the good and the bad of running your own business

Post on 19-Sep-2014






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Good andthe


Badof runningyour own



A year ago I started a business

I thought it might be a good idea to share with you what I think…

The good & bad points have beenso far.



1You do what???

People probably won’t understand what you are doing

People probably won’t understand what you are doing



This is something you will just have to get used to!

2A light

piggy bank

If you are starting a business just to make stacks of money…

You shouldn’tBecause you won’t!

You shouldn’tBecause you won’t!

A life of doubt3

Few things are certain or predictable when running your own business

People don’t like doubt, so they pay money and give up opportunities to avoid it.

Entrepreneurship is largely about living with doubt, as is creating just about any sort of art.

Seth Godin says

People don’t like doubt, so they pay money and give up opportunities to avoid it.

Entrepreneurship is largely about living with doubt, as is creating just about any sort of art.

Seth Godin says

Just another thing you have to accept as an entrepreneur

Always on, all the time4

Work doesn’t start at 9 or end at 5

And it can be almost impossible to “Log out”

Out on your own5

Starting out can be lonely!

If you aren’t comfortable with getting work done on your own

You might want to reconsider Self-Employment

“Everything” ..dept.6

You are the Sales

You are the Marketing

You are the HR

You are the Accounting


You need to be prepared for that!

You can check out but you can never leave7

There are some things in life you cannot UNsee

Like this…

Once you have experienced the joys of running your own business, there is no returning to “normal” jobs

Of course, it is not all bad!

Exploring My Town1

I work from a home office and as a result I have been able to discover

The beauty of my local area

For example it can


Great People2

You’ll meet a lot of great people along the way

Every country has a startup community, and getting involved is very rewarding

Control Over Your Time3

Not everyone works best between 9 and 5,Because we are all different

Not everyone works best between 9 and 5,Because we are all very different

Some people are early birds and some aren’t

And sometimes you just need to take a day off (and make up for it later)

When you are the boss, you work when you know you will work best(Which is rarely 9 to 5)

4Work from Anywhere

Who says that everyone works at their best in one specific building?

Maybe you get more done when you have peace and quiet and work alone…

If your job is based mainly on a computer… you can work from pretty much anywhere!

5Creating Something From Scratch

If you get satisfaction from baking a cake from scratch…

Imagine how cool it is to create your own business!!!

Constant Learning6

When you start a business you have to learn a lot… FAST

Or else you wont be around for too long!

But you will get to learn some cool stuff

And be immersed in a world of new information and ways of thinking.

Doing Work You Enjoy7

Most people don’t really like work…

Most people don’t really like work…

But it doesn’t have to be like this!

The man who loves his job never works a day in his life

Confucius said

Waking up every day, and really wanting to do your job is amazing

It completely overrides all the negatives

And makes it all worthwhile

So! There you have it…

Starting your own business has its good and bad points

But on balance the “Goods” win out by a long way!

So get out there and make it happen :-)

Thanks for viewing!

This presentation is based on a much more in depth blog post that can be found here

Do you tweet? If so connect with me here (@clearpreso)

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