the double harvest

Post on 21-Mar-2017






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Prophetic word for 2014Part3 of 4

A SHORT INTRODUCTION There is just one requisite for receiving

the double blessing. To have a noble heart full of

thanksgiving. To have an advisor who will tell you

what to do. Ruth had her mother in law Naomi and

she was obedient to her advises. We have our own advisor, The Holy

Spirit; get ready to follow His advise.


DO YOU WANT A DOUBLE HARVEST? If you really are seeking after The Lord,

you surely will collect a great harvest. The harvest has not completely depend

on your seed. But in the Grace and favor that the

Lord puts upon your life, He will guide you to the right place to

collect your harvest. Where you are, He’ll open doors for you.

REMEMBER RUTH. Ruth was gleaning in a field that was

not hers. She was harvesting in a place that she

never put a seed in. She harvested grain in abundance. She harvested unending favor. She harvested a husband. She harvested a place in the lineage of


THE PROCESS This word I received in late August,

delivered that week to a near circle of friends.

Late November and earlier December I delivered it in different churches in my mission trip to Hungary.

First week of January I sensed the Lord asking me to make an ample circle of information of this word, and here you are today reading it.


On my way to Church last Sunday August 25 2013, I was with my bible in hand asking the Lord, What do you want me to read?

Swiftly the answer came: 1 Corinthians 3:9

I went to that scripture and read it;


9 For we areGod’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building.


WOW AND WOW After reading it the second time, the

echoing in my spirit of the reading word was sending waves of joy along my body.

Then I heard in my spirit: 2 Corinthians 3:12.

See? I’ve learned fast, not trying to analyze but rather digesting what the Lord is depositing in my spirit



12 Therefore, since we have such hope, we use great boldness of speech—


As I was doing that, the Holy Spirit started to give me pictures about the scripture, the pictures gave me inspirational thoughts, the thoughts started to flow into sentences, and the sentences I put them in writing to keep them in my files.

That was a Word I had it from the Lord, a Word for me; at least that is what I thought at the beginning, but as the week progressed I sensed that the word was not just for me, but for sharing it with anyone that would be willing to accepted it.

AUGUST 29 TO 31, 2013 So on Thursday morning after I sent a

message to a friend, I felt the tagging of the Holy Spirit telling me “Share the word” so I did it, in the evening in my Group “Learning to prophesy” I shared it with all the members; last night was Friday and in church before the service I shared it with another friend, and this afternoon I knew that I have to share it for anyone that will be willing to receive it.

SHARING THE WORD You see, I love to share a word given by God,

I have come to know my area of influence, and I don’t dare to cross over until the Lord gives me the go ahead.

So in sharing this with you, I want you to learn how the Lord uses me to share a Word. My desire is not only to transmit the word, but that you may learn different ways of receiving a prophetic word from God and transmitting it.

So let us study a little bit the word

Let’s go sentence by sentence.

What is a fellow worker?


Thesaurus Legend:  Synonyms Related Words Antonyms

Noun1.fellow worker - an associate that one works with    co-worker, colleague, workfellow

associate - a person who joins with others in some activity or endeavor; "he had to consult his associate before continuing"


(Definition of co-worker n from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

a person working with another worker, esp. as a partner or one who helps


For we areGod’s fellow workers; We are God’s people, God’s workers; we do the works of God manifested in our service to our neighbors; every good service we do to them is a good seed we are planting in their lives.

WE ARE CALLED TO DO GOOD. In plain English what the scripture is

telling me is that we are called to do the same works that God does.

And so we are called to do the special similar work that God does.

And we are to share a certain responsibility in the work that we share with God.

FOLLOWING THE MODEL Isn’t that amazing? Every work that we do, be it in deed or

by word has to be done by following God’s loving model.

That is what a fellow worker does, the same type of work than the one who has initiated the work!



you are God’s field,


SPREADING THE SEED We are to plant good seeds in every “God’s

field” that are around us, those whom we like and those ones that we don’t like.

Consequently people around us, are planting in our field their own seeds.

In our field we have three type of seeds: The ones that God has put is us, The ones that we put in ourselves, And the ones that others plant in us




GOOD AND BAD Now the seeds can be good seeds and not

too good ones, but all of them will produce a plant, or at least try it.

Good seeds with our thanksgiving to God will yield a good harvest.

But bad seeds that we saw can be stopped with repentance and forgiveness. Those buds will become dormant.


Isaiah 54:17 (NKJV) 17 No weapon formed against you shall

prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn.This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD,And their righteousness is from Me,”Says the LORD.


you are God’s building.

SILOS It naturally came to me that “God’s

building” in this case was pointing out to a building located in “God’s field” and silos are the ones on a field.

It was late August we were in the middle of the harvest season.

Small farmers are having their silos almost empty, most of the grain by this time is gone.

TIME TO MEND YOUR SILO A farmer sees his empty silo, but he does

not despair, he knows that soon his silo will be overflowing again.

What he does instead is inspect it from inside out and put in march the needed repairs and maintenance: checking the roof, the doors, possible leaks any damage in the structure etc; if he is not able to repair it he will call someone that knows how to. He will invest in the repairs.


2 CORINTHIANS 3:12 (NKJV) 12 Therefore,

since we have such hope, we use great boldness of speech—


THE REASON OF THE DOUBLE HARVEST. Thanksgiving and declaring the

goodness and favor of our God in our lives will create the desired increase in our harvest.

So we will experience a harvest double in size of what we normally collect.

That is our key for the increase: Thanksgiving.

1 Corinthians 1:31 New Living Translation (NLT) 31 Therefore, as the Scriptures say, “If

you want to boast, boast only about the LORD.”

AND I SPOKE THE WORD With all that inside my spirit already

brewing for four days, it was time to let the word come out.

My way of releasing a word is straightforward and very simple.

I will copy the one that I gave to my good friend Tim as he was the first one to receive it; all my other friends received the word in more or less the same term.

WORD RELEASED IN AUGUST 29-31 Following I’m copying you the pattern

of word that I was releasing to the ones the Lord was pointing me to speak to, most of them shared with me their struggles and I share with them the word.

To others, I was approaching to be able to give them the word.

All received with a Yes! The Lord is speaking.

My friend Tim was the first one to receive this word…

YOU ARE GOD’S FELLOW WORKER… Tim, I can hear the Lord saying that He

is well pleased with you, that He has seen your interest to labor in His kingdom an He knows very well the interest that is in your heart. He is assuring to you that its not important what time you were “hired” to work in His field, the important thing is that He has already destined your wages and you won’t lack anything.

TIM, YOU ARE GOD’S FIELD… You Tim are God’s field! Every single seed that you or

any member of the body of Christ, or any good intended person, and those that God Himself had sown in your live, have budded, and have been watered and tended by God Himself. Some of those buds have been in a dormant stage while a few have shoot; but I see now the Lord’s coming rains on HIS FIELD. You Tim are starting to shoot all around you, the scales that were covering and protecting the buds are opening and falling down to give pass to what the shoots are going to become, a wonderful rich fruit displaying the goodness of the Lord.

TIM, YOU ARE GOD’S BUILDING… You Tim are God’s Building! At this point in your life I

see you as a silo where the products of the field are kept. Around this time of the year a silo is almost empty, but as the harvest season is fast approaching, the farmers clean it and make room to storage the collection that is coming. You are at this point Tim. You may think and feel as you don’t have much, but my friend, get ready, you are about to be filled to overflowing. Harvest time in the natural is fast approaching, so in your life the harvest is in the horizon, some weeks more and your silo will start to fill.

DOUBLE HARVEST But your boldness in declaring since

now what you are going to receive, will not only give you what you hope for, but it will be as a boost to increase your harvest, and have a double harvest in size. You can Bring in your double harvest with your praise and thanksgiving to the Lord; that will increase your faith to receive the unexpected.

MY PRAY And I pray that the Lord of the harvest

may send the latter rains on you to speed up and enrich the produce that is coming for you.


This more or less is the pattern I use to release a word.

IT’S YOUR TURN NOW. Now let me tell you that this Prophesy

is still active and is a NOW WORD. God sends His word to be fulfilled in the

lives of those who are hungry for Him. If today you read it or heard about this

word, is your choice to claim it and declared as yours.

BREWING After that I put the word to rest,

commenting here and there sporadically about it.

But God had reserved something more for that initially word.

MISSION TRIP TO HUNGARY On November 20 I left for Hungary to

minister in different Churches especially to Roman people, while I started to minister after seen the land this word came alive again.

I delivered the word from a different point of view but with the same efficiency.

I returned to Toronto with an eagerness to find more, and I did it.

FRIDAY NOVEMBER 22, 2013 I started my travel to the area of

Sajószentpéter Via train, on my way I was so

impressed for what I was seeing, the first area that called my attention was Gyöngyös.

It was late November and I could see green spaces at both sides of the rails. My companions could not answer my questions so I decided to investigate on my own.


Talking with people of the area, I found out that this green grass around is not common at this time of the year.

Digging more I found that there was a second harvest of spinach without even sowing anything.

Farmers said the nature is confused, I told them no, its not confused.

Nature is talking about the Glory of the Lord.

The Lord told me to share with them that green points to revival, to new life, to prosperity, to the work of the Holy Spirit.

Nature is speaking of a double harvest in the same year.

It’s an increase determined by the Lord, given to them who declare His goodness.



Silos, batteries of silos I was looking all over on my way through the Northern Great Plain on my way to Nagyecsed.

Green grass al over kept calling my attention.

Then the Lord brought to my attention April 14 2010 when the Iceland volcano Eyjafjallajökull erupted sending ashes all over Europe and creating the worst Air Traffic Chaos since WWII


NATURE WAS SPEAKING It was saying to Europe its time to turn

around, nature was sending ashes upon the head of all Europe.

The whole continent was mourning covered in ashes.

Jonah 3:6 shows the King of Nineveh wearing sackcloth, repenting, seating on ashes.

Europe was invited to repent.

NATURE IS SPEAKING AGAIN As far as I know; Hungary, has shown

unusual green grass all over even in earlier December 2013.

Nature is saying God is pushing revival in this land, a big change is coming, get ready for a second harvest.

Church has exploded in Hungary in the last years; there is revival in the air.

Next week: Final part 4 of 4 Meaning of number 2014

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