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Post on 27-Jun-2020






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The Catholic Parish Of Hastings Te Pārihi Katorika ki Heretaunga

425 Heretaunga St East Hastings

Ph: 878-7774


Immaculate Conception Paki Paki

Sunday Mass 8am

Our Lady of Lourdes 85 TeMata Rd

Havelock North

Sunday Mass

St. Peter Chanel 817 Gordon Rd.


Vigil Sat: 5:30pm Sunday Mass


Sacred Heart 425 Heretaunga St

East Hastings

Sunday Mass 9:30am

Reflection for today

Few things test our faith in God as much as the death of a child. What can possibly console us? To the grieving family in the gospel today Jesus says simply, “The child is not dead but sleeping.” Our first consolation, then, is to believe there is another kind of sleep, a supernatural sleep. God will ‘wake’ the dead as easily as if from a slumber. Our second consolation is to believe there is another kind of love, a divine love. For reasons that are baffling to us, God allows children to die. When Jesus says, “Do not be afraid, only have faith”, he is asking us to trust in the hidden depths of the love which would do that. Our third consolation comes from believing in another kind of existence. Beyond accident and illness, beyond tragedy and grief, beyond everything unfair and unfinished, there is a perfect life, there is paradise. These consolations are not meant to smother every emotion when a child dies. Strangely, we do not want them to. Our hearts also need the consolation of our memories and they cannot be had without some measure of pain. (G.M.)

Parish Team Parish Priest: Fr Vince ‘Onesi

Assistant Priests: Fr Nathaniel Brazil, Fr Simon Story, Fr Pat Cooke Youth Ministry: Faaki Tuanki 0211644218

Catechist: Tongan & Pacific Islands: Tevita Faka’osi 0211644218 Passionist Family Co-Odinators: Allan & Jo Brady 876-9507

Readings for Next Sunday: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Ezekiel 2: 3-5 Corinthians 12: 7-10

Feast Days this week:

Friday: St Thomas, Apostle Saturday: St Elizabeth of Portugal—Blessed Virgin Mary

THIS WEEK 29th June—5th July 2015 OLOL - Our Lady of Lourdes SH - Sacred Heart SPC - St. Peter Chanel

Baptism Preparation - Every First Sunday of the month at 3.00pm in Sacred Heart Church Foyer

Sacred Heart Our Lady of


St Peter Chanel

Monday Morning Prayer: 7.40 – 9am Bible for Starters: 1pm (Office)

Mass: 9am

Tuesday Morning Prayer: 7.40-9am Meditation& Prayer:10am Bible for starters: 7.30pm (Office)

Mass:9am Mass: 6pm Exposition: Madonna, 9am-1pm

Wednesday Morning Prayer: 7.40-9am Exposition:11am Mass:12.05pm Meditation & Prayer: 7pm

Mass: 9am Mass: Aubert Centre, 9am

Thursday Morning Prayer: 7.40am-9am Exposition: 11.30am Mass: 12.05pm

Mass: 10am Adoration 8.30am Mass: 9am

Friday Morning Prayer: 7.40am-9am Exposition: 11am Reconciliation: 11.30am Mass: 12.05pm

Rosary: 9.45am Mass: 10am

Mass: Madonna, 9.15am

Saturday Rosary: 7.30am Mass: 8am Reconciliation: 8.30am

Mass: 9am Reconciliation: 11.30am

Reconciliation: 5pm Vigil Mass: 5.30pm

Sunday Mass: Immaculate Conception Paki

Paki, 8am Mass: 9.30am Evening Prayer & Benediction

4-5pm (No Benediction Sunday


Mass: 9am Mass: 10am

We welcome Bishop Charles Drennan for the Celebration of Confirmation. Congratulations to the young people from our Hastings Parishes who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation today.

Holly Pablo Jessica Clarke Manaaki Colliers-Huru Rachel Finlayson OliviaFleming JanieGrevatt Keeley Grevatt Bridget Hannan Susannah Hansen Mathew Hughes Daniel Kelly Soane Lea'aetoa Wilberforce Logan Sarah Miller Bridgette Petrie Ava-Poppy Powell David Tuanaki 'Akusitina Vakapuna Seliano Vakapuna Vincent Vanu Fakatu'amelie 'Ulupano

May God bless these candidates and their families. Thank you everyone for all your support in different ways. May we all be filled with the fruits of the Holy Spirit to strengthen us in our Faith. Thank you to Faaki Tuanaki, Sia, Gaby, Etu and Vina who have supported and helped these candidates in their preparation for

To Fr. Vince Onesi on your appointment as Parish Priest to the Catholic Parish of Hastings. “It takes a village to make a priest, and it takes a priest to hold the village together”

NO YOUTH GATHERING There will be no youth gathering on Sunday 28 for year 9+. It will be on the following Sunday 5 July as a break up gathering before school holiday. We invite our Confirmation Candidates to celebrate your great achievements and introduce yourself to our Youth Group

More notices next page

St Mary’s News Principal: Elizabeth Crowley

Frederick St, Hastings, Ph: 06 8766421


It was exciting to see so many of our First Communion students receive Communion at our Friday Mass. We are grateful to Fathers Vince and Nathaniel who support our school so well with this weekly school Mass. We continue to be granted more teacher hours as roll growth continues. Mrs Veronica Telford, parishioner and Reading Recovery Teacher at our school has agreed to support students in Literacy. And congratulations to us all! Its exciting being one parish!! “How beautiful are the footsteps of those who bring good news” (Rom 10:15-17

St Joseph’s News Principal: Sandra Connor

Eastbourne St, Hastings, Ph 06 8787262


As the term draws to a close, we have welcomed

visitors to our school – SPARK –a programme

designed to educate students about electrical safety,

Duffy Theatre, and the Hearing Association Educator.

We invite any parents and parishioners to our final

Assembly on 3rd July at which the finals of St. Joseph’s

Got Talent will be held. Students have been honing

their acting/singing and entertaining skills for this event.

Visit our new website:


Sandra Connor Principal

St John’s College News Principal: Paul Melloy

Jervois St. PO Box 14008 Mayfair, Hastings Ph: 878 6853


This weekend we are excited to host the inaugural mass

for the combined parishes of Heretaunga plains. We

congratulate the Young men and women who are

celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation. We have an

exciting last week of term planned with a Sports

Exchange in New Plymouth.

We also have our St John’s Feast day Mass being

celebrated on Thursday July 2nd at 10:15am at Sacred

Heart Church. Please join us for Morning Tea afterwards

at the school followed by the Singing and Haka

competition. Then Cross Country running in the


Sacred Heart College News Principal: Steve Bryan

Convent Rd, Napier, Ph 835 3761


Our Principal, Steve Bryan, will be on Sabbatical for Term 3. He is travelling to India to work in some of our Mission schools in the Kerala region of South West India. Please keep him in your prayers as he heads off on his amazing adventure. The Jubilee Committee for our 150th in 2017, will be meeting on Thursday 2nd July from 7pm in the staffroom. All interested past-pupils are VERY welcome to come along. Term 2 ends on Friday 3 July. Term 3 starts on Monday 20 July with all students taking part in a Student Work Day. Information will be sent home to families this coming week. If any parishioners have jobs they would like students to do, please ring the College office this week on 8353761.

Kids Becoming Catholic:

Have you been thinking that you’d like your child to

be baptised a Catholic but you’re not sure how to go

about it? Very soon Marie Greaney and Wendy

Darmody will be running a series of sessions for your

primary school aged child (aged from 7 to about 12)

to lead up to baptism on 30th August. The sessions

are held on a Sunday at St Peter Chanel, from 2nd

August. If this sounds like something you’ve been

waiting for, it’s really important that you register

your interest so that we can include you. Ring the

Parish Office any weekday morning 878-2575 or

Marie 878-9543 evenings, or Wendy Darmody 873-

5499 as soon as possible, and before Tuesday 28th


Recently Deceased: Kevin Watson, Fr Kevin Barry O’Sullivan, Keith Whiting, Cyprus Wichman-Thompson, Bro. Raphael Dillon (Sydney), Mary Murphy (Northern Ireland), John Cornelius (22/06), Joan Harper (22/06) Please pray for the Souls of: Patricia McEneaney (Ann), Phyllis Jackson (A2/7), Martin Boswell (Whanganui)(A26/06), Thelma Murphy (A27/06), Cristituta, Dolorquito, Julie, Allan, David O’Keefe (A20/06), Jan Huisman (A28/06), Olive Wray (A28/06), Wally Jaques (A27/06), Ian Fleming (A29/06)

Please keep in your prayers those in our parish and communities who are sick especially: Whetu Kenrick, Peti Kenrick, Christine Koko, Shirley Wakefield, Marie Barnham, Joan Thwaites, Rita Montaperto, Eileen McCarthy, Johanna Mouat, Sandy Hannibal, Sandra Nalder, Jill Hand (UK), Seth Adams, Helen Windle, Tony Watt, Amy Mead (Nelson), Denyse & John Cornelius, Fiona Barker, Raymond Kelly (Belfast), Vi Bond, Harold Spaulding, Beryl Honeybone, Louise O’Connor, Isla O’Connor, Moira Moody, Keira Lucy, Joyce Watson, Pat Hutchinson, Elizabeth Joseph (India), Joan Corlet, Tosa Ogden, Roscia Lahai Borneo (Malaysia), Roland Fly, Ethel Driscoll (Brittany House), Jill Cotton (St Mary’s Taradale), Erik Lukkassen (Perth) PRAYERLINE: When in need of prayers for special intentions please phone anyone of the following people: Fay Evans 878 8643, Eleanor McFlynn 878 9928, Trish Webley 8778172 or Margaret Frater 877 7571. Names for the sick will be rotated monthly please let the parish office know if you wish for the name to stay on the Prayer List. We

thank you for your support.


Thank you to all who wrote to the Prime Minister on behalf of the refugees. If you would still like to write , there is time to make your voice heard. Act now.

Community Notices Sacred Heart: Opening rosters are now available.

Our Lady of Lourdes: Every Friday the prayers before the Blessed Sacrament are held from 9am to 10am.

St Vincent de Paul: When doing your shopping please remember our food basket, the need for food is

the greatest at this time of year, we thank you most sincerely for your ongoing support.

On this historic day, all our Faith Communities rejoice with the youth receiving the

Sacrament of Confirmation.


Due to the Amalgamation of the parishes, Prayers of the Faithful and Counters rosters will be done as

one to save double handling for the office. A roster will be collated once names have been received.

People who are currently on these rosters will be contacted and asked if they wish to continue. I hope we

will be bombarded with ‘YES’ as ‘Many hands make light work’

Staff Appointments

We are delighted to announce the following appointments:

Pastoral Assistant: Deb Lucy

Parish Secretary: Myra Marquez

We thank Deb, Myra and Kathy for all the work they have

done, especially in the lead up period to becoming one


Kathy will continue to work in the OLOL office until Fr

Pat’s retirement. Thank you Kathy for all that you have

contributed to the Parish.

We wish you well for a Happy Retirement.

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