the great kational mbftv - chronicling americathe great kational mbftv-m*-a\ theft of six mllllons....

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Hbw Floyd and Ru^sell Flew their kites._-?..


MR. .119 99IIH'B AOVII'E.


The BflbM Committee, to whom was lafMfBl the

BflBBM.M «'f tbe IIou*e, flflflfBafl ou ihe -4th day ol

Decemher Lrt, dire*tingtheuito iuq.iiie into mmkjm-Bort the facta iu reb.tion to the fmudnlent ahfltra-ti'-nif certuin borida-eldby the GflaaraaMi t b tratt for

Ihe Inni_n ?riU_,from ihe Uepartmei.t ot t .e InteiurBnd'ewhom wi* HlrO referr(dlheco..n,ni,lCH.|.m.,fthe Hon. John V Flovd, laM S.crrt.iiy ot War, tu.d

th. letir of tl.e Hon li'-bt. Mvt kdbad, late BecMbl.Bf the Interioi, Ug leuve reBpertlully to

Rir.'iiTThat, npon the dav of ibeb AfllhlBltf,tbflyM-' ,.7 la_._.... ._,.! 1...1.I or. ,,,,_*.

fairt dto th* Imeiior,¦with the Hon. Imotm Thonitu

inid ht Id an inter-.....iaaa. thaa BiuaMBy

af aaid Departnjeiit, aud expre*i*ed to l im Ibeb dcwelo euter upt.u the duty aar-igmd them at an eaily u

¦eriod aa wouid compot wi h hiu BMVIaaaaa, BBfl be.oorirteiit wiih the pabBl h.tereet. Three .iay* there-aflfli, aud aa boou aa they were anthoii/.ed to BBpby u

MaBBHBBM, your Ct.muiiiiee orguni/ed, antl havebkbored to MB tbeir inveatigationtoanearly terniti--tion, with a diligmce that BBB BBM RBMbtfeflJby'tmappmiation of tbe grave efaBBfltar of the aabbtf iflM-MittadU) tbem, andof the imVreat felt by ihe HoBM, andby tbe country, in ite remarhable de'uiL. It ao--n he-aam« evident that lb» flaMfl nbtfMtfira tfeertata boiid*trom the Intttior Depattinent, a btf eiitflv itacertuined,and indeed, adiniited by the per«on who took tl rm.

waa an incident of miuor importance b c iiiipunsoriwith the MMBBBtbM preeeduig und flflflaatfed witbIhat act and vour Couunittefl therefore coiiaideivit it

faeombe'nt np>»n them to trece, as aocurately and aa

tboroaghlv ae MMbb through the tcfltapM wbdtogBB. -aai and oomih.;' ' i'-ert.'e, and extei.uve,thougb concenled, an i a, ibe Mtf-MB, Mfl paa.aara, and deede of tboae ."_Vfl been tbe pmiiea 10

ad,u-ing and unprecedei.ttd iraud npon one of the Daaartmeuta of tbe Government. In v iew of tbe n.ii-1.1-

tadeof thfl oflence, w.d tbe great IflM involvr.1, tbeyBave regarded tnerrrelve* fully iuctilied in pnat.ii g the

biveatigation to the tmit of the antbo'ityveeted in them. Tlie want of time, rtfber than thelack of __1. hu-* prevented tbem frotn pfaalnfag all thekkformiuiou tbey de.irvd; yet enongh bna een arcer-

¦ained 10 aatirfv, in tceir Bjfafaa, Btf Mfltarbil bqabtfea with wbich tbev were i-harged hy ihe Baaa, aa

fltkey ttiink will appear from a ent < iuct aeeaaM of theevidence ihat haa been adduced befort- them.

THF. INDIAN TRt'ST B0RD8.By reference to the ahrtrnct marked " A" herewith

Manaiiiitied, it will le neen that thbj Oovenimert atillRalda 8.te bonda and certiftcateB, and United Statet*flbflflflk for certuiu Ii ifl.B trihea to the amount tf $'-'..jgUkli 82. These b'-de,a8we.l aa the B78 ahetraeted,aod'one Indiana bond. haLded to the Hou. 0. B. t mh,aad not returned by him b the Departmcnt for NUMUaaaiaroed in bia eorreapondern-e with Godard B:tiley,were purchared from time to time. hy ;uitherity of law,vrith the money of tbe Indiana, arit-iug from treal v alip-abuiotia. Ori-innliy they were in ebarge ofthe Ittf.flB_re,?, while tbat Hurrati waa tonnectod vviiii IheDepartment of War, a:.d remitiued it. it* cuatody afterB becumeoneof tbe Bureauaof the Inttrior DaBBrt-B-»nt in 1849, and from that time up to 18.f>7. In thatyear tbe cnatody of the Becuritiea wafl traiiBfened to theBecretary of the Imeiior. The Goveriiment ha\ burtbebeods in itapoaeBfio*., was the Tru«ue for tbe In_ai b

Vrho were the actnal owuerK afl them, and; BBMM ingBat its agenta have exerciaed ordinaiv diligeuce and.are aa ttieir t-uatudinn, tle ijnesfi 11 a*TMM aa 10 the ex-

flent of he liahility for their lora. Yonr C<_>uii'tee,however, doea not propofeto puittue that fafflby, ub

Bbey lauuot doubt Bbl a greitt aid m_giiauiiiiniiB (Jov-MMnent will not pentiit, thoae who tiave MflBBflBbflfbemBelvea to it» protection to le rohtiexl bfl it* tflbaaar employeeB, without making prompt -nd ample com-

¦anr-tk_. Yet the diBregard of there fidm mry obliga-tittiif wonid aeem to nggrhvat* the tnrpitude of the offcnder who**? feloni ub ba.d could riile ro aacred,Brnai. 8nch an atf bt.«ba moet mtLincholy avident-tBa* tbe dt-cay of pabBc vfaMa, and will remain a bb«pon our hietorv, antl an iudication of onr dowi.warfaareer. In tib rerpect it niHtlera but little who wai

Bm tranagreeeor. The fuct of 1 he coninii.-riun of ihe acat B-BMMBt when we thonght wt had rearon tobna*af our good fuith and ii.U-gtuy will remuin tixed iu i!.<yoblu mind, and he reaieu.bered aa a durk otfenHiwben itB guilty |>err*eti_torB have btMB loag tigotten

Tllt MABRRM Of B_Bf.M THB ItoMis.TJnrler previoua AdiniiiintiaionB the BflflflB wer.

pbeed in the bumedittie tl arge af MBM < leik, Bfllfltf.Ibr hi* integrity and caraetty, wbo baafl them in a aatib tbe Indian (ithce. No atamp or ot I-r r mm k of dau-ig-aation wua pl.iled, witb the .aeajBBB of a Bmull por-Bon, upon any oi them; and the only flBBBJMMTthlGovernment nad wbb tle fnitbfuln>a* und honoty oibe peraon intrusted with tbb keeflfag, Be MMMjM a

Mode of tranaa. tii.g tbe pabBfl b'uiiieafl, and adminis-terlng a trnat ao deliiat* uud important, flfltoflaflfl M bythe tuagnit ude of ita folly. BMthtf Ihfl 0.MmBbbbbaf Indian Atfuiia nor tbe'Secretury of tbe laflflrba evei

floontrd the Ironda iu prrron, und the oply iuforTBtttionAhat either of them could have pi.rt-euM d touchii.g their¦afey waa the patTnent of the couponaeyery bia month*,ad'aurh exauiit.utiona ua tbey oci-a>ieaaflj cboae toBjrder to be made by others. Fortnnatelv for the Gov-BBBBBBBtj however, no loaflwafl BiiBthined dnring pre-vioua Aduiiniati-tiontt; nor ie there the "ligbt-it groundtO believe tbat tbe Hon. Kohert Met Irlh.nd ot Me h..fonner Kecretary of the Inttrior, flfhflM snpervi.iou iltlrti troat while i' remainrd in the. Indian Otfue ha*been called in queation, and whoae letter waa referirdto your CommitU-e, act4-d at any tinie or in any wayanli.itlifu 1 to ii. Ou the contrary, the evideucr of Mr.Benry Bt-ard entirely exoiieratea him from anv 11 IBM,fnrther than the expreeaion, already made bv the ("om-anittee, of their opiuion of the mode in n I.i. h tbe hii"i-Bflea wua gei.erully uumaged. .onr Committee willUot pauae to inouire wbi. h Krt retary exercia*-d thrgreatat watclifumeea and care, for ii ia not withiuUieir proviiue to insntnie emh an bvflfllbtfloa.Thoee derirouB of further i-iformation 1 an ob' it fromtbe records of the Interior llepartment. t-'ill theydaem it but juBtice to add thut they huve flMMMtfaaotliing to involve the late Ketre'ary, tr.e Hon.Jacob Thompaon, in tho ali-htt-at degree intba fraad, and nothing to indnate that he hudauy compli' ity iu the ahatraction, or that he hud anybnowb-d^e ,.f"it rn.til the time of Ae discloruie I.yttaba_ Ilniley. 8oon aiter he entered uptm tl.e dutie*9t hia offlce, at the comiueniemeut of tho prerent Ad-B-niatraBint', he apptinted two addiiionul dixhurririgclerka for bia Deiatrtment, one of whom wa* Mr. liai-by, wbo wua |_ced io ebarge of ihe laflhI Tiualbonda Hia letter of anpointment, fioried by J. Thomp-BBD, rv-crrtary, hearfl oute Julv 1, BS7, und, unioi gMha thinga, flaya: "Under thia app<>intmeiit I dei-iieBarticiil_ry tbal you ahould take duirg.- of Ihfl atotkBBeld in trust by tne Head of the Department for tbebaaefit of tbe .ndiana, collect the btfretf BbflflM ua itbeeomea dne. and aee thut the .ine i* peflfflfb paidbto the public Treaaury." A bond wub re,|uired ofbim, whicb be aubaequently exeented iu tbe r mai nnmmf $5,0001 with Beujamin McCullix-h of Texua, andWm. C. Corrier of Cbarhaton, 8. C, aa MMrflb0,Tbia bond waa ttcknowledged liefore " Memut K< lly,J. P.," aud itB aufliciency certilied lo by " Thilip Bar-ton Key, Lxiied Statea Diatrict-Attoroey. It waatben approved by " J. Thor-paou." Copiea af the ap-yobtment and bond will be found aulong the uct-om-

janTUig docnmenU. The evidence abowa that MrBailey .me to Waahington a baiikrnpt iu fortune, aidM a BM_kfll adventnrer, areking ofiite. He bronghtwiti. I iui. bowever, tha higheat traiiinoniala of coi.ti-BBMfl and rMflMfll from vaiiou* diatii gui.hed gentle-Men iu Alabama, where be lived, und in South Caro-Bna, where be waa bom and h_d previouidy rerided.Being a man of aknowledged talenu, with theae evi-deoet-. of capucity and n«spt ctability, we are not aur-

priaed that t_e Seeretary ofthe Iutenor BBfOMfl conu-

BMBfl in bim. While he ahocld, perbapa, liuve araciaad a more watchful g_ardi_:ahipover ihe atocka audtbe movetaenta of hia aubonliuate, it canuot be iulerTexlIhat ho waa iutentioiially negligent of hia duty. Anyather p.hli, fuuctioxuiry mighi have been deceivtd iuBb* auufl way.

THK ABSTRACTED B8BB8BLAU tbe M« ka. including tboae thut were ahatracted,

MBM kflpt iu the room iu the Imeiior DflffllM.B.aanpied by Mr. Utuley, iu a *afe, tbe key of whbhwa* 111 bia aule poaae*. lon. Tlie aaeBBMMi ingabatruct,Biarknl "B," will abow tbe charucter aud reBpeetiveamotinta of tbe aha rar ted bonda, aa well aa tbe tilaltttby whicb tbey were iaBued.except in thia, that thewhole amonut. aa ahown by aaid abrtraet, ia 872, .ffl.000 tmmb, when in f_-i Mr. IJailrv drliven d to Mr.Wm. H. Kuaaell »70 only. One of tbe other two iaareouuled for by the corre«i>ondeiiC«t between Mr.yiteh uud Mr. Iiailey, already referrod to. Tbe reaaonwhy the retnainiiig one ia tmbntcod iu th* abatrat t,Buu waa iutluded iu the puhliahed liat, i, rxphuned by$h*s evidence of Mr. Henry Beard. the faithful cuato-Bi»n Of ihfl bonda under becretary MeClel.ud.Mr. Ilea-d aayi: "ln the afvertiaemeni871 bonda

Wer* fliobraced, Tba Indiana bond, bunded to Mr.IhMb, tm Btat«d, waa not eaibraced. It oecurred inIhia way: It net-ded only 143 IbaMRBM bonda toaomiii*Afl tha 870 uiiaaJog. but our offlce book, or llat ofL..a, tm _>r*fwr*d by Mr. Ba_i*y, iadi-_aaj 144 as

jb-abf. TbaBewatary iitoeyoi u bbalada_|_a%

144, as ut thot time aome iiiirertuiirly waa frll whetbt-rthere adght not be more than *'#(. niiht-ing- The adver-tieementwiis prepared in hame, und fct-tme the full

bvetflptka mide by Mr. Hummond, Mr. Vi,aafl mvbbB wm eeataeBed."To avoid the inconvemcn. e of refemn. to ahatntt-t

B, yoor Cmaa-BMB will atute thut BB of thei-c bondaware baoedb. Ibe Btata af MtflBoan for the St. Laakaad laa .Muii-'tiiii. Baflroadi MJBytte aaata BMB fatbe llBiitnbat and St. JeeM- rond; ol fa the Mii-bouiiPacific road; #_bj tbe 8'Hte of North Carobiiii, du'edJanaatv, 1856; ''"'4 by tl.e BBM State, dated Julv.1- .? II" bt tlrt- Knme Sta.r, <l.1*d JaonHrv, 1Si»7; 45bv tbfl BBBB BMM, ditted t'ciob.-r, I856| 8 hy the Ntnie

Btate dnird April, IK'w; 15 by tba BMM State, datedOet-ber 1SV; II by »he <*t:i»e of Trnnr*we, datedJanu-rv, IKW?; -r) »>T the fltfM State, dated .luiiuary,1854: l'Oby tht BitTK-State, daied .Jai.__-y.l-iV>; -10l.v ihe BMM State, dated Jannary, 18.'j6; and 19 by the¦BBM BtBte, dai-,1 .'-.iniinrv. 1858.


Smnc ditfiniltv oc. uired in the identitiratiori "f tne

North Car-'li a h>iid*. BeMI. wBSMBM tftfafl lotfthey beld bonda whea nuinl>eir. i-orn-spoi.ded BBfltlrore given iu tl.e p.inted liet, aadM tbey had baealk-ld bv tiMflNfllvAB, or thoae from »I om ibry obtamed

them.hmg bero.e thone in tbe latarfar DepaMMnt-s-ere ubmracted, thev intem-d thut the Btf wiu, inct.r-

rnt The eo-'ili-n of tbe dilticnlty or d-

ii,gu.iiybef.)..i,dinthi-: Tbfl Bbbflfl b'oith f-aralina iitriied bonda to aid in varioii* BBbWBB, aaflthece were divided into clatws, eacb daffl huvingadill'e.ent dute, vet havbg « HW-MJy nmilar Mitffl ol

number* A party migtu. tbe-foie. bold a bondwboM aaaba twiiaBaaflafl wBb a aaaber ta ua

a-tfaflBati b.,t the bonde- wonid not be bbBtkal,U-U..aeb.l"ngingto BMMBtfl dBMBB, *.«¦_** Cate*. 1 hrre raacn." to have been MBMtt.inii,.-. mi-take*, in refflrenee to the bonfle ua-utd hyotbar Btatea _. ___

Tiii: MROOIUTloafl ¦CTMBBJ »llt. RI¦_-__- AM)Mil. B..BT.

Wtlliam H. It'iB-ell ia tbe head ofthe hoiifeof Ku«v-ell,Maiorr A Wadtb-ll, a firni witbly known ua loniru. t-

or* with the War Depai'mci.t f'T tranfpuriiiig j'tmyprar-a M over tbe weatern and eouth-weatern aUas.Mr. K'.rrt 11 tfetefl to tbe <rMMfljMMitbtf heibad beardiu New York of -ucb a man aa Mr. Bailey, alihour.'h hedid not t xactlv rru.embrr hi* aaaa, WRBhaB loen in

Ibat ntv to rtll Ctirioul -eniiilieaand Hondu bonda,ibe btttf for Mr Yt.lee, n Seiiator from that Stute.Wben aaked from whom be aeehrefl the bMflMtfMa,he BBM the an.wer nautlly IMBrtll to fa auch r-tsea,vi_ "hecoulilnot NMBtfhflB." The m-xt heaid ofMr. llnt-itell ia Ibat he R on hia way from New-iork to

Wiiahington in company wi'h Lnke Uu, eru.. a

baiiker-.f ihe la'ter city. Mr. Ua wuh fonn, rly d-in-Btbaioner ef Indian ArTuirB, and ih a partner tf Mr.

Kuneell ui tbe bimking biiBineae at Lcavenworth. Kau-ae In a eoavaratb n Ibal aaaaefl betwaa them, Mr.

B.aB n.nde known to Mr. Ua hia ¦MRflBMMM 'ir-

(mamtancea, aad arkevi tf be (Mr. laa) did not know afm Ul" nc tbnt cttibl -B' Imi. Mr. Ui.neH). Mr. LeaIBBWflMd in tl.e lieglilive. He -tule, it, bir ter-UUioliyiii. t Mr. liirrtll Mggeetad thuthc badheaN "f a muu

b Waabbgtea by the aaaa ef Baibr,a Baftey,awbo wiu- a reb.tion of Cov. Floyd, uid an BMtil: forrhe negoiiution or aale cf hlocka, aud _*bed hi* MtmCif he ki.ew tiii.. Mr. Lea wib aghin MBpellM to

uive a aegallia replv. hut r'iitrd he knew u man

ihere by the name flf BaBflT, und Mr. Kneat-11 IflaujipoeVd le whb tbe nian of whom he waa in *. ar, h.

Il ia vrry evidcit from Mr. Lea'* examinutioii tbathe wi.a l.'it'li an .rtt'il Bfld au unviilling witiien,. li>-had to be I resred with greut MrtfaaflBy to MB e I unted-MioM whttt hekti.'w, ui.d even ih.n bia unrwera

wt'H' bo fatflMMRMd w kl itreleviint uud equivocal ie-

markrt, drfigcetl lo relieve bim from an,|i, ior, flf u>m-

plii itv, tbat your Comuitt-e are oompelled rrlmtn- tlyio no-i- ctle abaeaMof the aafaf and tbe Inuiknei-that ibry lnigbt rruaouublv expett to find iu hi* n-

rpoi.Ber. He Wiir ri,m| tll' d, however, to »uy thut leiufoiu.ed Mr. Baaall tt M -Mr. __Iey warnn no condi-liou toaBHi^t him.that h»- had no Btack* or m.u.ey,aud wua "ttr-poir aa unvbcdy.'' Before Mparating,Mr. BaaeBaeaatbgflBB b BaBeM that afa aafab baohtafaedfa iheqnurter indirated, requettrd Mr. ItfBU.iee.Nir. in tothe matter. Mr. I>-aoomphed wbb tbi* MBjietf.aad tftfafl bHr.MB.TJthat Mr. Hti-B' 11 badaatfl tbut nt ler* a.riflturiie waa

rei.deied, the aeceptanita afl Gov. Floyd w.uild betf etfltfai. arfl baaealfl MeeMfeBaflM m_a famthe Cubiiiet. Mr. Ua ia, however, MMfal to -lale in

hia etidence tbat ba gave M i:.tiuiulion tf Mr Baibytbut he night nre tbe BbaebabflbBl fa KbMfllBfl ba-Iflaabfl S tbr I diun TitiHt Baad Mr. C. (i. Wag-ner, who i* i.early rtlnted U> Mr. Bailey, KDd ta wh«*rhande wne firet pluced bia confinion, Maie* n, hir rvi-, aiiven (yoaf OflMmBIM are ilr.iaad toany) withfull and beaarabb ti.ikner-, 'but he lenn.ed from Mr.B: ilev Ihat Mr. I.ea -i-A wenlion the atot-k* in ihe o n-

verraiiou bttweeii IbeM. Atel, ii.dtrd, tiii* woiiltiraturafly be inferrrd from the fact tbat Mr. I^sa war

perfectlv fuii,ih~r vtith the buriin ae of ibe Dflfflft.ment, and knew thal Mr. Ba-br/hafl the BbflBfl ini-harge, und hud no lurkie. ommand of nri vate MMM. M r.

Lea* tbat uttertl edelitery tt thr hrat inrtallinentof bond, to Mr. BaaB, fa fabw thut Mr. BaMaBaaflMr. y wer* t-igugf-d in ritling ibe IndiaO I ruMBaaflaab; tkat they (oconfeeaed lo l im. thnt h* bad con-

vemitii.ii" with them oa the auljott, antl ihat fa en-

deuiortad lt, fl-BBMR thi in from further fla-MMMfla MIbfl tiiiii'-. Bfl abe tfatM that he NUafaM frominfonriing the BflOBM.TB ef Utf llfletbr of Ihetranf-¦etbM abrafl b, and thut he aaacaafl Iha m..*t

¦ab nm flbflgM from hia two fiiend, that NflflMMrhould i.ever le publi ly known bflflfl.MtBMWBbthe baafoaa. Btf bk pra BtflflM hav* Btf availed toaflord hin. BtfBB from rflflaoaaibflity in ton-

neitiouwith tba MaaaetlMa yonr Oaaaaaa haainqiiind iuto. Mr. Lea did not introduce Mr. Baibyto Mr. BbbmB, nor diafl be *iute that he appointed forthemaphi.-eof meriittg. Ttf it bflMBBBfl that thetetwo peraona did ¦ eet ut the War Departmenl on therame day the interview Mr. La and Mr.Baiby aeearad. Mr. BaaaeB .ya ti i* wa* betwaathe 12th and IStb bjfl ol .luly Bflt. ll BM probabtyM the 18bday i'f that month. TheCbief Clerk oftheWar Dapai.aat. Becretary Flotd'a bmbI btfaabfiiei.d, dl. W.H. PlbbBflfl BMlllfl medium througbwhom the inirodutiion took took phue. Ou tbal daythey hud thir tlr.-t ii.teniew ul the Wur 1>. phrHnent.Col Drbkard, ap B-OWB by hiB own evidence, im-IHIXliiid Mr. Bailey that Mr. Baafl wa* u MM ofaatf reriiei i.ii ility und jruenniary leroiine*, und thatif ibi aaafl.aa of ibe Beeaiary >>t Wur waaal«bwedtoga MaoMat, he (Bm aacflaMry) wouid i*" greatly BgOB-Mfl RM labrbBB. Merar*. Kmiaelland Builey held u pnvu'e interview fa the Ihinl atoiyof the department, and wiihin a few houra there-after.Mr. BaiIfljdflliveredu. Mr Hnrcell il.'iO.iKK) oflauidB at the rt>o_i of tl.e bitter fa Wa*BngtonCity, aud on the (tanie evening the recqient n-

turned witb them to New-Ymk. Mr. BaaaflBbtaihat he Iflft with Mr Buih-y the note of BaflBB-LMajor* A Wuddell intbtii rtead aBBecuiity. b'ineiy oftheae 160 beada were Miraourifi, and the nIbBM Ten-utfrffn. Mr. BaeaB doea not re<ollect ut fiirt wln tln r

or no'the Juii'.ury flflBBBM were on the bonda, buttfBtfathtf *.lbe*quriillv ihe ino*t of the bocda wrrertliitd by him ifi oidei to ebtafa thoae eeaMM to re-tnrn to Mr. Baiby, aa he (Bailey) waa |H>iiive iu hiarequert to late them returned. The loupoua huvingbeen Utkeu off, the lK)iide were ufterwaid ditqored of.The nhject wub, afleORMBj to BflBBtfl the BBBB. for. iftht: aapoM were M haud, it waa Btf probublu tbatthe hondu wiuid to. < or inqiiired hr.Aeeordbg to the niatrment flfl Mr. Kuan 11 theie w_h

no further i-orre_pondeni.-e or comaiunieation letweenMr. Bailey and huiiBelf until ihe tv pU-mU r fi llowiug.At thut time bfl retumtd to Warltington for the pur-pore of obtaining othera. An iiiUniew wua held withMr. Bailey, tlie reuult afl which wua thut .W boud*,iu adrii'ioii to those firrt taken, were tranaferred toMr. BaflflflO on the following duy. The prote, tion ofthe aaaa of Baatfary Floyd, tne Baaaaan of Bavvifl*ing foi th* otht r atteptaaafl uinl ?he bond* pravMMlydf-Uveied, and Wbbb were aBrg«d to have l.-inhj-polhecatxl, wre uaagned ua the NMBBB for requiiingluither _rialun.e. In thir, aa in th,- flmt inBtunce, thepaj*r of BMMfl, M;,joih A Wuddell wub left a« irru-

ritv. Mr. BbBmB rtatro thut at thia coi,terence Mr.Biiilevfinttiiiformed him that tbe bondttin lan poereitaonIfllflfltfefl to tbe Indutri Truitt Fimd. It nt* ttfl MM-mentUuittheboudsfirtttakenabonld be rettimed witbinWJ dnyaj but at the aeeond interview the time waa ex-

iBRdfla to lb«- 4lh of Mm, h, 1861. In Oclober Mr.Ku-aell returned the Sonth Carolinaund Floiida bonda.14o or 1-0 in number, having aacerlained thut be ,-oulduot ne.otiute iheru, aid Noilb G.fltfM bonda BMMBubatituted in their etead. Mr. Hiii-mII ai-ain uppe ued inWitrhing'oii in I lerember following, and on thegroundaao BuccerHtully relied upon before, vlz: tbe prolectionof tbe Wur liepariiuent from diagrace und tbe bondapretiounly taken from eaciiliee, I,e vvar enahled to ob-Uiin from Mr. Baiby -iili bonda aaan addiiinnul ad-vHin-e, innking the emire number abetraa'ted 870.From the hond* ohtuii<ed ou the aei ond und tbird oc-

carioiiB, already reierred to, iliaevident the Jiuimiryooupt na were cut otf _a a precaution againal drie, tion.Nine Tennearee (oupona bt longing to other hond* tbantl,,,-f :', ine ted wuh relururdby Mr. Hnerell, .otibt-leaa be. aufte the ahatrar ted bonda hud paaaed beyondI.ii The tnuiBuclii.u lu*t reterrt-.} to uppa-ai - '<<huve flbflflfl Ibabaabfla rehitiouB of tlu*e two per¬aona, ao f:ir at leiirt ua tbey relaled to the abrttractionof bonda.MK. IIAII.F.V'H MttTIVKH FOR TAKINO TUE BOMBfl,Why Mr. Bailey ah*tr_ci«d tbe IflBRB ki aqne-ii-.n

towhuh your Committee eaa preaent no aatiaf.ctoryaiiBwer. Aa he aid Ur. Knreell were emire atraugempreviouBly to their meeting at lh« War DflpRB.MBt,neither tl e oMigationa of friendabip nor the Biiggeatiotiaof kiiidly feelinga seem to huve prompted the ad. Mr.Kuaaeli lniiata that uo mou«y or valuable conaideratlonevar paiated to Mr. Builey. or, indeed, waa ever meu-tiaiediu theirinterviewa. Mr.Bailey con_rma,iu variouact/riimuiii at ioiib whirb have rea.hed your Couuuittee,tliia atatement. It ia not aaoartiuned, either, tha Mr.ituiir- came pud-euly into BBflBBBMa of any Utrgt)Mrftvouwivi mktj, JBb baab awwBRt wm b«j)t wub

KflfflBB. xtii'gfl (V Co. of Witablngton Citv, arid Mw.

Kigga teatiiee tha, batnaafl July ttnd the 13tfa of »,e-caaabar, hia lepeiBtfl laewaaal U-geiy overformeir<,,,oabnt runountctl U tho iif-egntc to nflt more tLao 15,000.,r *6 000 It ir truc that thia anm la a lnrrf, one to be

iu 'he reaaetHioi. of a pei.-on whoae alv.y w-aa but« 000 per aniintn, and wbo wae aiippoitriiL.'a,Vp'i i« would not of I-.pelf conclttnte- h mBBBai f"r gravemiari.ioi., orartorda.lue to the diaeoM-rv of .he pnr-,-,,;- .t the Mr. Biiiley, li. hw co.iverra-

tiona wilh viriv,uawit.iea.-^allcg-d thut hia deri^wu- to i.roteit the chiiracierof Oov. H. yd, and to

(wve him from tle diah.oi Bflfl] retireint'i.t Irom Uie

Cabiuet tbat w«iild be ni c-eaaa.-ily lueideul to the pro-tral and di iOtW tt th* BflKBrtBBCBfl which bad bet-ri

illet-iillv it-tie.l to the tirm of Ktirrcll, Mnjors Af. Tfl ad-dell. whetb tbi- taiiifliaViilli a araa the eol* n.otive

_f__> eeadacl n ia uB H IteHaaaa u. aatHjaaaa.Yonr ConmiitK-e nre, bovve-rcr, conrtrair.od to exvrcaa

ile...i,viiii..iitha', l*hii'd tl.e evi-nta that liave leenlnade 18888. BOflfl, and bcuealh tbe extei.or of theinu-rirt.ii.Tirt ''aat bave >en laacriasl, i« a purpeeeWbich ullbo. ,h M..c.:Ht.illv bbbBBB,.BBB.« tle le*a

iwjwerlul und i lli. ie.,!, a. d haa given ui.ity and vitnl-

itv to the whituai-a BOW psutiully exp.-ed.MB. HAIUiY's r«)MI»lON.

A nrirt of the evi.leiue adduced Ib fiom Bcommu-tkmJLTttm* Mr. .ii.ilev. ila.e.1 Dae.1, IM, and ad-JM tl.e ll"" Jaeoh I h'irai ron, Se, retary ..f IBB

Intanor ..mii.ii.tmft -tat-ment that a poitioti of the

lK)1,Hp,....*tituti..i';b. laiiian T.-.r. Knnd, amounting...B-riiOfH), were io lorger in hia BBfllflMIBJ bTTM-a.tit. wa- -n tbfl I3lh -.f neeeaabar phael ta lha.,uud* ..I Mr W.ia-ur, with tbe rei|tie.t that lt rhoulil

ba debv, red t. lha Sec.etary of the Intarfca Itb dav-hefcre tbeexpiratiinof Ua term ..JI idhee or, aa Mr.W Kaer BDoVretOOd ii, hve dava befure tle BB Onthe -Othof the -ninc moi.tb. Mr. Baili-yHddreaaedaaata to Mr Wafaar,laqaaatlng tbe

note iiii-viourlv coimnitt d to him 'Mr. Wuiiner) ahouldbaaroa t" Imfleernaryoi lha latarlor innia'ii.ttiyupon bia iBtara fraai Horth Carotiaa. Mr. Tlwmra.trrived on the afternoon ef the SI of I lecmber. <Ifltha evci.ingi.f ih'.t d.iv the acoptanrefl lflmed by iheWai l.ei.artiie. t.iiud the recei, t j-iveu lor the boflflal.v Mr. Rtiarell, were banded to Mr. Thomflfl at theofleeaf lha PiataBaat ta ihe Baaaallia BwaaaaaB. byile Hon. II. M. Riea, I'l.i.ed riiateH Senator bflfll Mm-.... :a. Ne aailtar tatBaaalafl af tha ahflflBBflflaai hairenciied Mr. Tboiupaoii. .

Your C.iminitlte not flflflkflhf tn examme Mr. lii.i-

lcv ar a witiitf-v, vHU-ed ua'ib|i-i.a to be aerved BaaaM'r. Hire to aaaaai aaaaa them. lle aacflai d to afeafil 'lhe CLiii:uMii tlu n udiirir-ed him a BBBl, e> [ Liining thut be had baaa iuudvertoi.tly and 88-liiVlv r. ,'i.rt.d Ilr* attendfince. To tbia be repliedlhat ba would uii-vv.i' BBf i|ti. viioti tbat miKht be nro-

tHiunded to him in wniing. Se.ingthat he ati-ad ao

aaniiiacioualv on hi- Brfvila_8BB a Senator, it waa not

ibouflht eo-dfltaat wiih thadntj of the Cowantiaa r

«li>/ii)ty of ihe II ,uae to preflfl any ftiriher taaainBI un-

lea* tbe Hoiac flutl ao .ird. r.

Had Iba origaii.l intunti n "f vv' frcm tle

Se.r.U.v all aJiowltdge of tbfl fraud umil vvi.lin a

few flBaaef tht m\ flfaltaah I aaa Bflrriad ont, lha aaa.fn.i. n ie. i.iei.t ta a abaflga «.f aliBiahfliallTa aBeariwo.ild BBTB pievented pr..mpt taTBflHflmtkflB, Bal88-ptTTBd Mr. Tbompaon of the rjHana of loimadiate de-

i. BM. Mr Hailev, in ihe exen ire .,f a fore.hougbi pru-dr..« to iivraid -BtiaaiBB. m-de up 1 i» ataak u;r'"";t tOT

thae.rii.i year rbavvu* on it- fuce that ull tl.e loudawere aalt-lv iu bia t'lat.alv, Bal had itnaod Pa pn -cnta-

tinn t.< the Senad Aui'iior. Mr. Kullrr. Thut BflflBIitfuredtoaapraaait,f«rbbb raaaaa thal taa flaaaaauccouiit. d. fiaiued to be n hevk .pon it, did not aicn,-

ivanvit. ItG,iiMtaaa. ln thi" refaaaL tbat mi.y l.i

airt be attrirmted '.he nirlv dl rl-aure of tl e fr.nid.I. will iK-obatrved t,.:it wl.ile Mr. Uailrv a -Itl.- ia d-ted Dcc. I, lMB.aal MBBBj lha entiretiiimberof beflatta, and tix»- tle BBB tb of July lia IBBtitneat l.cri.tri.r-fc.itliein t,. otber pnrtua, IBfl.i-rtiuior.vof Mr. IIBUbII bV vtalbat lha] flTBM BOt, BBdi liver.d at one time, but tbat three hui.drt-d and thir-iv tbraa waratiBBBBBTalaa hfaa aaBba IBwea ¦aaaaa.ber niarly two werkfl aob»e.ineut la the date of Mr.Ib.i.ry'BCOnfrrriili. The otilv bhIIB84 lory v:¦ | lai.ationlhat aaa aa awaa tt thia aetlraabla i- ti a

suppo«iii.>n that th«-atatemenl WSB _.tu:dly prr|*ri*d«,i, tl.r duy it wua aiven to Mr. \S agner and tbe dav thalaat bonda wre le Mr. Kuiarll and daledwromfullv "I»e«. lat to a!t_y tu.v roaptciofl tlmi

BBBBl beexciledit it wereir. fl Uml lha d.te .1 tl"

abftraciiou waa ide.i'i ul flHtb the date af the laat Bf>flflaaaaaa wli.h wa, laaBial by tbr War IlejartireM,fortbep.irt.we, ar your Ci.taittee, ol uutkn-iyap b detiiiite Braiaint >.f aacurii ata.

THK l>l*POMTH>H Oi' THI BMMlAa aoon aa thr Blninirtiiin of lhe bonde wa* mailr

known tolli- BflflflBiaif >1 tle Ii teri.r.l.eai jlied»lf dii).;. talv lo .:i-.over wilh wh-.m lhat wne

l."lL.d I'ait iripc'iiga idg\.\. bab-xtttrtadfotthclrrecovcry. M.r-ea Krf.ey. ra I., Chial Clrrk, waa .!i*.Mai hed to New-York, ai.d bo u.ere ceuafxi wril* ol iu-

j.iiiilioii to be - rv.d upon a feiv jarti.-* m flrhflflfl i- *

rtfriali bfl h al T> 'tr' li to Ih licve BOa.r of 11 fl blMfl tflhe _talaBflartafabf ,:i« bmm*b et* ebutahrg tha da-Hircd liif'.rii.B'ioii 18 B8 bolh alflflT Bfli BBaBBBBBI torv

Mr. TboiD|a*.n mititmi "I.Kt your Conin.rt.-a *',i, ,|,|l.i.l.l aome of ita flt-oriotir iu tha (i.y ot Nea-lork,»M-iii. flaHlroBB of exi-eaiititg tba BBTrfltig-tioaa aidiivni'iiig tle beavy »-X|e' ar tl u' would 11lha fiiniuiot'it.i; "f'a hirge uuinl-er uf vvil: t*r< * ir ni

thut rity. foai Coaaa btaa bubbbiibI ta tbr pn ptirtjoi thia auifafiatioii. and, bavig Bahad for aad oblaimleave ... i- iu bbi h phtcafl i.e t'.ey believed the t'lbllciliterert n-'i iinl, they BreaBBdal «t BM fll ItflBBflfl |*-r-roi al im "UV. tii< Bflfl, bfl Nrw-Yotk.

Kroni tlie tei.iiu..4iv ib.-ie procurrd, it wmb b| -.Hrrut

that tbe flflfllfl bal BBBB dl-T.. re.1 of hj Mr. Ruar.-lland blr Bfjaat, Bfli lhal Mr. K iraell did i* t havr it i-i

|,ir i-ower to reatoie Mi.y flf them Alimit.d BBBBWi.,( ibem were trated i,,to tbe poaaeariin d i.r'ainiu-dividiiiilr- and corpormi. na, ts IbOoWB!Mr. I.anta' flMBialaal Am. -intlivi. Nrw A rk Clty,

Bfa-'a, Haetor Marflaaa, k (IrrrLlraf. f'i ar",.nt of (' AA Pmai: 4 Co

Iflb.i'iAA M"..< A Wp'f ."!¦', a. l"f*K)

Mieaell tkhaBaetBaty N Y fron. I io J, riutr aafl u.rn-

H..P.I. Maaga, wrtBaaa... Ma)"_Aaidrrt llaydei.a.lllr 1 tn hlatr n.t xlvrn Mri-..

wlM.r... ','"JJai O Kiii| *. Soiia, Nrw Yoia Clty, Mc 'a J. 0 Klng,

viitnrai. 1__~Clerk !»od._Co. B. T CatJ/. I. < Claik. wltnraa. I BBBCapt Puit.i N V lity. fl, i»an. atitriraa . 4.0.OJrromr Titxxii fh t I" Nrw A.,rk . I'y piirrband altb

ku"»lril|. i.f ibPii ha/.ctpi. <i II (lailaiid. »lti...a |ii,U>aiAA T iiilriia, t( o .N.-w Vntk'ity. rol.B.aii.wltiip-a :n~..lipo. Hinitl, tbl. ag" * <'..ninlpll. wltneaa. II Ofal

iln.. Bwan li.;.n,. rr. AV'm MrKlna. wltnraa. WflBBR |i liartbrr Bahlaara, W. Ilabrr wittraa. LBBIB Aikinaoii ilaltiuiorr. du. '.'""'Townabrod b'colt. Hal.lmorr, wo. 8,U00Lowdiiaili'iiipaauli Co., Ual'lmoie, Maillu l.iwla wlt-nert. 5,000

Total.81-M.flWA few otber Ironda were aacertained to bave l«en

piirihaw-d bfBlgflBaa Co., BBBhafla, of WiiriliiugioiiClty, f"' oth.-r aartb8, and by other iii'lividuul.. wiiichar<- noi ii. ludul in tbe above BBBflM Bfl

Tl.e BBBBBraBta of Mr. kuratll belore the Cominilteeal an eaily fltaflB ol OflV pr..vecd,nga. and laaBIBthflexumina.iou of a.,y witnerN-r, vour (a.iuii.itUc diaig-nutcd two of their number, tbe Chairmaii and tbeHon. Mr. TTbOBMaB. to cou-ult with (luld, er.|.,Cnitrd Ktulea Dirtrict-Attorney for the Dirtrh t of ( i-

laiiiibiu, iu leierrnce to tbe afirtiaction of tbe bondr,and tl.e legal aaaathiafl connieted tlinewith. ndvined tba' tbe teetiti.otiy of Iritb Mr. Baileyand Mr. BflBflefl ahould be taken. An lniportatit wii-

nea*, Mr. JaiaflM B. BBBBBBB, vv ho would I* found inN.-W-York, it wua BBpactel BBBBl BBt be ihliiined; hehad arte.l in lhat citv ar lhe .-oi.iiiientiiil bflBflBBfll Uftt Iof Hnaaell, Majora (V Waddail, and knew, it wua btvIb-ved, all lhe detailr ol their hiiritieaa trunriitti.nawiih the (.overnui.-nt, und of the abatractiou of tboaaaaa. n.e m.*t aaaVaa and tttaaal mbbbI for baaprovi'd iinavailing. Aa none of bia aciuniiitanira re-

member lo huve reeu bim biihc about tbe day follow¬ing Mr. kurrel! t> arrerit, and aa no tau< e of him BBfl ffllbten diecovercd, it iaeviilent that bo ubrconded, or

conceal'd biinn-lf, to uvoid lhe rea|,oiiribility of hiaacta and ap|)earance taefore BBB Comniittte or tlu-Courta. In view of tbla cin uniatauce and tbe udvitegiven by the Illatricl-Attorney, ai.d under tle larliettliu' unfeea a fnll rlateu.eiit could be obtained fron..ome one inimediate!y connected wilh Ihe tnnaauciion,no antiatiictory rejaort could be nuuie of tbi fai ta in re-

liuiou to the aaid fraud aa waa iei(uiied by ihe MSBaB-tion ofthe Houae, it wua deternained to iiflord Mr Kua-aell an opportnnity of BBfBflrBBg belore the Coii)iiiittet\I'roviou»tohiaa|i|Haraoceit ha.l been decided to leave itoptional wltb biinarlf to anrwer or not, aa he mitfl.telect. Thia purpoae wiil plainly um* ai bflflfl tbe fol-lowing f_tra<t from tbe record of the procetAliuga,ri. BBTl

MoKPAf, Drc. 14, 1M60.AA'm. II. Riii.ll alipr-arrd.Thr Cbalimau.Mr Rnaarll your rnainK'l harr dmibtlrai ip-

prlied f ou cf your il«bti; you arr nndi-r a erlrninal proiecutlon,and I derri, It my duty to atata to yon tbat thr Ci mniittir do Bo4BflBMBfl to rr.julrr you to anawrr any qnratlana. IfyourhoowTi'luntarlly tn do a" JOtJ ran, lait If you do B.,t ytrltt Ui do it ..t

indicatpd 10 j-ou, yi.B i an wltbhi-bl your auiwer.Mr ll.ii.pli- I Bta aiitioua tn u.akr a fullaU.riaent In rrgardto

tbr boinla. I rlaim tn br an linnr.t man. and wnild pirfrr ton ik. i.uta ilatpuiriit tlie wIiuIp tran.aili.u ln wratlaig, aadhivr yno iprrnd lt at Ira gth ',n fBBfl rrrnrd 1 aak that ¦. a favnrfnuii Uie ('...ainlltrr. I am ulidrr a riluilnal pruari'iiti'.O, andtlui.k ll d ,r t" a >. I tb.iild br pei-iilli d to make a full atat.

uir.Lt, al(lii>ti|b I do notlear the rrai.ll n. Ibr ciluilnal yttlnn |f Ibfl < .n.n 1 ti p r, l'-ra tbr atatrannit made vrrbally Itvlll make it ln that way, lat I ihould likr tomeke lt ln wiltlng."Mr. Buarcll wa- here nwoni, but ufterafew ijueationa

I al l»een BB-fBBBd, he again enireaacd ii ih-rire to awriHen atatement, iuid leave waa aeeordtaglygiunted. Onihe IfthaB DBBflBBflBB be waa again ln-luio lhe Committee, and preaenUd u aUUiucnt wbicbwill bfl foui'd BflflOBf tbe BaBBBRjaBTBaj papera bere-with aiihmitted, MflMBi, aa he Mated, hy hia attor-L'ey, tbe night after he aaked permiariou of tbe Coiiin.ii-|4>k. Vailoua iiiterroKutoriea were jpropoaed whichvv. r. promptly and fairlyanawered. But when aaked," UirJ ."ou ever directly or indlreclly give to any per-aon any CaonaidentlJon, or make to any penaon anypreaent for serTicaa randerad to yoa counnactetl witbj-ir mBWm T*'h Ihfl Wa» aOeparVflMBtr Mr.Haa.

t>*}]\ .l-.lii nl to rearond before oon.nhtag wtth hhconnael. Upon tbie auggeatkin the ex_mtn_tio_ was attince eUB]>*jn_ed, On the 23d ef Decoraber he again ap-peared, ard was reminded of whut had been aaid tohim on a prevlotia oceaeion. aid toore ftilly admoniahedil_t» he whb not retiiiired to amrwer MMtfMBBBBRIle waa nlrti adviitea that hia examination wonld liew,iived if be dmired it, in whole or in part, und tbat ifhe ao rlet ted, hia evidence ulreudy given wouid bfl ex-

I aaaad. Tle art of Coi,gre<* aprroved Jaa. '24, 1%7,eiiiitled "AnAet more etTecTnully to enfnree the at-teiidance of witneaeea on the minimons of eithei Hotiaeof Caagraa, aid cvmipel te dircover teetbMflry,' wa_

then ahown Mr. BaMflB, and after roudiug ii,Ite aaaabfl further time to advire wiihhir BBBBB. Before leiiving tl.e CBtfHBbtftMBB,however, he *tated, in reply to a queetion,thal be undenttood the etatute, and that ithud been explained to bim previourly to bb appeur-tuice bafBH rb-' CoaBbflk On the iith, Mr. KtiwellpreBaflflfl to the (Vvrnmittre u paper, prepared, he.-tute*, ur nn anawerK) the queaiion tbut had beenprevii-itrlv pro|>oaed to him, und reqiieeted that it

fhotild be'pluied upon tbe recortl; he Mfl it wiih theCen.mittee, and no fuither qaafltbafl WBM pflBJMM.ihi- iiiiflrument, though not properly brlongiug lo thetectird afl MBBteeeefl.gB, ia MMMBtftafl to the Hoiibcfor it* in-peition, aa one of the ac.ompunying pai. rt*.

(>u tfufl.tftfafl it will be foaafl le ba, atf an aaewarlattaaaaaBbRMH.I had been aaked, aa introductoryto more iniportant one*-, but au ebtborute erlort mudehv Mr. BflflflflB, wiih tethiiieul adioitnew and bgulIJTBMM. lo uviiil hiuicelf of the ud of Congrea* bt-faa rt feried to, and to btfrMM it M u ttbield betwe.ii'iiiii.B4.-lf and th« BflaBaaaWM of hia flfltffa Neurly alliln. material ,-tHteii.eutB therein cnniair.ed are whollyiinorriH-t. It i< not trne, h« l.e allege«, that. " be wua

not (* iu iited by biw to refiiM- to Mfltfb Ran f_ct\tiihin the icopeof our inqniiiea," neither in it true" bat hawa laatrafl be balBy," batfalflbacflaatiwn free will, and wa* not " WMpalbfl" an dn laredhy the titleof the a.t, to " flfaaflBM taminioiiy," BMw:a*he " laaahad," u« expreeecd iu the hody of ihe

faw. bgfaehfaflvabBM lr«tfCflfl.Btfae, jaeiefeM,wbiM they nre MMtrafaed loeoaaaai theconrBeu,lopt-fldhf Mr. BMMfl uconferriou ol bia guilt, douot dt>:m it [.rovince lo anticipate or

prejndge a queation of luw which may BOM in 1,-galpi ion.

Ihe BflflflBbBBM -BBM- by ihe Secretury M Warwhen the talqaBoM act perpefnted hv ,,ne of the riih-nidiniite flflfaflM of tbe Jnteiior Depurtmeut in the nb-*tr_i tion of bonda wna made known, it wur diacov-t-iid a' tbfl "ttine time thal aeeflflbRMfl MMfllflflbflfl byfaw,aad deeeptive und fruudulent in tbeir charurter,bad BMB BBad bf Ihe Bm retary of \\ ar in fayor ofMeanra. Bun-rll, 'Mujors A: Wuddell. A* B tiorlion olil .,- are iiu-epanihly ronneited wilb the hintury af ttflboafl eaabash aaat, it i* pafMflfl h"*t to inqiuie iutoil e irt-umtihiiceH uiirrding their isrue.

I* ir athinl hy Mr. Kiirtmll ihul M tle day he madein ln*' ¦jipBatMfl bt BBflaritla, Mr. Builey aaaaad te

turi.irh tln m ou tbe ionditi"n 'but thne t-honld b de-|.. rlted wi Ti him in their plmr Ibe ¦weptflaca "I <oiv.Hi.vd a* Becretarj of War. Mr. BamI, it weald ap¬pear, hud th.-n on f7;t',,tJ''0 of aeeeptaaea, |72,000.f which were uiicoiuiiliouai. and the lalm r<- cou-

dbbaafl BBdaayabbab oi th* eurafagaefl Kuri-ell.flatofl A WafldeO fot 1881. [CcbVb of aaantoacawill be foMfl embiaced in the learimony of the Hon.Jii'nb IbOBBBMBal Ito amoiint tf the hond* he re-

,., edm ibat aaa pgavfaa tHtari nr waafwjo.otio or

. -;!.((«:). There i\ n* th.vftfa Waflfag to muko uti

th, reuiiieite aum of (BaTflt-ba |l^'«,IXK), aud we MBtfi|Bgb nnd that there i* an ac. rpmn, e l>raniig date Der.13 lor that precUe a-uuut. Wbt-.i il ia innrnibtredtlni Ibtf wu* tbr date tt the Inat d< livery of bonda andof thfl lacfllpta ttanflar, tha I-Nmbm aaaatf maae.a*hlc 'hiit the ateptaiiie vtn* baaafl to make up an BBMa>tabfld deti.i,-in-y, and tbut il wa* amitiratrd it wouidbb ii:'" Ibe BOMflMMB "f Mr. BflBflT. 'rhere are »'h»* that ahould he ktafrd fa t-i* cnr.eciion. Mr.Ivuaatll fixt-a the probabh ean inga of hi lirm for tl.e»earl"*",l al from |50O,CO0 to I'Oo.ia'i, while CaptabVan Vliel MB.Btffl at fl"-»,'ani far 1888,MtfOeaflBfll Mmmi .v* in hia tfatfaMay that for ine

pMMBtyMr,they will be abetf aba thay WMabl-,.:>. wfiich Him |5IO,000, I'.ulu.l'iig a pHiinent ina'lei.i \t .abbgteB >y t'u't. Miller, -fali'tlr more than

f»,'. 000. The oeiiill'ioiial arie;»uunea given to Mr.t .ii. r aaotml to f79M,0n0, or 8949,080 aoMtbaa theaaaaiana aum tbat col ld have Iren ran.rd hy MeBBB.1{t:t***II.IMajora A WaddsB, durin. that yaar,aceordi_itatbfl r*iimatee ofthe liepartiiinit. bauasd ujk.ii ihflearning. tf tbr previmi* year The at Bflf.BBM for tbe|i'"4,1*41 werr tha only ciiditinnal one* ia*ued, and.' t.ifc-rllier wi'h tlirae f'ir $7v!.')O0, iean.-d t.itinllv, iiin.t l>e rrgarth-.l aa a haa, a* the tJovrrn-

auL-oabttfafl, abnawlaflga Iha flbflflatba i<> re-

hn t ihabaab fataagfaglo tba Indian Ivatf Fund,and fhrrr ialiiile aaaM toexpant tlai BbbmB, Msjora.. Wiiddrll. will Bfl-fa a retuni for \tl_it ihey HIM. -IIf yom t'eirii i'f-e 0 uld reat I.i re, uud eoi.ld ferl

jaflBBefl inrij rraab gtb. balaf tiiat ihrreare Mfl.Miiling Uablliliw, and ihat no bltttf BBBtf da

wtit.ltI ba I'wtdi¦ aaaa tb. or any fata« Co_gr*aata. :i a witb tbeaextraoro.ary procaadinga, thay

wiiuld derm tl i» an OeflBflloa for BM BltfBBtffaBa 'olheli ., DBfortBLBtely tlir* aia traaa.taaa of aaii, Ibtrrbiuarta. bnt "f » atill greater magnitude, tiiatt l.tii.. V"iit ,.1'eii ion.

In IB.I thfl 8.retary of War caiomenced the i**uelain r, and at tba BBBM tba WIMB tO VBlbM

hankr-, :ild itnini In-tlf, urgifig thtin to ptinii.MB, tt' One cf Li-h :-. r-, a:.d,.i,.' l.'ol Urinkaid,chirf ( l-ik tf lla Wtt DapRt.Mat. le Jb_bm I.s i.t*..,. -j.. I'n iln* ef tha Baal ef tha BapabBe,will fa f .!.':' babfl in tbe leatfaaoay taaaa m Kew>Vnrk. Caabeef vwIom BthwhRtan rabtbgM thraiuii. B':h|e.'i. oh':,irafl fiom tle War I)r|ar'pit-iit. hc-

¦OMpMy ll'ia rrj-oit. Mr. 9, I'. ol .New-YurkCRy teellflad betore iIbCobbbmMb d.i Br. Baatta,to wh, iu r.-f, rrn e ba been idrrndy made. aaid tt. himn|oi.AaaoeaaakaIbtf le bafl a dnaft fnr fl.', andwitb il a leltt r fn.pi the Sa-creUry of War, atati'.^ thatb<- badbaaad, a wa* uhout to iaaue. MMMaaafl m

fuvur of Buaaell, Major* A Wuddell, l"it tbut at Mtln *-hocid hr bsBB aaa aat* toatttmi aaahalf tb* mmmR ar_ch ha kaaw, af bfaowa baaal*etigr, waa .i.lually due la the partie* Mf eerti.e*.dieaidy performrd. Mr. Ko-iller, on fabg citll.-d u|H)nto pro-tii-r thia .ommutii.tion, t-ayn that be ad un

ba MBBM, iii.dl:-fip| oretl it wuitdf livedfrom :i letterof Mf. BbyflTe, tiu' BMWMlbpBrtaaM baaal a,

et itiune* ie 'i .¦ BBtari only af aaalaBefl the aaaaMihut w.nild hetome due to "li urae II, M:.|on» tt 9) fldflflllawerbta praeeaof axeealiea. Ahboagb aa ea_aination af ihr BllMI n t-ived hy Ihfl baal and hi* ownpniBfe lettern lailfld to bring lo" li^ht BBflh :l BBBMMflBi.mi .ti a* BB lati expe.-teal io hud, Mr. Snutter d'<m> not

ihuiige hia opinii n, btf roncludea tbut it waa derivedttom tba tfambmbm ef aaa prr-onM arbflMMMM heBBBBtf now rrenll. Theae lelter* and reprefcntHtionaare iiii|K.itant in *imwirg ttfl meana adopted hy tbeBa WfaTf ef War to get the \ ai>or bfl i**ii( into cin u-

lulionIn relation to Ihe in B| BBR M ij*':ed unconditionallv

by (be late BtfUtan tt Wur, your CfltfMBbfl flflfltf itthrir duty to *l_'c uil ibe fiwla they l.uvt- be. n uhle to.lin. over, ui fnlly ua |*.Brihle. They BBMB.t in tbfl ag-(jrrgHto io tl eeiiotmouBeiimof fli,l.:',-'.'.''. Aiid there-i<i the eiaflBbaal BeeaBtaMaMhlth have abrei dy beeuthiown utk upon the (iovernment thro-.h thfl ugeni-y.fMr. Baiby, aad tha bbb total ia 88,977,88-. Tbhe.iiirute ia haretl upon dutii funiiahed by the War De-piriuieiit. ItaaaMM ihaaftan, thut iM-t-epiuii'-ee tothe um.uiiit ol I'Kl.l'iai wrre relututd to ihe Pepart-meut for cinirt-llkiioti. Mr. BmmB, however, 8808,080or9158,688. He furtherftateathfit the accep'tanceH wbich he did return were

Ihoa whifh hud mutured in bi* own |«'t ket^ und ouldnot Iheirfnie fa ueguliuted. But tbi* aaMkTMMI bt pori-tittly conlratli, ledT,y the BBBBRMMMM the returnedat ,-| tan.-eii, and by the BBB.flflf of Mr. Irwin.a lerkin thr War Depaitmeiit. From the BBBRBtf und irre-.ponrihlo manner iu wbich baafaflM wn* tranracted bytnut MMMMM ai.d the late BOeM.ryef Wur, audfrom tbe bfll thut it waa the babfl of (Iov. Flojd Beceal.MMfll tbe Deiartment or at bia hMM, or

at whutever pluce be hupprnetl to be, and other c n-

BiderulioBfl, it ia fl BBflttf of greut uncertuinly wheiheror not the |840,000 rbould be tleducted from the aumheretofore etated. The probuhllity ia that when theBecatfaBBM were Mtaraea fa Gov. Floyd by Mr. Rua-eell, heatcepted olhrmat the aame time, for the wime

aiuount, of which there whh uo iei(iiitry nia<le. It iadeeim d ittfeft to proceed upon the auppoaition that theBBB8B.MB MBB-fa the place of thoae returned were

regiitered. I'ptui thia bycO.flflla.thfl8846,006 niuatbedetlucted from the 88,l78J986 of unt-ondilioiiul ac-

aabaea ni«do and ranabrflfl ta the Wur IbparbMBaVThi* wouid leate of them, ao far ub i* rhown by thaaaedfl of iba Departaarot, $5,09.385 atill fa Birrala*tion. Add to tbi* BBOMM tbe 1988,666 of condiiioi alBeeaBbBCBfl aabafl by Mr. Builey iu lieu of theboiuii*, and the aggregiite Is $.'>,l.t7,.!t'.">. llt re, tbaa,roiifurmiiig tbe MRteaMBt o the m-orda of tbe WarDaai.Mat, of 86,137,815 te BJIbbob thehnbli'i* of theae actfptuuceB, or to be U-nuaied iu aomewuv by tbe (ioveniuieut.The evidence flWflJfl tbat tbe aceeplancea luive been

mid in varioiifl purta of tbe L'uiled Stutt b. w-heievr.r u

ln. k or piiiaie inilivi'luitl could be bflMflfl to our-i'i--. Iiiurmui Ii. howrver, aa the umniiiit of tlioeatIbtf huve been truced dire.tly into the handa of preeenlbolderH, conaiiliilea but u amull fraction of the aum.uil niiiuttiiinied for, und M owuera are diuly Iiling ud-du iniiitl chiima ut the Wur Depurtmeut, lt ia Baflflflfliiiui ett -rnry to give a detuibd alaiemeut of the diacov-ereil iiiceptunccM, or to muke other menliou of themthan to refer to tbe pupera relating thertto preaentedby the Wur Departmeut, and to the general evidence.It i, proper, however, to remark in thia connecliou,thut while your Committee do not deem it oeceaaary to

give hriu in detail, the dui.t in ihe War Departmeutfixea ihe minlmum amoaut of oattfunding aceeplanceakut.wu t-tbut Departmeut at 11.446,0.11. Mr. Kn-hardB. Irwin th* falt-i-l and iutelligaut rlerk, to whomlabiaaM bb bflfls B_tf« fliawbflr* ia tlie r«p4_t, aay«

ln ril" evidence, 'There may, of eonrae, be other ont-atanding accepUxieee of tbe wbereabonte of which theiLj-mrtinent bna no knowledge." There will alaobafound eubraced ln hix. evi.'er.ce, given npon beingre. .Jled before the Committee on the 6th inrt.. a bjtteraddreer*d by R. A. Baraefl, eeq., PreaWent of Ua* Bankof tbe tSfate of Miaeonrl, under date af Jan. *24, lr*31,to the Hon. Joaeph Holt. Kecrelary of War, which iaof irrtAjreet, and will throw liuht npon Ihfl ronduct ofGo***ernor Playfa proreedingaand aaanrHnctain rcgard!. the acceptilneea. Mr. Irwin further tertifkd to thereceiptof o.her letteie by tbe War Department aincetle pipers furiiiahed lo the Committ. by tbe War De¬partment were trananitfed, of a character rimilat tothat of Mr. Barnea. Thi-i branch ef the ir.'.uiry ia evi-d.-ntly prolific, and could be pnraued to B gTeat lengthif necerrity reouired, or time would perniit.To avuid ull appearance of unfiiirnera, yonr Cora-

iritfee cocaider it proper lo give Mr. Ruarelie ertiniateof the amount of acceptancea iaaned, aa set forth ln thef. llowing extrait from hia tenimon*/:U. Htate aa nrarly aa yoa ean. of your own knowledge and

iai iJlartlna. thr xmoiiut ef acceptancea of Oov. Tlcydihown bythal (hia) aeconnt to hefe bern uard by youA. I bave got bnt an idea about it, it waa aery large, I cannot

trll how lar-e I brlirvr it rtcerda 4-3,lAiO,(A>0.(J Dora it not rxcred BMflfl,BflBlA. I do not rrcollect.Q. Dora lt not aaaaal 85.000.0ia7.A. I iiidfe not. il ia all impreaaion on my part.Q (ai.jon atate that yon h-ve not lltfllialMB acceptancea

to aa aai"iiiit i xceeding 88,i.a)O,0OO.A. I don't tbink I btvr.Q How nmch IfM than B6 000,000 can you aay wn thr

amount IA I will not ux tbe amonnt; 1 know il waa tery !«rg>', I know

It wa« iimIti. nt ..

U. VA'iil you rtx fliiy amonnt ihoit of *fi,tX)0,(anO yon can

aay covera ll '

A. I do not tbink lt reaciea 84,000,000.Q. Cinyoti tlata to the Cominittea, withluahalf million of

dollari thr amount of tha a. repiaucea of Oov. Hojd which youbave pai'l '

A. No, Sir, I cannot. AVr have cr-tilnly paid npward of83 800,888, and probably 83,'i00,ub0, and p.anc-Ued th«m ot re-

tlr-d them.W lai-. *¦ il 800, fK»J eorrr the xuaunt 1A. I rannot lay poiltlvply. ____

Q. Can yoo nmnr a tum vihl'-h yon can br poiltlf" doei covrr

Ihfl flflfl Bflfl IA I aai inre we hxve paid fll ta'fl.OfA.4 Arr you «nrr you bave paid and canca-llrd * J,0l 0 tX».

A. V-'rU, | ntt prrtty I'lnfidtnt in iny 0WB n.lnd w- bave.Q. Can you atate any amount larger tban tbat. flBfcfl you are

locfidei t in your own B.lnd wia p >id ar.d cancelled 1

.i Ind y.i.i pay aad i-auerl (lor. Kloyd'i arceptan. ea to an

¦¦ .,ii t 1 nat .1 thr in.tiidr fll .'(0 O 0,..«a,nt

A. I tbink fi.oOH.IMO wiil cotf r tbe tum I am very connovntln ii. v ov. n niin.l that lt flflL ,, ..

Mr. liupaell tbeu ftated that beaide the acceptanceahe had BBBl and itiil reiiiainiug m bia poaBBMOa|tb8 hfllfli fliB.wiil taaalhaa 8mWS80, in amount),(lov. KloyiK gave him othera, wbich heretnrned un-

m-ed'to tbe War Department. If creden.e flbonld begivrn to thi-e explanutioiia, tl.e amoui.t nf arceptanj-ortrll onfrtarding ia very large. But Mr. Kuaeell a

ptutementa are io rambling, vagne, and unitatirfactory,atd he ahawf en<h nllBI lakBBBBfB ti tbe detaila of hiaboflteeaa, and rarh incapai ity r nnw illingiie«fl to make.i. e\l Ibit of bia afl'aira. thatyonrComu it'ee have con-

-iil'ted it mucb rafer to ba**" their contlucioi.a npon tbere.ixr'lr turniahid bv the War Department. Theeere.ordp aie tbemrelven f a chaiacter too pe. ullar to bela.- larnd without commei.t. Bv reference to the teeti-iini.v af Mr. Irvin, a clerk in the War Department, ttwillbeaeen tbat be kept a rrciatry of tbe acceptanceaaa laeaa pierer of ptper only, aa tney were rejrf.rted tohim from timeto tnne, and no other ei.try waa mude.He rtatea, too, that there waa no nayi-trati'.u ot ihe

$,,,r.,0<,0ot condi'lonal acceptunrea wbb h fell into Mr.B.kT'fl hunda, and that immeliately after the diacnv-.-ry ofthe abrtructiorj ofthe boflSB, tlov. BTaffl went

to hia office and difetled him (Mr. Irvin) to enter an

Brlaraf can.ellation of thoae acceptancea, which hed.d upon aalipof paper, aale bad entered the daUfli_,d amour.ta of otbrra tbal had been ia«ued. The

iu-.BfitaaaM being ta the hai.da ofthe Hon.Ju<"b'I bompa..n, havin^: been plaied there by Mr. Ib.iley in

l.en ol tbe ubrtiai ted bondt-, an order of cancelliMonat inch a time waa rimply an orderagainet tle t'ov-liaBBflBl Bal the ac.rptancea been held by otherpirtier the order would have be*n tOMmUy fut.le, for,_" le^'aily iraned, il could uot iuvulidutc ibem.

It alao api earp fr< m the reeorda of Ihe Depart-trent that, while tbefe acceptam-ea were bemg i-a;.edtt, the amount of millionfl of dollara, Ruaaell, Majori&- Wa-dell were legularly receiving tlieir pay fer IbflBfllTb «*a perforrtted under ihrir coi.tra. t, in money fromI,. OoterBB8flflt Ihe agirregatc anx.unt of tlie i a\-

ii.i-ma inii.le to tl.eir., in caah, diiingtbe yeara Vi#,l*i", und DtW, ia %iA48Bo4\ 11, und a laigepropnrtiouof thia auui waa paid by the nrv.per ofti.ei at laeuven-tviirtb City, Kajiaaa. Hov. Fi'.yd aOantad ta hia evi-

8BBI8 'hut evrry accepiunce which be mude. " ran

aaaaaat aaBaaBaaaaaBaf.'' and wua flBaanal to give" ih.m ,«.ial" tle credit of tl..-ir ioi.lra.-t:vi' tii. te ua iiut bt-a»n diacovered the rlighteat in.ii.-B-tion thut he made any mqniry about tbe pnymente. or

coi.c.-ni.d himi-elltoite tl;py were, wleuuia.le,aijlicd ta thfl acceptancea. Refereme tO the teatiiuony..I Iim. Johnioii ofthe Annv, und nf the Hon. Mr.\tkii.-on, ih..- lhird Auditoroi'ti.e Tr. ;i«iiry,ai,d a de-lai'ed -Iiiteiueiif ol tbe pavu etitr wbich waa preaentedt'.lbe Ci'tiiniiitie, the BBBBBB. ef BBB eurtiinga andnBJBBBBBa will more fully ujear. It would perbapn bemJk iei.t t.a pua u,ou tbii jh int tbat Mr. I'liaatllac-buualalgBfl thal t! -..- ir aow bal a rii.all mm due bi.-liiin t' r irret-.t eaniit g*. Bflfl if waa .onfideied deaii-nl'le to remove all'i..'ertainty froui thia .|iierti..n andt«> aacettain |*otiiivtly arhatbaa Kua.ell, Mujora it\A .nl.eil baai ever preaented lu.y rluim to the War De-partmiitfor extra lervkta, aud wl.ether anytlaimlor ainh rervi. re bad been ever paid by tbar depart¬ment, aud lorreapoiideiict: waa acioriiingly hud wiihtl.e pierci.t Se.reiary of War, the Hon. Joaeph Holt,'who nl. rrcl 'he letfer of the Committee to Cen. J. E.JobflflflB, tJiaiterniarter-liei.eial, and Col. J. P, Tay-li.r, A.'i'i.g Cotnn iraary of OflBBral Subtirtence.

Il w ill I* Heen trom tleir replier thflfl no attch claimbaa ever been nutde or albwed. (ien. .lobnron, how-i.-. er. ntatea that ihere ia au ac.ouut amounting tof-.r.UHl i'i ttill -napended, wbich the late Secretary ofWar uirerted to be roduced by u dihatllowaiice of$9,126 63. He alao atatee tbe aum duo them on thelih if Januurv lurt upon earniuga to be

S..1,75.1 lf>, from wbich flBBBt bc deducted $15,(KHl for a

upli.ate paymeut Thia amount waa aatertaii.ed by(elagrapbiag to Learaoworth .at which plaaa Ihaaa-,-,,.ii,ta ol BaflflflD, Jdajor* (V Waddell are keptl, andhI'Ih ugh it n.uv i.ot bBBBBbB otber BflBBtafflBI New-hte-Jeo, it caniiot be hurely im reartd. Tbe facta,fherefore, aie that Riunll, Maj.-ra Ai Waddell uotonlv abaorbed all lhe Hiima e«rne«l by them u.idrr theircoii'tntiiH, itnd aold all the b«.nda they reccived fromMr. Baftaf, bnt alao ruind very large euma of moneyBBOfl the BBBBI tiincea iraued by lhe Secretary oi V ar.

The information thua plainlv preaented aeema to de-niiind iLataome meniion ahould be m.ide of the commu-iiica'i.'iiol' the lafe Se. retary ot War, the Hon. JohnB. Klovd, uddieared lo lhe llouae, aid by the Houaerefeired to your Committee. ln hia letter oecura tbe

paaaafai.. AVitbln thr four yeari alnre I bifr prraidrd over thii Drpart

ment not a dollar. I brllevr, haa b«m loat to tbe (rovertune'it byni .b.xrira.i nl '., tli.ft.audv*ltbiu tbal tliue «.*0.i*ai.(i00 havobi rn diabni-rd No .y.trtn ot adniiil«tratlon. no Baa of policv,I ihlnk rrai^ra better reo.Ua. Ho ayit. mof accountability couldbe moie prrlnl."

If by ibe beat " rernlffl ''

are underatood to be thelapkttofl of the public Treaaury and debaiement ofpulilic vLrtue, the approval of tbe vicioua and Ihfl rc-

probati.n of tbe gooil; lf by "tbe mt at perfect eyatt-mafl a.'.-ouutability" ia meiint a meth.-d of tranaacti. gbueiueaa tbat promipearewardatoiu-gligeiKe and ulfo'dpthe ui"t-t valuable fuiilitl.- and inieniivea to fnuid;then, indeed, may the late SeereDtry have i-ea*. n to

apaaB arltb contident eelf-pmi-ea of bia " eyatcm ofailuiiniatration aud " line of poli y," whether or nothia tirreriiiin thal there haa been uo " embe/./leuieut "

or " th. ft in bia dejiuitiucut, ia a ijueBtion that willn. on be de, ided in the Courta; tbe reckletaiieae of bia< fflcial i-.ii.dui,, lia inattention and hia iKiiorunte ofthedetaila of hia arl'aira.hiive been alr.-.uH ahown and willitaiid out iu atill greater dintiiivtiieaa on exuminationnf tba eentradictioiia and obrcuritiea of bia tertimony.Yonr Cen.mittee will, therefore, leave judgment to be

pronouuvcd by ibe lloi.reaud bv the country, but willpriaont aa B valuable uid iu eoiniiig to a correot cou-

cbifion, a hrlaf ababaet ofthe Natahaaaf ofthe Hon.J. P. Benjaniin, now Senaior from Lrtinirfaiia.

Mr. Beniaiiiin, wbo promptlv ap|>eared at the re-

queat of the Committe and tealilied with con.meudableandcoiirteouafrankneaa, atatea that durmg tbe farrtreaaion of tbe prereut Cougreaa, aome taW^aa8f flflBBfl.cen montha aKo, bo waa w.itten to by tneattorney of

Duncan, Shermat. (V Co. of New-\ork, and hiao,,n-i,. reu-uated aa to*^,*T*_L_ ttZfiS?lT! (iov. mofl to RbBBbIL Ma.ora ^Waddell. lt aaamei.tioned ln that letter tbat theao "drafta aa tbaywere U.en called, were otlei-ed lor nego mtion with the

aaauranve ibal tbeywere ia-ued witb *******ofthe I'i epidont and aUtoruey-deueni. Mr.lkmjan. ..

vlited tbo Bretident aud aubn.ltted the mquiry to

him. , ...

Tbe I'rerident replied that he knew nothing abonttbe inittter, that they had been i.aued without anyknowWgeof hia, tbat hedid not know by virtue ol

what law they were!, but that he (Sir. Menja-n,.) inigbt rely, if QoB. Flovd had Uaued them, \th..d BBBOd them propetly, and that ba bal better aprlfto him Klov. rVd) ta aacertaiu by virtue of whatbiw hewaaactiug.

In pureuanre ol thin auggtwtion Mr. Ikniamm calledon Oov. Kloid, and waa fnforiue.l by bi.n that the mat-

ter had not been IBJI Ball Bl the Attoniey-Oeneral aa

waaa'atevl; tliat lhe dralta were iflaoed in purauanceol a long-eatabliahed cuitoui of theohVe; that be waa

not aware ot anv Iba _. t.ially authorl/ing tl.eir irflue;,|,Bthe would fnqnire into lt; that theBflBBBlBMBBwere iaaued to Unaaell, Maiora & Waddell only afterhabad aacerlai.ed thut tle trainii for t^portatlcnwhich they bad contracted to aend frotn St. laouia to

UiaJ. had actually aUrted oa tbeir way, tbat tbe pay-meutfl were to be made under the contract ln inatall-matita a* tbe tmtuPtarrived at dUrerent pointa, and tbatliavlnx received lutelllgence of tbe lu-tnal dapartiura ofU^ u_ua, laa Uaa atitaapiaai i_ b4v_b<>» uf iheii ariif al

at tbe tntermediate polnt, having a certainty tbat thayweiiVd arrive:" 1 ar.,.r.t. ,| to him.'' mt* Mr. Brrja-nin. " tka 1 tk.gat ka

wa* ect_i_ i-irrrii-rntly; (liat if aay arcldent ahoiiifl kaaa. atboae traiu* by attack* of Indian* or other ctate, anfl t_*r aboalflI.l to arrive, lt aroalfl b* i-ipneaible for kiai to pa/ ike MMManc*. apon IntrlHrmce of ihat fact, and tba arould gtr* aaogrraKii, for cnniplalata aiid inve.(1, whicb weold b* MBno.i.tnhiai, aud I di aed him to diacoDliatar tbe Dractlee. T_o_T« sAanaard I reo-ived a note from him iafomiing me tba a-aa obll,ed fn, tha frauk .atenirnt I bad made to Man. aud tbalnpon reflectioa he bad deter_l_ed that be woold er-ce-t aomnre.. '

It h-BB already been shown that contrary to tha BBBBBtion of Gov. Floyd, no pracilce of iflaning atveptuncrrhad ever prevailed in tbe War Departmeat prevlooa toito introdiirtion by bimwlf: that he ieeued theae accept-aneea lndiacnminH'ely, and wiihotit refrroac. toina.11-menta, or the arrival or departure of trafaia, and with¬out regmd to money which waa due, or wbi-h waa ex-prered to hecome dne. One wonld iiatnrallv expect tofind that Gov. Floyd. having lieen admoB-_rd by ,m<whoae pot-ition and leg;l learning gave authority to hkBflvfoe, having rtinfersed tl e illegality of hia proeeed-iin a and exprereed a determination to make no fartheruc.eptaucee, wouid have proceeded _ere_i*r withmai luution and i in umapeciion.evcD if ha did not en¬tirely diaeontinne I v previona poliey. It appeara, how.ev, r, that, »nppo*iri_ tLe note to Mr. Berijamm, beforareierred to to have baen writtena year ago, there havelieen ieaned hy Qav. Floyd, nince that lime acceptanceetothe amoiint of $2. lf>3,i«W, vta: iu April, fllu.OOO; iuM:iv,|-^5l),0oi);.I,,i,r,4j^6O,iyi0i July, |y5,00U; Anguat,8235,000; Septcmber.aiJa.OOU; October, 1270,000. To11 Ie amounl mm-, le add.-d the $708,000 of nnconditionalacceptancee of wbich there ia no retriaary, and tbegr:u~id totul ia bb ub-ive Btated. Having bad hia errorand ita probable BOaaeflMBetf diriinnly pointed oot,und havingexprepaed hi*. ir.tentlon to refrain bi fotorafiom the connrierion of eimibir act*. he atill pei-iata iahirt former conrse, and uctually i**i;ed an aceep'anee forg 1-5,000 at, b date ao Ure a the 13th of Deeflmbar,1 --ii... Wliether thia muiiife*t contempt of connae1, dia-obetlieiice of btf, und vit.lation of a aoleinn prornieoan he re" uuled vtjth purity of pnvatfl lui.-tivee aod

fnithfuliie.-it to public tniata, i* for the Honie to deter-inine. It ia the opinion of your C-mmitiee that theycaimot.Yonr Committee bave reported, aa faraa aacertained,all thfl materutl tacta . otnected with the abatraetion tfhosfla from the Interior Depat'mei.t, aud with a aeria

of tMBBMtiflM uiipretedented in rheir character, aadrrmuikable for ulternute exl iliiiVma of fraod audfolly.Ab one ofthe mmBb of the exaxr.iiiation they havg

miide, they anhmit a hill to provide for the more cer-taiu and e'll'ecnuil miiiirl meiit of eriiiiM Bueh aatbetfthnt have been brought to tbeir uotice; and ala,nn ei.d.itoi v of tbe aecond gection of tbe act of Congrea

I i'(oi rd Jan. 24, 1857, eniitled, " An act more eflect-nitlly to enfone the uUendance of witneaa. on tbBtni.mona of rither House of Congrea, and compeltbam to diitcloee teatiniony."

They gla lt g leave to Biiggeat that the fluetnaiion*of the rio, k mai ket, und tle delav and uncettainty iathecolle, tion ofthe intereat ou tne bonda, MMIbda*it-iiuil further legialatiou m regard to tb. Indiani'r i*t I-'ui d, ii- u n.rttMiie of obviuua juaiice uud ku-liii it it v to ihe Iui.i.iiiB.

.Ml of v. Lich la rraucifaiij *ubn.ltf*d oo tn-hatf tf the Te*.miit.e.I. H. MORRJ3, Chair*.».

Feb. IJ, BBB._______________________


The gtesmahip North Star, from AspSnwall, eaae iaveuterday _fler_oon. She left New-York Jan. 21, tf121 noon; ui-rived at Asp'nwall Jan. 30, at 6 B*BR|i-ailedfrom Anpinwall Feb. 4, at 2:10 p. m.; arrived aNew-York Feb. 12, at 5 p. m. Experienoed Rroagheud winda the eutire The foLlowing ia berBtf of treaacre:IVm. Ho,e k Co.e'-O.-1*1 Kirby, Byrne k Co.fln.BMOrlrr...:. 11 'tr? Praji. H*kar. 10»Ati.rrli an Ea. Bauk.... M.OOe tln. 8 Colemaa k Co. »~I' N'avlor. 12,CH) R Mnder k 0 Adam*. I.OOBK C. Knlgfct fc Co. 5,0"0 Amrrio.1.¦ B.k.... MOB

Order. I BB' Jenrinn k Brew*ter... T,«BHarnerk Co. 1.0..) Jame. Patrick k Co .... J0.00AClartr. IV. Croaby. 11.0 rt. Anga.t Belmoi.t k Co.. W<*tJ.tur.Lea-Co. 3.0"0 Au..rii_ Ki, Bauk.... 15.0*0

II Coahlll. MetrnpolitaB Baok. SMB.llln l Sauder*. 15."Ore_,igen* Kelly. Kf_BH tthltarrll. IStau'Coaruy OConnor.. W.Mv- t.itter Broe. 11.'**) Richard Patrick. BMtt S. k Co. _,»4ijJ Staiiweod. T,*Btf Hiller k Co. li <**> A. 3. Ro^nbanm k lo, SOBB, k C. 8. Johcaon. 10,000iDoncan Sbrrmao k Co. *,' .

O, (rr. BiO ^Aiurrican Ex. BflBB-... B.(bBJ -itrauBB, Broa. k Co.. *.00A:Z Kmatadn Bro*. n.V»Or.lrr. 4.w-iWeila, Fargok Co. lU.ii4iH. HltouACo. B.OOni-. Von Hofliu. kC*. BJKflJHUlrrkhro. W/O" Order. kp*)SrliolleABro. ITBtOlA. 8. Roeilre R Co. i.SBO


The marinefl who arrived from Penaaeola in tbSuppfy left ihia city yeaterduy eveuiug for WTa*h.ngton,in comj liunce wiih ofiicial ord.-ra.A detochmrut of recruita for the army arrived ofl

BeRBBBBB- I«l_nd laat evening.The men who were atationetl at Newporf] (Ky.)

biirmcki bave been moved to il: Louifl, where theaae now 7.K) Uui'rd Slatefl aoldiea. Jefferaon barrakgwhich were temporurily ungarTiaoned, are now m__neda- ni<iial.8»me of the ahip Supply'B company are deairoa of

ht-ing aummoned ou ihe Armetroug court-martial, Mthey know aome facta about the sarrender of ihe Pbb-wiculu yurd which have not reaehed officiul eara.

DKATH AT THE HANDS OP A PHrSICIAS..OttMonday morning Mre. Caroline Mahnkm. a Oer..womat), hving wiih her haahand at No. 94 Eh_betheireet. died from the effecte of an abortion which hadreoently been procured upon ber. Coroner St_ir_«rwa* oaHed to inveatigate the ca»e, und held an inqoatou ba body thut night, the potf mortem exaoii.t»aaud the takiug of testimony eouaou.)g the entae

night. The evidence elicited, while it Ib t_fit for pub>luution, implicatea John Hubert Jocken, a Ge..a,whoclaima to be a phyeitian, living tl No. 176 Natbata et. in ihe deuth of the uufort.iate womau. It Af**peura from tlie evidence, that to obtain the paltry faafl $si5, wliich he afterward raa up :o |50, he iadu.iMra. M_mken toanbmit to hia treatment for the p_*ptiae of produtiug miBi.liage. Hia treatment appearlU. bave been barbarouB in tbe eaireme, prod-cing nr

rlammation, whicb rt-sulted iu two weeka anflering aadaubBeqiient deuth. The poor wouiun having been !..

daced to a helpleaa condition, wub at len^th forced »

reveal all to her huabaud, when eompetent medieal at-

tendance waa aecuied for her, bat without avail. Thfl

jury found thut the deceaaed eame to her death in foaae*

aaaMfl of tlie aboition produced on her by Dr. Jocken.OflMBtf BttlBfltfB iaened a warrant for the arrea of <he

aecused, und on bis btiug taken befere the Diatrfct-Al*t.rney, he waa held to anawer io the BBM of 110,000.The BMaaBBfl waa 3o yeaqi of age, and the mother otneveialchiidren.

D«ad Kabbit Kow..A few nighta ainee, " FattyWelch' und Jolumy Aaron, at the head of a erowd of

Dead Kabbita, attempted to break op a bail giv«n byHi**e Compunv No. M, at which time tba two pareon,.ihove mention'ed were aeverely whipped by John Ktf

rigan.brotherof Jumea E. Kerrigan, Meaberof Con¬

grea elecu The Dead Kabbita iben aworfl aarnal vtm-

geaa-e agaiiurt John Kerrigan, Uireateoing toklll-iBt.nd amuae themalvea in varioua pleaaint waya aitf

hia aircaae. Yeaterduy morning Mr. Kerrigaa »«

proceediug from bia work, throogb Mott fltreat, to »«

lower pat of the city, wben be wm eepied by ""f**of the pugnucioua KubbitB, who immediatery ao_-<»their wur cry and atarted in purauit. Twetfy-live or

thlrty of the Five Point ruffiuna were aooa iu purauit of

Mr Kerrigau, who, eeemg their number, _«d down

Centre atreet toward the Park. Aa tbe erowd gaioedupon bBM, bedrew arevolver from bia pocket aud firad

two ahota in iheir midnt, wiih no other effact tbaa

cauaing a temporury halt of the rubble. Mr. KemganMBfliM refuge iuU.e Twenty-flixth a****""BflBM und from there he waa accompamad to me

Tomba' Police Court, where he deaigned BliinBUtuagoch proceedinga agabat thfl leade.B of th* Dead **

bit gung aaahould io.ur. him^J^Jj^ de.he waa unublo to give the name* of ."¦-,ired to have MMBted, no warrant BMBtfaBB J*aHi, ullegea that varioua SixUi Ward¦^'^SbentireCr_a),aud. inetead ''f^^^tineitedbiBpurauer. to -J^llaT Kerriganthrowiug of trtonea and eluba. bmb

vouehe. for the -J^/J^^SSWard Poliee are co-ttmtly mciting tne _ro_u

to a riot_.-ie » roLia7roR.-Onfl of the Brooklyn pAp«r»

JeathMthe Irbaflaflf Henry C.*^»£ Co., Broadw.y, *"£*«*LTco.let.or ofthe Port, e. behab fl^J_,o«t largely _t«rated in the operaUoa of Ua 11***-


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