the bonus army 3

Post on 05-Aug-2015






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The Bonus Army“The end of the line for Herbert


Ch. 18.3 p. 643

American Doughboys fought bravely in the Great War

They came home to a hero’s welcome and were promised a “bonus” for serving their country with honor

The Bonus amounted to $1,000 -payable in 1945

This was the “belt tightening” time of the Great Depression

Many veterans, like everyone else, were down on their luck and in need of money.

Having the delayed bonus was like –walking around with a check in your pocket you couldn’t cash for over 10 years

Desperate veterans began to rally together & reformed their old units looking for solutions

Veterans in Oregon decided to “Hop” a train and travel to Washington DC to talk to Pres. Hoover

As they went east - summer of 1932

word spread throughout the countryPeople in towns would “pass the hat”

for them as they went throughMore Veterans joined them along the

way and an Army of Bonus Veterans formed

They Decided to Demand early payment of their Bonuses

Walter Waters became the leader of the movement who demanded their payment in 1932

- Some Members of Congress introduced a “Bonus Bill”

Desperate Veterans Arrived in Washington DC looking for Congress to pass the Bonus Bill

Tent Village of the Bonus Veteransby the Anacostia River in DC

About 17,000 veterans gathered outside of the Capital Building the day Congress voted

The Bonus Bill was Rejected by the SenateVeterans were stunned and broken

heartedSome left for home Others stayed to push for passage of

another billThey returned to the tent

village(Hooverville)Pres. Hoover grew more uncomfortable

and feared violence from the veterans

Pres. Hoover gives orders to have the tent village cleared

The last cavalry charge in U.S. History was against our own homeless veterans

The tent village was destroyed as people fled into the night

Gen. Douglas MacArthur led the attack on the veterans

Hoover tried to send orders down to MacArthur to call off the assault

The orders were ignoredSeveral died and hundreds were


The Battle of Washington- July 28, 1932

How do you think Hoover looked after this incident?

Americans were greatly disturbed by the sight of soldiers using weapons against homeless veteransPublic Opinion of Hoover fell even

moreThe Election was only several months

away FDR- “There’s no way I can lose now”

The Bonus Army will reappear After FDR’s Victory. How will he deal with them?

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