the daly college, indore summer assignment 2011-12 class ...the daly college, indore summer...

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The Daly College, Indore

Summer Assignment 2011-12

Class VIII (C.I.E.)


1. Learn new words, meanings and their spellings from the given sheets. Use them in your written work. [Tests on meanings and spelling will be taken later.]

2. Write on each topic:[ All to be written in the note book.]

a) A family outing turns out to be a disaster.[Descriptive; April]

b) Write a narrative‐“I heard that he was a strange man but now he approached me for the first time.”[ May]

c) People who look for excitement or danger are foolish. Do you agree?[Argumentative; May]

d) Advertisements are often boring, misleading and useless.[Argumentative; June]

e) Write an article in which you persuade young readers that people who multi‐task are the ones who survive best in this tough world.[Persuasive; June]

3 Visit the C.I.E student website, browse through past papers and practise some on your own . or

4 Read the novel ‘Great Expectations’ and write a book review in your note book. Then write a critical analysis of the two most important characters according to you.


. Holiday Home Work ‐ 2011

Class VIII.C.B.S.E

1 Read a novel and write a book review in the language note book. Write it according to this format.

a) Name of novel.

b) Name of author.

c) A short description of the novel.

d) The Character /s you like best.

e) Rate the novel.

2 Write essays on the following topics:

a) The life of a child is hampered in the city.

b) I would rather be an only child.


Word Building Words Definitions

engender to bring into existence; give rise to cause to exist

vitiate to reduce the value or impair the quality of make impure

pacify to ease the anger or agitation of calm someone down

dearth a scarce supply; a lack lack

indolence being disinclined to exert oneself; habitually lazy lazy

marred damaged, especially disfiguring damage damaged or bruised

indolent disinclined to exert oneself; habitually lazy lazy

supercilious feeling or showing haughty disdain haughty

squander to spend wastefully or extravagantly; dissipate waste

ardent expressing or characterized by warmth of feeling; passionate


beset to trouble persistently; harass harass

countenance appearance‐especially the expression of the face face

cursory performed with haste and scant attention to detail hasty

charisma a rare personal quality attributed to leaders who arouse fervent popular devotion and enthusiasm

magical attractiveness

demagogue a leader who obtains power by means of impassioned appeals to the emotions and prejudices of the populace

rabble‐rousing leader

placate to allay the anger of, especially by making concessions; appease


indigenous intrinsic; innate native

labyrinth an intricate structure of interconnecting passages through which it is difficult to find one's way


exacerbate to increase the severity, violence, or bitterness of; aggravate

make worse

incense to cause to be extremely angry; infuriate make very angry

daunt to abate the courage of; discourage make fearful

rudimentary of or relating to basic facts or principles; elementary basic

credulous disposed to believe too readily; gullible eager to believe

lucid easily understood; intelligible easy to understand

sacrosanct regarded as sacred and inviolable sacred

docile ready and willing to be taught; teachable easily taught

impartial not partial or biased; unprejudiced fair

precedent an act of instance that may be used as an example in dealing with subsequent similar instances

earlier example

figurative based on or making use of figures of speech; metaphorical

based on figures of speech

reiterate to say or do again or repeatedly say again

prudent careful in regard to one's own interest; provident careful

negligence failure to exercise the degree of care considered reasonable under the circumstances; carelessness


innocuous having no adverse effect; harmless harmless

lax lacking in rigor, strictness, or firmness; careless careless; not diligent

precipitate to cause to happen, especially suddenly or prematurely cause to happen abruptly

equivocate to avoid making an explicit statement say confusing things

assiduous constant in application or attention; diligent hard working

aptitude an inherent ability, as for learning; a talent natural ability

circumspect heedful of circumstances and potential consequences; prudent


metamorphosis a transformation, as by magic or sorcery magical change in form

substantive not imaginary; actual; real having substance

nepotism favoritism shown or patronage granted to relatives, as in business


solicitous marked by or given to anxious care and often hovering attentiveness

eager and attentive

inclement stormy; showing no clemency; unmerciful bad, as in weather

obscure not clearly understood or expressed; ambiguous or vague

hard to understand

jeopardy risk of loss or injury; peril or danger danger

nebulous lacking definite form or limits; vague vague

diverse differing one from another varied

stratum a horizontal layer of material, especially one of several parallel layers arranged one on top of another


anarchy absence of any form of political authority lawlessness

acrimonious bitter, sharp, ill‐natured animosity, especially as it is exhibited in speech or behavior


abstruse difficult to understand; recondite hard to understand

elusive difficult to define or describe hard to pin down

taciturn habitually untalkative naturally untalkative

ephemeral lasting for a markedly brief time lasting very short time

quantitative of or relating to number or quantity having to do with quantity

relegate to send to a place of exile; banish banish

conciliatory to make or attempt to make compatible; reconcile making peace

appropriate to take possession of or make use of exclusively for oneself, often without permission

take without permission

concurrent happening at the same time parallel

complicity involvement as an accomplice in a questionable act or a crime

participation in wrongdoing

lampoon a broad satirical piece that uses ridicule to attack a person, a group or an institution


reparation the act or process of making amends paying back

parochial narrowly restricted in scope or outlook; provincial narrow in point of vies

monolithic something suggestive of a large block of stone, as in immovability, massiveness, or uniformity

massive and unyielding

patriarch a man who rules a family, or tribe male head of family

sensory of or relating to the senses or sensation having to do with the senses

qualitative of, relating to, or concerning quality having to do with quality

misanthropic hating or mistrusting humankind hating mankind

felicity great happiness; bliss happiness

obsequious full of or exhibiting servile compliance; fawning fawning

equitable marked by or having equity; just and impartial fair

expropriate to deprive of possession officially take property officially

noxious harmful to living things; injurious to health harmful

chivalrous demonstrating the qualities idealized by knighthood, bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry toward women


compose to make or create by putting together parts or elements

make up

apathy lack of interest or concern; especially regarding matters of general importance or appeal; indifference

lack of interest

cacophony jarring, discordant sound; dissonance harsh mixture of sounds

exalt to glorify, praise, or honor raise high

poignant keenly distressing to the mind or feelings painfully emotional

predilection a partiality or disposition in favor of something; a preference

natural preference

propensity an innate inclination; a tendency natural inclination

sloth aversion to work or exertion; laziness; indolence laziness

existential of relating to, or dealing with existence having to do with existence

auspicious attended by favorable circumstances; propitious favorable

heterogeneous completely different; incongruous varied

fickle characterized by erratic changeableness or instability, especially with regard to affections or attachments; capricious

capricious; unpredictable

indiscreet lacking discretion; injudicious lacking discretion

diligent marked by persevering, painstaking effort hard working

constitute to be the elements or parts of; compose make up

ameliorate to make or become better; improve make better

consonate being in agreement or accord harmonious

concord harmony or agreement of interests or feelings; accord harmony

deleterious having a harmful effect; injurious harmful

peripatetic walking about or from place to place; traveling on foot wandering

loquacious very talkative; garrulous talkative

propitious presenting favorable circumstances; auspicious marked by favorable signs

vestige a visible trace, evidence, or sign of something that once existed but exists or appears no more

last trace

notorious known widely and usually unfavorably; infamous famous for something bad

polarize to cause to concentrate about two conflicting or contrasting positions

cause opposing positions

implement to put into practical effect; carry out carry out

viable capable of living, or developing, under favorable conditions

capable of living

arbitrary determined by chance, whim, or impulse, and not by necessity, reason or principle


endemic prevalent in or peculiar to a particular locality, region, or people


vacuous lacking intelligence; stupid lacking intelligence

provincial limited in perspective; narrow and self‐centered narrow in outlook

chasm a deep, steep‐sided opening in the earth's surface; an abyss or a gorge

gaping hole

contrived obviously planned or calculated; not spontaneous; labored


consecrate to declare or set apart as sacred make sacred

paternal relating to or characteristic of a father or fatherhood; fatherly


inherent existing as an essential constituent or characteristic; intrinsic

part of the nature of

gesticulate to make gestures especially while speaking, as for emphasis

make gestures

insatiable impossible to satiate or satisfy impossible to satisfy

blithe carefree and lighthearted carefree

belittle to cause to seem less than another or little make to seem little

coherent logically connected making sense

vitriolic bitterly scathing; caustic caustic

apartheid any policy or practice of separating or segregating groups

racial oppression

corollary a natural consequence or effect; a result natural consequence

parody a literary or artistic work that imitates the style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule

satirical imitation

idyllic a scene or an event of a simple and tranquil nature naturally peaceful

ponderous lacking grace or fluency; labored and dull massive and clumsy

wanton gratuitously cruel; merciless; marked by unprovoked, gratuitous maliciousness; capricious and unjust


secular worldly rather than spiritual having nothing to do with religion

recondite not easily understood; abstruse hard to understand

inveterate persisting in an ingrained habit; habitual habitual

malleable capable of being shaped or formed, as by hammering or pressure

easy to shape

martial of, relating to, or suggestive of war warlike

virtuoso a musician with masterly ability, technique, or personal style

masterful musician

copious large in quantity; abundant abundant

patent obvious; plain obvious

conspicuous attracting attention, as by being unusual or remarkable; noticeable

obvious; standing out

amenable responsive to advice, authority, or suggestion; tractable


ambulatory capable of walking; moving about; not bedridden able to walk or move around

forsake to leave altogether; abandon abandon

hindrance an obstruct or delay to progress obstruction

farcical like a ludicrous, empty show; a mockery absurd

elliptical marked by deliberate obscurity of style or expression obscure

prolific producing abundant works or results abundantly productive

assimilate to incorporate and absorb absorb

celibacy abstinence from sexual intercourse, especially by reason of religious vows

abstinence from sex

palpable easily perceived; obvious obvious

grandiose characterized by feigned or affected grandeur; pompous

absurdly exaggerated

despot a ruler with absolute power absolute ruler

reverberate to resound in or as if in a succession of echoes; re‐echo


rogue an unprincipled, deceitful, unreliable person; a scoundrel or rascal


pathology the scientific study of the nature of disease and its causes, processes, development, and consequences

science of diseases

frugal practicing or marked by economy, as in the expenditure of money or the use of material resources


autonomous not controlled by others or by outside forces; independent

acting independently

machination a crafty scheme or cunning design to accomplish a sinister end

scheming evil activity




Write solutions of the problems given in REVISION EXERCISE (Section- 5) of Check Point Book -3, based on the topics covered in class 7 and 8 till now.

Write down the solutions to the above mentioned problems in a separate notebook.





To be done in the homework notebook

1. What is the difference between a solvent and a solute? 2. What is the difference between an immiscible substance and an emulsion? 3. What is a saturated solution? 4. What method of separation would you use to separate: a) Water and fine sand b) Water and gravel c) Water with very tiny particles floating in it? In each case explain how the method of separation works and draw

diagrams for each.

5. Why is the Liebig condenser more efficient than the simple distillation apparatus? Draw set up of a distillation process with Liebig condenser

6. How will you separate a mixture of blue and red ink? Draw necessary diagram and explain the process.


Classify each of the following changes as either exothermic or endothermic. Also determine whether each change is a chemical reaction or a physical change. Explain your reasoning for each.

1. An ice cube melts after being left out on the table over an extended period of time.

2. Cracking a raw egg into a hot frying pan and cooking it. 3. A match burns/ignites after being struck against a rough surface. 4. The human body uses the energy provided from the digestion of food. 5. Morning dew forming on grass and plants. 6. Dynamite explodes in the destruction of a building


1. PowerPoint presentation: Make a power point presentation showing the following organisms, their adaptive features and explaining how these features help them to live successfully in their habitat.

(a) Mangrove trees. (b) Strangler fig (c) Stonefly and mayfly (d) Leeches. (e) Pebble plant (f) Pit viper (g) Cactus (h) Polar bear

2. Project: Fossil fuels like coal and petroleum are burnt for various purposes like generating electricity, running automobiles, making products in industries etc. However burning of fossil fuels also causes several environmental problems. Search about the environmental problems given below, their harmful effects and find out how they are linked to the burning of fossil fuels.

(a) Green House effect and Global Warming. (b) Acid rain (c) Soot and smog

Note: Make a file for this project and write each topic in 1-2 pages only.


15 to 50 pages each as per break sown explained in class on

A) W. Bangal elections B) Tamilnadu election



Draw a picture in Macromedia Flash and explain all the tools that you have used in that picture.


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