the emote: the evolution of written communication by evan griffiths

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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The Emote: The Evolution of Written Communication

By Evan Griffiths

In-context Emote Picto/ideogram Meaning within Context

“But his prize and joy got professional photos of course :-)”

Pictogram A physical smile coupled with the statement.

“Siv just said he's having 'racing' thoughts about me :P”

Ideogram Indicates a playful, slightly sexualized tone/mood.

“I know super yay ^*^” Ideogram A reinforcement of the statement, increasing the happiness tone of the comment.

“I washed them, maybe I can prance around campus with them :P”

Ideogram Indicates amusement or mischevious activity. ?

“You did what? >:(“ Ideogram Indicates irritation or displeasure.

“o_O oh man, our food estimate is $3600”

Ideogram A strong indicator of surprise and shock

“her poor mom :-(“ Pictogram A physical frown of sympathy.

“Just wanted to know if you want to come. :)”

Pictogram A physical smile where the texter would have smiles if the conversation was face-to-face.

“cook and be awesome with food? 8D”

Ideogram An indicator of excitement and eagerness in relation to the preceding comment.

“I do >.> but you wont hear me say it”

Ideogram Indicates slight evasion and embarrassment

Stand-alone Emote

Potential Meaning(s)

:) “I'm happy for you”, “I agree with that”, a general affirmative

:( “I sympathize with that situation (described by other)”, “I'm sorry to hear that”

?_? “Could you elaborate on that?”, “What?”, general interrogative

o_o “What?”, “Did that just happen?”, “Whoa!”, general surprise or shock

>_< “I don't really want to talk about it”, “I just can't do it”, general aversiveness

^_^ “That's a great idea”, “We can do that”, “It's all right”, general supportive

:x “I'm not saying another word about that”

:P “I'm joking with you”, “You said something sexual and don't know it”, general amusement or innuendo

T_T / -_- “Do you really expect me to believe that?”

“Root” Emoticon

“Variant” Emoticon Styles

:) :-) / C: / 8) / ;)

:( :-( / :C / 8( / ;(

o_o O_o / o_O / @_@ / O.o / o.O / @.@ / O-o / o-O / @-@ / o-o / o.o / O.O / O-O

:P d: / :p / ;P / ;p / 8P

^_^ ^~^ / ^*^ / ^.^ / ^-^ / ^+^

>_< >.< / >-<

>_> >.> / >-> / <.< / <-< / <_<

-_- -.- / ~.~ / ~_~

>:( >:-( / >8( / }:( / }8(

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