the growth of europe

Post on 08-Jul-2018






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  • 8/19/2019 The Growth of Europe


    The Growth of EuropeThe Plan:1. Middle Ages in Europe 4. The Legacy of the Middle Ages

      1.1. Franish E!pire  ". Glossary

      1.#. $iings  1.%. English &ing Alfred the Great

    #. Middle Ages in England

      #.1. Feudal 'yste!

      #.#. (illia! )* +The ,o!esday -oo

      #.%. /ichard ) the Lion0eart  #.4. Magna 2arta 3 the Great 2harter 

      #.". Education in Middle Ages

    #.. 5ohann Guten6erg and (illia! 2a7ton

      #.8. A Medie9al Town

    %. England in the 14th 2entury  %.1. The undred ears; (ar 

      %.#. The Peasants; /e9olt of 1%

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  • 8/19/2019 The Growth of Europe


      -ut the 2hristian2hurch ga9e leadershipto the people. Trade

    gradually i!pro9ed. -ya6out the 1%th centurythe Middle Ages hadreached their height.

    Feudalis! go9ernedsociety* and !onasteries>where !ons li9ed? werethe centers of learning.

      The Middle Agesended in the 1"th centurywhen the /enaissanceswept through Europe.

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    1.1. Franish E!pire

      )n the th century a

    group of people nown asthe Frans 6egan to

    esta6lish a powerful

    ingdo! in Europe. The

    Frans had li9ed on the@orth European Plain for

    centuries. The Frans

    conuered neigh6oring

    people and e7tended their

    power. -y the late 8BBs a

    large part of Europe was

    under their control.

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      2harle!agne* or

    2harles the Great* was

    one the Fran;s greatest

    rulers. People called hi!+the greatest !an of all

    those li9ing. 2harles the

    Great ruled fro! 8< to

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      This was an i!portantturning point in Europeanhistory. For the first ti!e

    since the end of /o!anE!pire* Europe had an all0powerful e!peror. For hiscourt in Aachen

    2harle!agne in9itedEurope;s 6est scholars.There was a !usic teacherfro! )taly* a poet fro!

    'pain.2harle!agne;s court6eca!e an i!portantcenter of learning.

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    1.#. $iings

      (hen 2harle!agne died in

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    1.%. English &ing Alfred the Great

      &ing Alfred the Great was oneof the 6est ings in the history ofEngland. e sa9ed his land fro!the $iing in9aders and initiated!any social and educationalrefor!s. e is the only English

    !onarch who got the na!e +theGreat.

      Alfred was 6orn in

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      Alfred li9ed during one of theworst periods of in9asion in Englishhistory. The ,anes >$iings? wereraiding along the English coast. -y

    the year

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      There were so!e years of peace* and Alfred 6egan to

    introduce his refor!s:

    1. e reorganiCed his ar!y and 6uilt the first English na9y.

    #. e esta6lished a code of laws.

    %. Alfred understood the i!portance of education and set

    up !any schools.

    4. )n his ti!e !any 6oos were translated fro! Latin into


    ". Alfred hi!self translated +The 2hurch istory and so!e

    parts of the -i6le.

    . Alfred started to write the +Anglo0'a7on 2hronicle* the

    first history of England.

     Alfred the Great died on =cto6er #*

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    #. Middle Ages in England

     #.1. Feudal 'yste!

      The central idea of feudal societywas that all land was owned 6y theing* 6ut it was held 6y others*called 9assals* in return forser9ices and goods.

      The ing ga9e large estates tohis !ain no6les in return for apro!ise to ser9e hi! in war. Theno6les also had to gi9e hi! part ofthe produce of the land. The

    greater no6les ga9e part of theirlands to lesser no6les* callednights* and other free!en. 'o!efree!en paid for the land 6y doing!ilitary ser9ice* while others paid


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      The no6le ept serfs to

    wor on his land. These

    serfs were not free to lea9e

    the estate and were oftenlittle 6etter than sla9es.

      There were two 6asic

    principles to feudalis!:

    e9ery !an had a lord* and

    e9ery lord had land and


      At each le9el a !an had to

    pro!ise loyalty and ser9ice

    to his lord. =n the otherhand* each lord had

    responsi6ilities to his

    9assals. e had to gi9e

    the! land and protection.

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    #.#. (illia! )* +The ,o!esday -oo 

    (illia! was a nephew of the

    English &ing Edward the2onfessor* who had pro!ised

    his relati9e the English throne.

    a9ing French roots* (illia!

    wanted 9ery !uch to 6e theing of England. Edward the

    2onfessor died in 1B without

    an o69ious heir. And the (itan

    >council? elected arold* a

    'a7on no6le!an* the ing of

    England* 6ecause the !ost

    'a7on no6les didn;t want a

    French ing.

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      (illia! was ing fortwenty0one years. The officiallanguage of the court was@or!an0French* 6ecause

    (illia! and his 6arons didn;tnow Anglo0'a7on. (illia!too lands fro! 'a7on no6lesand ga9e the! to his @or!an6arons. That !ade hi!unpopular a!ong people ofEngland and there were a lot ofre6ellions in the country. -ut(illia! cruelly put down all there6ellions. To protect hi!selffro! possi6le attacs of the

    'a7ons* (illia! ordered to6uild a strong tower on the left6an of the Tha!es. @ow wenow it as the Tower ofLondon.

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      (e now a lot of a6outEngland in (illia!;s ti!e*6ecause (illia!;s !en went toe9ery town and 9illage to as

    hundreds of uestions a6outpeople;s property. Then theyput the answers in a 6ig 6oocalled the +,o!esday -oo.

    -y !eans of the

    +,o!esday -oo* (illia!;sgo9ern!ent new e7actlywhere e9eryone li9ed andhow !uch property theyowned. The ai! of this 6oowas to collect the right ta7esfor the ing. (illia! was astrong ing* and peoplere!e!6er hi! 6ecause hischildren were ings of Englandfor two hundred years.

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    #.%. /ichard ) the Lion0eart

      /ichard was the seconding of the Plantagenetdynasty. e was 6orn in 11"8.e was fa!ous for his goodeducation and courage./ichard was descri6ed as a!an of e7cellent !anners*

    ind to his friends and cruel tohis ene!ies. Most of his ti!ehe spent in crusades inPalestine.

      )n the a6sence of /ichard

    )* Prince 5ohn* the ing;s6rother* tried to seiCe theEnglish throne. (hen /ichardwas illed in one of the 6attlesin France* the English thronepassed to his 6rother 5ohn


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      e was the !ostunpopular ing: he lost!ost of his French

    possessions* uarreledwith the Pope* etc. &ing5ohn wanted a lot of!oney to wage wars

    against France* 6ecausehe decided to win 6acthe English territory inFrance. 5ohn !ade the6arons to gi9e hi! that!oney* 6ut they didn;twant to do it. TheyorganiCed an openre6ellion against the ing.

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    #.4. Magna 2arta 3 the Great 2harter  

    )n 1#1" ing 5ohn was

    forced to sign a docu!entcalled the Great 2harter

    >+Magna 2arta Li6ertata in


    For the first ti!e in the

    history of England* the Great

    2harter li!ited the power of

    the 2rown and officially stated

    certain rights and li6erties of

    the people* which the ing hadto respect. )t was the

    6eginning of the English

    constitutional de!ands for

    freedo! and ustice.

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    #.". Education in Middle Ages

      -efore the 1#th century !ostpeople in England were illiterate.Monasteries were centers ofeducation. And priests and !onswere !ost educated people. -utwith the de9elop!ent of !edicineand law* the first uni9ersities

    appeared in )taly and France. A uni9ersity had four faculties:

    1. Theology >the study ofreligion?

      #. 2anon Law >church laws?

      %. Medicine4. Art >included Latin

    gra!!ar* rhetoric* logic*arith!etic* geo!etry* astrono!yand !usic?.

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      )n the !iddle of the

    1#th century a group of

    professors fro! France

    ca!e to -ritain and

    founded the uni9ersity in

    the town of =7ford in


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    #.. 5ohann Guten6erg and (illia! 2a7ton 

    Getting an education in thoseti!es was 9ery difficult. Printing hadnot yet 6een in9ented. All the 6ooswere handwritten. That;s why 6ooswere rare and 9ery e7pensi9e.

      Printing was in9ented in the 1"thcentury in Ger!any 6y 5ohann

    Guten6erg. To England it was6rought 6y (illia! 2a7ton. )n hisyouth he li9ed in Flanders andwored as a hand copier of 6oos forthe royal fa!ily. e was an educated

    !an and did translations fro!French into English. (hen he wason 6usiness in Ger!any* he learnedthe art of printing. )n 148 hereturned to England and set up thefirst English printing0press in London.

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    #.8. A Medie9al Town

      Medie9al towns were

    surrounded with walls. )twas done to defend the

    town fro! possi6le attacs

    of ene!ies.

      /ound !any towns therewere !oats filled with

    water. ou entered the town

    6y the draw6ridge o9er the

    !oat and through a wide

    archway with 9ery strong

    gates which were closed

    e9ery night.

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      The houses in !edie9al towns were 6uilt of stone orwood. The second floor o9erhung the first floor. Thestreets were 9ery narrow and dirty* co9ered with !ud.The streets were ne9er cleaned. There is no wonder thatepide!ics were 9ery freuent.

    =n !aret days the citiCens and the far!ers were fondof watching plays perfor!ed 6y wandering actors. Theyusually acted scenes fro! the -i6le.

      Many people were engaged in crafts!anship. Theyde9eloped different crafts.

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      'pecialists of different professions were united

    into corresponding trade guilds* which were a ind

    of professional clu6s. Me!6ers of a guild o6eyed

    the rules of the guild. (hen !e!6ers fell ill and

    lost their trade* they recei9ed help. )f they died* the

    guild paid for the funeral* supported the widow and

    educated the children.

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    %. England in the 14th 2entury

    %.1. The undred ears; (ar  

    )n the 14th century the ing ofEngland was Edward ))). e wasa powerful ing and he wanted to6eco!e &ing of France as well*

    6ecause his !other was a Frenchprincess. -esides* the feudallords in France were !aingplans to seiCe the free towns ofFlanders. For England it would

    !ean losing its wool !aret*6ecause it 6eca!e rich 6y tradingwith Flanders. The Englishtraders shipped wool to Flanders*where it was sold as raw


    Edward )))

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      'aying that he wished todefend English trade* Edwarddeclared war on France in 1%%8.This war is called the undred

    ears; (ar* 6ecause it lastedo9er a hundred years. At firstEngland was successful in thewar. The English fleet defeatedthe French fleet in the English2hannel.

    Then the English also won6attles on land. For the first ti!ethe English had certainad9antages o9er the French:they in9ented cannons* which

    the French ar!y did not ha9e.-esides* the English archerscould shoot their arrows fro! adistance* 6ut the French nights*ar!ed with swords* could onlyfight in hand0to0hand co!6ats.

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      Gradually the situation had changed. England

    was weaened 6y an epide!ic of the plaue >the

    +-lac ,eath? and 6y the Peasants; /e9olt of


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    %.#. The Peasants; /e9olt of 1%

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      )n 1%

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    %.%. The Maid of =rleans 3 5oan of Arc

      )n the 1"th century the French

    finally defeated the English duringthe undred ears; (ar. The

    warrior who led the French into

    6attle was a wo!an. 'he 6eca!e

    one of the 6est0lo9ed heroines of

    French history. 5oan of Arc was

    6orn into a poor fa!ily in 141#.

    'he ne9er learned to read or write*

    6ut she was inspired and could

    argue with educated people. (hen5oan was a young girl* she heard

    +9oices of saints and angels. The

    9oices told her that she had to

    restore the rightful ing to the

    throne of France.

    5oan of Arc

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      5oan !anaged to con9ince the heir to

    the throne 2harles $)) to support her. )n

    14#D when she was only 18* she led the

    French ar!y to 9ictory at =rleans. 5oan

    led her country;s troops in other

    successful 6attles* 6ut in 14%B she was

    caught 6y the -urgundians* a powerful

    group of the French people. They sold

    her to the English* who i!prisoned herand then put her on trial as a heretic.

    eretic is a person who does not 6elie9e

    in the teachings of the 2hurch.

      5oan was e7ecuted in /ouen 6y 6eing

    6urned ali9e. After her death the Englishwere dri9en out of France* and 5oan;s

    reputation as a French heroine grew. )n

    1D#B she was !ade a saint 6y 2atholic


    The Maid of Orleans

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    %.4. The (ar of the /oses

      After the undred ears; (arthe 6loody struggle for Englishcrown too place. Two royalouses were fighting for supre!epower: the ouse of Lancaster  and the ouse of or. Each

    ouse had its sy!6ol. TheLancastrians had a red rose intheir coat of ar!s.

      The orists had a white rose.That is why the war 6etween the!

    got the na!e of the (ar of the/oses. The interests of the ouseof Lancaster* supported 6y 6ig6arons* collided with the interestsof the lesser 6arons* whosupported the ouse of or.

    Thi l d f hi

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      This war lasted for thirty years>14""014

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    4. The Legacy of Middle Ages

     Let;s co!e to the conclusion:

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     ". Glossary

     2rusades 3 holy wars in the Middle Ages in

    which European 2hristians atte!pted torecapture the oly Land >Palestine? fro!


     2o!!erce 3 the 6uying and selling of goods.

     Pilgri!age 3 a ourney to a holy place for a

    religious purpose.

     Monastery 3 a religious co!!unity in which!ons li9e si!ple li9es of wor and prayer.

     &night 3 a son of a no6le* who was trained

    soldier and ga9e !ilitary ser9ice in e7change for

    the ri ht to hold land.

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     $assal 3 a person who during the Middle Ages*

    pro!ised to fight when needed 6y his lord* in

    e7change for land.

     'erf  3 a person who was 6ound to li9e and wor

    on a land of no6le.

     'la9e 3 a person who is the property of another

    person.  2athedral 3 a large 2hristian church.

     Manor  3 a large self0sufficient far!ing estate

    where no6les and serfs li9ed and wored.  Mon 3 a religious !an who li9es in a

    !onastery and worships God with other !ons.

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     @un 3 a religious wo!an who li9es in a con9ent

    and worships God with other nuns.

     2on9ent 3 religious co!!unities in which nunslead si!ple li9es of wor and prayer.

     Guild 3 an organiCation of people* who practiced

    the sa!e craft* for!ed to set standards and

    pro!ote the interests of the craft.  oly Land 3 a na!e gi9en to Palestine 6y

    European 2hristians 6ecause it was the 6irthplace

    of 2hristianity.

      Apprentice 3 a person who li9ed and wored*

    without pay* with a !aster crafts!an in order to

    learn a trade.

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