the fox valley aero flypaper is a monthly...

Post on 08-Jul-2020






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The Flypaper is a monthly publication of

The Fox ValleyAero Club

An Illinois not-for-profitCorporation

P.O. Box 837St. Charles, IL 60174-0837

AMA Gold Leader Club

Academy of ModelAeronautics Charter

Club #252


Vice President:John



Flypaper Editor:Doug

New in this issue:Officer / Chairperson ReportsEngine Tip by Dennis McFarlane page 7

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Hey Folks, as promised, here is the picture of ourfield that is viewable by inserting the following linkinto your web browser:h t t p : / / 6 4 . 1 3 5 . 1 9 9 . 2 1 2 : 8 0 8 0 / c g i -bin/viewer/video.jpg?streamid=3

This particular picture was taken Sunday, August 5th.It shows aircraft, judges and pilots during the IMACevent. Although our camera is capable of streamingvideo, the bandwidthof our internetconnection is not

adequate to provide a useable video stream for more than 2viewers. Considering our membership and the possible loadon the system we will only be providing still images. Theresolution is good enough however, that with proper lightingyou can zoom into the area of the flags and be able to actuallysee the cars and red flag at the firing range. You must admit,that's pretty darn good compared to what we had before!!

Currently the camera is on a timer that runs the juice bar andoperates from just before 6:00am until about 9:00pm. Take alook, you can now see real time field conditions, activity andwhether or not your parking space is available. By refreshingyour browser a few times you should be able to determinewind direction by watching the flags. Enjoy the new tool!

Recently I sent out a notice regarding flying over the trees to thewest, as well as the houses and families that are located there.Due to that recent flight activity, the residents have warned usof potential actions which would affect our field privileges atFox Valley Aero Club. We must take immediate steps to stopand prohibit all over flight of the trees and homes in that area.Over flight of that area will be cause for immediate suspensionof your flight privileges. Consider this a zero tolerancewarning!!!!!!

I instructed the pilots of the IMAC event not to overfly the trees.After consideration of the changes that had to be made, theywere able to 100-percent comply with the restriction. Most allof these pilots fly 30 and 40 percent aircraft and had noproblems. I will also state and reiterate the rules as displayedat the field that over flight of the 911 center to the east is alsonot allowed.

We have become complacent and sometimes careless in wherewe operate our aircraft. That time

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As I write this I’m still exhausted—even days after theIMAC competition was held out at our field. Look fora write-up on the competition in the next issue. Ididn’t fly in the event, 1) because I wasn’t quite readywith my skills, and 2) even if I had planned on it, Idon’t know how I would have had time to get myflights in. It now looks like the last competition of theyear will be my first of the year. I hope to fly at the North Central

Regional Finals down at Horizon Hobby’s Eli Field,located in Monticello, IL. I hear a few other memberswill also make the trip.

This month Dennis McFarlane has submitted a tip tohelp your glow engine smoke less. Check out hissimple modification on page 7.

‘Till next month,Gone Fishin’!


has passed! In order for our existence to continue at thisbeautiful location we have come to know as our field, wemust consider our neighbors and adhere to the above flightrestrictions.

It is totally up to you, the membership, whether wecontinue flight operations at our current location. You allhave a stake in making sure these above flight restrictionsare adhered to. Without complete cooperation by allmembers and guest we will be rolling up our runway,packing our bag and looking for another location.

See you at the next meeting,

Tom Spriet


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continued from previous page FROM THE EDITORDoug Swanson–

DLE EnginesDLE-60cc Twin

Gas Enginew/Electronic



Doug Swanson photos

Great Planes PhazerEDF Sport Jet EP ARF


Sebastian Kowalski’s shirt sums up the waymany of us feel about our hobby. He says itshould be re-ordered to SLEEP EAT FLY.


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Fox Valley Aero Club Calendar of Events Past Events of 2012January 1

First-to-Fly Fun Fly

February 25FVAC Annual SWAP

April 21Member Work Day

May 26 & 27Classic Pattern Contest

June 2 & 3FVAC Pattern Contest

June 9Kids Day

June 10Fun-Fly & Pig Roast

June 15 & 16Al’s Helicopter Fun-Fly

June 21 & 22Festival of Flight

August 4 & 5IMAC Challenge

Remember—the next meeting is held out atthe field—unless there is inclement weather,when it will revert back to the township hall.


August 9 FVAC Member Meeting 6:30 Board 7:30 Regular at FVAC FieldAugust 18 Cub Scout Rocket Day 8:00 AM FVAC Field Just added to list!

September 13 FVAC Member Meeting 6:30 Board 7:30 Regular at Township Hall

October 11 FVAC Member Meeting 6:30 Board 7:30 Regular at Township HallOctober 21 Fun-Fly & Turkey Fry 10:00 AM FVAC Field

November 8 FVAC Member Meeting 6:30 Board 7:30 Regular at Township Hall

December 7 Annual Christmas Party Hilton Garden Inn

January 1 First-to-Fly Fun Fly 10:00 AM FVAC Field

February 23 FVAC Annual Swap Meet Kane County Fair Grounds

Club members:

My friend, Darryl Miller, is the president of the Morrison Model Aircraft Flyers Club. They arehosting a fly-in on August 12 to benefit the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Because they are asmall club, it would make a huge impact on their fund raising if we were able to get a grouptogether to go crash (figuratively) their event. If I am not working, I am planning on taking aplane or two out there and flying a bit for the cause. -Bill Sponsler

Web address with details: (clickable links)


Silence Twister 91 ARFby Seagull (SEA140)

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This year’s Festival of Flight wasanother great success presentedby the FVAC and itsmembership. Over 90 pilotsexhibited their aircraft andflying skills during the two dayevent, including the noontimeshow with jets, war birds, and3D flying. Our catering group

was very pleased with the number of food served both daysand asked if they could be included for next year’s event. Asalways, a big thank you goes out to all the FVAC volunteerswho made this a huge success and took extra time throughoutthe week for preparing the field and returning it back tonormal after the event.

A few weeks after the show, I had a call from a journalist withthe Chicago Tribune. She was doing a feature story with anothermodel association (Woodland) and found out about the FVACand their many activities within the community. I discussed

our contributions to the local area such asKids Day, Toys for Tots, Festival of Flightand many other key points about ourmembership involvement. The article was

featured about a week ago and can be found by the link:

Looking ahead, I am finalizing the bulletin for our 2013 SWAP,which will be held at the Kane County Fairgrounds February23, 2013. Updates on their website will be modified (date,contact persons , costs) and finalized by the end of August.Also, we need to make sure our FVAC website is updated withupcoming events going into 2013. Both Joe Pedone and I willbe organizing this event and will reach out to volunteers forsetting up and taking town the tables in February. Theafternoon foamy flying was a real hit this past year and we willoffer this to pilots and members at the end of the SWAP. Moreinformation will be forth coming over the next few months.

With the summer events now over, I am looking forward toweekend flying and the annual Turkey Fry in October

Fly Safe! JT


Please take a moment to recognize the fine companies who provide complimentary services for us out at the field.

It has been a busy month but I would like to startout by saying a big THANK YOU to all themembers that participated in our Festival of Flight.Whether you donated your time working the eventor were one of the 90 registered pilots flying for thepublic, it was a great event promoting FVAC. Ourparticipation in both parades and the publicattendance at the event really puts a positive spinto model aviation and that’s why were here. Wedid manage to make a few dollars on the event

which makes it all worth the effort and the weather was goodboth days. I also want to say special thanks for the work doneby the Civil Air Patrol who managed security and helped bothdays with parking and the golf cart people moving.

Two members that flew at the event also flew at Kentucky Jets.As you can see in the photos below, they brought home twoawards from that effort.

Jim Martin flew his swing-wing electric powered jet and DaveMurray flew his parade-smoking Thunderbird. While on thesubject of jets, I would like to throw in a plug for two upcomingevents within easy driving distance for our members: JET WORLD MASTERS US QUALIFIER( ROUTE 66 JETS 7TH ANNUAL (


Dorie and I just finished scoring the IMAC Challenge 6, whichdrew 24 pilots and was a very well run and successful contest.Doug Swanson, Dave Genovese, Dan Rocha and Chris Nelsonjoined forces with Mel Ziska, CD, to fill in for our departedfriend Dan Knippen who had run the event for the past 18 years.Dan’s wife, Glenda, also attended the event and was given aplaque during a moving dedication by Dan Rocha.

By the way, the treasury is still in good shape and on budget soI would guess it is time for me to go flying.

Until next month, Paul

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You’re not running rich,the muffler is retaining oil.

ow many times have you tuned the motor onyour airplane to peak performance and thenbacked off two clicks of the needle for the

motor’s longevity. Unless you’re running acompetitive event like a pylon race, or perhaps FAIpattern this is the way the vast majority of motor’sshould be tuned, and is recommended by everyonefrom national model aviation figures to theknowledgeable tuners who our part of our club.

Inevitably though, it always happens. While flying youpull into a tall vertical maneuver and smoke starts topour out of your muffler. The well meaning membersuggests you’re running rich, as evidenced by thesmoke trail while vertical, and you listen, trying tolean the motor out until the smoke disappears.Generally if you are lucky, all that will happen is a fewblown glow plugs (be sure to buy the replacements atmy favorite hobby shop) and dead stick landings. Ifyou aren’t so lucky you’ll burn a piston, and score thecylinder wall. I’ve even seen broken crankshafts onmotors from guys running so lean the motor pre-ignites or fires before the piston is at the top of itsstroke.

The bottom line is your motor was never rich, themuffler is simply retaining oil, and the new syntheticsthat are part of today’s fuel do not burn at thetemperatures we run our glow engines. Therefore,when you pull vertical, all of the retained and heated

oil leaves a billowing smoke trail as it flows from themuffler exit.

The cause of this is a cone that is part of every stockmuffler produced, regardless of the enginemanufacturer. This cone is in place for two importantreasons. One: it helps to reduce the noise of yourmotor, and two: it creates the back pressurenecessary for our motors to run reliably at variousthrottle settings.

The modification is simple. It is so simple it can bedone in most cases while the muffler is still attachedto the engine and only takes a few minutes toperform.

The first thing to be done is toloosen the jamb nut at the backof the muffler. The tailpipeneeds to be removed as well,and it is threaded, so use ascrewdriver to remove the longbolt which is used to hold themuffler halves together. Oncethe muffler is apart, remove thecone, which is only a slip fit, andat the base of the taper drill a hole. In most cases I usea 1/8 drill, but honestly you can actually put LAR(Looks About Right) engineering into play. De-burr thehole, and replace the cone, positioning the weep holeyou’ve made at the very bottom of the muffler.Reassembly of the muffler is the opposite ofdisassembly.

Now the oil has a way out. Provided the motor isproperly tuned there will no longer be the trail ofsmoking oil when you pull vertical. Best of all, therewill be no retained oil leaking out in your car – orworse yet, dripping all over the carpet when you bringthe model back indoors. DM

Engine Tipby Dennis McFarlane

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President Tom Spriet called the meeting to order at7:42pm.

Secretary Tony Sokol asked for additions or corrections tothe May minutes as published. A motion to approve was made byChuck Noyes and seconded by Rob Sampson. The minutes wereapproved.

Vice President JohnTurner received a telephone callfrom the AMA regarding theinformation we sent him aboutour activities. The informationalong with some pictures of ourcommunity relations activities likethe Swedish Days and Memorialparades appear on the AMA blog.John suggested we compose anarticle regarding our civicactivities and submit it to thenews paper, radio news, orTelevision and mention the AMA.If we do, we can earn a check for $100, $200, or $300 respectively. We have new flags flying in preparation for the upcoming Festival ofFlight. The flyer for next year’s swap meet is underway so that it canbe published in the AMA journal well in advance so that vendors canplan ahead. John’s wife Pam is working on the Ladies’ gifts for theChristmas banquet. Mel Ziska was thanked for lending his experience and knowledge tohelp with our public relations effort. He also provided many of theflags that are now gracing our field. Thanks Mel!

Field chairman GregBohler noted that some help willbe needed starting at 8:00am theWednesday before the Festival.Most things are ready to go butthere will be some loose ends totie up in advance of the day.

Membership ChairmanSal Perno introduced two newmembers Paul Wasmond and hisbrother Bob. Sal also introducedDave Kozara, who has been a

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Fox Valley Aero ClubGeneral Meeting Minutes

July 12, 2012 @ FVAC Field

photos byDale GathmanThanks, Dale!

8continued on next page Greg Bohler

John Turner

member for about a month nowand working with Dan Compton.Dan presented Dave with his solocertificate. Congratulations Dave. Sal also asked guest MichaelCannata to say a few wordsregarding his first impressions andflying experience. Dan Compton presented JimDiVerde his solo certificate.

Congratulations Jim.

Treasurer Paul Jacobs reportedthat the Treasury is in good shape.Festival shirts came in and will be

available after themeeting for $10 each.We still need volunteers tosign up to help for the event.The Civil Air Patrol will be hereFriday and Saturday night forsecurity detail. Paul introduced retired Robartfounder and CEO and FVAC

founding member Bob Walker to those who have never had the chance to meet him.Bob has become involved with the Florida Aviation Historical Society and his currentflying project is a 15 ft. seaplane.

Tom noted that theinternet is up andrunning at the field.

The meeting wasadjourned at 8:06pm

Respectfully SubmittedTony Sokol – SecretaryFVAC


continued from previous page

Paul and Bob Wasmond

Dave Kozara

Paul Jacobs Bob Walker

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Michael Cannata

Jim DiVerde

Flyzone Nieuport 17WWI Micro EP RTF


We finally got the warmer weatherwe were hoping to get, except "TheMan" let us have it in spades withquite a few record breakers of over100 degrees. We had days whensome of the pilots stayed at homein A/C hibernation, but those of uswho had been looking for drywarm weather took advantage ofit and had some great flying times.It has gotten to be busy for flightinstruction.

Dave Kozara was one of the flyers who made hay while the sunshined. He came to the field with a FlyZone Sensei and withmy assistance over the last month was able to learn to fly andis doing great. Dave has become a member of FVAC and hassoloed and kept practicing landings until he has become anexcellent flyer. Dave has begun to do stunts such as loops androlls, Immelmann maneuvers, and is trying his skills at flyinginverted. Needless to say, he has also learned to do some

necessaryrepairs tostay airborne. For some, thecombination of flying andmaking repairs is very exciting because you are constantlylearning something new. Dave is one of those people who likesto learn new things, whether it is in the air or on the workbench. I am happy to award Dave his Solo certificate.Congratulations, Dave. Please say Hi to Dave and welcomehim when you see him at the field.

Jim DiVerde has flown in the past, but took some time off for"Life Experiences" and now is ready to give flying another try.I have assisted Jim to get back to flying and dust out thosecobwebs. Jim is doing great

The weather has cooperated and we have had avery dry summer—understatement, huh? Thisjust means that there were fewer reasons not to fly.Dan Compton even commented that I was nolonger using my too windy excuse. I guess I musthave grown out of it. We have had a verysuccessful season and all of our events are nowdone and in the books. The field has held up justfine and now we can relax and enjoy leisure flyingfor the rest of the season.

Paul did a great job with organizing and running the Festivalof Flight. Thank you to everyone that stepped up and helped.We had several members come out and help with set up. Wewere never short-handed for help during the event and onSunday afternoon we had enough help to tear down so nobodyhad to overexert themselves. As promised, the field was backto its normal fantastic self by Monday morning. Thank you toeveryone that helped. This shows why we set the standard forwhat a club should be.

See you at the field, Greg Bohler

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continued on next page

Top Flite Focke-Wulf190 Giant Scale ARF


and is doing things in the air he had never done before. Jim has alsoearned his Solo Certificate. Congratulations to Jim.

Buzz Janis has joined the Fox Valley Aero Club and has been flying hisSuper Cub foamy. After we made some adjustments to his plane, Buzzand I hooked up the buddy box and now Buzz has been learning to fly.Congratulations to Buzz and when you see him, welcome him to theclub.

Mark Rafferty and DaveForsell have gotten thebug to fly and havecome out severalevenings to receivesome instruction andlearn to fly. Mark isflying a Super Cubfoamy and Dave isflying the ParkZone T-28Trojan. Both of theseguys are doing very welland we should see themat the field in the nearfuture.

Collin Griffin has beenflying the Hangar 9 P-51Mustang MKII PTS

trainer and has done an excellent job of flying. Collin has bought anExtra 300 with a Saito .82 engine and has completed several flights withit. Keep up the good work.

Collin's sister, Lauren, decided she would like to give flying a try so weoutfitted a Sig LT-40 with a buddy box and gave it a go. Four 15-minuteflights later and I think we may have another pilot for the FVAC. Laurenhad flown Collin’s flight simulator at home and it paid off, because she

had no troubleflying. If Laurencomes back forfuture flights, wemay try a takeoff ortwo and maybe a tryat landing. Welldone, Lauren.

As you can see, it hasgotten busy on thetraining front andwith several moremonths left in theflying season, wemay have morepilots get soloed.

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