the earthgym booklet

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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Earth Gym Why is it most enlightenment is reached after a retreat in the wilderness? What is it about encountering natural elements that brings so much clarity about life? What is in the symphonic rhythms of wind, water, rock and fire that bring us back to some primal part of ourselves, where we feel re-aligned? The Earth Gym is about accessing the power and magic found by playing outside. And through this play, enlivening principles of imagination, exploration, cultivation and integration. Principles whose teachers are found in the natural elements of fire, wind, stone and water. There is a direct connection between your mind and body. There is a connection between your body and the earth. The teaching of fire enlivens imagination, wind – exploration, stone - cultivation and water – integration.

The earth's body has fire, wind, stone and water. Human bodies have fire (an internal furnace), wind (breath), bones (like stones) and water (blood and fluids). Each element has a special story. The magic is found in your ability to affect and enhance your body, mind and spirit by bringing the wisdom of these elements and their related principals, to life within you. You can encounter and activate their wisdom through exploration and play. Whenever you have a challenge to resolve, go outside and enliven your inner magic through the outer magic around you. Magic that connects your natural state of being with the natural elements of our planet earth. Magic is in you and in the natural elements. The Earth Gym is about encountering the playground of the earth. It is a gym whose only dues are your participation and willingness to play with an open mind and heart. Your ability to receive the teachings and gifts of the elements: fire, wind, stone and water. You have been granted a lifelong membership to this infinite learning ground. It comes fully equipped with everything you need, and it's right outside your door, waiting for you to come out and play.

Dance with the Fire IMAGINATION FIRE RHYTHM PASSION To live from your imagination is to live from your dreams, your passion and the motion inside you. You are born and your heart beats. This is the first rhythm that maintains life in your body. Rhythm is also the 'fire' that turns your food into energy. Your heart beats and you imagine the life you will live. Rhythm is in the earth and in you. As the sun moves across the sky, as the river rushes to the sea, as the flame pulses --rhythm moves and maintains life. Rhythm is in your walk, your talk, your body, mind, and emotions. When you feel your rhythm, life moves at a comfortable pace, freeing your imagination and passion to create the life you love to live. Dancing activates imagination by giving it form. Dancing also builds the agility, flexibility, and self-expression necessary to harmonize with the others. What happens when you match another person's rhythm? What happens when they match you? Play with dance on your journey of self-discovery and fulfillment.

The range of rhythm in dance is from slow to fast-- fluid to chaotic. Dancing is emotional. Feel the range of emotions dance through you and be released. Explore this range to discover the different ways each emotional rhythm effects you, so when you encounter these in your world, you will know how to 'dance with them'. They won't throw you off your own natural rhythm. You will be able to incorporate them into the beat and keep moving. Finding your rhythm is playing with dance. Start from the center of your body and move out. When a beat makes you want to move -- dance with it. Mirror another person's rhythm and try it on for a while. Some rhythms will throw you out of balance; others will soothe you, inspire you, motivate you and sustain you. Observe and explore the rhythms around you, as you listen and feel for your rhythm. The rhythm that keeps you going, brings your spirit to life, and makes life fuller and sweeter. Dance is a sacred expression of who you are from many angles. As you grow, change and evolve, so may your rhythm. Imagination and passion are the magic in your rhythm that drives you to fulfill your dreams. Feel your rhythm -- fuel your inner fire and live from your imagination.

Light a candle and begin dancing from the center of your body. Let all your extended movements come from your center - your navel, that is your place of power and it will help you keep your balance in any move you make. Move from your center. Eventually you will be captivated by the beat that matches your rhythm within. Notice the rhythms around you, at the lake, when it rains, as the creeks flow, the bird sings and how they move life. Notice your rhythm as you walk, dance and breathe. It takes commitment and focus to express who you are and follow your path.

Run with the Wind EXPLORATION WIND ENDURANCE QUEST To explore is to keep wonder alive within you and activate the endurance you need to complete your journey. You are born, your heart beats and then you encounter wind, with your first breath. You begin to breathe and awaken your desire to quest. Questing is a primal part of human nature that can be awakened to empower your ability to pursue your dreams and make sure you have the stamina to 'go the distance'. There are 3 parts to a quest: the departure, the encounter and they return. When you return there is a desire to share. This sharing is on the outbreath - your word. You breath in and on the outbreath comes your words, your wisdom, from your wind. Like the infusion of spirit with matter -- The wind bends the trees, shifts the sands, and moves through us as breath. Endurance honors the wisdom of the wind. Our long red muscle fibers and sweat mechanism speak to our body's ability to 'run the distance'. Endurance allows you to stay in the game, pursue and fulfill your dreams -- continue your quest. Notice how you feel when you begin to build your strength. Note any differences in how you handle social situations.

When you feel you do not have the endurance to stay in your life struggle - pursue a quest. Write your question or struggle down on a piece of paper, put it in your pocket and take off -- outside. Run, hike, bike or swim until you catch your wind. You soon begin to settle into your pace, your rhythm; this is the time of endurance that will awaken your inner wisdom. The wisdom will come from the earth by the time you return. The wind chambers of your heart reflect these vibrations in your answer as a song, thoughts, feelings or words. What you build in the body, you build in the mind and your ability to handle whatever comes your way. Training with the wind will develop the endurance you need to go your distance and share your wisdom. The magic of this training is found in the earth. Go outside and encounter the wind, use your breath to free your mind as you pursue your dreams. This is the driving wisdom of the Earth Gym.

Use your wind (breath) to clear your mind. Questing and endurance training involves any activity that promotes the expansion of wind: Running, hiking, biking, swimming, skiing or kayaking cultivates and develop one's endurance and stamina. What endurance activity do you currently enjoy? Running Walking Biking Skiing Snowboarding Rollerblading Skating Swimming Other ____________ What would you like to explore? This journey is open to anyone who is willing to listen, learn and follow their heart. Take your inner struggles on your next endurance 'quest'. Listen for the answers that come from the wind to your words. Honor the wisdom of the wind and the wisdom within you.

Lift and Release the Stone CULTIVATION EARTH STRENGTH POWER You are born, your heart beats, you encounter your wind. Next you reach out to grip. You grip, you hold on and then you release. To grip you call on will. To hold on you need strength. To release you trust. The combination gives you power. The teaching of the stone is about cultivating power. Being powerful is having the strength to push through the resistance, or back off and go another way. Grip, hold on, or release. Lifting stone (or iron) awakens the spirit of strength by encountering resistance. Use your will to grip and lift, pushing through the resistance. Then hold and slowly lower the weight and feel the pull on your strength. Feel the power within you come alive as you stand between these forces of attraction: the pull of the earth on the weight. Building strength in the body involves the cycle of grip, hold, lift, return and release. Start with gripping a stone you can easily hold in your hand. Play and discover ways to grip, hold, and release. Move from the center of your body at all times. Your greatest force is from your center; your center is your source that keeps you balanced.

Please let this booklet as a springboard to creating a lifestyle that supports and sustains you. At the same time you will become a greater custodian of our precious resources and inspire all you encounter. Learn, grow and prosper in the true wealth of the world and the only thing you take with you - your own inner state of peace and freedom.

Dedicated to the freedom of inner peace. By Jacquie Chandler “Moonhair”

The Earthgym practice is the shared passion of its founding partners: Moonhair + The Barefoot Sensay / Mick Lee Dodge Published May 2002 Is service to the “Ladies First” girls club of Incline Village Middle School. Profits go toward the preservation and protection of sacred grounds

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