the glardags legacy: chapter 11- be prepared

Post on 02-Dec-2014






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The Gladrags LegacyChapter 11-Be PreparedOr, In Which everything goes wrong... Again.

Moshi Moshi! Welcome back to The Gladrags Legacy- a story of showbiz, musicals and darkness. I’m afraid it is a long one, but hopefully it will be worth it! When we left, Shenzi had turned into a werewolf and attacked Simba, who died of his injuries... Wanna see what happens next? Oh go on, I know you do. Clicky Clicky!

Just a quick scene setter.The atmosphere in the dorm had been tense since Simba’s death. It was just 3 days after Zazu had broken the news to the rest of the dorm- Timon had been in floods of tears ever since his death and Shenzi had locked herself in her room. Despite her parents continued reassurance that it was not her fault, that she couldn’t have controlled her actions, Shenzi didn’t want to be seen. She had noticed that Zazu and her parents had been looking at her differently, even Timon, who didn’t know about her lycanthropy had. Part of her knew that this was all in her head, but she didn’t really care. She didn’t care about anything anymore.Meanwhile, the rest of the dormies were nervous about their safety. The “killer” had not been caught, so they all lived in fear of another attack. Simba had been a huge part of their lives. Zazu walked around like a zombie, barely communicating with others around her. She fell asleep in class or even whilst she ate because she couldn’t sleep at night. She only spoke to one person.

“I brought you some soup.” Andy had entered Zazu’s room to find her hunched on the floor, staring at the opposite wall.“Oh.” she said, in a distant voice. “Thank you...” He grabbed her arm and pulled her up. “Come downstairs, it’ll do you good to see some people.”Zazu didn’t like it but she was too weak to argue. Instead she just collapsed into Andy’s arms, gripping him tightly.

“Please.” she whispered. “Please, just us... In here.”Andy stroked her back. “Ok.”They sat together on the floor for hours, until Zazu finally fell asleep. He gently lifted her onto her bed, with surprising ease for someone so thin. Andy lightly kissed her forehead. “Sleep well.”

Timon too was in a similar state of unfeeling. Luckily, she had someone to comfort her too.

“I like what you’ve done to the place.” said Pumbaa. “When did you do this?”“Saturday.” said Timon in barely more than a murmur.

Pumbaa stared at her despondent best friend, both upset and angry at the world. There wasn’t any justice. If you took the universe and grinded it down to the finest powder and sieved it through the finest sieve you wouldn’t find an atom of justice or mercy. But she wasn’t about to let that happen. That was the one thing about Pumbaa, whether you liked her or not you couldn’t say she wasn’t a good person. She was so optimistic about the future, so set in her view that eventually the world would right itself. Call it delusional, but it was refreshing to say the least.If only she could think of a plan.

She glanced her reflection in Timon’s crystal ball. And she got an idea. A wonderful, marvellous idea.

“Timon! I have a plan!” Timon turned to face Pumbaa but said nothing. “You have all this occult stuff but you haven’t used it yet! There must be a way to get Simba back- y’know, resurrect him, surely? “

“I’m not powerful enough to do that. Forget it Pumbaa, he’s gone and there’s nothing we can do...” Tears welled in Timon’s eyes again, and Pumbaa hung her head.

“Wait!” Timon exclaimed, making Pumbaa jump. “I have a plan!”“OOO, Tell me!”“I have all this occult stuff, but I never use it! What if I could resurrect Simba?”“Timon you’re a genius!”“Yes, I am aren’t I?” She grinned.

“You could get Mrs Gogol to help you- remember, the swamp woman who helped your Aunt?”“I’ll get Mrs Gogol to help me! The lady who helped Auntie Truly- you remember Pumbaa?”“Yes! Wow, you’re so intelligent Timon!”“Thank you Pumbaa.”

Shenzi had made one of trips down for food- she still wouldn’t talk to anyone else. But Kimberley was barring her way.“Could Shenzi just...” she mumbled, but Kimberley wasn’t having any of it.

“You’re a murderer!” She shrieked. Shenzi’s heart leapt into her mouth. “What?!”“You’re the reason Simba’s dead!”“B-B-But-”“If he hadn’t of stayed behind to try and find you, he wouldn’t have been attacked by that viscous murderer!”Shenzi relaxed. “Kim-”

“Don’t Kim me!” She wailed. “Now Simba’s dead I’m going to have to seduce another rich, attractive legacy heir! Do you have any idea how hard that is?!”She pushed Shenzi, but the words had hurt her more that the shove. “Did you love him at all?” she whispered in disgust. “Could you love anyone with that black hole you call a heart?!”

“You better watch it.” Kimberley whispered this too. “Now Simba’s dead, I have no reason to be nice to you!”Shenzi paused. “Shenzi will pass on the food actually.” She turned away, ignoring Kim’s jeers. She couldn’t stop thinking about what she had said. Kimberley was right- she was a murderer.

“So, ummm...” Sandy looked worried. “What are you studying?”The cow said nothing.“... What are your interests?”Again, silence.“I think I have to go now...”“Just keep eating.”*Whimper*

Ah Sandy... She does get herself into trouble. Especially whilst drinking soup.“I mean, I’m attractive, why didn’t he ever go after ME?!”It makes me happy that people still heart-fart over Coggins.

Timon glanced at the piece of paper in her hand. Truly had told her Mrs Gogol’s address- but surely she couldn’t be at the right house?With a surprised grin, she stroked a large black cat with a yellow face and red ears, drinking in the appearance of the home.

Truly had said that Granny Weatherwax had fixed her up with a nice house after she had helped Truly, but she never imagined one this large. Timon skipped over the bridge, letting her hand slide over the railings. She could hear bees and birds all around the swamp, and the sound of crickets chirping.

Timon rang the doorbell, and it chimed musically. She could just about make out the outline of an elderly woman through the honey gold sheets of stained glass.Mrs Gogol opened the door. “Can I help you my dear?” Her voice was shaky and her posture was hunched over. Could this frail old woman really have helped Truly so much?“Um, yes. My auntie Truly said you lived here.”

“A relative of Truly?” Her voice brightened. She stood up straight. “Come in.” She shut the door behind her.“Apologises for the old lady act- I find people stay away from doddery old women.” She laughed heartily. It was loud but calming, like a deep river washing over a path of stones.“Well, come sit down then!”

“This is a marvellous house you have Mrs Gogol.”“Why thank you dear! How’s Truly doing?”“Oh, she’s better now. She was a bit messed up after, you know, but she’s living in Strangetown with this new guy.”“I must go visit her sometime. She invited me, but I haven’t been too well recently.”“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it. Now, what brings you to my humble abode?”Timon’s face fell. “Well... My brother Simba...”

She hesitated. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea- she might get angry or upset. But she had to try...“Simba was attacked a few days ago. He bled to death.” Tears filled her eyes once more.“Oh... I’m so sorry my dear.” Mrs Gogol’s sympathy seemed genuine.“Well, I thought... Aunt Truly told me about how you can...”

“Resurrect him?”“... Yeah... Hear me out, I just thought that, that, that we could prevent any more attacks, any more deaths because Simba would help us catch him! And... Simba would be alive.”Mrs Gogol paused, apparently deep in thought.“Are you sure you know what you’re getting into?”

“This is an incredibly dangerous process. It might not work at all, and if it does, he might not be the same person. Being dead changes a person... Not always for the best.”“I know the risks.”“... Then of course I’ll do it.”

“Really? Thank you so much!”“Don’t worry about it. Now come with me- there is a price for this transaction.”“I have money!” She pulled out her purse. “Oh no, this isn’t about money. Come with me.”They went upstairs, into a small bedroom.

“The catch is, Timon, you must look after something for me.”“Is that all?”“Yes. But be warned, this is a powerful object.”

Mrs Gogol placed her hand inside a draw and pulled out a dusty, golden ring. “This Ring is of extreme importance. It cannot be destroyed by any method that exists within this city’s walls, but others will want it for their own, and the Ring will want to go to them. It is evil, and do not allow yourself to become attached to it. Keep it secret. Keep it safe.”Timon nodded, and placed it in her pocket, though she couldn’t see the importance of a simple gold ring.

“Now.” Mrs Gogol’s eyes became stern. “Are you sure about this Timon?”“Yes. Definitely.”“Then I’ll show you what we’re going to use.”

It was a phone, on a black marble table. Carved into the table were skulls and intricate patterns. “This,” said Mrs Gogol. “Is my Resurrect-O-Nomitron.”“A what?”“It calls Death, and we ask for Simba’s soul back. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. But it’s the only way I know how, so we better get to that mortuary.”

“Ok.” Timon went to leave but Mrs Gogol stopped her. She was surprisingly strong, her old arms holding her steady.“The Ring is a huge responsibility- are you sure this is worth it?”Timon looked shocked. “For my brother? Of course!”“Good. I cannot let it corrupt me.” For a second or two she looked with longing at the pocket where Timon had stored the ring, her eyes lit up, but she broke her gaze. “Let us go.”

After what seemed like hours, they arrived at the morgue. They had to wait till after dark to go in- you couldn’t exactly say “I’m just popping in to resurrect my murdered brother”. The morgue itself was surprisingly unhygienic, the wall paper was peeling and dirty and the floor looked unclean. If Simba is resurrected, I’ll donate some money for a new morgue Timon thought.

They walked through endless rows of bodies. Some looked as if they had just fallen asleep, whilst others... Others made Timon gag.

They found Simba. Although he was no longer bleeding, his face was bruised and stitched up.Timon didn’t want to look at him, but she couldn’t wrench her eyes away from his face.

She finally broke her gaze and turned her back on the corpses behind her. “Timon?” Mrs Gogol said softly. “Are you ok?”“... Yeah. Please, lets just get him out of this disgusting place.”

She took out the Resurrect-O-Nomitron from her inventory. Timon couldn’t watch. She’d hung all her hopes on Mrs Gogol- if it went wrong she wouldn’t be able to cope.

Timon turned her back. She heard murmurs and a voice like the slamming of a coffin door. This went on for a few minutes.

Mrs Gogol put the phone down. “I’ve made his case. Told him what a good person he was-”“-Is.”“Is. And how you love him. It’s a little known fact about Death, he’s fascinated by humans. By love. That and cats.”“Cats?”“Yes. He has a fondness for them. Simba’s fate should be decided in a few minutes. It might work, it might not. It’s all got to work into his nodes you see. So just be prepared Timon, in case it doesn’t go well.”

“Why has Timon brought here this early?” said Dunstan. “We’ve been here for hours, it’s nearly morning!”“I dunno. She’s been a bit messed up since...” Caractacus trailed off.Zazu and Shenzi walked downstairs. “What is this about Timon?”

“Guys I have something to show you.”

Dawn broke as the stranger walked into view. Light flooded through the window panes and lit up Simba’s new, grey face. For a moment, the family didn’t realise who it was. Then, simultaneously, all their faces stretched into wide smiles.“Hi guys.”

Dunstan was the first to rush to him. He virtually tackled him, hugging him tightly.“What just happened?!” Caractacus was grinning but was too shocked to move. Zazu was in a similar state of disbelief. Shenzi just looked nervous.“I got Mrs Gogol to resurrect him. It didn’t work completely, they couldn’t make him fully human but... I think he’s close enough.”

All anyone could do was grin. All they did was hug and cry and smile. Until Dunstan had to ruin the moment. “Boy, you STINK!”“Dunstan, he’s just been resurrected!”“Still... Take a shower!”Simba laughed. “Thanks!”

But there was someone he didn’t see coming.“SIMBA?!?!”Simba managed to turn his head before Misa hurtled into him.

“I’msogladyou’rebackIdon’tcarethatyou’reazombieyoudon’tsmellatallyousmellgoodlikeflowers!”She hugged him tightly. He paused, then hugged her back.“It’s nice to see you too Misa!”Then like that she was gone, rocketing back upstairs to tell the others.

Simba laughed, but then looked concerned. “What’s wrong Simba?”“I... I was just wondering. How did I die in the first place?”

There was a chill in the room. Caractacus and Dunstan looked nervously at Shenzi.“You were attacked. We don’t know who by.” said Zazu, glancing back at Shenzi.“No.” said Shenzi. “He needs to know the truth.”“The truth?” Timon looked puzzled.“Timon, Simba, there’s something Shenzi’s been keeping from you. Remember when Shenzi went into hospital when she was a teen?”“... Yeah?” Timon sounded frightened.

“Well she fainted because she was bitten by something. A wolf. And it made her...”Timon gasped. “You’re... A werewolf?”“Yes. And when Simba argued with Shenzi after he and Kim got engaged... She changed.”“And you...” Simba whispered.“Shenzi was so angry, and you had locked the door. When she’s a werewolf, she has no control! Please, Please forgive her!”

Simba looked horrified. “Simba,” Zazu said softly. “She really can’t control herself when she’s a werewolf. It’s not her fault.” Shenzi looked close to tears.“... I think I can forgive you sis.”

“Oh thank you thank you thank you!” She embraced him. Simba looked both shocked and happy. After all, he was alive now, what harm could it have done? She didn’t mean to... Simba was a surprisingly understanding person, despite being a tad arrogant. “Kim’s upstairs.” Shenzi whispered in his ear. “Go find her.”Simba grinned, and limped his way as fast as he could upstairs.

“Kim!” She seemed even more beautiful than ever. It was like had brought him back from the brink, like she’d kept him alive. She was everything he’d ever wanted.He ran to her. “I’ve missed you so much!”

She leapt away. “Hey! Zombie boy! Get away!”Simba looked confused. “It’s me baby!”

“How dare you take advantage of me in my time of mourning! My fiancé has just died!”“Kim, it’s me! Simba!”

“Don’t toy with me! Simba’s dead! My rich, legacy heir fiancé is dead!”“Kim, calm down! It’s me! Look at my eyes.”

She looked at him. There was a moment of realisation. “Simba? You’re alive?”

Simba laughed. “Yes! I’ve missed you so much Kim, it’s been horrible!” He tried to kiss her, but she backed off. “Kim?”

“Look Simba. I went out with you cause you were hot and rich and a legacy heir. I didn’t care about your weirdo sister Timon, that dull book worm Zazu and that slag Shenzi cause you were OK looking and would immortalise me.”“.. What?”

“It’s not worth it any more! I’m not dating some walking corpse! Your skin keeps falling off, you smell and you’re hideous!”Simba couldn’t deal with this. “Kim...”“Get away from me!” Kim shrieked. Others turned round to stare at the scene.

“Look Simba.” Kimberley glared at him. “I don’t want anything to do with you!”

“Please!” Simba was desperate now. “We can make this work! I promise!”“Face it, I can do better. You were an OK boyfriend for a while, but I’m bored now. I can find someone better.”

She turned to walk away. Simba grabbed her arm in despair.“No!”

“I’m out of here. See you around Simba.” She walked slowly away.

Simba didn’t know what to do. Being in love... It’s horrible. It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens your heart and it means someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defences. You build up this whole armour, for years, so nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life . . . You give them a piece of you. They don't ask for it. They do something dumb one day like kiss you, or smile at you, and then

your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so a simple phrase like maybe we should just be friends or how very perceptive turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a body-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. Simba decided then that he hated love.

*Neil Gaiman quotes- the man’s a legend :D

Simba wasn’t sure how long had passed since he she had left. He’d just been standing there, staring at the gap where she had been. The gap in his heart where she had torn herself out and now he was bleeding. Bleeding oh so much, more than Shenzi or anyone could ever hurt him.Shenzi had run upstairs, having heard what had just happened.“Simba.” she whispered. “Oh Simba...”He began to cry. Softly at first, but then as if he was desperate for air, gulping it in as if it would make his pain go away, make it all just leave him alone.“I think...” he murmured. “I would like to be left alone for a bit.” He turned away from Shenzi and walked downstairs to his dorm, trying not to shake too much. Trying to stop himself.

He made it to his room. Closing the door behind him, he sank sobbing to the floor.Until-“Robin get the hell out my bed!”“... Wha?”

“GET OUT!” He yelled.“Oh sorry man, thought you were dead.” Robin slowly got up, and walked groggily out of the door.Simba sat at his desk, his head in his hands. His tears dropped on the wood, and he ran his hands desperately through his hair. His fists clenched.

“This,” he spat. “Is her fault. Shenzi.” He got up, and threw the phone from beside his desk against the wall. It bounced, still intact, onto the floor with a loud thunk. He breathed in and out heavily. “If she hadn’t attacked me I wouldn’t be a zombie. Kim would still love me...” His legs collapsed from under him as he howled like a wounded dog at his lost love. Writhing on the floor, crying into the carpet, he plotted his revenge. Puffy eyed, hoarse from weeping, he cried “She will pay,” before succumbing to his emotions once again, blood roaring in his ears.

But when one love ends, another begins.“I’m glad to hear about Simba, Zazu!” Andy beamed at her. “Thank you! It’s great having him back- but Kim spoiled everything.” She looked down at the floor. “She dumped him... Because he’s a zombie now. He’s better of without her, but he’s heartbroken. He really really loved her...”“God... I hope he’s better soon... That sounds so pathetically unfeeling. You get what I mean, right?”“Yes.” Zazu said softly. They looked at each other for a moment, just a moment, before Zazu spoke. “Well, this project’s done. Thanks for helping me Andy.”He put his hand on the back of his head and smiled sheepishly. “It was nothing!”

Andy got up, and sat on Zazu’s sofa. She sat beside him.“So what do we do now?” Zazu asked.Andy paused. You could see his head working, all the cogs whirring and advising him against the thing he really wanted to say. Because if he let her in and opened up inside he’d end up hearing her say “I think we should just be friends” and that would kill him.

“I, erm, better go. You know how it is, work to do and everything!”Liar he thought to himself. You finished your work days ago.“Yeah, no problem.”They both embraced.

“I’ll see you later...” Andy trailed off. He stroked her hair, trying to put his feelings into words.

They begrudgingly stopped. “Do you have to go?” Zazu whispered.

Andy leapt towards her.But as always happens...

A cow and your brother’s ex-girlfriend flirting gets in the way*.“GET OUT!” Zazu and Andy yelled simultaneously.They did.

*This actually happened. How amazing is that?

*Ahem* Zazu coughed nervously.*Ahem* We have a story to go read here! Hurry it up!

Awww, aren’t they sweet?

“Welcome back to Good Morning Earth’s fashion segment.” Linda’s sing song voice chimed. “We’re back with legendary model/actress Galinda Marmite.” In contrast, Morbo’s voice was gruff and gravelly. He frowned. “Model, actress, entrepreneur, philanthropist- Galinda has been teaching the world how to be fabulous for many, many years-”-*ahem*“-for a few years. Though apparently my wife doesn’t seem to have been listening.”The audience tittered, and Linda laughed melodically.“I WILL DESTROY HER!”There was an uncomfortable silence. “Anyway,” smiled Linda. “Galinda, we hear you’re making a welcome return to the cover of Vogue in their most expensive photo shoot ever.”“Oh yes.” smiled Galinda. “It’s going to be simply thrillifying!”

“Well, Galinda, we’ve all heard the rumours about you and some of Hollywood’s biggest stars.”“All rumours, I assure you.”“But you’ve been spotted with an unidentified male. Is this man your boyfriend?”Galinda laughed. “I try to keep my personal life personal, and not let it get involved with my work.” she paused and then smiled cheekily. “But we’re very happy together.” She winked.

“Are you sure you can’t give us any more details Galinda?”“Oh no, I’m sorry. All you need to know is that he’s such a great guy, so much nicer than the other men I’ve dated.”“ALL HUMANS ARE VERMIN IN THE EYES OF MORBO!”

“Ah ha ha! Oh Morbo!” Linda chuckled. Morbo just frowned.“Thank you Galinda. Now our next guest is also no stranger to magazine covers. She’s an up and coming young model/actress, and is sure to go far! Ladies and gentlemen, Shenzi Gladrags!”

The audience cheered and chanted “Shen-zi!” whilst she walked on. Her and Galinda embraced.“It’s been too long darling!”Shenzi beamed. “Thank you Galinda!”“It’s great to see you too get along so well.” said Linda.“Oh yes. We met in Milan a while back- it was a fabulous evening, wasn’t it Shenzi?”

“Magical,” she said. She was still unused to the cameras, despite her recent career rise. She grinned. “So Shenzi, your rocket to fame has been the surprise of the year. What’s next for you?”“Well, Shenzi’s planning on going back home for a holiday. For some time out of the public eye, you know?”“The hectic schedule must get to you. What do you do to relax?”“Well, she goes home from college and visits her parents a lot, and it’s a really casual vibe there. She just does ordinary things, like taking the bins out and feeding the cat.”“You have kittens?”“No, they’re adults now. They were very cute when they were kittens though, not that they’re not now of course!” She laughed. “Would you like to see a pho-”“KITTENS GIVE MORBO GAS! NEXT QUESTION!”

“Your charity work has been incredible over your short time in the spotlight.”“Well, Shenzi and her family were blessed with a comfortable lifestyle growing up in a legacy house- and she likes to give back.”“Just like Galinda- not that she didn’t see her fair share of drama!”“Oh my yes,” Galinda looked sad.

“There were some good times and some bad times but we got through them, with dearest Momsy and Pop-popsicle helping us all out.”“Have you ever considered doing a photo shoot with members of your family Shenzi? For a magazine deal?”Shenzi laughed. “She doesn’t think so. It’s not really their kind of thing.” She thought about Simba. She sighed.

“Well, I’m afraid that’s all we have time for in this week’s fashion look!” Linda beamed at the camera.

“Morbo congratulates Shenzi on her success. May death come quickly to her enemies!”“We’ll be right back after these messages!”

Simba punched the numbers into the phone with brute force. It had been a few days since Kim had dumped him, and his dark mood hadn’t lifted. He was still angry and upset, and matters had been exacerbated by the Zazu and Andy’s new relationship. In any other frame of mind, he would have been happy for her, but their blossoming love just reminded him of how his heart was bleeding. All he thought of was revenge. Which is why he was standing where he was.

“Hello?” The woman’s voice was high and squeaky, but still retained a disapproving tone. “Heyupp magazine?”“Hello. I mean,” Simba adopted a gravely tone. “Hello.”

“I’ve heard you’ll pay good money for dirt on celebrities. And I’ve got some good stuff.”

“Great!” He heard her scramble for paper and a pen. “So, who is it? Victor Maraschino? Has he been with Delores De Syn again?”“No. Someone better. Do you know Shenzi?” There was a large squeal down the phone. “The model/actress?! She’s a huge star!” Simba felt a twinge of anger. “Yeah, her.”“Well, dish the dirt!”

“Shenzi’s...” He paused. Could he really do this? Of course he could, she betrayed him. She made him lose Kim.“Hello?”“Shenzi is a...” But he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Shenzi’s my sister he thought. I don’t think I can be the one who... Who punishes her.“I’m sorry, never mind. Goodbye.”

“Well thanks for nothing!” She slammed the phone down. Simba stared at the receiver. He put the phone down. And began to laugh. Heartily, from the bottom of his lungs, scarcely able to breath, he laughed so hard his eyes watered.

Because he had a plan. He’d take his revenge, and he wouldn’t have to lift a finger. He’d get someone else to do it, and he had a very particular someone in mind.

And now for something completely different...Misa in the back of this shot is awesome.“He will be mine, hehehehehe.”Misa, stop it. He’s just gotten out of a very serious relationship. He’s heartbroken. Leave the poor boy alone!“Exactly why he needs Misa around. To get over that nasty Kim.”Don’t you dare approach him!“Why not? I mean, look at me, I’M A CATCH!”*sigh* Are you like this all the time?“No. Sometimes I’m sleeping. God damnnit I’m sexy.”*shudder*

Ah Misa. So blissfully unaware of things going on around her. For example:

“Takki! I got an A! Misa wins!”“MISA GET OUT!”Speaking of Takki-

Oh come on, aren’t they adorable? Originally I just made Pumbaa flirt so her aspiration would go up, but then I realised how perfect they are for each other!And yes, that is my clothing cheat in the background. So sue me.And now for something completely different. Err, again.

You heard stories about him. About what he’s done and what he’ll do to you if he cross him. No-one crossed him- ever, unless you wanted to wake up dead. Every fibre of Simba’s body screamed at him to get out of Scar’s office, but he was glued to his seat. The danger excited him. Made him feel like a real man- even though he knew that’s how it always started. You heard stories...

“So.” Scar smiled toothily at him. “What can I do for you young man?” Even the guards either side of Scar smiled at him. They were all strangely animal. Their gleaming teeth were wolf-like, and it was the kind of smile that was followed by All the better to eat you with my dear...

“I heard you could do me a favour.” His voice squeaked nervously. Scar’s smile widened. “Yes, yes I can. For a reasonable price.” His voice was as smooth as velvet, soft and calming... Yet it made you shiver and the hairs on the back of you neck stand up.

“Yes, I can certainly help you. Many young men approach me, ask me to take them under my wing. And I do, every one of them got more than they deserved.”“Umm, do your guards follow you every where?”“Yes. They are my protection. Unfortunately, some wish to stop me and my... Good deeds. They make up stories about me, can you imagine Simba?” “Hehe, no.”“Well, as far as brains go, I got the lion's share.” He flashed his toothy grin again. “But, when it comes to brute strength... I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool. So I need them around.”Simba couldn’t stop staring at the scratch over Scar’s eye. And he noticed a newly stitched wound on his eyebrow. Somehow, he didn’t believe Scar’s story of being a “peacemaker”.“What can I do for you?”

“My sister.” Simba spat, contempt burning in his eyes. “She made me... The way I am.”“You mean, a zombie?”“Yeah. And she wasn’t even punished! She is a werewolf you see, and-”“A werewolf?” For a moment, Scar’s voice trembled. Regaining his composure, he straightened up in his seat. “Disgusting creatures. I can use that. I’m guessing you want rid of her?”“Yeah. Can you do that?”

“Of course. Do you want her dead?”Simba gasped. “No!” He hated her... But he couldn’t do that to her.“So just disgraced? On the run?”Simba nodded.“I can... Restrain myself. There is, however, a price.”“I have money.”“I have money Simba. Money is of no use to me. What I want is more power. A line. A future.”

“Give me the heirship- Shenzi was your only competition and she’s gone now. Besides, if someone else did win, I could easily take over. Make me the Lion King generation heir in your legacy Simba- and I guarantee you revenge.”Simba contemplated life without his beloved heir ship. Was it really worth it?“I’m not sure I can do that sir.”Scar’s eyes were suddenly stern, narrowed into slits, accentuating his cat-like features. “Then I’m afraid there is no deal. Banzai, Ed, escort this gentlemen out.”The guards moved towards him. “Wait!” They stopped. “... You can have the legacy. Just... Just get her.”

“Excellent.” His smirk returned. “We have a deal Mr Gladrags.” They shook hands. “Now I’m afraid I have many others I have to see. But your sister will be vanquished, do not worry. Be prepared Simba.”

What are you doing Misa?“Shuuuuush!”Did you just shush me?!“Look, something important is happening!”What?“Andy just made Zazu some spaghetti!”What’s so special about that?“Just watch!”

“Thanks Andy.” Zazu breathed. “You make the best spaghetti.”“No problem.” He ran his hand through his already messy hair.“Listen, Zazu.” His voice suddenly became serious. “I, erm, I...”“What?” She smiled dazzlingly at him. It made his heart melt.

“Well... I though about a lot of different ways to do this. Some mad treasure hunt, taking you on a picnic... But this cafeteria is the place where I first met you... And I love it all the more for that. So... I’m trying not to be cheesy but it’s really hard!”

He searched his tote bag beside his chair. He took out his wallet, empty bottles, bits of string.“OH MY GOD!” He cried. His hands scrabbled in the bag, horrified.“What?!”“Oh, it’s ok, I have it.” He smiled sheepishly. “I thought I’d lost it.”

He slid the box across the table. “Open it!”For a moment Zazu was unsure what it was, before realisation crashed over her.“Is that a...?”

She scrambled for the lid. The ring was gold, with a diamond and two sapphires. “Sapphires match your eyes, so I thought...”“It’s... Beautiful Andy!”

“But Andy, how could you afford this? You’re a student!”“Well, I was saving for a while before I got it. But it’s totally worth it.”“Are you sure? ‘Cause I would’ve been fine with something cheaper y’know.”

“It seems like you’re always settling for things Zazu. I wanted to give you something special!”“Awww, Andy, you’re so sweet.”“So, erm, do you want to marry me then?”“Of course I do you SPOON!”“Spoon?”“Yes, spoon.”

“Well that’s great!”“Yeah!... What are you supposed to say now?”“Erm, I’m not actually sure.” Andy scratched his head. “I was just working my way up to what I was going to say.”“So... Erm, I suppose now we have to plan a wedding!”“Yeah... Are you gonna turn into Bridezilla?”“No!” She kicked him under the table.Zazu slipped the ring off her finger to examine it again. “I have to go tell everyone!”Andy chuckled. “Ok. Who you going to tell first?”“Shenzi of course! She’s been telling me I need to marry you- Quote: “He’s got good hair and can make you food. What else do you need?””Andy laughed again. “Go tell her then!”Zazu nodded then sprinted out the room.

“Shenzi! I have HUGE news!” Zazu burst into Shenzi’s room.

No one was there. She’d left her door open- again. Zazu sighed. The computer had been left on too. “Only Shenzi could forget all this.”

She sat down at Shenzi’s desk. Shenzi’s email was open. There were various emails from her agent, one from Galinda Marmite titled “Brunch at Brad and Angie’s?”,but one stuck out. She didn’t recognise the email address, but... It was addressed to her.Zazu- Read this. Zazu was puzzled. Why would someone write to her through Shenzi? Dear Zazu,I know it’s you reading this. Don’t ask how- but if you want Shenzi back you better pay attention.“What?!” Zazu gasped. Turn on the television at 6:30pm, channel 2. At 5 to 8, there will be a message from Shenzi. It’ll also tell you of my demands- and if you don’t follow them there will be consequences.Zazu gasped. That was only half an hour away.

It was just before 5 to 8. Zazu sat with Andy and Timon, terrified of what could have happened to her dear sister. “Why would they take her?! I mean, I know she’s famous, but it’s not like it’s a crazed fan- they’d be treating her better surely?”Andy sighed, his usually bright eyes dull. “We’ll find out soon enough. It’s the waiting I can’t stand. Poor Shenzi.”

Simba appeared behind them with Pumbaa. “Is it time?” Pumbaa’s voice trembled with fear. Simba said nothing. He knew what this was about, but it wasn’t making him feel any better.“Look...” Timon looked scared. “It’s starting.”

“We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a live video feed.” The picture froze then scrambled, before a face appeared on the screen.

“Good evening.” Scar wore a mask, but he didn’t need one. Everyone knew who he was, and that if you even tried to prosecute him you’d never see the light of day again. If you were lucky.“Apologises for interrupting your precious game, but I have something rather important to show you all.” He flashed his toothy smirk again. “Something about the beloved model/actress Shenzi.”

The camera turned to Shenzi. She wasn’t bound to the chair, but then again you didn’t need to be with Scar around. Andy gasped, but neither Zazu nor Timon said anything.“How are you feeling Shenzi?” You could hear the smug smile in his voice.She turned away, covering her newly beaten face. “Get away from me.” She spat, her voice full of anger and fear. Her face was bleeding badly.

“Now now Shenzi, no need to be rude. Say hello to your fans!” Shenzi remained silent. Out of nowhere, Scar struck her across the face again, the sound of the slap ringing in the air. She fell to the floor, weeping uncontrollably. This was sick.“Now, the time is 7:59. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the main event.” He turned the camera back on Shenzi. “Shenzi’s going to reveal something very special.”

“No! Don’t!” Shenzi cried out.“For one night, and one night only!” Scar shrieked, triumphant. “Shenzi finally stops lying to you- and shows you her true self.”In sudden realisation of what was about to happen, Zazu stood up. But the transformation had already begun. Pain shot through Shenzi and the oh so familiar golden light enveloped her.

Time seemed to slow as Shenzi threw back her head and screamed. The scream turned to a snarl, and the light began to fade.

“You see!” Scar snarled. “Everybody’s favourite celebrity is a werewolf. Do you still love her? This disgusting, monstrous beast?!”Some of the others in the dorm began to scream. The family sat stunned on the sofa, eyes glued to the screen. Shenzi howled, and trembled as she stood. Her newly golden eyes were glistening with tears.

“Awww, don’t cry Shenzi.” Scar grinned at her. “It’ll be ok. Your career is effectively ruined, but I’ll return you to your family if they follow my instructions. And I can easily bend them to my will, I can be very... Persuasive.”

“Don’t you touch Shenzi’s family!” Shenzi’s eyes flashed dangerously, and she raised her clawed hands menacingly.For one second Scar looked terrified, but he regained his composure fast. “You can’t do anything in here, wolf girl. If you killed me you’d never get out at all. Lying here to rot- and your family would be taken care of too. That’s not what you want is it?”She lowered her arms.

“That’s right. But you really shouldn’t care about them so much... I mean, that was how I pulled this off! One of your siblings betrayed you. And can you guess which one? No, not your loving older sister, nor that demented younger sister either. Your favourite. Simba was the one who hired me to do this.”Shenzi gasped. “He wouldn’t! Simba loves Shenzi! Shenzi loves Simba!”“Or so you thought. Poor, trusting Shenzi.”

“That’s right folks, the joke’s on you! Because Shenzi killed her brother. Admittedly he was resurrected, but that doesn’t stop the fact that he is now a disgusting zombie. So he got me to humiliate her publically. Because he didn’t have the guts. And you never guess what he gave me to do it- the heirship.”

“You wont get the heirship Scar, we don’t even know who’s won yet!”“But, I’m afraid, I told a little lie to you all. I’ll not be letting Shenzi go- I’m keeping her. You didn’t think I’d let her go and risk losing my new legacy? Oh no. She’ll be safe, as long as I am heir. As soon as you challenge me, I’ll instruct my guards to kill Shenzi instantly. Everybody wins!”“Don’t treat this like some sort of game, Scar!”“Oh but it is Shenzi, it is.” Scar’s voice was triumphant. “Everything’s a

show. The whole world’s a stage! Except it’s not like any show you’ve ever known- sometimes the bad guys win, and that’s me. Sometimes characters are dispensable, and that’s just their loss. The show goes on, everyone applauds when its over- and they forget about you minor players. You can’t deal with it can you? But what are you going to do about it? What is anyone going to do about it?!” He laughed manically.

“I’m coming to get you all soon. Be prepared, Gladrags family. Be prepared.” He smiled once again, and then the footage cut out.

Zazu sat paralysed with disbelief and despair. Timon burst into tears, but Andy was the most surprising. He turned around, shaking with anger. Everyone was shocked, and the world seemed to go into slow motion as Andy rose to his feet.

“You sick bastard!” Even Simba flinched when he said it. Andy wasn’t like this- sweet, loyal Andy, who never says no to anyone, standing up to Simba?“Y-You don’t understand, I didn’t mean to-”“Of course. Nobody ever means these thing to happen do they.” Andy whispered bitterly. “Shenzi’s gone. And if it weren’t for you she’d still be safe with us. What will Caractacus and Dunstan think? They didn’t raise you to be like this!”

“What am I supposed to do?”“Run away Simba. Run... Run away and never return.” Simba looked desperately around for some sympathy from his sisters, but he found none. Timon couldn’t look at him, and Zazu’s eyes were full of hate. He stood, stunned. It hadn’t hit home for him yet. But even though he’d had his revenge, he didn’t feel any better- he felt worse. And now everyone he loved was glaring at him, tears in their eyes, ashamed of what he had done.I’m a monster.

So he ran. He ran and didn’t look back, not knowing where he was running to. All he knew was that he wished none of this had ever happened. Men like Scar made you fight a starving man out of his last piece of food, and then visit his family when he died. Scar liked attention, entertainment, a show. He didn’t care who was in it.He took one last look at the dorm, and walked away, not caring whether the road ahead held safety or danger. He didn’t care anymore.

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