the board of directors 2015 - 2016...reference guide the board of directors 2015 - 2016. 2 po box...

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Reference Guide The Board of Directors

2015 - 2016


PO Box 26170, Greensboro, NC 27402-6170 336.334.5696 Phone 336.256.8536 Fax

The UNCG Alumni Association

It is my pleasure to work beside you as a member of the UNCG Alumni Association Board of Directors. I feel confident that you will find your service to this dynamic organization rewarding, inspiring, educational and fulfilling.

In this notebook you will find valuable information for the coming year. We ask that you bring this notebook with you to the annual retreat which will be held on Friday, August 7 and Saturday, August 8.

Of particular interest to our newest members, please find the document titled New Board Member Frequently Asked Questions. I believe you will find this information a great way to get a better understanding of the overall organization in a quick and easy format.

You will find the following documents in this notebook:

1. General information regarding the Annual Board of Directors Retreat 2. The formal agenda for the Annual Board of Directors Retreat 3. Vision Statement for the UNCG Alumni Association 4. Frequently Asked Questions 5. The BYLAWS for the UNCG Alumni Association 6. The POLICIES AND PROCEDURES for the UNCG Alumni Association 7. The UNCG Alumni Association Board Strategic Plan for 2013-2018 8. UNCG Alumni Board of Directors Information 9. UNCG Alumni Board of Directors Regional Representation

It is my pleasure to be serving with you through this upcoming year. Thank you in advance for your dedication to your alma mater and the UNCG Alumni Association.


Jeff Collins, ‘84

Chairman, Board of Directors



UNCG Alumni Association Board of Directors Annual Retreat August 7 and 8, 2015

We are excited to bring the Alumni Association Board of Directors together for an informative and productive retreat on Friday, August 7 and Saturday, August 8, 2015. For planning purposes, please note that the Friday morning session is required only for our new board members and officers. As a returning board member, you are certainly welcome to attend the morning session but you will find most of the information repetitive from last year. EVERYONE will meet beginning at NOON on Friday, August 7. We will gather for lunch and then begin our afternoon session. You will find the highlights for the retreat events below. The complete agenda is provided on the next page. For both days, parking will be available at no charge in the Walker Deck. Walker Avenue Parking Deck is on the west side of campus between the baseball stadium and the Elliott University Center. The deck is accessible from Walker Avenue, Stirling Street, and Theta Street. GPS address: 1361 Walker Avenue, 514 Stirling Street, or 1362 Theta Street. Please take parking ticket upon entry and your ticket will be validated for complimentary exit. Dress for the retreat is business casual. Meeting rooms and air conditioning tend to be on the cool side. If preferred, you are encouraged to bring a sweater for your comfort.

FRIDAY, AUGUST 7 – Elliott University Center

Morning Session

Meet in Claxton Room, Downstairs Elliott University Center Continental breakfast served beginning at 9:15 a.m.

Session begins at 9:45 a.m. Primary Audience: New Board Members and Alumni Board Officers


Lunch will be served in the Auditorium Lobby, Elliott University Center Lunch will be served beginning at NOON Primary Audience: All Board Members

Afternoon Session

Meet in Kirkland Room, Downstairs Elliott University Center Breakout Snacks will be provided

Session begins at 1:00 p.m. We will tour campus via Spartan Bus beginning at 4:00 p.m.

Primary Audience: All Board Members

Board Social will be held immediately following the bus tour in the lobby area, EUC Auditorium. Please feel free to invite spouse/guest to join us!


SATURDAY, AUGUST 8 – Moran Commons (Student Dining Hall)

(Parking is available in Walker Deck)

Exact Directions to Moran Commons, Dining Hall will be provided on Friday

Morning Session Morning Session will be held in Moran Commons/Dining Hall

Continental Breakfast served beginning at 8:15 a.m. Individual photos for new members from 8:15-8:40 a.m.

Group photo 8:45 a.m. Session begins at 9:15 a.m.

Primary Audience: All Board Members

Lunch Lunch will be served in the Moran Commons Dining Room

Lunch will be served beginning at NOON Primary Audience: All Board Members

Afternoon Session

Afternoon session will be held in Moran Commons/Dining Hall Breakout snacks will be provided

Session begins at 1:00 p.m. Retreat is scheduled to conclude by 4:00 p.m.

Primary Audience: All Board Members



Elliott University Center

CLAXTON ROOM, EUC (U-shape) Continental Breakfast, Coffee, Tea, Water Primary Attendees: New members, Officers (Veteran board members are invited if they desire to attend).

9:45 a.m. Attendees arrive

10:00 a.m. Opening remarks /Introductions Jeff Collins

10:15 a.m. Alumni Association Structure Jeff Collins

10:25 a.m. Role of a UNCG Board Member Mary Napier

10:35 a.m. Strategic Plan Overview Mary Landers

10:50 a.m. Budget/Funding Overview Lida Coleman

11:00 a.m. Committee Responsibilities Mary Napier

11:10 a.m. Executive Committee Responsibilities Jeff Collins

11:20 a.m. Overview of University Advancement Jan Zink

11:30 a.m. Introduction of Staff Mary Landers NOON Lunch in the Auditorium Lobby, EUC KIRKLAND ROOM, EUC (Classroom) Breakout snacks provided in room Primary Attendees: All Board Members, Alumni Engagement Staff

1:00 p.m. Alumni Attitude Study Results Lynn Greene, PEG Group

2:30 p.m. UNCG Boards and UNC Administration 101 Bonita Brown

3:00 p.m. Committee Gatherings All Committees

4:00 p.m. State of the University Dana Dunn, Provost

4:30 p.m. Tour of UNCG Campus Depart from EUC

5:15 p.m. Board Social Auditorium, EUC


Saturday, August 8, 2015

Moran Commons, Upstairs Food Court

Individual Photographs will be scheduled from 8:15-8:40 a.m. Most board members have their photo from last year. New board members will be able to have their photo taken at this time and any board members who prefer a new head shot. Group photo will be taken at 8:45 a.m. in front of the fountains at Moran Commons.

9:15 a.m. Meeting called to order Jeff Collins


9:30 a.m. Consent Agenda Jeff Collins

Approval of May 2015 minutes

Approval of the electronic voting – New board members

Amendment to the Vice Chairman board terms

9:35 a.m. President’s Report Mary Napier

9:40 a.m. Executive Director’s Report Mary Landers

9:50 a.m. Update from Vice Chancellor of Business Finance Charlie Maimone

10:15 a.m. Update from Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Cherry Callahan

10:30 a.m. Financial Report and Approval of FY16 budget Lida Coleman

11:15 a.m. Updates on Alumni Association Website Mark Graves

11:30 a.m. Update from Director of Athletics Kim Record

NOON Buffet Lunch is served

1:00 p.m. Committee Reports, College Updates

2:30 p.m. Alumni House Usage Moreland Smith, John Comer

3:00 p.m. Old Business Jeff Collins

3:10 p.m. New Business Jeff Collins

3:30 p.m. Closed Session Jeff Collins


Upcoming Board Meetings

Saturday, October 17 (Homecoming Meeting and Attendance at Homecoming)

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Executive Team Meetings

Second Tuesday of each month – NOON – 2:00 p.m.


VISION STATEMENT FOR THE UNCG ALUMNI ASSOCIATON This is our home: an association built by and for YOU. We are steeped in history, focused on the future, dedicated to service, infused by culture and diversity. Driven to support and nurture our current and future alumni. To give back what was given to us. To remember what was while working toward what can be. We are the long-ago, the right now, the yet to come. We are UNCG Alumni. Adopted by the UNCG Board of Directors, February 2014


Frequently Asked Questions for UNCG Alumni Board of Directors

How often does the UNCG Board of Directors meet?

The UNCG Board of Directors meet quarterly. Traditionally our meetings are held in August, October,

February and May on the UNCG campus. The majority of meetings are held in the Alumni House.

What happens if I am unable to attend a meeting?

If you are unable to attend a regularly scheduled board meeting please notify the Executive Director

and the Alumni Association President. Please note that Board members are subject to removal from

the Board for failure to attend a minimum of two meetings per year.

If you are not able to attend the meeting in person but are able to join by conference call, your

attendance will be counted.

Where should I park when visiting campus?

As a Board member, you will be issued a “hanging” parking permit at the beginning of each fiscal

year. Parking is available in the front of the Alumni House and your permit will allow you to park at

one of the parking meters at no charge. The physical address for the Alumni House is 404 College


Other parking is located at the Oakland Avenue Parking Deck and Walker Parking Deck. For specific

directions to these parking garages, please access

How long is my term?

Board terms are for three consecutive years unless you have been selected to replace a director who

has left a term to serve as an officer.

Ex-officio positions are one year.

Ex-officio members are invited annually to serve in this capacity.

Board terms are based on the university’s fiscal year from July 1 – June 30.

How did I get nominated to serve on the UNCG Alumni Association Board of Directors?

An open call for nominations to the board takes place annually.

A formal nomination form is completed by either someone who has nominated you, or by self-


The Nominations and Awards Committee considers each nomination taking into consideration

availability of regional seats, diversity, academic background and demonstrated leadership.

How are officers selected?

The Nominations and Awards Committee considers all current Board members who have served in a

non-elected role.

How are committees formed and how is it determined which board you will serve on?

At the beginning of each new fiscal year (July) the Chairman will ask you to submit your committee


Your preference will be honored if at all possible.

If you do not submit your committee preference, the Chairman will appoint you to a committee.

What are the current committees?

You will find a current description of each committee in the UNCG Alumni Association Policies and


The Executive Committee is comprised of all officers of the UNCG Alumni Association Board and

three additional at-large members who are nominated at the pleasure of the Chairman of the Board.


As of June 29, 2015 the following committees have been established:

o Alumni House Committee

o Communication Committee

o Finance Committee

o Legislative Advocacy Committee

o Alumni Engagement

o Resource Development

o Spartan Recruitment

What is the relationship between the Alumni Association and the University?

The UNCG Alumni Association operates as a separate 501(c)(3) and has a special operating

agreement with the University. This agreement is renewed every five years and is signed by the

UNCG Alumni Association Chairman, The Vice Chancellor of Advancement and the Chancellor.

How does the Alumni Association receive funding?

There are three main streams of revenue for the Alumni Association

o University Spending Accounts

Alumni Association Endowment Fund

Barbara Parrish Endowment Fund

Helen and Edward Bell Endowment Fund

Clara Booth Byrd Endowment Fund

UNCG Alumni Association Fund

o Affinity Partnerships

Commerce Bank Card

Collegiate Insurance Resources

Liberty Mutual

GoNext Travel

Diploma Display

Amazon Smile

Spartan License Plates

Who owns the Alumni House?

The Alumni House is owned by the state and is registered as a historical property in the state of

North Carolina.

The Alumni House Committee maintains the authority to determine how the internal use of the

home is utilized.

At the recommendation of the Alumni House Committee, the Alumni Association Board of Directors

directs the expenditures for all maintenance on the House and manages the use of the Alumni House


Do Board members have any potential legal liability by serving on the UNCG Board of Directors?

The Board of Directors does have fiscal responsibility to ensure funds are expended as approved in

the annual budget.

What is the format of the UNCG Board of Directors meetings?

Meetings are conducted according to the Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised format and in

accordance with the UNCG Alumni Association Bylaws.


What events are sponsored by the Alumni Association?


Regional alumni club events

Admission events

Other events as planned throughout the year. You can find a complete listing of all Alumni

Association events on the website at UNCG Alumni Association.

Will I be expected to attend events sponsored by the Alumni Association?

Board members are expected to attend Homecoming.

Board members are expected to attend and officially represent the Alumni Association at regional

events whenever possible.

What if I have an idea that I would like the Board to consider?

Discuss your idea with the Executive Director, or any officer/committee chair that would be able to

assist in developing your idea into action.

Do we have a website?

You can access the Alumni Association website at

How do we communicate Board information to our alumni base?

A monthly e-news is sent monthly to all alumni who have a current email address.

The Alumni Association website.




Regularly scheduled email communications.

Due to prohibitive costs we do not mail hard copy information to our alumni.

How many UNCG alumni are on record?

For FY15 we reported 82,809 undergraduate alumni of record.

For FY15 we reported 106,913 total alumni of record.

How do I access the UNCG Alumni website?

What is our alumni participation rate?

In fiscal year 2015 we had 4,843 undergraduate alumni donors.

Undergraduate alumni participation rate is 5.85%.

Are we on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn?

Yes, we have an active and vibrant community on all three social mediums.

Is there an alumni magazine?

The alumni magazine was taken out of production August 2014-August 2015 due to budget issues.

The alumni magazine will resume production as of November 2015.

At a future date we will know how many alumni will receive the magazine.


What are the Alumni Association Awards?

The Alumni Association officially supports the following Alumni Awards:

o Alumni Lifetime Achievement Award

o Alumni Excellence Award

o The Alumni Distinguished Alumni Award

o The Young Alumni Award

o The WC Legacy Awards

o Spartans of Promise

o Mr./Ms. Homecoming




Alumni Association





The name of this organization, incorporated under the laws of the State of North Carolina in 1909 and as amended,

shall be The Alumni Association of The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Incorporated, hereafter

referred to as the Association.


The purpose of the Association shall be to advance the interests of the University, to promote continued cultural

and educational opportunities for alumni, to build ties and relationships among alumni and between alumni and

the University, to provide alumni input on University concerns, and to link the University of today and tomorrow

with its heritage of excellence, commitment, and service.


Section 3.1. A member of the Association is principally defined as an individual who has attended The University

of North Carolina at Greensboro, the Woman's College of the University of North Carolina, the North Carolina

College for Women, the State Normal and Industrial College, or the State Normal and Industrial School (hereafter

in this section referred to as the institution)

Section 3.2. Any person who has earned a degree or certificate from the institution is eligible as an Alumni


Section 3.3. Any individual who has attended but not earned a degree or certificate from the institution is eligible

as an Associate Member.

Section 3.4. Any individual who did not attend the institution but chooses to affiliate with the Association by

donating to the Alumni Association Program Endowment fund via the One in a Million, Lifetime or Sustaining

programs shall be considered an Associate Member. One in a Million, Lifetime and Sustaining giving levels are set

periodically by the Alumni Association Board of Directors.

Section 3.5. Membership in the Association shall be available without regard to race, sex, color, creed, national

origin, or sexual orientation.


Section 4.1. The officers of the Association shall be Chair of the Board of Directors (Immediate Past President),

President, President Elect, Vice President, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer.


Section 4.2. The Chair shall; appoint all boards, councils, and such special committees as may be necessary to

carry out policies and expedite the work of the Association; The President shall represent the Association (or

designate a representative) on University committees and at specified functions; and serve as an ex-officio member

with voice and vote of all Association boards, councils, and committees except the Nominating Committee.

Section 4.3. The Immediate Past President shall serve as Chair of the Past Presidents' Cabinet and as

Chair of the Association's Board of Directors.

Section 4.4. The Chair of the Board of Directors shall serve as Chief Executive Officer of the Association;

preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors, and Executive Committee of the Board unless otherwise

specified. The Chair shall appoint all standing committees and such special committees as may be necessary to

carry out policies and expedite the work of the Association.

Section 4.5. In the absence of the President, the President Elect shall fulfill the duties of the President.

Section 4.6. The Vice President shall be responsible for representing the Association at events per

the request of the President. The Vice President shall chair a standing committee.

Section 4.7. The Recording Secretary shall be responsible for the minutes of the meetings of the Association,

the Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee of the Board. Minutes shall be kept on file in the Alumni

Association Office.

Section 4.8. The Treasurer shall work with the President and the Executive Director to ensure all funds of

the Association are properly administered. The Treasurer and Executive Director shall give such bond for

the faithful accounting of all Association funds under their charge. The Treasurer shall chair the Finance

Committee and arrange for the annual audit.

Section 4.9. All officers shall serve for a term of one year. The President Elect becomes President, the Vice

President becomes President Elect, and the President becomes Chair of the Board at the end of his/her term by

annual appointment. The Recording Secretary and Treasurer may succeed themselves to the same position.

Section 4.10. Any Officer may be removed, either with or without cause, at any time, by a vote of sixty

percent of the members of the Board.


Section 5.1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chair of the Board who is chairperson, President,

the President Elect, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, three Directors elected by the Board,

and the Executive Director, ex-officio without vote.

Section 5.2. The Executive Committee shall administer the affairs of the Board between meetings of the Board

and shall serve as the Personnel Committee for the Association. The Executive Committee shall conduct an

annual evaluation of the Executive Director and report to the Board. The Executive Committee shall be

responsible for the preparation and updating of the Policy and Procedures Manual of the Association.

Section 5.3. The Executive Committee may administer the affairs of the Board through meetings, telephone

conferences, emailed and/or and mailed communications.

Section 5.4. Any Director may be removed, either with or without cause, at any time, by a vote of sixty

percent of the members of the Board.



Section 6.1. Members of the Board of Directors shall consist of the President; President Elect; Vice

President; Recording Secretary; Treasurer; Immediate Past President/Chair of the Board, and twenty-four

Directors. The Executive Director, the UNCG Vice Chancellor for University Advancement, the Editor of the

official alumni publication, the director of the Spartan Club, the Chair of the Spartan Legislative Network and

representatives of alumni affinity groups and regional alumni clubs and networks may be invited to serve as ex-

officio members of the Board without vote.

Section 6.2. Directors of the Association shall be elected by the Association for terms of three years with one-third

to be elected each year. Directors, having served a full term, may succeed themselves to the same position for one

additional term.

Section 6.3. There shall be at least four meetings of the Board each year. If extenuating circumstances occur to the

point that the members of the Executive Committee feel that one of the meetings cannot occur, a recommendation

may be made by the Executive Committee to the Board that a meeting be cancelled. Special meetings of the Board

may be called by the Chair of the Board, or by any three of its members provided notice of such call is sent at least

five days prior to the date of the meeting. Thirty-three percent of the voting members shall constitute a quorum.

Section 6.4. Votes by elected directors and officers may also be cast by electronic or mailed proxy.

Section 6.5. The Board shall administer the affairs of the Association between meetings of the Association; fill

vacancies of Officers and Directors for the remainder of the term vacated (an appointment for a period of more

than half of a full term shall be construed to be a full term within the meaning of this provision); appoint at least

biennially an Executive Director; elect three non-officer members of an Executive Committee; create additional

standing committees as may be deemed necessary; and approve annually a budget for the Association. The Chair

of the Board shall appoint each Director to serve on at least one Standing Committee.


Section 7.1. The Executive Director shall be appointed by the Board with priority given to an alumna/us of the

University. She/he shall be an ex-officio member, without vote, of the Board of Directors and of all boards,

councils, and standing committees except the Nominations and Awards Committee. The Executive Director shall

be the Corresponding Secretary for the Association; as such she/he shall send out notices of the meetings and shall

keep in permanent form minutes of the meetings of the Association, the Board of Directors, and the Executive

Committee of the Board and the annual reports of committees. She/he shall promote the work of the Association,

shall be responsible for the hiring and supervision of staff hired and paid by the Association, and shall perform

such other duties as designated by the Board.

Section 7.2. The Association may choose to appoint as Executive Director the University's Director of Alumni



Section 8.1. The members of the standing committees of the Association, unless otherwise provided for, shall be

appointed by the Chair of the Board, with approval of the Executive Committee, for terms of three years. The term

for committee service shall be from July 1through June 30, except in cases in which the work of the committee

dictates otherwise. Each committee shall be composed of at least three members of the Association; at least one

shall be a member of the Board and one shall be appointed by the Chair of the Board as chairperson. The

chairperson of each committee shall report to the Board at its regular meetings, shall submit an annual budget to

the Finance Committee, and shall file an annual report of the committee's activities in the Alumni Association


Section 8.2. There shall be seven-standing committees of the Association: Alumni House Committee,


Communications Committee, Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Legislative Committee, Nominations

and Awards Committee, and Alumni Engagement


Section 9.1. The Past Presidents' Cabinet shall be composed of all Past Presidents of the Association. The

Immediate Past President shall serve as chairperson. The cabinet shall meet on the call of the chairperson or at the

request of the incumbent Association President and shall receive information on current Association affairs. The

Cabinet shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Association.


Section 10.1. Alumni Societies are a group of alumni who share a central purpose, mission, background or activity

that is not limited to geographic proximity. Alumni Societies, based on affiliations such as occupation, major,

scholarship, ethnicity or class year, meet for reunions and other activities to network. Alumni societies are open to

any member of the University community, including alumni, parents, friends, Spartan fans and students.

Section 10.2. Alumni Clubs connect graduates and friends of the University by engaging them through events that

foster pride and create a lifelong connection to the university. Alumni Clubs are defined by their geography and

are sanctioned by the Association's Board of Directors.

Section 10.3. Alumni Associations of UNCG Schools, Colleges, or Departments may be recognized as an

Alumni Association affiliate. Alumni Association Affiliates are adopted by the Association's Board of



Section 11.1. The operating funds shall be deposited to the General Fund of the Association and shall be

expended for approved annual budget items, unless otherwise authorized by the Board of Directors.

Section 11.2. The Program Endowment Fund of the Association shall be comprised of gifts to the Association

and One­ In-A-Million, Lifetime and Sustaining membership contributions. Funds shall be deposited with a

fiduciary agent as designated by the Board and administered in accordance with principles developed by the

Board's Finance Committee.

Section 11.3. The fiscal year of the Association and its committees shall be July 1through June 30. At the end of

each fiscal year an audit of all funds shall be prepared by a certified public accountant and presented to the Board.


Section 12.1. There shall be one general meeting of the Association each year. Written notice of this meeting shall

be electronically sent and/or mailed to the Alumni Association body at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting.

The Board of Directors may call a special meeting of the Association at any time and for any purpose mentioned in

the call by written notice electronically sent and/or mailed from the Office of Alumni Relations to Alumni

Association body at least five days before such meeting.

Section 12.2. Alumni Members and Associate Members may vote at meetings of the Association. Votes may

be cast in person, electronically or by mailed proxy.

Section 12.3. At all meetings of the Association a quorum shall consist of twenty-five members.



Section 13.1. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of candidates for election as Officers and

Directors and shall secure the consent of its nominees to serve if elected. The membership shall be notified of

nominations by electronic notice at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting.

Section 13.2. Election of Officers and Directors shall take place at the Annual Meeting, or by electronic vote.

Nominations submitted electronically or by mailed proxy must be received by the Office of Alumni Relations at

least fifteen (15) days prior to the annual meeting, or electronic vote. All nominees, shall be members who have

given consent to the nominations.

Section 13.3. Only Alumni Members, as defined in Article III, Section 2, may hold office in the Association.

Section 13.4. The newly-elected Officers and Directors shall assume their duties on July 1following their



Management of the Alumni House, delegated to the Association in 1939 by the Trustees of the University,

includes (1) developing and implementing general policy and procedures for operation and use of the House

for the Association and its members and University purposes and functions, (2) determining furnishings and

interior decoration, and (3) determining space use within the House. The University provides upkeep and

maintenance of the building. Management of the Alumni House shall be carried out under the direction of the

House Committee. The alumni house committee has procurement powers within limits periodically set by the

Alumni Association Board of Directors.


Any amendment to these Bylaws must first be approved by the Board, who shall, in tum, specify the manner of

voting: (1) by a majority vote of the members present at any regular or called meeting of the Association,

provided a copy of the amendment has been sent to the Alumni Association body at least two weeks before the

meeting, (2) by mail ballot to the Alumni Association body, or (3) or by electronic ballot.


Section 16.1. Definitions. For purposes of this Article XVII, the following definitions shall apply:

a. "Act" means the North Carolina Nonprofit Corporation Act, effective July 1, 1994, and all amendments and

additions thereto.

b. "Association" means the corporation as such term is defined in Section 55A850 (b)(1) of the Act.

c. "Director" means an individual who is or was a director of the association or an individual who, while a

director of the association, is or was serving at the association's request as a director, officer, manager,

partner, trustee, employee or agent of another foreign or domestic association (whether a business or

nonprofit corporation), limited liability company, partnership, joint venture, trust, employee benefit plan,

or other enterprise. A Director is considered to be serving an employee benefit plan at the association's

request if such Director's duties to the association also impose duties on, or otherwise involve services by,

the Director to the plan or to participants in or beneficiaries of the plan. "Director" includes, unless the

context requires otherwise, the estate or personal representative of a Director.

d. "Expenses" means expenses of every kind incurred in defending a Proceeding, including, but not


limited to, legal, accounting, expert and investigatory fees and expenses.

e. "Indemnified Officer" shall mean each officer of the association who is also a Director of the association

and each other officer of the association who is designated by the Board of Directors from time to time as

an Indemnified Officer. An Indemnified Officer shall be entitled to indemnification hereunder to the same

extent as a Director, including, without limitation, indemnification with respect to service by the

Indemnified Officer at the association's request as a director, officer, manager, partner, trustee, employee

or agent of another foreign or domestic association (whether a business or nonprofit corporation), limited

liability company, partnership, joint venture, trust, employee benefit plan or other enterprise.

"Indemnified Officer" includes, unless the context requires otherwise, the estate or personal representative

of an Indemnified Officer.

f. "Liabilities" means any obligation to pay any or all of the following: a judgment, a settlement, a penalty, a

fine (including an excise tax assessed with respect to an employee benefit plan) and reasonable expenses,

including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees of opposing parties incurred with respect to a Proceeding.

g. "Proceeding" means any threatened, pending, or completed claim, action, suit or proceeding, whether

civil, criminal, administrative or investigative, whether formal or informal, and any appeal therein (and

any inquiry or investigation that could lead to such a proceeding).

Section 16.2. Statement of Intent. The association shall indemnify the Directors and the Indemnified Officers to

the maximum extent permitted by the Act.

Section 16.3. Indemnification. In addition to, and not in any way in limitation of, all indemnification rights and

obligations otherwise provided by law, the association shall indemnify and hold harmless its Directors and

Indemnified Officers against all Liabilities and Expenses in any Proceeding (including, without limitation, a

Proceeding brought by or on behalf of the association itself) arising out of their status as Directors or officers, or

their service at the association 's request as a director, officer, manager, partner, trustee, employee or agent of

another foreign or domestic association (whether a business

or nonprofit corporation), limited liability company, partnership, joint venture, trust, employee benefit plan or

other enterprise, or their activities in any such capacity; provided, however, that the association shall not

indemnify a Director or an Indemnified Officer against Liabilities or Expenses that such person may incur on

account of activities of such person which at the time taken were known or believed by him or her to be clearly in

conflict with the best interests of the association . The association shall also indemnify each Director and

Indemnified Officer for his or her reasonable costs, expenses and attorneys' fees incurred in connection with the

enforcement of the rights to indemnification granted herein, if it is determined in accordance with these bylaws

that the Director or Indemnified Officer is entitled to indemnification hereunder.

The Board of Directors shall have the authority to adopt such resolutions pertaining to the implementation of this

Article, Section 3, as it may from time to time determine, and such resolutions shall be given full effect, even

though they supplement, amplify or go beyond the provisions of this Article, Section 3, provided and to the extent

such resolution does not violate any provision of the Act or the Articles of Incorporation. This Article, Section 3,

shall be construed in a manner to fully effect the purpose and intent of the resolution of the Board of Directors

approving and adopting this provision.

Section 16.4. Determination. Any indemnification under this Article, Section 3 shall be paid by the association in

a specific case only after a determination that the Director or Indemnified Officer has met the standard of conduct

set forth in this Article, Section 3, of these bylaws. Such determination shall be made:

a. by the Board of Directors by a majority vote of a quorum consisting of the members thereof not at the

time parties to the Proceeding;

b. if a quorum cannot be obtained under this Article, Section 3, by a majority vote of a committee duly


designated by the Board of Directors (in which designation members thereof who are parties to the

Proceeding may participate), consisting solely of two or more members of the Board of Directors not at the

time parties to the Proceeding;

c. by special legal counsel (i) selected by the Board of Directors or a committee thereof in the manner

prescribed in this Article, Section 4(a) or 4(b); or (ii) if a quorum of the Board of Directors cannot be

obtained under this Article, Section 4(a), and a committee cannot be designated under this Article, Section

4(b), selected by a majority vote of the full Board of Directors (in which selection members thereof who are

parties in the Proceeding may participate); or

d. by the members of the association, but Directors who are at the time parties to the Proceeding shall not vote on the


The Board of Directors shall take all such action as may be necessary and appropriate to enable the association to

pay the indemnification required by this Article.

Section 16.5. Advances for Expenses. The Expenses incurred by a Director or an Indemnified Officer in

defending a Proceeding may be paid by the association in advance of the final disposition of such Proceeding as

authorized by the Board of Directors in the specific case upon receipt of an undertaking by or on behalf of the

Director or Indemnified Officer to repay such amount. Subject to receipt of such undertaking, the association

shall make reasonable periodic advances for Expenses pursuant to this Article, Section 5, unless the Board of

Directors shall determine, in the manner provided in this Article, Section 4, of these bylaws and based on the facts

then known, that indemnification under this Article is or will be precluded.

Section 16.6. Reliance and Consideration. Any Director or Indemnified Officer who at any time after the

adoption of this Article XVll serves or has served in any of the aforesaid capacities for or on behalf of the

association shall be deemed to be doing or to have done so in reliance upon, and as consideration for, the right of

indemnification provided herein . Such right, however, shall not be exclusive of any other rights to which such

person may be entitled apart from the provisions of this Article. No amendment, modification or repeal of this

Article shall adversely affect the right of any Director or Indemnified Officer to indemnification hereunder with

respect to any activities occurring prior to the time of such amendment, modification or repeal.

Section 16.7. Insurance. The association shall purchase and maintain insurance on behalf of its Directors,

officers, employees and agents and those persons who were or are serving at the request of the association in any

capacity with another association (whether a business or nonprofit corporation), limited liability company,

partnership, joint venture, trust, employee benefit plan or other enterprise against any liability asserted against or

incurred by such person in any such capacity, or arising out of his or her status as such, whether or not the

association would have the power to indemnify such person against such liability under the provisions of this

Article or otherwise. Any full or partial payment made by an insurance company under any insurance policy

covering any Director, officer, employee, agent or other person identified above made to or on behalf of a person

entitled to indemnification under this Article shall relieve the association of its liability for indemnification

provided for in this Article or otherwise to the extent of such payment, and no insurer shall have a right of

subrogation against the association with respect to such payment.

Section 16.8. Savings Clause. If this Article or any portion hereof shall be invalidated on any ground by any

court or agency of competent jurisdiction, then the association shall nevertheless indemnify each person

indemnified hereunder to the fullest extent permitted by the portion of this Article that is not invalidated and also

to the fullest extent permitted or required by the applicable law.


Section 17.1. Management of Corporate Funds. No funds received by donation, bequest or any other means

shall be diverted from the use to which they may be assigned by the donor, testator or testatrix, unless said use is

contrary to or in conflict with the purposes of the association, and no funds shall be used for any purpose other


than to effect the purposes of the association.

Section 17.2. Records. The association shall keep a copy of the following records at the principal office of the


a. Its articles of incorporation or restated articles of incorporation and all amendments to them currently in


b. Its bylaws or restated bylaws and all amendments to them currently in effect;

c. Resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors relating to the number or classification of directors;

d. A list of the names and business or home addresses of its current directors and officers.

Section 17.3. Exempt Activities. Notwithstanding any other provision of these bylaws, no member, director,

officer, employee or representative of this association shall take any action or carry on any activity by or on behalf

of the association not permitted to be taken or carried on by an organization exempt from federal income taxation

pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and its Regulations as they now exist, or as they may

hereafter be amended, or by an organization contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of such

Code and Regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended.


Section 18.1. Definition. "Conflict of interest transaction" means any transaction in which a director has a direct

interest or an indirect interest. A director has a direct interest in a transaction if the director or a member of the

director’s immediate family has either a material financial interest in the transaction or a relationship with the

other parties to the transaction that might reasonably be expected to affect his or her judgment. A director has an

indirect interest in a transaction if either (a) another entity in which the director has a material financial interest or

in which the director is a general partner in a party to the transaction, or (b) another entity of which the director is

also a director or is an officer or trustee is a party to the transaction and the transaction is of sufficient importance

that it should be considered by the Board of Directors of


Section 18.2. Special Requirements. A conflict of interest transaction is not avoidable by Association solely

because of a director's interest in the transaction if (a) the material facts of the transaction and the director's

interest were disclosed or known to the Board of Directors or a committee of the Board and the Board or

Committee authorized, approved or ratified the transaction, or (b) the transaction was fair to Association.

Section 18.3. Disclosure. A director who has a direct or indirect interest in any transaction presented to the

Board of Directors or any committee of the Board shall disclose his or her interest.

Section 18.4. Approval. A conflict of interest transaction must be authorized, approved or ratified by the

affirmative vote of a majority of the directors (not less than two) on the Board of Directors (or the appropriate

committee) who have no direct or indirect interest in the transaction and to whom the material facts of the

transaction and of any directors interest in the transaction were disclosed or made known. If a majority of the

directors who have no direct or indirect interest in the transaction vote to authorize, approve or ratify the

transaction, a quorum is present for the purpose of taking such action. The presence of, or a vote cast by, a director

with a direct or indirect interest in the transaction does not affect the validity of any action taken in accordance

with this paragraph.



In the event of dissolution of this Association, after payment of debts, any remaining assets of the Association

which are not held by the Association for the benefit of specific purposes shall be distributed, transferred, and paid

over to the University or to such other organizations, corporations or institutions organized and operated

exclusively for scientific, educational, and charitable purposes that qualify for tax exemption under Section

501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, and that the Board selects. Should the distribution be

made to more than one corporation or institution, the Board shall determine the proportionate share of each

corporation or institution.


The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to

which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Charter or the Bylaws of the


Approved by mail ballot.

Effective Date: February 1, 2006

Revised and approved: May 5, 2011

Effective Date: July 1, 2011

Revised and Approved: June 5, 2012

Revised and Approved: April 9, 2013

Revised and Approved: April12, 2014

Revised and Approved: July 17, 2015




Alumni Association


Board of Directors

Approved August 17 , 2002

(Revised June, 2004)

(Revised January, 2007)

(Revised May, 2011)

(Revised May, 2012)

(Revised May, 2013)

(Revised July, 2015)



Introduction ............................................................................................................... 24

Officers ...................................................................................................................... 24

Chair of the Board/Immediate Past President ........................................................... 24

President .................................................................................................................... 25

President-Elect .......................................................................................................... 26

Vice President ........................................................................................................... 26

Recording Secretary .................................................................................................. 27

Treasurer.................................................................................................................... 27

Executive Director..................................................................................................... 28

Board of Directors ..................................................................................................... 28

Travel and Expense Reimbursement Policy (Board of Directors) ............................ 29

Travel and Expense Reimbursement Policy (Alumni Relations Staff) ..................... 32

Conflict of Interest .................................................................................................... 35

Board Commitment ................................................................................................... 35

Practice for Board Complaints .................................................................................. 36

Constituent Management Guide ................................................................................ 36

Funding Guidelines UNCG Alumni Association ...................................................... 38

UNCG Alumni Association Funding Request Form ................................................ 39

Past Presidents Cabinet ............................................................................................. 41

Committees................................................................................................................ 42

Alumni House Committees ....................................................................................... 42

Alumni House Usage ............................................................................................ 43

Alumni House Rates.............................................................................................. 43

Communications Committee ..................................................................................... 43

Executive Committee ................................................................................................ 44

Finance Committee ................................................................................................... 44

Legislative Committee .............................................................................................. 45

Nominations and Awards Committee ....................................................................... 45

Alumni Awards Criteria ........................................................................................ 46

Alumni Engagement Committee ............................................................................... 51

North Carolina Districts by County .......................................................................... 52

Appendices ................................................................................................................ 53



This Policies and Procedures Manual is intended for use by the members of the UNCG Alumni Board of

Directors and others who may be interested in learning about how the Board functions. The manual is

divided into four sections: the first outlines each of the officer positions and their respective qualifications

and responsibilities; the second highlights the responsibilities of the directors; the third delineates those

groups that are affiliated with or sponsored by the UNCG Alumni Association; and the fourth covers the

standing committees of the Board, outlining the membership qualification ions and responsibilities for each

committee. Where appropriate, additional policy information that has been developed by a particular

committee is included for reference.

This manual is designed as a "working" reference for board members. Items marked with an asterisk denote

a direct reference to information contained in the Association bylaws.

The Policies and Procedures Manual is reviewed and revised by the Executive Committee of the Board on

a regular basis. The date noted on the cover page of the manual indicates the approval date of the latest


(Revised June, 2004)

(Revised January, 2007)

(Revised May, 2011)

(Revised May, 2013)


The seven officer positions of the Board and executive director position are outlined below. Officers and

directors, except the Executive Director, are elected by the membership at the annual meeting of the

Association. The Nomination and Awards Committee shall prepare a slate of candidates for election as

Officers and Directors and shall secure the consent of its nominees to serve if elected. The membership

shall be notified by electronic mail of nominations at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting. Nominations

from the floor at the annual meeting will also be accepted with the consent of the nominee. The Executive

Director is elected biennially by the Board of Directors.



Member of the Association

Previous participation in Association activities

Immediate Past President of the Association

If a vacancy occurs in the office of the Chair of the Board of Directors, the Board may elect a past

president or current sitting member of the Board of Directors.



Serves as Chief Executive Officer of the Association

Serves one year term as Chair of the Board of Directors

Chairs Past Presidents Cabinet and hosts past presidents' annual luncheon

Represents Association as designated by the President. This may include but is not limited to

attending meetings and events, and serving on special and ad hoc committees.

Responsible for the accountability of the Executive Director

Chairs Nominations and Awards Committee

Presides at all meetings of Board of Directors, and Executive Committee of the Board. Prepares

agenda for each meeting in cooperation with Executive Director and other officers.

Appoints standing committees, special committees, task forces, councils, boards and fills vacancies

on same

Appoints chairs of all committees

Serves as chair of Executive Committee

Serves as chair of Board of Directors

(Revised May, 2013)



Member of the Association

Previous participation in Association activities.

Proven leadership ability

Willing acceptance of the responsibilities of the office


Serves one year as President and one year as Chair of the Board/Past President.

Presides at all meetings of the Association.

In coordination with the Office of the Chancellor, review, amend, approve and sign the operating

agreement between the UNCG Alumni Association and the University every five years. The most

recently signed agreement is dated July, 2009.

Appoints special committees, task forces, councils, boards and fills vacancies on same

Represents the Association on University committees and at University functions

Serves as ex officio member with voice and vote of all Association boards, councils and committees,

except the Nominations and Awards Committee

Acts as liaison between the Association and the University

Reports to the Board at each meeting and to the Association annually

Serves as ex officio member of Weatherspoon Museum Board

Attends UNCG Board of Trustees Meetings

Serves as a director of the UNCG Investment Fund or appoints a designee to serve as director.

Serves as member of Chancellor's Budget Sounding Board and as member of Chancellor's ad hoc


committees as appointed

Determines appropriate memorials and acknowledgments on behalf of the Association in

consultation with the Executive Director

Authorized to sign checks of the Association

Attends the Excellence Foundation Board Meetings

Attends the Board of Visitors Meetings

Attends Alumni Club functions as necessary and practical

Represents the Association at Association functions

At the end of the term reviews committee chair appointments for the following fiscal year

(Revised June, 2004)

(Revised January, 2007)

(Revised May, 2011)

(Revised May, 2013)



Member of Association

Previous participation in Association

Served as Vice President

Serves as President if a vacancy occurs in the Office of The President


Serves one-year term

Attends meetings of the Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee

Serves as President in absence of President

In preparation for presidency, attends meetings of all committees (except the Nominations and Awards

Committee to familiarize with the working of each committee)

Represents Association as designated by the President. This may include, but is not limited to, attending

meetings and events, and serving on special and ad hoc committees

Serves on the Alumni Teaching Excellence Award Committee

Regularly attends Alumni Association events and functions

(Revised June, 2004)

(Revised January, 2007)

(Revised May, 2011)

(Revised May, 2013)



Member of the Association.

Previous participation in Association activities.

Serves as President Elect if a vacancy occurs in the Office of President Elect



Serves one-year term

Represents Association as designated by the President. This may include, but is not ·limited to

attending meetings and events, and serving on special and ad hoc committees

Serves as chair of a standing committee

Serves on Executive Committee

Meets with approved CPA audit firm for preparation of annual audit.

(Revised June, 2004)

(Revised January, 2007)

(Revised May, 2011)

(Revised May, 2013)

(Revised July, 2015)



Member of the Association.

Previous participation in Association activities.


Serves one-year term

Responsible for minutes of meetings of Association, Board of Directors, and Executive


Ensures minutes are kept on file and distributed within fourteen days of each meeting

Serves on Executive Committee

(Revised January, 2007)

(Revised May, 2011)



Member of the Association.

Previous participation in Association activities.

To be available to regularly sign checks and fulfill other financial responsibilities

Qualifies for bonding


Serves one-year term

Chairs Finance Committee

Arranges for annual audit

Serves on Executive Committee

Reports to Board at each meeting

Reports to Executive Committee at each meeting

Authorized to sign checks of Association

Monitors and reviews accounting procedures


Reviews financial reports for distribution to Board

Reviews bank statements

(Revised January, 2007)

(Revised May, 2011)

(Revised May, 2013)



Elected biennially in odd numbered years by Board

Qualifies for bonding

University's Director of Alumni Relations is not prohibited from serving as Executive Director if

appointed by the Board of Directors


Ex officio member, without vote, of Board of Directors and all boards, councils, and committees.

Prepares and distributes notices of all meetings

Maintains minutes of meetings of Association, Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and Past

Presidents' Cabinet and ensures distribution within fourteen days of meetings

Authorized to sign checks of the Association

Reports to the Chair of the Board of Directors

(Revised June, 2004)

(Revised January, 2007)

(Revised May, 2011)

(Revised May, 2013)

(Revised July, 2015)


The Board of Directors is comprised of the officers, directors, and ex officio members. The officers and

directors are elected on a rotating basis according to the schedule set forth under Responsibilities of the

Nomination and Awards Committee in this document. Terms of office are on a fiscal year basis (July­

June). All board members must be members of the Alumni Association. The Board of Directors meets at

least four times per year. An orientation session for newly elected members is held prior to the first board

meeting of the fiscal year, which is designated as the opening retreat.


Member of Association

Twenty-four Directors elected on a rotating basis for three-year terms, 18 from within North

Carolina and six from out of state

Officers of the Association (6)

Representatives of alumni affinity groups and regional alumni clubs and networks may be

invited to serve as ex officio members of the Board without vote.

Certified Public Accountant Member of the Finance Committee.

Executive Director of the Alumni Association, Vice Chancellor for Advancement, Director of the

Spartan Club, and Editor of Alumni Publications, ex officio without vote

Directors, having served a full term, may succeed themselves to same position for one additional term.


Responsibilities- Board

Meets at least four times per year

Administers the affairs of the Association between meetings of the Association

Fills vacancies occurring among officers and Directors for remainder of term

Elects Executive Director biennially

In addition to votes cast by officers and directors in attendance at regular board meetings, proxy

votes by elected officers and directors not in attendance may be cast by telephone, electronic or

mailed proxy

If items are presented for vote by the Executive Committee between regularly scheduled meetings,

proxy votes by elected officers and directors may be cast by electronic or mailed proxy

Creates additional standing committees as necessary

Approves annual budget

Selects recipients of for the Alumni Association Alumni Awards

Selects recipients of Alumni Excellence Award

Work to enhance membership amenities, offerings and opportunities

(Revised July, 2015)

Responsibilities - Board Members

Each director serves on at least one standing committee

Attends at least three of the four annual Board meetings and must notify Chair of the Board or

Executive Director of absence

Is subject to removal from Board for failure to attend meetings and events

Attends one Alumni Association sponsored event each year

(Revised May, 2013)

(Revised July, 2015)



Statement of Purpose and Responsibilities

This section establishes policies governing the reimbursement of travel, entertainment and other business

expenses incurred during the conduct of business for the UNCG Alumni Association (Association). It is the

Association’s policy to reimburse board members for ordinary, necessary and reasonable expenses when

directly related to the transaction of Association business.

Directly related expenses are those in which there is the expectation of deriving some current or future

benefit for the Association, the board member is actively engaged in a business meeting or activity

necessary to the performance of the board members responsibilities, or, in the case of entertainment,

there is a clear business purpose.

Board members are expected to exercise prudent business judgment regarding expenses covered by this


Reimbursement for expenses that are not in compliance with this Policy requires the prior written

approval of the Chairman of the Board of Directors.


Board members are responsible for complying with this Policy. Board members submitting expenses that

are not in compliance with this policy risk delayed, partial or forfeited reimbursement. Board members

living a round trip driving distance greater than 200 miles from the University are eligible f r

reimbursement under this policy when attending board meetings or Alumni Association sponsored or co­

sponsored events.

Officers of the Association (President, Vice President, President-Elect, Past President, Treasurer, and

Secretary) are eligible for reimbursement under this policy when attending board meetings, Alumni

Association events, or official University business. Board members traveling on Association business may

be reimbursed under this policy if approved in advance by the Chairman of the Board of Directors.


Requests for reimbursement of business expenses must be accompanied by receipts for expenses.

Each expense shall be separately identified.

While original receipts are recommended for all expenses submitted for reimbursement, they are

required for all expenses greater than $25.00. Requests for exceptions to this policy should document

extenuating circumstances and be approved by the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

The Association complies with IRS regulations, which require that all business expenses be substantiated

with adequate records. This substantiation must include information relating to:

The amount of the expenditure;

The time and place of the expenditure;

The business purpose of the expenditure; and

The names and the business relationships of individuals other than the board member for whom

the expenditures were made.

Requests for reimbursement lacking complete information will be returned to the requesting individual.

Reimbursement requests shall be promptly submitted, and in no event more than thirty (30) days after the

expense. Reimbursement requests more than thirty (30) days old may be rejected.


Expense reimbursement forms, together with required documentation, must be submitted to the

Executive Director. The President may approve expense reimbursement in the absence of the Chairman of

the Board or Treasurer.

Individuals approving expense reports are responsible for ensuring that the expenses reported are proper

and reimbursable under this Policy, the expense report has been filled out accurately and has the required

documentation; and the expenses are reasonable and necessary.

Reimbursable Expenses

The following are reimbursable expenses, as long as they are in compliance with the applicable

provisions of this Policy, and are for business purposes:

Hotel or motel charges and related tips

Airfare, train fare, bus fare, taxicabs, and related tips

Meals, including tips between 15% and 20%

Business telephone calls

Charges for internet connectivity at the hotel or motel


If the individual does not have a mobile phone, once daily calls home of a reasonable length

while traveling on Association business

Car rental expenses

Personal mileage, if using own vehicle

Toll and parking charges

Conference and convention fees

Business center costs (i.e., copying, faxing, etc.)

Reasonable business entertainment expenses

Other reasonable and necessary business expenses, not specifically excluded by this section

The following expenses are not reimbursable:

Airline club dues

First class airfare

In-flight movies/refreshments

Hotel room movies and other forms of personal entertainment

Child care costs


Traffic fines

Tips in excess of 20% and/or tips in addition to pre-applied gratuity

Luggage or briefcases

Alcohol, unless consumed during legitimate business-related entertainment activities

Meals including only Association directors, unless traveling on Association business or approved in

advance by the Chairman of the Board of Directors

Parties and gifts for Association employees

Reimbursement for personal miles in excess of the cost of airfare to the same destination

No policy can anticipate every situation that might give rise to legitimate business expenses. Reasonable and

necessary expenses, which are not listed above, may be incurred. Each board member and individual

approving expenses must use his/her best professional judgment in determining if an unlisted expense is

reimbursable under this Policy.

Air Travel

All board members are expected to travel coach class, and are encouraged to search for the lowest

available restricted but changeable fare, rather than the fully-refundable fare. Personal frequent flyer

credits may be used to upgrade travel class; however, no reimbursement will be made and no contribution

recorded on behalf of the board member for the business use of frequent flyer credits.

The cost of canceling and/or rebooking of flights is not reimbursable, unless it can be shown that it was

necessary or required for legitimate business reasons (such as a changed meeting date). All unused airline

tickets are to be returned to the Association promptly. Board members must identify and pay for all

personal flights, even if such flights are incorporated into a flight schedule that serves business purposes.


Prudent judgment should be used when selecting a hotel or motel. A single room with a private bath in a

moderately priced business class hotel or motel is the Association's standard. For all lodging expenditures,

hotel receipts must be submitted; credit card charge slips do not represent adequate supporting


documentation. The Association will not reimburse a board member for separate travel costs associated

with his/her spouse or partner. However, the cost of a shared hotel room need not be allocated between a

board member and his/her spouse or partner for purposes of this Policy.

Rental Cars

It is expected that reservations will be made for a compact vehicle, depending on the type of travel.

Occasionally a mid-size vehicle may be appropriate when more than one board member will be using the

vehicle. The cost of premium, luxury or four-wheel drive vehicles will be charged to the board member

renting the vehicle and reimbursement will be made at the compact or mid-sized rate as appropriate.

Board members are expected to accept "Loss Damage Waiver" coverage so that any damage to the rental car

is covered with no deductible. Board members driving rental cars for business purposes will have liability

coverage under the Association's business liability policy, on file in the university business office.

Personal Vehicles

Board members who utilize personal vehicles for business purposes are required to have a valid driver's

license and at least the minimum insurance coverage required by law. Mileage will be reimbursed at the

currently allowable IRS rate. Miles submitted for reimbursement should be net of any normal commuting


Primary insurance for board members who use their personal vehicles for business purposes shall be

through their own personal automobile insurance policy, and will be responsible for any damage to the

vehicle, as well as for liability. The expenses related to gasoline consumed by personal vehicles are the

responsibility of the board member. The owner/driver of the vehicle is responsible for all parking fines

and moving violation tickets.

Policy Exceptions

Generally, any exception to this policy must have the prior written approval of the Chairman of the Board of

Directors. Requests for exception should document extenuating circumstances or proposed overall savings

to the Association.

Board members not seeking reimbursement may receive a receipt from the Executive Director as a donation to

the association for tax purposes.

(Revised May, 2013)

(Revised July, 2015)



Statement of Purpose and Responsibilities

This section establishes policies governing the reimbursement of travel, entertainment and other business

expenses incurred during the conduct of Alumni Association business. It is the Alumni Association's policy

to reimburse employees for ordinary, necessary and reasonable expenses when directly related to the

transaction of Association business.

Directly related expenses are those in which there is the expectation of deriving some current or future

benefit for the Association, the employee is actively engaged in a business meeting or activity necessary

to the performance of the employee's job duties, or, in the case of entertainment, there is a clear business



Employees are expected to exercise prudent business judgment regarding expenses covered by this

Policy. Reimbursement for expenses that are not in compliance with this Policy requires the prior written

approval of the Association's Treasurer.

UNCG Alumni Relations employees are responsible for complying with this Policy. Employees

submitting expenses that are not in compliance with this policy risk delayed, partial or forfeited



Requests for reimbursement of business expenses must be submitted on the appropriate expense

reimbursement request form. Each expense shall be separately identified. Forms shall be dated and

signed by the employee.

While original receipts are recommended for all expenses submitted for reimbursement, they are

required for all expenses greater than $25.00. Requests for exceptions to this policy should document

extenuating circumstances and be approved by the Treasurer of the Alumni Association.

The Association complies with IRS regulations, which require that all business expenses be substantiated

with adequate records. This substantiation must include information relating to:

The amount of the expenditure;

The time and place of the expenditure;

The business purpose of the expenditure; and

The names and the business relationships of individuals other than the employee for whom the

expenditures were made.

Requests for reimbursement lacking complete information will be returned to the requesting employee.

Reimbursement requests shall be promptly submitted, and in no event more than thirty (30) days after

the expense. Reimbursement requests more than thirty (30) days old may be rejected.


Expense reimbursement forms, together with required documentation, must be submitted to the

employee's immediate supervisor for review and signature approval. The Treasurer may approve expense

reimbursement in the absence of the employee's supervisor.

Supervisors approving expense reports are responsible for ensuring that the expenses reported are

proper and reimbursable under this Policy, the expense report has been filled out accurately and has the

required documentation; and the expenses are reasonable and necessary.

Reimbursable Expenses

The following are reimbursable expenses, as long as they are in compliance with the applicable

provisions of this Policy, and are for business purposes:

Hotel or motel charges and related tips

Airfare, train fare, bus fare, taxicabs, and related tips

Meals, including tips between 15% and 20%

Business telephone calls

Charges for internet connectivity at the hotel or motel


If the employee does not have a mobile phone, once daily calls home of a reasonable length while

traveling on Association business

Car rental expenses

Personal mileage, if using own vehicle

Toll and parking charges

Conference and convention fees

Business center costs (i.e., copying, faxing, etc.)

Reasonable business entertainment expenses

Other reasonable and necessary business expenses, not specifically excluded by this section

The following expenses are not reimbursable:

Airline club dues

First class airfare

In-flight movies/refreshments

Hotel room movies and other forms of personal entertainment

Child care costs


Traffic fines

Tips in excess of 20% and/or tips in addition to pre-applied gratuity

Luggage or briefcases

Alcohol, unless consumed during legitimate business-related entertainment activities

Meals including only employees, unless traveling on Association business or approved in

advance by the Treasurer or the employee's immediate supervisor

Parties and gifts for Alumni Relations employees

Reimbursement for personal miles in excess of the cost of airfare to the same destination

No policy can anticipate every situation that might give rise to legitimate business expenses. Reasonable

and necessary expenses, which are not listed above, may be incurred. Each employee and supervisor

must use his/her best professional judgment in determining if an unlisted expense is reimbursable under

this Policy.

Air Travel

All employees are expected to travel coach class, and are encouraged to search for the lowest available

restricted but changeable fare, rather than the fully-refundable fare. Personal frequent flyer credits may

be used to upgrade travel class; however, no reimbursement will be made and no contribution recorded

on behalf of the employee for the business use of frequent flyer credits.

The cost of canceling and/or rebooking of flights is not reimbursable, unless it can be shown that it was

necessary or required for legitimate business reasons (such as a changed meeting date). All unused airline

tickets are to be returned to the Treasurer promptly. Employees must identify and pay for all personal

flights, even if such flights are incorporated into a flight schedule that serves business purposes.


Prudent judgment should be used when selecting a hotel or motel. A single room with a private bath in a

moderately priced business class hotel or motel is the Association’s standard.

For all lodging expenditures, hotel receipts must be submitted; credit card charge slips do not represent


adequate supporting documentation.

The Alumni Association will not reimburse an employee for separate travel costs associated with his/her

spouse or partner. However, the cost of a shared hotel room need not be allocated between an employee

and his/her spouse or partner for purposes of this Policy.

Rental Cars

It is expected that reservations will be made for a compact vehicle, depending on the type of travel.

Occasionally a mid-size vehicle may be appropriate when more than one employee will be using the

vehicle. The cost of premium, luxury or four-wheel drive vehicles will be charged to the employee renting

the vehicle and reimbursement will be made at the compact or mid-sized rate as appropriate.

Employees are expected to accept "Loss Damage Waiver" coverage so that any damage to the rental car is

covered with no deductible. Employees driving rental cars for business purposes will have liability

coverage under the Association's and/or University's business liability policy.

Personal Vehicles

Employees who utilize personal vehicles for business purposes are required to have a valid driver's

license and at least the minimum insurance coverage required by law. Mileage will be reimbursed at the

currently allowable IRS rate. Miles submitted for reimbursement should be net of any normal commuting


Primary insurance for employees who use their personal vehicles for business purposes shall be through

their own personal automobile insurance policy, and will be responsible for any damage to the vehicle, as

well as for liability. The expenses related to gasoline consumed by personal vehicles are the responsibility

of the employee. The owner/driver of the vehicle is responsible for all parking fines and moving violation


Policy Exceptions

Generally, any exception to this policy must have the prior written approval of the employee's supervisor

and the Treasurer. Requests for exception should document extenuating circumstances or proposed

overall savings to the Association.

(Adopted October 9, 2012)


1. Board members shall adhere to the Conflict of Interest statements in Article XVII of the by-laws of

the Association.

2. Board members shall review and sign The University of North Carolina Alumni Association

Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policy on an annual basis, at the beginning of their term.

(Revised June, 2004)

(Revised January, 2007)

(Revised May, 2011)

(Revised July, 2015)


SEE APPENDIX I (Adopted May 2013)




Any serious complaints, either personal or which jeopardize the progress of the Association, should be

reported initially to either the president or chair of the board

The president and board chair will discuss and determine if the complaint is valid and warrants


The president and/or chair will discuss valid complaints with the director about whom the complaint was

lodged. Corrective action steps will be identified and a process for resolving the complaint will be


If the issue is not resolved in the time period identified through the corrective action plan, the president

or chair will inform the executive committee, which may make a recommendation to resolve the

situation. A vote (according to the bylaws of the Association) to ask for the offending director's

resignation may be appropriate.

If the board member opts to resign on his/her own, the executive committee will work with the

nominating committee to appoint an individual to fulfill the rest of the open term.

If the director is asked by the executive committee to resign and refuses to do so, then the entire matter

will be brought to the whole board at the next closed session for final determination, up to and including

a vote to remove the director from office.

Please note: these procedures may be bypassed if a director is found to be in violation of ethical

standards of the Board.

(Adopted May, 2013)


Alumni Societies

Alumni societies are built around a group of UNCG alumni who share a central purpose, mission,

background or activity that is not limited to geographic proximity.

Alumni societies, based on affiliations such as occupation, major, scholarship, ethnicity or class year, meet for

reunions and other activities to network, socialize and mentor current students.

Alumni societies are open to any member of the UNCG community, including alumni, parents, friends, Spartan

fans and students. The Alumni Association does not sponsor alumni societies based on political affiliation,

religion or ideology.

Sanctioned Alumni Societies:

Greek Alumni Society

Political Science Alumni Society

LGBTQA Alumni Society

Rugby Alumni Society

Neo Black Society Alumni Society

Aubrey Lee Brooks Scholars Alumni Society


UNCG Native American Society

Residential Community Society

Vanguard Society

GOLD Council

(Revised May, 2015)


Alumni Societies should be grown organically by volunteers.

The recognition of an Alumni Society requires the approval of The UNCG Alumni Association

Board of Directors.

Sanctioned Societies are invited to participate in Alumni Association events.

Sanctioned Societies are invited to participate in reunions and homecoming.

Sanctioned Societies may be featured on the Association's website.

Sanctioned Societies may be linked on the Association's Facebook page.

Sanctioned Societies may receive limited support for special events in conjunction with official

Alumni Association events. (Pursuant to board policy)




The UNCG Alumni Association is working hard to meet the needs of our constituent groups. In so doing, we

have made it a priority to fund organizations that align with the UNCG Alumni Association and its mission and

strategic priorities. Funding priority will be made on programming focused on enhancing the stated mission of

the organization and in tandem with the board’s approved strategic objectives.

UNCG-affiliated organizations seeking funding must be recognized by one of the “recognizing” bodies on

campus: Office of Student Affairs, Associated Student Government, University Housing Office or the UNCG

Alumni Association.

The UNCG Alumni Association does not fund requests from individuals, parties or social gatherings that do not

meet the criteria stated above.


In orders to advance the UNCG Alumni Association brand, certain entitlements shall be sought, where

appropriate, in return for the sponsorship or grant. These include, but are not limited to:

UNCG Alumni Association banner and/or signage at the event

UNCG Alumni Association logo in all advertising and or promotional materials

UNCG Alumni Association table at event

UNCG Alumni Association speaking role at the event

Complimentary ad in program booklet

Recognition (verbal or written) of UNCG Alumni Association involvement at the event


All requests shall be submitted in writing no later than 30 days prior to the event. Requests should include the

following information:

Mission or purpose of the event

Date/time/location of the event

Target audience for the event

Brief history of the event

List of other sponsors of the event

Budget summary of the event

Publicity plan on how the group plan to advance the UNCG brand at the event

Dollar amount requested

Email Funding Requests

Complete the Funding Request Form found on the Alumni Association website at


Include any supporting materials i.e. budget, previous programs, and other pertinent information to your request.

Please send your funding requests to or mail to UNCG Alumni Association, P.O. Box 26170,

Greensboro, N.C. 27499-5054

For specific questions please email



Office/Organization: ______________________________________________ Contact Person: ________________________ Title: _____________________ Campus Address: _________________________________________________ Phone: __________________ Email Address: __________________________ Title of Event: ___________________________________________________ Date and Time of Event: ___________________________________________ Location of the Event: _____________________________________________ Amount Requested: $_____________ Please check the box that best describes the category that your event falls into:

Activities that bring alumni back to campus for classroom visits, career seminars, and alumni performances.

Mini-alumni reunions for specific alumni constituents.

Academic enrichment opportunities for students, such as attending a national conference or a class trip to visit alumni in a professional setting. Please explain: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ _______________ *Signature of Contact Person Date _________________________________________ _______________ *Signature of Department Head/Advisor Date _________________________________________ _______________

*Signature of Dean/Vice Chancellor Date (Revised May, 2012)


Alumni Clubs

Alumni Clubs connect graduates and friends to UNCG by engaging them through events that foster pride

and create a lifelong connection to the university. The Alumni Association supports six regional networks

within the state and across the country. Alumni Clubs provide a community where relationships can grow

into strong common bonds. Alumni Clubs are open to UNCG alumni, parents, friends, fans and students.

The purpose of an alumni club is to:

Help promote UNCG pride and traditions in local communities.

Support the mission of both UNCG and the Alumni Association.

Organize events and programs to bring alumni together for social and intellectual enrichment.

Increase engagement and awareness of the UNCG Alumni Association.

What Alumni Clubs Offer:

Alumni Clubs connect alumni to one another based on geographic location. Many Clubs offer a wide

range of programming that includes cultural, academic, athletic and recreational activities.

Each club offers events unique to their area.


Alumni Clubs may grow organically by volunteers or by support from Alumni Association staff.

Recognition of an Alumni Club requires approval by the UNCG Alumni Association Board of Directors.

Alumni Clubs are invited to participate in Alumni Association events.

Alumni Clubs are invited to participate in reunions and homecoming.

Alumni Clubs will be featured on the Association's website.

Alumni Clubs will be linked on the Association's Facebook page.

Alumni Clubs will receive monetary support for programming and special events.

Alumni Clubs will receive staff support in programming and promotion.

Alumni Association Affiliates

An Alumni Association of UNCG Schools, Colleges, or Departments may be recognized as an Alumni

Association affiliate.

Currently the UNCG Alumni Association recognizes the following as Alumni Association Affiliates:

UNCG Joseph M. Bryan School of Business and Economics Alumni Association

UNCG School of Nursing Alumni Association

UNCG School of Health and Human Sciences Alumni Association

Governance :

Recognition of an Alumni Association Affiliate requires approval by the UNCG Alumni Association

Board of Directors.

Alumni Association Affiliates are invited to participate in Alumni Association events.

Alumni Association Affiliates are invited to participate in reunions and homecoming.

Alumni Association Affiliates will be featured on the Association's website.

Alumni Association Affiliates will be linked on the Association's Facebook page.


Alumni Association Affiliates may receive monetary support for programming and events.

Alumni Association Affiliates may receive staff support in programming and promotion.

Alumni Association Affiliates may have a representative serve on the UNCG Alumni Association’s

Board of Directors as an ex-officio member.

Alumni Association Alliance Partners

UNCG Alumni Association Alliance Partners are members of the business community in which the Alumni

Association maintains a partnership. Partners may provide a monetary or in kind contribution to the

Alumni Association.

Current Alliance Partners include:

Bank of America

Collegiate Insurance Resources

Diploma Display

Go Next Travel

Collette Travel

Play It Forward

The Cardinal Club/Club Corp


Alliance Partners should be approved by The Alumni Association Board of Directors

Alliance Partners will be evaluated annually by the Board's finance committee. The finance committee

will make a recommendation to the board to renew or discontinue the partnership annually.

Alliance Partners will be recognized on the Association's website.

Alliance Partners will be promoted quarterly on the Association's Facebook page.

(Revised June, 2004)

(Revised January, 2007)

(Revised May, 2011)

(Revised May, 2013)



Comprised of all Past Presidents of the Association

Chaired by Immediate Past President


Meets on the call of the chairperson or at the request of the incumbent president.

Receives information on current Association affairs, including the minutes of the Board of Directors


Serves in advisory capacity to Association



There are six (6) standing committees of the Alumni Association as established in Article 8 of the bylaws.

Ad hoc committees may be established by the Board of Directors as needed. Committee appointments,

unless otherwise noted, are for a one year term. Outlined below are general guidelines for all committees.

The chair of each committee shall be appointed not less than thirty days after the beginning of each fiscal

year for a one-year term.

The chair of each committee shall call meetings, prepare the agenda, and preside at all meetings of the

committee. Committee meetings shall be called as necessary to deal with committee business.

The chair is responsible for seeing that minutes are taken at each meeting and sent to the Alumni Office

for distribution and filing. Copies of minutes are sent to all committee members, the Executive Director

and the President.

Committee chairs report to the Board of Directors at the scheduled board meetings and may make

recommendations for action. An annual report in writing must be submitted to the President by the end

of the fiscal year.

Committee members may be members of the Association, Association staff, University faculty and staff,

or University students.

Members of each committee serve for a one-year term. Committee members should be appointed so as to

serve overlapping terms. Committee membership should be in place within thirty days after the start of

each fiscal year.

Committee members may be reappointed for additional terms.

Each committee shall submit a request for budget to the Finance Committee by the appointed time each

year. Interim requests for funding not included in the budget are to be submitted to the Treasurer for

presentation to the Finance Committee.



Chair appointed by President and must be a member of the Board of Directors.

Comprised of at least three members of the Association


Develops general policy and procedures for operation and use of House for Association, its members,

and University purposes and function.

Determines furnishings and interior decoration in consultation with Board

Determines space use in House, in consultation with the Board.

Develops budget requests for upkeep and maintenance of House to be submitted to University

Develops and periodically reviews long range plan for House renovations, in consultation with


Chair shall file annual report of activities

Establishes rates for Alumni House usage for approval by the Board and University

Intra committee spending limit is $2500 with post factor reporting to the Board of Directors

Spending amounts of $2501 - $5000 require approval of the Executive Committee

Spending amounts over $5000 require approval of the Board of Directors.

(Revised May, 2013)



The following are eligible to use the UNCG Alumni House. Rental rates, equipment rental, and staff

overtime charges apply unless otherwise noted:

Members of the Alumni Association of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. (In case of

weddings/receptions the alumna/alumnus must be one of the following: the bride, the groom, the mother

or father of either the bride or the groom or the step parent of either the bride or the groom.)

Members of the Board of Trustees of the University.

Non-Alumni who are members of the UNCG Alumni Association, the University Associates or

Chancellor's Society.

UNCG academic units, departments and recognized student organizations. (There is no rental charge for

University-sponsored events, except in the case of staff overtime when applicable and equipment usage


UNCG faculty, staff and currently-enrolled students.

Subject to availability, the reception areas may be reserved by organizations external to the University as

provided for in the University Facilities Use Policy.

Rental Policies:

A completed contract must be signed and a deposit rendered in accordance with the contract in order for

a reservation to be considered confirmed.

Users are billed for rent beyond the deposit, custodial costs, breakage and damage. Full payment is due

upon receipt of an invoice.

See Appendix III


See Appendix IV



Chair appointed by Chair of the Board and must be a member of Board of Directors

Comprised of at least five Association members, including at least one additional elected member of the

Board of Directors

Editor of alumni publications ex officio, without vote. Responsibilities

Develops strategies for effective communication between the Association and its members

Presents quarterly reports to the Board of Directors

Chair shall file annual report of activities

(Revised May, 2011)

(Revised May, 2013)




Chair of the Board serves as chair

President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, President-Elect

Three Directors may be elected by Board annually- two from third year class of Directors, one from

second year class

Elected at last Board meeting of fiscal year for following year

Executive Director, ex officio without vote


Administers affairs of board between Board meetings through meetings, telephone conferences, emailed

and/or mailed communications

Serves as Human Resources Committee for the Association

Completes an Annual Evaluation of the Executive Director

o Develops evaluation instrument for Executive Director (See Appendix II for

current evaluation tool.)

o The Executive Director completes a self-evaluation using the same tool

o Discusses appraisal as a committee, reviews Executive Director's self-evaluation

and presents evaluation based on consensus.

o Report of evaluation is delivered to the full Board without Office of Alumni

Relations staff present. Comments from full Board of Directors are noted.

o Selected Executive Committee Members (e.g., Chair of the Board, President,

President­ Elect,) conduct the annual evaluation of Executive Director as interactive

review that includes goal setting for the next year.

o Recommendation is made to the Board as to the appointment of the Executive Director.

Responsible for preparation and updating of Policies & Procedures Manual of the Association

Conducts a review of the bylaws as necessary but at least once every five years and makes

recommendations to the Board

Consults with Executive Director on employment of staff members funded by the Alumni Association

Makes recommendations to Board on the election of Executive Director

Appoints ex officio members of the board of directors as needed

Determines if items need to be presented to the elected officers and directors for a vote between regularly

scheduled meetings.

(Revised June, 2004)

(Revised January, 2007)

(Revised May, 2011)

(Revised May, 2013)



Chaired by Treasurer

Comprised of at least four members of the Association, including at least one additional elected member

of the Board of Directors

A Certified Public Accountant appointed by the Board as an ex officio member to the Finance

Committee for the express purpose of reviewing the quarterly financial reports of the Alumni

Association for completeness and accuracy.



Receives budget and special expenditures requests from committees, councils and officers

Prepares and submits the Association budget for next fiscal year to the Board at the spring board


Reviews special expenditure requests and makes recommendations to the Board for action.

Reviews current year expenditures and investments and prepared quarterly reports for Board

Determines investment and banking policies for the Association

Reviews accounting policies and procedures

Reviews annual audit with the internal & external auditor and makes recommendations concerning the

audit to the Board

Every five years, conduct a "request for proposal" for external auditing firms, evaluate proposals and

select external auditing firm. The last RFP and selection process was performed in May, 2010.

There will be a separate audit subcommittee chaired by the Vice President Non-check signing member.

This committee will consist of at least 3 members, including a member of the finance committee and an

independent CPA.

(Revised May, 2011)

(Revised May, 2013)



Chair appointed by Chair of the Board and must be a member of Board of Directors

Comprised of at least five Association members, including at least one additional elected member of the

Board of Directors


Maintain a two year strategic plan for the SLN

Annually develop and propose to the BOD a legislative agenda

Chair of SLN shall serve as a voting member of the legislative committee

Regularly ensure communication is being delivered to SLN members

In conjunction with the office of government relations respond to legislative issues effecting UNCG and

higher Ed

In the event of a rapid response communication, the committee should vote within two hours to authorize

the communication

In the event less than 50% of committee members respond to the electronic vote the Chair of the

Committee, Chair of the Board, and the Director of Government relations shall make the call.



Chair is Chair of the Board/Immediate Past President of the Alumni Association.

Comprised of at least five members of the Association, a majority of which must be board members

representing a cross-section of districts.

Members of the committee are not eligible for nomination to any office

Usually comprised of five additional alumni

Immediate past award recipients (3); serve for one-year term (for awards selection only)


Responsibilities (Awards)

Recommends not more than two nominees for Alumni Distinguished Service Award, not more than one

nominee for the Young Alumni Award and nominees for the UNCG Alumni Excellence Award, when

appropriate, to the Alumni Board of Directors for the annual Alumni Awards

Develops and periodically reviews criteria for nomination

Develops and periodically reviews nomination form

Solicits nominees from alumni through Association publications and elsewhere

Develops and periodically reviews time-line for nominations

Chair shall file annual report of activities

Responsibilities (Nominations)

Works with staff to develop viable list of qualified candidates

Prepares slate of nominees based on the following schedule for each office/directorship and submits slate

to Board by the 3rd quarter (February) board of directors meeting:

o President-Elect

o Vice President

o Recording Secretary

o Treasurer

o Two directors from each North Carolina district (Eastern, Central, Western) for

election every year

o One director from outside North Carolina for election every year

o Replacement directors to fulfill any vacated director positions

Makes recommendation to Chair of the Board for membership on standing committees.

Ensures diversity of officers and directors so that the Board is reflective of the general alumni population

in age, gender, race, ethnicity and geography.

In years ending in "2" or "7" reviews the makeup of the districts and recommends to the Board changes

in configuration of districts and number of Directors allocated to each district.


The Alumni Lifetime Service Award


o The Alumni Lifetime Service Award must be given to a UNCG alumnus/a who, over

the course of their lives or through a singular achievement, has made significant

contributions to the university's long standing tradition of service and brought honor

and distinction to UNCG. Distinctive service may have been rendered on global,

national, state, and/or local levels

o The recipient's lifelong service or singular achievement must exemplify creative and

continuous personal growth and a willingness to embrace our changing world. This

award also recognizes outstanding achievement and service to the recipient's profession

or community/society or university.

o The award recognizes unique levels of service and achievement and may not be

awarded every year. The award may only be given once during a calendar year. The

awards and nominations committee will make the final determination from among all


nominees. Preference will be given to past winners of the Alumni Distinguished

Service Award.


o The Alumni Lifetime Service Award is presented to alumni of the University of North

Carolina at Greensboro. Nominees must have received a degree (undergraduate or

graduate) from UNCG.

o The Award honors alumni who, over the course of their lives or through a singular

achievement, have made significant contributions to the liberal arts ideal. Distinctive

service may have been rendered on global, national, state, and/or local levels. Their

achievements exemplify the spirit of the university's motto of service and have brought

great credit upon themselves and the university.

o The award recognizes distinctive service rendered on the global, national, state, and/or

local levels. It honors outstanding lifelong achievement and service to the recipient's

profession and/or community/society/university. It recognizes alumni who exemplify

creative and continuous personal growth and a willingness to embrace our changing


o Preference will be given to past recipients of the Alumni Distinguished Service Award.

o Current members of the Alumni Association Board of Directors and the awards and

nominating committee are not eligible for consideration.

Nomination Process

o Complete the two-page nomination form available on the association's website,

or contact the association office at (336) 334-5696 or

o You may also submit newspaper articles, clippings, photographs and additional

materials as part of the nomination notebook. Please do not send originals as these

materials will not be returned.

o Nominations may be made by anyone except the nominee and must be submitted

on forms provided by the UNCG Alumni Office.

o The selection of the recipient is made by the Alumni Awards Committee and approved

by the Alumni Association Board of Directors. _ Only one award may be presented

each year and, at discretion of the Awards Committee, there may not be an award

presented in a given year.

o The selection of the recipient is made by the Alumni Awards Committee and approved

by the Alumni Association Board of Directors. Only one award may be presented

each year and, at discretion of the Awards Committee, there may not be an award

presented in a given year.

o The record of a nominee shall be maintained in a carry-over file and considered for three years, after which a person must be re-nominated to be considered.

Submission Deadline

o Nominations may be made by individuals or groups and the deadline for

submitting a nomination is January 5. All forms and materials should be sent by

January 5.

o All nominations materials should be submitted to the association's awards and nominations committee on or before the deadline via electronic mail or hard copy.


The Alumni Distinguished Service Award


o The Alumni Distinguished Service Award must be given to a UNCG alumnus/a who has

made significant contributions to exemplify the university's long standing tradition of

service. Distinctive service may have been rendered on global, national, state, and /or

local levels.

o The recipient must exemplify creative and continuous personal growth and a willingness

to embrace our changing world. This award also recognizes outstanding achievement

and service to the recipient's profession or community/society or university.

o A maximum of two awards may be given annually.


o The Alumni Distinguished Service Award is presented to alumni of the University of

North Carolina at Greensboro. Nominees must have received a degree (undergraduate or

graduate) from UNCG.

o The Award honors alumni who have made significant contributions in the spirit of the

university's motto of service.

o The award recognizes distinctive service rendered on the global, national, state, and/or

local levels. It honors outstanding achievement and service to the recipient's profession

and/or community/society/university. It recognizes alumni who exemplify creative and

continuous personal growth and a willingness to embrace our changing world.

o Current members of the Alumni Association Board of Directors, the awards and

nominating committee and current employees of UNCG may not be considered for the


Nomination Process

o Complete the two-page nomination form available on the association's website, or

contact the association office at (336) 334-5696 or

o You may also submit newspaper articles, clippings, photographs and additional materials

as part of the nomination notebook. Please do not send originals as these materials will not

be returned

o Nominations may be made by anyone except the nominee and must be submitted on forms

provided by the UNCG Alumni Office.

o The selection of the recipient is made by the Alumni Awards Committee and approved

by the Alumni Association Board of Directors. A maximum of two awards may be

presented annually.

o The Award recipient and nominators will be notified by February and will be recognized

at the annual alumni awards dinner.

o The record of a nominee shall be maintained in a carry-over file and considered for five

years, after which a person must be re-nominated to be considered.

Submission Deadline

o Nominations may be made by individuals or groups and the deadline for submitting a

nomination is January 5. All forms and materials should be sent by January 5.

o All nominations materials should be submitted to the association's awards and

nominations committee on or before the deadline via electronic mail or hard copy.

The Alumni Excellence Award


o The Alumni Excellence Award focuses specifically on service directly to the university

and/or the Alumni Association. The award must be given to an alumnus/a who has made


significant contributions to advancing the University's mission of improving the

community by providing outstanding education opportunities and/or assisting the

Alumni Association in advancing the ties which bind alumni to the University.

o The recipient must exemplify a selfless commitment to advancing the goals of the

university and/or Alumni Association.


o The Excellence Award is presented to alumni of the University of North Carolina at

Greensboro. Nominees must have received a degree (undergraduate or graduate) from


o The Award honors alumni who have made significant contributions to advancing the

university's mission of improving the community by providing outstanding education

opportunities and/or assisting the Alumni Association in advancing the ties which bind

alumni to the university.

o Current members of the Alumni Association Board of Directors and the awards and

nominating committee are not eligible for consideration.

Nomination Process

o Complete the two-page nomination form available on the association's website, or

contact the association office at (336) 334-5696 or

o In no more than 2 pages, please detail in a Nominator's Statement the nominee's

qualifications for this award, based on the expanded criteria listed below.

o On the nomination form, you may list the names of other individuals who will be

submitting letters of support for the nomination. Each letter should be no more than 2

pages in length and should address different areas of the expanded criteria listed on the

nomination form. Supporting letters may be included in this notebook or arrive under

separate cover. You may submit no more than 5 supporting letters.

o You may also submit newspaper articles, clippings, photographs and additional materials

as part of the nomination notebook. Please do not send originals as these materials will not

be returned.

o Nominations may be made by anyone except the nominee and must be submitted on forms provided by the UNCG Alumni Office.

o The selection of the recipient is made by the Alumni Awards Committee and approved

by the Alumni Association Board of Directors. A maximum of two awards may be

presented annually.

o The Award recipient and nominators will be notified by February and will be recognized at alumni awards dinner.

o The record of a nominee shall be maintained in a carry-over file and considered for five

years, after which a person must be re-nominated to be considered

2. Submission Deadline

o Nominations may be made by individuals or groups and the deadline for submitting a

nomination is January 5. All forms and materials should be sent by January 5.

o All nominations materials should be submitted to the association's awards and

nominations committee on or before the deadline via electronic mail or hard copy.

The Young Alumni Award


o The Young Alumni Award is presented to a UNCG alumnus/a and honors alumni who

are 44 years of age or younger when nominated. It recognizes exceptional achievement

and significant contribution to the recipient's profession or community/society or



o The recipient must exemplify outstanding professional and personal development

either through traditional channels or innovative approaches. A maximum of one

award may be given annually.


o The Young Alumni Award is presented to alumni of the University of North Carolina

at Greensboro. Nominees must have received a degree (undergraduate or graduate)

from UNCG.

o The Award honors individuals who are 44 years of age or younger at the time of


o The award recognizes exceptional achievement and significant contribution to the

recipient's profession or community/society or university. The recipient must

exemplify outstanding professional and personal development either through

traditional channels or innovative approaches.

o Current members of the Alumni Association Board of Directors, the awards and

nominating committee and current employees of UNCG may not be considered for the


o Professional Achievement: career movement and development, professional

recognition, professional accomplishments, and significant contributions to nominee's


o Personal and Professional Development: use of traditional or innovative approaches in

enhancing personal and professional growth.

o Personal Achievement: personal recognition received, the balance between personal

and professional roles, the achievement of personal goals, and the dedication to

continual betterment of himself/herself.

o Community (local, state, or national) Service: scope and breadth of service nominee

has provided, the impact of his/her actions on the community, and involvement in a

variety of service initiatives.

o University Service: nominee's support of University initiatives, involvement in

o University programs and/or service on University boards or committees or project


Nomination Process

o Complete the two-page nomination form available on the association's website, or

contact the association office at (336) 334-5696 or

o You may also submit newspaper articles, clippings, photographs and additional

materials as part of the nomination notebook. Please do not send originals as these

materials will not be returned.

o Nominations may be made by anyone except the nominee and must be submitted on

forms provided by the UNCG Alumni Office.

o The selection of the recipient is made by the Alumni Awards Committee and approved

by the Alumni Association Board of Directors. One award may be presented annually.

o The Award recipient and nominators will be notified by February and the Award is

presented at the alumni awards dinner.

o The record of a nominee shall be maintained in a carry-over file and considered for

two years, after which a person must be re-nominated to be considered.

Submission Deadline

o Nominations may be made by individuals or groups and the deadline for submitting a


nomination is January 5. All forms and materials should be sent by January 5.

o All nominations materials should be submitted to the association's awards and

nominations committee on or before the deadline via electronic mail or hard copy.

The WC Legacy Award will be given to an alumna/nus from either Woman's College or who has made

significant contributions in their lifetime that exemplify value, character and high integrity. Recipients

will represent the ideals and values that were characteristic of the Woman's College era. The WC

Legacy Award may be bestowed posthumously.

A maximum of ten WC Legacy recipients can be recognized annually.

The Mr. or Ms. Homecoming Award is designated to a UNCG employee (faculty, staff or

administrator) who demonstrate the following criteria:

• Consistently performs above job requirements.

• Leads by example. Serves as mentor and helper to others.

• Exhibits a strong sense of UNCG pride. Can be described as a supporter of all things

UNCG- e.g. support of UNCG athletics and student programs, going above and beyond

the call of duty to help students, or making financial contributions.

• A commitment to providing quality service to all UNCG constituents.

The nomination of a candidate for this award should be in the form of a nomination letter and

should cite specific examples of how the candidate has met or exceeded the criteria listed above.

The Mr. or Ms. Homecoming recipient is chosen each year by the Nominating Committee of the

UNCG Alumni Association Board of Directors.

(Revised May, 1977)

(Revised February, 1985)

(Revised September, 1994)

(Revised May, 1998)

(Revised March, 2004)

(Revised January 2007)

(Revised May, 2011)















Bertie Greene Pasquotank Anson Lincoln

Bladen Halifax Pender Ashe Macon

Brunswick Harnett Perquimans Avery Madison

Camden Hertford Person Buncombe McDowell

Carteret Hoke Pitt Burke Mecklenburg

Caswell Hyde Randolph Cabarrus Mitchell

Chatham Johnston Richmond Caldwell Polk











Craven Lenoir Scotland Clay Stanley

Cumberland Martin Tyrrell Cleveland Stokes

Currituck Montgomery Vance Davidson Surry

Dare Moore Wake Davie Swain

Duplin Nash Warren Forsyth Transylvania

Durham New Hanover Washington Gaston Union

Edgecombe Northampton Wayne Graham Watauga

Franklin Onslow Wilson Haywood Wilkes

Henderson Yadkin


UNCG Alumni Association North Carolina Representational Districts

East Central West



UNCG Alumni Association Board of Directors Commitment

As a member of the Board of Directors of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro

(UNCG) Alumni Association I understand my duties and responsibilities as follows:

I will:

Attend at least three of every four consecutive board meetings. This is a requirement as

described in the by-laws of the Association and will result in my removal from the board

should I fail to meet this requirement. Attendance by phone is acceptable, although in

person is preferred.

Attend at least one Alumni Association sponsored event per year.

Accept my assignment to a committee and participate in meetings of that committee, which

may require participation by phone or meetings at designated locations, outside of the

quarterly meetings of the full board.

Participate in board or university activities outside of the quarterly board meetings.

Respond to email electronic votes and other actions by specified deadlines.

Be fiscally responsible, with other board members, for this organization. I will be aware of

what our budget is and will review financial documents presented to the board for


Be legally responsible, with other board members, for this organization. I will exercise oversight of its policies and programs and oversee their implementation.

Be ethically responsible for the health and well-being of this organization. As a member

of the board, I have pledged myself to carry out this organization's mission of engaging

alumni and inspiring pride in our university. I am fully committed and dedicated to this


Support the association financially through donations each year. (The board's recommended

minimum contribution is $250 per fiscal year; however, the directors are encouraged to give

more to reflect their ability and interest in the continued growth and advancement of both the

association and the university.)

Understand there are no rigid standards of measurement and achievement attached to my

membership. As a board, we will trust each other to carry out the above agreements to the

best of our ability, each in our own way, with knowledge, support and approval of all. If I fail

to act in good faith, I will resign, or may be asked to resign with or without cause.

In addition, as a board member I will perform my duties in an ethical manner by:

Listening carefully and respectfully to the view of others.

Respecting and supporting the majority decisions of the board.

Participating actively in board meetings and actions.

Recognizing we serve a diverse community of alumni and treating all persons I interact

with in my capacity as a board member with dignity and respect.

Bringing to the attention of the board any issues I believe will have an adverse effect on the

UNCG Alumni Association or those we serve.

Referring complaints to the proper level of the organization.

Recognizing my duty as a board member is to ensure the association is well-managed,

rather than attempting to directly manage the organization myself.


Representing all the people this organization serves and not a particular geographic area or

interest group.

In turn, the UNCG Alumni Association has responsibilities to its board members:

Members of the executive committee of the board of directors are available and

accessible to discuss programs and policies, goals and objectives, as appropriate.

Fellow board members and professional staff are available to respond in a

straightforward and thorough manner to any questions necessary to carry out board

members' fiscal, legal and ethical responsibilities to this organization.

The board will conduct all business of the Association in strict accordance to the


The board will provide indemnification to its board members as outlined in the

Association bylaws.



Executive Director's Annual Assessment

Being Revised



UNCG Alumni House: Event Contract Sample

Being Revised



UNCG Alumni House Catering Policy/Contract

Being Revised



UNCG Alumni House Wedding Packages Prices

Being Revised


University of North Carolina Greensboro

UNCG Alumni Association Strategic Plan


I. Values

The Values of UNCG Alumni Relations

● Service to the university, the Alumni Association and all her constituents

● Commitment to our alumni, alumni traditions and diversity of thought

● Excellence in all endeavors

II. Objectives and Action Items

The strategic goals are the overarching, bold moves needed to fulfill the mission, realize the vision, and achieve the aspirations previously outlined. A rationale is provided for each of the five goals. The objectives are the specific and measurable activities essential to achieving the goal. The action items are the key, tactical ideas required to advance each strategic objective; they are designed to be operational plans required to guide the day-to-day activities of volunteers or staff.

Goal 1: Provide meaningful, lifelong opportunities for alumni to engage and connect with UNCG. Goal 2: Align alumni volunteer leadership and Alumni Relations staff with a shared purpose and strategic focus to strengthen the volunteer-staff partnership.

Goal 3: Foster purposeful student relationships and engagements which build lifelong commitment to the university and an identity as a UNCG alumnus/a. Goal 4: Become a key, strategic partner with campus schools and departments

through improved collaboration across the university to ensure the success of UNCG.

Goal 5: To create and foster an environment which will allow related departments within the university to develop programs of philanthropic support from alumni.

Goal 1: Provide meaningful, lifelong opportunities for alumni to engage and connect with UNCG

Simply stated, the most important aspect of the mission of Alumni Relations is engagement. We exist to create and sustain lifelong connections with UNCG. The engagement anchors all alumni as permanent members of the UNCG community and creates limitless opportunities for their creative contributions to the university.

A. Design and support a range of purposeful engagement opportunities appealing to alumni

throughout the life cycle through the various constituent groups.

Identify the appropriate constituent groups (e.g. Alumni Association Board, Regional Clubs, Vanguard Society, Legislative Network, Corporate Clubs) and prepare a targeted strategy for each group that will invite them to become active participants in the UNCG community.

1. Evaluate and focus alumni programming (continuing education, student interaction,

mentoring, career services, volunteerism, etc.) to drive the university’s areas of

distinction and ambition.


2. Identify the generational themes and approaches that interest and appeal to alumni

and evaluate their effectiveness.

3. Align alumni involvement opportunities with the university and Alumni Association

needs and goals.

B. Develop a comprehensive marketing plan to strengthen alumni connections to the

university and its goals.

1. Employ both mass and targeted marketing strategies and a range of distribution

mediums (social events, internet, publications, affinity groups, career networking, etc.)

2. Evaluate and improve the content and frequency of alumni communications to

reinforce consistent, strategic messages.

3. Prioritize and clarify the purpose, objectives and membership of the UNCG Alumni

Association Spartan First Fund.

C. Support direct connections among alumni so they can make significant contributions to

each other.

1. Enhance and sustain the interactive online experiences that connect alumni with the

university and each other.

2. Evaluate, implement, and promote opportunities for alumni to interact directly, with

Alumni Relations being the catalyst (social events, career networking, service, affinity

groups, etc.)

3. Promote strategies that support alumni working together in a self-directed manner

within alumni clubs in support of the university’s needs and goals (social events,

publications, internet, career networking, affinity groups, etc.)

Goal 2: Align alumni volunteer leadership and central Alumni Relations staff with shared purpose and strategic focus to strengthen the volunteer-staff partnership. A. Align the Alumni Association and the Office of Alumni Relations to support the shared

strategic plan 1. Develop association board committees and assign responsibilities to advise

and support implementation of the strategic plan. 2. Jointly create and implement an operating plan that advances the goals and

priorities of the strategic plan. 3. Jointly develop performance measures for the association and its affiliated organizations.

B. Identify and ensure alumni are prepared to take on significant leadership roles as university volunteers. 1. Define roles, expectations, opportunities and terms of service for alumni leaders and

board members. 2. Establish systems to identify, train, retain, acknowledge, thank and plan for

succession of alumni volunteers who will advocate for Alumni Relations’ needs and UNCG’s goals.

3. Work with senior UNCG leaders to adapt central Alumni Relations system for

developing alumni volunteers and share best practices on alumni engagement.


C. Recommend and advocate for personnel, resources, and infrastructure necessary to

fulfill the strategic plan.

1. Establish systems to identify, train, reward, and retain high-performing Alumni Relations staff

2. Deploy Alumni Relations staff to ensure support of all of the schools, departments, and

units which engages alumni at UNCG.

Goal 3: Foster purposeful student relationships and engagements that build lifelong commitment to the university and an identity as a UNCG alumnus/a. The potential power of an alumni community is rooted in the actual quality of the student experience. The enduring nature of student-student, student-faculty and student-staff relationships at UNCG is self-evident. However, the value of these relationships is when they are seeded as distinct UNCG connections that were fostered by the university. Only then are they experienced as unique benefits that will define them as future UNCG alumni. Without an intentional development of this identity, students can believe their UNCG experience is disconnected from the university which made their education possible.

A. Partner with and capitalize on university department and resources (Student Affairs,

SOAR, Career Services, Academics, etc.) that shape the student experience.

1. Evaluate the common student experience from recruitment through graduation.

2. Use UNCG research to determine ways in which alumni and students can

develop substantive relationships.

3. Utilize UNCG research on the most meaningful aspects of a student’s

academic and personal experiences for later use in developing his/her alumni


B. Increase opportunities where alumni can play a meaningful role with students.

1. Research, evaluate, support, enhance and/or create the infrastructure to

support meaningful interactions between alumni and students.

2. Expand opportunities for alumni to interact with students regarding career

development and networking.

3. Incorporate input from student leaders in the design and implementation of

alumni-student interactions to foster students’ ownership of programming.

4. Track and evaluate alumni-student interactions.

C. Develop a comprehensive student marketing plan.

1. Craft and deliver consistent messages in every student interaction that

reinforce the UNCG brand and develop a student’s lifelong connection to


2. Build a culture of philanthropy that explicitly includes giving back to UNCG.

3. Cultivate alumni involvement around student affinity and friend groups.

D. Design alumni-student interactions to demonstrate that Alumni Relations fosters UNCG traditions.

1. Support, enhance, and establish rituals and traditions between alumni and



2. Actively participate in university programs and events to reinforce the alumni


Goal 4: Become a key, strategic partner with academic affiliates and campus departments through improved collaboration across the university to ensure the success of UNCG. The large, diverse, accomplished alumni body of UNCG is a shared asset of the entire university community. As Alumni Relations, we serve UNCG and its goals by engaging alumni in the life of the university. This plan marks the beginning of a strategic focus to our work that goes far beyond our purview. We are committed to partnering with university leadership, academic affiliates and departments to have the greatest possible impact.

A. Build awareness of the value that UNCG alumni can provide to the university as its

largest stakeholder group and ensure they are seen as an essential asset to the

university’s future.

1. Educate the campus on the elements of alumni relations efforts.

2. Pool efforts and resources across the university to reach alumni regionally,

nationally and internationally.

3. Encourage the university to actively solicit the “alumni perspective” by utilizing alumni in major search committees, university initiatives, etc. 4. Engage the Board of Trustees in ongoing dialog about the integral role of alumni in achieving the long-term goals of the university. 5. Evaluate options for utilizing the Alumni House as a visual representation of a philosophy that alumni are central to the university’s success.

B. Establish reciprocal partnerships among campus entities that engage alumni

and support each department’s goals.

1. Identify potentially beneficial partnerships and desired outcomes; implement, monitor

and evaluate.

2. Develop mechanisms to share information about alumni and more effectively

deploy resources.

C. Create a strategic scorecard to measure the impact of Alumni Relations throughout the


1. Secure agreement from key UNCG leaders on the quantitative and qualitative

goals and measures regarding alumni involvement, alumni giving, student

engagement, communications, sharing of resources, and campus partnerships.

2. Develop the tracking and reporting mechanisms needed to implement the scorecard.

Goal 5: To create and foster an environment which will allow related departments within the university to develop programs of philanthropic support from alumni.

Our alumni are well-resourced with knowledge, skills and life expectations which they can and want to contribute to the university community as ambassadors, recruiters, mentors and exemplars of its excellence. With the implementation of this plan, opportunities for these contributions will be apparent, well-coordinated and rewarding. In addition, as leaders of Alumni Relations we know that financial contributions are vital. Not only does philanthropy make possible the goals of the university, but participation rates are a proxy for a grateful and


invested alumni body. A. Align Alumni Relations programs to ensure an integrated and purposeful approach to

building an environment of philanthropy toward the university.

1. Educate the campus community about current and desired alumni participation rates.

2. Create and promote a culture that acknowledges the importance of all gifts.

3. Assess and improve the impact and effectiveness of current systems in

capturing information about alumni giving across departments and schools.

B. Actively engage alumni, clubs, and affiliated alumni organizations in identification,

cultivation, solicitation, stewardship, and recognition efforts in ways which build and

reinforce existing UNCG relationships.

1. Partner with Development to lay the foundation for Development’s solicitation

strategies based on Alumni Relations and Alumni Association’s knowledge of a given


2. Evaluate the potential benefits of alumni participation in the solicitation


3. Develop and enhance systems to obtain and maintain information about

alumni interests, giving preferences, and motivations for giving to be shared

with and utilized by Development for solicitation efforts.

C. Develop and nurture a philanthropic culture among students and young alumni to

develop a tradition of giving.

1. Create effective strategies and strengthen processes to increase participation in class

gift programs.

2. Strengthen the use of affinity groups and student organizations when

soliciting student class gifts.

3. Develop a marketing strategy tailored to young alumni that sustains their

connection to the university and reinforces the philanthropic messages

received as a student.

D. Develop recognition strategies for targeted annual giving solicitations to ensure focus is

on acquisition, retention, and expansion of alumni philanthropic support.

1. Work with key UNCG leaders and the Alumni Association to customize

philanthropic requests and report on the importance of past efforts.

2. Establish clear and concise messages that persuasively articulate the reasons

for financially supporting the UNCG Alumni Association.

3. Establish systems to regularly inform alumni, donors, and the campus

community about the impact of giving on the university.


I. Implementation of the Plan

This document was crafted to assist in the prioritization of implementation plans, agendas, strategies, presentations, and activities to and on behalf of alumni. Each of the five strategic goals is broken into measurable, strategic objectives with targeted results. Action planning and concurrent implementation of opportunities for early successes are scheduled to be launched as outlined in other sections of this document. The next steps in this process include:

● Aligning all Alumni Association activities and structures to parallel the strategic planning goals;

● Assuring Alumni Association board committees are dedicated to each goal;

● Jointly developing (among Alumni Association board and Alumni Relations staff) the

criteria to prioritize the action steps for each objective for all five goals;

● Broadly sharing the plan with all university stakeholders and inviting their input and feedback on

how their goals and interests might be advanced through the work that will be undertaken in the

first year;

● Identifying areas for potential “quick wins” to establish momentum, build credibility,

and lay the groundwork for other efforts that will require more time and effort.

More specifically, the means to achieve the identified objectives can be broken down into two broad categories, i.e. (1) how best to use the existing “constituent groups” to further the goals of both the university as well as the individual members of those groups, and (2) how best to plan and utilize the various “programs” (both face –to-face and otherwise), to create an atmosphere which will allow the members of UNCG community (alumni, students, parents, etc.) to create, maintain and grow relationships with the UNCG community. The Constituent Groups which already have existing programming relationships with the university are as follows:

● The UNCG Alumni Association Board of Directors

● Regional Clubs

● Vanguard Society

● Alumni Decades

● GOLD (Graduates Of the Last Decade) Council

● Alumni Association Affiliates

● Alumni Societies

● Student Philanthropy Group

● Affinity Groups

● Spartan Legislative Network

Extensive Alumni Programming which exists within the Alumni Relations office: ● Alumni Communication Outreach

● Alumni Awards

● Homecoming

● Career Services

● Spartan Recruitment

● Alumni House


Constituent Groups The UNCG Alumni Association Board of Directors

Objective: To successfully engage alumni throughout the country in the life and success of UNCG on the UNCG Alumni Association Board of Directors. The UNCG Alumni Association Board of Directors will draw its membership from representatives of the various clubs as well as individual alumni at-large. The role of the UNCG Alumni Association Board of Directors will be to serve as a comprehensive and unified alumni presence which will increase affinity, pride and financial support for their alma mater through the development of national policies and goals. Action Items:

1. Identify, develop and cultivate key leadership for succession of the UNCG Alumni

Association President, Vice President and other key roles.

2. Support a strong nomination process by identifying and recognizing potential

leaders from diverse geographical locations.

3. Develop a strong, cohesive and sustainable committee structure that will

support all key initiatives of the alumni association. Work closely with the

nominating committee to assure a strong succession plan for future leadership.

4. Increase philanthropic leadership which will result in 100% participation by

individual Alumni Association board members.

5. Utilize the UNCG Alumni Association Board of Directors as an outlet for increasing

awareness and understanding of UNCG and the Alumni Association.

6. Create a comprehensive package of alumni benefits that will help define the

significance of contributing to the Alumni Association Spartans First Fund.

7. Collaborate with university leadership and campus partners to make UNCG

alumni a vital part of university programs and success. (i.e. admission, career

services, student development)

8. Develop and sustain a viable Homecoming Weekend that will create lasting

traditions, programming, honors and pride among UNCG alumni.

9. Develop and sustain recognition of Distinguished UNCG Alumni through identification,

cultivation and recognition at an annual Alumni Association Awards event.

10. Create a strategic marketing plan that will promote the Alumni Association/Spartan First

Fund as a significant place for alumni financial support.

11. Actively advocate and educate alumni on the value of financially contributing to the

university to increase alumni participation rates each year.

12. Work closely with the Office of Annual Giving to develop and sustain opportunities for

alumni to financially support the UNCG Alumni Association and their programs.

Outcome: By 2018 the UNCG Alumni Association Board of Directors will be the catalyst to creating an effective and sustainable UNCG Alumni Association. As a result the UNCG Alumni Association will be a strong representation of the university’s 91,000 living alumni who will sustain and uplift the university through their pride, talents and philanthropy.


Regional Clubs

Objective: To successfully engage alumni throughout the country by utilizing Regional Alumni Clubs. The Regional Alumni Clubs will serve as an extension of the University where a consistent alumni presence will foster pride and engagement with their alma mater through an annual calendar of social, networking and service activities. Action Items:

1. Chapters will have a more formal structure with a leadership team of 4 officers.

2. Identify groups that need more formal structure and apply criteria of chapter or club status

with the goal of adding one new club in 2014-15.

3. Create by-laws and a policies and procedures for the Regional Clubs that includes a

succession of leadership plan.

4. Review the number of clubs and effectiveness of each on an annual basis as we move

forward with consideration of new areas of expansion.

5. Track and measure attendance numbers to establish a baseline for retention and future

marketing and planning efforts. Establish method for consistent coding in Banner.

6. Create a mutual communications plan between chapters or clubs and the Alumni Office

with leadership meetings to be held Bi-monthly.

7. Utilize the Regional Alumni Clubs to advocate for UNCG – Spartan Student Recruitment,

Legislative Advocacy, Alumni Recruitment and engagement as well as giving back to the


8. Create an event schedule for each Regional Chapter or Club that includes four events: Fall

Kick-off, Networking, Service Project and Social gathering.

9. Promote independent marketing and programming efforts of the regional clubs through

financial and existing resources of the Alumni Association Board and UNCG outreach

programming – i.e. Career Services, Music, Theatre and Dance, Athletics etc.

10. Report attendance and outcomes of the Alumni Chapters and Clubs at quarterly Alumni

Association meetings. Reports to include the number of alumni registered for each event

as well as actual attendance. Utilize Check In Easy software to maintain accurate

registration and attendance counts.

11. Conduct post event surveys for each engagement activity.

Outcome: By 2018, the Regional (clubs) will represent alumni with a vast composite of graduation years, academic backgrounds, diversity and interests. The clubs will be developed through thoughtful and deliberate planning by geographical location, areas of concentrated alumni population and strong volunteer leadership. Having considered all of these strategic objectives the Alumni Association will determine financial resources required to fulfill these goals and identify those areas where the concentration of alumni would support the formation of a new club. To achieve this expansion we will utilize best practices from peer institutions.

Vanguard Society

Objective: To successfully engage alumni who have made their 50th Reunion from the university. Engagement will be throughout the year, not just at Reunion, and will serve to reconnect alumni with UNCG.


Action Items: 1. Work with development officers to identify key Vanguard Society members in order to foster a meaningful relationship with the university. 2. Working with the established Vanguard committee, develop programming that is of interest to Vanguard members. Locations of events will be based upon where the largest populations of Vanguard alumni reside. 3. Invite Vanguard members back to campus during Reunion/Homecoming weekend. 4. Include Vanguard members in the induction ceremony for current 50th Reunion class. 5. Work with alumnae currently planning their 50th Reunion to determine their interests for future Vanguard program planning. Invite them back for Founders Day, Awards Ceremony, Chancellor’s Holiday Social, and Commencement Programming. 6. Educate university constituents about Vanguard. 7. Invite a member(s) from the most recent 50th reunion class to serve as a bell

ringer during both May and December commencement. 8. Invite Vanguard members who are residents of North Carolina to Founders Day

activities. 9. Identify three Vanguard members from most recent 50th reunion class who will

serve as interviewers for Spartan of Promise award selection. 10. Determine those retirement communities where there is a large population of

WC alumnae and develop relevant programming. Additionally, these communities may be used as event venues for Vanguard members living in the area.

Outcome: By 2018, establish an enhanced and inclusive program for recognition of those alumni with a graduation date of 50 years or more. As a result, these alumni will enjoy multiple opportunities to revisit campus throughout the year fostering a deeper connection with the university.

Alumni Decades

Objective: To successfully identify and engage alumni by graduate decade in an effort to encourage active participation in the Alumni Association. Focus will be on those alumni who graduated in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. Action Items:

1. Create unique marketing strategies to attract alumni from each decade.

2. Identify key alumni to serve as leadership representatives for each decade to

recruit and engage others from that era.

3. Develop challenges among decades to promote attendance at Homecoming and

other events with rewards for most attendance, best float in parade, etc.

4. Provide sub-groups within Regional Alumni Clubs to foster pride and spirit from

each decade.

5. Utilize Alumni Decade engagement to help serve as a candidate pool for at large

members for the Alumni Association Board.

6. Develop program for residence hall reunions and gatherings to promote affinity

where alumni lived on campus.

Outcome: By 2018, identify generational experiences that would connect them to their alma mater


in more meaningful ways. Develop specific programming that reflects these experiences and creates a tie to the university.

GOLD (Graduates of the Last Decade) Council

Objective: To successfully engage Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD Alumni) with the university through annual gifts, programming and service. Action Items:

1. Establish a GOLD Council as an advisory group to engage young alumni and students with the Alumni Association. Complete 2. Establish a traditional transition program for graduating seniors into the UNCG Alumni Association. In planning process 3. Identify former class leaders to serve on GOLD Council. Continues 4. Determine programming that is of interest to GOLD Alumni and is relevant to the university and today’s students. In process and continues 5. Create brand awareness for GOLD Alumni and the UNCG Alumni Association. In process and continues 6. Help communicate UNCG Alumni Association messaging targeted to GOLD Alumni. In process and continues 7. Build awareness and educate GOLD Alumni on what giving is and why to give back. In process continues (Giving Day) 8. Identify GOLD Alumni that have not made a gift to UNCG and utilize the GOLD Council to make personal solicitations. In process 9. Promote Giving Day amongst GOLD Alumni and utilize them as volunteers. In process 10. Educate university constituents about GOLD Council. Needs to be addressed

Outcome: By 2018, there will be active and engaged GOLD Alumni within the Alumni Association serving the university. GOLD Alumni will be aware of the importance of giving, and they will be engaged and involved in Alumni Association events.

Alumni Association Affiliates

Current Alumni Association Affiliates are the School of Nursing Alumni Association, Bryan School Alumni Association and the Health and Human Sciences Alumni Association.

Objective: Work with board members from each affiliate to support communication and programming which will link alumni to their specific school as well as the larger alumni population. Action Items:

1. Identify an individual from each affiliate’s board to serve on the UNCG Alumni Association board as an ex officio member. 2. Determine expectations and outcomes for affiliates. 3. Create a job description for ex-officio role on Alumni Association Board. 4. Partner to create a communication matrix that includes e-communications calendar, board meeting support and other items as needed.


Outcome: By 2018, there will be a well-defined partnership that blends communication strategies and like-minded goals to uplift the reputation and success of UNCG and its students and alumni. The Alumni Association will serve as a catalyst for effective implementation of the overall plan.

Alumni Societies

Objectives: The UNCG Alumni Association encourages alumni affinity groups to be formally recognized and supported by the Alumni Association financially and with human resources. Action Items:

1. The Alumni Association Board of Directors will provide strategic and identifiable ways in which UNCG alumni groups can be officially recognized as Alumni Societies. 2. Recognized Alumni Societies will be supported by a representative from the Alumni Relations staff. 3. Alumni Societies will be assisted with formalizing alumni activities that benefit their respective organization. 4. Alumni Societies will be formally recognized and supported during UNCG’s annual Homecoming festivities.

Student Philanthropy Group

Objective: Engage and educate student population on student philanthropy. Action items:

Create and implement philanthropic programming to educate students on the importance of showing their Spartan Pride through annual giving to the university.

1. Create student-to-student stewardship and university recognition programs

2. Increase student participation through annual gifts.

3. Develop a comprehensive senior class gift campaign.

4. Provide student members with a high level of involvement in the campus life of UNCG. 5. Translate each student member's interest and involvement into a lifetime of support of UNCG through continued membership in the Student Philanthropy Committee. 6. Offer students opportunities to serve UNCG in a variety of capacities, hoping that the students would then be committed to serve and support the institution long after graduation.

Outcome: By 2018, Will be a functioning student led philanthropy group that functions as student gift officers, educators for the importance of giving to your alma mater.

Affinity Groups

Objective: To utilize alumni affinity groups as a successful engagement tool for alumni with deep interest or connection to a specific academic unit or student activity.


Action Items: 1. Create a communication and marketing plan to foster or rekindle interest in

UNCG through specific alumni affinities that include but are not limited to:

a. Fraternity and Sorority Life

b. Athletics

c. Faculty and Staff

d. Intercultural groups not already identified by AA

e. Club sports and any other emerging group not established as a society or affiliate

group by the Alumni Association.

2. Partner with MGO’s, Deans, Student Affairs and others to identify and engage alumni from

these different groups and move them toward establishing affiliate or society status.

3. Provide and support unique programming at Homecoming and other events

specific to affinity groups.

4. Work with Student Affairs, Housing and Residence Life, Student Government and

other student groups to promote consistent coding of activities in banner so

alumni files will accurately reflect their interests or activities during their time as


5. Partner with Alumni Clubs to identify alumni with deep ties to particular affinities. This can

be part of an internal challenge for each regional alumni club.

6. Partner with the Alumni Association to provide financial support for those

groups that exhibit greater participation and independent effort in engaging

alumni on behalf of UNCG.

Outcome: By 2018, incorporate these groups fully into the activities of the Alumni Association and continued development of volunteers who can serve the interests of the Association and the University.

Spartan Legislative Network

Objective: To continue expansion of a database of alumni and community members who are willing to serve as advocates for UNCG and higher education. Action Items:

1. Work with campus partners to identify key alumni and community members who may participate in SLN. 2. Develop regular communication plan with members. 3. Develop a call to action plan 4. Use the SLN website to serve as primary communication resource. 5. Develop programming to illustrate the work of the SLN; i.e. candidate forum; legislator reception. 6. Increase attendance at candidate forums by 10% in 2014. 7. Host annual legislative receptions in Raleigh. 8. Grow membership base by 10% year over year. 9. Develop and execute regular communication strategy to membership.


Outcome: By 2018, a growth plan for increased membership along with an advocacy and communication plan will be in place to reach state legislators with greater frequency and effectiveness.

Alumni Programming

Alumni Communication Outreach

Objective: To increase the effectiveness of how we communicate with our diverse alumni population through all communication mediums. Action Items:

1. As of July 2015, launch successful and new website is live. Harris Connect has been shut

down; all previous Harris Connect functions (events, e-mail marketing incl. e-newsletter,

and giving pages) are now fully implemented in iModules except for the searchable online

alumni directory. Content migration from WordPress site continues; about 80% complete.

2. Develop, plan and execute a comprehensive communication strategy for the

office of alumni affairs by July 2016.

3. Currently at 54.3% (63,330 alumni with a valid email address, out of 116,567 living alumni).

No historical reference of what percentage used to be. It should be noted that this does

not account for alumni who have opted-out of receiving some/all emails.

4. Working with fellow staff members, develop a communication strategy that

relates specifically to young alumni.

5. Fully integrate the alumni communication strategy into the strategic objectives for

annual giving.

6. Develop a comprehensive plan for recording significant alumni activities in


7. Class notes process developed and in place. Still developing new strategies to

increase participation.

8. Working in conjunction with career services, develop a comprehensive marketing plan

which will showcase career webinars with our alumni audience. Working with Mary

Swantek as part of effort to develop much broader alumni career services offering.

9. Maintain a vibrant Alumni Association website.

10. Creatively approach the monthly e-newsletter as a priority to engage our


Alumni Awards

Objective: To develop and sustain a strong alumni recognition program that will recognize and honor outstanding alumni that represent diverse academic profiles, professional success, service to the community and support of their alma mater. The Alumni Association will also develop a recognition program for current UNCG students who are completing their senior year.


Action Items: 1. Working closely with the nominating committee keep an ongoing list of notable

alumni whose accomplishments fit the criteria of an alumni award.

2. Assure that each alumni award has a detailed description, qualifications and

nomination process available to all individuals upon request.

3. Each January send a ‘call for nominations” to all members of the Alumni Association with

explanations of each award, the criteria required and clear definition of the nominating


4. Working closely with the 50-year reunion class develop nomination criteria,

process and nominees for the “Spartans of Promise” awards recognizing top ten

rising seniors.

5. Annually sponsor an Alumni Awards program to be held Homecoming Weekend.

6. Working closely with University Relations provides detailed profiles of each

alumni award recipient which will be featured in the UNCG Magazine.

7. Continually revisit award criteria, process and outcomes to assure that award

recognition programs are fresh, interesting and reflect the worthiness of said


Outcome: By 2018 the Alumni Association Alumni Award program will be well recognized among UNCG Alumni. The nomination process will include a strategic pipeline of nominees, the selection of nominees will be represented by a diverse group of recipients and the Alumni Awards will be highly revered in the UNCG community.

Homecoming Objective: UNCG Homecoming represents a thirty year tradition of celebration, pride and tradition for the University. The Alumni Association will strive to increase the visibility of Homecoming activities creating an environment of pride, connectivity to alumni and current students and a unique blend of tradition, new programming and outreach to our community. Action Items:

1. Working with campus partners throughout the university community develop a

Homecoming plan that will invite, welcome and celebrate UNCG alumni back to campus.

2. Working through the Alumni Association develop an annual ad-hoc Homecoming

committee that has representation from each decade, diverse affinity affiliations and other

diverse points of view and interests.

3. Develop relationships with community partners and solicit financial assistance for

Homecoming activities. Continue development of relationships with local businesses in an

effort to engage the corporate community and offset expenses.

4. Develop a sponsor package which outlines in detail the benefits of becoming a UNCG

Homecoming sponsor.

5. Working closely with Corporate Relations staff, compile a complete list of potential

community partners to solicit for financial support.


6. Working with community partners, develop opportunities to enhance local “town-gown”

relationships that will assist with promotion of UNCG Homecoming throughout the

Greensboro area.

7. Working with UNCG Campus Police/Security/Parking make changes to the UNCG parade

route that will better showcase the parade entries and enhance the parade experience for


8. Develop areas for potential tailgating opportunities.

9. Create a list of opportunities to reach out to high school bands, pep squads, scout groups,

dance teams and other local student groups to participate in the UNCG parade.

10. Develop a communication plan that will adequately promote UNCG Homecoming in the


11. Develop communication strategies/programs to invite and encourage reunion with affinity

groups, decades and other special interests groups.

12. Continue to develop the tradition of Mr. /Ms. Homecoming.

13. Generate spirit among faculty and staff with special invitations and outreach for their


14. Work closely with student development team to entrench “bonfire” as an annual tradition

for Homecoming.

Outcome: By 2018, have established Homecoming traditions firmly in place, i.e. Bonfire, Parade, Reunions etc. along with proven marketing efforts to engage alumni that include social media, iModules email blasts and local media advertising. In addition, full implementation of internal marketing strategies will be complete to fully engage students, faculty/staff and academic units to actively participate in Homecoming activities.

Career Services Objective: To develop a career services program that will offer a wide range of resources to help meet the professional needs of alumni throughout their career. Action Items:

1. Use LinkedIn to identify 5-10 businesses and corporations with a large population of

alumni employees in order to form a corporate club.

2. Collaborate with the North Carolina Entrepreneurship Center in the planning, promotion

and execution of Entrepreneurship Day.

3. Create a Career Services website which will incorporate actions items 4-7.

4. Develop an online mentoring program that will serve to match alumni with each other

based on industry and geographic location.

5. Identify alumni working in the HR field and recruit them to offer an HR spotlight on the

Career Services website which will offer job search, job interview, and leadership tips.

6. Develop a marketing plan to effectively promote TalentMarks’ series of webinars which

feature nationally recognized authors and speakers who will discuss a variety of topic

relating to careers.

7. Offer alumni insight into career options by interviewing alumni in various careers to discuss

their career path and what type of experience their job entails. These interviews will be


posted on the Career Services website. Interviews will be updated monthly with older

interviews archived on the website.

8. Work with the Department of Continual Learning to create live webcasts with UNCG

faculty members. Faculty members will discuss the various careers available in their

respective field. These webcasts will be updated monthly with older webcasts archives on

the website.

Spartan Recruitment Objective: To engage UNCG alumni volunteers to help recruit “high value” students. Working closely with admission this initiative will identify and train alumni volunteer recruiters for effective engagement with prospective UNCG students. Action Items:

1. Provide alumni volunteers to participate in the UNCG Scholars program annually.

2. Identify alumni volunteers who are willing to help recruit “high value” prospective


3. Develop a process for determining the response and success rate of the recruiting efforts.

Outcome: By 2018, in addition to established regional events for alumni / student engagement; have functioning website portal for alumni to recommend prospective high value students to The Office of Admissions.

Alumni House Objective: To showcase and proudly recognize the UNCG Alumni House as an integral piece of the UNCG campus landscape to prospective and current students, alumni and our community. Action Items:

1. Explore ways in which the Alumni House can be incorporated into campus tours for prospective students and family.

2. Provide space and opportunity for prospective students and parents to utilize the Alumni House for admission/recruiting events.

3. Develop programming for current students which will invite them into the Alumni House for casual and relaxed opportunities to dine and relax. 4. Continue to explore opportunities to utilize the Alumni House for community groups. 5. Utilize the Alumni House for year round Vanguard Society events. 6. Explore opportunities to have a staff member/volunteer be at the reception desk to greet visitors, vendors and prospective clients.

Outcome: By 2018 the Alumni House will become an integral part of the UNCG campus and a recognized destination point by current students and alumni. The Alumni House will become integrated into the life of the university by including the tradition and legacy of the house on campus tours, student events and programs, young alumni initiatives and Commencement traditions.



Mary Landers – Director of Alumni Relations/Executive Director of UNCG Alumni Association

Primary Responsibilities: ● Alumni Association Board

● Implementation/Execution of the Alumni Association Strategic Objectives

● Budget Oversight

● Campus Relations/Partners

● Responsible for staffing directives, objectives and outcomes

● Responsible for annual giving strategy, goals and outcomes

Mary Swantek – Assistant Director of Alumni Relations

Primary Responsibilities: ● Celebration of Fifty Year Reunions

● Cultivation of 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 reunion groups

● Vanguard Society

● Legislative Network

● Academic Affiliates

● Career Enhancement/Services

Donegan Root – Associate Director of Alumni Relations

Primary Responsibilities: ● Homecoming

● Cultivation/ stewardship for 70’s, 80’s, 90’s.

● Affinity Groups

● Athletics

● Regional Clubs

Mark Graves – Communication Specialist

Primary Responsibilities

● Successful transition from current platforms Harris Connect and WordPress to iModules;

and, upon completion of transition, active management of content on iModules site,

including dynamic content such as news, event calendar and registration pages, and

class notes

● Creation of a communication calendar with alumni relations, campus partners and

annual giving

● Analyze and communicate trends and best practices to staff for online communication

● Analyze data/results of online communication; make recommendations of best means to

segment and market to diverse audiences

● Create, write and supply content for online communications

● Prepare online alumni e-news


Emily Rector – Director of Annual Giving

Primary Responsibilities

● Responsible for the overall strategic vision for annual giving (gifts $15,000 and below)

● Responsible for all aspects of annual giving, including direct mail, telefund, web and

other sources of annual giving revenue streams

● Responsible for annual giving staff

Sarah Kathryn Coley – Associate Director of Annual Giving

Primary Responsibilities

● Responsible for creating strategic objectives for UNCG Young Alumni (10 years out and less)

● Responsible for UNCG Giving Day, as it pertains to young alumni participation

● Responsible for social media ambassadors as it pertains to young alumni

● Responsible for increasing overall young alumni participation rates

● Responsible for creating strategy for leadership gifts for young alumni ($500)

Cameron Hall – Assistant Director of Annual Giving

Primary Responsibilities

● Responsible for strategic goals and results for the UNCG Telefund (student calling


● Develop Student Philanthropy programs

● Responsible for Senior Class Gift Campaign



Chair Jeff Collins ‘84

Vice Chair Jana Welch Wagenseller ‘76

President Mary Napier-Kesselman ‘68

President Elect Dudley Bokoski ‘79

Vice President Annette Holesh ‘80

Treasurer Lida Lewis Coleman ‘78

Secretary Celia Dickerson ’91 PhD

West Director (5) East Director (6) Central Director (6) Out of State

Director (6)

2016 Tamara Kersey ‘98

2016 Pam Kontogiorgos ‘98

2016 Nancy Stallings ‘65

2016 Sarah Shoffner ’62, ’64 MS, ’77 PhD

2016 Eric Durham, BS ‘11 2016 Tia Wiggins ’07 DC

2017 Catherine Langley, BS ‘11

2017 Elisha Gutloff, BFA ‘92

2017 Sherita Gatling ’02, ‘05

2016 Maureen Vandiver ’61 GA

2017 Neal Dixon ‘88

2017 Gail Austin ‘73

2017 Aubrey Ravenel, ‘08

2017 Jennifer Morris ’86 GA

2018 Jackie Copeland, MPA ‘97

2018 Agnes Johnson Price ’62,’71

2018 Justin Outling ‘05 2018 Stacy Vogel ’84 NJ

2018 Whitney Hill ‘09

2018 Kevin Barham, BA ‘04

2018 Michelle Schneider ‘91

2018 Erica Mizelle ’02 GA

Jan Zink, Vice Chancellor for University Advancement Ex-Officio Ann Brandon Burke ’61, ’80 MS Mike Roach – Spartan Club JoAnne Safrit ’57 – School of Health and Human Science Moreland Smith – Alumni House Committee Alumni Engagement Staff

Mary G. Landers, Director of Alumni Relations – Executive Director of the Alumni Association

Donegan Root ’87, Associate Director of Alumni Relations

Mary Swantek, Assistant Director of Alumni Relations

Mark Graves, Communications Specialist for Alumni Relations

John Comer, Alumni House Manager

Emily Rector, Director of Annual Giving

Sarah Kathryn Coley, Associate Director of Annual Giving/Alumni Engagement

Cameron Hall, Assistant Director of Annual Giving/Alumni Engagement


UNCG Alumni Association Board of Directors

Executive Committee

Jeff Collins ‘84 Chair

Jana Welch Wagenseller ‘76 Vice Chair

Mary Napier-Kesselman ‘68 President

Dudley Bokoski ‘79 President-Elect Annette Holesh ‘80 Vice President

Lida Coleman ‘78 Treasurer Celia Dickerson ‘91 EdD Secretary


Gail Austin ‘73 Director (Eastern)

Kevin Barham ‘04 Director (Eastern)

Jackie Copeland ‘97 MPA Director (Western)

Neal Dixon ‘88 Director (Western)

Eric Durham ‘11 Director (Central)

Sherita Gatling ‘02 Director (Central)

Elisha Gutloff ‘92 Director (Eastern)

Whitney Hill ‘09 Director (Western) Agnes Johnson Price ‘62 Director (Eastern) Tamara Kersey ‘98 Director (Eastern) Pam Kontogiorgos ‘98 Director (Central) Catherine Langley ‘11 Director (Western)

Erica Mizelle ‘02 Director (Out of State) Jennifer Morris ‘86 Director (Out of State)

Justin Outling ‘05 Director (Central)

Aubrey Ravenel ‘08 Director (Central)

Michelle Schneider ‘91 Director (Central) Sarah Shoffner ‘62, ‘64, ‘77 PhD Director (Eastern)

Nancy Stallings ‘65 Director (Western) Maureen Vandiver ‘61 Director (Out of State) Stacy Vogel ‘84 Director (Out of State)

Tia Wiggins ‘07 Director (Out of State)


Ann Burke ‘61, ‘80 MS Ex-Officio Michele Dye Ex-Officio Livina Eshiet Ex-Officio

Mike Roach Ex-Officio

JoAnne Safrit ‘57 Ex-Officio

Moreland Smith Ex-Officio

Jan Zink Ex-Officio

Mary Landers Ex-Officio

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