the clock april 27, 2012

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#1 Black Cyan Magenta Yellow

1THECLOCK April 27, 2012




April 27, 2012• Vol. 57, Issue 20 •

okers, jousters, and ye old Jesuits came from all across New England last weekend to take part in the first

annual King John’s Faire held at Plymouth State University as the finale to the annual Medieval and Renaissance Forum. Walk-ing through the HUB on Sun., Apr. 22, students were solicited by “tax collectors” and merchants who were taking part in the fair. Vendors lined both floors of the HUB, selling everything from masquerade masks to leather bound books, as well as speciality merchants offering charcoal portraits and fortune telling. Even Sodexo went medieval for the occasion, selling whole turkey legs and peasant bread.

The event was opened to all members of the community as well as all PSU students, and the turn out was tremendous. Allie Lynch, a sophomore, and a member of the Medieval Society, sported a dark green gown for the occasion. Lynch was pleasantly

First Annual King John’s Faire

A Fine Finale to PSU’s 33rd Medieval and Renaissance ForumAlexander Cabeceiras

Staff Writer

Also in this issue...

surprised by the robust turn out. “It’s been more then we ever expected, it’s really fan-tastic.” Lynch continued from behind the Medieval Societies desk: “It’s great to see that everyone is having fun, and of course to see the re-enactors who are roaming around.”

The re-enactors tent village, a small encampment outside the HUB named “Das Geld Pähulein,” was designed to capture the zeitgeist of medieval Bavaria in the year 1528. The camp showcased cooking tech-niques, living conditions, as well as medical tools of the time (the most brutal of tools being a wooden catheter). Everyone taking part in the encampment was in character, wearing classic attire and speaking in heavy German accents.

The fair started at 11:30 a.m. and lasted until around 5 p.m.. The highlight event of the day was the showcasing of weaponry, put on by the re-enactors group, “The Guild of Saint Maurice.” The group fired off medieval musket replicas and showed how war was conducted using deadly long pikes.

After an attack was reenacted one re-enactor proclaimed, “It is a family affair!” as his wife and son looted fallen soldiers.

King John’s Fair is a spin-off of the Plymouth State University Medieval and Renaissance Forum, which is the oldest academic conference in New England. Dr. Karolyn Kinane, the Medieval Societies Advisor and Director of the Forum, said “the fair is called King John’s, it’s named after two members of the Medieval Society who graduated two years ago. They tried to start a fair, but it didn’t work, so this is named in their honor.”

The fair stands as a prime example of how a student organization can transcend the confines of a classroom. While Plymouth offers many classes in medieval studies, nothing can compete with seeing actual depictions of an era. Education aside, the fair also offered students an introverted look at our own time, as one student pointed out, while looking over the ancient medical tools, “Wow, I’m glad we have morphine.”

Spring Fling Ticket

Information on Page 3 Women's Lacrosse Clinches

LEC Title on Page 16

PSU's Got Talent

on Page 7

Black #22 THECLOCKApril 27, 2012

Michelle HustonFor the Clock

news.Cover the Night Hits Plymouth

HB542 Gives Parents More Power & Starts Debate

Rachel PerelliAssistant News Editor

Following the release of film maker Jason Russell’s latest docu-mentary Kony 2012, the nation was grabbed by the plight of the “Invis-ible Children.” In the hopes that as many citizens as possible could view this film, it was released online to on Mar. 5, 2012 and soon went viral.

The story of Joseph Kony and the Lord’s Resistance Army’s (LRA’s ) use of chi ld so ld iers quickly gained the attention of the public and had many individuals asking what they could do to help.

According to, “The Kony 2012 campaign employs film, social media, street art, and face-to-face interaction to make the case that the arrest of Joseph Kony this year is one thing we can all agree on.”

Other main goals besides the arrest of Kony are stopping LRA violence in Central Africa and

rehabilitating former child sol-diers. Profits from donations to this cause and everything pur-chased fund the Invisible Children Inc.’s efforts to make their goals reality.

B e c a u s e t h i s c a m p a i g n s o strongly relies on people’s abil-ity to spread the word whether through video sharing, poster creation, social media usage etc. it was asked that everyone invested in the cause participate in the “Cover the Night” event that took place on Apr. 20.

On this day, supporters of the Kony 2012 movement were asked to cover their cities with posters in the hopes of raising further awareness about this cause. People were encouraged to do this in

“Plymouth State University student care about these

despicable acts and are willing to do more than just post videos on



small hometowns and even college campuses, anywhere where the message could be heard, no matter on what scale.

This is exactly the task that students here at PSU undertook last week. Though Kony 2012 is a national campaign and anyone could participate, on campus, the group Ending Genocide Around the World (EGAW) took the reigns and tried to assist in creat-ing an organized and successful event.

EGAW President Ryan Bernier, when asked about how students were encouraged to participate, responded that “[EGAW] encour-aged student participation in a number of ways. First [EGAW] tried to mobilize those who had developed a sudden interest in the topic as well as members of EGAW who have been working on this topic for years.”

A screening of the film Kony 2012 was hosted just after the video went viral, a forum was held on the topic and Bernier said that, “we tabled for three days [last] week looking for people who were interested in signing up to help out with the event.” A process that did indeed find success.

At EGAW meetings, logisti-cal tasks were delegated in order to ensure that this event ran smoothly because organization was key.

In participating in an event such as “Cover the Night,” Bernier hopes that a message will be sent to the community depicting that Kony 2012 was more than just an internet sensation. He also hopes that, “Plymouth State University students care about these despi-cable acts and are willing to do more than just post videos on Facebook.”

PSU’s participation in “Cover the Night” goes to show that students on this campus are inter-nationally minded and dedicated enough to share their opinions on events taking place in this world in the hopes that, even if it is only in a small way, they can make a differ-ence by raising awareness.

As of Jan. 1, 2012, N.H. parents are now allowed to pick and choose what their child learns in school. House Bill 542 took effect on the first of the year sparking much debate on its intent.

The new law allows parents to object to any material being taught to their children in public school and force the school district to provide an alternative lesson that they agree to.

Governor John Lynch vetoed the bill in July 2011, but the veto was

overridden. Lynch’s veto message read: “It would be disruptive to classrooms and other students; and it would be difficult for school districts to administer.”

The bill does not specifically state which potentially objectionable material inspired or would result from the law, but the most obvious guess is creationism.

As Lynch mentioned in his mes-sage, parents already have the right to excuse their children from certain lessons that include moral or religious issues. HB 542 now invites parents to take their newfound control to the extreme to object to lessons that

were once unbiased, such as history or math, if they so choose. This new opportunity has many worried that school systems will become fractured and disorganized.

Plymouth State University student Brendon Nelson opposes the objec-tions that would result from the bill, stating, “Students shouldn’t be taught only one thought, they should be able to explore other ideologies.” The forth year student joins others in supporting neutrality in the school systems that could give students all available information.

Also opposed to the decision is PSU professor Paul Rogalus. With

a touch of humor he states, “I think that’s a really dangerous thing. You know the ones that are going to force their own ideologies on a school are the people that live in caves.”

Taking a realistic look at what this bill could mean for schools, Rogalus continues: “You’ll probably have to hire ten times as many teachers if all the parents object to something. A parent that would take advantage of the law is probably a Salvador Dali fan who wants their child to learn surrealism instead of what is real.”

Ultimately parents have the power to raise their children however they would like, but the law has many

worried about what this means for the public school system.

The law offers the possibility of long-term disruptions in the class-room and a major lack of unified knowledge amongst students and the future generation. The debate over the new law will likely continue, which shows the difficulties the state faces in attempting to satisfy every parent that entrusts school systems with their children. HB 542 offers the state’s best intentions for students but, like most important issues, has inevitably started a debate.

#3 Black

3THECLOCK April 27, 2012

Anastasia DeFlumeriStaff Writer

Spring Fling

PSU Alum Receives Vice President PositionDr. Jim Hundrieser New Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs

Tickets for Spring Fling will go on sale Monday, April 30th and end

Friday May 4th. Make sure you get yours!

$10 for students and $30 for guests. There are only 700 guest tickets available, first come first

serve. One guest ticket per student

Monday: Tickets will be sold in the HUB Courtroom beginning at


Tuesday-Friday: Tickets will be sold in the HUB Pawsway near the

Info Booth

On Apr. 12, Plymouth State University officially announced its selection of Dr. Jim Hundrieser to serve as the new Vice President for Enrollment Management and Stu-dent Affairs (VPEMSA). In a press release, President Sara Jayne Steen stated, “Jim brings a wealth of experi-ence to PSU. In his 25 years of student affairs and enrollment management work, he has consistently made the needs of students a top priority.”

Hundrieser is currently the Vice President of Consulting Services at Noel-Levitz, a higher education consulting firm that helps colleges develop their enrollment needs, as

well at the needs of their students. Before his time there, he was the Vice President for Student Development at Lynn University in Fla., and was also the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management at Marymount Manhattan College in N.Y.

A selection committee that con-sisted of faculty and staff and stu-dents chose Hundrieser from a pool of candidates to fill the VPEMSA position. The position’s responsi-bilities include overseeing the offices that affect students on a daily basis, such as Dining and Residential Life, Admissions, University Police, Inter-national Student Services, and others that relate to student affairs.

While his name may be new to students, Hundrieser himself is no

stranger to Plymouth State. In 1990, Hundrieser graduated with his Mas-ters in Education from Plymouth State College.

“One thing that attracted me to the position was my love for the University,” said Hundrieser, “and I wanted to come back and serve my alma mater in some way.”

During his previous time at Plym-outh, Hundrieser was a residence hall director for Belknap and Smith Halls, and took part in helping many differ-ent organizations, including being an advisor to WPCR.

“I look forward to working with students in the future. It’s one thing that really attracted me to the posi-tion, and it’s an honor to have the opportunity to be following in the footsteps of a man like Dick Hage,”

said Hundrieser, referencing the former VPEMSA who held the posi-tion while Hundrieser was a student.

One of the main things that Hun-drieser looks forward to is working with students. “At many campuses, administrators do not meet with the students regularly, but I look forward to the opportunity of being actively engaged with students. It’s a com-munity environment that I want to be a part of.”

However, there are other things as well that make him happy to be back at Plymouth State. “I’m an avid boater and from a location perspective, I’m really excited to be back in the Lakes Region.” He also stated that he looks forward to skiing again. “However, my one goal is to not wipe out.”


Students must bring a student ID to purchase


Ticket Info

Black #44 THECLOCKApril 27, 2012

For the past 18 months, Plymouth State University’s Information Technology Services team has been working to expand wireless capabilities to all corners of the campus.

Back in January, during phase two of this three-phase project, wireless networking was added to student residential spaces Samuel Read Hall, Belknap, and Blair. This endeavor was completed with a price tag of $90,000.

However there is still work to be done.“Today, all PSU residence halls, with the

exception of Smith and Graton, have high speed 802.11N wireless networking cover-age,” says Chris Drever, a key member of PSU’s ITS team.

Drever continues, “Grafton Hall is the next residence scheduled for wireless deployment which has an anticipated completion in early June.” Accordingly, coverage of Smith Hall is scheduled to be completed by the end of July.

“Currently, al l outdoor green spaces between High Street and Highland Avenue are covered with outdoor access points, as are all the athletic fields surround the PE Center,” Drever says.

Come Fall 2012, not only can the Inter-net be accessed outdoors, it can also be accessed in all residence halls, something students have been anticipating for quite some time.

No one likes to be trapped at their desk by an Ethernet Cable.

The ITS team here at PSU shows no sign

Escaping the Ethernet CablePSU Wireless Project Nearing Completion

“Wireless is no longer just about connecting laptop computers; we now

support smart phones and wireless tablets in addition to conventional


of stopping improvements there, however. According to Drever, “Once these installa-tions are complete we will begin upgrading existing wireless coverage and increasing wireless speed in the academic buildings and administrative buildings.”

Another change that Drever states is scheduled to take place over this coming summer is the “convergence of wireless SSIDs, ‘PSU Student’ and ‘PSU Employee’ will be combined into a single SSID ‘PSU

Rachel PerelliAssistant News Editor

Wireless’ which will service all students, faculty, and staff on campus.”

Due to the fact that technology is ever changing in this day and age, the ITS team works tirelessly to keep up with it and sup-port those who bring personal communica-tion devices to PSU. “Wireless is no longer just about connecting laptop computers; we now support smart phones and wireless tablets in addition to conventional comput-



ers,” says Drever.Though these upgrades take time it

seems that the ITS team does just what they can to provide students with strong and fast internet connections. Drever indeed feels the same and states that, “The PSU networking team is constantly deploy-ing new technologies to keep up with the rapidly expanding demand.”

Sedaris Puts on Smashing Show for PSU

Humorist’s Third Visit to Plymouth Sells Out Once Again

Visiting Plymouth for a third time on Sun., Apr. 15, acclaimed author and pro-gressive comic David Sedaris performed for Plymouth State University and the Plymouth community at the Silver Center for the Arts.

As anticipated, Sedaris’ show sold out weeks before the performance, solidifying his status as fastest-selling venue in PSU history.

Sedaris read three long selections from works that had not yet been published, peppered with personal anecdotes.

Sedaris’ first story, called “Understanding Owls,” was about a search for the perfect

Rachael FerrantiNews Editor

stuffed owl for a Valentine’s Day gift, which led to a somewhat grotesque encounter with an eclectic taxidermist and a moment of self-discovery.

His second story, yet to be titled, reflected on a trip to Amsterdam during which Sedaris learned that the first person that will live to see their 200th birthday has already been born.

Musing on this, Sedaris wondered aloud whether that person might be him, or worse, his father.

“When I’m 67, my father will be a mere 100 years old,” he said. “That would leave him a whole other century to call at odd hours and ask me if I’ve gotten a colonos-copy.”

Reading his final story, “Dentists With-out Borders,” Sedaris touched on the

essence of standard healthcare, and cap-tured the part paranoid, part comforted persona of the patient, extracting chuckles and hoots from the audience.

His last readings were assorted diary entries he’d accumulated over the years, followed by a few selections from his per-sonal catalogue of jokes he’s heard while on tour, some clean and harmless, others a bit more illicit.

Sedaris spent the last few minutes on stage taking questions from audience members, before retiring to the lobby to sign books for fans, exchange jokes and conversation, and collect a $1-fine from anyone that dared to say “awesome” in his presence.

#5 Black

5THECLOCK April 27, 2012



Caring for Costa Rica:School Supplies Headed South

If you’re lucky enough to plan it out on time, studying abroad throughout college can be one of the most valuable experiences one may ever endure. Many students head to Europe, others to Australia or Japan.

Lauren Bergeron, a senior majoring in Span-ish and Teaching English as a Second Language, decided to head just south of the equator to Costa Rica. In the midst of Bergeron’s dedica-tion to aiding a volunteer organization study, she developed enthusiasm and participated in Costa Rica Outreach to share with campus her experience.

While Bergeron was down in Costa Rica last spring, she went on a search for people to help when she was back in Plymouth. Bergeron was obligated to do so as a requirement of winning the Barbara Willey Scholarship for International Study. “I had to somehow con-nect my study abroad experience with the Plymouth community. I wanted to find a volunteer, non-profit organization and find a way to help them out and send care packages” Bergeron explained.

Successful in her search, Bergeron decided to allocate the supplies and money donations she would raise to Obras del Espiritu Santo (Works of the Holy Spirit) in San Jose. “I toured the place a few times and it was just the coolest organization ever. I loved the people there.”This completely volunteer based orga-nization “provides services free of charge to orphaned children, homeless and low income families,” as Bergeron stated in her introduc-tory proposal.

She met with people within the organiza-tion to further develop the direction of the outreach program and what they would need, “I met with the director there and she said she would love for us to send some educational materials for the school program.”

Bergeron knows the people who will be receiving the donations and materials that were collected within the last two weeks will be extremely thankful, “they just seem to be so appreciative.” She got to see that appreciation first hand while in San Jose, “they are so grate-ful and it was really neat to see that.”

Back in Plymouth, the collection process did pretty well and Bergeron got some great help from her friends in the World Language Society, of which she was formerly president.

It’s never easy to get everything you need from college kids without much extra money, but outside sources were interested in helping the project, “we got involved with the missions committee at the local church and they said they were interested in donating money to buy some materials.”

The current president of the World Lan-guage Society, Carlos Taveras, was instru-mental in helping the cause with one of its biggest issues. “Carlos presented in front of the student senate and we were able to get a grant for all of the money that it would cost to ship the supplies.”

The supplies collected this month will be shipped to San Jose at the close of the semester, but Bergeron is hoping that this collection

Danielle BlanchetteFor the Clock

can happen yearly with the help of the World Language Society, “even though I’m graduating this year I’m trying to pass down the tradition to the people in the club.“

As for the future of Costa Rica Outreach at Plymouth, Bergeron thinks the relation-ship could evolve into something even more exciting for students who want to travel, “as of right now it’s just about sending stuff but we would love to, at some point, take a trip over there and help out.” The personal deliv-ery could be an awesome way for Plymouth State students to help spread hope globally. “We could go over, volunteer and actually get to meet the people we’re helping.” The great thing about this trip would be that any student who shows an interest could be chosen to go. The group will need some students majoring in Spanish “to help with translation,” says Bergeron but “it’s really open to anyone who may want to go.”

Costa Rica Outreach is another great way that students from Plymouth State can provide services that surpasses international borders. In the years to come, this program and the World Language Society could do great things with Obras del Espiritu Santo, but for now, Lauren Bergeron is happy with this year’s success, “I’m just excited the stuff will go to good use.”

Anyone interested in Costa Rica Outreach or joining the World Language Society can contact next year’s president Mike Farkas at

Black #66 THECLOCKApril 27, 2012

PSU Hosts 33rd Annual Medieval Forum

This past weekend, Plymouth State University had the honor of hosting the 33rd Annual Medieval Forum. Experts and enthusiasts came from around the country as well as across the pond, to enjoy this event while learning about this year’s theme, Prophecy, Divination, and Apocalypse.

The two-day forum started with an opening ceremony on Friday Apr. 20, 2012 at 9 a.m. in front of Rounds Hall. Plymouth faculty member, Karolyn Kinane, followed by President Sara Jayne Steen gave

Andrew FitzgeraldFor the Clock

opening remarks in front of the Hartman Union Building. Clos-ing the opening remarks, Michael DiTommaso accompanied by the Campton Elementary School Third Grade Class, perform the first verse of Gaudeamus Igitur, So Let Us Rejoice.

As the forum started to progress, those who were there as spectators were welcome to come and go as the please enjoying the multitude of talks and lectures that were taking place. All of the lectures took place in Rounds Hall, ranging from the first to the third floor. The weekend was broken up into seven sections, which went on for about an hour and a half. Each session was broken down into umbrella topics

then subtopics with a connection between each. During the first sec-tion, academics spoke about their findings on the subjects of Women Prophets, Prophecy and Apocalypse in Shakespeare, the Middle Ages in Popular Culture, Intertextuality, and Prophecy in Early England. Each of these headline topics had three sub lectures that were taking place at the same time.

The weekend moved along with many other lectures discussing the ideas and connections between our modern way of life and the lifestyle of those during the medieval period. However, lectures and discussions were not the only entertainment at the forum. At the closing of the second session, a workshop on

The PSU Hunger Games

For whatever the reason, Plym-outh students seemed extraordinarily hungry this past Apr., 20 as students literally lined the stairs in the Hart-mon Union Building to get a chance to compete in PACE’s first annual eating contest.

The anxious crowd waited to see who would be chosen to compete, like a scene out of the Hunger Games, except everyone was giggling, and food was in abundance. PACE passed around pretzels, gummy treats, and chips to satisfy the crowd’s hunger. Some students proclaimed that the free food was sabotage and refused to eat anything in preparation for the competition.

Eventually, 13 names, including the senior class president Nate Obin, were drawn from a big blue bowl, and prizes were showcased. Prizes included a Juicer-Ninja (said to be the best juicer on the market), a pool flotation devise used to “float the Pemi,” and a bean bag toss.

Before the competition began, each player received an official eating competition bandana and had to sign a waiver. The waiver consisted of agreement upon the hazardous activities as well as absolved Plym-outh State University officers, agents, or employees to avoid lawsuits. The waiver also delimited any family member or spouse from holding liability to the university for any pos-sible risk of injury or yes, even death, of a participant in this competition. This waiver of liability and harmless agreement bound these challengers into a ride they might never forget or survive.

After selection, the first round began. Each contestant had to eat 25 chicken nuggets. The first 10 partici-pants to finish would move onto the

Alexandra DeBloisFeatures Editor

Alexander CabeceirasAssistant Features Editor

making chain mail was available to those who were interested. Materi-als were provided by the Medieval Society Student Organization as a part of a demonstration as well as a hands-on feel for those that had little to no experience. Fol-lowing the lectures and workshop was a quick one-hour lunch which led into a Human Chess Match that was sponsored and organized by the Medieval Society Student Organization.

On Friday, at 4 p.m. in the Hage Room, Dr. Michael A. Ryan was wel-comed as the keynote speaker at this year’s forum. His essay, Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: Magi-cal Fraud in the Late Medieval Med-iterranean, was another attribute

to his already impressive portfolio which includes his published work such as, A Kingdom of Stargazers: Astrology, Divination, and Author-ity in the Late Medieval Crown of Aragon. Dr. Ryan is a professor of history at the University of New Mexico and has published widely on dreams, prophecy, Antichrist, and the Apocalypse.

At the closing of the forum, students, faculty, and the commu-nity enjoyed a wonderful feast in Heritage Hall. Many went to the feast in full garb to make the event seem as authentic as possible. The weekend was extremely successful in its efforts to reanimate a majestic era of our world history.

next round. The emcee warning, “this is Sodexo chicken; you’re gonna have the shits.”

When the emcee gave his signal, the contestants began to eat. Some competitors used the water dip technique, similar to a hot dog eating contest, whereas others went for the slow and steady pace, attempting not to over do it.

The crowd cheered the contestants on. “Tom, you have a metabolic disor-der; you can do it!,” yelled an anxious audience member.

The first player out was a shirt-less student in a lucha libre mask who began to vomit. Eventually a few more players puked, and others quit who simply could not eat so much. “I feel like I’m going to yack!,” proclaimed Florencia Ezcurra, sopho-more, as she fled in defeat.

Round two was a mystery round. Each participant had to be blind folded and guess the food they were being served (rumor has it the food was cottage cheese, ground hot dogs, ravioli sauce, and figs). The Fear Factor-esque round didn’t consist of Joe Rogan presenting a platter of bull testicles, but did however kick many students out leaving 5 finalists.

For the third round, massive amounts of ice cream melting in a waffle cone cup were brought out and devoured. The eventual winner would have to finish theirs first.

The final round was a close one, but in the end Eli “Tyler” Goldenberg won the competition impressively, devouring an entire ice cream sundae, seemingly with ease.

After, Goldenberg said he felt spectacular. “The taste test was kind of rough,” Goldenberg admitted as he looked over his prized Ninja Juicer. “I think I’m gonna go eat a pizza and sleep,” the victor said as he walked away with his winnings.

It was truly a 4/20 that no partici-pant will forget.


#7 Black

7THECLOCK April 27, 2012

Lauren GuidaFor the Clock

The Clock

Student Newspaper of Plymouth State. Published every Friday

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PSU's Got TalentAlexis Myers

For the Clock

The crowd in the Silver Arts Auditorium erupted in applause after every performance in the PSU’s Got Talent Show on Apr. 18, 2012. The show was fantastic. All of the talents were unique and memorable; some even received standing ovations.

Plymouth State University stu-dents, professors, and even some Plymouth high school students per-formed on stage. The talented acts ranged from dancing and singing, to elaborate skits.

“I was surprised by the range of talents the students and teachers brought to the stage. I wasn’t expect-ing to see rapping, comedy, singing, and break dancing all in one night,” said junior Keith Pilotte.

The hosts and judges added a lot of entertainment to the show. Some of the acts also involved audience interaction, “The acts that included the audience were a lot of fun and helped the crowd really get into the show,” said sophomore Allie Kosciak.

“This event gave the students something to go to and feel proud of. I give the students that were involved in getting this event ready all of credit, it was funny and very enter-taining,” said sophomore Dana Volk.

The students that put on the event were from Terri Dauchter’s event marketing class. Backstage every-thing ran smoothly, until a tiebreaker had to be made for second place winner, “We didn’t have a plan for the

two performances that tied for 2nd place, it was unexpected, and that’s when we decided to do the clap off for that as well to decide the winner,” said Senior Otis Oakes.

“All the acts ran smoothly and almost all the talent was amazing! I, along with the rest of my class, was thrilled with the audience turn out. Everyone seemed to enjoy the show and we exceeded our goal in the amount of tickets sold,” said Kosciak.

The first and second place winners had incredible singing performances, “The winners were awesome! I have seen them perform at open mic nights too and they give me goose bumps every time I see them per-form,” said Volk.

The event marketing class put together the entire event and had all of the proceeds go to the local home-less shelter in Plymouth. They ended up raising over $2,800 for the Bridge House Shelter.

The marking class is also kicking off the 4th annual Chili-Cook-Off on the Mary Lyon green the event will take place on April 28.

I got the chance to have a mini-interview with the first place win-ners, junior Matthew Sheehan, who preformed with junior Craig Carrier on the bongos, a mash up of the song “Semi Charmed Life” by Third Eye Blind. Their performance was fun and upbeat and got the whole crowd sing-ing and screaming with excitement as Sheehan sang and rocked out on his guitar beside his bongo-jamming friend, Carrier.

The Clock: How did you feel when you won?

Matt Sheehan: I was really excited when I won. I have never played in front of that many people before and when I was announced the winner, I was in shock.

The Clock: Were you nervous to perform? If so, how did you overcome your nerves?

Sheehan: I was a little nervous to perform but not as nervous as I thought I would have been. I was lucky to have my friends around to reassure me that I had nothing to be nervous about.

The Clock: Are you in a band?

Sheehan: I’m not cur-rently in a band but I plan on starting one soon.

The Clock: What is your goal for the future with music?

Sheehan: I hope to take my career in music as far as possible. It’s my dream to make it big and hopefully I can make a great career out of it whether it’s performing or managing other artists.

The Clock: Do you play other instruments besides guitar?

Sheehan: I only play guitar but hope to learn the piano and drums in the near future.

The Clock: What got you interested in playing music and singing?

Sheehan: I took a guitar class in middle school and ever since then I have been interested in playing. My senior year in high school is when I started singing after messing around one night with the game Rock Band. My friends told me I sounded good and it just kind of took off from there.

The Clock: How long did you prac-tice before your final performance?

Sheehan: Craig and I actually met up the night before the talent show and practiced for about an hour. Then the next day we prepared all day lead-ing up to our performance.

The Clock: What are you going to do

with your winnings ($200)?Sheehan: Craig and I split the

money down the middle. It’s nice to have some extra spending money now; I was running a little low. I’m putting some of it towards a new microphone I’m saving up for.

The Clock: Do you have anything else you’d like to add?

Sheehan: I would just like to con-gratulate all of the other performers in the show; they all did a great job. I would also like to thank the judges and everyone for coming out to the show. And finally, I would like to thank the marketing class for putting on the event.

Wiffle War 2012

On Saturday, Apr. 21, 2012, the sunshine and warm weather was welcomed by Wiffle Wars 2012. Wiffle Wars was a final event put on by Eileen Bennett’s Sports Mar-keting class, and included twenty-three wiffle ball teams competing for the championship on the baseball fields at the P.E. Center.

Starting at noon on Saturday, the teams battled in the tournament, which ended victoriously for team Master Batters. The winning team consisted of Kevin Casey (captain), Nick Settemio, Ryan Kirrane, Zack Schleicher, Kyle Foley, and Dave Clark.

The sponsors for the event included Wyld Style clothing, Ro m e S n o w b o a r d s , Ma n n y ’s Downtown Pizza, and Plymouth Ski and Sports. All proceeds from

Wiffle Wars went to New England Disabled Sports. Before this final event, the class fundraised by put-ting on four different bake sales in the Hartmon Union Building, all of which the students of the class had baked themselves. There were also baked goods, soda, water, and hot dogs for sale at the wiffle ball event.

The spring 2012 Sports Market-ing class had been preparing for a Rail Jam at Loon Mountain to

be put on in April. Most of their fundraising was geared toward that event. However, due to weather conditions at Loon, the Rail Jam had to be cancelled over spring break. Sports Marketing student and senior, Ryan Degroff said “When we came back, we decided to go with Wiffle Wars, trying to keep students interested in an event that was not so school ori-ented and something you could do with friends”.

Overall, the event was an enjoy-able accomplishment. There were many people there playing in the wars, watching, or just enjoying the sunshine. Although the project was faced with a little twist, the out-come was successful. Congratula-tions to the winning team, Master Batters and the spring 2012 Sports Marketing class for a successful final event.


Black #88 THECLOCKApril 27, 2012

Nicole PetrinSamuel WiselDavid AllenKatie CotnoirNathan ObinEricha FahrnerMaureen RoweJoshua CooleyJessica TrombleyAlyssa Mira

Jessica CainRebecca CressyMegan CooperStephen LancianiLara GrunerLauren BergeronSamir ChoudhryAshley GraceJordan JonesMichael Pirhalla

Top 20 Outstanding Seniors of 2012Congratulations!

Cooking Class

Thursday, May 10th

Prospect Dining Hall 12-1pm

Quick and Easy Pasta for Two  



Quick and Easy Pasta for Two

Cooking Class

Thursday, May 10th

Prospect Dining Hall 12-1pm

Quick and Easy Pasta for Two  



Cooking ClassThursday, May 10th

Prospect Dining Hall12–1 pm

#9 Black

9THECLOCK April 27, 2012

Jessica CainRebecca CressyMegan CooperStephen LancianiLara GrunerLauren BergeronSamir ChoudhryAshley GraceJordan JonesMichael Pirhalla

Top 20 Outstanding Seniors of 2012Congratulations!


2012 BFA Studio Shows

ABOVE: Brian BucklandBELOW: Danielle O'Malley

ABOVE: Chris Ignagni

ABOVE: Olivia Nelson

Black #1010 THECLOCKApril 27, 2012arts & entertainment.





White Goes SoloAlex Hollatz

For the Clock

Jack White doesn’t know how to stop.

Famous for being the guitarist, singer, and leader of the now broken up White Stripes, White also has two other bands, The Raconteurs and The Death Weather. White has also produced a strange assortment of albums and singles for people ranging from Stephen Colbert to The Insane Clown Posse for his own record company that he built from the ground up, Third Man Records.

Of all the things he has done in his career, the one thing White seemed to avoid was the idea of a solo album. When The White Stripes announced their break up over a year ago seemingly every interview pressed White about the idea of an album of his own material. White politely demurred and went on his way to be a producer. Then out of nowhere White announced a solo album called Blunderbuss in January along with the first single, “Love Interruption”.

White, a noted eccentric, has been going about things involving the album in his own unique way. He recently released the third single for the album, “Freedom at 21”, via a hundred records that were attached to helium balloons. But now Blunderbuss is actually here. How does it stack up to the already massively impressive discography White has already amassed?

The first thing to know is that this is noth-ing like a White Stripes record, so don’t go in expecting anything like one. If anything it is almost as if Jack White decided to finally become Bob Dylan, albeit his own unique take.

You can see the connection between the two clearly in songs like “Love Interruption” and “Hip (Eponymous) Poor Boy” where White plays with lyrics and sounds musi-cally similar to Dylan himself. Along with

that White, like Dylan in his heyday and even now, explores a good deal of genres on Blunderbuss. White, however, mostly leaves the instrument he is most well known for, his guitar, out of a good deal of the pro-ceedings. The most prominent instrument on the album is actually the piano which is used beautifully on songs like “Trash Tongue Talker” and “Hypocritical Kiss”.

The songs that really stand out are the songs where White lets loose and he lets the guitar come out. The best song on the album is “I’m Shakin’”, which has a great 50’s rock vibe, a group of female singers provid-ing back up, and a catchy riff from White. Also great is “Sixteen Saltines” with its hard driving guitar and sketchy, frenetic solo.

While there are rock elements to the record it does have a country tone. Usually the title song is meant to feature the ideas the whole album is based around, but with “Blunderbuss” White avoids that perception completely as the titular song is the most country tune on the album with its use of slide guitar and violins. This exploration of genre signifies how White is at this moment in his career.

The whole album in a sense is White’s clash with his newfound identity. He has been vocal in the fact that he didn’t want The White Stripes to break up and now, completely alone, you can see on this album that he’s looking for the next step to take musically by exploring what intrigues him. The fact that he’s does this isn’t a bad thing by any means as White has some great taste and that keeps the album afloat, but it does lead to a rather scattered album.

Also hurting the album is that White, it seems, is too focused on exploring as opposed to letting himself go crazy. While this strategy of reining it in may be better for every other artist, one only needs to look at White’s past to see why this is a bad idea. Songs like “Icky Thump” from his White

Stripes days show White flying off the hinges and its truly amazing stuff.

The songs on Blunderbuss feel like White making music in a test tube. They’re experi-ments as opposed to fleshed out ideas. While Blunderbuss is by no means the greatest album White has ever been involved in, it is still a very good album simply because White is a very good musician and despite the albums frenetic nature all of the songs are very well done.

The best way to think of this album is like previews at the movies. With this album, White has basically released the trailer for his solo career and left himself a lot of doors to go through and explore. He doesn’t really know what the full length movie will look like yet that’s kind of exciting in this case. “Blun-derbuss” is a good album but it’s the promises for the future it seems to make that are even more exciting.

A Skelethon Near YouIn 2007 Indie rapper Aesop Rock, well known

for his cryptic and abstract lyrics, released his fifth solo studio effort; None Shall Pass to decent success and went on a hiatus of sorts. During this subse-quent breather, he formed the rap group Hail Mary Mallon (comprised of Dj Big Wiz and Rob Sonic), formed the group The Uncluded (along with former Moldy Peaches member Kimya Dawson) who have a pending release date on their album Hokey Fright, released an album with Hail Mary Mallon (Are You Going to Eat That?) and did a variety of producing (including recording a forty-five minute instrumen-tal track for Nike). Outside of this activity, little progress had been made on a solo effort. So why is new material from Aesop relevant now?

On July 10, 2012, Aesop Rock will release his sixth studio album. Dubbed Skelethon, it is billed under the Rhymesayers record label. It is expected to bring familiar sounds while the listener will see Aesop, “venturing in some exciting new directions” ( The album will be his first entirely self-produced record and focuses on detailing stories about the disarray associated with loss. Alongside this, the album will have a cast of featured artists. Amongst them stand Kimya Dawson, Allyson Baker of the Dirty Ghosts (Aesop’s wife), Hanni El Khatib, Nick Fleming-Yaryan, Rob Sonic and DJ Big Wiz, and Grimace Federation.

Ibrahim AshourFor the Clock


For Aesop Rock, this record will attend to vari-ous aspects of his life. The album aims to address personal losses to Aesop (namely, the recent loss of friend and fellow emcee Eyedea). It also attends to the, “sometimes-futile way that people try to cope with serious issues.” (

The track listing contains a total of fifteen songs. Accompanying this information, we also received a single titled, “Zero Dark Thirty” and a brief release video. This is the first taste that listeners have of Aesop’s self-produced album. The lyricism displayed is top-notch, showing that Aesop is still able to stay relevant without rebuffing fans. Furthermore, the audio captured is of a higher caliber than anything he has released (as one would expect with the rapidity of technological advancements) allowing us the best access to his superb flow and voice. In his new video, Aesop is shown mixing his album in his home studio. He calls for his cat, who does not respond. He tracks the cat out of his home and into a neighbor’s backyard, retrieving the dead cat from a grave and walking it home.

Aesop Rock’s production skills are no less impressive than his lyrical content/rap abilities. The song, “Zero Dark Thirty”, has one of the silkiest beats recorded. The slick beat slides under the odd tremor and abstract lyricism of his voice, driven by a voracious bass and velvet sampling. If the song is of any affirmation of the product quality, then listeners have a vast deal to be excited about.

#11 Black

11THECLOCK April 27, 2012

If you have been around the Internet as much as I have, you have probably heard the word “Brony”. What exactly is a Brony, you ask? A Brony is an adult male (typically 18+, but he can be younger) who loves the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Now, when I first heard of this, I dismissed as one of those things that will pass. Also during this time, I was cynical about cartoons on television, and I thought there was no point. I thought Regular Show and Adventure Time were also going to be wastes of time. Little did I know that they would become some of my favorite shows. What does this have to do with Bronies? Well, during that time, I was getting experimental and decided, on recommendation, that I would watch the taboo cartoon.

I watched the first episode, the first part of a two parter, and I thought it was okay. So I decided to watch another, then another, then another, until finally I found myself having watched the first season in less than four days. You might be wondering why I, an adult male, would be willing to watch a cartoon which for about three decades has been exclusively for girls. I became invested because it has things that most cartoons today don’t have.

Let’s start with the characters themselves. There are 6 main characters which the show revolves around: The book-smart, but dorky Twilight Sparkle, the hyper, but hysterical Pinkie Pie, The loyal, but bullheaded Rain-bow Dash, The generous, but vain Rarity, The kind, but shy Fluttershy, and finally the honest, but stubborn Applejack.

One of the best things about the show is how the characters and plots are designed. All the characters are well rounded and surprisingly relatable; they all have faults which make for interesting interactions. The plots are also pure gems in terms of television shows; they were crafted with pure care. While the backgrounds are quite girly, the plots can feel quite suited for an action show once in a while. While this may seem strange at first, the first season’s creator and writer was Lauren Faust. You may not know her name, but her work should be familiar

David C. BensonFor the Clock

to anyone living in the 90’s. She worked on a variety of popular shows, including The Pow-erpuff Girls, Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends and The Kids Next Door.

While I could keep going on about the show itself, I’m here to tell about Bronies and who they are. If you want more information about the show, I recommend you watch Chad Rocco’s retrospective on the show, Familiar Faces, or SaberSpark’s documentary Ballad of the Brony. I just had to give a brief explanation of what the show is to put in per-spective what kind of show we watch. While the term Brony is generally applied to males, there are also female bronies who refer to themselves as either brines or pegasistahs.

When I first started to watch the show, I didn’t want anyone to know i was into it, since such shows are taboo for someone my age. That was until I realized what I was missing out on when it comes to the Brony community. When I started to look around the Internet, I found spectacular music, videos and art. When I started to go to conven-tions, I found bronies of all shapes and sizes, people my age, people in their forties and so on. It is some-thing great when each day you can go online and see something new or meet someone new.

While other people look on with confused and strange looks, bronies are free to talk about a great show and brohoof all day long (A brohoof is a fist pump between bronies and/or pegasis-tahs). Some people think that we are weird and anti-social for liking this kind of show, but actually we love talking to people about the show and about the community. Although that isn’t the only thing we talk about. The show has touched people on a personal level unparal-leled in recent memory, which is what I love most about the community. One of the best ways to get information about the show and fan content is the website “Equestria Daily” which also has interviews with people who work on the show. There is also the Youtube show “Brony Breakdown” with Youtubers Saberspark and Paleosteno. The creators and writers also keep close ties to the community and is always seeing how to impress them

and their target demographic.

T h e s h o w l i k e s to use jokes a i m e d a t adults, like references to The Big L e b o w s k i a n d M e t a l G e a r S o l i d . There are a lso ponies which bro-nies helped create, like the famous Derpy

H o o v e s .

Derpy Hooves is a grey, blonde pega-

sus who appears in the first epi-s o d e , i n t h e b a c k g r o u n d w i th messed up eyes. While it might have been an anima-t i o n e r r o r o r

intentional joke, no one knows for sure. Since she was noticed she has appeared in the background

as a sign that the creators listen to bro-

nies. The show airs

new episodes on the Hub at 1pm on Satur-days, but at the time of writing this, the show is wrapping up its second season. L u c k i l y, Ha s b r o a l lows peop le to upload episodes to

Youtube so that every-one can enjoy them.

While I highly recom-mend you watch the show, it doesn’t auto-matical ly mean that you are a Brony unless

you want to, the show is best experienced when

you take your time and watch it at your own speed.

If you want to start watching the show, you can watch the

first two episodes and see how you like it, but they might have a little too much exposition. I personally recommend the episodes: “Winter Wrap-Up”, “Party of One”, “The Return of Harmony part 1 and 2”, and “Sister Hooves Social”.

It's Okay to be a Brony









Tom AnglinFor the Clock

Why Not Try Phishin’ This Summer?

A ny lovers of jam bands out there ha ve probabl y r un in to record ings o f Vermont-based band Phish at some point. To those who haven’t, Phish is famous for selling out large-scale concerts wherever they travel, wi thout ha ve the hy pe f rom MTV, or public radio stations. They also give fans an added perk, which surprisingly hasn’t caught on with many other large-scale bands. After going to a live concert, the ticket stub number can be entered online to receive a free high-quality audio record-

ing of the show, which can be downloaded directly from their website.

Recently they’ve announced a summer tour, which kicks off at the DCU Center in Worces-ter, MA June 7&8. Because of its proximity to Phish’s roots, and the fact that it’s the start of a cross-country tour, one can assume that this will be a show to remember—unless partying in the lot beforehand takes its toll.

The next show on the tour is also a great opportunity to see Phish, along with an array of other artists, perform. On June 10, Phish will be headlining the world famous Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival in Manchester,

TN (roughly a 20 hour drive from Plymouth State). The festival itself costs $259.50 plus fees, but includes four days of music, camping, art, and a lineup sure to please the masses.

After the Bonnaroo experi -ence, Phish will be packing up and heading north to Atlantic City, NJ for three nights at Bader Field, June 15-17. The following thirteen days will be quick travels for the band, who find themselves playing nine shows in six different cities from Portsmouth, VA to East Troy, WI.

For Fourth of July weekend festivities, Phish will be sending it over to Wantagh, NY to play at the Nikon at Jones Beach Theatre

for the 3rd and 4th. Both shows have already sold out, but one can still find a ticket (at higher cost) with a little online searching.

Two days later they’ll be play-ing three nights in a row at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center in Saratoga Springs, NY. Many Phish followers will share stories about the great times at nearby Lee’s Campground both pre and post show, which have made this spot famous over the years.

After that they’ l l be bring -ing their east coast jams to our neighbors on the west side, with one show in Long Beach, CA and three more at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Fran-cisco.

The tour will then head over to Kansas City, MO for a night before down to Alabama, Geor-gia, and North Carolina. That brief southern hiatus will cap off with a return back up Missouri, with a show at Chaifetz Arena in St. Louis.

They’ll play one more show at Zoo Amphitheatre in Oklahoma City before heading back west to wrap up the tour with three days at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park in Commerce City, CO.

After that they’ll probably head back east, take some long naps and start planning for future fun times for the Phish fan base. For more information check out: and

Black #1212 THECLOCKApril 27, 2012

Keepin' TimeKeepin' it Short and Sweet

Ben KingA&E Editor

Ben KingA&E Editor

When I was younger, and we’re talking 8-11 here, if I saw or heard that a song was less than 2-and-a-half –or-so minutes, I immediately discredited it. I was of the opinion that a song could not possibly be fully formulated in such a short period of time. My mind was programmed to the verse-chorus-verse-

chorus-bridge-chorus radio rock formula, and why should I deviate from it? I mean, songs on the radio are 3 to three and a half minutes long and contain several choruses for a reason. The chorus gets stuck in your head, and the song is over before you get bored with it. The formula is tried and true, and it’s always worked. Even short songs by bands I loved at that time, like blink-182 (“Boring”), Green Day (“Coming Clean”) and MxPx (“Is the Answer In the Question?”), seemed to leave me wanting a little bit more. It wasn’t until I got older that I was able to appreciate short songs for what they were.

Like most epiphanies I have had in my life, this one started with Bad Religion. Their song “Marked,” off the fantastic Stranger Than Fiction record, is a fully formed punk rock song with a gigantic chorus and an unreal Greg Hetson guitar solo, all in 1:48. I remember figuring out that you could fit almost twice as many songs on a mixtape if you kept them all under two minutes. The Offspring, NOFX,

Rancid and Pennywise all had great short songs. The Movielife’s “I Hope You Die Soon” carries all the weight and emotion of songs 10 times its length in 27 seconds. I became somewhat of a short song junkie for a little while there, I guess. And then I heard Napalm Death and that just ruined everything.

At some point in high school I got really, really into metal. After getting into the necessary death metal, black metal and Swedish melodic stuff, I discovered grind, power violence, s ludge, funeral doom, prog, stoner metal, new school American neo-thrash and, regrettably, some Eastern European slam. But nothing was more disheartening than those grindcore bands. Napalm Death is really the only band I’m thinking of right now whose name can actually be printed in the clock, so we’ll just use them as our lonely example. Sure, Madball had that 4 second song where they all just yelled “Hardcore still lives!” and that was pretty dope, but Napalm Death were just ridiculous. Some of their songs

were like a third of a second, and it just ruined short songs for me for a while, and it took some Canadians and a Descendants cover to bring me back.

Earlier this year, the consistently awesome Canadian band Silverstein issued an album called Short Songs, which consisted of a bunch of origi-nal and a bunch of covers, all about a minute and a half long. I had forgotten how much I loved short, sweet and to the point punk rock, and it was pretty cool to hear a bunch of songs I hadn’t heard in years covered by Shane and the boys. It’s amazing the craftsman-ship it takes to make a truly great song in a minute and a half, and it’s staggering how many times bands like Lifetime and Kid Dynamite were able to pull off absolute classics in really short periods of time. So yeah, quality over quantity. Join me next week where I discuss how in 2007 I hated any song under 9 minutes.

BOTB 2012

A Conversation with Jeff Berman of Divided Heaven

The Event is scheduled to take place at 6pm on Friday May 4th in front of the HUB. The line up of the show itself will be deter-mined later this week and there should be some information up in the HUB and Spring Fling Facebook page once it is all set.

We are very pleased with the amount of stu-dent involvement we got for this year, with the 13 band submissions and 700 votes that went in and hope that it continues next year. Make sure to check out the bands that made it into the finals at See you at the show!

Jake DeFeoSpring Fling BOTB Coordinator The Battle of The Bands contestants are:

• JZAC• DJ ZP• Stop Tito Collective• Poison Ivy League• Pardon the Spins• The Pants• In Spite of light • The Tommy Guns

Battle of the Bands is put on by the Spring Fling Committee. One of the positions on the committee is the Battle of the Bands Coordinator. The Battle of the Bands Coordinator takes care of the audition and selection process as well as the logistics for the Battle of the Bands event. This year, PACE has helped out the Spring Fling Committee by footing most, but not all, of the bill for the Battle of the Bands closer [RJD2]. Beyond that, everything else is made possible by the Battle of the Bands Coordinator.

I met Jeff Berman (AKA Divided Heaven) a few weeks ago at Get Better Fest in Keene. We had a good chat and he seemed like a pretty interesting dude, on top of being a great singer and guitarist, so I called him up last week to chat about life, his upbringing, his songs, his travels and the future of Divided Heaven. It turned into a pretty interesting talk about the state of the music industry and how tough it is to make in an oversaturated market where kids don’t pay for music. Jeff has found some innovative ways to get around these hurdles and get himself heard, while maintain-ing his integrity and disposition. Jeff is a really, truly awesome dude, and while that shouldn’t be a reason to listen to his music, it should make you feel better about downloading it and showing it to your friends. Check out Jeff ’s stuff at and look into his awesome album, A Rival City. This would make a great soundtrack for those summer nights on the porch. Thanks Jeff!

BK: So how do you go from growing up in Pennsylvania to chasing the dream in Los Angeles?

JB: It wasn’t an immediate jump. I went to college at American University in Washington D.C., and then I moved to Brooklyn, New York shortly after I graduated. I was living in New York and I decided that I was kind of over it, and I wanted to try something new, and the girl that I was dating at the time and I’m still dating today was cool enough to move with me, and we agreed that Los Angeles would be a good place to start on the West Coast, and that was almost 4 years ago to the day.

And you were playing music this whole time?

Surprisingly no, when we were living in New York and I decided I wanted to move, I just started working as much as possible and I put music on the back burner so I could save as

much as a possibly could. It kin of sucked, but at the same time I was able to save the money I needed to to make the move work. You know, I wanted a little buffer so that when I got out here I would have some money to spend and use before I needed to start working again. It wasn’t until I had been living here for a few months that I actually started to write songs again and re-kickstart the Divided Heaven project.

So Divided Heaven is not a Los Ange-les invention, you’ve had this going for a while?

Yeah I failed to mention that while I was studying at American University in D.C., I did a semester abroad in Berlin and it was kind of strange because, while I was in D.C. I was in a few different bands and the summer before I went abroad, I wasn’t home at all. I was tour-ing that whole summer. One night i played a show in Atlanta, went back to the hotel, took

a shower, cut off my mohawk, drove to the airport, flew to Berlin and became and uber-serious student. You know, within the course of 24 hours. It was the weirdest thing, and I still had all this creative energy. It was almost like a withdrawl, going from playing so many shows and having such a good time to the studying. Not that studying isn’t a good time, it’s just definitely a different kind of satisfaction. So it was in Berlin that I started writing songs that didn’t fit into any of the bands that I was in. it was a just a pipe dream really, to be able to sing and play my own songs. So that was where the idea really came to life.

Interested in seeing the rest of this interview? Visit, Arts and Entertainment section!

Editior-in-ChiefNews Editor


The Clock

#13 Black

13THECLOCK April 27, 2012

opinions & editorials.

Content ManagerMaegan Manson

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Staff WritersAnastasia DeFlumeri

Contributors Tom Anglin

Ibrahim AshourDavid C. Benson

Danielle BlanchetteAndrew Fitzgerald

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Scan Code to send a letter to the Editor. Letters should be submitted by email to by 6pm TuesdaysLETTERS TO THE EDITOR:

The Clock welcomes letters to the editor, and aims to publish as many as possible. The Clock reserves the right to edit for

vulgarity and libelous content.Opinions expressed in both signed and unsigned letters to the editor, opinion pieces, cartoons or columns are not necessarily those of The Clock or it's staff. If you do not see your side of

the argument being represented, The Clock invites you to submit a letter to the editor to present your side.

Today (April 18th), I had the good fortune to return to Plymouth State University, a school I briefly attended some four decades ago. It was an eye-opening experience for me.

I was invited by the S.A.G.E. Center and PSU Pride, to talk about my recent book, “Was That a Name I Dropped?” as well as to discuss the differences in being gay in what almost seems like the “Dark Ages” compared to 2012. Those changes were apparent all around me as I walked around speaking with some students and observing their inter-actions.

I am any and every woman on this campus. My face could be any of yours. Remember that as you walk across campus today. If I rob you of nothing else but your time and your compla-cency then this article was not written in vain. Feel something and better yet do something about those feelings. I encourage you to prove me wrong. I’d love nothing more than to be proven wrong, so go ahead and try. Today this Dutch Boy removes her finger from a dam that’s been leaking for four years.

I am angry - angry that every day society tells me how I can stop someone else from raping me instead of telling rapists that rape is unacceptable. I am angry that police officers feel the need to approach me and my friends while relaxing on a front porch in broad day-light accused of being too loud and drinking underage while a man I’ve reported multiple times for peering into my windows sits on his porch across the street con-tinuing to stare at us with phone in hand and a smile on his face. I’m angry that my friend can call the police to report a man entering her dorm room without permis-sion then climbing into bed with her so that when police finally arrive almost thirty minutes later she’s asked why she didn’t try to stop the stranger from fleeing before they could get on the scene. I’m angry that flyers with blatant sexist slogans are approved for display in common areas while rape

Plymouth State University can take a well-deserved bow for not only the exceptional work of these two organizations but for the welcom-ing and accepting way in which all students treat one another. I came away from my three hours in Plym-outh feeling inspired and hopeful about the future and the school’s role in helping to shape and mold open minds that will make a difference.


Paul E. Brogan

Letters To the Editor:statistics supported by the FBI are denied. I am angry that a university with such claims of being welcoming and safe employs homopho-bic police officers. Men will hold hands with other men and by God they may even nuzzle into one another as if they really are in a loving relationship. Excuse me if hand holding is too much for your homophobic police force. I’m angry that a police chief can withhold information about any disci-plinary actions taken against this officer. I’m angry that this officer is too much of a coward to acknowledge and apologize for the disrespect-ful and vile act he commit-ted by associating his face and name to his mistake.

I am frightened - fright-ened by the state of utter co m p l a ce n c y o n t h i s campus, frightened at how angry I become when I hear another story of police ill fitted to be figures of respected authority. I’m frightened by the number of stories I hear every day about acts of violence and homophobia in Plymouth. I’m frightened by the alarm-ing number of professors that do nothing to stop sexism, racism, or hetero-sexism in their classrooms. I’m frightened by how often I hear words like fag, dyke, slut, whore, nigger, and cunt derogatorily used on campus. I’m frightened by police officers thinking a sign of toughness is tapping the butt of their gun to show they’re “packing.” I’m even more frightened by how

much that makes me want to beat them with it.

I am tired, t ired of attending a university that allows homophobia and sexual assault to be swept under the proverbial rug. I’m tired of friends being asked about their clothing and sexual behavior as if they were asking for men or women to rape them. I’m tired of UPD showing little compassion to women who do find the courage to call them after an incident of sexual assault. I’m tired of police officers first on the scene asking for a play by play as though copying bul-lets from a pointless power point instead of treating students like human beings with emotions. I’m tired of school systems that don’t do enough to educate their students about diversity, empathy, compass ion, or privilege. I’m tired of associating with a campus that thinks a club devoted to buying movie licenses deserves substantially more money than clubs trying to raise awareness and educate the campus community. I’m tired of looking for people of authority who behave in ways that I can respect.

Every fall and spring we watch as the campus is dressed up, made pre-sentable, shown off. The campus is transformed into a product as superficial as its advertising. When will we tell parents and tour groups the kind of atmosphere that really exists when the University stops pretending to be so much better than

it is, to impress parents and alumni, when the yards aren’t pristine and the build-ings become vine-ridden and grimy? When will we tell them how male students walk freely on campus at night barely able to stumble back to what they think is their room, while female students will be stopped for walking alone after dark? When will we tell them how their daughter may be refused a “safe” ride home from a police officer while she’s stuck across campus alone and in the dark? When will we tell them about “Rape Alley” and its sev-eral locations on campus? When will we inform them that, according to the FBI, one in four college-aged women will experience sexual assault before they graduate? When will we inform them that in the past decade less than ten sexual assault cases have resulted in a disciplinary hearing while in the past two years alone UPD crime logs show over three hundred calls dealing with sexual assault? When will we tell them how to survive on a campus that amazingly enough has not yet been destroyed by the abundance of discredited “authority” figures and the overabundance of ignorant students, faculty, and staff?

When will we tell them all of these things and so much more?


Plymouth can be Justly Proud

Black #1414 THECLOCKApril 27, 2012

Philadelphia, Penn.— On Saturday (4/14), the Norsemen Football Rugby Club of Plym-outh State University finished runner up in the Philadelphia Collegiate Cup Tournament, winning three of four matches.

“We all ran with support; I couldn’t believe how well we can together as a team,” said senior captain Ryan Cross (Barre, VT.). For PSU’s Rugby Club, the victory was owed to determination to succeed. The Norsemen’s dominant performance in the scrums pro-pelled them into victory in three consecutive matches. Sophomore Rugby Hooker Steve Maffee (Nashua, N.H.) was able to hook nearly every ball that came his way. Everyone on the team had a role to play. The Norsemen were able to compete as a unit, which helped out when key players were out of the game. “A lot of people who didn’t start, when given the chance to play, were just as successful as the person that they took over for,” said Cross. Some notable players who made a splash when they received their chance to compete were sophomore R.J. Duckless (Hooksett, N.H.) and classmate David Robinson (Mass.) who filled in, at times, for captains Cross and senior Dan Turcotte (Nashua, N.H.). The Norsemen defeated Grove City (of Western PA) twice. PSU was able to render Grove City scoreless in both outings, defeating them 8-0, and then again 12-0, in their first and third matches of the afternoon. In between Grove, the rugby team snatched a 38-12 victory over the Univer-sity of Delaware’s division 3 squad.

Despite excellent performances by the entire Rugby Club, including an impres-sive outing from senior fullback Joe Irvine

Norsemen Rugby Club Makes Presence Felt in Philly

Jacob GagnonAssistant Sports Editor

(Bridgewater, Mass.), the Norsemen dropped their final match to York College out of Pennsylvania, 28-3. The Norsemen were the first opponents in the Open Division of the tournament to strike against the York College Spartans. York outscored their opponents 120-3 within their tournament dominance. For the Norsemen Rugby Club, it was just another successful venture, where improvement was evident. The club was self-coached, by the two captains, along with the veteran members of the crew. “I really don’t wish that anything went differently; we played well as a team and I couldn’t be more proud,” said Cross. With some important roles for the club graduating and moving on to bigger things, the Norsemen Football Rugby Club of Plymouth State will be looking towards their younger players to continue their hard work and winning ways. “This success means a lot; it gave a lot of hope to returning players that they can be just as successful next year,” Cross said. The Norse-men Rugby team will probably continue to do what they do best: compete without needed recognition, in tournaments that people (on campus) rarely hear about, continually giving Plymouth State University a respected name.

Real Sports Talk With E-$

Eric BrillSports Editor

The past week in the sports world has had a ton of stories in it, as the first round of the NFL Draft occurred yesterday, Phil Humber (who?) threw a perfect game on last Saturday against the Seattle Mariners, and two of the favorites to get into the Stanley Cup finals (the Vancouver Canucks and the Pittsburgh Penguins) were eliminated from the playoffs.

The NFL to start off with, sparks the number one question as for who will be the top 10 pick (or picks) that will end up being a bust in the league? Every year, there is at least one pick that

is out of the NFL (or extremely unproductive) within the first three years that they are in the league. Some good examples for this include the 2008 Draft (Glenn Dorsey, Vernon Gholston an Derrick Harvey, who were drafted 5th, 6th and 8th respectively), the 2009 Draft (Aaron Curry, Darrius Heyward-Bey and Aaron Maybin, who were drafted 4th, 7th and 11th) and the 2007 Draft (JaMarcus Russell [1st overall], Gaines Adams [4th], and Jamaal Anderson [8th]). It appears that one position that is consistently tough to draft this high in the draft (and be productive) are defensive lineman. As many as three defensive lineman were projected to go within the top 10, so it should be interesting to see how Quinton Coples, Fletcher Cox, and Melvin Ingram end up in a few years.

I am intrigued to see how Phillip Humber does for the rest of the season, as I have a feel-ing he won’t end up having that stellar of a year, and the perfect game will be nothing more then a flash in the pan. Players such as Dallas Braden (who threw a perfect game for the Oakland A’s two years ago) and Armando Galarraga (who really should have had a perfect game two years ago for the Detroit Tigers) haven’t had great careers since their perfect games (Galarraga is out of the league). On another note, how about the Washington Nationals, who have come out on fire threw the first few weeks of the season?

Steven Strasburg has been phenomenal upon returning from Tommy John surgery, as he has a 1.08 ERA and threw 25 innings this season, so far. It was obviously unknown if Strasburg was going to be a dominant force upon returning to the big leagues, but the surgery has given him no ill effects so far.

The NHL postseason has been quite excit-ing so far, as it seems countless games have gone into overtime (which the NHL higher-ups must love). There is a good mix of under the radar teams (Phoenix Coyotes), and big market teams (Los Angeles Kings) still left, which can make for some great storylines as the postseason rolls on. As this postseason has been unpredictable (and ultimately, the NHL is the best when this occurs), it shall be interesting to see which teams end up advancing to the Eastern and Western Conference finals.

In other irrelevant (though I find inter-esting) sports news:

-If it is true that Mickey Loomis (who is the New Orleans Saints’ general manager) had some type of device that allowed him to listen to opposing coaches from 2002-2004, Loomis should be banned from being in the NFL ever again. Also, the Saints should be punished severely (take away multiple first round picks, plus a substantial fine) so it is known that this isn’t tolerated. This is much worse then the bounty scandal.

-I really think that Brandon Weeden will end up being a heck of a quarterback in the NFL, but he did have Justin Blackmon to throw to at Oklahoma State.

-Whoever gets Dre Kirkpatrick is getting a steal in the draft.

-Some of the best names in the draft- Gray Gray (cornerback from Notre Dame), Marquis Maze (wide receiver from Alabama) and Rowdy Batchelor (fullback from St. Augustine).

-Can Matt Kemp keep this pace up (.460 bat-ting average, nine home runs, 22 RBIs)?

-My pick to win the race in Richmond is Kyle Busch.

Non-sports information of the week-Haven’t thought enough about a rant of the

week at all, so I guess that means no one has pissed me off that much over the past week. Good job Plymouth.

-Less then ten days of class left. Wow. I am hoping it isn’t my last three weeks in Plymouth.

-Flashing Light by Kanye West has such a sick beat to it.

-The rain that fell earlier this week/last weekend was quite refreshing (yea, I know, I’m weird).

-I’ve said it numerous times this year, but there are some weird kids in Plymouth.

‘Till next week, I’m outta here……


#15 Black

15THECLOCK April 27, 2012

Sophomore McKenna Bay has had a phenomenal season thus far, scor-ing 25 goals to go along with 13 assists heading into this her last game this past Wednesday, against the University of Southern Maine. McKenna (also known as Maki by her teammates) scored the game winning goal against Western Connecticut State University last Sat-urday with :05 seconds left on the clock.

Tell me a little bit about your back-ground in lacrosse before you got to Plymouth

I played co- ed lacrosse in 5th grade with all the pads which I really enjoyed. Then I played my first year of women’s lacrosse in 7th grade where I was nominated captain. My 8th grade year I played junior varsity. My 9th grade year I played varsity. Then I moved to Venezuela where they don’t have any lacrosse at all. I learned to play volleyball, softball, soccer, and basketball. I then came to Plymouth tried out as a walk on and now I play for Plymouth State Women’s Lacrosse.

Why has the team been so successful this season?

We have been so successful this year because we have great potential in every individual. We are a very balanced and dynamic team. It’s not

An Interview with PSU Attackman McKenna Bay

just one person getting the job done this year it’s definitely a team effort.

What has been the highlight of this season so far?

Defiantly beating Keene on our home field.What can the offense improve on as the

playoffs approach?There’s always something to improve on

no matter when we play. We take every game day by day. As long as we keep focused and all strive to accomplish our ultimate goal then we will be successful. Stick to the game plan and get it done.

Do you have any pre-game rituals? If so, what are they?

I have lime green game shoes that I have to wear on game days. I also have game day socks that must be worn. Eye black is a must of course. And as for this year all home games I wear corn rows. Most importantly when I go onto the field before every game Lorin Field (goalie) and I must do our hand shake.

What is the top-5 most listened to songs on your IPod?

I made it – Kevin Rudolf I Got It – Gorilla Zoe Bottoms Up – Keke Palmer Call Me Maybe – Carly Jepsen Harder Better Faster Stronger –Daft PunkWhat is one unusual talent that any

given person on the team has that would surprise people in Plymouth?

KG and bubbles have some pretty intense

Eric BrillSports Editor dance moves, I can sound exactly like a bird.

What are your expectations for the team for the rest of the year?

Jut to play our game. We’ve come this far lets finish strong and never give up.

Do you have anything to say to the Plymouth community?

We have only begun.

Bay's Career Stats at


(as of 4/27/2012)

-50 goals

-17 assists

-20 ground balls

-70% successful shots

on net

-1 game winner

against West Conn


CLOCK PHOTO / ERIC BRILL CLOCK PHOTO / ERIC BRILLJunior Ty Long looks to advance the ball against the Keene State defense. Long had two points in the 17-10 loss, which brought the

Panthers’ record to 8-5, with their regular season finale against UMass Dartmouth at noon tomorrow afternoon (4/28). Long has

had a phenomenal season, with 24 goals and 14 assists heading into tomorrow’s contest. First year Nick Morello paces the Panthers with 43 points (31 goals, 12 assists), while Mike Curley leads the team with

62 ground balls as a first year player for Plymouth.

Sophomore Nora Galvin is poised to strikeout another batter (as she currently leads the Panthers with 79 strikeouts) against Keene State

on Tuesday, April 24th. Heading into tomorrow’s(4/28) contest against Rhode Island College, Plymouth has won 10 of their last 13 games to bring their overall record to 19-17, and 6-6 in Little East Conference play. Bekah Jackson leads the team with a .448 batting


Black #1616 THECLOCKApril 27, 2012


Eric BrillSports Editor

By defeating Western Connecticut State University (12-11) last Saturday, and the University of Southern Maine (14-8) this past Wednesday, the Plymouth State Women’s Lacrosse team will host the Little East Con-ference tournament. These two wins bring the Panthers’ winning streak to 12, while they are continue to be undefeated in conference play with a 5-0 record.

The game against Western Connecticut was a back-and-forth battle all day, as the two teams were within two goals of each other for over 55 minutes of the game. Despite being down early in this game, the Panthers were able to rally around players such as Caitlin Swanson (Holderness, N.H.), Shannon Connerty (Nashua, N.H.) and Marie Lander (Ossipee, N.H.). These three players combined for seven goals and 11 ground balls in the victory over the Colonials.

In the second half, the two teams exchanged goals for the first eight minutes of the half, but West Conn ended up with a two-goal lead with 13:42 left in the second half. After Caitlin Swanson and Molly Gleason (Haverhill, Mass.) scored a goal a piece to tie the game at 11 (which put both of them at three goals in the contest), Lorin Field (Hollis, N.H.) stepped up huge in net for the Panthers, making a huge save with 34 seconds left in the game. PSU then got the ball into their offensive zone, and McKenna Bay (Maracaibo, Venezuela) got the game-winning goal with five seconds left in the game after a nice pass from Amanda Richardson (Bradford, N.H.).

“Wow, what a game!” exclaimed the Head Coach for the Panthers, Kristin Blanchette after defeating Western Connecticut. “We definitely didn’t play out best game of the year today, but we ended up with the all important win” added Blanchette. While the win might have been more of a challenge then Plymouth had anticipated, this ultimately means that the Panthers have defeated the three best teams in the LEC this season (two weeks ago, PSU defeated both Eastern Connecticut State Uni-versity [13-8] and Keene State [16-13]). Going

into this season, the Panthers were picked to finish fourth in the conference. Needless to say, Caitlin Swanson was right when she told me before the season started that Plymouth was “going to surprise a lot of teams.”

While a lot of players have been playing extremely well for the Panthers, two players, Molly Gleason and Shannon Connerty, were recognized by the Little East Conference as Defensive Player of the Week (for Gleason) and Rookie of the Week (for Connerty). Both of these players have now received these awards two weeks in a row, and for Gleason, this was the third time this season that she has received this award. Over the past week, Gleason, who is currently ranked 6th in the nation with 7.67 draw controls per game, had 10 ground balls and 12 draw controls against West Conn (which is on top of the aforemen-tioned 3 goals in the contest). Connerty also had a superb week, as she tallied eight points against Keene (six goals, two assists), and another three points against WCSU (as well as a career high five ground balls).

Coach Blanchette has been pleased with both first year players’ production, stating that Connerty is “just a freshman maniac” and that “when you put up 8 points vs Keene as a fresh-man, you’re kind of a big deal”. On Gleason, Blanchette says that “Molly’s stats per game are some of the best in the country, so no one in the conference comes close”. Both players have been outstanding all year and look to continue that success into the LEC tournament.

Tidbits and Recognition-Going into the game

against Rhode Island Col-lege, Molly Gleason needs just one more draw controls to tie the Plymouth State women’s record for draw controls for a season.

-Against the University of Southern Maine, Meghan McNabb set the Plymouth State women's lacrosse record for assists in a season (38) with one game left in the season.

Jacob GagnonAssistant Sports Editor

PSU Baseball Falls to Southern Maine in Double-Header

Gorham, Maine—On Saturday after-noon (4/21), the Plymouth State University baseball team dropped consecutive games to the University of Southern Maine in a Little East Conference double-header at USM’s Baseball Stadium.

The Panthers lost the opening game, 6-2, despite a bases loaded opportunity in the seventh to strike back. Senior Mike Cappiello (Westfield, N.J.) led Plymouth State’s bats, once again, with two of the five hits allowed by SMU pitching. Senior Bobby Chatfield (Sharon, Conn.) took the loss on the mound for the Panthers in

game one, dropping to 1-4 on the season. “We were intense both games and under-stood the magnitude of each game,” said first year Jeff Reynolds (Nashua, N.H.). “We need to just take advantage of those opportunities that’ll give us the edge in the game.” For the Huskies, senior pitcher Ben Ives (Portland, Maine) snagged the win, improving to 7-0 on the season.

The nightcap was an offensive collision, with Southern Maine out-hitting the Pan-thers, 18-5, defeating the visiting squad, 17-7, after coming back from a two-run deficit in the third inning. Plymouth State refused to give up without a fight. Junior Steve Beard (Middleton, Mass.) pounded in two runs on a triple and made it on base three times. Cappiello’s bat remained

hot in game two, as he collected a double while also reaching base after getting hit by a pitch. SMU crushed seven runs onto the board in the bottom of the seventh to stop the game with the LEC Mercy Rule. Senior Jonathan Bishop (Woburn, Mass.) pitched for a loss for PSU, falling to 2-3 this season. Sophomore Jeff Run-nals (Wolfeboro, N.H.) pitched over three strong innings of relief to keep Plymouth State in the game. Southern Maine put on another impressive pitching performance, as sophomore Logan Carman (Newfields, N.H.) allowed only five hits in nearly eight innings on the mound.

With the loss (their third straight), the Panthers fall to 12-18 overall, 2-8 in confer-ence. The Huskies, with the sweep, are now

16-14 (7-3 in LEC). The loss is devastating to Plymouth State’s playoff hopes, yet still, the Panthers remain strong. “There is a really positive attitude amongst everyone on the team. Each one of us possesses the urge to win every time we are out there,” said Reynolds. “We need to focus on what we control and that’s winning games. We need to stay positive and want to win every time we get on the field.” The Panthers have missed their last three games due to rain, but will get a chance to get back on the winning track possibly Wednesday (4/25) at Castleton if the weather holds. Through the losses, PSU has remained confident in their ability to succeed this season.

Women's Lacrosse Clinches LEC Title


Senior Day Tomorrow against RIC at 3:00p.m.

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