the bradford legacy - chapter 27

Post on 15-May-2015



News & Politics



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Last time, the war in SimEurope inched ever closer to Simsfield. In the meantime, generation five began to

depart, with the most noted passings being Lizzie and Jason Seiff, Melanie Alcott, and Marsha Bradford.

The many deaths brought James, Taddy, and Sterling closer. Meantime, the kids did their best to be kids

and the youngest of generation 7 started to become teens. Nick wrote to Alice’s father, asking him to let

her stay East, and they came to an understanding regarding their relationship.

We’ve also reached the point where the events leading up to World War II will start happening. I plan on

dealing with several aspects of the war pretty head-on, so consider this your warning for that.

Blanket warning about language, topics, adult situations, etc. James has only 1 nice point, and he likes to

swear like a sailor, and Cindy’s a Romance Sim, with some type of purple-hearted want in her panel at all

times. Oh, and just about all of generation 7 (except Nick) are 1-nice-point-newspaper-thieves.

Please enjoy Chapter 27 of The Bradford Legacy.

As they’d promised to do after the passing of the elder Seiffs, James, Sterling, and Taddy were enjoying an

evening out at the Simsfield Tavern. They talked about the goings-on of their families, what was happening

at their respective jobs, and when those topics had been exhausted, they moved on to current events.

“I still don’t like it,” Sterling said. “No good can come of letting Simmany march in and take whatever

territory they want.”

“Ausimtria wanted it, by all accounts,” Taddy pointed out as he took another swig of his drink.

“Just because the leadership of the country wanted it doesn’t mean that they whole country does,” James


“James, I’m shocked,” Sterling said. “I didn’t think that you were interested in sticking your nose in

international business.”

“Normally, I’m not. I’m still waiting to see this damned Depression come to an end. But unlike you two, my

son is nearly of the age where he’d have to serve if Simerica decides to stop sticking its proverbial head in

the sand. Of course I’m paying attention to what’s going on.”

“I’m sure you’ve got nothing to worry about,” Taddy stated. “No one wants another world war.”

“Simmany seems to,” Sterling retorted.

“Hey, no bickering, you two. We’re on the same side, remember?” James said. The other two reluctantly

nodded. “Now, how the hell do you pronounce that Simman word everyone’s using? I can’t make heads

or tails of it.”

“You never could speak anything but Simlish to save your life,” smirked Sterling. “Anschluss. It means

‘union,’ or something like that.”

“Implying a non-hostile takeover,” Taddy pointed out again. “It was wanted.”

“Regardless of that,” replied Sterling, refusing to rise to Taddy’s bait, “the fact remains that we can’t keep

allowing Simmany to just take over other countries without so much as blinking. If someone doesn’t

physically stop them, and soon, who knows how far they’ll push their borders.”

“It’s not our problem,” Taddy insisted. “Let Simland and SimFrance take care of it; they’re the ones who

have the most to lose. As James said, we’ve got our own problems to worry about.”

“We can’t live in our little Simerican bubble forever. Simmany’s doing their best to take over SimEurope

one country at a time. Simpan’s busy expanding their navy, so you know they have conquest on the brain

too. With the President trying to rearm the country, you know what he’s thinking.”

James sighed, an uncharacteristic reaction for him. “I don’t like any of it. Let’s hope Simland and

SimFrance are able to put Simmany in their place before too much longer, so we don’t have to send our

boys over there to clean up their mess, again. As for Simpan, they’re awful far away. I don’t think they’re

interested in us.”

“I’ll drink to that,” Taddy said.

“Here, here,” agreed Sterling. “Even if I don’t think that’s how things will play out, this is one instance

where I would be happy to be proved wrong.”

* * * * *

Not long after their get-together, George Horace Alcott departed the world at the ripe old age of 82.

Sterling was distraught, as was understandable. Viola and James were supportive, but as they watched

Sterling grieve their thoughts were often on their own father. He was only a few years younger than

George Horace, and Jefferson was definitely showing his age. They knew it wouldn’t be too much longer

before they were mourning his loss.

* * * * *

As summer came to a close, it was time for Nick to pack up his things and head off to college. Each of the

family members wished him well in their own way.

With their first year of college in full swing, Nick and Alice did their best to make time for each other.

Between Nick’s very full course load and Alice’s working as a secretary part-time for Sterling, their dates

often consisted of study sessions in SimHarvard’s library or in one of their dorm’s common rooms.

One day, Alice noticed something was wrong with Nick. Even though he had an anatomy exam the next

day, he was still reading the newspaper, his brow furrowed in concentration.

“Honey, I don’t think the Herald’s started printing diagrams of the abdomen. You might want to open your

textbook for that.”

Nick looked up, confused. “Why would I be reading the newspaper for diagrams?”

“You were studying it just as hard as you should be studying for your exam tomorrow. I just wanted to

make sure you knew that it wasn’t your notes or your textbook.”

Nick folded up the newspaper, but the frown remained on his face. “You’re right, of course. I do need to

study. I shouldn’t let myself get wrapped up in international news that has no real affect on me at this


Alice pursed her lips. “You don’t need to be snarky, Nick. You were the one who invited me over here to

study tonight.”

Nick’s shoulders dropped. “I was, and I should have left the newspaper in my room. I know that I get

cranky anytime I read it. I’m sorry.”

Alice smiled, and Nick knew he was forgiven. He opened up his textbook, and began to review the various

diagrams in preparation for his exam.

At nine o’clock, the two gathered their books and Nick walked Alice back to her dorm. As it was a warm

night, they both put their schoolwork on the front step and settled down to watch the stars for a few


As she lay against his chest, Alice could sense that Nick was not as focused on the sky above as she was.

“What are you thinking? And don’t lie and say you’re thinking about me, because I know you’re not.”

Nick chuckled. “How do you know me so well?”

“It’s a talent.”

His arm tightened around her. “The leaders of Simland, SimFrance, Simtaly, and Simmany met, and

they’ve agreed to let Simmany take back land that was given to Czechosimvakia because it’s full of ethnic



He shifted a bit so he could face her. “Don’t you see? The Simlish Prime Minister is so scared of getting

Simland involved in another world war that he’s giving in to Simmany’s bullying.”

“Simland lost a lot during the Great War.”

“That’s not an excuse for not standing up when it’s the right thing to do.”

“I thought that the people of SimFrance and Simland were pleased with the agreement. And didn’t the

Simmans say they have no other territorial demands in SimEurope?”

“That’s what they said after they took over Ausimtria, too. The Simlish Prime Minister may be deluded into

thinking that this agreement means peace in our time, but I’m not buying it.”

“You sound like your Uncle Sterling – it’s nearly all he talks about with his colleagues. He doesn’t think that

Simmany will stop until SimFrance or Simland, or Simerica for that matter, decided to step in and stop

them by force.”

“Uncle Sterling and I have a lot in common, then. I know that no one wants war and all that it brings, but I

wonder,” he said as he sighed, “if Simmany will understand any other way.”

“I hope it doesn’t come to that.”

“Hope is not a strategy,” Nick said, kissing her forehead.

“No, it’s not. But sometimes, it’s all we have.”

* * * * *

After her conversation with Nick that night, Alice made a point of keeping up with the news of the world.

None of what was coming out of SimEurope was good, but she was at least better able to predict Nick’s

mood swings from what she read.

She began to understand where Nick was coming from, especially when she read about the way the

Simmans were treating some of their own citizens. She just couldn’t understand how readily the Simmans

were turning on their neighbors and friends.

But it wasn’t until she read about the night of organized violence that came to be known as the Night of

Broken Glass that she fully understood why Nick and Sterling were so worried about what the Simman

régime meant for the world as a whole.

Nick was due to take her out for a date that night, but he knew that something was wrong straight away by

how pale she was.

“You saw the papers, then,” he said, sinking down on the sofa next to her.

“How could they do that? Destroying all those homes and businesses, and letting the churches burn as the

firefighters just watched.”

“Synagogues, Alice. But you’re right. It’s abominable behavior.”

“All because they have different beliefs. Nick, it’s just not right. Those poor people.”

“Now do you understand why so many of us our so worried?”

She nodded. “But shouldn’t we do something? It just seems so wrong that there’s no response at all.”

“Well, as I heard it, we’re recalling our ambassador from Simmany, but not breaking of diplomatic relations

with them.”

“Why not?”

“Who knows? Probably don’t want to cut all ties, just in case we need to talk to them for some reason.”

Alice shook her head. “Someone needs to do something.”

“I agree with you, sweetheart. But who and what? With any luck, Simland and SimFrance will pull their

heads out of their asses before long and force him to stop, but I probably shouldn’t hold my breath.”

“No,” she said with a sigh. “They suffered the worst during the Great War. They know what it means.

They won’t fight back unless there’s no other way.”

Nick put his arm around her. “I’m sorry this spoiled our afternoon, even if I’m kind of glad that you

understand why I get so riled up about the news from SimEurope now.”

“Do you honestly think we’ll get involved?”

Alice felt his shoulder rise in a shrug. “I have no idea. We should, but we probably won’t. There are too

many that think the world should be as isolated as it was during Grandpa John’s time. But they forget that

it keeps getting smaller. Everything that happens affects everyone else, even if they don’t know it yet.”

* * * * *

Even though his freshman year of college was over and most of his classmates were enjoying their break,

Nick was still busy with his studies. He’d decided to take a few extra classes over the summer so he could

graduate sooner, start medical school sooner. Cindy fretted over his plans, but James had dissuaded her.

“Sterling did the same thing, with law school, and he wasn’t any worse for wear after it. A little exhausted,

but nothing worse than that.”

Alice was not idle either. With no classes to attend, she spent three full days each week at Sterling’s law

office, answering the phone, filing papers and occasionally doing a bit of typing. She could have gone back

to working at the general store; in fact, it would have been easier for her than arranging to get to

Portsimouth on a regular basis. But James had hired another part-time clerk when she’d left for college,

and, being perfectly honest, she liked being a secretary better. It wasn’t as physical, the customers far

easier to deal with, and Sterling didn’t mind if she let the radio play quietly in the background.

The other two lawyers in his practice were pleasant enough, though she liked working for Sterling the best.

He always greeted her when he came into the office, made sure she had a way to get home, and would

often send her to buy lunch for the staff, herself included.

The money she was earning went right into paying for college. There were moments when she wondered

if she wasn’t being a bit frivolous; after all, she was just going to get married and be a mother after Nick

graduated. But she would quickly shake those thoughts away. She really was enjoying her studies, getting

to read all those great works of literature. And what else was there for her to do? College was a good a

way as any to pass the time, and it kept her close to Nick. The coming school year would be better, as

Shirley and Rosalie would be joining her at SimRadcliffe.

Shortly before the fall term was set to start, Alice was busy pulling files Sterling would need for court the

next day. She didn’t look up from the drawer as she heard the door open, as she recognized the tread of

Sterling and one of his colleagues.

“I’m telling you it means trouble,” Sterling was saying. “Without the Simviets to worry about, Simmany will

start to march West across SimEurope.”

“Simland and SimFrance will stop them before it gets to that,” the other man said.

“They haven’t shown much of a backbone thus far. If they didn’t stand up for Ausimtria or Czechosimvakia,

I don’t know what it will take for them to draw a line in the sand.”

The other man shrugged. “No telling. We’ll find out soon enough; no sense in worrying about it until then.”

He turned to Alice. “Do you have…”

She opened a drawer and pulled out an envelope. “In chronological order, just like you asked.”

“Thank you. Okay, I’m off to get this mess sorted out. Have a good afternoon.”

Sterling nodded before opening the door that led to his office. Alice stared at it for a moment after it closed,

wondering what had happened to get her boss so upset. After that moment passed, she went back to

pulling the files Sterling had asked for.

It was nearly five when Alice had collected everything Sterling had asked for. She knocked on the office

door and entered when bid to do so.

“Everything you need is here,” she said, handing him the paperwork.

“Thank you, Alice. You’ve been invaluable, you know. Sure I can’t convince you to stay on for a while after

you get married? I can train you to be a real legal secretary.”

She smiled. “Thank you, but no. Once Nick starts his residency, I imagine my free time will be rather

occupied with household matters.”

Sterling chuckled. “Well, if you ever find yourself in a pinch, I’ll gladly take you on short term again.”

“Thank you.”

Alice bit her lip. “Mr. Alcott? May I ask you something?”

“Alice, you can call me Sterling. I’ve told you so a dozen times at least; we’re practically family.”

“It just doesn’t seem right, not yet anyway.”

“I’ll have to speak to my nephew about that,” he said with a smirk.

Alice smiled. “What were you and Mr. Small talking about when you came in?”

Sterling’s expression became serious. “The Simmans and the Simviets came to a non-aggression


“What does that mean?”

“In the simplest of terms, it means they aren’t going to fight each other. They’re also going to share

resources, with isn’t a good thing either.”

“And you believe that it means Simmany will start focusing their attention elsewhere?”

“For certain. They’re itching to fight someone, more than likely the Simlish or the SimFrench. It’s just a

matter of time before we find out who. Of course, the Simmans and the Simviets don’t see eye to eye on a

lot of issues, so maybe the pact won’t last and they’ll just end up fighting each other.”

Alice nodded somberly. “Things just keep going from bad to worse, don’t they?”

Sterling nodded, not feeling the need to say anything in response. “Do you need a ride back to Simsfield?”

“No, not today, thank you. Nick had his last summer class today, and he’s taking me out on the town to

celebrate a bit before fall term starts next week.”

“Get going, then,” he said. “Go on, have fun with your boyfriend.”

Alice smiled at him. “Thank you, Mr.…Sterling.”

Sterling watched Alice, a slight spring in her step, as she left his office.

Once he heard the outer door close, he wiped his face with his hands. He crossed to a cabinet, pulling

from it the decanter that he kept there for moments like this. He filled a glass with several fingers of its

contents, and raised it.

“Have fun while you can, kids. No telling how long it will last.”

* * * * *

Nick was packed and ready to head back to SimHarvard to start his sophomore year of college. In addition

to Nick being ready to return, Walter, Shirley, and Rosalie were also prepared to join him in college. The

night before he left, Cindy and James invited the Alcotts and the Seiffs over for dinner to give their children

a proper send-off.

Despite the relative festiveness of the occasion, conversation was anything but light. Two days ago, they’d

learned that Simmany had invaded SimPoland, in defiance of the Treaty of Simsailles that ended the Great

War. That morning, word came that Simland and SimFrance had declared war on Simmany. After dinner,

everyone gathered in the parlor of the old farmhouse, waiting to hear what the President had to say when

he addressed the country over the radio. They listened to the voice through the crackle of the static,

wanting to know what the events occurring in far away SimEurope meant for them.

“I don’t think that he means to get us involved,” Taddy said to James and Sterling.

“Taddy, hush,” Calla said gently. “I can’t hear.”

“It is right that I should recall to your minds the consistent and at time successful efforts of your

Government in these crises to throw the full weight of the United States into the cause of peace.”

“See, I told you!” Taddy boomed.

“I doubt it will end up being that simple, Taddy,” Sterling replied. “Simmany seems hell-bent on dominating

SimEurope, and if it comes to that you know that Simerica won’t leave Simland in the lurch.”

“Will you two hush up?” Viola asked. “Save the commentary until after the speech is over.”

“Let no man or woman thoughtlessly or falsely talk of Simerica sending its armies to SimEuropean fields.

At this moment there is being prepared a proclamation of Simerican neutrality.”

James snorted. “Hard to remain neutral when so many of us can trace our roots back to one of the

countries involved.”

Taddy opened his mouth to reply, but a hard glance from Calla stopped him.

“… I cannot ask that every Simerican remain neutral in thought as well. Even a neutral has a right to take

account of facts. Even a neutral cannot be asked to close his mind or close his conscience.

I have said not once but many times that I have seen war and that I hate war. I say that again and again.

I hope the United States will keep out of this war. I believe that it will. And I give you assurance and

reassurance that every effort of your Government will be directed toward that end.”

After the broadcast ended, the adults in the room, Nick now included in that group, looked at each other.

“I hope we can stay out of it,” Viola sighed, her eyes drifting towards Howie. Calla nodded in agreement,

as her eyes sought Gilbert’s fair head as he sat by the fireplace.

Cindy’s eyes strayed to Nick. He had a serious expression on his face, but that was nothing out of the

ordinary. She wondered what he was thinking.

Nick looked at James. “I’d have to go, if we get involved, wouldn’t I?”

James’ mouth suddenly went dry, and he could only nod in response to his son’s question.

“It’s nothing you need to worry about now, Nicky,” Cindy cooed, slipping and calling him by his childhood

nickname. “It will probably get settled before it comes to that.”

“I hope so, Mama. But as Uncle Sterling said, Simmany wants what’s not theirs. Someone has to stop

them. I want to help stop them. I’d volunteer to go fight them if it comes to that. What they’re doing isn’t


“No, it’s not. And you’re not the only one who’d volunteer to give the Simmans a good licking,” Howie

piped up, causing Viola to draw in a sharp breath.

Gilbert didn’t say anything, but nodded, a resolved look on his face. Calla went pale, and she groped

blindly for Taddy’s hand.

Cindy managed to keep her voice steady as she replied. “That’s very honorable of you. But let’s not put

the cart before the horse and worry about things that might not even come to pass.”

Nick nodded and said no more. He knew enough had already been said. Not long after, the guests

excused themselves to go home, each of them worried about how much closer the problems of the world

seemed to their doorsteps that September night.

* * * * *

With the news of the war weighing heavily on their minds, Walter, Shirley and Rosalie headed off to join

Nick and Alice at college.

Shirley and Rosalie were in the same dorm as Alice, though that was a blessing and a curse. Alice was

delighted to have her friends so close by, but Rosalie was trying on a good day, and Shirley and Rosalie

were very much like oil and water. Fortunately, their class schedules were radically different so there was

always an excuse when one needed a break from the rest of the group.

Walter settled into Landgraab Hall with Nick, though the elder lad was in the middle of the process to

become a member of the fraternity his grandfather Elias had founded. Nick was hoping to move into the

fraternity house before the end of the school year, and had promised Walter he’d pull whatever string

necessary to get his friend a membership as well.

As they had in their teenage years, the five of them often gathered to pass an afternoon, though they were

no longer as idle as they had been in their teenage years. Textbooks and notebooks were their near-

constant companions as they lounged on the grassy quad in the summerlike afternoons of late fall.

It was on such an afternoon about a month after school started that they were discussing the state of things

in between reading and reviewing class notes.

“They were right to refuse the so-called peace offer,” Nick said, mostly to Walter and Alice, as Shirley had

her nose in a book and Rosalie was furrowing her brow over a notebook.”

Alice nodded, but Walter didn’t react.

“Don’t you agree?”

Walter shrugged. “You think Simerica should intervene somehow, Nick. I don’t, unless our hand gets

forced somehow. The Great War didn’t have any winners, certainly not us. Why commit resources to a

foreign war, when the last time we did it just resulted in the loss of lives?”

Shirley looked up from her book at that moment. “I didn’t realize you were an Isolationist, Walter.”

“So what if I am? The majority of the country is. I was under the impression that you were, too, Shirley,

since you never talk about it.”

She raised an eyebrow. “With my father? I’d get shot if I started spouting Isolationist ideology. I’m not

sure that things are quite as dire as he thinks they are, but I also don’t think we should wait until the last

minute before we act. No sense in getting caught with our proverbial pants down.”

“Really, Shirley, must you use such expressions?”

“Oh, stuff it, Miss Prissy Pants. What’s that that you’ve got your undivided attention? I know it’s not

homework, since you were strutting around bragging about how you didn’t have homework because of your

good marks on your last test.”

Shirley reached over and snatched the notebook away from Rosalie before she knew what happened. As

Shirley began to read it, she laughed.

“You’re making a list of the eligible bachelors?”

“The suitable ones, yes. How else will I narrow my choices down?”

Shirley howled with laughter as she flipped to the next page.

“Why is there a list of girls on the next page?”

“For my brother. He hasn’t shown any interest in any of the ladies of his acquaintance, so I thought I’d help

him out a bit.”

“Better not to meddle, Rosalie,” Alice advised. “I’m sure he’s getting pressure from your parents in that


“That’s the thing – he’s not. Father and Mother are taking the attitude that he’ll figure out who to marry

when he’s ready.”

“He’s still young, Rosalie. My parents didn’t meet until Papa was almost done with college. Give him


“Under different circumstances, I might. However, when you combine the threat of a war with his recent

behavior, I feel I must intervene. Someone has to carry on the Seiff name, and it can’t be me.”

“If you’re referring to his friendship with Clarence, I don’t see what the issue is. Sure, he’s a bit of a

troublemaker, but he never gets himself into anything too serious,” Shirley pointed out.

Rosalie sighed, knowing that her friends wouldn’t ever understand her. “Still, I can bring some more

respectable people around the house when I’m home, and hope for the best.”

Shirley rolled her eyes. “Worry about getting yourself a husband first, Rose. Then you can play

matchmaker for the poor souls who haven’t been as lucky as you.”

“Okay, I’m going to put a stop to this now, before you descend into full-on bickering,” Nick said. “Shirley,

don’t pick on Rosalie. Rosalie, don’t meddle in business that’s not yours. Walter, you and I will just have

to agree to disagree on matters of foreign policy. Alice, how about you and I take a walk, and forget that

we’ve got studying to worry about for an hour or so?”

“That sounds lovely,” she said, getting up. “We’ll see you all later.”

The couple paused briefly at Alice’s dorm to drop off their school things before continuing along towards

the edge of campus where the river was. It was one of their favorite spots.

“Why is Rosalie the way she is? Your Uncle Taddy and Aunt Calla are so relaxed.”

Nick shrugged. “Sometimes, I think she’s so prim and proper because they aren’t. My parents and them,

and Uncle Sterling and Aunt Vi to a lesser extent, got up to a lot of high jinks when they were our age.

Prohibition was law, of course, and they spent an awful lot of time at a speakeasy. My dad actually

managed one for a time.”

Alice feigned shock. “But that still doesn’t explain why she’s matchmaking for Gilbert. He’s barely a

teenager; doesn’t he get a little leeway on settling down?”

Nick kicked a rock in his path. “I think that’s more about her wanting to keep him out from Clarence Alcott’s

influence than anything else. Shirley won’t point it out, because they’re cousins and she’s clannish, but

he’s developing a reputation as a bit of a cad. He’s been caught by the police down at the beach more

than once, with all different kinds of company.”

“The part of the beach where teenage couples go to escape the prying eyes of their parents?” she asked,

bumping his hip with hers.

“How do you know about that, Miss Kalson?” he asked, a cheeky grin on his face.

“Oh, I might have been there once or twice when I was his age, in the company of a handsome young


Nick chuckled, and pulled Alice close for a kiss or two.

“Why don’t you try talking to Gilbert? He looks up to you like a brother, and you might be able to convince

him to limit his time with Clarence better than Rosalie can.”

Nick nodded. “Probably a good idea. I’ll see if I can get home this weekend if for no other reason than

that. See if you can get Shirley to put a bug in Howie’s ear about spending more time with Gilbert, too.”

“I will. Maybe Shirley in all her brashness will decide to read Clarence the riot act while she’s at it. I know

he’s an only child so I’m certain his parents indulge him.”

“Now that we’ve got that sorted out, let’s pretend that we’re the only two people in the world for a few


“I think that’s an excellent idea.”

* * * * *

Rosalie was sitting in the parlor of her dorm, sipping at her afternoon tea. She was very, very pleased with

herself. After much careful planning and execution, she had landed a date with the man she wanted for her


It hadn’t been easy. Bruce Thorne was a year older than her, in Nick’s class, and she’d had to spend far

too much time biting her tongue around her cousin so that she could make the right connections to meet

her target. From there, it was a matter of joining the right clubs and societies so she was in front of him

more often than not. Of course, she also had to deflect the attention of the other ladies around him as well.

Bruce was a handsome man, not lacking for female attention. As she took one last sip of her tea, she

certainly hoped it would be worth it in the long run.

There was a dance that night, hosted by Bruce’s fraternity, and she was his date. She took special care

with her hair and makeup, wanting to look perfect.

She wasn’t the only one from the dorm going to that dance, as Nick and Alice were attending as well. She

watched the other woman come down the stairs as she sat on a sofa in the foyer waiting. Alice fairly

glowed, and for a moment, Rosalie was jealous of how the redhead looked. But then she remembered that

she could wear red, unlike Alice, and she would stand out that evening because of her vibrant dress.

Nick and Bruce arrived at nearly the same time, each bringing flowers for their dates. Both couples walked

out the door together.

The next day, Rosalie was in the best of moods. The evening had gone perfectly. Despite all the requests

from the other girls in the room, Bruce had remained attentive to her and her alone. Her feet were sore

and blistered from dancing in her high heels, but she hadn’t complained once. The night had been worth

every ounce of pain.

After getting ready for the day (and carefully wrapping up her poor feet), she went down to breakfast, where

Shirley was asking Alice about the night.

“He still hasn’t asked you yet? What’s the boy waiting for?”

“Shirley, I know he’s going to. It’s up to him to decide when the moment’s right.”

“What are you two talking about?” Rosalie inquired as she set her plate down next to the other two.

“Nick still hasn’t asked Alice to marry him yet. I don’t know what’s taking him so long.”

“And I told Shirley that we have an understanding, and he’ll ask when he’s ready. Which I’m sure won’t be

until he’s nearly done with his schooling. I’m not worried, so don’t you go doing it on my behalf.”

Shirley let out a breath in a harrumph, and earned herself a reproachful look from Alice and Rosalie.

“Speaking of marriage proposals, Shirley, when is Walter planning on asking you?” Rosalie asked.

Alice barely suppressed a smirk as Shirley stuttered and sputtered. “That’s none of your business, Miss

Prissy Pants,” she finally managed to choke out.

“If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen, then,” was Rosalie’s simple reply.

“Did you have a good time last night, Rosalie?” Alice asked, eager to shift the topic of conversation.

“I had such a lovely time. Bruce and I got along famously, and I can’t help but thing that he might be the

One, if you know what I mean.”

“You’ve known him for all of about an hour, and you already know that you’re going to marry him? Have

you told him yet?”

“Of course not! That’s the kind of decisions a man has to come to on his own. Though that doesn’t mean

we can’t help push them in the right direction.”

“So, you’ll at least let us know when the wedding is?” Shirley deadpanned, with a wink in Alice’s direction.

“Of course I shall! And if you two are still single, you’ll be bridesmaids, of course.”

“Great,” Shirley said with enthusiasm that only Alice knew was false.

“If you two will excuse me,” Alice said as she got up, “I have to get ready for class.”

Alice hurried away from the table where Rosalie was now animatedly discussing her wedding to a man

she’d only had one date with. As she pulled her books together, she thought about what an odd person

Rosalie was, but that she was rather grateful to her that day for deflecting Shirley’s unwanted questions

about why Nick had not yet given her an engagement ring. Because Alice had been wondering that herself

for a while.

* * * * *

The rest of the school year passed in a blur, and before long, exams were looming on the horizon for the

college students.

Though all of them were concerned with getting good marks, some of them found it harder to study than

others. The news from SimEurope was not good, and it made for some heated discussions around the

study tables.

“Simmark never stood a chance,” sighed Nick to no one in particular. “They had no army to speak of.”

Alice and Shirley nodded, but Walter and Rosalie remained unmoved.

Nick spoke again. “If the Allies hadn’t botched their response in Norsimway, they might have been in better

position to do something. But now…”

“Is Norsimway lost too?” asked Alice.

Nick nodded. “Probably. The King and the government members will able to escape, so that’s one good


“What does Simmany want with them anyway? They’ve don’t have a lot of resources,” Shirley noted.

“With Norsimway in Simman hands, they control the North Sea shipping lanes, and it gives them a better

position to attack Simland,” Nick replied.

A silence fell back over the table. After a few moments, Walter spoke.

“We should probably do something to help Simland and SimFrance. After all, Simmany’s always been

steamed at them after the outcome of the Great War. I imagine they’ll need all the help we can get.”

Nick suppressed a smirk. “Don’t think the President’s cash and carry policy is enough anymore?”

“Not really. But I’m not sure what else we can do, without committing manpower which isn’t going to


Nick nodded. “Glad to see you’ve smartened up a bit.”

Less than a month later, the exams barely finished, the five of them were gathered for a last hurrah before

returning home for another break. The occasion, however, was less than festive.

“So Simberlain’s out, and Simchill’s in. Well, after the debacles with Czechosimvakia and Norsimway, it

was only a matter of time, I suppose,” Nick sighed. “The Simlish seem pleased about it; he’s an old

warhorse and he won’t let Simland just give up without a good fight. SimFrance on the other hand, I’m

more worried about.”

At that moment, the paperboy dropped the afternoon edition of the Herald on the front step. Walter got up

and grabbed it, and then brought it back in as he read the headlines.

“Sounds like you’ve good cause to be worried, Nick. Simmany’s launched invasions of SimBelgium,

Holsimland, and SimFrance.”

Everyone gasped at the news, and Nick snatched the paper away from Walter.

“Damn,” he said under his breath as he scanned the paper. “This isn’t good.”

Alice and Shirley exchanged worried looks, and even Rosalie looked mildly concerned.

“Now what?” Walter asked.

“We’ll just have to wait to see if they’re able to stop the Simmans, or if we’ll have another batch of

surrenders on our hands.”

“Simchill’ll be reaching out to the President for support, that’s for sure. Hopefully, he has a plan in mind.”

“And what if he doesn’t?” Alice asked. “What do we do then?”

“We pray,” Nick said, taking her hand. “It’s about the only thing we can do at this point.”

* * * * *

Dotty flung the newspaper across the room, and sank back onto the sofa, disgusted. Her dreams of

sipping a Café au lait somewhere on the Champs Simlysées while gazing at the Arc de Trisimphe were

even more unrealistic now than they had been a few years ago.

Hopefully, there’ll still be a SimParis to see when all this is over, she thought with a sigh.

Danny poked his head into the room.

“By the look on your face, I’m guessing you saw that the Simmans are marching through the streets of your

beloved SimParis as we speak.”

She turned and glared at him. “You don’t need to rub in that you were right about it not being a good time

for SimEuropean travel.”

“Hey,” he said, “There’s no need for that. Be thankful that you are here in Simerica; goodness knows that

Simmany’s going to stick it to the SimFrench for their role in ‘humiliating’ them after the Great War.”

Dotty sighed aloud. “How can you be so calm and practical at a time like this when the rest of the world is

ready to burst into flames?”

“I don’t know,” he admitted. “I guess I’m just taking stock of the situation to see how to best react to it. For

example, Simtaly just now declared war on Simland and SimFrance, and is invading the latter from the

south. So despite being ‘friends’ with Simmany, they’ve not really done anything to support their mass

expansion, which makes me wonder how good of ‘friends’ they really are.”

“Which means?”

Danny shrugged. “Not sure. But knowing your enemy is the first key to victory.”

“You’re certainly more calm about all this than Nick is. He’s always looking a little green around the gills

when someone mentions the war.”

“That’s easy to understand. If we declared war on Simmany tomorrow, Nick would have to go. He

wouldn’t necessarily have any time to plan anything, he’d just have to go. Me, on the other hand, I have

time to figure out what path I want to go down, since I’ve got a few years before I’m old enough to be


“I didn’t think you’d be so willing to serve.”

“It’s not necessarily about willingness; it’s about accepting what’s to come and making the best of it.”

“And what does that mean for Danny Bradford?”

“Well, if I’m going to have to join the military, I’m not doing it as a nobody. I’ll get myself a commission

somehow, and be an officer.”

“You, an army lieutenant?”

“Or a navy ensign. Either one would be acceptable.”

“The navy? Really, Danny? You don’t even like to swim.”

“As long as your ship stays afloat, you shouldn’t have to,” he grinned. “But that’s a few years away yet.

There’s time for both of us to make plans. You can’t sit around and sulk about not getting to see the great

cities of the world forever, after all.”

“Ha ha. Very funny, Danny.”

“I’m serious, Dotty. What do you want to do with yourself?”

“I’m not sure,” she admitted. “I’ll go to college at least, or risk breaking Mama and Papa’s hearts if I don’t.

After that…well, as you said, there’s still time to make plans.”

* * * * *

It hadn’t been an easy few months, news-wise. Between the SimFrench surrendering, the Simviets

snatching up territory in eastern SimEurope, and the Simtalians stretching their reach into Simfrica, it

seemed that no news was good news.

“And those damnable U-however-you-pronounce-it underwater boats the Simmans have!” cursed Viola.

“Sinking ships left and right. How are we supposed to get supplies to the Simlish with them patrolling the


“I thought it was the responsibility of the Simlish to transport those supplies,” Cindy pointed out. “The real

issue is that they don’t seem to distinguish between ships carrying war supplies and those that aren’t. And

since they’re underwater, it’s very hard to find them.”

“Oh, someone will figure out how to eventually. It’s just a matter of how much damage they’ll inflict before

then,” Viola sighed, as she got up to refill everyone’s cups.

After Viola sat back down, everyone sipped at their tea and nibbled on the baked goods she’d made.

“Why are we always talking about a war that’s taking place thousands of miles from here? It’s not like

we’re directly involved,” Calla said.

“Yet,” Viola said, a bit harsher than she intended. “All these Isolationists are doing is delaying the

inevitable. We need to be doing more to get ourselves prepared. You agree with me, right Cindy?”

Cindy hesitated. “Well, I do think that we’re going to get involved at some point, whether we like it or not,

so it makes sense to be prepared. But the mother in me wants to leave them be and let them sort it out

themselves, so my family stays here where it’s safer.”

Viola felt a bit reproached by Cindy’s remark. “Of course we all feel that way. But wouldn’t you feel better

about Nick or Danny fighting if you knew there was a orchestrated plan and the best possible resources

behind them?”

“I don’t know if I could ever feel ‘better’ about sending my boys off to fight, Viola.”

“Fair enough,” she relented. Her eyes drifted towards the big headlines on the newspaper that was sitting

at the other end of the table..

“Why do you even bother to read that anymore?” Calla asked. “There’s never anything good in there


“No, but I at least like to know what atrocities are occurring overseas. The Simmans bombed Simdon, so

the Simlish returned the favor and bombed Berlsim.”

Cindy shook her head. “Those aren’t even military targets. Those poor civilians.”

“I know,” Viola said. “It doesn’t seem right, somehow, to get the general populace involved. Though I don’t

blame Simland for retaliating. Probably just trying to show that they’re not going to give up without a good


“I don’t mind them attacking Simmany in that way, somehow,” Cindy mused. “It seems like the whole

country is brainwashed, and maybe a few tons of explosives will knock some sense back into them.”

“We can only hope.”

“Calla, why so quiet?” Cindy asked.

“Oh,” she said with a shrug. “Taddy gets upset when he hears about the war; he’s of the mind that we

should just stay out of it, you know.”

“Sterling may have mentioned that once or twice,” Viola said wryly.

“So I’ve just started tuning all the war talk out. With any luck, it will be over soon and everything will go

back to normal.”

Viola opened her mouth, but a sharp look from Cindy stopped her.

“That’s what we all want, Calla, but I’m not sure it’s realistic. You’re better off keeping one eye on things,”

Cindy said.

Calla looked indifferent, but that was nothing new. Her head always seemed to be in the clouds.

“Cindy’s right. Watch what’s going on, and pray for it to change. That’s about all we can do now.”

* * * * *

With another school year upon them, the college kids packed up their trunks and headed back to the city.

Rosalie had spent most of her summer securing her place as the future Mrs. Bruce Thorne, and the rest of

the circle had accepted him into their little group. With him around, Rosalie was always on her best

behavior, and so there was less bickering between the girls, which made Nick and Walter happy.

Nick couldn’t quite get a read on Bruce and where he stood in regards to the war in SimEurope. When he

brought it up to Walter one day, Walter had snorted back a laugh.

“Really, Nick? Can’t you see that he’s just like Rosalie in that respect? He can’t see past the end of his

own nose, let across an ocean.”

And Nick had no choice but to agree. Bruce was rather self-centered, but that was probably the main

reason he and Rosalie were so well suited.

By the end of September, the school year was back in full swing, and the six of them had resumed their old

habit of group study sessions. And as they had in years past, the talk inevitably turned to what was

happening overseas.

“Some success the Simerica First Committee’s had so far,” said Walter sarcastically. Not a month after

they get organized and the President manages to get a conscription bill through Congress.”

Bruce looked up from his book. “Well, a draft doesn’t mean war, necessarily.”

“It means that we’re thinking about it more seriously than we have,” Nick replied in a tone that caused Alice

to look up.

“What’s that group all about, again?” Shirley asked. “I know you were going on about it the other day, but I

wasn’t really paying attention.”

Walter gave her a bit of a pointed look as he answered. “It’s a group that’s trying to pressure Simerica into

staying out of the war. It got started by a bunch of college kids, but since its founder is from SimYale, you

know it’s no good.”

“Har, har, har,” Shirley deadpanned, not impressed by Walter’s jab at SimHarvard’s rival school. “So, what

do they plan on doing?”

“Give speeches, it sounds like,” Nick answered. “I don’t know how much they’ll actually do beyond that.

Since the fall of SimFrance, opinions about entering the war have shifted. There’s a lot of people who don’t

want to leave Simland to stand alone against Simmany.”

“I can’t say I blame them. The Simlish are standing strong against Simmany’s Blitz, but that constant

bombing, and at night at that, must be wearing on them,” Alice sighed.

Nick nodded, a grim expression on his face. “I can’t even imagine what it’s like to be bombarded on a

nightly basis.”

“And it’s sentiment like that that allowed the draft bill through,” Walter stated. “Not that it affects us much

right now.”

“It will when you turn twenty-one,” Shirley pointed out.

Nick nodded solemnly. “You sometimes forget that I’m a year older than all of you. I’ll have to register on

my birthday, but I’ll probably get deferred as I’m in college.”

“I certainly hope so,” Alice said softly.

“I thought you were all gung-ho when it came to fighting,” Walter commented.

“Well, I’ll do what’s necessary,” Nick replied. “If I’m called upon to serve, I’ll do so willingly.”

“Me, too,” Walter nodded, looking at Bruce as he did so.

“I shall do what is required of me, of course,” he said.

Nick and Walter exchanged a look as everyone went back to their books.

* * * * *

“Anything good in the mail?” Jefferson asked as James placed a few envelopes on the desk.

“No bills, if that’s what you mean,” James said with a bit of a cheeky grin. “I think it’s all just plain, boring

letters. If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to run. I was on my way to the store when the mailman came, and I

wanted to bring it in.”

“Go,” Jefferson said, waving his hand. “If there’s something that needs to be dealt with, we’ll do so when

you get home.”

After James left, Jefferson flipped through the mail absently. When he came across one addressed to him

in a vaguely familiar hand, he opened it.

It was after dark when James returned home from the store, and when Cindy heard the door open she

rushed to meet him.

“Thank goodness you’re back,” she said as she gave him a quick peck on the lips.

“Why? What’s wrong?”

“Your father wouldn’t join us for dinner; he just sat in his study, staring at a piece of paper.”

James immediately felt guilty for dropping the mail and running; something in the post must have upset


“I’ll go see if I can figure out what’s going on.”

James didn’t knock as he usually did when he entered the study. He found his father sitting at the desk,

just as Cindy had described, his eyes fixed on a single page of paper.


“I’m the last one,” he said softly.

James waited, knowing that his silence would prompt the older man to speak.

“There was a letter from Jane Hutchins in the mail; Victor’s passed on. And so I am the only one of my

school friends left.”

James stayed silent, this time because he didn’t know what to say.

“It’s horrible thing, watching your childhood friends die. I wish I knew why I’m the one to outlast them all.”

“If I knew, I’d tell you,” James said honestly.

“I know you would, son,” Jefferson replied as he got up very slowly. “I’m heading to bed. It’s been a tiring


“Are you sure you don’t want something to eat first? Cindy’s heating up a plate for me and I’m sure it

would be no trouble for her to do one for you, too.”

“No, I’m not very hungry this evening. You enjoy your dinner.”

James went reluctantly into the dining room, where his dinner was waiting for him. When he didn’t

immediately dig in as was his habit, Cindy sat down and waited for him to talk.

“I don’t think my father’s going to be around much longer.”

“What makes you say that?”

“I’ve never seen him so…defeated. It’s like he’s just waiting to die.”

“That’s horrible,” Cindy said. “How old is he now?”

“84, the same as Uncle Victor was. He seemed to finally be getting his spirit back a little, but the news

today just crushed him.”

“It can’t have been easy for him these past few years.”

“No, especially not since Mama passed. If she were still here, I think he could bear it, but without her…”

Cindy pressed a kiss to his temple. “Eat your dinner, and then come to bed. Tomorrow, take the day and

do something with your father, just the two of you. If he’s not long for this world, enjoy what time you can

with him.”

James nodded. “You’re right. You usually are.”

“Of course I am,” she replied. “And don’t leave your dirty plate on the table for me to find in the morning,

mister. Put it in the sink at least.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Unless you want to sleep on the sofa, I suggest you never call me ‘ma’am’


* * * * *

James raised his glass. “To the Simlish, for blowing the Simtalian Naval fleet out of the harbor.”

Sterling followed suit, and after the briefest moment of hesitation, Taddy.

The three men drained their glasses.

“You know they’ll pay for that,” Sterling said with a sigh. “Simmany will blow the Hell out of something


“Oh, I know. It’s just nice to see the bad guy get his for once...” James began.

“Amen to that,” Sterling interjected.

“…especially when all the news we seem to get is about how many countries they’ve successfully

managed to invade.”

Sterling nodded grimly. “Simmany into Rosimania, Simtaly into SimGreece. Not to mention Simmany,

Simtaly and Simpan joining forces. I wish I knew where it ended.”

James shook his head. “No idea.”

Taddy, who had been quiet for much of the evening, suddenly sat up and turned up the volume on the

small radio that had been playing in the background.

“…massive air raids on Coventry, Simland, heavily concentrated on the city’s center. Preliminary

estimates are that thousands of homes were destroyed by the onslaught of bombs, both explosive and

incendiary. Casualties are not known at this time, but expected to be in the hundreds.”

Taddy let out a low whistle as he turned the radio back down. “Poor bastards.”

“To them,” Sterling said, raising his now empty glass.

“To them,” the other two repeated.

“Do you still think we shouldn’t get involved?” Sterling asked Taddy.

Taddy shrugged. “I don’t think we should, but we probably will, and if we do I’ll out-patriot the patriotest of


Sterling nodded. “Fair enough.”

“I still hope something happens before then,” James said, his thoughts clearly on Nick.

Sterling and Taddy looked at him, understanding in their eyes.

It was Taddy’s turn to raise his glass first. “To an unexpected miracle.”

James didn’t trust his voice, but raised his glass as he nodded.

“To miracles,” Sterling agreed.

* * * * *

All around the country, and Simsfield and Portsimouth were no exception, people were gathered around

their radios, waiting to hear what the President had to say about the ongoing war and what it would mean

for Simerica.

The Bradford farmhouse was no different. Jefferson occupied the corner of the sofa closest to the radio,

owing to his slight deafness in his old age, Dotty seated to his left while Danny sat on the floor near her

feet. James and Cindy occupied the other love seat, James closest to the radio so that he could turn the

volume up and down as needed.

Through the crackle of the radio static, the announcer introduced the President. Moments later, his familiar

voice filled the room.

“My friends,

This is not a fireside chat on war. It is a talk on national security, because the nub of the whole purpose of

your President is to keep you now, and your children later, and your grandchildren much later, out of a last-

ditch war for the preservation of Simerican independence and all of the things that Simerican independence

means to you and to me and to ours.”

All across the nation, they listened. They listened as he compared the crisis presented by the war to the

crisis of the economic collapse, and how Simericans would great it with the same determination.

They listened as he told them about the alliance between Simmany, Simtaly, and Simpan, their desires for

world domination and what it would mean for Simerica.

“In other words, the Axis not merely admits but the Axis proclaims that there can be no ultimate peace

between their philosophy of government and our philosophy of government.”

“Huh?” Jefferson said, struggling to hear through the crackle of the static. “What was that?”

“He said the Axis doesn’t like democracy, and that their dictatorship is the only way, and there’ll be no

peace between us unless we give in.”

“James, that is not what he said.”

James shrugged. “It’s what he meant, which is more important. Damned foreigners, thinking their way is

the only way.”

Cindy raised an eyebrow at him. “I believe you think something similar.”

“That’s different. Because I know our way is the right way.”

“Will you please be quiet?” Danny asked. “I want to hear what else he has to say.”

“…Frankly and definitely there is danger ahead -- danger against which we must prepare. But we well know

that we cannot escape danger, or the fear of danger, by crawling into bed and pulling the covers over our


He talked about how trying to bargain and appease the Simmans had failed, and the fate of the nations

who had done so, about the efforts of the Simerican government to ferret out those with Simman

sympathies who would have Simerica become a dictatorship as well, and about the futility of trying to

negotiate a peace with the warring parties.

“The people of SimEurope who are defending themselves do not ask us to do their fighting. They ask us for

the implements of war, the planes, the tanks, the guns, the freighters which will enable them to fight for

their liberty and for our security. Emphatically we must get these weapons to them, get them to them in

sufficient volume and quickly enough, so that we and our children will be saved the agony and suffering of

war which others have had to endure.”

“That’ll make Sterling happy.”

“Not to mention a few other families in the neighborhood. Silas Alcott recently made a big investment in

the Portsimouth Shipyard,” Cindy added.

“Really?” James asked, his interest piqued. “I was under the impression that their interests were hit as

hard as ours when the market crashed.”

Jefferson gave his son and daughter-in-law a bit of an annoyed look, and turned the radio up.

“We must be the great arsenal of democracy. For us this is an emergency as serious as war itself. We

must apply ourselves to our task with the same resolution, the same sense of urgency, the same spirit of

patriotism and sacrifice as we would show were we at war.”

The speech ended soon after that, and James turned the radio down.

“Well, what do you think, Pops?”

“I think we’re inching closer to this war faster than anyone realizes,” he said with a sigh, “and I worry about

what that will mean for this family.”

Jefferson’s eyes traveled to Danny. “You’re not old enough to fight yet, but you will be before you know it.

I know you’ll do your duty to your country, and I pray you’ll stay safe while doing so.”

He turned to Dotty. “I know you want to see for yourself that the world is round, but wait until the boys have

a chance to put out the fires of evil that are burning right now.”

Jefferson got up, oh so slowly, and went to the window, looking in the direction of Portsimouth. “Nick is too

kind for his own good sometimes,” he muttered, only loud enough for himself to hear. “He’ll want to go

running in and play the hero, but he needs to remember that he’s got people at home that need him just as

much as those he’s never met.”

As he stared out the window, he thought about Shirley and Howie, and Freddy, about Viola, and Cyrus. He

wasn’t as close to them as he was to James, or the grandchildren he lived with, but he still worried about

what would happen to them in the future.

He then turned to look at his eldest son, and his lovely wife. James was looking at him, his expression a

cross between puzzlement and resignation. Jefferson nodded, answering the unspoken question.

“These next few years will be hardest for you two. It’s one thing to give yourself up to a cause; it’s another

thing entirely to give up someone you love. You want to protect you children, but sometimes, you just


James got up and hugged his father tight.

“There, there, son. There’s no need to worry about me; your mother’s waiting on the other side, and I’ve

missed her so very much these years. It’s you that I worry about.”

“We’ll manage. You know the lengths I’ll go to in order to keep my family safe.”

“I do.”

Jefferson looked over to Cindy. “Take good care of my boy.”

She reached up to brush away a tear. “You know I will.”

Jefferson nodded. He had said what he needed to say; now the only thing left to do was wait.

He did not have to wait for long.

Later that night, after making sure the twins were tucked safely in their beds, Cindy went to find James. He

was exactly where she expected him to be, seated at the desk in the study.

“I’m heading up to bed. You coming?”

“In a minute.”

Cindy pressed a kiss to his temple. “Don’t be too long.”

When Cindy had left, James put his head down on the desk.

“I don’t know if I can do this as well as you did, Papa. But I’m sure as Hell going to try.”

* * * * *

He’d planned the timing of his visit carefully. His mother was out visiting his Aunt Viola; Dotty and Danny

were at school. His father would be the only one home, and he was the one Nick need to speak to.


Knowing the door to the kitchen was always unlocked, it was how Nick let himself in to the farmhouse.

Much to his surprise, his father was there, his hand hovering over the still-warm crust of one of his mother’s

pies. James was so absorbed in his task that he didn’t notice his eldest son’s presence Nick spoke.

“I don’t think Mama will appreciate coming home to find a chunk missing from tonight’s dessert.”

James snatched his hand back. “I was going to claim it broke off.”

“She always knows it’s you,” Nick replied.

James sighed. “I figured as much, but she lets me get away with it. Most of the time.”

The two men exchanged a smile.

“What bring you home today, son? Don’t get me wrong; I’m glad to see you but I know you’ve got a lot

going on with school and such.”

“There’s something I wanted to talk to you about, without everyone else around.”

James ushered Nick into the dining room, where they both sat down.

“What’s on your mind, Nick?”

Nick drew in a deep breath. “Papa, I want to ask Alice to marry me.”

James nodded. “I was expecting as much. I’m kind of surprised that you haven’t already asked her.”

“I probably should have,” he muttered.

James repressed the urge to snicker. “You don’t need ask me if you want to get married, you know. And

I’m guessing you’ve already got the okay from her father.”

“Yes, I wrote him and got his blessing. And while I don’t need to ask your permission, I would like it. After

all, we’ll be living here after we get married.”

James felt a wave of nostalgia wash over him. He remembered the day Nick had been born. Now his

eldest was a grown man, ready to start a life with his sweetheart.

“Of course you can marry Alice. Goodness knows this family could use some happy news. Your mother

will be especially thrilled,” James said, thinking about the fact that he would soon owe her that new coat.

Nick smiled. “I know she will.”

“Well, I suppose there’s something you’ll need if you’re going to propose to Alice. Come with me.”

James led Nick upstairs to the room he shared with Cindy. He went to the dresser, opened the top drawer,

and rummaged around for a moment until he found what he was looking for.

“This ring,” he said, handing it to Nick, “has been in the family since your however many great-grandfather

John gave it to his wife. It has been given to the firstborn son to pass on to his bride. I guess it’s yours

now, to give to Alice.”

Nick eyed the ring, nodding. “Won’t Mama miss it?”

“No; she’s been waiting for you to ask for it for a while now. Besides, I was planning on using a little of

what Papa left me in his will to buy her something a little fancier. Goodness knows with all the sacrifices

she’s made that she deserves it.”

“I’m sure she’ll love whatever you pick out for her.”

James watched Nick as he studied the ring before slipping it into his pocket. “Is something wrong, son?”

“I was just thinking…honestly, Papa, I’m not sure I like the idea of Alice wearing the same ring that Great-

Grandmother Jan did.”

James was startled by Nick’s statement. “What makes you say that?”

“Oh, something Aunt Vi said once, about how she was against Aunt Vi marrying Uncle Sterling, and just a

general impression I always got from Grandma and Grandpa that they weren’t really fond of her.”

“Well, I can’t refute anything there. My grandmother was a bitch, there’s no nice way of saying it, and my

grandfather wasn’t much better. But I never thought about how it would be for someone else to wear the

ring that she wore. Your mother certainly never objected, but then again she never knew her.”

“What about Grandma?”

“She never actually wore the ring; Grandpa had given it to the late Mrs. Alcott, as he was supposed to

marry her, and she didn’t return it until years later.”

Nick nodded.

James sighed. “It’s a tradition for this to be the ring used in proposals, but if you want to get something

different for Alice, I’ll understand.”

Nick considered for a moment. He really didn’t want his Alice to wear the exact same ring as such a

horrible woman, but he didn’t want to be the one to end a family tradition either.

“Well, she wasn’t the only person to wear the ring,” he said slowly. “Maybe I could just get the stone reset?

That way, it would still kind of be the same ring, but not.”

James nodded slowly. “I think that’s a great compromise. Make it into something that’s your own.”

“That’s what I’ll do, then. I’m sure that what Grandpa left me will be enough to pay for it.”

James walked Nick back downstairs.

“Take good care of that ring, Nick, and the girl you’re giving it to.”

“I will, Papa. I’ll bring her home as soon as I can after she says yes so Mama can fuss over her.”

“Sounds good. Safe trip back to school. I’m sure we’ll be seeing you sooner rather than later.”


So with that, we’ll end chapter 27 on a somewhat happy note.

My generation 5 heir Jefferson is now gone. So many of generation 5 have now passed; it makes me very

sad. But generation 7 will be getting married soon, which means that generation 8 isn’t too far away.

That’s a much happier thought.

You can leave comments on the Bradford Legacy thread at Boolprop, on my Live Journal, or on my

Dreamwidth, whichever you prefer.

Continue on for outtakes, and a little meta on where things are headed.

So the first members of generation 7 are now college students, getting up to what college students usually

get up to. These next few chapters will be very history heavy; it’s kind of necessary when chronicling a

fictionalized version of actual events.

I posted a longer meta on my LiveJournal about how the war will affect the story; head over there if you’re

looking for more specifics. As far as this chapter is concerned, we’re up to approximately the beginning of

1941. So the war is almost here, sadly.

The italicized portions of the radio speeches are taken directly from Franklin Roosevelt’s fireside chats.

The first is from his “On the European War” speech given September 3, 1939 and the second from his “On

National Security” speech, better known as the Arsenal of Democracy speech given December 29, 1940.

Of course, I’ve changed the names of the countries and such so they’re consistent with my legacy ‘verse.

Alice got Cheesed, as I said she would. Though I was a little worried at first, as she was platinum from a

“Go to College” want. But nope, she is now Grilled Cheese, and has eaten about 20 of the necessary 200

sandwiches for her LTW. I’ll have to get moving on that one; I have a feeling the rest of the Bradfords will

be sick of grilled cheese by the time this is over.

That’s all there is for now.

*cue I’m Sexy and I Know It*

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