the healing covenant 16…..and he cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick,...

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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The Healing Covenant

16…..And He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick, 17. that it might be fulfilled

which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet say: He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.

Matt. 8:16-17 (NKJV)

The Healing Covenant

• The purpose of this study is to show you that healing is a part of God’s divine nature that is being poured into the hearts of His people. •Healing was a part of the Old Covenant under the law and is also a part of the New Covenant under grace that was established through the blood of Jesus Christ.

The Healing Covenant

Historical & Biblical Examples of Healing • The Passover Lamb, The Exodus and Healing – Exodus 12:1-14. • The Passover Lamb was for the healing of the nation of Israel.•God made a covenant with them saying, “I am the Lord who heals you.”

The Healing Covenant

•Exodus 12:1-14-The Passover lamb that Israel partook of was a type of Jesus Christ, who is the Lamb of God, our Passover Lamb.• Jesus, who is our Passover Lamb has come to heal the whole nation of spiritual Israel.

The Healing Covenant

• The Testimony of Jesus Fulfilling the Atonement (paid the price for us).

Matthew 8:16-17 very plainly illustrates to us that Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah 53 by healing all who came unto Him. It says, “He took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.” Jesus was committed to healing all because of the healing covenant.

• In Jesus’ mind, healing and forgiveness were equal.

• Peter sees healing as something that has already been accomplished.

The Healing Covenant

• The Greek words for salvation or saved show that healing is a part of the atonement.

“Sozo” (verb) and “Soteria” (noun) are the two Greek words that are used for the term salvation or saved. They are also translated healed, healing, made whole, preserved, etc.

The Healing Covenant

Healing and the Atonement: The Prophecy of Isaiah - Isaiah 53:1-10.

The prophet Isaiah gives us a wonderful glimpse into the life and ministry of the coming Messiah. This is a prophetic passage concerning the atoning work of Christ, the Messiah. In this prophecy he prophesies many things concerning the Messiah’s ministry and all that He would go through on behalf of God’s people, of which we find healing being very much a part of the atoning work of Christ.

The Healing Covenant

• This privilege is provided for by the atonement as we shall see later in the message. The prophet Isaiah prophesies concerning Christ and His work of atonement when he says, “Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses), and carried our sorrows (pain).”• This was the first covenant God gave to the

children of Israel after crossing the Red Sea. It was a covenant of healing, which is typical of our redemption as well.

The Healing Covenant

• Isaiah 53:4-5 & 10 (AMP)Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains [of punishment], yet we [ignorantly] considered Him stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God [as if with leprosy].

• But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole.

• Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief.

The Healing Covenant

• As we can see there are three very bold affirmative statements in this passage of Scripture that refer to healing being a part of the atoning work of Christ. • Verse four: He has borne our griefs - The word

griefs means sicknesses, weaknesses and diseases.• Verse five: by His stripes we are healed - this

includes emotional and physical healing.• Verse ten: He has put Him to grief - The

Amplified version says, “He has put Him to grief and made Him sick for us.

The Healing Covenant

•God has a plan for your life, and He wants to heal you everywhere you hurt. John 10:10 says that Jesus came to give us abundant life,• Part of that abundant life is making sure you are healthy and whole—physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally.

The Healing Covenant

•God loves you. And because He loves you, He wants the best for your life—restoration and wholeness. That’s why Jesus Christ willingly laid down His life, died, and rose again. •His sacrifice has provided the way for us to find and experience the healing and restoration we need.

The Healing Covenant

• If it's God's will for us to be sick, then aren't we rebelling against His will when we go to the doctor?• Since Jesus paid the price on the cross to set us free from all sins. If we are free we are also free to be restored and healed.• We who believe upon Jesus are automatically entitled to the promises of the new covenant of Healing.

The Healing Covenant

• Is sin the reason why some are sick?

The Healing Covenant

•Notice, James does not explicitly say that sin causes illness. •He is very careful in how he puts it in 5:15, “And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven.” If the sick person has sinned, says James.

The Healing Covenant

• So it is entirely possible to be sick and not have an issue of sin to deal with. • This suggests that we should never presume sin is a connected to someone sickness. • As noted previously, in John 9 Jesus says the man’s blindness was not caused by sin. Likewise Job’s troubles were not caused by his sin either.

The Healing Covenant

• Jesus went through 39 lashings on His back JUST for our healing.• The Bible is clear that by Jesus' stripes, we

are healed (1 Peter 2:24)• Who Himself bore our sins in His own body on

the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness- by whose stripes you were healed.• We, as believers, are entitled to our healing,

but if we don't reach out in faith and accept what was given to us, it may not be manifested in our lives!

The Healing Covenant

• Your healing was paid for by the Blood of Jesus!• Just because Jesus paid for our healing,

doesn't mean you will automatically manifest the benefits. You need to reach out and receive what Jesus did for you by faith! Jesus died for the sins of the world, but that doesn't mean that the world will be saved, because they didn't reach out with faith and receive what Jesus did for them!

The Healing Covenant

•God’s Word is medicine for our spirit, soul and body, and the way we experience its power is by speaking it out loud, praying it to God, meditating on it, and believing it. When you speak His Word over your life, it releases that power into your life. It won’t work for us if we just have a Bible and leave it on the shelf. We have to use it.

The Healing Covenant

•One of the ways we can choose life is through prayer and by speaking His truth over our lives. I want to help you do that. You can speak these scriptures and confessions over your life to strengthen your faith in God for the healing and wholeness you need.

The Healing Covenant

Exodus 23:25 • You shall serve the Lord your God; He shall

bless your bread and water, and will take sickness from your midst.

Proverbs 4:20-22 • My son, attend to my words; consent and

submit to my sayings. Let them not depart from your sight; keep them in the center of your heart. For they are life to those who find them, healing and health to all their flesh.

The Healing Covenant

• But the truth is you cannot “catch” health like you can a disease. For example, if you're around somebody who has a cold, you don't have to do anything to catch it. You can get it by just by being around them because that's the nature of sickness and disease. But you can be around a healthy person and you won’t catch their health. You have to choose health.

The Healing Covenant

•We must be like Abraham who believed God according to His covenant, not according to your present circumstances. Abraham was unwavering in his faith because of the covenant God had established with him (Rom 4:20-21)

The Healing Covenant

• Is Jesus the same yesterday, today and forever? • Should we have the liberty to have faith to be healed today?

The Healing Covenant

• Matthew 8:16-17 says Jesus healed all who came to Him in order to fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah 53:4 where it says, "He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses. He bore our sicknesses in the same way that he bore our sins, yet we have no problem believing we are totally forgiven for our sins. • This is why Jesus said, which is harder? to

forgive sins or to heal? As far as He was concerned it was all done in the same act.

The Healing Covenant

•God has established a covenant of healing with us according to Matthew 8:16-17. Therefore you have every right to believe God for healing. It's as much His will for heal you as it is to forgive you of your sins. • Therefore be fully persuaded and believe for it according to His will. If we ask anything according to His will, He will hear us.

The Healing Covenant

•What is God’s will concerning healing in the church? Is healing still relevant today? • Is healing a part of the atonement (redemption)? • Is it God’s will to heal every time? •Why we don’t always receive our healing? These are just some of the questions that come up when the topic of healing comes up.

The Healing Covenant

•God wants to make you whole, and what He’s asking you to do is believe what His Word says more than you believe what you think or how you feel. • Keep speaking His Word over your circumstances and in His timing, He’ll complete the good work He’s begun in you!

The Healing Covenant

• Isaiah 58:8Then shall your light break forth like the morning, and your healing (your restoration and the power of a new life) shall spring forth speedily; your righteousness (your rightness, your justice, and your right relationship with God) shall go before you [conducting you to peace and prosperity], and the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.

The Healing Covenant

Psalm 103:1-3 • BLESS (AFFECTIONATELY, gratefully praise)

the Lord, O my soul; and all that is [deepest] within me, bless His holy name! Bless (affectionately, gratefully praise) the Lord, O my soul, and forget not [one of] all His benefits—Who forgives [every one of] all your iniquities, Who heals [each one of] all your diseases.

The Healing Covenant

Psalm 118:17 • I shall not die but live, and shall declare the works and recount the illustrious acts of the Lord.

Psalm 147:3 •He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds [curing their pains and their sorrows].

The Healing Covenant

• Attempt to pray for anything.•We leave it up to God to do His will as He pleases, when He pleases

The Healing Covenant

• James 5: 14-in particular, offers some clarification. In that verse James instructs, “Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.” What does it mean to anoint “in the name of the Lord”? This is not a magical incantation we utter to somehow force God’s hand.

The Healing Covenant

• At base, to do something “in the name of” another means to act by the authority or will of someone else. Ambassadors act according to the instructions of their country’s leader; they do not have independent authority. So to pray for healing means we must take into account the will of God in the matter.• While we can be confident that God’s will for

us is to be whole people—body, soul and spirit—we should not be arrogant in assuming we know what God’s total will is in particular situations.

The Healing Covenant

• What, then, does James mean when he says that “the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well”?

• First, he is affirming, as he is throughout 5:13-18, that we should pray; the word pray or some form of it is found in every single verse in this section.

• Second, he is affirming that God can and does heal.

• Third, he is affirming that God works in concert with our prayers.

• Fourth, he makes clear that we do not heal. God is the one who “will raise up” the sick person.

The Healing Covenant

• God designed us to be whole people—body, soul and spirit. And God cares about the totality of who we are, not just our spiritual side. He is the one who gave us bodies, after all, and all he made he declared to be good (Genesis 1:31). The health of our bodies matters to him; he knows and cares when we’re sick.

• Obviously, sickness can have physical causes that require physical treatment—broken arms, infections, disorders. But lifestyle (what and how much we put into our bodies, the amount of exercise we get, where we live, etc.) can also affect health. So can emotional factors like stress at work or in our relationships.

The Healing Covenant

Common blockages to healing• Lack of Faith: This is one of the most common of

blockages that can prevent a healing. Jesus made it clear in many healings, that faith is important for you to use in receiving your healing. • Matthew 9:29, "Then touched he their eyes, saying,

According to your faith be it unto you." Also look at Matthew 9:22, "Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole." • Jesus also made it clear that, "...If thou canst believe,

all things are possible to him that believeth." (Mark 9:23). Mark 11:24, "Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." Lack of faith can block us from receiving (James 1:6-7).

The Healing Covenant

• Our Choices/Unforgiveness in the heart: If there's somebody who you are holding grudges or bitterness against, then you need to release that hurt and bitterness from your heart.

• If somebody has wronged you, and you still think about their wrong whenever you think of them, then it's time to give those feelings the Lord, and leave them there.

• Release the hurt from your heart that they have caused you, for unforgiveness can come between you and God and prevent your own sins from being forgiven (Matthew 6:15), and can give the enemy a legal ground to bring trouble upon you (Matthew 18:23-35), such as spirits of infirmity, sickness, diseases, etc.

The Healing Covenant

• Unconfessed sin: 1 John 1:9 tells us that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness. If we don't confess our sins, they can remain lingering around in our lives. Different times Jesus would say to the person "your sins are forgiven" instead of saying "rise and walk".

• In other words, Him forgiving their sins, opened them up to be healed as well. Pray and ask God to reveal to you any sins that you need to take before Him. Once you confess and repent of your sin, your heavenly Father welcomes you with open arms (Luke 15)!

The Healing Covenant

• Sometimes a believer has walked away from God, and God is saying, "Come to me and forsake your sins and I'll heal you!" 2 Chronicles 7:14, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

The Healing Covenant

• Wrong battle plan: Sometimes a healing is not what the person needs. There are many times when a person is being prayed over for a healing and yet the person doesn't need a healing at all; they need a deliverance. • A spirit of infirmity (physical weakness or defect)

has attached itself to them, and is causing some sort of health problem. In Matthew, roughly half of all the 'healings' Jesus did were actually deliverances! Spirits were known to cause physical infirmities, blindness, deafness, etc.

The Healing Covenant

• Not knowing it's God's will to heal us: Our Christian faith is based upon God's Word, and therefore if we don't know that it's God's will to heal us, then we will doubt when we ask for a healing, or beg for a healing, instead of confidently receiving it in the name of Jesus. • How are you supposed to ask in faith, and

receive, if you aren't really sure that God will heal you? What kind of faith is that? It's not Biblical faith, because Jesus said that faith cometh by hearing and hearing of God's Word!

The Healing Covenant

• These are some of the common things that can block a healing. This spiritual realm is not a one-shot deal in every situation. There can be many reasons why a person is where they are. I know the deliverance ministry has brought healing to many people, because so many sickness and diseases are not really physical problems at all, but spiritual ones manifesting in the physical realm.

The Healing Covenant

• Some people hold bitterness in their heart, and then when they seek a healing, they may not receive it, because in reality, that sickness or disease is there because of their bitterness, and if they don't deal with the root of the problem, it's likely they aren't going to receive a healing at all. Then they rush out and tell all their friends that God doesn't heal everybody, or that God wanted them to have their sickness. What a mess! All because they didn't understand the reason behind what hindered their healing. • Don't let this happen to you!

The Healing Covenant

• Healing is simply the salvation of Jesus Christ having its divine action in a man’s body the same as it had its divine action in a man’s soul.• Because of what Jesus did on the cross we have

perfect liberty to press forward in healing.• Just because we fall short and sin at times, we

don't say it's God's will for me to sin; we simply get back up as a righteous men and women without any condemnation and continue to go forward in his grace. We must do the same for healing.

The Healing Covenant

• We are not perfected in our salvation, we shouldn’t get under condemnation because of our imperfections. • keep pressing forward. Knowing as we keep

pressing forward, we eventually get the victory. It should be the same way in our healing. • If we don't receive our healing right away, don't

draw back and say, "It must be God's will for me to be sick." You should rather say, "I am continuing to believe God for my healing.

Next Bible Study• Topic: Purpose & Destiny: Is There A Difference?• Scriptures: Jer. 29:11-14, Phil. 1:6; Eph. 1:11, • II Tim. 1:9; Phil 3:13, Hab. 2:3 & Rom. 8:28-29

References:• Ken Birks-The Healing Covenant• The Healing Word-Joyce Meyers• A Deeper Look At Healing-Andrew T. & Phyllis Le Peau

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