the course

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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The course

1. Subject matter: business correspondence (letters of enquiry and offer, orders, complaints and adjustments).

2. Learning materials: course book (Nicolae, M. et al. 2005. Commercial Correspondence. Bucureşti: Editura Universitară, or Nicolae, M. et al. 2002. Commercial Communication. Bucureşti: Editura Cison) and other materials.

3. Tentative course calendar - subject to alteration, depending on student needs and, in general, on how the course develops in class.

Week 2: The Enquiry (I)

Week 3: The Enquiry (II): Case Study (communicative activity)

Week 4: The Offer (I)

Week 5: The Offer (II): Case study (communicative activity)

Week 6: The Order

Week 7: The Complaint

Week 8: The Adjustment

Easter break

Week 9: The Complaint and the Adjustment: Case study (communicative activity)

Week 10: Revision/test preparation

Week 11: Written test

Week 12: Teacher & student feedback


4. Assessment: 50% written test; 50% assignment file.

Assignment file: 5 letters (enquiry, offer, order, complaint and adjustment).

IMPORTANT NOTE: The assignments should be submitted in hard copy, on specific dates, during the seminars. The submission deadlines are: Week 6 (enquiry and offer); Week 7 (order); Week 9 (complaint and adjustment).

If an assignment is submitted late, it should be sent by email. In this case, a penalty of 5% of the mark awarded for that assignment will be deducted per calendar day or part of calendar day for which the assignment is late. If an assignment is submitted more than five calendar days after the due date, it will receive a 0 mark

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