the causes of oral candidiasis.doc

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 The causes of oral candidiasis.doc


    The causes of oral candidiasis:

    Tiny quantities of candida fungus exist in various parts of our body, including the

    digestive system, skin and mouth, causing virtually no problems to healthy individuals.

    However, people on certain medications, reduced immune systems and certainconditions/illnesses are susceptible to oral thrush which can get out of control.

    dult oral thrush is more likely to become a problem for the following groups of people:

    People who wear dentures! especially if they are not kept clean, do not fit

    properly, or are not taken out before going to sleep.

    Antibiotics! people who are on antibiotics have a higher risk of developing oral

    thrush. ntibiotics may destroy the bacteria that prevent the "andida from

    reproducing out of control.

    Excessive mouthwash use! individuals who overuse antibacterial mouthwashes

    may also destroy bacteria which keep "andida at bay, thus increasing the risk of

    developing oral thrush.

    Steroid medication! long!term use of steroid medication can increase the risk of

    oral thrush.

    Diabetes! people with diabetes, especially if it is poorly controlled, are more

    likely to have oral thrush.

    Having a dry mouth! due to a lack of saliva. This may occur as a side!effect

    from certain drugs #such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, chemotherapy$,following radiotherapy to the head or neck, or as a symptom of %&'gren(s


    Having a poor immune system! for example, if you are taking medicines that

    suppress your immune system, if you have certain cancers, or if you have


    Smoking! smokers are more likely to develop oral thrush.

  • 8/14/2019 The causes of oral candidiasis.doc


    enyebab oral candidiasis:

    Terdapat se&umlah kecil &amur candida pada tubuh kita, termasuk di dalam system

    pemcernaan, kulit, kulit dan mulut yang tidak membahayakan untuk orang dengan

    kesehatan yang baik. -amun , pada orang!orang pengonsumsi obat!obatan tertentu ,

    sistem kekebalan tubuh berkurang dan kondisi atau penyakit tertentu rentan terhadap


    thrush yang bisa lepas kendali.

    ral thrush pada orang dewasa lebih rentan bagi kelompok yang:

    emakai gigi tiruan 0 terutama &ika tidak men&aga kebersihannya dengan baik,

    tidak pas atau cocok dirongga mulut, dan tidak dilepas saat tidur

    ntibiotik 0 orang yang mengonsumsi antibiotic, terutama dalam &angka pan&ang,

    rentan terhadap kandidiasis. ntibiotic dapat membunuh flora normal yang

    mengontrol perkembangbiakkan candida.

    emakaian obat kumur yang berlebihan 0 sama dengan pengonsumsian

    antibiotic. bat kumur dapat membunuh flora normal yang mengontrol

    perkembangbiakkan "andida.

    bat steroid 0 penggunaan &anga pan&ang dapat meningkatkan resiko candidiasis.

    %istem kekebalan tubuh yang lemah 0 pengonsumsian obat!obatan yang

    mengandung immunosuppressant atau karena penyakit tertentu seperti )+% dan


    +iabetes 0 terutama pada oranang penderita diabetes yang tidak men&aga

    kebersihan dengan baik

    1ulut kering 0 karena kurangnya produksi saliva. 2isa ter&adi karena efek

  • 8/14/2019 The causes of oral candidiasis.doc


    samping dari obat tertentu #antidepressants, antipsychotics, chemotherapy$,

    radioterapi pada kepala dan leher, atau ge&ala dari sindrom %&'gren.


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