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3,&.5 ReceIve Degree8--Exerci8e8 lila.

pecl.alJy Impre88iv&--Omunence­

ment Addres One to be Long Re­

meJDbeI'e<I;-Oo.mmel~))ent Brit.


The fifty-fourth annual commence-


lOW ITY. lOW \, THUR DAY MORNING, JUNE 18. JO'" xmmFlR 166



)8 HEAD AT CO~f)mN E.




BACCAlAUREATE THEME Presented WJth up As Token of

J'R}}SENTATION AND PT· Appreciation-Has l\lany

As a part ot the commencement

exercises or the unlversltj

'he prizes offered by friends of

the university were read and the R

fortunate recipient of each was an-I

nounc d for thIs year. The follow·

Ing are the prizes and the persons

receiving them:

The Elder Daughters Prize-.. , The





Dean Gutbrie, of tb colle, ot medicine was completely surprised

Yel-lterday noon, immediately follow­ult of Idea cone ived When Pl'O-

01' Ing the annual alumni dinner, wh n

uttlng l1.."'ted I laIId he was presented with a beautiful

Twelve Years Ago--J>rof. Dill Rnd loving cup, by his former students.

)lr. 'O,'\\1n Credlt.ed This was the most important feature

of the program. Twelve years ago last month, Prof. h




Held In . Audlt~rjum--SC'~

TeU U to. .I!~lnd TWo ThJJt~ th4tt

• re Wurth Whlle--WbUe UeUgh'lI

T U Wbat is Wol'th While

Last Sunday afternoon, the ~lIt-

ural Science audlt.orlum wa~ the

ment exercises were held Y€6terdaY elder daughters of the unIversity of­

morning at 10: 00 o'clock at the unl- fer a prize of $2 5 yearlyf or excel.

Follqwlo~ lis t e pr6llen tatton cene of the annual baccala ureate Nutting visited Laysan Islaod, a cor- hit ' d

'speec, n par ma e by Dr. R. E. SerlJ10n, by Dr. Charles A. H nd~r al Atoll, sItuated almost xactly In Conniff of Sioux City:

"F.ear Ye Not 0 Isreal", which was

followed by the address of the day.

Mrs. II nderson said In part:

ception by t.he graduation class of the neering. The prize is awarded for of this expedition to land upon the

year. the best thesis offered for the first island. He spent the whole day

The Ball last night was ab rilliant degree in englneel ing in the collE'ge there, studying and photographing

affair. Many of the alumni Ilid 0 r I o al>plied science. Awarded to For- I tM extraordinary bird life.

for the event and withe the close ot est AlIa Ricbards lor his theSis, It was during tillS aa.y, on tho lsI

the event at the ormory, the commen- "Design and construction of a con- and alone with the millions of birds,

cation for Its action In placing torlcnl scholnrshlp to gain the pl'e­

President Macbride at the head of C) ~C meaning and' enterpretation of

the ttnlvenr1t>-. 1 <> beH ~Wr m "C tile wulJ. All forms of lmowledie

fitting selection for president could (I IT clesirable In regard to the ar,pll-cement of 1914 came to a close.

linuous engine iudicator attach- that Professor Nutting conceived the have been made. Hit! eminent fitness cll.llon of Christianity to actual , ' 011 '

Numbers of the graduates" the ment." Mea that a Cyclorama of the island for the place, his long years of spe- cillions; hence the universal interest (Continued on Page Three)


Baird Had "Old Grads" Itt Hi!. ~lel'cy



In a game that was close and in-

terestlng throughout, Baird, the lit­

tle pitcher of this year's varsity base-

Journal or lhe American Pharma- wtih its millions of birds, would be clal training, his Intimate knowledge of the church In higher education, in

cuetical Association Prize- A year's a great thing for the State Univer- of the needs of the university pre- unl v Islty Ilbraries, lat.oratories, nnd

subscription to the Journal or the sity of Iowa. Since tha.t day, twelve eminently qualify him for the POSI-, research. Discussion and com!Jari­

American Pharamauetical Associa- years ago, Profes.·or Nutting has tion. son of views and illterests have their

tion is offered by Assistant Professor been ceaselessly laboring to make "I first met Dean Guthrie in the place in Interpreting the mind ot

Kuever to the junior student attain- the Laysan Island Cyclorama the autumn ot '81. I remember him as II Christ with reference to the neces­

Ing the highest rank In practical world. He has had tlle able asslst- a stalwart young fellow; big In stat- sities of our age.

pltarmacy Awardep La Miss Llbbie ance of Professor Dill, who has been ure; big In cordiality; big in all the "We are assureJ of the perpetual

Teunls Dyke. the taxidermist of this work, and qualltfes ot a strong and vigorous presence of this Master for he said ,

Membership In the Iowa Pharma- Mrs. harles A. Corwin, of Chicago, manhood. He had then and he has 'I am with you always, even to tho

cutlcal Association Prize-Member- the artist, to help make this won- now, the happy faculty of making and consummation of age.' This promise

ship in the Iowa Pharmaceutical as- dertul exhibit possible. keeping friends. To have a friend, cheers us with the hope of guidance.

sociation is offered by Assistant Pro- This Laysan Island exhibit, the in- one must be one, and Gutbrie became Never was the world more perplexed ball team, had the alumni at hIs I fessor ooper to the senior student spired dream of twelve years, is .~ry popular with the fenows ot his by its problems, never more cried mercy when the annual game was I attaining the highest rank in pract- opened to the publlc this aftrenoon. class. He was our Class President. out In anguish to rdlrection. The played on Iowa field last Tuesday af-ical P,harmacy. Awardel! to Herbert At 4:30 o'clock the everclses recog- His standlng as a student attracted spirIt of God i thd spi rit of investl­ternoon, on eot the features of the

senior frolic. Martin l<~rederlck Doden. teh work of Pro&essor Nutting the favorable attention of the fal)ulty gatlon, of truth, and of service. This

Captain DenIlJis, of the alumni Membership in American Pharma- and of Professor Dill and Mr. C. A. and he was named valedictorian ot mind of Christ is the gnarantee of co-

ceutlcal Association Prize-Member- Corwin, Is being held In the natural the class ot '84, a post he filled with operation in successful common en­team made the only hit and scored

9hlp in the American Pharamacutical science auditorium, following the credit to himself and honor to our terprlses. It is above the contllct~ the only marker for the alumni

as ociation is offered by Dean Teet- class day exercises upon the campus. 01&88. of classes, parties, Industries, com-(laurels to him. The varsity scored ers to the me!pber of the senior cluss Professor Nutting will make the "0 man connected with the col- petition; above th~ estrangements of I nthe first frame and then during who in competi"ive examination 1& 1 f dl in h Id I hb d d1ff f I

'L presentation speech, and President ege 0 me c e as a w er or a 'ne g ors an erences 0 op n-the game a lucky combination of clr- I'ated highest In recognition and de- b tt I II th h Nil tt b lik 111 Macbride of the university wlU ra- e er n uence an e. 0 man ons; far a 0 a ove war- e po -cumsta.nces gave the varsity two

roore runs. scription of organic drugs. Awarded calve the exhibit In behalf of the un- has beeo pr.fv1leged to dod the work cies of nations and ambitious rulers.

Zimmer twirled a most effeotive to Herbert Martin Frederick Doden. iverslty. tor the upbulldlng of the college; Here is the posslbll1ty of harmony

Max Mayer Prize-An annual At the conclusion of the exercises for the eleva.tlon of its standards; even on this planet." game for the alumni, but the young- prize of $25 for excellence in schol-

sters had the drop on him, and suc- arshlp a.nd athletics has been estab­the Individuals who ,aTII ~da to for its experiment with proper labor­

support the expedition, the members ceeded in lfnJng out three pretty hot IIshed by Mr. Max Mayer, of Iowa

of the state. board of education, and

the visiting scientists will be given Bryan Prize- An annual prize of an opportunity to see the exhibit In

$10 has been established by Hon. Its complete form.

ones. No matter what they say, the City. Awarded to Leon Gideon Dick.

stars of years gone bye had the

young ones going at times.

atory and hospital facUlties that

Dean Guthrie has been privileged to



Professors Dunlap, Klttere<Ige and

Ford of the Applied Science ()ollege

former students and as an ex pres- gather Information about e1ty water

of the university.


-THE DAILY IOWAN Decide First, second and third prizes of

$25, $15 and $10 respectively, are given for excellence as shown In the series of trial debates held to select the men who shall represEnt the un­iversity in the intercollegiate de­bates. Equally divided this year among: Edward H. Racker, Clar­ence B. Isaac, Theodore GreenleH

LAYSAN ISLANl) IS ~..o.:~~ ~

,ubllshed every morning except OPENED TO PUBLIC ~

" .. (::,:~::::,.O·,,::·ft::) and ~ COllAR COMfORT Saturday and Monday N

Entered at the Post Office at Iowa OW City as >lecond class matter. W,hat makes a Ulian an executive?

Knowledge plus decision. The -ex­ecutive always has albility to handle business qluestions promptly-to dis-

some on the ground. Soil and rocks § The strictlly HAND.TURNED the .~ collars you get borne from tbe 1 Omce and editorial rooms 23

East Washington. Phone 29 ~~-------------- 1>ose ot them-to decide. Co1l9ge


~------------H. E. WEBB

Business Manager

men and women are executives in the making.

Then make up your mind-decide now- to get your Underwood and the National Course the first tMng you

.... -----'----------- do when you rebll'rn ,to Iowa in the DESK EDITORS

Monday ........ Donald G. Hunter Tuesday ........ Hubert F . Mottet Wednesday ....... Harold M. Page Thursday . ... ... Clarence B. Isaac Saturday .. " . ...... A. W. Brown

fall. It's a simple business 'pro'posi­tlon- it w111 save your time, it w11\ raise your grades.

The National Course and th~ 'best new visilble typewriter in the world -the Underwood-will be watling

--------------- for you when you return. Decide Associate Editor. '" OVAL QUIST now. SPORTS EDITOR . Hamilton Johnson. • Assistant ..... .... .... T. F. Shea NatIonal TYPIsts

DEPARTMENT EDITORS Association l>ental . '" .. '" ..... W. R. Kinzer -Illngineering ........ Lloyd Darling even when they have found students

Garfi eld, OrvllJe William Harris, hav-e been transported so that Harry MacRead. and George Charles Munay.

The John G. Bowman Prize-A

actual beach is really present. It

breaks off into the painted back-

prize of $2 5 was offered this year by ground with such reality that the ob­Dr. John G. Bowman to the winner of the university oratorical contest. Awarded to John Hubert Gabriel.

server can hardly tell which is real

and which is palnteu. The birds fiy-

The Samuel LeFevre Memorial Ing ·in the distance as produced on Prlze-A prize of $20 fo)' excellence In oratory is offered l:y Mrs. Anna canvass ar,e so reailstic that it takes Lefevre to first-year students in any shary scrutiny to ltefferentlate be>­college of the university. Awarded to Ralph Abner Fritz. tween them an dthe stuffed birds on

The IWade Prize- This p~ize is the shore. $50 and is offered by the Hon. M. J.' Wade and .Mr. M. F. Price, to be di- Layson Island is one of the Ha-vlded equally among tIle three mem- wailan group that has never been in­bers of the debating team Winning habited by man 0 ranimals. These the university championship. Award-ed to Howard Taylor Holt, Milton islands ar.e situated from 100 to 300 Gould Horton, and Halford Thomp- miles apart and are composed chief·

N~w Process are the most COIJl·

• lortable collars you ever ~ore.

We feel certain of this. They are turned just right by deft, ex· 'perle-nced ftngers that mU:e

8 them as smooth as pplillhed Q ivory. That solt, velvety'teel to ~ the neck is appreciated bJ mea

~ who .wear stiff collars.

N!~Pri~~~!~~~~ . ; Tel. No. 294 " 5

:xt().:«~~ Exchange .... . ...... .. . R. E. Co~ and faculty members prone to use Forensic .. . ...... P. R. Rockwood th h B I i

son Barry. The Egan Prize-A yearly prize of

$20 is offered by Mr. George W. Egan an alumnus of the university. to the winner of the sophomore oratorical contest. A warded to Ray Leroy

ly of lava. Laysan, the largest, is r--------------, C;raduate .... . Raymond Durboraw e am mer. ut it is crit c sm, in ),aw ............. . . . S. T. Funk 'ledicine ......... R. L. Stockman

newspaper work, as in no other field

of endeavor, that brings out the best. ~hllll'macy ........ . ... E . M. Goey Military .......... . Carroll Martin Through criticism, the staff and the Short.

editor learn thei Tweak places, and The Hamilton Club Oratorical REPORTERS Prize- The Hamilton club of Chica-

P. C. Beezley Lola Bullard immediately remedy them. The go hold annually an oratorical con-B. H. Frank IvaI McPeak newspaper is forced to endeavor to test bet\\'3en re~Tef,entatives Otf a Edna Novak Leslie Hlldebrand . number of uuiversities of the West. Mary Kinnavey Harold Chamberlin appeal to all classes of r eaders. WIth The prize offered Is $100. Won this A. E. HllUwrd T. B. Drake many different ideas of life. The co l-I year by Benjamin Godfrey Swab. ====--===========:::- lege newspaper, perhops, has the Internes in the College of Medi-

Thursda Morning, June 18, 1914 ClUe-George Carter Albright, Syd-


With this issue the Daily Iowan

will close for the academic year of

most critical of readers. What would ner Dale Maiden, and Frederic Louis

appeal to one might be

propel' to another.

highly im- Wahrer, Internes in the department of ophthalmology, otology, laryn­

Newspaper gology and rhinology. Roscoe Durr croftsmen realized this and govern Taylor and Arlo Richard Zuercher.

themselves accordingly. The staff of Internes in the department of Intern-

1913-1914. Throughout the year the Dally Iowan has done its best, al medicine.

Robert Henry Lott. Interne in the department of s ur~€ry. we have endeavored to present to and we are well satisfied with the

Qur r eaders, the news of the uni· results of the year's work.

versity as it has happened frolU

day to day. We have made mls---------


Internes i nthe college of IIomeo­pathic Medicine-Arthur Irving Ar­neson and Paul AmbroRe Royal are the internes In the Homeopathic Hospital for the coming year.

low and fiat. It has an area of about

two squar~ milc$ and the surface

i~ a layer o P coral sallli and pho-

pilate roeI>- . It ha:; ueeu estimated fro.' ', . " ",000 ':0

oirds iul1 \ ,,' t h:', lslan .!.

h. " ,III "

!l ha~ e·.-

cpllent lll'':llll~ <'!tce. A' , ,dan: £.:lI(1

is preseiJt ' 1)1' ,1",~ birds 1111 cllu,li­

tions frequently supply Ulem with

plenty of drinking water

The birds, unusued to man. are

tame and sometime!!! have to be forc­

ibly moved out of the way. l'he lsI

and is a mass of bird rookeries. and

at first glance It seem.;: that there are

al'res and acres o~ grounu literally

covered with albatross. 'rhe camera

man finds great pleasure in the plac~

where a man can pose a bird and

tl,en photograph. takes, but we believe that they 11a ve

been justified in every instance. We

have endeavored to do that which (Continued from Page One) -

we have believed to be right, we this prize is determined by the' class have been Il,on-partlsan, and have of the work students in fres hman ,

taken a definite stand on all ques- physics and the grade on a special ex-

tions, that have been presented for aminatlon A warded to Alva Groves Hartsock.

set for this purpose.

the student body to solve. Daughters of the Revolution Prize College newspaper craftsmen are - This prize is offered by Pilgrim

faliable, every man upon the staff of

the Dally Iowan Is inexperienced,

Chapter ·of the Daughters ot the American Revolution, to the woman of the senior class who has the best standing In Amerllcan hl9tory. Award­ed to Miss Ina Whiteford.

the Daily Iowan has been made a

laboratory in which the newspaper- Sons of the ReVIOlution Prize-­men of the state university of Iowa This prize is offered by the Iowa Sons

of The American Revolution, to the ha.v.e worked. Those men who have man of. the senior class who has the come to the State university, and best standing in American history. who are expecting to enter the jour- Awarded to John White Brooks

The following special prizes have nalistic field, have sought the work been established by the Honorable on the Daily Iowan for the p ractical \ Frank O. Lowden, B. A. '85:

, The Lowden Prize In BotanY-A experience which It affords them. prize of $25 is given f()r excellence

In behalf of the staff we wish to in botany and Is awarded to the stu· dent or students presenting the best

express our heartiest appreciation of note books for the year from any of their work, during the past year.

Though the staff has been large,

each member has found his place

and hillS worked in perfect unison

Several of them will be leaving this

the classes in this department. DI· vlded as follows:

First prize, of $9.00, Helen Bern· ice Debe.

First prize, of $9.00, Carrie Clara Ring.

Second prize, of $7.00 , Norma. Loraine HaUer.

BRING US YOUR FILMS 'and let us do your Finishihg

We have the most up-to-date Finishing Department

in the city.

Ask About OUf 12 Hour 'Service

Satisfaction Guaranteed

LOOK for .'Ii

the Sign I THE

MORRISON PHARMA(Y 117 College Street

year, to enter newspaper work in

other and larger fitllds. The frlend-

The Lowden Prize in Geology-A ~ ____________________________ ..

prize of $25 Is given for excel\enoo ships which have been formed, in generally In the department of geol.

ogy, taking Into account standing, . • Yi8Yi8Yi8Yi8Yi8Yi8yt8Yi8Yi8Y;8Yi8Y;IYi8Yi8Y;.Y;IY;IY;.Y;1 this fraternity of newspaper lng, in

the midst ot a great university, are

such that can never be broken.

note books, and aptitude for seeing II V B h Y; and appreCiating the geologic phe· . ' apor at s • Ilomena observed In tile field. Award- Y; Y; ed to Arthur James Williams. • •

Though years and great distance The Lowden Prize in LaUn-A = With full body massage and alcohol rub. Ii may separate us who have worked prize of $25 is awarded In the de- Y; '(Lady Osteopathic PhysiCian in Attendance) Yi together here during the past year,

partment ot Latin for the greatest. •

Ae H. FETTING M.nuf.ctur9r of

eTe.e~ fetter Fraternity Jewelry

213 North ~ Liberty Street • Balti~ore. Md.

Factory 212 Ltttla Sharp Sll

Memorandum packai_ to any 1 Fraternity Imember' through the secretary ofTthe chapter. SPIo- J tal designs and: asttmates fur· nl,had on Class Pins, "ings.Med· als for Athletic Meets, etc.


DR. J. WARD Dentist

Johnson County Savings Bank Bldg . • Telephone 327.

DR. W. H. DONOVAN 'Physician and Surgeon

Special attention given to Elye, Ear, Nose and Throat.

Office : Johnllon County SaTillp Bank Building. Rooms 315-320.

IPhone 106·J Residence Cor. College and Sum·

mit. Phone 106-M.

DR. T. L. HAZARD JlPmeopathic Phylliclaa

Otllce over Golden Eagle

DR. IVY S. TI'rllELL Homeopathic Ph1l1iclall

Hours 11-19 S--:S. Johnson County Bank Bldg.

DR. F. O. TITZELL Homeopathic Phptdan

Houn 11.19; W Sunday, ~ to e p. m. Phon. OIl

Johnf!(,n County Bank Building

DR. FRED F. BALLARD Dental Surgeon

812-818 John80n CoUDty But _. Phone No. 195·R.


Suite 8, Paul Helen Bldg. PhOlI

673. ;l hi

JOHN voss. D. D. S. 19 1·2 S. Dubu.que St. PhOlllll11

MRS. TAYLOR 8tenopapher

Thesis and Manuscripts copied. Phone U16·Y 413 Iowa An.

. LOLA OLARK·MIGHELL. II. D. 218 1-2 E . Washington.

. there Is a ti of friendship and fel-

proficiency In at least two hours of Yi Chiropody, Manicuring, Facial Massage, Yi the work ot the sophomore year, as • Shampooing at the - ___________ .......--shown by an examination held duro Yi ' Y;

Office hours 2 to 7 p. m. or by special appolntmeDt

lowship, which wlll always be a ing the flrst week in June. Awarded I MARINE, LLO PARLORS = pleasant memory and fond J'ecoUec- to Miss Myrna M. Boyce. • •

ROBERT FULLERTON Teacber of Singing

Studio In Tower Room, CIOI. Hall tion when the trials ot future yeare The Lowden Prize In Mathematics Y; 17 1-2 South Dubuque Street Y;

- A prize of $50 for excellence in lYilYi.Y;IYilYi.Yi.Y;.YilYi8Y;.YiIY;IY;IYi.YilYiIY;IYi.YiII---BAR- B- lll-B-A-'""-.. -an-uy--mathematics is open to all students J.UJ pn..uJ.III are. hard upon us.

The Daily Iowan has been made who are about to complete in course Dance Orcb ..... the work ot the freshman and soph· R~+O+OtO~~~ Latest in Tango and HealtatfoDI

truly repr,esentative of this great omore years In mathematics,' the last. to 7 piece. Tel. for datea DU·R un1v~rslty It Is through the sta/l' year of such work having 'been done SABINS EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE (Inc.) or D65-R

at the university In regulu classes HENRY SABIN, PreSident A. M. M. DORNON, Se~.tary ____________ _ that thl. has been possible. At all 'MANHATTAN BUILDING.IOES MOINES, IOWA

and t. determined by an examination For 20 years w_ have Raid particular attention to seourtnlt Itood posl-tlmee the men and women on held In May. Awarded . to Floyd Uons for InelCPCtrlenced University Itraduates Before enroUlnlf any- HVO'I ~;t.0K

1St h Y tt • Where send for our papers. Ask former iraduales about US ~emem O. e

the Istair given' their co-operation oug e er. berwe oover ALL THE WES:rERNSTAT!S. . - 114 1.2 So. Clinton I ' The Lowden Prize in Debate- ~otOtOfOtOtOtOtotO~tc«l.a.o


DEGREES GIVEN A. Howell, Iowa City; Perry E. Ox- ])avid A. Wlttrlg, Wayland; G. H. Pearl Martin, Davenport; Hanna V. Overkam'P Wormhoudt. Pella . Iarvln, Gl'1nnell; Ander.s Mather, ley, Oedar Rapids; Forest A. Rlch-

AT THE UNIVERSITY ards, Sloan; John L. Scanlon, Ox- MedJ.ciJle Iowa Oity; Daniel V. Masser, -Q()lo; Geo. C. Albright, Danvllle; Rod- Frank R. Menagh, Denoon; Anna V.

JilDg1neerJJIa ford; Howard Benson Seaman, Car-Charles Altf1l11scb, Bellevue; CaT! narvan; WUliam Rae Snyder, Sioux

T. Bowen, Charlton; William E. Bow- City; Edwin J. Stephenson, Llberty-

ney M. Arey, Muscatine; Jas. W. Me-yers, Orange City; Kathryn M(lnt- " 0 wad some power the gl~Ue gle us CrulDlP, WolfO'l'd , N. D; Hane E. gomery, Washington; Helen Moon, ro see oUnlelvee .. Ithera IIee ue."

r sox, Shueyvllle; Jacob H. Ca1'llJ1i-1 ville; Laurence B. Stephenson, LlIb­cllael, Monticello; Glenn V. 06rpen- ertyv11le; Carl A. Trexel, Des ter, Waukon; J. Ralph Eyre, Osceo- Moines; Ronald H. Urick, Des la; Levi J. Garms, ChaTles City; Moines; Ezra C. Wenger, Wayland.

Harlow, Albia; Carl Maaser, Wa.\'- Iowa City; Ada P. Morris, Carson; erly; Thos. F. Hersch, 'Waterloo;, Hubert F. Mottet, Iowa City; Fran- D Snyder Dale Malden, Ayrsblre; Dan ' cl M. Mounts, UnlonvllIe; Adah R. W. Shine, Wlnthr.()p; Federlck L. Mu&ser, Keokuk; Benjamin H . Nev­Wahrer, Fort Madison; Roscoe D. eln, Victor; Carolyn J. Newcomb, Taylor, Fort Pierce, Fla; John O. Iowa City; Ruth lID. Nlchlaus, Elgin; Weaver, CQon Rapids; and Arlo R. Bertha Nickol, Mason OIty; Nellie

D Frank H. Gluldner, Davenport ; Dentists OUR ILLUSTRATED SEOTION

Louis H . Hauth, Hawkeye; Lloyd Paul M. Anderson, Lake City, Mlnn; Raymond J. Andrews, Wash-i).


= THE CAFETERIA = • • ~ Try It = = 218 E. College = . ~ I EVERYTHING II! = HOME COOKED II! i MEAL TICKETS = ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.I

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University BOOK STORE


Op,o.lte Oeatral .. t.raaoe W"tAlrJ11&8 Jl'o_&aba r...

Po.t.n aacJ MetUq fel'

Ington; Don L. Bare, Pleasantv11le; WilHam J. Barry, Iowa City; Joseph D. Bellamy, Cambridge, Neb; Ray V. Brand1t, Beloit, Wls; Craig W. Casady, Milton; Leeland V. Cock­!lum, Kirksville, Mo; Frank M. Crawford, Sidn-ey; Donald L. Cris­singer, FarnsamvlJle; Paul J . Curry, Ida Grove; Leo R. Daley, F(lrt Dodge; George L . Denzler, Kearney, Nebr ; Leo G. Dick, Stanhope; Har­ry E. Bowe, Guttenberg; John M. Eason, Alton; Josepll C. Esser, Aus­ton, Mlnn ; William F. Ettinger, Casey; Nobuji Fukulfulma, Yam a­~chl Ken, Japan; Tjode Carlotte Grothaus, Buffalo Center; Oliver A. Habordler, San Jose, Cal; Earl W. Howard, Ottumwa; Charles F. Hub­er, Cedar Ra'Plds; Glenn H. Hum'Pb­ref, Carroll; Sam/uel A. Ka!tz , Des Moines; Oliver A. Langland, Cam­bridge; Egldlo A. Laraia, San Fran­cisco, Cal; Carlton C. Lawhead, Cainesville, Mo; Ralph C. Long, HI­ram W. Loucks, Paullina; Martin A. McDevitt, Oelwein: Rdbt. L. Morse, Elkader; Joseph C. Murphy, Cedar Falls; Peter W. QualJy, Decorah; Ray W. Rogers, Waucoma; Clifford A. Ross, ColumblUs, Mont; John Scholten, Orange City; J. Ross Simp­son, D s Moines; Roy Clark Siple,

Zuecber, Garwin. Oetting, Stanwood ; Agnes N. O'Mal-Law ley, Mechanlcsvllle; Ague L. O'Ne1l1,

Pallli .AJbrall1s, Iowa. City; GeQ. W. lW"aterloo; Everett F. Oviatt, Villisca; Anderaon, Waterloo; Lynn W. Balt- Esther Paulus, Iowa. City; Clara W. er, Washington ; Paul Balcar: :\10n- Peglow, Monona; WaIte rJ. Pennlng-t1cello; Charles Benesh, Toledo; roth, Tipton; Grace E. Phillips, EI-Frank G. Callander, Des {(lInes; wood ; Selma . Pieper, Iowa Clty; Stephen F . Casey, Iowa City; J. Rob- Alma S. Ptak, Tyndall, S. D ; Oval ert ornell, Winterset; Winfred p.. QUist, Essex ; Mabelle Randolph, Dutton, SiOlux Ity ; Jolln B. Dyer, Grinnell; Eva L. Rhyno, Winterset; Dickens ; Harold D. Evans, Marengo; arria B. Rogers, Iowa City; Flor-1\lIIto'h Gerard Cage, Sabula ; Albert ence M. Roseberry, LeMars; Florence M. Galvin, Holstein ; Clement W. L. Ru ell, Iowa City; Florence M. Garfleld, Humlboldt ; Otis Gilbrech, Schneider, Iowa City; Amel1a W. Davenport ; Dwight J . Gilchrist, Semrod, Iowa. Clly; Maude R. Shade,

herokee; John W. Gwynne, Iowa Ida Grove; Allan R. Shepherd, Har-City; Cl1t1'ord C. Hakes, Muscatine; Ian ; Clara G. Sherman, Fort Dodge; Donn W. HaJlpet, Neligh, Nebr; Karl David L. Shlllinglaw, Cedar Falls;

Good Jght NU1'8e

So-long. What a reUef. To think

W. Kra.use, Ida Grove; Palul rw. Anna Shimek, Iowa City; Gretchen that no lQnger we will bave to grind Kun, Iowa City; Karl D. Loos, Iowa P. Sleg, Iowa. City; Byron L. Sifford, (lut a oolumn of this alleged humor, City; Ray B. McConlogue, Ma8()D Wall Lake; Kabherine Sims, Dent­City; John 'Dhos. McGuire, Anamosa; 'son ; Benjamin M . Smith, Oresco; James G. McNeil, Postville ; harles Hulda K. Smith, Mandalay, India;

stand over the llnotYlPe man with a

club to get It eet, fight with the bu -D. Meloy, Fort Dodge; Clifford D. 'EIsle Sna.vely, Oxford ; Agnes C. Sod- In manager for a full column 0" 'Moody, Nora Springs; Benjamin H. erlund, Iowa City; Gall Stahl, Ollie; Morrison, North English; Clarence John M. Stokes, Corning; Ja~ W. with the editor for the right to slam F . Murphy, Elkader; Edwin O. New- Sumner, Hawarden ; Grace E. Thom- a favorite pr(lg. No longer will It ell. Columbus JlUnctlon; Maxwell A. as, K nt; CoradeJla Thurston, On-O'Brien, Osk1\loosa ; Michael D. lawa; Laura E . VanDenburgh, Arm- Ibe nece8Bary to stick at the office Roller, North English; WilUam K. 'strong; Richard J. VI gars, Mov1lle; until tile forms are on the pr ss so Ross, Iowa City ; Harry L . Snaken- 'Scott A. Walker, Iowa City; Ben berg, 'Sigourney; Albert Steinberg, P . Wallace, Washington; Lucile M. that some one w1ll not ball things UP.

It was an experiment: this thing Eldora; P.,be Ingalls SWisher, Iowa Warner, Iown. City; Harriet R. Wen­ity; Floyd E. Thomas, Ottumwa; ger, Winfield; Ira Whitford, WH­

herokee; Earle S. Smith. ~1arcus; Thos. H. Taylor, Genesco, Ill., llamsburg; Ruth M. W!hltmore, Falr- of getting ou t a column <eVery day. Roy 1\1. Smlhr, Elmore, Mlnn ; Ray ·Geo. K. Thompson, Jamaica ; Earle field; Alma WlIhelm, Hartley; Blake It was lots of fun and lots of work. Smith, Elmore, Minn; Elmer R. P . Tucker, Panora; Martin S. Tur- V. Willis Perry; Nesta Williams,

Roo .. DecoraUoa Swank, Indianola ; Raymond D. T m- ner, Emden, 1.10; Earl C. W1l11s, Iowa Ity; Harry A. Wolcott, Bel- But when everything new Is. \\'111 OUIl PlUoaa ALWAY. R1G11'1' pIe, Rowan ; ~oseph C. Tymony, Mob- Clarksville; Walter I. Wolfe, Lost Na.- mond; William W. Hansell, Ottum- we have it next year? Perhap!' - per-

++++'1"1-1 .. 1'+++++++++++ erly, Mo; AlvlD Denison Ward, Grin: tion. wa; Wtlbur F. Ham street, Clear h t We're not sure that we

=====::===::=====================n=e=IJ=;==L=aw==re=n;:-:c=e==M=.=W:::::I=se=,==E==a=rl=h=a=m=, PharJllacy Lake; Harry R. Jenkinson, Algona; aps no . d T L M Sh Id n got away, but we'll consider It.


Irish's JUNE

Business College Will Open

22, 1914, AT 9 A. M.

• ,.:·a.:o:.a·:o:· 0.:-0-:-0.':.0:0:.0:-0.:+0 ·:<)·:·a.:<>(.a.:O:·C>:·Q+:·~:":O:<> ·:<»e»cx ~ A

~.. The New International Encyclopaedia 9-

Second edition just coming from the press 9-•• If Interested communicate with state agent , O. G. WAFFLE,Marion,la. ~ § AGENTS WANTED ~ ":O:O:.Q.:-o-:o:·a.:o:·.o:<>-:·~:.o: .. :O:<><eQ·:O:O:O;.o.:<Xt<><»

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This means that the sh:rt can't work out of the trousers, that there are no shirt taUs to bunch in leat, that the drawers Ie stay put," to say nothin~ of the comfort and economy of saving a g:u-ment. OLUS IS coat cut, opens all the way down -cloaed crotch, cloaed back. See illustration.

For goHi

te.nnis and field wear, we recommend the special attached co 1ar OLUS with reiUlar Or .hort .reeves. Extra .uee for very tall or stout men. All shirt fabricI, in Imart designs, including .ilks-$1.50 to $10.00.

OLUS oD .. plec. PAJAMAS for lounrlD,. tado, and comfortable .I .. p. Made on the lime prllDdpl. .. OLUS Sblrtl- COlI CUI. cIoocd bock. c:Ioo<d crotcla. No .triap to ti.bt_ 01' coa......... fl.8O to "'10.

Ask your dealer for OLUS. Booklet on requ •• L

PHILLIPS-JONES COIIPAHT, Mdna 1199 Broad_,., New York


Remember! If it isn't coat-cut it is'nt OLUS

Northwestem Teachers' Age 11 cy The JEEdiri' E('Er:CY fcr tte Entire l'Ht Erc .AJHl' a Wrtte immediately for free circular. Boise, Ida ho

Herbert F. DOllen, Wllto~ Junc- an ... yn n . yers, eo. 'tlon; Leslie K. Fenlon, Clinton; Rob_ And now, kind friends, after thE' ert C. Habn. MJuscatlne; Raymond C. Ilarvey, Guttenberg; Francll! P. Hess, J ... one Tr e; M. Reno Hohmann, Iowa City; Clyde E. Jacobs; Iowa

('o~nIENCK'mXT CJ.O. E

(Continued from Page One) Ity; Edw. Kledalsch, Keokuk; John ______________ _

F. Kledalsch, Keol,uk; Walter E. class of from '58, to the class '13, Palmer, Murray; Carl C. Powers,

next and last act, thanking yon one

I and all, we. will bid you a kino good­


Murray; John F. Rabe, Marengo; were here to particIpate In the oom- -Except Bunny Wassam-he may

Harry E. T. Rutenbeck,Lost Na- men cement festivities and to renew consider blmselt slammed. tion; MWIUltl Wielnnd, RE'1l Oak; Homer D. Long, Iowa City and old acquaintances. Banqu ta, recep. = Thurston J. Long, Iowa. City.

Libera] Arts Weldon F . Adamson, Sioux City;

tious, dlnners, reunions Qf tbe dU-When the last old rowan's publlshed

terent classes marked the commence-

Janet B. Ady, West Liberty; Clar- ment time. And the linotype man Is dry,

ence J. Albl'echt, Waverly; Evalene P. Babcock, Iowa Olty; Norah E. Ban, Quasqueton ; Leila. C. Barnes, Jowa City; Mary E . Bennett, ~lount

' Vern(ln; Harry Berry, Iowa 'City; Lucile I. Best, Villisca; Blanche

And the "Power" is peacefully flleep­The commencement exercises Ot

yesterday were esllecially impressive.

The procession marched from the Old

Capitol buUding to the Armory where


And no "contribs" hover night;

We shall rest, an 1 man, how we'll

Bishop, Mancbester; Ruth E. Bon- the exeroises were held. need it. nebt, Charlton; James E. Booge, SIOIux City; Helen F. Bradley, Iowa City; Eloise K. BTalnerd, Iowa City; May V. Brinkman, Rolfe; J()ohn W. Browning, lowe. City; C1ar­

'Dhe order of porcession was as fol- Lie down for a week or two

lows: Till the "P. A. T." of the new year

Lleutenllont Phinney, .marshall, the Shall set to the work anew.

ceUa M. Br()wnngi, I(lwa City; C1ar- university band, President Thomas ence H. Brunner, Newton; Mabel L. 'E. Macbride, and !the commencement And those who have worked sha ll be Byer, Gowrie ; Samuel C. Cha'l'lson,

oration, Jamee A. MacDonald, Gover- loafers,

nor Clark, of the state of Iowa and They shall sit in their leathern chairs

the commencement Chlloplaln, the And watch the boobs a.' working

members of the state ooa.rd ot '8QU· Rack their barins in the sultry air.

cation, and the fina.nce committee, And no one shall say I 'Where's that

the official guests of Ithe university, copy,

'Lake MllIs; R. Morgan Cornwall, Spencer; Bertha Cowles, Des Moines; Emma R. Crossley, Garrison; Amy E. DaIJas, Atlantic; Georgia B. Da­vis, Iowa City; Marjorie M. Dyas, Bellevue; Norma E. Edelstein, Iowa City; Beulah T. Elllott, West IAb-el'­ty; Lucile M. Etzel, I()wa City; Cora

Fa!brlcliu8, Reinbeck; Anne Fahey, the university sen Me, the faculties of Come clean, now, you guys; shake a Iowa City; Hertha J . Falk, Daven­port; EUzlllbeth A. Farrell, Bellevue; the university, the alumni, in order leg.

Edward A. Feeney, Iowa City; Leon of cleir classes, the candidates fOr Oh, man, do you call this joke funny ,V. Fees, Guthrie, Okla; Lester R. did T thi j .... ~? Fields, Cresco; Bruce IE. Ftnkbine, degrees, and lastly the candidates for When! Yhy n't let s og ~ Des Moines; -Alvin J. Fluck, North certificates. 'English; Mary R. Frampton, Boone; 'Donald F'ullerton, Des Moines; John u'pon the arrival at the Armory, And no one around sha.ll praise them.

'H. Glllbrlel, Waterloo; Harry S. Ger- program opened by singing "Ola But, too, there'll be no one to blame.

hart, Marsballtown; Harold GU- Gold." Theox invocation was offer- And they'll work all the summer for Imore, Algona; George G. Gliok, Mus-'caUne; RaI'Ph E. Gray, Eldora; Ruth ed by the Rev. D. C. Garrebt. money J. Gunderson, Rolfe; Forest H. Gur- tThe commencement a.ddress was And dream of the. fall with Its fame, ney, West Union; Unda I. Hamren, Kansas City, Mo ; JlUne M. Handley, deli~ered by James A. MacDonald, When each with a sui~ case ot rare Tipton; Geneva Hanna, Lu Verne; editor of the Toronta Globe, ()f Tor- jokes, John L. Hanson, Union; Oscar S. Hobbet, Eagle Grove; LesUe N. Qnta, Canada. Which he knows have no compeers Hildebrand, Hiawatha, Kana; E. May Following Ia the commencement at all, Hodgson, Iowa City; Anna S. Hogan, address, In part: shelt, Winterset; Helen J . Holmes, Cedar Ra'Plds; Margaret V. Hughes, WJI1lamsbur,g; Henl'Y R. Husted, Murray, 'Malvern W. Iles, Jr., Dav­enport; Clarence B. Isaac, Red Oak;


Pr(lfs. WeUer, Kllngemann, and

Laura C. Jackson, Cedar Rapids; Kurt will IldJpear (In the progra.m of John H. Johnson, Cedar' Rapids; EveretJte K. Jones, Pleasant Plain; Carl F. Jordan, Burlington; Buda C. tapolls; Arthur Lund, Marlon; Anna E. McColUster, Iowa; Etbel K. Mac

·,the Iowa Retail Shoe Dealera' asso­

ciation at tbe convention which will

be held In Cedar Rapids, Juny 7, 8,

'Kenzle, Iowa C~ty, Jane R. MCLaugh- a.nd 9. These speeches will be print.. lin, Iowa City; hal MoPeak, Hurst- ed in the trade journal wlhlch is prlnt­'VUle; Charlotte Magdslck, Charles 'Clty; Velma Marshall, Iowa City; ed in Boston.

Shall hurry back to the old "Un!."

To the "P. A. T." column net fall.

We 8Jng Our 8wAn Sona

Farewell to all you "contribs"

And to you whom we have <l'o8.8ted:

And last of all to YOU fellows--

1Wb0 on making the "Line' have


P. A. T.

i ~I .....

• J



June 17th , 1914. +++++++++++++++++++


Heacl of College of Fine Arts to Re. !\[othel' of Noted Aluuml Died Last Offel'ed ]"()(' Excellency in Schollll'shil) speech, Dr. Gutherie said In part as

ruain at Request of Monday Night at Home And in :Uh· folows;

President Here letics

The Max Mayer cup, which is orrer- RJ~Sl'ONSE BY DOCTOR GUTHRIE

"At the request of President Mac- Mrs. Thomas Seerly, formerly Lou- ed annually for excell ency In schol- Ladies and genUeen, you have 11s-

bride I will remain in the service of isa Ann Smith, paased away last arship and athletlcs has been granted tened to some eulogy by a friend. You

tbe university, " was the statement night at 10, at her home, 409 S. Sum- to L EO Dick, by the university. have been to ld that for twenty-five

mit, after a long illness. The winner of this cu<p js not onl'Y years I have acted as prc>feiSOr In

issued toilay by F. C. Ansley, who Surviving are tlw'ee sons, all unUI!' .an exoellent athl.ete but )le is also the univ·~rsity. 'Dhat is true, ·but I

rec€ntly resigned his position as ually prominent in ,professional circl- ·an excellent ;scholar. 'Dhis means a want to tell you, and tell you fra.nk-

Wieneke's Arcade Bookstore ...

Note BOOKS and School Supplies .....

Headquarters for

Fountain Pens .... Largest Assortment of Dinner Cards in the city ...

dean of the college of flne arts. es-President H. H. Beerley, of the great deal to the individual and ,the Iy, that there are othen to whom I 1"1 I 1"1"1'+++++++++++++ It has been rumored for some time Iowa State Teachers' college; Attor- cup is highly pTized for several years. would ,pay tribute. First, it would =============

that the dean was reooDslderlng his ney J. J. Seerley, Burlin·gton; and Mr. Mayer has ,been ofl'ering this cup been imposlrilble tor me to liave

Dr. Frank N. Seerley, dean of the to those who have been proficfent in acoomplished the work which 1 have resignation, and it had been said

Y. M. C. A. college, at Sprlnglield, both athletics and their university done, had it not been f~r Ule Inllj)~-

before that be had withdrawn it, but Mass. , and a lecturer ofnat.d.onal work. aUon and encouragement of my de-

the formal anDo-uneement has not note. All three are alumni of S. U. It was with pleasure that the stu- voted wife, willo, with me will treas

been made until now. I. Dr. F. N. Beerley':s lWife was l or- dent ,body heard that Mr. Dick was voted wife, who, with me wlll treas-

Iowa City frfenl!s of Dean AnBley m~rly Miss 'Margaret HoLmes, daugh. honored by winning thee up. ure this beautiful gift. Second, the

will rejoioe to leai'n that be will re- ter of a 'pioneer 'mayor of Iowa City. For the past three Dick has been few thhg whioh I have accomplished

main h~ for a few more years, at Presiaent Beerley- and J. J. Seerley one of the :semi-stays of the foot- in the university ol Iowa, would bave

least. Rts plaoe In the eommunfty are now here. ball team, a,nd upon the track team. Ibeen absolutely impossible bad it Scarf slide space . and lock fiont

has alwa.ys been an alrtlve one, and ThroUgihout his athletic work, 'he not been for the hearty co-operation

the university's lOS8 would a180 be O. E . Klingaman of the ·ext<enslon has been a man upon whom the of the loyal band f men and women

. the cltly'W. department rece~ved a beautiful pres. coaches could depend at all times. with whom I have 'been associwted

ent of an unmbrella f~om Mr. Rohen- Last fall, the footban team honored since '89. TUrd, to realize my

tnoP~ 0tIeet~ III \JN1TED SHIRt-a. COILAIt 00. novN.Y.

GmB GOOD P08ft'ION schuh yesterday .afternoon which was Dick with ruhe Captaincy, for the year ideals would have been impossible

Mr. E. J. Fry who wfll take bis preeented in ,bebaM of the Undertak- 1914, but, as he is a senior in tlJJ.~ 001- had it not been for what 1 could al- Q404K>C~lOaotototot()~IOtK)

Masters degree In chemistry at the ers' association. It was given in lege of dentistry he could not afford ways depend upon in the alumm

coming commencement bas received recognition of the material aid giv- to come baolt to the university, sim- when we were in need, the uniform

an appointment as Instructor in en the undertakers rby the exfIDlsion ply to play footbalI and to lead the loyalty of th<e sons anet daughters of

chemistry at Queens College Toronto, depa.rtmen t of th<e uniV9l'Sity during tea..m. "Old Gold." It is one of the greatest

A Friend in Need is : •

a Friend Indeed.

Canada. !their cc>nvention in Iowa City.




Solid Silver Spoons

90,~ I .



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25 Patterns

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15% Off on everything



Watches Va,nities

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In his work upon the cinder track, assets -or the universfity. f he People's Steam


Leo Dick has been a man upon whom My formel" students and fellow

to depend. Although lle did not s.tar alumni, I thank you for the expres­

as in football, his work has been ex- sion of appreciation and good will.

cellent. In accepting it, I am su~e that I can

bespeak for the institution, for the Q SCHOOL OF MUSIC


The University School of Music

closed '11.8 most successful year with

its third annual graauating reoltal

11Ist Friday evening at the audltorl ·

um. Prof. Gustav Schoettle, th(, di­

rector of the school aud head of the

piano department, .. presented two

s tudenls for graduation, Miss Clara

E. J e lista and Miss Myrtle O. Wood,

who gave excellent acrount of them­

selves in a recital which would have

been a. credit to auy Ulature artist.

They showed a facile and well-devel·

oped teshnique ample to cope with

any difficulties demanded by the ex·

acting program .

A special feature of their playing

was the musical and well-developed

touch drawing from the instrument

a variety of tone and nuance, but

best of all were their musical inter­

upbuildlng of which, I bave devoLed

myself, these many years, your most •

loyal support­

Till the waters no more in thy river)

g a run, 2

Supplies Those Friendly Clean

Clothes When You Are 1'1

Need Till the stars in the heavens grow Q

run, Q THE PEOPLE'S We hall sing of the glory thou has ~ STEAM LAUNDRY

won ~ C. J. TOMS, Prop.

And the love that we bear for Old 225 IOWA A VENUE . . Gold. <<»OX><<)t~~~oK)+O+)QOO~

pretations. showing at times an In- ~~~~~.atOtOtO

dlvidual conception of t'he mUllic ~ RIES ~ BOOK STORE

Beethoven's Moonilght" Sonata and . Loose teaf Note Books. played, and such compositions a8 i ' Suppl peper for any size

Sonata "AppassJonata" receilved an StaU~ery, Typewriter Paper and Ribbons, School and Offtoe 5.., pU •• , Fountain Pen •. Prlc •• the Low •• t. 28 Ii. (l£JNrQ~ 1'1'.

adequate presentation. Their other ~~o.o.oto~~o.0404I04Oe1.

selections consisted of ~tudes, the ========================================:::;;z:::I Valse In A F lat and the beautiful QtOtOtO~<tOtOtO~~I+C*ItOI.

ballade In the same key by Chopin,

and some smaller numbers, which all

received an Intellllgent and finl.hed



(.Continued from Pa~e One)

love; thi. beautiful oup with the In­




By his former student.

On completion of his twenty-fifth

1_r u a proftllOr

ta the


LUSCOMBE Is giving Special Prices




H .. al"ays made a specialty of securing positions for colle~e studenll graduat .. , Its facilities and services are unlurpa .. ed .. ~ your to colle .. matel. C. R. Scro .... ie, Propr;.lor oJ MtlfIat'"

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