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Vol 95 | Issue 29 October 4, 2012

Student speaks out against controversial student employment flyers.

Page 6

Jordan brothers’ success on gridiron is nothing new.

Page 8

Western theater department hosts first play of the year, “J.B.”

Page 4

October is Domestic Vio-lence and Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

To raise awareness, Green Dot and the YWCA hosted “Taking Back the Night” on Monday, Oct. 1. Angela Rose, founder and execu-tive director of Promoting Awareness, Victim Empow-erment, spoke to students about domestic and sexual violence. At the age of 17, Rose was abducted and as-saulted by a repeat sex of-fender and later released. Rose now travels across the country speaking at college campuses about domestic and sexual violence.

“What motivates me is ev-ery time I speak there are a handful of people who want to share their experience,” Rose said. “That’s what keeps driving me to do this work is how often it hap-pens to people, but still how silenced a lot of people feel after dealing with domestic violence or sexual violence.”

PAVE is an organization that offers support and re-sources to survivors of do-mestic and sexual violence.

“PAVE helps survivors by giving them a voice and let-ting people know they are not alone,” Rose said. “We do a lot of education and awareness and a strong focus on bystander intervention to prevent sexual violence and encourage both men and women to be a part of the so-lution.”

During her presentation, Rose informed the audience that 95 percent of all sexual assault goes unreported.

“If you see something you have to say something,” she said.

Taking Back the Night was sponsored by the Missouri Air National Guard 139th Airlift Wing, the Missouri Western Counseling Cen-ter and the Athletic Depart-ment. Many student athletes attended the event to show

The Chinese language and culture class just started last year. Wang wanted to cel-ebrate this day and share it with others in hopes of edu-cating students in Chinese culture and traditions.

All of the hosting, intro-ductions, poems, songs per-formed and the stories told were all presented by stu-dents of the beginning and advanced Chinese class. There were also a few games that the children present played. There were tradi-

tional Chinese foods and teas served including moon cake.

According to chinese cul-ture, family members would send round sweet cakes, comparable to our pound cakes, to relatives. These moon cakes signified the best of wishes during family reunion.

There was a love song per-formed by Fred Weems, for-mer student of both of the Chinese classes.

Western hosts Chinese festival

Green Dot ‘Takes back the night’

Brian Ramsay | Staff

Katelyn Canon | Staff

T. Boone Pickens2012 Convocation Speaker

1993 2011

1994 - Jeane Kirkpatrick

1995 - Cancelled (Colin Powell)

1996 - David McCullough

1998 - Bill Bradley

1999 - Jerry Linenger

2001 - Daniel Schorr

2002 - Joseph Nye

2004 - Bob Woodward

2005 - J.C. Watts

2007 - Sam Donaldson

2008 - James Carville &Mary Matalin

2009 - Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

2011 - Thomas L.Friedman

Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. -

Colin Powell - www.biography.comDavid Gergen - www.davidgergen.comPatricia Schroeder -

Newt Gingrich - www.newt.orgSteve Forbes -


Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.1993 Newt Gingrich


Colin Powell 1997

David Gergen2003

Steve Forbes2006

Patricia Schroeder2000

Graphics Editor | Chad Hammontree

Energy activist T. Boone Pickens will speak at this year’s 19th annual Convoca-tion on Critical Issues on Oct. 4.

His speech is titled “Lead-ership and Getting Things Done: Reflections on a Life-time of Comebacks and America’s Energy Future.”

However, some may won-der about the the birth, the genesis, the uprising and takeover of the Convocation on Critical Issues at Missouri Western.

The Convocation was the

brainchild of a one Dan Boul-ware, former president of the Board of Regents (now called the Board of Governors).

Boulware talks of being an undergrad at the University of Kansas where he watched Nelson Rockefeller and later Bobby Kennedy both give speeches.

“Bobby Kennedy made an impact on me. I felt very strongly that type of event would be something very great for the students at Mis-souri Western as well as the community and I wanted to see something like that here,” Boulware said.

Shortly after he was given

an opportunity to play a part of that dream in which he en-visioned.

Former Presidents Janet

Murphy and Jim McCarthy approached Boulware with an idea.

Murphy and McCarthy wanted to inaugurate a con-vocation and they wanted to do so in honor of Boulware.

“They wanted me to play a leading role in that convo-cation, in selecting speakers and also introducing speak-ers because they knew I had an interest in doing so,” Boulware said.

That’s when it started. In 1993, The Convocation on Critical Issues was born. From there, it just snow-balled into what it has be-come today.

Boulware is still an impor-tant part of bringing speak-ers to campus, according to Kent Heier, assistant director of Marketing.

Heier explained what the main goals of Convocation are.

“One was to bring some well-known speakers to campus to enrich the stu-dent experience,” Heier said. “The other goal was to help bridge or create a bridge be-tween the community and the university.”

Heier also thought it would give the community a chance to hear from people that ordinarily might not

come to St. Joseph.Many famous people have

walked the halls here at Western to give speeches at Convocation.

Colin Powell was sched-uled to speak in 1995, but had to reschedule to come back two years later.

There was speculation that he would be running for presidency during his initial scheduling and already had a great deal on his plate.

Convocation: How it began

Brian Ramsay | Staff




Here is a display of the food served at the Mid-Autumn Day Chinese Festival on Oct. 1. Tevin Harris | Asst. Photo Editor

Western hosts Karaoke Night

Perry Jackson sways side to side in slow motion while he rap’s Juvenile’s “Slow Motion” song. Western’s annual Karaoke Night was held on Oct. 2 at Blum Union. Tevin Harris | Asst. Photo Editor

NEWS October 4, 2012

The Griffon NewsPage 2

�N�E�W�S� �N�O�T�E�S

If your organization would like to announce an event, e-mail the information to• LiquorOffense 4:05a.m.,Sunday,Sept.16,JudaHall• Disturbance 11:30p.m.,Monday,Sept.17,ParkingLot• Stealing 4:35p.m.,Monday,Sept.17,BakerFitnessCenter



Auditions for “Annie” begin

Oct. 6Saturday, Oct. 6, children

will be able to audition for Missouri Western’s Christ-mas production of “Annie.,” that will take the stage from Nov. 29 - Dec. 9.

Girls ages 6-13 will be at 1 p.m. while boys and girls ages 14-18 will be at 3 p.m.

Monday, Oct. 8, college students and adults 18 and up will be able to audition. Register for an audition time slot at

Homecoming activities begin

Oct. 8This year’s theme for

Homecoming is Disney, with a slogan of “Griffon Country: Where Dreams Come True.”

Each day, gift cards will be handed out to students wearing their Griffon gear throughout homecoming week. No one will know when, where or who will be giving them out so wear your Griffon gear with Grif-fon Pride!

On Monday, Oct. 8, “Pic-tures Worth 1,000 Words” take place at Blum Bookstore at 9 a.m. Royalty campaign-ing also begins, and the Resi-dential Hall & Department/Office Decorating Deadline is at 4 p.m. “Jump In” will take place later at Spratt Sta-dium at 6 p.m.

On Tuesday, Oct. 9, “Grif-fon Rescuers” will be at Blum 218-219 from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Visual Arts Day, Oct. 11

Area high schools will come to Missouri Western’s Potter Hall for high school art exhibition, art competi-tions and events, and studio workshops in clay, graph-ics, animation, printmaking, photography, drawing and sculpture. This will go from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Thursday,Oct.4• TheatreDepartmentpremiers

“J.B.”PotterHallTheatre,7:30p.m.• CSEpresents“TheVoiceof


Friday,Oct.5• “J.B.”PotterHallTheatre,7:30


Saturday,Oct.6• “J.B.”PotterHallTheatre,7:30


Sunday,Oct.7• “J.B.”PotterHallTheatre,3p.m.

Monday,Oct.8• “JumpIn”Homecomingeventat


Tuesday,Oct.9• PlanetariumShow“SeaMonsters”AgensteinHall147,7p.m.

Wednesday,Oct.10• MissouriCourtofAppeals,Spratt


RA of the Month

Name: Katy Sisco

Home: Burchard, Nebraska

Major: Accounting

Minor: Finance

Why did you become an RA: I like getting to know people and wanted to get involved with the University.

Favorite MWSU memory: My favorite memory is when the football team beat Northwest last. That was awesome!

If you could give one bit of advise to new students what would that be? GO.TO.CLASS. - This plays a huge role on how successful you are in college. Don’t get in the trend of skipping classes.

Griffon Hall

A few years later, astronaut Jerry Linenger spoke at the 1999 Convocation, and Heier said he had an influence on students and on residents of St. Joseph alike.

“Linenger was somebody that the students especially responded to,” Heier said.

Though Heier emphasizes the importance of the Convo-cation, biology major Mitch-ell Bembrick feels the Convo-cation is unnecessary.

“During that time for the issues they speak of, I could be getting food or study-ing,” Bembrick said. “As for T. Boone Pickens, I have no idea who he even is.”

Heier gave reasons for re-actions such as this.

“There’s the old saying, ‘You can lead a horse to wa-ter but you can’t make them drink.’ We can only provide

the opportunity.” Heier said. “Our hope would be that people are at Missouri West-ern to learn, not just in the classroom.”

Heier hopes that students will take advantage of these types of opportunities to step beyond the classroom and learn just a little bit more about the world around them.

“I went last year for the speaker himself, Thomas Freedman,” marketing major Jason Mullin said. “The sub-ject matter that he was talk-ing about was kind of impor-tant to me. It reflected some on information I was study-ing in a few of my classes.”

Another important part in the history of Convocation is the choir.

When Frank Thomas, for-mer director of Choral Ac-tivities, received a phone call to participate during the first Convocation, he jumped on board.

Each year, since that first Convocation in 1993, the choir has sang “The Star-Spangled Banner” and West-ern’s alma mater.

Four years ago, Dr. Da-vid Benz, current director of Choral Activities, took over to lead the choir in the Con-vocation.

During this four-year pe-riod, Benz has made a few changes to the convocation choir. Two years ago, the women’s chorus was started and combined with the origi-nal choir. Last year, the men’s chorus was started and also implemented into the Con-vocation’s choir showing.

“I think it’s wonderful for those guests across the na-tion and the region to get to come to Missouri Western and hear our choir,” Benz said. “Getting to hear a full choral arrangement of the national anthem is not a typi-cal thing.”

their support. Defensive lineman David Bass was in attendance with other mem-bers of the football team.

“I thought the presentation was amazing,” said Bass. “I actually liked that some-body who had been through what she had been through was able to step out because I know that takes a lot. First of all, it’s a lot to speak in front of a lot of people and for her to be going around with PAVE and this event she is changing a lot of people’s lives and giving people the courage to come out.”

Amber Frank, a student who also attended Rose’s presentation, stressed the important of support for sur-vivors.

“You are not alone,” Frank said. “I mean there’s so many different resources so many ways you can get help. Fam-ily is a big one… your family is there no matter what.”After Rose’s presentation, the

event concluded with the au-dience walking to the Clock Tower to show their support for those affected by sexual and domestic violence.




“This isn’t just a crime against our body, but a crime against our soul,” presenter Angela Rose expressed to students who attended “Take Back The Night.” Rose spoke on numerous issues involving domestic violence. Evan Roberts | Photo Editor

Students go to Murphy Hall for cultural festivalEvent held in observation of

sexual assault awareness

Annual Convocation to be held in Looney Complex

Not only did Weems sing the song, he also strummed along on his guitar.

“Affectionate relation-ships are emphasized dur-ing this festival,” Weems said. “This is a very ancient holiday, where people who are separated can look at the moon and know the other person would be thinking of them.”

Weems explained that a great deal of the poetry dates back thousands of years in Chinese culture and relates the closeness of relationships during the celebrations. This was at a time, of course, that no phones or internet was around to keep in contact with one another.

There was a lot of history, legends, stories and games woven into this celebration that many people enjoyed.

“This event was pretty cool,” music major Sara Mathews said. “Getting to learn the history and legends was fun. Plus the food, but that’s kind of obvious.”

This festival is only sec-ond in rank to the Chinese festival, the Spring-Festival. Wang says she already has something special planned.

Amy Grier tells an old Chinese legend about a man whose wife becomes immortal.Tevin Harris | Asst. Sports Editor

NEWSOctober 4, 2012

The Griffon NewsPage 3

RA of the Month

Name: Derek Thompson

Home: Omaha, Nebraska

Major: Vocal Music Performence

Why did you become an RA: I became an RA becasue I love to meet new people. I love having the opportunity to build a community with my residents and being a resource for them when they have questions

Favorite MWSU memory: My favorite memory at MWSU is RA training my sophomore year. I met so many new people who are still good friends of mine today, and the whole process really helped me grow as a person

If you could give one bit of advise to new students what would that be? Get involved! Find as least one campus organiation that interests you and become active with them. You will meet a ton of new people in the process!

Griffon Hall

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The Missouri Court of Appeals, Western District will sit at Missouri West-ern on Wednesday, Oct. 10, to hear four cases includ-ing personal injury, child pornography, workers compensation and murder.

The three-judge panel will hear the oral arguments beginning at 9:30 a.m. at Kemper Recital Hall in-side the Leah Spratt build-ing. The judges are Thomas Newton, a trial judge from Jackson County, Joseph El-lis, who practiced law in Macon and Gary Witt, the newest member of the West-ern District Judges. Witt also served in the Missouri House of Representatives.

Chief Justice of the West-ern District James Welsh explained in a press release that “the cases are appeals from previously held tri-als in area circuit courts.” An appeal is “where judges listen to attorneys argue whether the trials had any errors that should cause them to be retried, or the trial courts judgment reversed.”

Students will have the op-portunity to hear explana-tions of court proceedings during the judges break time.

The court has devoted

resources to educating the public with two videos avail-able online at Missouri Court of Appeals Western Dis-trict. (

The first video is “Know All About Missouri Courts” and is designed for elemen-tary school-level students. The second video is simply called “Missouri Courts” and is best suited for high schools. Both of these videos feature judges who explain Missouri’s court system and method of selecting judges.

The appellate court has its own courthouse in Kan-sas City that is open to the public. It is the state’s only courthouse exclusively for hearing arguments on ap-peal. This practice of bring-ing the courts to towns as

small as Macon and Trenton has been a practice for quite some time. This is the 15th time it has sat at Western.

“The court goes into the district to make our judicial system real to the average people,” associate professor of criminal justice, legal and social work Suzanne Kissock said. “It says to the people, we are resolving conflicts.”

The Western District serves the largest number of counties in Missouri and is the largest intermedi-ate appellate court. They hear thousands of cases.

“You appeal your case on the state level by right of the individual,” legal studies professor Joanne Katz said. “If you appeal to higher court, the court decides if

they will hear the case or not.”Katz explains you have

to preserve error by object-ing in court. Appeals are created from the way the judge handles the objec-tion. If the judge rules in-correctly on an error and it may change the course of the trial, it can be raised again in an appeal. Attorneys typi-cally argue these types of cases. The parties can be present but usually are not.

Kissock overall wants students to get some-thing out of their visit.

“I hope this experience will dispel the myths about the law and make it real for students. I don’t want students to feel disenfran-chised by the legal system.”

Ellis Cross | News

Judge Thomas NewtonPresiding Court of Appeals Judge

Current Jackson County

*courtesy of

Judge Joseph EllisPresiding Court of Appeals Judge

Former Municipal Judge of Macon

Judge Gary WittPresiding Court of Appeals JudgeFormer Associate Circuit Judge of

Platte County

possession of child pornography

workers compensation

first degree murder

personal injury

Appellate Court hearings to be held at Western

FEATURES October 4, 2012

The Griffon NewsPage 4

The circus is coming to town.

And by town, I mean Pot-ter Theatre.

Both directors Tee Quillin and Dallas Henry decided this upcoming year’s theme for theater would be “A Year of the Tony.” The two the-ater and cinema professors pulled up a list of shows that had won a Tony Award and chose which ones they want-ed to put on this year.

After looking over the list, Quillin realized which show he wanted to direct first.

“’J.B.’ was one of those shows that I had on my radar and wanted to do for a long time,” Quillin said. “When I went back to list, ‘J.B.’ really resonated with me, really spoke to me, and I said ‘I re-ally have to do this show.’”

J.B. is just one of the few plays to win both a Tony Award for Best Play and a Pulitzer Prize for Drama. J.B. will take the stage start-ing Thursday, Oct. 4-6 at 7:30

p.m. and on Sunday, Oct. 7 at 3 p.m.

J.B. essentially stands for “Job,” who is from the Bible story “Book of Job.”

While Quillin is religious, he said that is not the main reason why he chose to do J.B. He said it has always been an interesting, compel-ling and relatable story to him. Sophomore Erik Burn-Sprung, who plays Mr. Zuss, agrees with Quillin.

“It’s very well written, there’s beautiful language,” Burns-Sprung said. “It tells a classic story and gives it new life.”

The play is set in modern time -- once you step into the theater, the play starts on that night.

The character J.B. is nor-mal; he has a normal family, a normal job and a normal life. However, the journey he is about to take is everything but normal.

Set at a circus in the begin-ning, two workers, Mr. Zuss (pronounced “Zeus”) and Nickles, speak of a “J.B.” showing up. They act as God (Mr. Zuss) and the devil

(Nickles) and question J.B.’s faith toward God.

J.B. goes through many drastic hardships, one of which he develops “Job’s disease.” This is a long-term severe skin infection that in-cludes boils, draining skin sores and pustules.

However, Quillin says the

point of the story isn’t nec-essarily about the suffering that J.B. goes through; it’s more about the redemption he receives for going through all of it.

The lead role of J.B. will be played by theater and cine-ma major Andy Tyhurst. J.B. will be his first lead role, al-though he has acted in other

plays such as “Laughter on the 23rd Floor,” “A Christ-mas Carol” and “Arsenic and Old Lace.” Quillin said Tyhurst was perfect for the role, yet it hasn’t been easy for him.

“Andy has done an amaz-ing job in a role that has been challenging for him because

he considers himself to be more of a comedic actor and this is very much not a come-dic role,” Quillin said. “There have been times that he has really struggled with it, too, but he’s also pushed himself through the process.”

Quillin said there was a lot of talent at auditions that made his job hard — which

he didn’t mind — but Ty-hurst and chemistry major Xan Kellogg were the best match for the two lead roles. Kellogg, who will be playing J.B.’s wife Sarah, believes the two have been working well together.

“From the get-go we had good chemistry,” Kellogg said. “I mean, you just have it with some people and don’t with others and we just did. It really hasn’t been too hard to just make it pretty natural to look like we’re a married couple — like we’ve been married for years.”

Quillin said there were a lot of new and talented faces at auditions, including Kel-logg’s, who transferred to Missouri Western from the University of Missouri. Oth-ers include students Holly Grier as Miss Mabel, Alex Richards as Mrs. Botticelli, Megan Render as one of the girls and Nick Ford as Bildad. There are also some local ele-mentary and high school stu-dents that will play J.B. and Sarah’s five children, two of them being Dean of Liberal Arts and Sciences Murray

Nabor’s daughter, Amanda, and Quillin’s daughter, Mor-gan.

There are also some famil-iar faces, including Robin Ussher as Nickles, Brian Duskey and Nerissa Lee as the messengers, Sonrisa Johnston as Mrs. Lesure, Ray Johnson being the dis-tant voice and Jeff Jones and Brinton Groce playing police officers.

Quillin says that although the story is developed from the Bible, it is not word-for-word, and audience mem-bers don’t necessarily have to have prior knowledge or be a biblical scholar to un-derstand the play. However, Quillin recommends the play for ages 14 years and up, not because of content, but be-cause he feels it won’t keep the focus of anybody young-er.

Overall, Burns-Sprung said the play is worthwhile.

“I think there will be parts people will really enjoy; there are some comedic parts, and others that will tug at peo-ple’s heartstrings.”


a c t o r ta k e s s t e p u p ; Earns first lead role in ‘J.B.’ show

Imagine having to shave every bit of hair off your face, chest arms and legs to do something you love.

For Andy Tyhurst, that was no problem.

Tyhurst has acted in many Missouri Western plays, in-cluding “Laughter on the 23rd Floor,” “A Christmas Carol” and “Arsenic and Old Lace.” This year, Ty-hurst has earned his first lead role as J.B. in “J.B.”

“I’m so honored to play the role,” Tyhurst said. “I admit that I am a little ner-vous, but it’s good nerves because this is what I like to do.”

J.B. is essentially known as Job from the Bible. In “the Book of Job,” God and the devil make a bet that if the devil takes away all of J.B.’s money and power, J.B. will curse God. However, God believes that J.B. won’t.

The role of J.B. is not the easiest role to play, howev-er. There have been changes made as well as challenges endured in order to play the character.

Director Tee Quillin said Tyhurst has always been known for his comedic roles, yet J.B. is a very seri-ous role.

Quillin did the casting for the production and felt this was a role that could allow Tyhurst to come out of his shell.

“He was the right guy for the job,” Quillin said. “His primary work is as a comedic actor and I wanted to give him a challenge. He is a strong actor in his own way.”

With Tyhurst being the lead actor, remembering the words from the script can also be a challenge. With J.B. being the character that has the most amount of lines, a lot of time is needed which Tyhurst was aware of.

“It has been time consum-ing,” Tyhurst said. “But

that’s for all of us. We are here from 6 to 10 at night. For me, it’s more about balance and balancing my school work as well as free time.”

Some changes to Tyhurst’s body were made to help with effects for the play. In the play, J.B. becomes diag-nosed with “Job’s disease,” which is an infliction of boils of the skin. The disease can affect the skeletal system and there’s no cure for it.

Quillin said nursing pro-fessor Heather Kendall met with him, Tyhurst, the makeup artist, costumer and stage manager to give them a presentation on her research of Job’s disease. Kendall showed them vari-ous images as well as the physical symptoms and the emotional and mental im-pact the disease can have on a person.

“It was difficult to sit through,” Quillin said. “[Kendall] was fantastic help, and I think it benefited Andy a lot.”

Tyhurst said the depart-ment hired a professional makeup artist for the physical effects that will take place on his body. Tyhurst had to shave his face, arms, legs and chest so the prosthetic patches will not rip the hair off his skin once he has to take them off.

Even Xan Kel-logg, playing J.B.’s wife Sarah in the play, helped Ty-hurst by giving him shaving techniques once he told her he had to shave his body.

One of Tyhurst’s other cast mem-bers feels that the fact he is able to endure the challenges and changes of play-ing a different role shows how talented he

truly is. Robin Ussher plays the role of the Nickles (the devil) in the play and has noticed some of that talent for quite some time now.

“I was actually in a couple of plays with him,” Ussher said. “I think that he’s ter-rific actor because he brings something new to the table each time. He is a little old-er than us so he definitely brings maturity to each role he plays here. I think he is very diverse.”

Tyhurst has had a blast so far with J.B. and has learned a lot.

“It’s been a rewarding ex-perience on so many levels from connecting with the role, learning from Tee and making so many friends with our talented cast and


Blair Stalder | Managing

Albert Shelby | Features

Blair Stalder | Managing

Xan (pronounced “Zan,” short for “Alexandra”) Kellogg decided after two years at the University of Missouri that she needed to come home for good once her family adopted her new now 13-year-old brother from the Philippines in May 2012.

After school ended last May, she was able to spend time with Jomel and her family for two weeks; then she spent the rest of her summer in Honduras doing mission work. When she re-turned, she had two more weeks to spend with her family before school start-ed again. That’s when she made her decision to move back to her hometown.

“It would be so weird to have this little brother and then not know him except on a cousin-level or some-thing,” Kellogg said. “I

didn’t want to not know my little brother.”

When theater and cinema professor Tee Quillin caught wind of Kellogg’s return, he texted her father and his longtime friend Dan Kel-logg (who palyed Old Joe in “A Christmas Carol”) and said she had to audition for the year’s first play “J.B.”

“I wasn’t even going to audition,” Kellogg said. “I was just getting in the swing of things, and I didn’t even know what it was about.”

Kellogg couldn’t turn Quillin down and audi-tioned. Because she hadn’t performed in three years, she picked up a smaller role to read. However, Quillin had her in mind for the lead role of J.B.’s wife Sarah.

She nailed it.“Xan came in there for the

first table read and I was blown away,” student ac-tor Erik Burns-Sprung, who plays Mr. Zuss, said. “We are really glad to have her in our department.”

So far, Quillin has been pleased with Kellogg’s per-formance, despite the chal-lenges she has had to face.

“We had some really dif-ficult rehearsal processes where Xan was like ‘I feel horrible,’” Quillin said. “I said that I understand that and told her ‘You can’t judge the charac-ter; it’s what the charac-ter feels at the moment and what the character is going through, and this is the characters

immediate reaction — you can’t judge it, you have to just go with it.’”

As a strong Christian playing the role of a woman who essentially loses faith in God and practically goes through

the same hardships J.B. does, Kellogg says it has been very hard. She has even sat in her car and cried after rehearsing the powerful last scene at the end of the first act. She had to keep repeat-ing to herself to let go of

everything and remind her-self that J.B. is only a play.

“Getting into her role is definitely a challenge,” Kel-logg said. “I’ve really never had to connect with any character on such an emo-tional level—I can’t fake what she goes through, so I have to live it.”

Kellogg has had to use some pretty sacreligious words in the play, which is not easy for her to get over. One of the toughest lines she has had to scream is “Curse God and die!”

“I had some concern with that when I was first cast,” Kellogg said. “How do I as a Christian, justify that? How can I say these words and make them meaning-ful when that’s like the last thing I’d ever want to say in my entire life?”

After talking it over with her pastor, her friends and praying a lot, she realized she didn’t feel God was tell-ing her not to take on the role.

Her other challenges are more school-related as she is a junior majoring in chemistry — she’s pre-med. Balancing theater and class has not been easy, but she wants to be a pediatric doc-tor in the future and feels theater helps her career path out immensely because it is the study of people, which is necessary for a personal, relational field.

“It’s like you’re on a stage all the time,” Kellogg said. “You have to make these quick decisions and talk to them (patients). You have to learn people and learn what they’re going through.”

Although chemistry is her major, she always follows her family motto, which is “Do what you like, like what you do.”

So far, she has been do-ing just that -- acting. She says Western is where she is meant to be.

“I just do what the big guy says; he directs my life. I’m back here because of him.”

Returning to her roots: Actress comes back to family, stage

Faculty/Staff/Military: $8.00

OCT 4 - 7:30 P.M.OCT 5 - 7:30 P.M.OCT 6 - 7:30 P.M.OCT 7 - 3:00 P.M.

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Chad Hammontree | Graphics Editor


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FEATURESOctober 4, 2012

The Griffon NewsPage 5

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OPINIONS October 4, 2012

The Griffon NewsPage 6

The Griffon News is written and published by students of Missouri Western State University during the fall and spring semesters. The first copy of each issue is free; addi-tional copies are 50 cents. Content of this paper is developed independently of the facul-ty and administration, or other campus organizations or offices. Readers are encouraged to submit story ideas, information and advertising to The Griffon News office, Eder 221, 4525 Downs Drive, St. Joseph, Mo. 64507, or by phoning (816) 271-4412 (advertising and news room). You may also e-mail Copy and advertising must be received by noon Friday, the week prior to publication.

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• The Griffon News will not withhold names under any circumstances. Anonymously submitted letters will not be published.

• Views expressed on the opinion pages are not necessarily those of The Griffon News staff or Missouri Western State University.

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Blair Stalder Chad HammontreeAndrew SetterEllis CrossEvan Roberts Tevin Harris Kyle InmanChristian MengelAlbert Shelby Matthew HuntBrian DuskeyLauren DillonHanna Greenwell Andy InmanKyler PenlandBob Bergland

The Griffon News Staff


T. Boone Pickens?

Check out the full responses at

Morgan StantonFreshman

“I think T. Boone Pickens is a billionaire.”

Sterling McGillSophomore

“I think he died; he was on the front of the school’s site.”

Katy Robbins Junior

“He is the man speaking at


“I think he’s a man that died a while ago.”

Robert PaceFreshman

Students speak outLast week the Griffon

News published an article about unapproved flyers that appeared overnight urging student workers to stand up for their rights. The flyers state that students are: harassed by their employer, not allowed to have input into the operation of the workplace and receive zero respect from their employ-ers.

As a student worker that has been employed through

Missouri Western in various jobs on campus for almost a year now I feel that we, as students, should consid-er ourselves lucky to have the jobs on campus that are offered to us.

Yes, we make minimum wage and are only allowed to work twenty hours a week, but those rules are put into place for a reason. We are in school to get an educa-tion so that one day we can have a career in something that doesn’t pay minimum wage, gives us benefits, as well as allows creative input.

Depending on where you work on campus, whether it is in the department that you are majoring in or in the food court or cafeteria, things are not going to be perfect. If you’re under the age of 26 you are now able to stay on your parents’ health insurance until you reach the new age limit thanks to Obamacare.

Never mind the fact that in the “real world” part time employers don’t get health benefits either. Thanks to the Work Study program and jobs on campus, students

have the option to save gas and work on campus or to go out into the community in hopes of finding a job that probably isn’t as flexible as one on campus maybe.

Plus, having a job on cam-pus allows students to get their homework done and the chance to help other stu-dents while they are still get-ting paid. Sure, they aren’t the most glamorous jobs in the world, but when you get down to it, students that have been lucky enough to be employed through the university have it pretty

easy and posting flyers in the cover of night that make you look ungrateful for the job that you have only look bad on you.

Talk to your employers and ask for the things you want and if you don’t get them because of restrictions already set in place then try to accept that and move on.

Life isn’t fair and it hardly ever works in your favor because that’s just how it things go. Believe me, I speak from experience and I believe that honesty is the best policy in a lot of things.

Submitted by Nicole Gardner

Editorial: We should be a wet campus

In decades past we have heard our elders say that students are not educated enough to vote, and when they do vote, they do it for all the wrong reasons.

It’s true, not all students care to vote. But there are those who keep up with how the local, state and fed-eral government is working for us.

We have seen in the last two presidential elections that students have played a role, not a major one but one that has gained attention.

In the 2004 presidential election, Sen. John Kerry, the

democratic presidential can-didate, gained a great deal of support from the young vote, but not enough to win the White House.

We saw it again in 2008, when then Sen. Barack Obama worked hard to gain the support of the young vote.

In 2008, he achieved a goal and won the majority of the student vote ranging from high school to college vot-ers. So it just shows you that young voters are paying attention to what’s happen-ing in the United States.

They are starting to play

a major role in the political process and in 2008 near-ly 18 percent turned out to vote.

That number, according to a recent Gallup poll, shows that the young voter turn-out for the 2012 election will not increase or decrease with some dissatisfaction between the two political parties.

The poll showed that near-ly 20 percent plan to vote in the November election.

Students had their voices heard for the first time in the 2008 presidential election, and it doesn’t matter what

political party you belong to, just getting out the vote is what students need to do.

The deadline for those wanting to vote in Missouri is soon coming to a close. The deadline to register is set for Oct. 10, and after that date you won’t be able to vote.

The idea isn’t to get you to vote for President Obama or Mitt Romney; it’s sole pur-pose is to prove those who believe students don’t care wrong.

Students have rallied together in the past to deter-mine decisions that have

shocked the country. Let’s do it again.

Some media stations have even crossed off the student vote and have moved on to other minority groups.

Students have a major role to play, and the issues they face today will affect them in the future -- student loan debt, a job market in decline and a lack of leadership from the government.

Make the right choice; get registered.


Opinions Editor | Matt Hunt |

Alcohol plus students don’t equal irresponsible adults.

The Board of Governors at Missouri Western approved a policy that would allow alcohol in every building on campus except the parking lots and residence halls. This decision was made solely for the purpose of aiding Western in attracting com-panies to invest in the uni-versity.

The idea of bringing inves-tors to Western is a good idea, but the Board went about it the wrong way. Western has allowed alcohol for four and a half years on campus in certain locations. President Dr. Robert Vartabedian even said during an interview that in the years since it’s been allowed, there has not been a single incident.

This leads one to believe they could trust the students who are of drinking age. Underage drinking is wrong and illegal, and we are not asking for the whole student body to be allowed to drink.

But the board should con-sider making the whole cam-

pus wet. Take other universi-ties for example.

Central Missouri is just one of the campuses that does allow alcohol. It allows the

possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages in per-mitted university housing. Laws are enforced and the host of house parties in the

halls are held legally liable for any underage drinking or damages.

If Western would follow the same path as Central

Missouri; then the wrath of disagreement amongst stu-dent and administration would end. Griffon Hall was intended to be a 21 and up

dormitory. Why not allow alcohol in that building? This is just one of the buildings where alcohol should be allowed.

Dr. Jeanne Daffron, pro-vost and vice president for Academic Affairs, said that alcohol is controlled and not for students. She said

that there would not be any keg parties. As students we believe her remarks sound as though she believes we are all party animals.

The university should put some trust in their stu-dents who make this place a welcoming and inviting campus in which new stu-dents would want to be a part of. The idea of parents not allowing their child to come to a wet campus is asinine, considering Central Missouri is doing very well.

When Western doesn’t put trust in its students, they will find other alternatives. Those who are 21 and up will go to the bars and drink. They are allowed that right, but if the university would like their students to stay safe, this could easily be a safer alter-native. Alcohol consump-tion should be allowed in age appropriate halls.

It’s one thing to make it legal for a select few, but why not make it legal for students who are of the drinking age.

Vote and be the changein this year’s election

Students should feel lucky to have a campus job





Andrew Setter and Chad Hammontree | Staff Illustrator and Graphics Editor

SPORTSOctober 4, 2012

The Griffon NewsPage 7


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The Griffons welcomed MIAA newcomers Central Oklahoma Friday, Sept. 28, and Northeastern State on Sunday, Sept. 30 to Spratt Stadium.

Central Oklahoma -- 1 Missouri Western -- 0

Goalkeeper Kelly Voigts saved all six shots on goal, helping Western hold its op-ponents scoreless in the first half. Midfielder AJ Powers had the Griffons’ only shot on goal of the half.

The No. 18 Bronchos kept

on coming in the second half, getting off 14 more shots. The game-winning goal came in the 67th min-

ute from Central Oklaho-ma’s Brittni Walker. Voigts would save four of the five shots on goal in the second half, giving her 10 saves for the game.

Western would fall just shy of the upset over Central Oklahoma, losing 1-0.

“We just didn’t maintain possession enough,” coach Chad Edwards said. “Main-taining possession of the ball is the key from here on out.”

Northeastern State -- 3 Missouri Western -- 1

The Griffons tried to get back into rhythm Sunday afternoon against Northeast ern State. With Voigts on the sideline due to a recent head injury, junior Rayelin Garcia would start for the first time for the Griffons.

Sophomores Emily Hoff-man and Katie Kempf were both sidelined due to injuries during the game, Hoffman with a bleeding head and Kempf with a knee problem. In the 38th minute, North-eastern put the RiverHawks on the board off a penalty kick. They added another goal just as the whistle blew to end the half, making it a 2-0 game in favor of the Riv-

erHawks.Western recovered quick-

ly in the second half when freshman Sydney Andrews scored off a penalty kick in the 47th minute. But the Riv-erHawks would respond just minutes later with an-other goal.

Northeastern had nine of its 26 shots on goal, while Western managed to get two of its four on goal. Garcia collected six saves. The Grif-fons would lose to North-eastern 3-1, falling to 1-3 in MIAA play and 3-6 overall.

“We could always im-prove,” Andrews said. “It sucks that we lost, but we’ll get back up there.”

Mika Cummins | Asst. Sports

Soccer falls to Central Oklahoma, Northeastern

Christian Mengel | Asst. Sports

The Griffons had some tough road games last week that unfortunately ended with a pair of losses to Rock-hurst and Truman State but ended on a good note with a sweep against Southwest Baptist (25-19, 25-23 and 25-16) on Sept. 29 at MWSU Fieldhouse.

The Griffons looked on top of their game despite the absence of two key fresh-men players, Melissa Cairns and Holly Pollock. Cairns recently tore her labrum in her left hip, and is currently day-to-day. Pollock has been suffering from strep throat, a double ear infection and a si-nus infection all at the same time, according to coach Cory Frederick. Freshman Jessie Thorup continued to play well, even with her fel-low freshmen sitting out.

“I think it helps to know we have a lot of options,” Thorup said. “If someone is not playing well or if some-

one is hurt, we’ll always have someone to fill those spots.”

Junior Stephanie Hattey continued to be outstanding all around. Hattey finished the week with 26 kills, 73 assists and 45 digs in three matches. She believes after a rough time so far in MIAA play, the team could be turned around and headed in the right direction.

“[Against Truman] we had a pep talk and decided to play the way we’ve been playing in practice,” Hat-tey said. “Even though we lost, we played like a team and we hustled every ball, we didn’t let any drop. To-day we let up a little more, but hopefully we can keep it up and keep it going. I think the more games we play the more we grow, so we’ll get better as the season goes on.”

Frederick sees the change the team has made and sees them learning and gaining more confidence in them-selves.

“Rockhurst is 12-2, they’re

a good team and there is no doubt about it,” Frederick said. “So far the Rockhurst

loss has been a good one for us because it helped us fo-cus on some things that we really need to work on. We made some adjustments and played pretty good against [Truman], but unfortunately couldn’t put that one away in the end, which I think is some of that is still the youth and developing.”

Fortunately for both Fred-erick and the players, the lineup has changed so many times this season already that when key players are forced out of the game, there is no added pressure on the remaining players, accord-ing to Frederick.

The Griffons are currently sitting at 9-7 on the season.

They will be getting back into tournament play Oct. 5 and 6 in the Washburn Crossover Tournament. They will face Harding Uni-versity, Southern Nazarene University, Southeastern Oklahoma State and East Central University.

So far, the Griffons have a record of 6-2 when it comes to tournament play.

Volleyball sweeps Southwest Baptist after tough week

Amanda Boender attacks the ball against Southwest Bap-tist on Sept. 29.Tevin Harris | Asst. Photo Editor

Sat u r day, O cto b er 1 3 F r i d ay , O c t o b e r 1 97:00pm 7:00pmMWSU vs UCO MWSU vs ucmVolleyBall Soccerupcoming home games

SPORTSOctober 4, 2012

The Griffon NewsPage 8

Missouri Western football avoided a second-half come-back attempt to defeat Cen-tral Oklahoma 45-23 at Spratt Stadium to improve its re-cord to 5-0 for the first time under coach Jerry Partridge.

“We just have better foot-ball players,” Partridge said. “Their program is just trying to get off the ground right now.”

The Griffons built up a 28-0 lead before Central Oklahoma was finally able to get on the board in the third quarter.

“We dominated the first half,” Partridge said. “We didn't play very good de-fense in the second half, that's for sure.”

C e n t r a l Oklahoma at-tempted a comeback in the second half after scoring three straight t o u c h d o w n s and narrowing the lead to 31-23 with 1:35 left in the game.

“We had several chances to throw a knockout punch and we've been pretty good with that, but we didn't do it today,” Partridge said.

After a failed onside kick attempt, the nation's leading rusher Michael Hill busted off a 30-yard touchdown run

with around a minute left in the game. Michael Jordan then intercepted Adrian Nel-son and ran it back 42-yards for a touchdown with two seconds left in the game.

Quarterback Travis Par-tridge threw for 224 yards and a touchdown and found success running the ball, gaining 87 yards on 10 car-ries. He had two touchdown runs including outrunning the defense for a 45-yard scramble.

Hill led the Griffons in rushing with 143 yards on 22 carries, including his clutch fourth quarter touchdown run and caught two passes for 27 yards.

Kyle Knox had a breakout performance, leading the

Griffon re-ceivers with 108 yards on seven catch-es.

“It's a great feel-ing, I love helping the team out to win,” Knox said. “Travis

throws a perfect ball that hits me in the chest every time.”

Coach Partridge has noth-ing but positive things to say about Knox.

“Kyle is a gritty veteran and a tough kid,” Partridge said. “He's done his time and he's come in and made some plays. Anybody that knows Kyle Knox likes him a lot.”

Tarrell Downing caught five passes for 42 yards. Reg-gie Jordan caught a 3-yard touchdown pass from Par-tridge to give him four touch-down catches on the season.

“It's a weapon having a 6-4, 250 (pound) receiver,” quarterback Partridge said of Jordan. “He's definitely a red-zone weapon, but he can block and do other things, too.”

The Griffon offense uti-lized nine different receivers

in the passing game.“We are never going to

have a go to player unless it's in the red zone,” coach Partridge said. “It's just not what we do.”

The most electric highlight of the day might have been the first score of the game when Tyron Crockum took a reverse hand off and turned the corner out-running ev-erybody for a 22-yard touch-down.

Stephen Juergens led the

Griffons with nine tackles including five solo while Ben Pister had seven tackles in-cluding five solo plus a sack and a forced fumbled.

“They didn't quit fight-ing and we knew that they wouldn't because they have outscored their opponents in the second half all year,” Pi-ster said.

Austin Baska brought the quarterback down for two sacks while Davis Bass re-corded one as the Griffon

defense allowed nothing in the first half and gave up all their points late. As the quar-terback, Partridge knows how strong the defense is.

“We play against them ev-ery day, so we know what they can do,”Partridge said. “They are a great defense. As an offense, it kind of relaxes you a little bit.”

Tight end Reggie Jordan (#89) receives a touchdown pass against the Central Oklahoma Bronchos. His 3-yard catch from Travis Partridge made for his fourth touchdown of the season. TevinHarris|Asst.PhotoEditor

Kyle Inman | Sports

Griffons shut down comeback attempt

ATHLETE of the WEEKKyle Knox#80 - Wide Reciever

Knox had seven catches for 108 yards with a long of 33 yards against Central Oklahoma. Knox has 244 yards and a touchdown while averaging 15.2 yards-per-catch so far in his senior season.



1. Emporia State

2. Missouri Western3. Pittsburg State

4. Central Missouri

5. WAshburn

6. Lindenwood

7. Northwest Missouri

8. Missouri Southern

9. Truman State

10. Central Oklahoma

11. Fort Hays State

12. Southwest Baptist

13. Lincoln

14. Nebraska-Kearney

15. Northeastern State

AFCA Coaches’ Poll1. Pittsburg State2. Colorado State-Pueblo3. Grand Valley State (Mich.)4. Winston-Salem State (N.C.)5. Missouri Western6. New Haven (Conn.)7. Bloomsburg State (Pa.)8. Northwest Missouri State9. Ashland-Ohio10. Minnesota-Duluth11. Ouachita Baptist (Ark.)12. Minnesota State-Mankato13. Midwestern State (Texas)14. Henderson State (Ark.)15. Saginaw Valley St. (Mich.)16t. California (Pa.) 16t. Shippensburg (Pa.) 18. West Alabama 19. Wayne St. (Mich.) 20. Washburn (Kan.) 21. West Texas A&M 22. Indiana (Pa.) 23. Sioux Falls (S.D.) 24. Humboldt St. (Calif.) 25. Emporia St. (Kan.)

Jordan brothers impact Griffons with break out seasonsReggie Jordan #89

Year: R-JrPos: TEHeight: 6-3Weight: 235Games Played: 21

The Jordan brothers’ talent is impacting both sides of the football for the No. 5 ranked Griffons, but that’s nothing new for Reggie and Michael.

“We been doing this for a while so we’re kind of used to it now,” Reggie said. “I’m not at all surprised; all of this was expected.”

Freshman cornerback Mi-chael and junior tight-end Reggie have been playing football together since Reg-gie was a seventh grader and Michael was playing on the team as a fifth grader.

“No one really played football in our household, we were the first ones, but our family is behind us 100 percent in what we’re do-ing,” Reggie said.

Reggie has turned into a le-thal weapon in the red zone

as he leads the Griffons with four touchdown receptions in five games, a total that tops the production from his first two seasons combined.

Coach Jerry Partridge pre-dicted Reggie would have a breakout year in ’12 before the season started.

“Reggie started making his impact last year, he did a good job and made some big catches,” Partridge said. “He’s started to become the tight end we thought he could be.”

The beginning at Western wasn’t easy for Reggie be-cause he started off buried

on the depth chart as the fifth string tight end. He didn’t let it discourage him and worked his way to the top of the depth chart.

“I just think coach re-ally trusts me now,” Reggie said. “He’s really bringing

tight ends into the offense. The last couple of years we weren’t such a big deal, but now he’s really trying to get me the ball.”

Playing on different sides of the ball gives the brothers a chance to watch each other

play and show support.“I go crazy when he makes

a big catch or a touchdown,” Michael said. “I’m the first one to congratulate him.”

Michael has wasted no time showing off his skill set. In his freshman season, the cornerback leads the Grif-fons in interceptions with two, including one at the end of the Central Oklahoma game that he took back 42 yards for a touchdown. He also has 23 tackles, which ranks fourth on the team.

“Size is a strength, I feel like I can dominate receivers off the line,” Michael said.

“Looking at me, a lot of re-ceivers will get intimidated and with me being able to move just as good as a small guy is a plus, it’s hard to for them to go over the top.”

Michael’s main position in high school was wide re-ceiver. Playing defense was something that the coaches chose for him and it’s paying dividends on the field.

“We are fortunate that Reggie came here because his brother Mike followed and he’s going to be a very good corner,” Partridge said. “He has size, speed, hands, he can tackle, he can do ev-erything.”

The Jordan brothers won a championship together at Hazelwood Central High School and hope to have a similar ending to this season at Western.

Kyle Inman | Sports

Michael Jordan (#23) and Reggie Jordan (#89) take a break from practice and pose for a shot. TevinHarris|Asst.PhotoEditor

Michael Jordan #23Year: R-Fr. Pos: DBHeight: 6-0Weight: 190Games Played: 5



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