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The ESL Globe Fall 2012 Page 1

The ESL Globe Fall 2012

A publication of the ESL Institute University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

The Fruit & Berry Farm

On a recent field trip to Kentucky, the ESL students stopped in at the Fruit & Berry Farm in

Knoxville, Tennessee, where they were greeted by the owner of the farm. It’s a seasonal farm

where each season you get to pick your own fruits that are growing at the time. After

spending a wonderful time there for about 30 minutes, looking at pumpkin fields and grabbing

some apples to eat, we continued our trip to Shaker Village.

The ESL Globe Fall 2012 Page 2

Field Trip to Shaker Village, Fruit & Berry Farm, and

Kentucky Horse Park By Rasha Almubark

On the morning of October 3, 2012, the ESL Institute went on a field trip to visit

Shaker Village in Pleasant Hill, Kentucky. At 7.30 am, when everyone had boarded

the bus, the bus departed from the University Center on our small voyage.

We first stopped for about 15 minutes at McDonalds at around 8.30 am to have our

breakfast before we continued our trip to Shaker Village. We made a quick stop at

the Fruit & Berry Farm where we were greeted by the owner of the farm. It’s a

seasonal farm where each season you get to pick your own fruits that are growing at the time. After

spending a wonderful time there for about 30 minutes, looking at pumpkin fields and grabbing some

apples to eat, we continued our trip to Shaker Village.

We reached shaker village at around 5 pm; we were paired up for our sleeping arrangements. At

around 6 pm, after settling in our rooms, we went to the restaurant for our dinner. We had an all

organic dinner which was simply delicious. After our dinner, at 7 pm, we sat around a bonfire where

we heard interesting tales and storytelling from a fascinating character. She was an old lady with a

stick that I believed she named "Twig". She started telling us these stories. One was about how the

stars positions came to be, and another was about a fox and a rabbit, and a few others.

The next day we woke up to eat breakfast at 8 am, then at around 10 am we left Shaker Village to

head to Kentucky Horse Park. We had a wonderful time there where we had a chance to ride horses,

meet famous horses and see the different types of horses and where they originally came from.

In conclusion, I’ve truly benefited from my trip in more than one way. I was able to practice English

with my friends after school hours. I was informed of how Shaker Village came to be. I was amazed

by the stories told around the bonfire, and I believe I have strengthened some friendships with my

classmates. Hopefully we can go on a similar trip in the future.

On the grounds of the Shaker Village.

by Rasha

Teachers enjoy storytelling too.

Khiah relaxes on the porch.

The ESL Globe Fall 2012 Page 3

ABOUT SHAKERS By Colleen Sauser

The Shakers are a religious sect also known as the United Society of Believers in

Christ’s Second Appearing. The group was based on the teachings of a woman

named Ann Lee. Initially the group was called the “Shaking Quakers” due to the

ecstatic nature of their worship services, but under Ann Lee it developed into the

United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Coming. The “Shakers” were well

known for their unorthodox views of Christianity, especially in their denial of

marriage. Shakers felt that celibacy was preparation for the Kingdom of Heaven.

They acquired new members through conversion, and adopting and fostering children. When the

children reached the age of adulthood, they were free to leave or stay with the Shakers. Women

were also treated equally in Shaker society, allowing them to even preach—a role at the time

exclusively for men. The Shaker church was a hierarchy and men and women equally shared authority,

symbolizing that God was both male and female. Shakers believed that Jesus was the male

manifestation of Christ and that Ann Lee was the female manifestation of Christ, and their church

was the second Christian Church.

The Shakers were a disciplined, hard-working people. They lived frugally and everything they made

had a purpose. There was no vanity in their work or possessions. They specialized in strong, functional

furniture that would last a very long time. They felt that doing a good job was an act of prayer to

God. We can thank the Shakers for inventions such as the circular saw, the flat broom, and the

wheel-driven washing machine. Shakers found value in hard work, and their inventions, style of

furniture, and architecture is still present today.

'Tis the gift to be loved and that love to return,

'Tis the gift to be taught and a richer gift to learn,

And when we expect of others what we try to live each day,

Then we'll all live together and we'll all learn to say,

'Tis the gift to have friends and a true friend to be,

'Tis the gift to think of others not to only think of "me",

And when we hear what others really think and really feel,

Then we'll all live together with a love that is real.

Simple Gifts by Joseph Brackett (1797- 1882)

Shaker Dancing Song

The ESL Globe Fall 2012 Page 4


On October 3, we assembled on Lansing Court at 7:00AM for our field trip. Actually we

departed at 7:30AM. e moved for one hour then we arrived at “The Fruit and Berry Patch” which is

the farm in Knoxville. We took pictures behind many pumpkins.

I walked around that farm and took some pictures. There are many pumpkins and lots of corn. I could

feel that fall is coming and everything is mature. Sunshine was

perfect for vegetables and I took pictures. I walked to a far

place. Suddenly, the sun was hidden by the trees. There was

a tunnel that was made of trees. That tunnel was very scary.

Because Those trees had no leaves. But I liked that tunnel

because that tunnel was similar to my heart.

I was walking back to the starting point. It was very calm

and peaceful. If I had the money, I would buy a house and

live there. There is a market which sells jams, fruits, juice

and bread at the starting point. Those products are fresh and gorgeous. I regretted that I didn’t buy

some products. That was wonderful visit in America in this fall.


Riding a horse is wonderful. About fifteen ESL students took a trip together and for 25 dollars per each of us, we rode horses. The trip took forty-five minutes to walk around the Horse Park’s outside ranch on horseback. That was so peaceful that I almost fell asleep in not long after starting our trip: beautiful ranch field, white fences, amazing horses roaming on the green grass. That was the moment my dream came true. I really wanted to run faster: gallop, the fastest pace a horse can make. But that was another dream because we were the only group of tourists from a long distance city. The one funny thing is my horse. I don’t remember his name, but he was male. His body was so not beautiful that all students wished that they would not take him. The guide gave him to me. “Oh my god! Why me?” But there was no choice. The more fun was his mask. He was wearing a funny mask. On the face of the mask were drawn two big smiling cross-eyes. Because of it, every student laugheded at me. How funny! Even though my dream was a bit hurt, I was happy. Why? No matter what, I love horses.

The ESL Globe Fall 2012 Page 5

MOVIE NIGHT By Braulio Ferrando

September the 14th 2012 was the movie night at the ESL House. I had a great time that night not

only because I love to watch movies but also because I talked with some of my old friends from the

ESL program. That night I realized that even when everybody around us was from other countries,

other cultures, we all had some things in common. Everybody was watching the movie, which is called

Invictus, and eating popcorn. For just a moment it seemed that all of us in that parking lot were from

the same culture doing exactly the like to do that again and I totally recommend attending next time.

ESL Students Watch Invictus by Jongwoo Suh

About 20 people came to the movie night and we all had a good time.The

movie we saw was “Invictus” which is a Latin word meaning “Never

defeated”. The theme of the movie involves the history of Nelson

Mandela’s desire to unite South Africa with help of the national rugby


The movie’s main actors are Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon. In the

movie, these two famous actors were very good. Their acting was very impressive. The film tells the

inspiring true story of how Nelson Mandela joined forces with the captain of South Africa's rugby

team to help unite their country. Newly elected President Mandela knows his nation remains racially

and economically divided in the wake of apartheid. Believing he can bring his people together through

the universal language of sport, Mandela rallies South Africa's rugby team as they make their

historic run to the 1995 Rugby World Cup Championship match. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela is a South

African politician who served as president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999, the first ever to be

elected in a fully representative democratic election.

Before being elected president, Mandela was a militant anti-apartheid activist, and the leader and co-

founder of Umkhontowe Sizwe, the armed wing of the African National Congress (ANC). In 1962 he

was arrested and convicted of sabotage and other charges, and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Mandela went on to serve 27 years in prison, spending many of these years on Robben Island.

Following his release from prison on 11 February 1990, Mandela led his party in the negotiations that

led to the establishment of democracy in 1994. As president, he frequently gave priority to

reconciliation, while introducing policies aimed at combating poverty and inequality in South Africa.

Mandela has received more than 250 awards over four decades, including the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize.

The ESL Globe Fall 2012 Page 6

And Never Give Up by Cigdem Savas Sunal

My name is Cigdem Savas Sunal. I am from Izmit in Turkey. I like to watch movies about the life lived, because

those tell us true stories. When I watch these kinds of movies, I remember how strong humans are.

There is a movie that I have never forgotten since I watched it. It is called

“Lorenzo's Oil" about the survival of a boy named Lorenzo. One day, Lorenzo family learns

that their son has a very dangerous illness that is ADL. Doctors said that their son

would live two or three more years. Neither his mom nor his dad had taken medical

education. Nevertheless, they decide to treat their child for this illness. His father studies

all night to learn about this illness until mornings, every day. He figures out something about

how to treat this illness. He plans to meet with the doctors who are experts on ADL. The

doctors were shocked when Lorenzo's father shared his findings. Even though they were the doctors, they

hadn't figured out this treatment, but Lorenzo’s father did. The doctors support him so that Lorenzo's family

treats their son less than one year. Lorenzo lives 20 more years than the doctors said.

“Lorenzo’s Oil " was an amazing story. When I wrote about it, I wanted to watch it again. The lesson of

this movie is if you want to do something, you can do what you want. Firstly, you decide, and be determined, and

never give up.

Keeping a Good Mood by Jessica Zhuang

I am Jessica Zhuang of China. I am a person who knows how to relax and enjoy life. In my mind, I think people

should not only know how to study and work in their life, but also should learn how to relax and enjoy life. We

can enjoy life with our family, love, the lure of materialism and food---all the things that make you relax under


My parents love to enjoy life. When I was a child, every weekend we went to eat Dim Sum, and then played in

the park all day. However they let me choose my favorite McDonald’s for dinner. I often recall those moments.

I learned to ease the pressure by loosening. In my opinion, I think people should know how to work, relax and

enjoy their life. This kind of person is a lovely person.

My country has more than five thousand years of culture. The ancient folk handed down many happy things to

us. Like our holidays. In my country, I have two of the largest traditional festivals. One is the Spring Festival.

All of the family got together to make dumplings, worship, set off firecrackers to celebrate the New Year. The

other one is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Basically, the family came to the park to enjoy the full moon at night. We

ate moon cakes and chatted. These two traditional festivals are in order for us to enjoy with the family

together with happiness.

My teacher told me that a good student is not only hard working and focused on grades. They should have all-

round development. In my education, I used half of my time to study and the other half of my time to know me:

To know who I am, what I like and what I like to do. I think this is a kind of enjoyment of education. An

education is not only knowledge, not a book, not a number and words. In a person’s life, we should learn how to

recognize ourselves. This kind of education’s source is our parents. Next our school is the source.

In conclusion, I think people like to relax in their heart, because it can make us keep a good mood.

The ESL Globe Fall 2012 Page 7


It is very obvious to know what it is about if you've just read the title. Shortly before Halloween, the specific

atmosphere is already haunting everywhere. No matter where you are, you will see the decorated supermarkets,

restaurants, and houses with pumpkins, skulls, and standing or lying dummies with very terrible faces. A

foreigner who doesn't know about any of the backgrounds and origins of this festival will be really terrified,

when he just sees any of the above mentioned stuff at first sight.

After looking up some information, I gathered some knowledge about Halloween.

Halloween originally was a Christian festival in Europe, also known as "All Hallows' Eve" that yearly took place on

31 Oct. In the old saying, on this day, the death gods were coming back in the human world to find a scapegoat.

The people on the earth were wearing very fearsome clothes and makeup in order to scare the death gods away

and survive the disaster.

Nowadays Halloween becomes an amusing costume party, especially for the children. The Christian meaning has

vanished day by day. On this day, children will be wearing very different cute costumes and carrying a Jack

O’lantern that is mostly made of pumpkin. They come to the neighbors' houses and knock on the door to ask

them for "Trick or Treat" which means that they want to be treated by candies or they will do something bad,

like put garbage on the door.

Most of the festivals in the world have a folktale or a mysterious story behind them. So does Halloween. It

makes the festivals more interesting and meaningful.

The ESL Globe Fall 2012 Page 8


Jongwoo and his prize-winning jack o'lantern.

Weird sisters.

Devilish fun.

Three friends and a pumpkin.

A creepy crew.

Festive ESLers.

The ESL Globe Fall 2012 Page 9

NEW TEACHER: JARED BREWER I began my first semester at the ESL Institute with a great deal of optimism even though it would be my first experience teaching a writing course designed exclusively for ESL learners. Part of this optimism and eagerness was due to my experience tutoring ESL students and also having them included in the population of my traditional composition and literature courses. Over the course of the

semester, I found that my excitement in September was completely justified. I have enjoyed working at the ESL Institute immensely.

However, in the interest of transparency, I must confess that the majority of my experiences are

due to the engagement and intellectual curiosity of my students. Indeed, the openness my writing

students express during their academic journey is both inspiring and encouraging. Often, I felt

challenged to find new ways of knowing the subject matter and processes of writing in order to

better deliver that instruction. For that, I would like to end the fall semester by thanking my

students and the ESL Institute for allowing me to explore and develop with them.


If you’re not of Oriental origin, the thought of using chopsticks to eat an entire meal can be very

daunting! However, rest assured that it actually isn’t very difficult at all, once the technique is

dissected into the following steps.


Step 1. Hold the chopsticks between your thumb and index finger in balance.

Step 2. Use your index and middle finger to clamp one of the chopsticks; meanwhile use the top of

your thumb to hold it.

Let the other stick lean on your ring finger naturally, and use the base of your thumb to hold it in the

part of your hand between the thumb and index finger.

Step 3. Try to use the chopsticks as a clamp. Remember you only move the stick which you hold in the three fingers.The other one is not moved. Step 4. If you give up, use a fork.


The ESL Globe Fall 2012 Page 10

Students, Old and New THAIS MARCONDES

My name is Thais, and I’m from Brazil. I was a civil lawyer, but now I’m a mother and a student of English

and American culture. I grew up in a traditional family which included my father, who was a swimming

teacher, and my mother, a sociology, philosophy and theology teacher, both at university. I have one sister,

who is four years younger than I. We are a family with high moral values and these values form my


I was born in a small city near São Paulo, where everybody helps each other and family is

very important because we can stay together all the time, like eating every Sunday with

our parents, who can visit frequently and support one another. Because of this I like to

do things with my own family here in my new life.

As I said earlier, I’m a lawyer by profession I started school at five years old then I

graduated from high school and then I went to the university for four years. Law has

taught me how to be persistent, and not to be naive. My communication developed and my writing skills

improved, and also my appreciation for the law. My hobbies today are put aside for motherhood, but what

I like is dancing, and creating hand-made jewelry.

I came to America for the opportunity to improve my and all my family’s English, and so I can use this

when I go back to Brazil and can use that new language in my profession.

I consider myself a happy, luck person because I have my family and I am at peace with myself.

The way I’m living in a new culture and improving my English has made me more confident and given me

more knowledge about life. After writing about myself, I can conclude I’m doing what I want to do, and my

life is the way I choose for it to be.

Jane and Robin Lee, our former student from South

Korea who made his dream of studying for a Masters

in Counseling at UTC come true. We are so proud of

Robin's success!

“Do all the good you can by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all

the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.” –John Wesley

Welcome to the World, Alison! by Kwan

ESL has had a lot of good news in the fall semester. One of them is

the first ESL’s baby girl, Wendy’s baby. Her English name is Alison

and Her Chinese name is Cai Chenlin. We had a wonderful party for

the first ESL’s baby on October 2, 2012 at the ESL house. At 9.48

pm. October 11, 2012, an adorable girl came into the world!

Congratulations on Wendy’s new little princess!

The ESL Globe Fall 2012 Page 11


My name is Claudia. I’m from Peru and I’m going to writing, in this page, about me.

How I can describe me? I think I’m an active person who likes to move every day.

This is my personality because all my life I have been in many activities since I was a

child. I remember that my dad always said that a child should be active to avoid

staying in front of the TV. For that reason, when I was a child my dad made me take

many lessons in swimming, math, exercise and, painting. Those lessons were for short

periods but this kept me busy. When I had free time, I used to play in the park, in front of my house with

other children.

Peru has had a stronger influence on me because all of my life I have lived in the capital of my country,

Lima. There are a lot of people, a lot of cars and many things to do. If you don’t have anything to do, you

can walk around the city because it’s not necessary that you have a car. I’m used to seeing people on the

street at all times.

My education has influenced my personality too. I studied engineering and this was a strong career. I

remember we had difficult course and test. All the time I was very busy for these duties. When I started

to work and continued studying, my free time was less. That period was very tiring; however, I liked it

because I could learn from my career and my internship.

One of my hobbies is walking. I love to see people on the street. When I lived in my country, I usually went

out to walk for many hours with my best friend. When I started to work, I couldn’t go to walk because I

hadn’t time. Now I miss this activity because for me this was very relaxing. My other hobbies are travel

and going out with my friends. When I had vacations I usually planned a small trip with my friends or small

meetings in my house. I think most of my friends are like me. They always try to do many activities.

My goals, have kept me busy. When I finished school my next goal was to go to the university, and this

wasn’t too easy for all people in my country for different reasons, one of which is the money because you

need this to take preparation. Without preparation, you couldn’t go to the university, and this preparation

requires a long time. For me, going to university was a very hard goal. When I was studying my career my

next goal was finishing my career because in my country not all my classmates could finish the university. I

remember many of them left the university because of not having money or the difficulty of the courses.

We were all the time with the courses and our internships. It was a very tiring period. When I finished my

career my next goal was getting a good experience in a job. The first years were very exhausting I worked

a lot in a good company and obtained good experience, but the most important part of this time was that I

enjoyed this. I loved my old job and I would like in the future to continue in the same business. This is one

of my next goals.

My recent goal is doing my Masters. Actually this goal keeps me very busy because first I need to learn

English to take the Masters. Something special about me is my last goal which is very important for me. It

was the reason to leave my country and move to the USA. All my life, one of my desires was to study

abroad. Actually I’m working in that but is very difficult because I miss my country and my life, but I

think study in another country is a good experience to meet people, to grow and learn about other

cultures. In other words, this is me, I’m an active person and my recent goals keep me busy, but the most

important point is that I enjoy the things I’m doing.

The ESL Globe Fall 2012 Page 12


Alhathlool, Abdalhameed

Ha, Shane

Rea, Pablo Humberto

615 481 6186

423 290 3846

423 464 2487

Abdullah, Rasha

Jeong, Will

Rittenberry, Anne

423 364 4720

1+82+102619 1904

423 886 5243

Alferjani, Fahd

Ki, Daniel

Rittenberry, Wade

423 999 1218

404 775 8857

423 825 6546

Alferjani, Feras

Brewer, Jared

Smith, Khiah

423 999 1039

423 488 7862

540 227 0557

Alharbi, Nasser

Li, Steve Zhiming

Suh, Jongwoo

423 653 2735

423) 653-1381

404 834 1999

Almahmoud, Khaled

Long, Candace Barger

Sunal, Cigdem Savas

202 644 0115

423 906 6556

423 715 3078

Carter, Suzanne

Marcondes, Thais

Voychehovski, Linda

423 622-7645

423 838 1443

423 314 3197

Chen, Wei

Mas, Claudia

Woll, Frauke

423 584 5698

423 303 9830

423 991 9492

Cuellar, Carolina

Nethin, Kwan

Womack, Jane

423 305 8506

423 987 5898

423 842 6788

Endaisha, Mohamed

Neff, Nancy

Yung, Suting

423 999 1710

423 9875898

423 310 4256

Febres, Viviana

Quintero, Bryan

Zamora, Daniela

Vivifebres0106@hotmail. es

423 255 5704

305 905 4708

423 244 4775

Goulart, Renan

Randle, Carolyn

Zhuang, Jessica

423 584 2977

423 280 0402

423 653 8319

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