the es kom factor

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  • 7/29/2019 The Es Kom Factor


    The Eskom factor:

    Power politics andthe electricity sectorin South Africa



    Based on the research report: The Electricity Governance Complex.Michael Koen of the Civil Society Research and Support Collective. 2012

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    For more information contact:

    Based on the research report: The Electricity Governance Complex.

    Michael Koen of the Civil Society Research and Support Collective. 2012

    Acknowledgements: Melita Steele, Nina Schulz, Fiona Musana, Michael Baillie

    Edited by: Melita Steele, Nina Schulz and Fiona Musana

    Published in June, 2012

    Greenpeace Africa

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    Designed by: Kai.Toma Creatives

    Printed on 100% recycled post-consumer paper with vegetable based inks.

    Cover photograph: Greenpeace/Benedicte Kurzen, 2011

    Cover inner: Greenpeace/Oswald Chikosi, 2011

    Back cover: Greenpeace/Benedicte Kurzen, 2011

    1. Introduction 3

    2. Historical, political and economic inuence of Eskom 5

    2.1. Early Electricity Provision 5

    2.2. The Minerals-Energy Complex 5

    2.3. The Corporatisation of Eskom 6

    2.4. The Post-Apartheid Transition period 1990-1994 7

    3. Inuence and accommodation: Eskom and Government

    Policy 1994-2001 9

    4. Commercialisation of Eskom: 2001-2012 11

    5. Eskom and Water 12

    6. Conclusion 13

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    3The Eskom factor: Power politics and the electricity sector in South Africa

    Eskom Holdings Limited (ESCOM) is a household name

    in South Africa, and has a long and inuential history in the

    country, and on the African continent. Established in 1923 as

    the Electricity Supply Commission ESCOM, the state-owned

    utility1 is responsible for generating, transmitting and distributing

    electricity to industrial, mining, commercial, agricultural and

    residential customers. In essence, Eskom has an effective

    monopoly in the electricity sector, which also places a

    tremendous amount of responsibility in the utilitys hands.

    Eskom has undergone some major changes from its origins

    in 1923: the utility has seen periods of almost complete

    autonomy, greater regulation, an oversupply crisis, rolling

    blackouts, and massive electricity price hikes. The result is that

    in 2012 the utility is almost entirely dependent on coal2,

    remains most responsive to mining and large corporate

    interests due to its central mandate of driving economic

    development3, and continues to invest in large-scale,centralised electricity generation. However, the country

    simultaneously faces a host of major development challenges,

    exacerbated by the legacy and structures of apartheid.

    These include a dramatic gap between rich and poor, lack of

    infrastructure, high levels of urbanisation and unemployment,

    extreme inequality and poverty, and huge backlogs in service

    delivery to the majority of South Africans.4

    But what is the real story behind Eskoms decisions? This

    document seeks to outline Eskoms role in South Africa,

    its evolution as a state-owned company, and its current

    status as a key player in South African politics.

    The investment recommendations and decisions made by

    Eskom are particularly important, with wide-ranging impacts

    for all South Africans. The utility has publicly acknowledged

    the potentially negative impacts of climate change5 and the

    need to reduce the coal content of the electricity generation

    mix in South Africa. However, only a tiny proportion of Eskoms

    electricity portfolio is currently contributing to this fundamental

    solution that Eskom CEO Brian Dames refers to.

    Of the utilitys 237,000 GWh total generation, the electricity

    output from wind was only 2 GWh in 2010.8 Initially a

    commitment was made to reduce coal reliance by 10% by

    2012 at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development

    (WSSD).9 Instead, coal intensity has increased.

    Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissionsEskom is almost entirely reliant on coal. As a result,

    according to the Carbon Monitoring for Action (CARMA)

    database, in 2007 the utility was the second largest

    power utility emitter of CO2 globally.10 11

    Eskom states that it is necessary to double total capacity to

    around 80,000 MW by 2025 to keep the lights on in South

    Africa.12 In reality, the vast majority of this capacity will be used

    by industry and will remain coal-based. Some 9,000 MW of

    this will be provided by two of the worlds largest coal-red

    power stations (Kusile and Medupi), both currently under

    construction. However, the decision to invest in more coal has

    signicant implications.

    By building Medupi and Kusile power stations, Eskom

    and the South African government have committed to

    signicantly increasing South Africas annual emissions andcontribution to climate change, combined with substantial

    health, coal mining and water use impacts.13 Kusile alone

    will generate an estimated 37 million tonnes of carbon dioxide

    (CO2) equivalent emissions annually, increasing the countrys

    total contribution to climate change by an immense 10%.14

    1. Introduction

    1 Eskom is a State Owned Enterprise (SOE). In its current form this means it is a commercialised entity incorporated with the Government of South Africa (GOSA) as its sole

    shareholder represented by the Department of Public Enterprises. The board is therefore accountable to public nance legislation in addition to the normal duciary responsibilities

    relating to protability. This is a fundamental departure from the previous dispensation with regards to the legal character of Eskom where the mandate was to provide developmental

    power for neither prot nor loss.2 Eskom. 2011. Integrated Annual Report 2011. Johannesburg: Eskom.3 Koen, M. 2012. Based on the unpublished research report: The Electricity Governance Complex. Civil Society Research and Support Collective.4 Winkler, H., Marquand, A. 2009. Changing development paths: From an energy-intensive to low-carbon economy in South Africa. Climate and Development1 (2009) 47-65.5 Eskom. 2010. Climate Change and Sustainability Department, Eskoms 6 point plan. Available: All of these gures come from Eskoms Integrated Annual Report 2011.7 As at 31 March 2011 (Eskom, 2011).8 Eskom. 2011. Integrated Annual Report 2011. p.324 Johannesburg: Eskom.9 Eskom. 2006. Annual Report 2006. p.74. Johannesburg: Eskom.10

    Grant, L. 2007. Eskom comes second on world emissions list. Retrieved November 27, 2011, from Treevolution. Available: This status of second largest utility emitter is also referred to by (Makedi, 2011) in an Eskom presentation to the Renewable Energy Africa conference: Makedi, A. 2011. Eskoms

    view on renewables. Presentation at the Renewable Energy Africa Conference. Retrieved May 15, 2012, from Renewable Energy Africa Conference. Available: http://www.reafrica. Eskom. 2007. Annual Report 2007. Johannesburg: Eskom.13 Greenpeace. 2011. The True Cost of Coal in South Africa: Paying the price of coal addiction. Available:

    TrueCostOfCoal.pdf.14 Ibid.

    Eskom facts and gures6Eskom can quite rightly be described as a giant:

    Ranked in the top 10 utilities in the world in terms of generation and sales;

    Has 27 (including one nuclear) operational power stations;

    Generates about 95% of the electricity used in South Africa, and over 40% of all electricity consumed in Africa;

    Mining alone used 14.3% of Eskoms supply by 2011; and In 2011 had a net maximum capacity of 41,194 MW.7

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    Map: the location of the Medupi and Kusile coal power plants currently underconstruction in South Africa.

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    5The Eskom factor: Power politics and the electricity sector in South Africa

    2. Historical, political and economic influenceof Eskom

    2.1.Early Electricity Provision

    In 1923, the Electricity Supply Commission (ESCOM) was

    founded.15 In line with the 1922 Electricity Act, ESCOM was

    established as a relatively autonomous entity, not subject

    to any form of parliamentary oversight, nancial controls

    or state auditing. Importantly, ESCOM would produce and

    supply electricity neither for prot or loss. In this context,

    new generation and distribution capacity needed to be

    created at the lowest possible cost. This was to be done

    either through a new build programme or acquisitions to

    facilitate a cheap and abundant supply of electricity.16

    In pursuit of this abundant supply, ESCOM made

    decisions with far-reaching economic consequences.17

    However, because ESCOM was relatively independent of

    government, with no accountable board, the utility tended

    to align its objectives with the dominant electricity demands

    of the mining companies from its earliest days.18

    The continued accommodation of mining and industrial

    interests was achieved as ESCOM grew into an absolute

    monopoly by 1948. The rapid growth of industry after

    this period meant ESCOM needed to constantly build

    new capacity. During the period of massive economicgrowth in the 1960s, Eskoms expansion plans became

    increasingly ambitious, and ever-larger MW units were

    being commissioned. However, throughout the 1970s,

    projects began to suffer from diseconomies of scale,

    where the logistics and associated delays (and consequent

    nancing costs) in fact increased the comparative price of


    By the early 1980s, decision makers realised that growth

    predictions were wrong. Demand had been overestimated,

    but it was too late: the building of new power stations

    was irreversible, due to long lead times and cancellation

    penalties. ESKOM responded in two ways, rstly by

    mothballing aging plants20 and thereby saving on input

    costs, and secondly by seeking new markets. Attempts to

    create such markets included the provision of electricity

    to black households, so-called homeland states and

    neighbouring countries.21 An additional new market was

    created through supplying electricity to the energy intensiveindustries, such as smelters.

    2.2.The Minerals-Energy Complex

    Historically, South Africa has followed a heavily capital

    and energy-intensive development pathway, based

    almost entirely on coal.22 This pathway has been driven

    by resource extraction and the development of a connected

    set of interrelated economic activities termed the Minerals-

    Energy Complex.23 24 Eskom has been the cornerstone

    of the Minerals-Energy Complex


    , and in turn, theComplex has become central to the economy.26 This

    Complex consists of mining, minerals processing, the

    energy sector and linked industries. It is primarily based

    on mining, and then on limited beneciation, underpinned

    by the provision of some of the cheapest electricity in the


    Eskom, a pivotal player in the governance of electricity, operates within a framework that is

    largely dominated by the needs of mining and other large industries.


    Conradie, S. a. 2000. A Symphony of Power. The Eskom Story. Johannesburg: Chris van Rensburg Publications (Pty) Ltd.16 South Africa.1922. Statutes of the Union of South Africa, Act no. 42 of 1922. Act to provide for the supply and control of electricity and for other purposes incidental thereto. Cape

    Town: Government Printers.17 South Africa.1922. Statutes of the Union of South Africa, Act no. 42 of 1922. Act to provide for the supply and control of electricity and for other purposes incidental thereto. Cape

    Town: Government Printers.18 Steyn, G. 2006. Investment and Uncertainty: Historical experience with power sector investment in South Africa and its implications for current challenges. 15 March 2006.

    Retrieved March 12, 2012, from UCT graduate School of Business: The Eskom Integrated Annual report (2011, p.87) is for example at pains to point out that the current MW price of capacity in the new build process is in line with the international

    build prices, be it at the upper end. This is probably in response to reports such as the Study of Equipment Prices in the Power Sector (World Bank, 2008) showing comparative

    build costs in India, China and even some parts of the USA and Europe as cheaper than those of Medupi and Kusile. (see Yelland, C. 2011. Further cost increases on the cards

    for Eskoms Medupi and Kusile power stations. Retrieved May 4, 2012, from ee publishers. Available:

    eskoms-medupi-and-kusile-power-stations.html).20 Steyn, G. 2006. Investment and Uncertainty: Historical experience with power sector investment in South Africa and its implications for current challenges. 15 March 2006.

    Retrieved March 12, 2012, from UCT graduate School of Business. Available: As far back as 1980 Eskom reports, Similarly good progress was made providing electricity supplies to Black urban areas and the national states of Transkei, Bophuthatswana

    and Venda. Plans for Escom to augment existing bulk supplies to Soweto, South Africas biggest black city are on schedule. ESCOM. 1980. Annual Report. p. 10 Johannesburg:

    ESCOM.22 Winkler, H., Marquand, A. 2009. Changing development paths: From an energy-intensive to low-carbon economy in South Africa. Climate and Development1 (2009) 47-65.23 Fine, B., and Rustomjee, Z. 1996. The Political Economy of South Africa. From Minerals-Energy Complex to Industrialisation, London, Hurst.

    24 Winkler, H., Marquand, A. 2009. Changing development paths: From an energy-intensive to low-carbon economy in South Africa. Climate and Development1 (2009) 47-65.25 Historically dened, the Minerals-Energy Complex is a system in which low paid labour was exploited, and cheap coal based energy with costs externalised to society was used to

    support an accumulation regime of a few highly centralised rms focused primarily on capital intensive commodity based industrial activities and the export of basic commodities and

    low value add products.26 Winkler, H., Marquand, A. 2009. Changing development paths: From an energy-intensive to low-carbon economy in South Africa. Climate and Development1 (2009) 47-65.27 Ibid.

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    The Minerals-Energy Complex has historically accounted

    for the majority of South Africas electricity consumption

    and emissions, contributing far less to GDP.28 This system

    is based on the theory that in order to grow the economy,

    it is necessary to have the large centralised baseload

    production of electricity, which is distributed through a grid

    to energy intensive users.29 Eskom holds signicant

    referential30 and representational power within

    important government departments, policymaking,

    policy inuencing and regulatory bodies. This in turn,

    institutionalises the Minerals-Energy Complex.

    The South African economy is extremely energy intensive

    compared to international standards31, with only a handful

    of countries having higher intensities. In addition, South

    African industrial energy efciency is on average signicantly

    lower than in other countries.32 This is an important factor,

    given that at the moment industry and mining consume

    over 60% of the electricity produced in the country,

    and the inclusion of commerce takes this gure to

    almost 75%.33 Therefore, residential energy use makes

    up a far smaller portion of nal energy demand than inother countries, and demand from poor households is even

    smaller.34 Only 16-18%35 of South Africas electricity

    is used by residential consumers, an outcome of the

    energy intensive nature of the economy, and the extreme

    income differential in the country.36

    Furthermore, industrial prices are substantially

    cheaper than average residential prices. Eskom has

    made frequent reference to its industrial tariffs as the

    cheapest in the world37, however residential consumers

    pay signicantly higher prices.38 For example, secret price

    deals between Eskom and the Australian mining companyBHP Billiton, are estimated at about 350% less than a

    low income residential customer in 2008/9, and less than

    half of Eskoms reported production price in the period.39

    With an estimated 12.3 million South Africans still

    without access to electricity40, clearly the focus on the

    Minerals-Energy Complex has had an extensive inuence

    on the provision of energy for households, commerce and

    services.41 It has also undoubtedly had an inuence on the

    fact that coal constitutes such a high proportion of South

    Africas primary energy consumption, in fact the highest in

    the world in 2003, followed closedly by China.42

    As the layers of governance and planning increased from

    1987, Eskoms accountability became even more unclear.

    This lack of accountability makes it harder for society

    to control the Minerals-Energy Complex. Eskom plays

    a central role in this Complex, which serves to exploit

    resources and externalise environmental and social costs

    to society as a whole, while creating prots for local and

    international corporations. It seems clear that a more

    equitable, genuinely accountable system is required.

    This means that the dominance of the Minerals-Energy

    Complex and South Africas underlying electricity

    generation and supply paradigm must be challenged.

    Eskoms role in AfricaThe trade in electricity in Southern Africa is dominated

    by sales to just three end users43, who in 2011 used

    9,322 GWh, at an average cost of 22.6c/kWh. In

    comparison, Eskom sold half that amount of electricity

    to utilities in seven countries in the region at an average

    cost of 50.8c/KWh.44 Eskom has been deeply engaged

    in energy-related projects in Africa45, but following the

    supply crisis in South Africa in 2007, the utility has

    largely withdrawn from Africa, and is now only involved

    in managing generation facilities in Uganda and Mali.

    2.3.The Corporatisation


    of EskomIn the middle of the 1970s, the global crisis in the capitalist

    economy saw a signicant decline in growth, which led to

    a change in global economic policy. This was the dawn of

    the so-called neoliberal period characterised by the rule

    of the market, deregulation and privatisation, decreased

    spending on social services, the disappearance of the

    28 Fine, B. And Rustomjee, Z.1996. The Political Economy of South Africa: From Minerals-Energy Complex to Industrialisation. Westview Press, Boulder, CO.29 Historically Eskom was created to centralise power supply in this paradigm. Residential access to electricity is a by-product and not the purpose of the current supply paradigm.30 Eskom has historically retained tight control over information and modelling processes often considered condential for commercial or competitive reasons. This has tended to

    hinder open policy and scientic option debate around a number of key areas.31 Winkler, H., Marquand, A. 2009. Changing development paths: From an energy-intensive to low-carbon economy in South Africa. Climate and Development1 (2009) 47-65.32 Winkler, H., Marquand, A. 2009. Changing development paths: From an energy-intensive tolow-carboneconomy in South Africa. Climateand Development1 (2009) 47-65; Hughes,

    A, Howells, M. and Kenny, A. 2002. Energy Efciency Baseline Study. Capacity Building in Energy Efciency and Renewable Energy(CABEERE). Report No. 2.3.4. Report No.

    P-54126. p.52. Department of Minerals & Energy, Pretoria. Available: Republic of South Africa, Department of Energy. 2010. South African Energy Synopsis2010. p.52 and p.66. Available:

    South_African_Energy_Synopsis_2010.pdf.34 Winkler, H., Marquand, A. 2009. Changing development paths: From an energy-intensive to low-carbon economy in South Africa. Climate and Development1 (2009) 47-65.35 Republic of South Africa, Department of Energy. 2010. South African Energy Synopsis2010. p.52 and p.66. Available:

    South_African_Energy_Synopsis_2010.pdf.36 Winkler, H., Marquand, A. 2009. Changing development paths: From an energy-intensive to low-carbon economy in South Africa. Climate and Development1 (2009) 47-65.37 See Eskom Annual Reports, 2001-2009.38 Koen, M. & Bahadur, A. 2010. Eskom: Business as Usual in Africa. Available: Ibid. p.79.40 International Energy Agency. 2011. World Energy Outlook, Access to Electricity. WEO-2011 new Electricity Access Database. Available:

    other/Energy_Poverty/WEO-2011_new_Electricity_access_Database.xls; Parliamentary Monitoring Group (PMG). 2012. Integrated National Electrication Programme (INEP)

    Implementation: Department of Energy, Salga, Eskom Brieng. 13 February 2012. Available:


    Winkler, H., Marquand, A. 2009. Changing development paths: From an energy-intensive to low-carbon economy in South Africa. Climate and Development1 (2009) 47-65.42 Ibid.43 These companies are however, not identied in Eskoms 2011 Integrated Annual Report.44 Eskom. 2011. Integrated Annual Report 2011. Johannesburg: Eskom.45 Libya, Zanzibar, Uganda, Nigeria, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Zambia, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland and Mauritius. And Eskom Enterprises has also participated in energy-

    related projects in India and China.46 In this context, Corporatisation is dened as: to be inuenced by or take on the features of a large commercial business.

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    7The Eskom factor: Power politics and the electricity sector in South Africa

    ideas of the public good/community, and for much of Africa,

    the implementation of Bretton Woods imposed structural

    adjustment programmes.

    The South African state started to adopt some neoliberal

    principles47 after the economy failed to recover

    signicantly through the 1980s.48 The role of the state

    in the economy was deregulated and reduced. This was

    done through various means, including privatising state

    owned companies. ESCOM was not exempt from these

    reforms. The de Villiers Commission in 198549 marks the

    start of reform in the sector50: rst, corporatising and later

    commercialising Eskom. During this process, a system

    was established that continues to reect the contestation

    between the government, vested business interests, and

    Eskom management until today.

    A new corporate body named Escom, replaced the

    Electricity Supply Commission (ESCOM). The government

    appointed the new Electricity Council to govern Escoms

    corporate body, which was made up of major stakeholders

    from business and the municipalities.51 The State Presidentappointed a chairperson.

    In 1986, Chairman Maree summarised the new character of

    Escom and its ethos of professional managerialism as the

    only sure way to meet the challenges of electricity supply in

    South Africa is to run Escom as a professionally managed

    business undertaking.52

    As part of the corporatisation, the 1985 and 1987

    amendments removed the stipulation that electricity should

    be supplied in the public interest [with] operations being

    carried out neither for prot or loss.


    This was replacedby consideration for consumer needs being satised in

    the most cost effective way, subject to resource constraints

    and the national interest.54 The name of the utility was also

    changed to Eskom in 1987.

    Eskom earningsIn 2009, the utility earned on average 24.7c for every

    kWh it sold. By 2011, Eskom was earning 40.3c on

    average55, and recorded a net prot of R13.2 billion

    as at March 2012.56 Eskom has not paid dividends to

    its shareholder, the government of South Africa, since

    2008 because of its capital expenditure needs.57

    The restructuring of Eskom resulted in an unmonitored

    electricity pricing policy. Instead of ensuring parliamentary

    oversight, the drafters of the new Act, who included

    members of ESCOMs legal department, managed to insert

    a clause that exempted Eskom from the requirement to

    have a license issued by the ECB [Electricity Control Board]

    and thus from having its prices regulated.58

    Eskoms reluctance to submit its prices for government

    regulation was at times met with resistance by industry.

    When Eskom raised tariffs to pay for the heavy debts it had

    incurred, this provoked industry and the mines to call for

    tighter government control to force it to operate on business

    principles. If this sounded contradictory, Eskom then raised

    the alarm about politicians in the engine room even as

    it maintained its occupation of the DME [Department of

    Minerals and Energy].59 After a long period of relative

    autonomy, the utility resented the new interference by

    the state and tried to secure as much independence as


    Eskoms corporate sense that it was a law unto itself waseven more sharply revealed as the political transition

    began. According to its then boss, Ian McRae, staff feared

    that the new ANC government would nationalise the

    corporation.60 Consequently, Eskom selectively embraced

    portions of the governments emerging policy. At the same

    time, Eskom resisted the wholesale carving up and sale of

    the organisation.

    2.4.The Post-Apartheid Transition period


    By the end of apartheid, the dominant Minerals-Energy

    Complex combined with discriminatory race policies, had

    devastated South African society. Freedom brought with

    it expectations for change and a need for government to

    deliver a better life for all.61 It was a political imperative

    that government should deliver on this. At the same time

    business had expectations of improved economic growth

    and prots through the re-integration of South Africa into the

    global economy. At rst, these seemed to be complimentary

    objectives. But the reality proved to be completely different.

    47 Gentle, L. 2009. Escom to Eskom: From racial Keynesian capitalism to neo-liberalism (1910-1994). In Electric Capitalism: Recolonising Africa on the power grid. (D. McDonald,

    Ed.) Johannesburg: HSRC Press.48 Gelb, S. 1991. South Africas Economic Crisis. Cape Town: David Phillip, Publishers.49 de Villiers, W. d. 1985. Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Supply of Electricity in South Africa.(Afrikaans). Pretoria: Government Printer.50 Conradie, S. a. 2000. A Symphony of Power. The Eskom Story. Johannesburg: Chris van Rensburg Publications (pty) ltd.51 South Africa. 1985. Statutes of the Republic of South Africa, Electricity Amendment Act, Act No. 50 of 1985. Pretoria: Government Printers.52 Escom.1986. Annual Report. p. 4. Johannesburg: Escom.53 South Africa. 1922. Statutes of the Union of South Africa, Act no. 42 of 1922. Act to provide for the supply and control of electricity and for other purposes incidental thereto. Cape

    Town: Government Printers.54 South Africa. 1985. Statutes of the Republic of South Africa, Electricity Amendment Act, Act No. 50 of 1985. Pretoria: Government Printers; South Africa. 1987. Statutes of the

    Republic of South Africa, Eskom Act, No. 40 of 1987. Pretoria: Government Printers.55 Eskom. 2011. Integrated Annual Report 2011. Johannesburg: Eskom.56 Business Day. 2012. Eskom prot rises 60%. Available: Dames, B. 2011. Presentation on Eskom Audited Annual Results Presentation for the year ended 31 March 2011. October 2011. Retrieved May 5, 2012, from

    Available: Eberhard, A. 2005. From State to Market and Back Again. South Africas Power Sector Reforms. Economic and Political Weekly, 10 December 2005 pp. 5309-5307.59 Hallowes, D. M. 2007. Peak Poison: The elite energy crisis and environmental justics. Johannesburg: groundWorks, p.33.60 Ibid.61 The slogan a better life for all became the mobilising call and campaign slogan in 1994 by the African National Congress.

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    Cheaper electricity for all: price deals and


    Eskom took the initiative in 1991 and proposed a price

    agreement with government to reduce the real price of

    electricity by 20% by 1996.62 The Eskom Chairmans

    review pledges, Eskom is sufciently condent of its future

    business performance to undertake to its customers that

    it will reduce the real price of electricity over the next ve

    years by 20%.63

    That the intended beneciaries would be the energy

    intensive corporations of the Minerals-Energy Complex was

    made explicit by Chairman Maree: This reduction in the

    price of electricity will place many of our energy-intensive

    customers in a much stronger position to compete on

    international markets and thus stimulate the export of raw

    materials and manufactured goods and encourage new

    investment in energy intensive industries.64

    The focus on the low-price of electricity also features inEskoms 1992 vision: Eskom is committed to being an

    efcient and effective organization [sic], so as to be able to

    make electricity available to its customers at the cheapest

    possible price. It is also committed to making electricity

    available to all in South Africa, who want it and can afford

    it[emphasis added].65

    However, the notion of who wants it and can afford it

    meant that communities needed to pay for it. The income

    requirement (cost recovery) needs of Eskom were very

    clearly stated by Maree, It is therefore absolutely clear

    that any electrication programme can only be achieved if

    the community wants it and are prepared to pay for it. In

    reference to the National Electrication Forum (NEF), which

    was a broad consultative mechanism including communities,

    he emphasised the notion of a negotiated process: It is also

    clear that communities need to be involved in the planning

    and provision of electricity to them.66

    Inevitably, community consultation became sidelined

    as the NEF consultation process became narrower and

    more technocratic with the establishment of the Electricity

    Working Group (EWG) consisting of representatives from

    Eskom, ministries, and municipalities, but excluding labour

    and other civil society formations.67 The EWG gave rise to agovernment-based committee, the Electricity Restructuring

    Interdepartmental Committee. This committee then made

    the recommendations forming the basis of the 1998 White

    Paper on Energy Policy (which included measures such as

    regional distributors, a shift to cost reective tariffs, and the

    opening of generation to competition).

    62 By 1996 Eskom had in fact reduced real prices by 67% from 1985. Available: Eskom.1991. Annual Report. Johannesburg: Eskom, p.5.64 Eskom.1991. Annual Report. Johannesburg: Eskom.65 Eskom.1990. Annual Report. Johannesburg: Eskom. p.1.66 Eskom. 1991. Annual Report. Johannesburg: Eskom. p.6.67 Greenberg, S. 2008. Market liberalisation and continental expansion: The repositioning of Eskom in Post Apartheid South Africa. In Electric Capitalism. Johannesburg: HSRC Press.





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    9The Eskom factor: Power politics and the electricity sector in South Africa

    3.Influence and accommodation: Eskom andGovernment Policy 1994-2001

    Eskom undoubtedly has a dual role. On one hand,

    the utility can be seen as an extension of government

    and its policy. On the other hand, Eskoms corporate

    (and later commercial) logic led to a preservation of

    its organisational position, and continued to facilitate

    the accumulation of wealth within a framework of the

    Minerals-Energy Complex.68

    Due to the dominance of the Minerals-Energy Complex,

    since 1987 South Africas underlying electricity generation

    and supply paradigm has never been challenged.69

    The reality is that the policy environment has become

    increasingly confusing, and sometimes contradictory.

    This, combined with overlapping roles and responsibilities

    within the governance of the utility has deected attention

    away from the underlying paradigm of large centralised(baseload) generation, serving energy intensive users at

    the expense of both the environment, and peoples health

    and access to energy.

    The objectives of the post-apartheid government have

    clearly inuenced the actions of the utility in many

    fundamental ways. Transformations in terms of employment

    equity, addressing past discrimination and, more recently,

    broad based black economic empowerment, have all been

    appropriately high on the states agenda. Similarly, it was

    crucial that the discriminatory patterns of service delivery

    be addressed post-1994.

    While some of Eskoms actions were no doubt an

    accommodation of the new governments developmental

    needs, the utilitys growing commercial motivation also

    played a role. The corporatisation of Eskom and a need

    to soak up excess capacity through the creation of new

    markets meant that many of the issues that would be central

    for the new government already had an existing commercial

    rationale within Eskom. The accommodation of government

    needs can therefore been seen as the intensication of a

    pre-existing commercial direction, rather than a reversal of it.

    The role of electrication

    The initial national electrication process was a clear

    imperative for the new government and Eskom responded

    accordingly, effecting 2 812 847 connections between 1991

    and its commercial incorporation in 2001.70 71 Securing

    former Black Local Authorities (BLA) distribution networks

    meant that Eskom was able to ensure it remained relevant

    during the transition by positioning itself to take on the

    electrication backlog to predominantly black households.

    To date, 4 050 968 homes have been electried since 1991,

    based largely on a prepaid metering system.72

    However, Eskoms electrication drive was based on the

    commercial rationale that extending the domestic market

    would improve income generation as well as independencefrom the state. But average consumption fell far short of

    what Eskom assessed was needed to make the programme

    commercially viable.73 74 People simply could not afford to

    buy enough electricity to make this protable.75 Indeed,

    providing large-scale electrication to a large proportion

    of South Africas population since 1990 has actually had

    relatively little impact on overall electricity consumption.

    The addition of over three million new (primarily low-income)

    residential customers between 1990 and 2004 only increased

    Eskoms sales by approximately 4%.76

    In April 2001

    77 78

    , the Department of Minerals and Energybegan funding the Integrated National Electrication

    Programme (INEP) directly.79 Nonetheless, Eskom retained

    a strong inuence over the process: Eskom personnel

    were simply seconded to the Department. According to

    Clarck (2007: 17) Macro [electricity] planning is currently

    undertaken by the Integrated National Electrication

    Programme Business Planning (INEP BP) Unit. Previously

    housed within Eskom, this unit is now separate from it,

    though most of its staff have been seconded, on ministerial

    request, from Eskom.80

    68 Hallowes, D. M. 2007. Peak Poison: The elite energy crisis and environmental justics. Johannesburg: groundWorks.; McDonald, D. 2009. Electric Capitalism: Recolonising Africa

    on the power grid. Johannesburg: HSRC Press.; Koen, M. and Bahadur, A. 2010. Eskom: Business as Usual in Africa. Available:

    at_download/fullle.69 McDonald, D. 2009. Electric Capitalism: Recolonising Africa on the power grid. Johannesburg: HSRC Press.70 Eskom. 2002. Annual Report. Johannesburg: Eskom.71 Nearly all of these new connections have used pre-payment technology customers buy tokens or top-up electronic cards to activate their electricity dispenser. Many connections

    involve informal houses (shacks) and use pre-wired ready boards typically with a few lights and plug points.72 Eskom. 2011. Integrated Annual Report 2011. p. 182. Johannesburg: Eskom.73 The average consumption of 100 kWh fell far short of the 350 kWh Eskom assessed was needed to make the programme commercially viable.74 Clarck, A. 2005. Resource-based Technology Innovation in South Africa: Innovations in South Africas Off-grid. Johannesburg: HSRC Press.

    75 In 2001 for instance, the average monthly revenue per prepaid customer was just R30. Source: Eskom Annual Report 2001.76 Winkler, H., Marquand, A. 2009. Changing development paths: From an energy-intensive to low-carbon economy in South Africa. Climate and Development1 (2009) 47-65.77 Eskom. 2002. Annual Report. Johannesburg: Eskom.78 Eskom, which had been funding the programme from tariffs to this point, was about to start paying taxes and dividends to government in its commercialised form (South Africa,

    2001) and therefore argued electrication should come out of these payments.79 Hallowes, D. M. 2007. Peak Poison: The elite energy crisis and environmental justics. Johannesburg: groundWorks.80 Clarck, A. 2005. Resource-based Technology Innovation in South Africa: Innovations in South Africas Off-grid. p. 17 Johannesburg: HSRC Press.

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    In more recent times, the pace of electrication has slowed

    as a result of rising costs per connection and the level

    of government funding for electrication. According to a

    parliamentary brieng by the Department of Energy, Eskom

    and the South African Local Government Association

    (Salga), by 2012 there has actually been a decrease in real

    terms of the electrication allocation.81 In addition, it was

    reported that the INEP operational budget is not sufcient

    to plan, implement and monitor projects effectively.82

    At the same time, the South African government has an

    ambitious timeline for establishing universal access to

    electricity in South Africa by 2014. Eskom has raised doubts

    about meeting this deadline, and in 2011, Eskom was

    unable to meet its electrication target.83 The utilitys

    current 10-year electrication programme does not cater

    for universal access by 2014, but claims that a 2021/2022

    timetable is more realistic. According to Eskom If this

    programme has to be expedited, it will severely limit the

    ability to execute the spend in other categories and increase

    the operational expenditure due to increased connection

    numbers84, once again highlighting the contested natureof this countrys electricity sector.

    The governments managed liberalisation of the

    electricity sector

    In the late 1990s international globalisation trends meant

    that the focus was not on whetherto liberalise, but rather

    on how to liberalise the electricity sector.85 The South

    Africa government had opted for what they referred to as

    managed liberalisation.86 As a result of this approach,

    the cabinet prevented Eskom from engaging in any further

    generation capacity development from the time of the 1998

    White Paper on Energy Policy, to 2004.89

    In a speech to the Africa Energy Forum in 2001, Minister

    of Minerals and Energy at the time, Phumzile Mlambo-

    Ncguka, summarised the governments objectives thus:

    The energy sector is being restructured in order to ensure

    that we reduce the cost of energy, improve economic

    efciency, attract local and foreign direct investment,

    diversify energy resources for environmental reasons,

    and ensure security of energy supply. This will ensure the

    delicate balance between States imperative to spur on

    economic growth and its social responsibilities...[In] order to

    limit the expected upward pressure on electricity prices due

    to Eskoms new dividend and tax payments status, there

    is a need to build new generating capacity, to encompass

    environmental considerations, and to reform the...[sector].

    Government will ensure that these price increases will be

    kept as low as possible, so that South Africa maintains its

    competitiveness, cross subsidies for the poor, and free

    basic services to bring relief to the poor.90

    However, the states emphasis on social responsibilities

    nevertheless meant that in practice those duties were

    increasingly shifted to individuals. The large-scale

    introduction of prepaid metering systems was one

    outcome of this process. It ensured consumer discipline

    with disturbing consequences: households would simply

    cut themselves off when they could not afford to pay for

    electricity. The potential social benets of extending

    electricity access were therefore completely undermined.

    81 Parliamentary Monitoring Group (PMG). 2012. Integrated National Electrication Programme (INEP) Implementation: Department of Energy, Salga, Eskom Brieng. 13 February

    2012. Available: Ibid.83 Eskom states this as one of the challenges: Not meeting the target of 158 430 overall electrication connections this year (149 914 made) in Eskom. 2011. Integrated Annual

    Report 2011. p. 168 Johannesburg: Eskom.84 Eskom. 2011. Integrated Annual Report 2011. p. 180. Johannesburg: Eskom.

    85 Koen, M. 2011. Theres an Elephant in the Room. Greenwash and Socialwash in Eskoms sustainability reporting. Durban: Working Paper. CSRSC.86 The partial privatisation of risks and the introduction of quasi-markets in the administration of benets under the strict control and management of the Government.87 Dames, B. 2011. Presentation on Eskom Audited Annual Results Presentation for the year ended 31 March 2011. October 2011. Retrieved May 5, 2012, from

    Available: CSRSC calculations, based on gures in Eskoms 2011 Integrated Annual Report.89 Department of Minerals and Energy. 1998. White Paper on Energy Policy. Pretoria: Government Printers.90 Mlambo-Ncguka. 2001. Politics of Electricity Sector Reform in South Africa: Managed Liberalisation and Developmentalism (2009-2014). Retrieved October 10, 2009, from Africa

    Energy Forum. Available:

    Eskoms electricity customersOnly 139 customers account for 34.9% of Eskoms total revenues87, however these customers generally pay less than

    half what the majority of customers pay. In 2011, mining and industry customers paid an average of 36.2c/KWh, while

    4.5 million direct residential customers paid on average 66.4c/KWh.88











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    11The Eskom factor: Power politics and the electricity sector in South Africa

    4. Commercialisation of Eskom: 2001-2012

    Following on from the Eskom Conversion Act in 2002,

    Eskom was converted from a statutory body to a public

    company (Eskom Holdings Limited), with the South

    African government as the sole shareholder. A board

    was then established, but was comprised almost entirely

    by big business, with a handful of academics and a

    sole representative of the DPE.91 The impacts of the

    governments managed liberalisation approach are clear,

    with the Eskom Conversion Act attempting to balance

    the competing narrative of Eskoms developmental role

    and the need for affordable electricity.92 In reality, these

    competing interests have never been resolved.

    Indeed, it was this approach that prevented Eskom from

    investing in new capacity before 2004, and precipitated

    an electricity supply crisis in 2007, which continues to

    date, despite policy acknowledgement of the problem ten

    years previously.93 The crisis in 2007 meant that Eskomwas told to accelerate building new capacity quickly, and

    urgently began investing in a new build programme. This

    programme consists almost entirely of new major coal-red

    capacity (Medupi and Kusile) as a supposedly least cost

    and proven technology solution. Thus, the earlier policy

    immobility, followed by the urgency to seek solutions to the

    supply crisis meant that the necessary space to develop

    better alternatives was completely absent.

    The National Energy Regulator (NERSA) became

    operational in 2008, but given the monopolistic nature of

    South Africas electricity market, the regulators dominantrole thus far has been to adjudicate Eskoms price

    applications. The nature of these decisions has had the

    effect of deecting accountability from both the state and

    the state-owned enterprise.

    Since 2001, government roles in the electricity sector

    have become increasingly complicated with the following

    departments involved in one way or another: The Department

    of Public Enterprises, The Treasury Department, The

    Department of Energy, The Department of Minerals, The

    Department of Environmental Affairs and The Department

    of Local Government.

    In fact, by 2012 the contestation for control of

    Eskom from different economic interests (including

    the Minerals-Energy Complex and Eskom itself),

    inappropriate governance and regulation structures,

    role confusion and policy uncertainty have in fact

    resulted in less accountability to the real owners of the

    utility: the people of South Africa.

    91 Greenberg, S. 2008. Market liberalisation and continental expansion: The repositioning of Eskom in Post Apartheid South Africa. In Electric Capitalism. Johannesburg: HSRC


    92 South Africa.2001. Statutes of the Republic of South Africa, Eskom Conversion Act, No. 13 of 2001. Pretoria: Government Printers.93 Department of Minerals and Energy. 1998. White Paper on Energy Policy. Pretoria: Government Printers.94 Eskom. 2011. Integrated Annual Report 2011. p. 182. Johannesburg: Eskom.95 Eskom. 2011. Integrated Annual Report 2011. Johannesburg:Eskom.96 Labour Research Services. 2011. Bargaining Indicators for 2011. Cape Town: LRS.97 Koen, M. 2012. Based on the unpublished research report: The Electricity Governance Complex. Civil Society Research and Support Collective.

    SalariesIn 2011, Eskoms CEO earned R478 000 per month(including bonuses).95 Compared to this, the median

    minimum monthly wage in South Africa was R3162 per

    month in 2011.96 Based on these calculations, the ratio

    of the CEOs salary to a minimum wage income is thus


    In 2012, South Africas electricity sector looks like


    An estimated four million households have been

    connected to electricity since 199194, but these

    connections are characterised by chronic under

    consumption of less than 100kWh per month;

    The social development potential of electricity has

    been largely negated by cost recovery policies resulting

    in disconnections and self disconnection through

    prepaid metering systems;

    Domestic consumption is still a fraction of industrial

    consumption and poor households an even smaller

    fraction of this;

    Service related protests are common place and often

    relate to electricity;

    No signicant renewable sources of energy have been

    developed; The carbon footprint of the utility continues to grow


    Dwindling water resources are further threatened by

    technology choices;

    Coal mining has boomed along with the negative

    impacts of acid mine drainage and toxins;

    Allegations of corruption in the award of tenders for

    capital expenditure projects continue to surface;

    Real prices for electricity reduced by around 67% over

    20 years, and then have escalated by 300% in just a few


    A supply crisis in 2007 followed by scheduled outagesreferred to as load shedding resulted in large scale

    economic harm and job losses;

    Debt and spiralling prices limited the countrys ability to

    respond to the global economic crisis;

    A controversial World Bank loan has been sourced for

    building additional coal-red generation capacity

    (Medupi); and

    Amidst these problems large bonuses continue to be

    paid to the utilitys leadership.

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    5. Eskom and Water

    In a water-scarce country like South Africa, the

    decisions taken around the consumption of water have

    major implications. As a strategic water user, Eskoms

    investment decisions do play a role in the equation:in

    2011 alone, Eskom consumed 327.252 Ml of water.98 The

    new power stations currently under construction (Medupi

    and Kusile) are to be dry-cooled as part of Eskoms climate

    change adaptation strategy and its claimed commitment

    to the environment.99 Importantly, because both of these

    power stations are being built in already polluted areas,

    both stations will require the installation of a ue gas

    desulphurisation plant, signicantly increasing the water

    usage of these power stations.

    But using dry-cooled technology is not a shift in Eskoms

    strategy. Over 20 years earlier, Eskom had already opted

    for dry-cooled technology in the previous build programme.

    This was out of necessity as there were insufcient waterresources to support the intended power stations.100 The

    annual report of 1983101 describes Kendal, Matimba and

    Majuba stations as air-cooled based on lessons learned

    from the smaller Grootvlei station that was already dry-

    cooled, as not enough water could be found to service the


    These three stations were planned during a severe drought

    in 1982/3. During this period, many existing power stations

    were unable to run at capacity because of insufcient water

    supply. It cost R100 million to augment water to the large

    power stations during the drought, which was done throughemergency pumping schemes in the Eastern Transvaal. In

    a demonstration of the Minerals-Energy Complex at work

    in a crisis, the 1983 annual report describes the measures

    taken, water affairs developed a scheme to augment the

    supplies of water in the Eastern Transvaal by reversing the

    ow of the Vaal River by pumping water up the river over

    a series of seven weirs. The scheme was completed in

    20 weeks at a cost of some R28 million, to which ESCOM

    contributed R19 million and SASOL, another large water

    user in the Eastern Transvaal the remaining R9 million.102

    However, the lessons of the drought were quickly forgotten,

    as the construction of Majuba in the late 1980s shows. In

    1995 it was decided to go ahead with the last three units.

    Costs had spiraled, as the coal reserve was far lower

    than the geological survey had predicted. This meant that

    coal had to be transported by road and rail, and Majubas

    cost of generation was far higher than anticipated. As a

    consequence, the last three units commissioned were once

    again cheaper, water-inefcient, water-cooled options.103

    It is often accepted that Eskom is the source of knowledgeand expertise in the electricity sector. However, the lessons

    of the past are clear: demand projections can be wrong,

    coal reserve estimation is far from exact and the nature of

    South Africas water supply is incredibly fragile. Despite

    this, Eskom continues to make the same decisions, and

    potentially the same mistakes that it did in the past.

    It is estimated that the hidden costs of Kusile could be as

    much as Three Trillion Rand over its 50 year lifespan.104

    The water impacts dominate these externality costs

    approximately 70% of the external costs are water-



    , and per unit of electricity produced, Kusile willuse 173 times more water than wind power would. Building

    in inexibility, instability, and water uncertainty into South

    Africas electricity system.

    98 Eskom. 2011. Integrated Annual Report 2011. p.11. Johannesburg: Eskom.99 Eskom. 2006a. Annual Report. Johannesburg: Eskom.;Eskom. 2011. Integrated Annual Report 2011. Johannesburg: Eskom.100 Steyn, G. 2006. Investment and Uncertainty: Historical experience with power sector investment in South Africa and its implications for current challenges. 15 March 2006.

    Retrieved March 12, 2012, from UCT graduate School of Business. Available: ESCOM. 1983. Annual Report. Johannesburg: ESCOM.102

    ESCOM. 1983. Annual Report. p. 21. Johannesburg: ESCOM.103 Steyn, G. 2006. Investment and Uncertainty: Historical experience with power sector investment in South Africa and its implications for current challenges. 15 March 2006.

    Retrieved March 12, 2012, from UCT graduate School of Business. Available: Greenpeace. 2011. The True Cost of Coal in South Africa: Paying the price of coal addiction. Available:

    TrueCostOfCoal.pdf.105 The report measured the scarcity value or opportunity cost of water.











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    13The Eskom factor: Power politics and the electricity sector in South Africa

    6. Conclusion

    Eskom clearly plays an inuential role in South Africas

    electricity, policy and regulatory environment. The utility

    has staff seconded to numerous government bodies, and is

    often called upon to offer technical, logistical and nancial

    support to the government, as well as participating in forming

    parliamentary opinion through various subcommittees.106

    However, it is inherently difcult to analyse the sustainability

    performance of a state-owned utility like Eskom.

    The question becomes: to what extent does one focus

    on Eskom itself, as opposed to the relevant government

    departments, policy processes, parliamentary oversight,

    and regulatory institutions? Drawing the lines as to where

    Eskoms responsibility and accountability lies often proves

    difcult, given that the utility occupies an effective monopoly

    position in the absence of any real competition. Eskoms

    shift in an increasingly commercial direction has had

    two key consequences: while government oversight hasincreased, overall accountability has decreased. The

    outcome is clear: a lack of genuine accountability for

    Eskom, as well as the government. And this lack of clarity

    works for both parties, in that they are continuously able to

    shift responsibilities from one to the other pointing out that

    it is not them making the decisions, or with the expertise.

    Eskoms decisions have repeatedly conrmed the utilitys

    commitment to the central paradigm of large scale centralised

    generation and grid-based distribution to energy-intensive

    corporations, which lies at the heart of the Minerals-Energy

    Complex. Government holds a series of roles or spheresof inuence and accountability with regards to the utility.

    These are, amongst others, that of shareholder, regulator,

    policy creator and political patron. This leads to confusion

    over accountabilities and the extent of strong directive

    inuence and control by the state, introduces the possibility

    for corruption, ad hoc interference, and most importantly, a

    lack of accountability amongst all players.

    As a result Calland and Pienaar107 make the comment

    that Picking holes in the governance of electricity supply,

    and energy policy more generally, is like shooting sh in a

    barrel. Whether it is the development and sequencing of

    key policy documents, the absence of proper stakeholderconsultation, leadership failure, or the lack of clarity about

    intra-governmental roles and responsibilities, there are

    more hooks on which to hang a public debate than in a


    The results of a quarter century of electricity sector reform

    have been excellent from the perspective of the mines,

    banks and heavy industry. However, from a social and

    environmental sustainability perspective, the results have

    been deeply worrying. The Minerals-Energy Complex

    remains central to the type of electricity investment Eskom

    decides to make. Indeed, Eskom is at the heart of this

    paradigm, and both promotes and benets from it.

    But one thing remains clear: The ground-breaking

    decisions South Africa needs to make today cannot

    become the victim of play-offs in responsibility and a lack

    of accountability. The question of Who is responsible

    demands urgent answers in the face of an accelerated

    climate crisis, the growing gap between rich and poor,

    unacceptably high levels of inequality and unemployment,

    lack of service delivery, lack of access to affordable

    electricity, a potential water crisis, and the continueddominance of big industry and vested interests.

    Continuing along South Africas current pathway is clearly

    not going to address any of these problems. The countrys

    electricity system relies on coal, large scale centralised

    generation and decision-making behind closed doors. The

    centrality of energy-intensive industries comes at the

    expense of all South Africans, making prots for a

    privileged few. Therefore, the dominance of the Minerals-

    Energy Complex and South Africas underlying electricity

    generation and supply paradigm must be challenged.

    In the pursuit of a sustainable future, a major paradigm shift

    is required. This means that it is time for real accountability

    from the government, and from Eskom. The utility needs

    to stop building new coal-red power stations, and

    should instead invest in the substantial rollout of large-

    scale and decentralised renewable energy projects. It is

    also time for the Minerals-Energy Complex to become far

    less central to the South African economy. A just transition

    away from coal and towards renewable energy is required

    to secure the countrys electricity supply, create jobs, ensure

    energy access, and avoid a water crisis exacerbated by

    catastrophic climate change. It is time for Eskom to nally

    learn the lessons of the past. It is not yet too late.

    106 A parliamentary subcommittee plays an oversight role of state owned enterprises while others focus on the development of policy and legislation in the areas that affect decisionsrelating to development, environment, energy etc.107 Calland is director of Idasas Economic Governance Programme, which convenes the multi-stakeholder Electricity Governance Initiative of SA (EGI-SA), and associate professor

    in public law at UCT. Pienaar is senior researcher: public ethics and governance.108 Calland, R. A. 2009. Left in the dark, public could pay heavy price for decades. Retrieved May 2, 2012, from Business Day. Available:


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  • 7/29/2019 The Es Kom Factor


    15The Eskom factor: Power politics and the electricity sector in South Africa

    Greenpeace Africas campaign to end SouthAfricas coal addiction

    South Africa is among the highest emitters of carbon dioxide in the world, and burning coal is one of the primary

    sources of these emissions.

    Currently, more than 90% of South Africas electricity comes from coal. Eskom continues to insist that coal is thecheapest source of electricity, and is investing in two mega new coal-red power stations.

    The reality is that there is no future in coal. The true cost of coal is destruction at every step, and coal-red electricity

    production uses massive amounts of scarce water, creates prots for a privileged few, has failed to deliver electricity

    to over 12 million South Africans, and destroys peoples health and wellbeing.

    Greenpeace Africa campaigns for an Energy [R]evolution to end South Africas addiction to dirty and risky coal and

    nuclear energy, replacing them with renewable energy and energy efciency.

    If the country commits to this option, we can phase out coal in a just transition over the next 40 years, tackle energy

    poverty and avoid catastrophic climate change. This will mean that half of South Africas electricity could come from

    renewable energy by 2030, and an estimated 150 000 direct jobs could be created in the energy sector in less than20 years.

    To achieve this goal, Greenpeace campaigns for Eskom to stop the construction of Kusile to prevent its massive

    environmental, economic, and social impacts. By building new coal-red power stations, Eskom and the South

    African government are locking the country into a dirty, expensive future. Instead, Eskom must become genuinely

    accountable to the people of South Africa by investing in the substantial rollout of large-scale and decentralised

    renewable energy projects.

    The True Cost of Coal is simply too high for South Africans to continue to pay.

  • 7/29/2019 The Es Kom Factor


    RSA Ofce:

    10A and 10B Clamart House, Clamart

    Road, Richmond, Johannesburg,

    South Africa

    Postal address:

    Greenpeace Africa

    PostNet Suite 125

    Private Bag X09, Melville

    Johannesburg, 2109

    South Africa

    DRC Ofce:

    Greenpeace Environnemental

    Organisation 8, avenue lodja, Q.

    Socimat Commune de la Gombe,Kinshasa,

    Rpublique Dmocratique du Congo

    Senegal Ofce:

    2, Avenue Hassan II, 6eme etage,

    Dakar, Senegal

    Greenpeace exists because this fragile

    Earth deserves a voice. It needs solutions.

    It needs change. It needs action!

    Greenpeace is an independent global

    campaigning organization that acts

    to change attitudes and behavior, to

    protect and conserve the environment

    and to promote peace. It comprises of

    28 independent national/regional ofces

    in over 40 countries across Europe, the

    Americas, Asia, the Pacic and Africa

    as well as a co-coordinating body,

    Greenpeace International.

    Greenpeace has been working in Africa

    to end environmental destruction and

    ghting for the right of Africans to a

    healthy environment since the early

    1990s. Our campaigns focus on climate

    change, halting the destruction of tropical

    forests and preventing the degradation ofmarine ecosystems.






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