the branches of my life

Post on 10-Mar-2016






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rsulli anthology project


Branches of my Life By Jessica Reed

World of Fantasies Publishing Company

Huntsville, Arkansas

May 10, 2013

Part One The Logic in us All

This first section of my writing, I would say, is debating topics. People

have been debating these subjects for so long and there is still no correct answer to the topics. All you want to, you can debate with your friends about

these topics. Lots of people will want to disagree with my opinions. But you still

can’t change my writing. Maybe you will agree with me and maybe they will

just make you infuriated. I know these will leave you thinking though.

The Outcome I don’t think that just one individual can affect a worldwide situation. On the other hand, one person can affect a decision that a group of friends make,

or maybe even the county. But, then again, not one person has ever stood

alone with an opinion.

You see, someone else in this world has the same opinion as about that

same subject, maybe not for the same reasons, but still the same opinion. I am not saying one person will always have the same opinion as you, but someone

in this world has the same opinion as you about any random topic. For

example, I might not like chocolate ice cream and Brad Pitt may not like

chocolate ice cream either. I may not like it because it is deep brown, and cold reminding me of dogs going to the bathroom in the snow. Brad Pitt may not

like chocolate ice cream because it does not appeal to his taste buds. The point

of this being, I don’t know Brad Pitt so his opinion has no affect over me. But,

we still could have the same opinion. That might not affect my friends’ decision

but it will affect his friends’. No one person has the same opinion.

Our Masks We wear masks to fit into the crowd. If we did not fit into the crowd, society would be a mass of strangers wandering around. I do not think that

would be a bad thing though. We all need a little spontaneous in our day and

the groups we conform to take that fun of being spontaneous.

Those masks are just the form we transfer into to fit in a group. We don’t

need to do that though, but most people don’t see that it is not all good for them.

Next, there are only a few select people in this world that don’t have to be

in a group to, and when I say, this it is a compliment. I have never seen

Katherine shape into any other person before and I have known her for four years now. She is very independent and I know she will do well in this world

because she stands up for what she thinks is right. There is a piece of her

personality that fits everyone because she doesn’t conform to just one set of

people. She finds all sorts of people so she knows how to talk all sorts of

languages that only few people will understand all of it. She is the type of person that I look up to.

Being in a group doesn’t help you. It also will burden you in the future.

Love Love is the basis of all life. Love creates life. Love brings back the dead. Love is a daily pleasure that humanity is based off of.

When you were little, I bet your mom kissed your cuts and owies. Then,

when you got sick, she took care of you. She cared for you and loved you. She

showed you love by taking care of you, just like the whole world and everyone

in it has showed love at some time. I feel sorry for the people in this world that don’t know how anyone could

ever love them. They don’t understand how anyone could ever love them.

People show love all the time. For example, when you drop something and

someone else picks it up for you, they just showed you love. Next, society was built upon the love of other human beings. If people

didn’t love each other and feel compassion, everyone would have killed each

other and not cared already.

Also, some people don’t notice that love brings back people from the

dead. Love has saved lots of people from dying in hospital beds. It gives the strength to those that are sick to come back. Love also saves people when they

don’t want to go on in life. When people want to just not do anything and not

try at all, another person loving them can keep them from ruining their lives.

Love has saved people and still is. It kept humanity going and always will.

Justice Justice is what the government considers fair. If you killed your sister because she killed your best friend, the government would consider that to be

cruel. That would be classified as murder and you would be put in jail. In my

opinion, that was just fair. An eye for an eye. You were doing a service for your

friend in honor of them. I think that is really what justice should be. Even

though America does not see it like that.

Part Two Behind the Lines of My Life

This is my life. This is what I feel like my whole life really is about. My life

is not just what people see. My life is who I am. My fears and my deepest desires that no one can change is who I really am. These are samples of my

personality, not just what people see on the outside or tell me what to be. This

really is me. This is my life.

What I Plan for 2013 My New Year’s Resolution personally is to try to be nicer to the people around me. In the past, my friend, Katherine, and I have always had the same

classes because we are on the same level for education. We were good friends

at first. That started getting sour when we both took up being dedicated to

school as our talent. We started competing to have higher grades than one

another. Then we just had to throw our friendship away when it got rotten because I started going out with her ex-boyfriend, and I still am for more than

a year now. We never got over it and still say stuff behind each other’s backs. I

wish to stop this. My plan is to not talk to her, leave her her own space, don’t

mention my boyfriend, and pretend that nothing ever happened between us when we do talk to each other. I want to start over all fresh with her if I really


Then, academically, I wish to be able to understand science more. I have

never had a problem with school before, but this past semester of science has

been challenging for me. I do however wish to improve. I will achieve my goal by taking it more seriously, making sure I miss no more school for any reasons,

and try to study ever when I don’t think I need to.

Last, for our community, I have not ever volunteered before. I do not

know how to start that, but I don’t wish to just be in a “club”. I want to motivate others during their day. I want to hang posters that are motivational

around the school. These posters will say things like “Have a good day” and

“Remember that someone out there loves you”. I will hope that will help them

get through the day easier. This might not seem like much of an effect on the

community, but I know a happy child can change everyone’s day.

The Abstract I think that if I was a symbol of something, it would be abstractness. I

am that one extremely weird person in the crowd that everyone laughs at, and I

am okay with that.

For example, today I dressed up as Green Lantern’s cat. I wore a green mask, fuzzy cat printed slippers, and very tall striped socks, with a jacket that

had ears on the hood. I was perfectly fine when people laughed at me today

and told me I was weird. It makes me happy to know that everyone else is

having a good time with it and not just me. Everyone was smiling and I was

enjoying the joy they were having and my own laughs. I am the symbol of awe-inspiring weirdness in our school. I show that it

is fine to dress eccentric one day, and not like what the “fashion trend” is now.

Maybe the fashion I like now is old or futuristic. But, I really couldn’t care less

what other people think of me.

I am the symbol of the abstract and proud of it. If there is the fact that I am happy and others are also happy, why wouldn’t I like being this symbol?

Leaving Me “So, as you have learned,” the English teacher started the closer of her lecture three minutes before the senior class’s last school bell. But it was

already too late to teach them anything. No one was listening to her lecture on

how all subjects relate to each other. The teacher either already knew that, or

she let Emily keep reading her favorite novel, Tuck Everlasting, because she is

a teachers’ pet. As the bell rang for the last time for those seniors, some stared inside

their lockers and others sat outside talking with friends, not wanting to leave

the haven they have created. There are then the jocks and other popular that

only show happiness while running outside and racing off campus. Emily though, doesn’t know what to think. All of her friends told her that

she couldn’t skip into senior English. Now she is very sad being in all advanced

classes with only seniors. All of her closest friends are now leaving her.

Next year she would have to come back to school to take all the elective

credits she had skipped out on to get into those classes. That was the only other bad part about double stacking all of her classes these past few years.

She missed out on all of her electives.

Now she is missing out on all her friends. She loved them. Even the

pestering people that she got stuck with in groups sometimes she would miss. They were amusing sometimes at least. But she will remember them as a great

class that she was once a part of.

What No One Believes

Why cant anyone see

That I am right?

Why does everyone


That I can’t be right

Based on just

A personality?

I am right.

I am tired

Of all This!

I will

Be successful.

I will Persist.

But everyone still doubts

Saying, “You can’t”.

Everyone sees

A little girl,

Innocence. Which I

No longer have.

I have seen

Pain. I am seeing


I feel

This tormenting Pain.

Every day.

I know

It isn’t easy. But I am ready

For any challenge.

Part Three My Fantasies

These have not happened. But they are where I, and everyone else, wish

to be during the day. Fantasies, day dreams, and nightmares all put into one. Fun laughs will come out of them. Childhood nightmares might arise. My

deepest day dreams that I can never stop from coming are next. I bet you can’t

stop them from coming either.


She was bending over a little creek that ran along next to the cave. This

situation kind of reminds her of the Hunger Games novels. Someone more

powerful than her took her and put her in an arena with electrical fencing around.

“I am doomed!” she shares with the air furiously. Wow. I really am

hopeless if I am really talking to myself right now she thought.

“Either you have very sensitive hearing, or you weren’t talking to me,” a

boy calmly says as he comes out from behind a bush. He doesn’t look very startled at the small BB gun she points toward his right eye. That was so far

the only type of civilization she could find other than the electric fencing. And,

of course, this boy standing in front of her says there is civilization near. She

had found the gun with two packages of pellets, eight packages of BBs, and a short bladed, easily concealed, pocket knife.

“I assume by your brutal staring that you think I am dangerous,” the boy

says breaking the silence. “You must be the new person here then. Finally. I

miss talking to people. My name is Andy, and let me guess that your name is

Shelbi. You look like a Shelbi,” he spoke peacefully. She observed him carefully, making sure he hadn’t planned anything

tricky. His shirt clasped his body tightly and she could see a tuned body like he

had been working for his whole life. His shoulders were broad and covered with

layers of muscle. He was not big enough to be considered a body builder. He

was very skinny, with calves of an Olympic runner. Her mind was connecting the dots floating around her. She had to ask.

“How long have you been here?” she asked timidly, while lowering the gun only


“I have…,” he slowed his speech and paused, “I have been here for…” He then started murmuring numbers and counting of his fingers rapidly. Still not

taking any concern in the BB gun still pointed at him. He finally finished

calculating, “I have been here for 815 days. In simpler terms…”

“Two years and seventy days,” she interrupted as her mind

comprehended the numbers. Realization came to her like a flash of lightning that she was probably missing math class right now.

Andy interrupted her train of thought, “Fast computation. But wrong. I

have been here for two years and eighty five days. You know, you still have not

told me your name.” This comment makes her defensive again, making the gun rise and the

gun point to his eye again. She observed his face more closely. His coal-black

hair hung down to the tip of his ear, with soft skin that was eagle-feather

brown. He looked about sixteen with his probably shorter statured Hispanic

heritage. His eyes were tree bark brown, and women would envy his long black eye lashes. His eyes looked like they were smiling and filled with innocence.

She lowered the gun down to the side, while clicking the safety trigger

back in place. Trust flooded out of her. “You have also gotten something

wrong,” she slightly smiled as he looked confused. “My name is not Shelbi. You

are way off. Angelica. My name is Angelica.

“Very pretty,” Andy considered. “I had a friend once with that name. I have always loved it,” his voice trailed off and was absorbed into the leaves.

The silence fell over the forest Angelica and Andy observed each other

closely. Andy saw the trusting on Angelica’s face the first time he saw her. He

also had seen that she would never be able to hunt. She doesn’t know how to walk carefully through the woods, thorns scare her, and her bright red hair

stands out like the stripes on the American flag. Andy had been observing her

since she was found, by him, lying beside the electrical fencing “high voltage”

sign. Angelica’s eyes were near black, but still brown, her eyes lashes and brow

were nonexistent with them being blonde. Her hair was pulled tightly back into a pony tail on the back of her head and he had thought it uneven from the

back, but now it looks straight from the front. Her head must have had a gash

in it at some point during early childhood and it never formed evenly.

Andy’s voice rattled the silence of the forest, “If you were wondering, you

have been here for two days. You were unconscious half of the first day you were here,” he plainly spoke.

“Have you been following me?” Angelica accusingly asked. Then she

looked around worried. That means I wouldn’t have noticed someone else

following me either. They could be looking at me right now and I wouldn’t know it.

“I was making sure you didn’t do anything insane. You seem to do really

well though with finding shelter,” he said as they both looked toward the now

inhabited cave. “I also noticed,” he continued, “that you found water close to

your shelter, which could easily supply you with food. When you first saw me, I assume you were looking at the deer hooves and opossum tracks in the sand.

Education is the key out here.”

Angelica thought for a moment. “You must be educated if you have been

here for two years then.” “I see. You are one of those people that look at all the small details first,

so when it comes to it, you really don’t have to ask,” Andy pointed out in

impressed monotone.

“I was wrong. You are very educated. Even out of here.”

“Why thank you,” he said slightly smiling. He motioned toward the ground so they both sat down on the creek bank. “Well, I was a straight A

student in eighth grade. I was leaving eight grade with the record for highest

grade anyone has ever gotten in math.” He continues on with his explanation,

“I challenged myself to keep my mind educated here, so if I ever get out, I will still be top in my class. What about you? Blurting out wrong answers like that,

I really don’t think you were the most advanced.”

Angelica put a mask of hurt on, but is clearly smiling underneath it.

Fake sobbing then says, “Well then. Just be. Just be mean like that.”

The Angelica looks at him and asks the dreaded question that he knew would come out of her mouth, “Where are we?”

“The frightening thing is,” Andy’s voice disrupts the quiet the question

brought, “I really, don’t know.”

Stuck In Wonderland

There are sandwiches everywhere. I have already been here for half of my

day in Jared’s eyes. I could have never imagined that he literally sees like this.

The people that walk past me are made of white meat turkey slices, and their clothes are whole-wheat bread.

The slices in the sidewalks are the endings of the American cheese that

they are made of. The windows in buildings are also made of cheese. The leaves

of the trees are made of pickles. The grass has disappeared and lettuce grows

in its place. The bricks on the sides of buildings are made of all the condiments you could possibly imagine.

Then, sandwich-rain hails from the sky, without hitting anyone of falling

apart, and it is still a sunny day. Every three feet, sandwiches appear from the

sky. Next, Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings started past me. He was riding

a unicorn.

Well, Jared’s mind was enlightening, but my time is up. I say goodbye to

Gandalf, his unicorn, and all the delicious looking sandwich people. I leave

Jared’s mind knowing that I am not the only interesting person in this world.

The Angels

I couldn’t have asked for a better day! Here I was cheering on my favorite

unicorn team; what better way can you spend an afternoon?

There I was! I was sitting in the front row of the Angels and Stars game.

The Angels looked like they were doing quite well with this game of

flowsenhimer. The Stars were doing very well at spinning, but they seemed to

be getting more leaves. The Angels were doing must better at dancing. If only

they would have stopped flying higher. My unicorn seat, Bob, didn’t like going

that high. I can’t see the game as well this way. But luckily, the game ended

right when I couldn’t see as well. The Angels, my favorite team, won with the

best glitter poses and dance moves in the end.

The Storm I should have noted The darkening sky

But it was too late.

When I got to school

I stood in my usual, A lit alleyway.

But that day

It was darker Than my usual.

The sunrise,

The only reason

I loved getting to school To early,

Was drowning

In a vat of

Bark-brown and Dead-leaf green.

Since I was there

Extra early,

And the halls were outside, There was no place to hide

When the attack

Rained down.

I heard a pop,

But that wasn’t

Necessarily unusual.

I figured

Sammy was on the roof Like other mornings

When a fright was in order

For the helpless hiding.

But, The pop

Had company.


Cracked the sky open

From all directions, And echoed

Through the alley.

Then, Through the sliver

The lightning left in the sky.

The sun shone

Down in rays.

All around me

Pops came again

More thunderous.

The light Fluttered away.

And pops

Engulfed me.

Rain came pouring

And ice broke

All around me.

I crouched Under my thin jacket

And the little awning

That did protect

Only slightly From the vial


Hail fell

And ice shattered All around me.

Pain encases my ankle,

And liquid Falls down my leg.

Glass shattering echoes

But is barley heard

Over the stomping Of the enemy.

Ice doesn’t shatter

Directly on me,

But the shards Jump through the air

And plummet into me.

Rain trickles down The little ditch

That usually never

Gets wet.

It trickles playfully

Without a care.

Wind is echoing

Against the building

I am facing.

A ramp is created To channel the wind

Right toward me.

Then is rattles The cracked glass

Behind me.

Blowing it backwards,

With shards

Flying into me.

The thuds succeed


I look above And no rain

Falls to me.

I am

In the eye. With only a minute

To spair.

But I am Locked with disaster

Because running

To no where

Doesn’t help

The pain succeed.

I call for help

And my screams

Echo Like a falling


I hear car horns In the distance

Because of the


That still

Strikes them.

I see survivors

Running far away.

Then try

To escape the Wrath

The storm blunders

Apon them.

They seem to escape where

The sun should be.

But my time is up.

The minute I had Escaped me.

Drums pound

All around me.

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