the far north-location the northern region is located in the yukon, northwest territories, nunavut,...

Post on 14-Jan-2016






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The Far North-Location

• The Northern Region is located in the Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Northern Quebec.

The Far North-Climate

• The climate here is extremely cold due to it being the farthest region from the equator. During the winter, sunshine is limited with some months being dark all day. For example, on December 21st the sun never rises.

The Far North-Climate

• Due to the cold weather, the ground is frozen year round. This is called permafrost.

The Far North-Climate

• Summers here are also very short sometimes being warm for only five or six weeks. The days are longer and the nights are shorter during these weeks. During the summer months the Tundra is also called " the land of the midnight sun" as on June 21st, the sun never sets on the land.

The Far North-Climate

• When the weather is warmer, during the summer, sometimes the permafrost on the ground will thaw and cause floods.

The Far North-Landforms

• Permafrost creates huge mounds of stone and soil, with a solid ice core. These are called Pingos. They are shaped like volcanoes pushed out by the pressure from permafrost. Pingos grow bigger by water freezing on to it.

The Far North-Landforms

• In the Tundra the land is flat and rocky because nothing can grow except for fast growing shrubs and mosses.

The Far North- Landforms

• There are also lakes and mountains found in this region.

The Far North-Landforms

• Also there are no trees in the Tundra because the roots cannot break through the hard icy ground and because it is too cold for trees to grow.

The Far North- Natural Resources

• One of the natural resources is oil. A large supply of oil and gas can be found under the land and beneath the ocean.

The Far North-Natural Resources

• Minerals are a natural resource that were discovered in the Tundra during the 1900's. Minerals are mostly located in the mountains of the Tundra. Minerals found here include zinc, lead, coal, gold, silver, and diamonds.

The Far North-Natural Resources

• This region has animals that many people in the north use for food, clothing and shelter. Caribou and Muskoxen are used for clothing and shelter. Caribou, Arctic Char and Beluga Whales are used for food.

The Far North-Industry

• There are few jobs in the Tundra due to the harsh climate and the landscape of this area. One of the jobs found in the Tundra is within the oil and gas industry.

The Far North-Industry

• Because of the frozen ground, it's hard to drill the oil, so it creates many challenges for the workers.

The Far North-Industry

• Tourism has become popular in this region. The Inuit are hired as guides so that people can come to explore this unique region.

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