepts that appear:

Introduction to tissue engineering explaining how stem cells can be used to engineer different type if human tissue such as skin, bones etc. An image of a tissue engineered windpipe is shown to help pupils visualise how this tissue would look.

There is an interactive sectional diagram of the skin showing the different layers of the skin and the structures found in the layers, e.g. sweat glands, nerve endings, hair follicles

Explanation about Apligraf which is being used successfully as tissue engineered skin. Apligraf is used on wounds which are difficult to heal.

After entering the virtual lab there is the opportunity to find out about the materials and equipment needed to make tissue engineered skin.

2 types of cells are used – fibroblasts and keratinocytes. There is a microscope which can be used to explore the structure of each of the types of cells.

The next stage is to work through the virtual experiment following the on screen instructions and explanations. This teaches pupils about the procedures and equipment needed to tissue engineer a patch of skin. There are two videos which show the different layers of skin forming – dermis from fibroblasts and epidermis from keratinocytes.

Pedagogical objectives:

This tool is an excellent aid for teaching pupils about how human tissues can be artificially engineered in the laboratory using living cells. Pupils also learn about the structure of human skin.

The tool gives pupils the opportunity to find out about equipment used in laboratories and the scientific procedures used to engineer tissue. They also see how the engineered tissue is attached to the body to cover a wound.

Lacking perhaps is an explanation of terms such as collagen, fibroblasts and keratinocytes

Time needed:

25 min.


10 min.: Work through the introduction to the tool with the class. This is an opportunity to discuss the structure of the skin and the jobs of nerve endings, sweat glands, hairs, hair follicles etc. Discuss also the biological process of skin healing and the cells involved with this. Mention the problems that arise when a wound in extensive and cannot heal naturally

10 min: Allow pupils to work through the virtual experiment on their own

5 min: Class discussion about the activity leading on to the advantages and disadvantages of tissue engineering


Pupils will :

-be more familiar with the structure of the skin

-be aware of the difficulties involved if skin cannot

The Biotechnology Revolution - 5 – Tools’ Information

*Finally the tissue engineered skin can be applied ‘virtually’ to a leg ulcer on a diabetic patient. The wound is showing healing over a number of weeks.

heal naturally

-have learned what tissue engineering is and how stem cells are used to engineer a number of different types of human tissue

-have seen what fibroblasts and keratinocytes look like under a microscope and what their roles are in growing new skin

-have learned more about laboratory equipment used daily in laboratories

-find out about the procedures used to engineer tissue

-have seen how engineered skin can be used to cover a large wound which is not healing on its own.

The Biotechnology Revolution - 6 – Tools’ Information

2. Game 1 – Help me to cure Nadia’s cancer!

Tool name Virtual game 1

Help me to cure Nadia’s cancer

Link to tool / information on the tool

Description Activities in which this tool can be used

Key messages and concepts that appear:

‐ Short explanation of what leukemia;

‐ Leukemia is the example treated to further explain the underlying the concept of cancer;

‐ Function of bone marrow in producing formed elements of blood;

‐ Consequences of impaired bone marrow function;

‐ Main treatment used in fighting off leukemia;

‐ Explanation of mitosis, process of cell division going haywire in cancer cells;

‐ Chemotherapy aims at destroying dividing cells by preventing DNA replication including healthy cells

The game aims at trying to kill as much cancer cells as possible and avoiding killing useful healthy cells.

Pedagogical objectives (benefits of this tool for students and teachers):

The tool is helpful in explaining what cancer is but the game does not provide any hint or information on what causes cancer like DNA mutation after mutagenic agent exposure.

The game provides evidence that killing cancer cells means also killing healthy ones.

Time needed to implement this tool:

20 min

Process (how can this tool be used in class - suggestions):

The tool is good at as an introduction to cancer with a series of questions whose answers are given as the animation goes on.

Outcomes(Students will now have knowledge of):

‐ Be more familiar with cancer issues;

‐ Be more familiar with what chemotherapy is;

‐ Side effects of chemotherapy.

The Biotechnology Revolution - 7 – Tools’ Information

3. Game 2 – Become a doctor

Tool name Game 2 – Become a doctor a give each patient the best treatment

Link to tool / information on the tool

Description Activities in which this tool can be used

Key messages:

- Lytic virus cycle

- Lysogenic virus cycle Capsid lymphocyte TiB,

- Antibodies

- Oncogenses

- Mutations

- Diagnosis of breast cancer, AIDS,

Pedagogical objectives:

- Knowledge of basic treatment for AIDS and cancer

- Ability to give basic diagnosis


- Introduction rules of the game;

- Game practice;

- Summary and feedback.

Time needed: 45 minutes


Awareness of risks of young peoples’ lifestyle.

Knowledge of virus infection cell process

The Biotechnology Revolution - 8 – Tools’ Information

4. Game 3 – become a medical engineer

Tool name Game 3 – Become a Medical Engineer

Link to tool / information on the tool

Description Activities in which this tool can be used

Key message and concepts that appear:

Medical device can replace some disabled organ after a traumatic accident.

Pedagogical objectives:

Matching the appropriate medical device to its body location where it can replace the damaged or disabled organ


Run the activity to

Level 1: Several patients are displayed presenting various medical conditions which require implant surgery. Different medical devices are displayed which have to be linked to the right patient at the appropriate anatomical body area.

When the device is dropped at the right place, the body area show up in green.

The process has to be repeated upon completion of the activity.

Level 2: The activity is similar to level 1. Here displayed medical device has to match patient’s medical condition. A description of the device further explains its aim but the device is not named.

Level 3: The activity is similar to level 2. Medical condition changes but the goal is the same.

Upon completion, one can download a picture of a human body on which one has grafted the implants as a medical record

Time needed: 20 min

The Biotechnology Revolution - 9 – Tools’ Information


Understanding what a medical implant

Recognize the implant and its function

Matching the implant to its body location where it can exert its function.

The Biotechnology Revolution - 10 – Tools’ Information

5. Video 1 – Biotechnology, life with us

Tool name Video 1 – Biotechnology, life with us

Link to tool / information on the tool

Description Activities in which this tool can be used

Concepts that appear:

Science can use genetically engineered (micro) organism to treat human disease, to produce drugs, to further induce plant growth, to solve environmental problems.

Pedagogical objectives:

Understanding what biotechnology is about;

Understanding what biotechnology can do for humans;

Understanding what DNA is and how it can be manipulate to treat human disease;

Understanding that biotechnology is not a 21st century discovery.


This video can be used as an introduction to the biotechnology of today. This activity can be carried out with a series of questions whose answers are given in the video.

Time needed: 45 min


Be acquainted with biotechnology and its use in our modern world.

The Biotechnology Revolution - 11 – Tools’ Information

6. Video 2 – Can you cure with cells?

Tool name Video 2 – Can you cure with cells?

Link to tool / information on the tool

Description Activities in which this tool can be used

Key message and concepts that appear: The video explains the basic concepts of using stem cells for treatment of very different diseases. The treatment is based on the use of Mesenchymal stem cells that has the capacity of converting into different cells, of which also cells that normally are difficult for the body to re-establish, like for example tissue to form new bones.

Pedagogical objectives:

The tool is helpful in making pupil understand the basic concept behind stem cell treatment. But the video does not provide any hint or information on how the treatments takes place: is it based on injections, and does it take long and will it become something we will see much more of in the future? This is on the other hand something the teacher can take up after the video has been watched.


- Information of stem cells to gain basic knowledge

- Video

- Discussion on the diseases that can be cured with this method

Time needed: 45 Min


Pupil will now understand what stem cells are and what can it be used for. They will also have an overview of the amount of people that can be treated.

The Biotechnology Revolution - 12 – Tools’ Information

7. Video 3 – Plants to farm drugs

Tool name Video 3 – Plants to farm drugs

Link to tool / information on the tool

Description Activities in which this tool can be used

Concepts that appear:

Properties of genetic engineering:

- GMO;

- plasmids and viruses vectors;

- transformation process;

- benefits of human interference in the genomes.

Pedagogical objectives:

‐ knowledge of methods and techniques of plants genetic engineering

‐ awareness of the use of GMOs into the production of medicines and vaccines

Tool to support Curriculum from Biology and Nature in secondary school (Genetics & Biotechnology).


- Discussion;

- Video observation

Time needed: 45 minutes


- Genetic engineering;

- GMOs;

- Plants to farm drugs.

The Biotechnology Revolution - 13 – Tools’ Information

8. Game to engage in a dialogue

Tool name Discussion continuum game

Link to tool / information on the tool

Description Activities in which this tool can be used

Key Messages and concepts that appear:

Stem cells

Embryo screening

Genetic predisposition

Privacy of genetic information



Synthetic Biology

Precautionary principle

Distributive justice

Pedagogical objectives:

Conceptual points:

Real Biotechnology posibilities.

Main techniques in biotechnology

Legal and Ethical aspects for biotechnology procedures.

Procedimental points:

Establish a protocol before participating in a debate.

Promoting dialogue.

Adopt a critical attitude.


As specified in game rules.

Time needed:

One or two 50’ sessions, (depending on the level of knowledge of the subject and, especially, the willingness of group members to actively participate in discussions.)


Students appreciate the need to learn to debate on the basis of knowledge;

Injustice is assessed in terms of geographical distribution, cultural, social, etc.;

Knowledge on biotechnology is tested with real technical and scientific issues.

The Biotechnology Revolution - 14 – Tools’ Information

9. DECIDE – Biotechnology and ethics

Tool name Video DECIDE - Biotechnology and ethics

Link to tool / information on the tool

Description Activities in which this tool can be used

Concepts that appear:

Synthetic Biology

Embryo screening

Need of Drugs development (connect with module 1)

Monogenetic vs. polygenetic and multifactorial diseases(1)

Pedagogical objectives:

Conceptual points:

Understanding the difference between synthetic biology vs. those ideas derived from fiction TV series, videogames or films.

Things we can get / we can’t get with embryo selection under a technical/scientific point of view.

Understanding the role of genetic information related to the predisposition of developing a disease vs. the role of the environment and life styles.

Understanding of the importance of investigation.


First session

Watching the video

Introduction of SNP concept.

Dialogue to relate both video and SNP concept.

What diseases we must to study and what not. Criteria used for.

Second session

Search for related additional information at the Internet.

Task. Produce a pecha-kucha product expressing a critical opinion.

1 This is a perfect time to introduce the concept of SNPs (not present in the video). SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphism) are called to revolutionize medicine in the near future. In fact, they are already a reality. Their role in predicting genetic predisposition to some diseases and individualized treatment selection has already been revealed and begins to give excellent results in those diseases like Crohn disease, Schizophrenia or Alzheimer. The study of the potential of SNPs has only just begun. Speaking of genetic predisposition without introduce this important concept is something unheard.

The Biotechnology Revolution - 15 – Tools’ Information

Third session

Public presentations of products.

Finding a consensus.

Time needed: Three 50’ sessions.


Training of capacity of Information analysis.

Promote synthesis capabilities.

Using communication media different than “paper docs”

Using computer and web tools.

Loosing stage fright.

The Biotechnology Revolution - 16 – Tools’ Information

10. Experiment protocol – the Biotechnology revolution

Tool name Experiment protocol – Genetic engineering

Link to tool / information on the tool

Description Activities in which this tool can be used

Key messages (Concepts that appear):

‐ Atherosclerosis is a vascular disease caused by the accumulation of fats on the walls of the blood vessel.

‐ Membrane receptors are specialized protein molecules in the membranes of cells, to which external molecules attach, triggering changes in the function of the cell.

‐ A plasmid is a circular, double-stranded unit of DNA that replicates within bacteria independently of the chromosomal DNA.

‐ The purpose of bacterial transformation is to introduce a foreign plasmid into bacteria and to use those bacteria to amplify the plasmid in order to make large quantities of it.

Pedagogical objectives (benefits of this tool for students and teachers):

Experimental points:

‐ Use of micropipets

‐ Transferring bacterial colonies.

‐ DNA transfer.

‐ Heat shock

‐ Transformation solutions

‐ Spreading transformers and controls.

Conceptual points:

‐ Role of proteins in general and membrane proteins in particular.

‐ Culture media

‐ Plasmids

‐ Bacterial transformation

‐ Antibiotic selection

Time needed to implement this tool:

3-4 sessions of 50-60 minutes each

Process (how can this tool be used in class - suggestions):

1. Presentation. Creating a scenario.

2. Laboratory practice.

3. Analyse of results and evaluation of learning process.

Outcomes(Students will now have knowledge of):

‐ Funtions of membrane surface proteins.

The Biotechnology Revolution - 17 – Tools’ Information

‐ Usage of plasmid in genetic engineering.

‐ Role of bacterial transformation in Biotechnology.

The Biotechnology Revolution - 18 – Tools’ Information



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